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    Here’s all the infrmatin yu need t knw abut getting a membership t Sam’s Club. Explre all the membership ffers belw!
    Sam’s Club Annual Membership
    Sam’s Club has tw annual membership ptins, Club Membership and Plus Membership:
    ·Club Membership: This is the standard membership level and csts $50 per year.
    ·Plus Membership: This is the tp membership level and csts $110 per year.
    Thugh the Plus Membership is mre expensive, it gets yu an additinal 2% back n yur purchases (up t $500 a year).
    Sam’s Club 3-Mnth Free Trial (免费试用) Membership
    A Sam’s Club 3-Mnth Free Trial Membership allws yu t experience everything that a Club Membership gets fr 90 days.
    This free trial ffer is limited t new members nly and yu can nly get ne f these trial memberships per husehld.
    The trial membership is set up t aut-renew and yu will becme a club member at the end f the three-mnth perid autmatically (自动地), s be sure t cancel befre the 90 days is up. Yu can cancel at any time during the free trial by calling 1-888-746-7726.
    Sam’s Club 1-Day Shpping Pass
    Sam’s Club used t ffer a 1-Day Shpping Pass, which allwed nn-member guests t shp at Sam’s Club fr 24 hurs withut a membership. Thugh it came with a few restrictins (限制):
    ·Shppers using a 1-Day Shpping Pass will be charged a 10% fee n all purchases.
    ·A Guest Membership is active fr 24 hurs starting at the time f purchase.
    ·Scan & G (自助结账) can nly be used by members and is nt available fr guests.
    1、Hw much will a Plus Membership user pay fr a bx f the milk priced at $40?
    2、What shuld yu pay mre attentin t during the 3-Mnth Free Trial Membership?
    A.It cannt be shared with anyne.
    B.It cannt be used as sn as yu call Sam’s Club t cancel the aut-renew service.
    C.It ffers less benefit than a Club Membership des.
    D.It must be cancelled in time if yu dn’t want t renew it.
    3、What can yu d with a 1-day Shpping Pass f Sam’s Club?
    A.Get a 10% discunt.
    B.Use Scan & G.
    C.Shp at Sam’s Club within 24 hurs.
    D.Enjy the membership service.
    The British sftware engineer wh sent the wrld’s first text message said that he was amazed at hw the technlgy had develped.
    The engineer, Neil Papwrth, was chsen by chance t send the message which read “Merry Christmas”. It was sent t Richard Jarvis wh was a directr at Vdafne(a British cmpany) at that time. “Vdafne thught it culd be used as an executive pager (寻呼机) s that secretaries culd cntact their bsses while they were ut r n a business trip and they culd send them messages and tell them what t d and where t g,” Papwrth tld BBC radi.
    On December 3, 1992, he was 22 and wrking fr a cmpany called Sema Grup Telecms at Vdafne’s ffice in Newbury. The cmpany was later knwn as a Shrt Message Service Centre.
    Mbile phnes did nt have keybards at that time s he typed ut the message n a cmputer keybard. “I used t g there every day, helping them test the system and we did a lt f testing there,” Papwrth said.
    “Then it came t a day when they wanted t send this message and I dn’t remember exactly hw it came abut, but I was the ne wh was there and s I was the ne wh gt t send it.”
    “It was gd fr business when it tk ff because we sld mre systems. And it was als quite marvelus t see s many peple use it and the range (范围) f applicatins peple have fund fr it,” Papwrth said.
    Papwrth nw lives in the French-Canadian city f Mntreal with his wife and three children and wrks as a sftware architect.
    4、The text message technlgy was first develped fr __________.
    A.entertainment.B.business use
    C.family cmmunicatin.D.private use
    5、Why did the cmpany chse Papwrth t send the message?
    A.Because he happened t be the ne wh was there.
    B.Because he was familiar with the system.
    C.Because nly he knew hw t send a message.
    D.Because he knew Richard’s phne number.
    6、What des the underlined wrd in the sixth paragraph mean?
    7、The text is mst likely t have been taken frm __________.
    A.a health magazineB.a technlgy magazine
    C.an art magazineD.a fashin magazine
    Fr thse wh have been wishing fr real-life chclate muntains, yur dream is abut t cme true! Just kidding. The chclate lk-alike munds (土丘) in Bhl, Philippines have abslutely nthing t d with chclate aside frm the fact that during ne particular time f the year, they appear t lk similar t chclate.
