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    这是一份2024雅安多校联考高二上学期12月月考试题英语含解析,文件包含2024四川省雅安市联考高二上学期12月月考英语答案和解析pdf、2024四川省雅安市联考高二上学期12月月考英语试卷docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共19页, 欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15.B. £9.18.C. £9.15.
    1. What wuld the man like t rder?
    A. A cup f tea.B. Sme apple juice.C. Sme cffee.
    2. Which prgram des the man like best?
    A. News.B. Histry.C. Sprts.
    3. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Salesgirl and custmer.B. Passenger and driver.C. Wife and husband.
    4. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a bank.B. In a department stre.C. In a ticket ffice.
    5. When did the fire prbably break ut?
    A. At abut 7.B. At abut 8.C. At abut 9.
    6. What des the man’s friend want t drink?
    A. Milk with sugar.B. Orange juice.C. Cffee with milk.
    7. Hw much shuld the man pay?
    A. 10 yuan.B. 90 yuan.C. 100 yuan.
    8. Wh did Fred have a fight with last night?
    A. A strekeeper.B. A pliceman.C. His brther.
    9. Where is Fred nw?
    A. In the plice statin.B. In the hspital.C. At hme.
    10. Whse huse is the girl ging t n Sunday?
    A. Mary’s.B. Susie’s.C. Jenny’s.
    11. What will the girl prbably d n Friday?
    A. See a mvie.B. G shpping.C. Watch a basketball game.
    12. Why des the girl want her father t buy a new back pack fr her?
    A. Her backpack is lst.
    B. Her backpack is brken.
    C. Her backpack is full f bks.
    13. In which place did Lisa find the wallet?
    A. A park.B. A parking lt.C. A shpping mall.
    14. What is inside the wallet?
    A. A pht f a persn.
    B. Sme paper and an ID card.
    C. Sme mney and business cards.
    15. Wh des the wallet prbably belng t?
    A. A businessman.B. An ld lady.C. A schl by.
    16. Hw will Lisa get in tuch with the wallet’s wner?
    A. By asking the plice fr help.
    B. By making a telephne call.
    C. By waiting where she fund the wallet.
    17. Wh mentined in the speech use camels in their sprts?
    A. Americans.B. The Arabs.C. Chinese peple.
    18. Which sprt has the lngest histry?
    A. Vlleyball.B. Basketball.C. Running.
    19. Hw ld is vlleyball sprt?
    A. Belw 200 years.B. Abut 300 years.C. Over 1,000 years.
    20. What ften cmes ut f a game in the speaker’s pinin?
    A. Friendship.B. Indignity.C. War.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Fur Inventins That Changed the Wrld
    The curse f human evlutin has been filled with inventins. The fllwing inventins changed the wrld in ne way r anther.
    Many f us wnder what life was like befre matches. We can thank a British pharmacist and his dirty mixing stick. In 1820s, Jhn Walker nticed a dried lump n the end f a stick while he was stirring a mix f chemicals. When he tried t scrape(刮掉)it ff, flames appeared. The initial matches were made f cardbard but sn the matches came in a bx equipped with a piece f sandpaper fr striking.
    Penicillin was discvered in 1928 when a yung bacterilgist, Alexander Fleming, was tidying up his lab. After having been n vacatin, he returned t wrk t find that a dish f Staphylcccus bacteria had been left uncvered, and he nticed that muld(霉菌)n the culture had killed many f the bacteria. His further research fund that it culd kill ther bacteria.
    Micrwave Oven
    Of all the sci-fi kitchen appliances, the micrwave ven really relieves the lad n husewives. It was discvered in the 1940s. When Percy Spencer, an engineer, was wrking n a magnetrn(磁控管), he nticed that a chclate bar in his pcket had started t melt due t the micrwaves. Spencer fund that indeed, when fd was placed in the bx with the micrwave energy, it cked quickly.
    The first plastic was invented in 1907 by Le Hendrik Baekeland. His initial quest was t invent a ready replacement fr shellac(虫胶), an expensive prduct gt frm lac beetles. Baekeland cmbined frmaldehyde(甲醛)with a waste prduct f cal, and heated the mixture. Rather than a shellac-like material, he created a substance that didn’t melt under heat and stress.
