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    这是一份2023-2024学年安徽省怀宁县第二中学高二上学期期中考试英语试题含答案,文件包含安徽省怀宁县第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题原卷版docx、安徽省怀宁县第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期中考试英语试题解析版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共42页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What did the wman think they wuld d?
    A. Enjy an exhibitin. B. Have a meeting. C. Attend a lecture.
    2. What time is it nw?
    A.12:15. B.12:00. C. 11:45.
    3. What clr des the man want t paint the walls?
    A. Blue. B. Brwn. C. White.
    4. Hw des the man feel?
    A. Cncerned. B. Excited. C. Surprised.
    5. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Hw t g t the cinema. B. Where t buy tickets. C. When t take a train.
    第二节(共 15 小题;每小题 1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. Why des the man make the phne call?
    A. T change his flight(航班).
    B. T make a reservatin(预定).
    C. T ask fr infrmatin.
    7. What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A. There are n tickets available.
    B. The man wants t g t Seul next Wednesday.
    C. The wman suggests the man take the business class.
    8. Wh is in receptin(接待处) nw?
    A. Mr Cnway. B. Gary. C. Helena.
    9.Why didn’t Gary knw the change f the appintment?
    A. Nbdy tld him.
    B. He didn’t check his emails.
    C. He didn’t cme t his ffice this mrning.
    10. What will Helena prbably d next?
    A. Talk with Mr Cnway.
    B. Check her appintment.
    C. Meet an imprtant client.
    11. Wh is getting married?
    A. The wman’s sister.
    B. The wman’s wrkmate.
    C. The wman’s best friend.
    12. When will the party take place?
    A. In May. B. In June. C. In July.
    13. Hw will the man help?
    A. By rdering a cake.
    B. By picking up flwers.
    C. By sending ut the invitatins.
    14.Where will the speakers be sleeping?
    A. In tents by a fire. B. In a huse by a lake. C. In htel rms.
    15. Hw lng will the speakers be staying?
    A. Fr 2 days. B. Fr 3 days. C. Fr 5 days.
    16. What is the mst imprtant fr the speakers t bring?
    A. Warm clthes. B. Fd. C. Sleeping bags.
    17. When will the speakers leave?
    A. Tday. B. Tmrrw. C. The day after tmrrw.
    18. What des Janet ask the listener t d?
    A. Lk fr a maid fr her.
    B. Clean her huse while she’s away.
    C. Lk after her pet while she’s away.
    19. Wh is Butch?
    A Janet’s cat. B. Janet’s dg. C. Janet’s maid.
    20. What shuld the listener d n the 3rd?
    A. Pay the pstman. B. Give Butch a bath. C. Buy a bag f pet fd.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Ready t start an exciting new jurney and pursue an educatin in Natinal Universityf Singapre? Overseas Training Prgram fr senir high schl graduates may be yurchance. Our team is here t walk yu thrugh the applicatin prcess and answer any andall f yur questins alng the way.
    ●The applicant must be a nn-Singaprean citizen hlding a freign passprt.
    ●Applicants have n criminal recrd, bserve Singaprean gvernment laws,regulatins,andrespect the custms and habits f the Singaprean peple.
    ●Applicants shuld be ver 18 years ld.
    ●Applicants shuld be physically and mentally healthy. Applicants shuld be able t cmmunicate in English.
    Applicatin Time: July 10,2021 t September 1,2021
    Enrllment(入学)Date: September 10, 2021
    Applicatin Prcedure:
    ●Applicants shuld visit the fficial website t inquire abut the 2021 admissin infrmatin and fill in the Applicatin Frm.
    ●Applicants shall name the applicatin materials accrding t the list, pack the flder and send it t ur schl and the schl will evaluate the admissin qualificatin.
    ●Applicants wh have passed the admissin qualificatin review will participate in the interview r written test rganized by the department that yu apply fr.
    ●The qualified candidates will finally receive ur admissin letter.
    1. Which f the fllwing will result in disqualificatin?
    A. Being a Singaprean citizen.B. Having a clean persnal recrd.
    C. Having a sund bdy and mind.D. Having a gd cmmand f English.
    2. What can ensure the applicants an interview pprtunity?
    A. A high test scre.B. An applicatin frm.
    C. Overseas studying experience.D. Qualified applicatin dcuments.
    3. What's the ttal annual cst fr a student hping t live alne?
    A. $ 1, 000.B. $ 6, 600.C. $ 6, 100.D. $ 5, 600.
    Shinrin-yku means “frest bathing”. Frest bathing desn't mean yu take a bath in the frest; rather, yu simply g fr a walk in the wds r a city park, where yuslackenby using all yur senses t experience nature.