    During the wet seasn and anytime utside f the dry seasn, the Chclate Hills maintain a green clr. What attracts peple’s attentin is the shape f these munds, as they lk as thugh they were placed there by design, but nne f these fields are man-made.
    With regard t the rigin f the Chclate Hills, while experts have their wn pinins, it’s the Filipins wh have drawn their wn cnclusin abut the Chclate Hills. Accrding t a ppular legend, these hills were a result f tw giants (巨人) wh ended up thrwing munds f earth at ne anther during a heated argument. As the fight heated up, they began thrwing things such as rcks and sand, which is said t be what created the surrunding area. While sme lcals believe the legend and sme dn’t, it is an interesting stry nevertheless and fun t think abut.
    Hwever, the real stry lies in the cmpsitin (成分) f the hills and this is where experts have a bit mre f a scientific reasn fr the hills being there than just giants. With the help f heavy rainfall and ersin (侵蚀), it’s believed that limestne (石岩) was brken dwn ver time and it’s this disslutin (分解) that created the Chclate Hills.
    The dry seasn in the Philippines is the nly time t see these hills in all their chclatey glry, and that falls between late Nvember and May. Hwever, since it is just the predicted dry seasn, it’s recmmended that visitrs check the weather befre planning anything.
    8、What is the clr f the Chclate Hills in the wet seasn?
    9、What is the third paragraph mainly abut?
    A.A legend abut the Chclate Hills.
    B.Lcals’ pinins abut the Chclate Hills.
    C.Wh created the Chclate Hills.
    D.What the Chclate Hills are made up.
    10、Accrding t the experts, the Chclate Hills were frmed due t __________.
    A.the disslutin f limestneB.the lack f rainfall
    C.human activitiesD.the extreme dry climate
    11、When is a gd time t visit the Chclate Hills?
    A.Early Nvember.B.Mid-July.
    C.Late September.D.Early January.
    Music affects ur emtins. We tend t listen t music that reflects ur md. When we’re happy we may listen t upbeat (愉快的) music; when we’re sad we may listen t slwer and mre mving sngs; when we’re angry we may listen t darker music with heavy guitar, drums and sngs that reflect ur level f anger. We may nt knw why we prefer the artists we listen t, but we can learn a lt abut urselves thrugh ur musical tastes.
    Cnsider Jhn, a pleasant man in his mid-40s wh describes his mid-20s as a time when he was figuring ut his place in life. At the time, he cnsidered himself t be cld, nervus, shy, well-mannered and sensitive. But the music he preferred t listen t was dark, heavy and aggressive. After sme time in therapy (治疗), Jhn realized he’d been repressing (抑制) anger and aggressin due t years f childhd abuse, and music had becme his vice. Nw Jhn has been able t unlck his previusly hidden emtins and begin t wrk thrugh the issues.
    Cindy, a wman in her mid-30s, has struggled thrugh years f depressin. While depressed, she ften listened t music that reflected sadness and emtinal pain. Hwever, Cindy als nted that she had a passin fr upbeat music that made her want t dance and feel free frm emtinal struggle. But she rarely felt this energy and freedm withut the music encuraging. It turned ut that Cindy was an energetic and happy child. Hwever, Cindy’s struggle with depressin began after her mther’s death when she was 11 years ld. With the help f therapy, Cindy is nw in the prcess f breaking thrugh the layer f depressin that has cvered her since her mther died.
    In summary, while music can mve us in an intense emtinal mment, it als can be used t teach us abut uncnscius elements f ur emtinal structure. If we ntice a pattern f emtinal music that raises questins abut ur current feelings r abut wh we are, it culd be an imprtant pprtunity fr self-explratin.
    12、What kind f music d peple prbably listen t when they are delighted?
    A.Music with drums.B.Slwer sngs.
    C.Upbeat music.D.Dark music
    13、Hw des Jhn describe himself in his mid-20s?
    A.He was passinate.B.He was aggressive.
    C.He was dark inside.D.He was plite.
    14、In what way was Cindy different frm a happy child?
    A.Her mther passed away when she was 11 years ld.
    B.She rarely felt energetic and free.
    C.She always listened t sad music.
    D.She had experienced childhd abuse.