    21. Wh invented matches?
    A. Jhn Walker.B. Alexander Fleming.
    C. Percy Spencer.D. Le Hendrik Baekeland.
    22. What had Le Hendrik Baekeland riginally intended t invent?
    A. A shellac-like material.B. A prduct frm lac beetles.
    C. A replacement fr shellac.D. A waste prduct f cal.
    23. What d the fur inventins have in cmmn?
    A. They were the results f jint effrts.
    B. They were the accidental discveries.
    C. They were the fruits f years f research.
    D. They were unaccepted when cming ut.
    It was 1963 in the Trnt suburb. I was eight years ld and hckey(冰球)-crazy. My next-t-zer skills had nt stpped my passin fr the game. The players f the great hckey club Trnt Maple Leafs were f curse my heres, and their psters and phts cvered the walls f my rm.
    There is always sme price t pay fr maintaining a lve. I raised funds in an ld-fashined way, selling smething the public culd actually sink their teeth int. I jined the lcal annual event—Margaret’s Dughnuts(甜甜圈)t sell dughnuts, which ffered chices f hney-glazed r chclate-glazed.
    Dr-t-dr I went, ntebk in hand t recrd. I sld dzens f dzens; hardly a sul turned me dwn. My ntebk was almst full, and my stmach was almst empty when I went up the last huse n the suth side.
    I rang the drbell and went ver my speech while staring at the screen dr. Suddenly, the dr pened. My unfrgettable memry was lking up frm a large pair f fuzzy slippers, way up, t the face staring dwn. I std there speechless fr what seemed 10 years, pening and clsing my muth like a fish ut f water. Cllecting my calmness, but still unable t g int dughnut-prmting verdrive, I tld him smething he seemed have already knwn and he replied with a n d and a smile.
    I have an unclear memry f murmuring thrugh my speech “Please-buy-sme-dughnuts”, and then a vivid memry f him taking the ntebk frm my hand. I fllwed with new infrmatin—that we shared ur given name. With pride frm ur first-name-basis farewells, I flew hme hlding the ntebk tightly t my chest.
    The next mrning befre the schl bell, I cautiusly shwed ff the precius paper. It is surely mine alne t claim: I sld a dzen dughnuts t Tim Hrtn, ne f my mst respected players wh lived a mere three blcks away!
    24. What can we knw abut the authr?
    A. He btained psters and phts frm a star team.
    B. He jined Trnt Maple Leafs as a yung child.
    C. He was nt much f an experienced hckey player.
    D. His lve fr hckey was influenced by a star team.
    25. Why did the authr sell dughnuts?
    A. T fllw the fashin.B. T respnd t an event.
    C. T taste mre flavrs.D. T pursue his hbby.
    26. What happened t the authr when he met the wner f the last huse?
    A. He was s speechless with astnishment.
    B. He was lked dwn upn by the wner.
    C. He was scared by the wner’s appearance.
    D. He frgt his speech fr selling dughnuts.
    27. Which is the mst suitable title fr the text?
    A. A Successful Sale Prmtin Of Dughnuts
    B. An Amazing Jurney T Fllwing My Dream
    C. A Grateful Dughnut Helping Awaken My Dream
    D. An Unexpected Meeting With My Favrite Hckey
    Fresh fish shuld have a mild smell. Strng fish y smells are the first signs t g bad. Hw d the fishy smells cme frm?
    It can be several days frm when the fish are caught t when they reach the supermarket. In that time, bacteria that grw naturally in fish start t cnsume a substance called trimethylamine N-xide(TMAO)in fish. These bacteria change TMAO int trimethylamine(TMA), the substance respnsible fr the fishy smells. Bacteria in fish can als change lysine(赖氨酸)int cadaverine(尸胺),a substance that’s assciated with breaking dwn the fish nce they are caught and giving ff fish y smell.
    Chemical reactins can als lead t fish y smells. This happens thrugh the xidatin(氧化)f fat. Fish are an imprtant surce f mega-3 fatty acids. When these fats are expsed t xygen, they xidize and break dwn int the substance that yu can smell.
    T slw dwn the fishy smell, what is beynd questin is that the less time between when the fish are caught and when they reach the kitchen, the better. But tday, fish are ften flwn acrss the glbe. T keep smell-prducing bacteria at bay, the fish must be frzen r kept at the lw temperature pssible as sn as they are caught and cleaned.
    Cntrlling fat xidatin can functin as well, especially fr fattier fish species. While freezing slws bacterial grwth, it des nt stp fat xidatin. This reactin will ccur as lng as xygen is present. Fatty fish are usually nt frzen because, despite the cld temperature, they’re ging t xidize pretty fast unless they are stred in a lw xygen cntainer. That’s why thse species are ften canned.