    Yshifumi Miyazaki, frm Chiba University, is amng a grwing number f scientists wh have begun studying the science behind the effects f nature n human health. In his bkShinrin-yku: The Japanese Art f Frest Bathing.Miyazaki explains the techniques f frest bathing.
    Miyazaki has an interesting thery abut why shinrin-yku is s effective. He pints ut that fr mre than 99.99% f the time, humans have lived in a natural envirnment. In fact, in 1800, nly 3% f the wrld's ppulatin lived in cities, and by 2016, this figure reached 54%. This is nly ging t get wrse; fficials predict that by 2050, 66% will live in cities.
    This suggests we live in ur mdern sciety with bdies that are still used t the natural envirnment, he writes in the bk, because “genes cannt change ver just a few hundred years". The science behind the research studies he presents in the bk makes a cnvincing case that frest bathing is an effective methd fr reducing stress in tday's wrld.
    Nw city planners are becming increasingly aware f the imprtance f nature and are creating new kinds f “parks” ut f empty spaces. There're als mre city gardens where peple can grw vegetables. Fr kids, kitchen gardens in schls are becming ppular. As Miyazaki stresses, yu dn't have t find a frmal park r garden t practice shinrin-yku. Instead, yu can enjy the effects f nature wherever there're plants.
    Better yet, he says, we can bring nature clser t where we spend mst f ur time. Miyazaki's research has shwn that just increasing the amunt f plants in a rm can affect the relaxatin benefits f the rm. What's mre, even when peple simply lk at flwers, their bdies relax and stress levels decrease.
    4. What des the underlined wrd in Paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Behave.B. Entertain.C. Sleep.D. Relax.
    5. Hw des the authr mainly develp the third paragraph?
    A. By giving examples.B. By listing figures.
    C. By making remarks.D. By presenting research findings.
    6. Why des frest bathing wrk effectively accrding t Miyazaki?
    A. Human genes can change easily.B. Nature is part f the mdern sciety.
    C. Human bdy can integrate int nature.D. Peple can always get excited in nature.
    7. Which f the fllwing will Miyazaki agree n frest bathing?
    A. It is easy t perate.B. It is meant fr gardeners.
    C. It is unaffrdable in the city.D. It is incnvenient t practice.
    Thanks t YuTube, Streaming first caught n in 2005. Tday nearly three quarters f American husehlds subscribe t at least ne vide streaming service. With almst 200 millin subscribers wrldwide and a billin hurs f cntent viewed each week, Netflix is by far the biggest paid service. N. 2 is Amazn Prime Vide. But fr every Gliath, there are a hundred Davids. Many smaller streaming services shw nthing but sprts, classic mvies, r Japanese anime.
    In the early days f streaming the appeal was the lwer cst, and it still is. The average streamer spends $37 a mnth and subscribes t three streaming platfrms, while the average cable ser pays mre than $200 per mnth. Still streaming has becme mre expensive in recent years. In 2019, Netflix raised the price f its basic service 12. 5 percent t $8.99 a mnth. A quarter f its subscribers, wh prtested price increases, said they wuld cancel their subscriptins. Few did.
    A majr reasn: streaming netwrks have becme hme t many f the mst ppular TV series, including recent Emmy winners. They ffer full-length feature films as well, and last year, Netflix received mre Oscar nminatins than any ther media cmpany. In fact, streaming has changed the Oscar cmpetitin, at least fr this year. Usually nly films shwn in theaters are cnsidered, but because f the crnavirus, all mvies released nline in 2020 are qualified fr the 2021 Oscar Academy Awards. That shift is especially gd news fr Disney, which is putting the much anticipated mvie Mulan n a new streaming service, Amazn Prime Vide. But watching Mulan frm yur wn hme will cst $29.99 — n tp f the service’s mnthly fee f $6.99.
    T much streaming can have its disadvantages, hwever. There are thse wh binge-watch, a term Merriam-Webster added in 2017 with the definitin “t watch many r all episdes f a TV series n end.” Alejandr Frags frm New Yrk hlds the Guinness Wrld Recrd: 94 straight hurs.
    8. What d the underlined wrds “Gliath” and “David” in Paragraph 1 refer t?
    A. TV viewers.B. TV prgrams.
    C. Streaming services.D. Streaming subscribers.
    9. Why did mst Netflix subscribers cntinue their subscriptins?
    A. They cannt g withut it.B. They think it is gd value fr mney.
    C. Netflix has cntrlled the market.D. They think the lw cst is a thing f the past.
    10. What des the gd news in Paragraph 3 mean t Disney?
    A. The mvie Mulan will win an Oscar award.
    B. The mvie Mulan will generate great prfits.
    C. The mvie Mulan can be released n Amazn Prime Vide.
    D. The mvie Mulan can cmpete fr an Oscar.
    11. What d binge-watchers tend t d?
    A. They watch TV series cntinuusly.B. They start a new life.
    C. They break wrld recrds.D. They watch TV series aimlessly
    I have learned smething abut myself since I mved frm Lng Island t Flrida three years ag. Even thugh I wn a hme in Prt St. Lucie just minutes frm the cean, every winter an uncntrllable urge(冲动) wells up t fly back t Lng Island even as thers make their way suth. I guess I am a snwbird stuck in reverse(反向).