    15、What might be the best title fr the passage?
    A.Hw t Be Happy
    B.Music Impacts Our Emtins
    C.Peple Change While Grwing up
    D.Different Peple Listen t Different Music
    16、Dinner parties are an excellent way t bring lved nes tgether. If yu’re thinking f asking smene ver fr dinner, the fllwing tips maybe helpful.
    Create a simple dinner party menu
    Keep yur dinner party menu simple. ①_________ Yu want t be free and relaxed when yur guests arrive; nt busy cking ver a ht stve. Once yu’ve decided n what yu’re ging t serve, write it all dwn, like a menu, and make a shpping list.
    Yu had better d as much as yu pssibly can ahead f time. This includes making desserts, sauces, salad dressings, etc. If yu’re serving a baked fd, like a chclate cake, yu can make it several days in advance, freeze it, and set it ut t thaw (解冻) the mrning f the big day.
    Get a head start the night befre
    The evening befre yu hst yur dinner party, set the table, including glasses, plates, tableclth, etc. In additin, make a quick sweep thrugh the huse. ③_________ Hnestly, I never ntice hw clean r messy thers’ hmes are when I g ver fr dinner.
    Be a gd hst
    ④_________Yu culd be busying with setting the table r cking a meal when yu shuld be entertaining the guests.
    Yu shuld als g arund and refill glasses r have a statin where guests can enjy desserts. And make sure yu prvide nn-drinkers with sft drinks and fruit juices.
    Say “thank yu” t yur guests
    A fantastic way t shw yur appreciatin is by sending guests a “thank yu” nte after the dinner party. ⑤_________ This is especially imprtant if everyne brings wine r fd t the party.
    A.Pre-make anything yu can.
    B.Get enugh furniture and tableware (餐具).
    C.Yu can either send this by e-mail r text.
    D.But dn’t stress abut things lking perfect.
    E.Try t think f recipes that dn’t take much time t ck.
    F.A cmmn mistake hsts make is nt being present with guests.
    G.Cnsider hw many guests are expected s yu can prepare enugh fd.
    It was rush hur in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania when Timthy White Jr., 38, was driving hme. He 1 a gray Nissan fur-dr truck n the ppsite side f the street. It was hard t miss since it was mving frm side t side. As the truck drew clser, White saw the 2 The driver appeared t be asleep. If nthing were dne, an accident wuld happen pretty sn. White made a U-turn and faced in the same 3 as the truck, but there were fur cars separating them. He tried t pass them, but ncming traffic made it impssible. He pulled his car 4 , jumped ut and rushed t the sidewalk. The truck was nt 5 ,s White ran arund t the driver’s side. The windw was dwn. White 6 the frame (框架) f the windw and jumped int truck.
    The ld man behind the 7 ,Tdd DeAngelis, was just cnscius enugh t be shcked by White, and he gave a lud cry.
    White wrked 8 .He tk hld f the gear shift (换挡杆) and frced the truck t 9 . Then he pushed himself ut frm the windw. The whle 10 was abut fur secnds.
    Frm utside the truck, White asked DeAngelis 11 he was OK. “N,” he replied.
    DeAngelis was 12 facing dangerusly lw bld sugar. White phned fr an ambulance (救护车) and sn DeAngelis was sent t the hspital.
    “He 13 me frm a much wrse accident than it culd have been,” DeAngelis said.
    White’s actins that day were nt ut f character. As a teenager, he nce kicked dwn the dr f a huse that was 14 fire t see if anyne was inside. “I’m always trying t help where I can, when I can,” he says. “ 15 jumping int a mving truck was a new territry.”
    25、A.speed upB.slw dwnC.turn inD.cme t a stp
    32、By December f this year, students in Jiangsu will likely have a new way①__________(pay) tuitin fees: paying by the digital yuan, r e-CNY. This is②__________Jiangsu prvince will encurage the use f e-CNY in its educatin system, accrding t a plan recently③__________ (release) by the Jiangsu Educatin Department. Students will④__________ (prbable) pay examinatin registratin fees and receive schlarships in digital yuan. They are als encuraged t pay in digital yuan fr rdinary cnsumptin (消费) n campus. China⑤__________ (start) creating the digital versin f the renminbi in 2014. Liu Ting is a resident f Suzhu, ne f the first pilt⑥__________ (city) fr e-CNY annunced by the Peple’s Bank f China in April 2020. “If yu want t use e-CNY t buy smething, yu just need t dwnlad the e-CNY app and pen⑦__________accunt,” Liu tld Teens. “Then yu can use it t scan the payment cde in ff line shps.”