    It’s als imprtant t remember that smell is nt always an indicatr f safety, especially in prcessed fish prducts. “What yu might cnsider the fish y smell may be a delicacy in anther culture,” said Carl A. Batt, a prfessr f fd science at Crnell University.
    28. Which f the fllwing has the fishy smell?
    A. Fish fat.B. TMAO.C. Cadaverine.D. Lysine.
    29. What is the best way t reduce the fish y smell f fat fish species?
    A. Drying them in the air.B. String them in clsed cntainers.
    C. Carefully cleaning them.D. Expsing them t rich xygen.
    30. What is Carl A. Batt’s attitude t the fishy smell?
    A. Objective.B. Negative.C. Acceptable.D. Unclear.
    31. Hw is the text rganized?
    A. Tpic—Example—Cnclusin.B. Tpic—Cmparisn—Opinin.
    C. Questin——Cause——Slutin.D. Questin—Effect—Opinin.
    Atmic shapes are s simple that they can’t be brken dwn any further. Mathematicians are trying t turn t artificial intelligence(AI)fr help t build a peridic table f these shapes, hping it will assist in finding yet-unknwn atmic shapes.
    Tm Cates at Imperial Cllege Lndn and his clleagues are wrking t classify atmic shapes knwn as Fan varieties, which are s simple that they can’t be brken dwn int smaller cmpnents. Just as chemists arranged element s in the peridic table by their atmic weight and grup t reveal new insights, the researchers hpe that rganizing these atmic shapes by their varius prperties will help in understanding them.
    The team has given each atmic shape a sequence f numbers based n its features such as the number f hles it has r the extent t which it bends arund itself. This acts as a bar cde(条形码)t identify it. Cates and his clleagues have nw created an AI that can predict certain prperties f these shapes frm their bar cde numbers alne, with an accuracy f 98 percent.
    The team member Alexander Kasprzyk at the University f Nttingham, UK, says that the AI has let the team rganize atmic shapes in a way that begins t fllw the peridic table, s that when yu read frm left t right, r up and dwn, there seem t be general patterns in the gemetry(几何)f the shapes.
    Graham Nib l at the University f Suthamptn, UK, stresses that humans will still need t understand the results prvided by AI and create prfs f these ideas. “AI has definitely gt unbelievable abilities. But in the same way that telescpes(望远镜)dn’t put astrnmers ut f wrk, AI desn’t put mathematicians ut f wrk,” he says. “It just gives us new backing that allws us t explre parts f the mathematical landscape that are ut f reach.”
    The team hpes t imprve the mdel t the pint where missing spaces in its peridic table culd pint t the existence f unknwn shapes.
    32. What is the purpse f building a peridic table f shapes?
    A. T gain deeper insights int the atmic shapes.
    B. T create an AI t predict the unknwn shapes.
    C. T break dwn atmic shapes int smaller parts.
    D. T arrange chemical elements in the peridic table.
    33. What can the bar cde f each atmic shape tell us?
    A. Its hles.B. Its bends.
    C. Its atmic weight.D. Its prperties.
    34. What des the underlined wrd “backing” in paragraph 5 mean?
    A. Design.B. Help.C. Duty.D. Threat.
    35. What is the main idea f the text?
    A. Thanks t AI, new atmic shapes have been discvered.
    B. Mathematicians turn t AI t create mre atmic shapes.
    C. AI helps build a relatinship between chemistry and maths.
    D. A peridic table f shapes can be built with the help f AI.
    Hw t Design a Small Garden
    Even if yu dn’t have a large area in yur yard, yu can still make a beautiful garden that maximizes the space yu have by fllwing tips.
    36 . Lk fr a place in yur yard where yu can see yur garden frm a windw r aspt in yur yard s that yu’re able t enjy it. Make sure yu can walk int yur garden with ease t make it easier t take care f yur plants. 37 .
    Plan the layut fr yur garden by drawing the utline n the paper. Start by sketching lnger rectangles(矩形)fr yur garden beds s they’re t scale fr the actual size yu want them. 38 . Be sure t leave an 18-inch space between garden beds s yu can easily walk between them and care fr yur plants.
    Arrange yur design s there are fcal pints. Aim t have several aspects f yur garden design unique s they stand ut frm the rest f yur plants. 39 . Take int cnsideratin where yu want peple t fcus r have their attentin drawn t when they lk at yur garden, and plan yur design arund thse spts. Fcal pints help yur garden feel mre inviting and make it mre visually pleasing.