    Dulled by Flrida's mild winters, I willingly suffer the cld weather n Lng Island, the place I called hme fr 65 years. I'm like a bird that has lst its sense f timing and directin, my wings mving against rutine.
    S what makes me fly against the habits f snwbirds? The answer has a lt t d with my unwillingness t give up the things that define(给...下定义) wh I am. Once I hear that the temperature n Lng Island has fallen int the range f 40 t 50 degrees Fahrenheit, I begin t lng fr the sight and sund f a wd fire. I als lng fr the display f clurs—first in the fall trees, and then in the lights arund hmes and at Rckefeller Center. Flridians decrate, t, but can't create the special feel f a New England winter. Mrever, when I return I can celebrate the hlidays with peple I haven't seen in mnths. What culd be better than sitting with family and friends fr a Thanksgiving turkey dinner, r watching neighburs' children excitedly pen gifts n Christmas? Even the first snwfall seems special.
    While these simple pleasures are nt unique t Lng Island they are sme f the reasns I cmeback. Wh says yu can't g hme? I knw I will be rdering a ticket this very night and cured f hmesick(思乡病) tmrrw.
    12. What des the authr think f his life in Flrida?
    A. Exciting.B. Relaxing.C. Painful.D. Bring.
    13. Why des the authr cmpare himself t a snwbird stuck in reverse?
    A. He has lst his sense f directin.
    B. He'd rather g nrth in winter.
    C. He hates travelling by plane.
    D. He likes snw very much.
    14. The authr uses Paragraph 3 t .
    A. describe his hmetwn's fall scenes.
    B. shw hw he lves family gatherings.
    C. explain why he wants t return t his hmetwn.
    D. cmpare the difference between Flrida and Lng Island.
    15. What is the authr ging t d tnight?
    A. Bk a flight.B. G t the dctr's.C. Eat with his family.D. Check int a htel.
    第二节 阅读填句 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Have yu ever had times questining yurself and feeling bad? If yu answer yes, what yu’ve experienced is negative self-talk. ____16____. Yu say t yurself untrue things like, “I’m nt gd enugh. I’m a disappintment.” These wrng ideas stp us in ur way. S, hw d yu stp the bad self-talk?
    Knw yu’re special. Yu are “One f a Kind”! There is n ther persn that thinks exactly like yu. When yu begin t sincerely believe hw special yu are, it’s easier t fight the bad self-talk.
    ●Change yur envirnment
    Yur bad self-talk cmes frm yur envirnment. Yu didn’t just accidentally wake up ne day thinking f bad things abut yurself. It may be because smene, smewhere in yur life has tld yu bad things abut yu and whether yu accept it r nt, yu believe them. Hwever, if yu let the right peple surrund yu, they will build yu up, give yu cnfidence and make yu feel better. ____18____.
    ●Change yur dialgue
    Read and say all the wnderful things abut yurself at least 5 times per day. Lk at yurself in the mirrr and say, “I am amazing!” ____19____, and yu’ll believe yu are very pretty sn.
    Of curse, there are ther things t stp bad self-talk. ____20____, but if yu decide t think psitively in every situatin, that will bring a gd change in yur life.
    A. Think the same way
    B. Change is nt easy
    C. Change yur psitin
    D. It begins in yur brain
    E. Change yur state f mind
    F. Yu’ll seek ut the right peple t help change yur thughts
    G. Yu’ll start t believe the great things they tell yu little by little
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Luke is a cute dg living tgether with me fr five years. We get lts f ____21____ in ur area during the summer seasn. Many frests are badly ____22____ by fire each year. That ht summer, nt far frm ur shelter, a frest ____23____ fire. It was July, and there had been a heat wave ging n fr three days.
    Smehw, Luke rushed tward the frest. There was n lnger any hpe at that mment t wait fr Luke t cme back t the ___24___. In fact, I was waiting fr firefighters t tell me that he had ___25___ in the frest. Suddenly, a fireman burst int my ffice and ___26___ me that Luke had succeeded in saving fur kittens wh had been ___27___by the flames. I ___28___ accmpanied the fireman t the frest t get him back. ___29___ we gt t the scene f the incident, we didn’t see Luke. Then we heard the ____30____ f a dg barking in the frest. I ____31____the barks as Luke’s. The firemen ____32____ the tracks f the dg until they fund him barking ludly by the side f an injured ____33____. Thanks t Luke, fur kittens and a fireman were saved. This true stry shws us that pets are lving, caring and cmpassinate. We shuld lve and ____34____them. Little animals can d ____35____ things fr humans.
