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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
    1.What is the man ging t d this weekend?
    A.Have a swim.B.Camp in the muntains.C.G hiking.
    2.Wh might clean the fish?
    A.The wman.B.The man.C.Jasn.
    3.Hw many peple will g t the park?
    4.What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A.The man’s plan fr a hliday.
    B.Where t buy special fds.
    C.Hw the wman’s family spent a festival.
    5.What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A.Buy a better laptp.B.Save his mney.C.Get an iPhne 6.
    听下面 5 段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题 5 秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6.What happened t the man?
    A.He fell ff his bike.B.He was hit by a car.C.His bike was brken.
    7.Hw des the man feel abut the weekend?
    8.What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A.Friends.B.Aunt and nephew.C.Sister and brther.
    9.What will the speakers d tnight?
    A.Read bks.B.G t the cinema.C.Cllect bxes.
    10.What’s the date tday?
    A.August 17th.B.August 27th.C.September 5th.
    11.Why is the wman ging t China?
    A.T be n business.B.T take a vacatin.C.T visit her relatives.
    12.What surprises the wman?
    A.Amanda’s visit. B.The first-class flight. C.An amazing travel bk.
    13.Why des the wman ask the man questins?
    A.T cllect the infrmatin n buildings.
    B.T find ut a suitable jb fr the man.
    C.T help the man lk fr a nearby wrkplace.
    14.What des the man enjy ding in his free time?
    A.Repairing things.B.Ging shpping.C.Watching TV.
    15.What has the man been ding this year?
    A.Delivering newspapers.B.Helping build a huse.C.Selling advertising space.
    16.What is the man’s experience marked by the wman?
    A.Creatin and sales.B.Shpping and study.C.Trade and sprt.
    17.What is the mst imprtant in finding an apartment accrding t the speaker?
    18.What des the speaker suggest peple d first?
    A.Decide n the cst.B.Spare sme time.C.Think abut the neighbrhd.
    19.Where des the speaker mentin t search fr the infrmatin abut the apartments?
    A.On the Internet.B.In the newspaper.C.On TV.
    20.What disappintment may apartment hunters meet?
    A.All the great apartments are expensive.
    B.It will take a lng time t find an apartment.
    C.Apartments dn't lk as gd as described.
    If yu want t knw smething abut British life, their spirit, and even their humr, watching sme classic British films will certainly help. Here are sme recmmended t yu.
    Ntting Hill
    After the success f his film Fur Weddings and a Funeral, writer and prducer Richard Curtis captured the essence f being British in 1999’s Ntting Hill. Set against the backgrund f affluent (富足的) West Lndn, the film became ppular fr its charming and funny prtrayal(刻画) f a British nbdy trying t impress a Hllywd star.
    The Full Mnty
    This 1997 film is a Sheffield-based cmedy abut six unemplyed men wh frm a grup t make mney fr a better life. Despite its hummer, the film dives deeper int sme serius issues surrunding wrking-class culture. The Full Mnty is an uplifting film that gives an insight int the wrk and life f the wrking class in Britain.
    Danny Byle’s 1996 cmedy-drama Trainsptting is abut a grup f Scts in the 1980s, based n the bk by Irvine Welsh. With a cast f truly great actrs including Ewan MeGregr, the tale impressed the audience glbally. It rapidly became a critical success.
    Mnty Pythn’s Life f Brian
    Featuring a jam-packed cast f cmedic stars.Mnty Pythn’s Life f Brian tells the stry f a yung man wh is in a case f mistaken identity. The film reflects the unusual and wnderful British sense f humur. As a film guaranteed t entertain, Mnty Pythns Life f Brian is nt t be missed by thse lking fr an insight int what makes the British laugh.
    21.What can the audience learn abut by watching The Full Mnty?
    A.Hardships f cmedic starsB.Daily life f peple in West Lndn
    C.Unique experiences f sme Scts.D.Life f the British wrking class.
    22.What kind f film des Mnty Pythn’s Life f Brian belng t?
    A.A cmedy film. B.A science fictin film. C.An actin mvie D.A hrrr mvie.
    23.Which f the fllwing films is adapted frm a bk?
    A.Ntting Hill. B.The Full Mnty. C.Trainsptting. D.Mnty Pythn’s Life f Brian.
    In the late 1990s, a family visited the schl where I taught deaf students. They said they wuld be mving here and planned t send their deaf daughter t my schl as a first grader. They were upset that their child’s kindergarten teacher tld them nt t have high hpes fr her academically. Based upn assessment results, the teacher painted a bleak picture fr their little girl’s future. Standing behind them was Katherine, a beautiful five-year-ld with lng hair and dark eyes. The whle time her parents were there, and she didn’t make a sund r use sign language, even when her parents prmpted her.