    One benefit f e-CNY is that it is safer cmpared t Alipay and WeChat payment. E-cmmerce (电子商务) platfrms⑧__________accept payments by e-CNY will nt have access t users’ persnal infrmatin. In additin, “the use f e-CNY can reduce trade csts fr smaller businesses,” said Zhu Mahua, an analyst at China Everbright Bank. At present, third—party payment platfrms such as Alipay and WeChat require certain fees when mney is transferred (转账) thrugh them. E-CNY payment, ⑨__________can transfer mney directly frm buyers t sellers, which will greatly reduce trade csts.
    The⑩__________ (develp) f e-CNY has prgressed steadily. Data frm the central bank shws that the value f digital yuan in circulatin (流通) reached 13.61 billin yuan by the end f 2022. China is still wrking t expand its usage in mre areas.
    Dear Fina,
    Li Hua
    Alphabetical (字母表的) rder was a big prblem fr Keisha Williams. In every list, n every line, in the lunchrm and the classrm, teachers put all the W’s tgether. Alice Wilkins was always ne place ahead f Keisha.
    “Yu tw are ging t be friends,” said the girls’ teacher, Ms. Mubarak, “whether yu like it r nt.”
    Yeah, right. Culd she be friends with Alice? “I dubt it,” Keisha thught. Alice was perfect. She was everything Keisha wasn’t. Alice changed her hairstyle every day. She always wre beautiful clthing. She had plish (指甲油) n her nails. Keisha had plain (普通的) nails, a very rdinary hairstyle — and nt t mentin her ut-f-tyle clthes.
    Alice had new fashinable ntebks. Keisha’s ntebks were bring black and white. Keisha cmplained t her mther that her ntebks were t plain. “They still have paper and lines,” her mther said. “Yu dn’t need glitter (华丽) t make yu smart.”
    Keisha thught Alice’s mther treated her like a grwn-up. Alice had a huse key and said that she always let herself int her apartment. But when Keisha came hme, she had t ring fr her mther t pen the dr. And every time, her mther wuld give her a big bear hug. That’s fr babies, Keisha always thught, trying t free herself frm her mther’s arms.
    Paragraph 1:
    One Tuesday at schl when math tests were handed back, Keisha gt her usual A.
    Paragraph 2:
    Later, in the cafeteria, Keisha and Alice wrked n math prblems tgether.
    解析:细节理解题。根据Sam’s Club Annual Membership部分中的“Thugh the Plus Membership is mre expensive, it gets yu an additinal 2% back n yur purchases (up t $500 a year). (虽然Plus会员更贵,但它可以让你在购物时额外获得2%的折扣(每年可达500美元))”可知,Plus会员在购物时可以额外获得2%的折扣,因此一盒标价为40美元的牛奶需支付39.2美元(=40-40×2%)。故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Sam’s Club 3-Mnth Free Trial Membership部分中的“The trial membership is set up t aut-renew and yu will becme a club member at the end f the three-mnth perid autmatically (自动地), s be sure t cancel befre the 90 days is up. (试用会员被设置为自动续期,三个月后你将自动成为店铺会员,所以一定要在90天到期前取消)”可知,在三个月试用会员期间需特别注意如果不想续期,必须及时取消。故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Sam’s Club 1-Day Shpping Pass部分中的“Sam’s Club used t ffer a 1-Day Shpping Pass, which allwed nn-member guests t shp at Sam’s Club fr 24 hurs withut a membership. (山姆会员店曾经提供1天购物卡,允许非会员客人在没有会员资格的情况下在山姆会员店购物24小时)”可知,使用1天购物卡可以在24小时内到山姆会员商店购物。