    21. A. rainB. sunC. niseD. fires
    22. A. damagedB. remvedC. changedD. treated
    23. A. madeB. caughtC. setD. burned
    24. A. frestB. huseC. areaD. shelter
    25. A. lstB. diedC. appearedD. remained
    26. A. warnedB. remindedC. infrmedD. prmised
    27. A. buriedB. trappedC. cntrlledD. swallwed
    28. A. immediatelyB. slightlyC. apprximatelyD. particularly
    29. A. SinceB. UnlessC. WhenD. Until
    30. A. callB. shutC. viceD. sund
    31. A. understdB. recgnizedC. treatedD. realized
    32. A. recrdedB. nticedC. fllwedD. wanted
    33. A. firemanB. dctrC. farmerD. teacher
    34. A. saveB. raiseC. prtectD. hate
    35. A. funB. enrmusC. littleD. risky
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    With smiling eyes, a quick wit and a gd sense f humr, Jia Ling has lng been a well-knwn female cmedian fr her ___36___(extreme) funny perfrmances. But recently, she has gained anther title.
    Jia starred in and directed the film Hi, Mm, ___37___a time-travel stry is tld. The film ___38___(cnsider) as the leading dark hrse amng the mvies released (上映) during the seven-day Spring Festival hliday is in memry ___39___ her late mther Li Huanying, wh encuraged Jia t pursue her artistic dreams. By Feb 23, 2021, it ___40___(earn) mre than 4 billin yuan, enabling Jia t becme the tp bx ffice grssing female film directr in China. Nw she is n the path t ___41___(becme) an internatinal name in the filmmaking industry.
    S what is the secret behind Jia’s success? One factr may be her passin fr cmedy. Jia ___42___(admit) t Beijing’s Central Academy f Drama in 2001. In the last 20 years, she has perfrmed crsstalk (相声) in ___43___(vary) cmpetitins and shws. She has als played cmedic rles in many cmedies n the big screen. Besides, the apprach t ___44___(make) the film als makes Jia Ling’s wrk stand ut. We’ll wait and see whether Jia will becme ne f China’s ____45____(ppular) directrs.
    第四部分 书面表达(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假如你是李华,你的英国朋友Peter生日降将至,他喜欢中国文化,生肖马,为此你绘制一幅国画“马”寄给他。请你写一封邮件给Peter,内容如下:
    1. 表达生日祝福;
    2. 介绍礼物的含义;
    3. 告知快递信息。
    注意:1. 词数80词左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    参考词汇:the lunar year农历;zdiac animals生肖
    Dear Peter,
    Li Hua
    第二节 读后续写 (满分 25 分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    As the late afternn sun beat dwn n his farm in Missuri last May, Brandn finished feeding his cws and decided t g hme. As they ften did, his tw sns, Luie, 7, and Everett, 5, fllwed clsely.
    As they headed fr the huse, the tw bys ran ahead f their father, wh stpped t clse the gate. Luie paused at a bard cvering an ld well. The bard had, ver time, becme easily brken. When Luie stepped n it, it caved in and he fell int the well. Brandn had just clse the dr when he heard a cry fr help. He turned arund and fund his yunger sn Everett standing alne beside the well, pinting t it and screaming.
    Brandn quickly realized what had happened. “N, Luie can barely swim,” he panicked, his mind almst ging blank. Hwever, he knew he shuld calm dwn. He ran t the well and heard Luie hitting the water. Withut thinking, he jumped in. Smehw, Brandn managed t grab n t a pipe that ran dwn the side f the well. He hit the cld water at the bttm f the well and lifted Luie up as he stuck his wn legs and back against the narrw walls fr supprt. “All right, Dad, we can climb ut nw,” Luie said.
    If nly it were that easy!
    The pipe that he’d grabbed during his fall was t slippery t be f any use. There was nly ne way ut. Lking up t see Everett lking dwn at them, Brandn shuted, “Everett, yu’re ging t have t be a big by and save us. Run t the rad and stand by the mailbx until smene stps. Tell them we need help. And Everett, stay ff the rad.”
    Everett did as he was tld.
    The cuple hurried t the well with Everett
    Full-time Graduate Prgrams
    Fees (per year)

    安徽省怀宁县第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题: 这是一份安徽省怀宁县第二中学2023-2024学年高二上学期期末考试英语试题,共15页。试卷主要包含了5分, 满分7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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