    After a few weeks with Katherine, I discvered I was dealing with a very bright, very strng-willed child. Althugh I was able t engage her in a variety f learning activities, writing was a cnstant struggle. I tried all kinds f trickery t interest her in writing. Every time the pencils came ut, she wuld shut dwn and refuse t write.
    One day Katherine gt ff her bus and std in frnt f the schl wailing. The staff members present did nt knw enugh sign language t ask her why she was crying. Finally they quickly tk her int the ffice where they handed her a pen and a ntepad. Katherine wrte: “PAC BAK.”. Immediately the ffice staff realized she left her backpack n the bus. They summned (召唤) the bus back t schl and sn Katherine was reunited with her backpack.
    That day Katherine discvered the pwer f the pen. Frm then n she had a new appreciatin fr writing. She is a yung wman nw and has becme an excellent writer, public speaker and student leader. In the summer f 2008 I traveled t the Natinal Assciatin f the Deaf Cnference in New Orleans and watched her perfrm cmpetitively as Miss Deaf Clrad. Kathy keeps in tuch and I especially treasure her e-mails with term papers attached. This yung lady wields a very pwerful pen!
    24.Why was Katherine arranged t the authr’s schl?
    A.Katherine likes varius activities.
    B.Her family settled in a new place.
    C.The authr is gd at teaching deaf children.
    D.Her parents were satisfied with Katherine’s teacher.
    25.When the authr first met her, what was Katherine ding?
    A.She kept silent. B.She kept crying. C.She was studying. D.She was writing.
    26.What des the underlined wrd “prmpted” mean in Paragraph 1?
    A.Advised. B.Prevented. C.Cnvinced. D.Encuraged.
    27.What des the authr want t shw by telling the stry in Paragraph 3?
    A.Hw Katherine fund her backpack. B.What a kind grup the staff were!
    C.Why Katherine culd make a change. D.Where her backpack was fund.
    Under nrmal circumstances, falling asleep during a paid tur is a waste f mney r an ffense t yur guide at wrst. But that’s nt the case with this new experience cming ut f Hng Kng. As its name suggests, the Sleeping Bus Tur is designed t help passengers catch sme sleep, and rides are already selling ut.
    A 2022 survey by the Chinese University f Hng Kng’s Center f Cmmunicatin and Public Opinin ntes almst 70% respndents experiences sme frm f sleep disrder. Hng Kngers have much stress frm wrk and need a space fr sleeping, but their living spaces are t small. Sme may nt live alne and have t share apartments with their family, which may nt be a gd envirnment fr a prper rest.
    After nticing passengers falling asleep n their buses, the Hng Kng tur cmpany, Ulu Travel Agency, recently launched such an innvative way fr adults t sleep: the Sleeping Bus Tur. The five-hur bus ride takes passengers n an 83-kilmeter(abut 51.5 miles)jurney abard a regular duble decker bus. Nt nly is the Sleeping Bus Tur the first f its kind, it’s als the lngest bus rute in Hng Kng, ensuring that tired passengers have plenty f time t enjy sme sleep.
    Once passengers bard the bus, they are treated with a gdie bag cmplete with an eye mask and earplugs t help them sleep and they are allwed t bring their wn blankets and slippers. The lng ride includes a few stps fr scenic spts and bathrm breaks. Passengers can als get ff the bus early at ne f several drp-ff pints if they’d prefer t cntinue their sleep at hme rather than cmplete the entire jurney. Tickets fr the Sleeping Bus Tur are divided in fur categries frm the “Zer-decibel(分贝)Sleeping Cabin“ t the ”VIP Cabin.” Prices range frm abut $17 USD t S115 USD per persn. Fr mre infrmatin n this unique experience, head t the Ulu travel cmpany website.
    28.What des the survey shw?
    A.Hngkngers desire t live alne.B.Hngkngers can affrd paid turs.
    C.Hngkngers are under extreme stress.D.Mst Hngkngers have truble sleeping.
    29.Why was the Sleeping Bus Tur launched?
    A.T imprve the sleeping habits.B.T make mre prfits.
    C.T reduce the stress frm extra wrk.D.T help adult passengers rest prperly.
    30.What can a passenger get frm the Sleeping Bus Tur?
    A.A ride in a high-tech bus.B.A guided sight-seeing tur.
    C.A bag with sleep aid prducts.D.A blanket and a pair f slippers.
    31.What is the purpse f the text?
    A.T intrduce a bus tur.B.T infrm readers f a new survey.
    C.T advertise a travel cmpany.D.T raise cncerns ver sleep prblems.