故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段““Vdafne thught it culd be used as an executive pager (寻呼机) s that secretaries culd cntact their bsses while they were ut r n a business trip and they culd send them messages and tell them what t d and where t g,” Papwrth tld BBC radi. (Papwrth在接受英国广播公司采访时表示:“Vdafne认为,它可以用作高管寻呼机,这样秘书们在外出或出差时就可以联系到老板,给老板发信息,告诉老板该做什么、该去哪里。”)”可知短信技术最初是为了商业用途。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段首句“The engineer, Neil Papwrth, was chsen by chance t send the message which read “Merry Christmas”. (工程师Neil Papwrth被偶然选中,负责发送“圣诞快乐”的信息) ”和第五段Neil Papwrth所说的“Then it came t a day when they wanted t send this message and I dn’t remember exactly hw it came abut, but I was the ne wh was there and s I was the ne wh gt t send it. (后来有一天,他们想要发送这个信息,我不记得具体是怎么回事了,但我当时在场,所以我就是那个要发送这个信息的人)”可知Neil Papwrth是“偶然”被选中发信息。故选A。
    解析:词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段划线词所在句子中的提示词“als”可知前后句意感情色彩一致。由划线词前的句子“It was gd fr business when it tk ff because we sld mre systems. (它成功后对我们的业务有好处,因为我们卖出了更多的系统。)”可知,划线词“marvelus”和前面的“gd”同义。故选B。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“During the wet seasn and anytime utside f the dry seasn, the Chclate Hills maintain a green clr. (在雨季和旱季以外的任何时候,巧克力山都保持着绿色)”可知,在雨季,巧克力山是“绿色”。故选B。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据第三段“Accrding t a ppular legend, these hills were a result f tw giants (巨人) wh ended up thrwing munds f earth at ne anther during a heated argument. As the fight heated up, they began thrwing things such as rcks and sand, which is said t be what created the surrunding area. While sme lcals believe the legend and sme dn’t, it is an interesting stry nevertheless and fun t think abut. (根据一个流行的传说,这些山是两个巨人在激烈的争论中相互投掷土堆的结果。随着战斗的升温,他们开始扔石头和沙子等东西,据说这就是造成周围地区的原因。虽然有些当地人相信这个传说,有些人不相信,但这是一个有趣的故事,想想也很有趣)”可知,本段主要详细描述了菲律宾人所相信的关于巧克力山的一个传说。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第四段“With the help f heavy rainfall and ersin (侵蚀), it’s believed that limestne (石岩) was brken dwn ver time and it’s this disslutin (分解) that created the Chclate Hills. (在暴雨和侵蚀作用下,石灰岩被认为随着时间的推移被分解了,正是这种分解造就了巧克力山)”可知,专家认为石灰岩的分解形成了巧克力山。故选A。
    解析:细节理解题。根据最后一段“The dry seasn in the Philippines is the nly time t see these hills in all their chclate glry, and that falls between late Nvember and May. (菲律宾的旱季是唯一能看到这些辉煌的巧克力山的时候,旱季在11月下旬到5月之间)”可知观看巧克力山的最佳时期是在11月下旬到5月之间,D选项“Early January (1月初)”符合该时间段。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据首段“When we’re happy we may listen t upbeat (愉快的) music;... (当我们高兴的时候,我们可以听欢快的音乐……)”可知高兴的时候人们会去听“欢快愉悦”的音乐。故选C。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段“Cnsider Jhn, a pleasant man in his mid-40s wh describes his mid-20s as a time when he was figuring ut his place in life. At the time, he cnsidered himself t be cld, nervus, shy, well-mannered and sensitive. (以Jhn为例,他是一个40多岁的和蔼可亲的人,他说自己25岁左右的时候正在寻找自己在生活中的位置。当时,他认为自己冷漠、紧张、害羞、彬彬有礼、敏感)”,Jhn用“冷漠、紧张、害羞、彬彬有礼、敏感”这些词汇描述自己二十多岁的样子。D选项“He was plite.(他是有礼貌的)”呼应文中的“well-mannered”。故选D。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第三段“ It turned ut that Cindy was an energetic and happy child. Hwever, Cindy’s struggle with depressin began after her mther’s death when she was 11 years ld. (事实证明,Cindy是一个精力充沛、快乐的孩子。然而,Cindy与抑郁症的斗争始于她11岁时母亲去世后)”可知,自从11岁母亲去世后,Cindy和快乐的孩子就不一样了。故选A。
    解析:主旨大意题。根据首段“Music affects ur emtins. We tend t listen t music that reflects ur md. (音乐影响我们的情绪。我们倾向于听反映我们心情的音乐)”和尾段“In summary, while music can mve us in an intense emtinal mment, it als can be used t teach us abut uncnscius elements f ur emtinal structure. (总而言之,虽然音乐可以让我们在强烈的情感时刻感动,但它也可以用来教会我们情感结构中无意识的元素)”可知这篇文章主要描述了“音乐影响我们的情绪”。故选B。
    解析:①空前“Keep yur dinner party menu simple. (保持你的晚宴菜单简单)”强调晚宴菜单简单,E选项“Try t think f recipes that dn’t take much time t ck. (试着想想那些不需要花太多时间烹饪的食谱)”中的“dn’t take much time t ck”呼应文中的“simple”。故选E。
    ②根据其它段落结构可知,该空是本段的主旨句。根据本段内容“Yu had better d as much as yu pssibly can ahead f time. This includes making desserts, sauces, salad dressings, etc. (你最好提前尽可能多地做。这包括制作甜点、酱汁、沙拉酱等)”可知,本段主要介绍要提前做一些准备工作,A选项“Pre-make anything yu can. (提前做任何你能做的事情)”尤其是“Pre-make”也在强调要提前做,符合本段标题。故选A。
    ③空前“In additin, make a quick sweep thrugh the huse. (另外,在房子里快速扫一扫)”作者建议进行一个快速打扫,空后“Hnestly, I never ntice hw clean r messy thers’ hmes are when I g ver fr dinner. (老实说,当我去吃饭的时候,我从来没有注意到别人的家有多干净或乱)”表明客人不会特别关注卫生清洁,D选项“But dn’t stress abut things lking perfect. (但是不要因为事情看起来很完美而感到压力)”和前文构成转折关系,建议快速打扫一下,但没有必要完美彻底地清洁。故选D。
    ④空后“Yu culd be busying with setting the table r cking a meal when yu shuld be entertaining the guests. (当你应该招待客人的时候,你可能正忙于摆桌子或做饭)”描述主人在应该招待客人的时候忙于别的事情,F选项“A cmmn mistake hsts make is nt being present with guests. (主人常犯的一个错误是没有和客人在一起)”承接后文,先概括这一做法是错误的,然后再用例子进一步解释,最后指出正确做法。故选F。
    ⑤由小标题“Say “thank yu” t yur guests. (对客人说“谢谢”)”可知,本段主要强调感谢,C选项“Yu can either send this by e-mail r text. (你可以通过电子邮件或短信发送)”是具体感谢的方式。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:他注意到街对面停着一辆灰色的尼桑四门卡车。A. ignred忽略;B. hit冲击;C. avided避免;D. nticed注意。根据后文内容“It was hard t miss”和提示动词“saw”可知他在开车回家时,“注意”到对面的卡车。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:当卡车驶近时,怀特发现了问题所在:司机似乎睡着了。A. challenge挑战;B. trick恶作剧;C. prblem问题;D. sign标识。根据冒号内容可知司机似乎睡着了,由前文可知,车还在移动,所以怀特发现了问题。故选C。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:怀特转了个180度,面朝卡车的方向,但有四辆车把他们隔开了。A. directin方向;B. result结果;C. side边;D. situatin形势。根据空前“ U-turn”和空后内容,他们之间隔着四辆车,可知面朝卡车的“方向”。故选A。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:他把车停在路边,跳下车,冲到人行道上。A. pulled thrugh渡过难关;B. pulled back撤退;C. pulled dwn拆毁;D. pulled ver把车停路边。根据空后动作提示可知,他把车“停在路边”,构成动作顺序:把车停路边、跳下车然后冲到人行道。故选D。