    Peple with dementia (痴呆) ften lse their ability t cmmunicate with belved nes in later stages f the disease. But a new study shws hw that gap can be bridged with a new methd f music invlvement, called “Musical Bridges t Memry”.
    In the study, peple with dementia and their care partners first had training in hw t cmmunicate better with music n. After this, a grup f musicians played music that a patient lved frm his yunger days. This created an emtinal cnnectin between a patient and his caregiver by allwing them t get invlved in singing, dancing and playing simple instruments. The behavir f the patients and caregivers was recrded n vide.
    A grup cnversatin fllwed the music. Patients wh became mre scially invlved were fund t have mre eye cntact, mre cncentratin and an imprved md. In cmparisn, the cntrl grup, wh did nt receive the special treatment and kept usual daily care and prgrams, did nt shw such changes.
    The study is unusual because it is aimed at patients with dementia and their caregivers. Mst previus studies using music fr patients with dementia have fcused nly n the patients. “Patients are able t be cnnected with partners thrugh music,” said Dr. BrnaBnakdarpur, lead authr f the study. “The family and friends f peple with dementia are als influenced by it. It’s painful fr them when they can’t cnnect with the persn they lve. When language is n lnger pssible, music gives them a bridge.”
    Music memries ften remain in the brain even as language and ther memries disappear because f dementia. This is because regins f the brain that are invlved in musical memry are nt influenced by dementia until the final stages f the disease. Thus, patients can have the ability t dance and sing lng after their ability t talk disappear. The prgram als imprved patients scial invlvement and reduced anxiety in bth patients and caregivers.
    32.What were the patients in the study encuraged t d?
    A.Watch music vides tgether with caregivers.
    B.Talk with musicians abut their yunger days.
    C.Jin in the perfrmance f their belved music.
    D.Learn t remember wrds in their favrite sngs.
    33.What change did the patients have after the music treatment?
    A.Their language ability greatly imprved.
    B.They culd perfrm simple daily activities.
    C.Their cmmunicatin with thers became active.
    D.They shwed an interest in learning an instrument.
    34.What des Paragraph 4 mainly tell us abut the study?
    A.It is special due t the grup cnversatin.
    B.It will help cnnect patients with their lved nes.
    C.It is the first t use music as a medical treatment.
    D.It invites patients’ family members t be their caregivers.
    35.Why can music play a rle in dealing with dementia?
    A.Peple enjy singing and dancing by nature.
    B.Music is easier t understand than language.
    C.Beautiful sngs can bring back happy memries.
    D.Dementia seldm influences brain regins related t music.
    Dangerus Driving Habits
    Apprximately 1.3 millin peple arund the wrld die in rad accidents every year, making it ne f the tp ten causes f deaths. 36 T prevent these cnsequences, here are sme dangerus driving habits yu shuld avid.
    Were yu actually surprised by this ne? Here's the truth — yu're 23 times mre likely t crash if yu text while driving. 38 Disturbingly, 77 percent f yung adult drivers say they can safely drive while texting. Actually, distracted driving accidents, including thse caused by the use f handheld devices, frm the N. 1 killer f teens, accrding t the NHTSA and thers.
    Drive when yu're tired.
    Avid driving when yu're tired, since yu will have slwer reactin times and yu are very likely t fall asleep at the wheel. If yu're exhausted and yur bdy needs sleep, it is ging t get it, ne way r anther. 39 If yu're already in the car, pull ver and take a nap and then cntinue when yu've wken up. Having smene with yu in the car can help prevent accidents, since yu are mre likely t be alert if yu have cmpany.
    Keep an eye n the kids.
    Accrding t the AAA Fundatin fr Traffic Safety, passengers are ranked by drivers as amng the mst frequent causes f distractin. Yung children are fur times as distracting as adults, while infants can be eight times mre distracting, the AAA Fundatin reprts. 40 .
    A. Talk n the phne.
    B. Text and update scial media.
    C. Therefre, keep an eye n the kids if yu drive fast.
    D. It takes abut five secnds f attentin t send a brief text.
    E. If yu're very tired, avid driving hme and take a cab instead.
    F. S think twice befre glancing at yur little ne at the backseat.
    G. Anther 20-50 millin peple are injured due t rad accidents every year.
    Mlai grew up in a tiny village in India. The village lay near sme wetlands which became his secnd 41 . He learned the value and beauty f 42 there frm a very yung age.
    When he was 16, Mlai began t ntice smething 43 happening arund his hme. A fld had hit the area earlier that year and the 44 it caused had driven away a number f birds. 45 , the number f snakes had declined as well. He 46 that it was because there weren’t enugh trees t prtect them frm the 47 . The slutin, f curse, was t plant trees s the animals culd seek 48 during the daytime. He turned t the 49 department fr help but was tld that nthing wuld grw there. Hwever, Mlai went lking n his wn and 50 a nearby island where he began t plant trees.
    51 yung plants in the dry seasn was 52 fr a lne by. Mlai built at the 53 f each sapling (幼树) a bamb platfrm, where he placed pts with small hles t 54 rainwater. The water wuld then drip (滴落) n the plants belw.
    Mlai 55 t plant trees fr the next 37 years. His effrts have resulted in 1,360 acres f naturally-grwn land that has becme hme t many plants and animals.
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分, 满分15分)
    Have yu ever been t Ocean Park, which is situated n the suthern side f Hng Kng Island? It is ne f the 56 (large) marine parks in the wrld 57 (cver) mre than 870,000 square metres.
    With abut 30 years f histry, Ocean Park has becme ne f the majr turist 58 (attractin) in Asia. Apart frm entertaining visitrs with thrill rides and a wide variety f shws, the park prides 59 (it) n its educatin and cnservatin prgrammes.
    Ocean Park cnsists f tw sectins, the Headland and the Lwland, which 60 (cnnect) by a 1.5 km lng cable car (缆车) system ffering wnderful views f the suthern side f Hng Kng and the Suth China Sea. The Headland is knwn 61 its many thrill rides including the Dragn, Eagle. Crazy Gallen, Ferris Wheel, Ocean Park Twer and s n.
    The Headland als cntains the Ocean Theatre, 62 dlphins and sea lins amuse visitrs each day with their lively perfrmances. Prviding mre 63 (enjy) and educatin are the wrld-class Atll Reef Aquarium (水族馆), the Shark Aquarium and the Pacific Pier.
    At the Lwland, visitrs can take a ride n 64 big ht air balln that is 22 metres in diameter which takes them high int the air. Visitrs can als see the giant pandas 65 (give) by the Central Gvernment f China at the Hng Kng Jckey Club Giant Panda Habitat.
    第四部分写作(共两节, 满分40分)
    66.假定你是李华,你的英国笔友 Jim对保护大熊猫很关心,请你给他写一封邮件,介绍相关信息,内容包括:
    Dear Jim,
    Hw is everything ging? ___________________________________________________________
    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yurs, Li Hua
    Dad and Madisn were walking thrugh the party stre, gathering decratins fr Madisn’s upcming birthday party.
    “But I dn’t want t invite Lucy Gilbert! I dn’t like her!”
    “Madisn, yu are being unreasnable. If every girl in yur class is invited t a party but yu, yu’ll feel left ut. It wuld be a big mistake nt tinvite Lucy t the party. ”“She never even talks t me! ”
    Dad sighed and mved dwn the aisle( 走廊). “Lucy is a new girl in class. She just mved here a little ver a mnth ag. Think abut hw that must feel. She desn’t knw ne single persn in the schl. She left all f her ld friends behind and nw she has t try t make new friends. Yur party will be a great chance fr her t get t knw everyne. ”
    “N, it wn’t. She will prbably sit in the crner and nt talk t anyne. Every day at lunch she sits all by herself. She wants t eat alne!" Madisn shrugged and rlled her eyes(翻白眼).
    “Madisn, I’m dne discussing this. Yu will invite every girl in yur class, including Lucy Gilbert!"
    On Saturday mrning, the family blew up ballns and decrated the huse cheerfully. Madisn was dressed beautifully fr the day, wearing her new blue dress. It was nt typical f her t dress herself like this. She usually wre sprts clthes because she lved t be utside riding her hrse Star with a lead rpe(缰绳).
    Madisn greeted her friends at the drstep, picturing(想象)varius presents her friends wuld bring her. In the meanwhile, she was wndering whether Lucy wuld ruin the party if she came. Anyhw, all the girls she invited came finally, including Lucy. The girls had a fantastic time by singing and dancing while Lucy sat in the crner silently alne. Later, all the girls gathered arund the table as Madisn pened her presents. Opening them ne by ne, Madisn thanked her friends, with a bright smile n her face.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2. 请按如下格式作答。
    Paragraph 1:
    Lucy’s present was the very last t be pened._______________________________________________
    _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Paragraph 2:
    Deeply mved by what she said, Madisn held the lead rpe tightly in her hands.___________________
    听力1~5ACBCB 6~10 CAABA 11~15BBBAC 16~20ACBAC
    阅读理解21~23DA C 24~27B A D C 28~31D D C A 32~35C C B D
    七选五36. G 37. B 38. D 39. E 40. F
    完形填空 41~45C A C D A 46~50B B D C B 51~55C A B D D
    语法填空 56.largest 57.cvering 58.attractins 59.itself 60.are cnnected
    61.fr 62.where 63.enjyment 64.a 65.given

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