    解析:考查形容词词义辨析。句意:卡车开得不快,所以怀特跑到驾驶座旁边。A. slw慢的;B. high高的;C. fast快的;D. empty空的。根据s可知前后句意呈因果关系,车不“快”,所以怀特才能跑到驾驶座旁边。故选C。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:怀特抓住窗框,跳进了卡车。A. pushed推;B. grabbed抓;C. rlled滚动;D. repaired修理。由前文可知,窗户是放下来的,结合and后的动作“jumped int truck”,怀特抓住窗框,然后跳进了卡车。故选B。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:开车的老人Tdd DeAngelis刚刚清醒过来,被怀特吓了一跳,他大声叫了一声。A. truck卡车;B. seat座位;C. wheel轮子;D. handle把手。由句意可知,这个老人就是卡车的司机,behind the wheel表示“开车,驾驶”。故选C。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:怀特行动得很快。A. quickly快地;B. carefully小心地;C. patiently耐心地;D. cnfidently自信地。根据本段结尾“fur secnds”可知,怀特动作很“迅速”。故选A。
    解析:考查动词短语辨析。句意:他抓住变速杆,迫使卡车停了下来。A. speed up加速;B. slw dwn减速;C. turn in提交;D. cme t a stp停住。此处考查动作顺序,先抓住换挡杆,再让卡车“停”下来,之后从窗户上出去。故选D。
    解析:考查名词词义辨析。句意:整个过程只用了4秒钟。A. research研究;B. prcess过程;C. jurney旅途;D. behavir行为。由句意可知,持续四秒指的是前文怀特抓住变速杆让卡车停下来整个“过程”所花的时间。故选B。
    解析:考查连词词义辨析。句意:在卡车外面,怀特问DeAngelis是否还好。A. when当,什么时候;B. if是否;C. unless除非;D. while当,虽然。分析句子结构,此处是宾语从句,由句意可知,怀特问这位DeAngelis“是否”好。故选B。
    解析:考查副词词义辨析。句意:不幸的是,DeAngelis面临着危险的低血糖。A. unfrtunately不幸地;B. naturally自然地;C. regularly定期地;D. undubtedly毋庸置疑地。后文“facing dangerusly lw bld sugar”是不好的事情。故选A。
    解析:考查动词词义辨析。句意:DeAngelis说:“他把我从一场比本该更严重的事故中救了出来。”A. excused原谅;B. saved拯救;C. released释放;D. remved去除。 此处主语He指代怀特,由前文可知,怀特及时让DeAngelis的卡车停下来,并且打电话给救护车。所以怀特“救了”DeAngelis。故选B。
    解析:考查介词词义辨析。句意:十几岁的时候,他曾经踢开一所着火的房子的门,看看里面有没有人。A. under在……下面;B. in在……里面;C. n在……上面;D. ff偏离。根据前后句意可知,怀特踢开门去看房间里面是否有人,说明情况很紧急,固定短语n fire表示“起火”。故选C。
    解析:考查连词词义辨析。句意:但跳进一辆行驶中的卡车是一个全新的领域。A. While当,虽然;B. If如果;C. As 当,因为;D. But但是。前文描述怀特会尽全力帮助他人,空后描述这次跳进行驶中的卡车是一次全新的领域,前后句意呈转折关系。故选D。
    32、答案:①t pay②because③released④prbably⑤started⑥cities⑦an⑧that/which⑨hwever⑩develpment
    Dear Fina,
    I’m srry t hear that yur relatinship with yur mther has been difficult recently. But I can ttally understand yur feelings. Here are my suggestins.
    Firstly, it wuld be wise f yu nt t quarrel with yur mther, as it wn’t imprve things, but nly make things wrse. Yu’d better have a face-t-face talk with yur mther, which will enable bth f yu t understand each ther better. In additin, I recmmend that yu g hme with tw r three reliable friends frm the dancing club wh live clse t yu. If necessary, give yur mther a phne call befre yu are abut t leave schl t let her knw yu are safe.
    I hpe the abve will be f help t yu.
    One Tuesday at schl when math tests were handed back, Keisha gt her usual A. Secnds later, Alice turned arund and whispered, “I think yu’re the smartest girl in ur grade.” “Thank yu,” replied Keisha, surprised by the praise. “I’m nt s gd in math,” Alice admitted. “I’ve been afraid t ask, but... can yu help me?” “Sure,” Keisha said. “At lunch?” Alice asked. Keisha ndded.
    Later, in the cafeteria, Keisha and Alice wrked n math prblems tgether. Alice discvered that Keisha was a math talent, “Hw d yu d that?” Alice wndered. “I wrk with my mm,” Keisha explained. “I wrk n math prblems by myself first, then mm tests me.” “Oh,” said Alice, “my mm always wrks late and desn’t have time t help me. Yu are lucky t have such a great mm.” That day when Keisha gt hme frm schl, her mther met her at the dr and gave her the usual bear hug. This time, Keisha didn’t avid her. She smiled.

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