    Put similar plants acrss frm ne anther t create rhythm and symmetry(对称). Rather than put different plants in each f yur garden beds, chse t use the same plant r nes that have similar textures r clrs s they’re acrss frm ne anther. 40 .
    A. And avid any incnvenience caused by difficult access
    B. Try t psitin smaller plants in between larger nes
    C. Pick a place where yu can easily get t yur garden
    D. Yu may still be able t measure the length f the rectangles
    E. Then divide the rectangles int smaller sectins fr different plants
    F. This culd be a statue r a funtain placed in the center r n either side
    G. That way, when yu lk at yur garden, it will lk inviting and make the area feel mre balanced
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    My wrld changed when I was visiting my best friend Becky three years ag. Her dg had 41 a litter f pups and there was ne puppy left when I arrived.
    The puppy was s 42 that I still remember Becky saying, “Dn’t get t 43 , and I knw yu aren’t int a dg.” Unexpectedly, a few days int my visit, it 44 that this little puppy was cming hme with me! I called him Timmy.
    When getting hme, it was very clear that my tw cats were nt s enthusiastic abut the new 45 t ur family. It tk a while fr the three f them t find their 46 , and, fr me, having a puppy really tk sme time t adapt t, wh was always s 47 and wanted t be everywhere I was. I culdn’t believe hw 48 this little puppy was n my time and lve. In spite f that, there were 49 times when I wndered if I’d made the wrng decisin—especially when he put 50 in my clthes. I sn learned that I culdn’t 51 things n the flr—nthing was safe frm thse little teeth!
    Timmy is nw three years ld and I lve 52 at the parks with my best buddy. He still fllws me arund like a 53 . Wherever I g, my little man, wh has gt the best 54 that wins everyne ver. I can’t 55 him nt being right at my heels nw.
    41. A. abandnedB. identifiedC. seenD. had
    42. A. puzzlingB. fascinatingC. depressingD. uplifting
    43. A. attachedB. ccupiedC. frightenedD. amused
    44. A. witnessedB. reprtedC. happenedD. implied
    45. A. cntributinB. generatinC. cmbinatinD. additin
    46. A. shelterB. rhythmC. featureD. manner
    47. A. energeticB. generusC. brilliantD. cnsiderate
    48. A. preciusB. significantC. dependentD. essential
    49. A. hpefullyB. frtunatelyC. rarelyD. definitely
    50. A. patternsB. hlesC. buttnsD. paints
    51. A. leaveB. seekC. tailrD. drag
    52. A. cutting inB. fading utC. shwing upD. hanging ut
    53. A. shadwB. dgC. friendD. thief
    54. A. capabilityB. psitinC. persnalityD. diversity
    55. A. cheatB. pictureC. reflectD. suggest
    “China wuld always prvide imprtant pprtunities fr glbal develpment, and the natin wuld remain cmmitted t 56 (drive)ecnmic glbalizatin in a mre pen, balanced and win-win directin,” an fficial said n the sixth China Internatinal Imprt Exp(CIIE)n Sunday. In his speech n the CIIE, which pened in Shanghai, he mentined that varius natins shuld 57 (jint)seek develpment in the sluggish(迟缓的)glbal ecnmic recvery.
    “The CIIE, first 58 (hld)in 2018, serves as a platfrm fr internatinal prcurement(采购), investment prmtin and peple-t-peple exchanges, 59 has cntributed t encuraging a new develpment pattern and glbal ecnmic grwth,” the fficial nted. He als expressed the 60 (expect)that the annual exp culd functin as a gateway t the new develpment pattern and presented new pprtunities t the wrld with China’s fresh develpment. Additinally, he said the exp shuld fully play 61 (it)rle as a platfrm fr facilitating high-level pening-up and make the Chinese market 62 majr ne shared by the wrld, s that the whle wrld culd benefit 63 win-win cperatin.
    The fficial als 64 (stress)Beijing’s effrts t advance pening-up with greater market pprtunities, 65 (far)creating immense ecnmic grwth fr the wrld.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    1.写作词数应为 80左右;
    An ld and fragile wman apprached a very busy rad intersectin. She stepped slwly frwards. She paused at the sidewalk’s edge, grasping a heavy bucket filled with fresh red apples. She aimed t crss the street.
    The way t the intersectin befre her seemed like a tugh jurney. The traffic lights changed regularly, and the flw f cars seemed t be nn-stp fr the ld wman. She knew she had t crss the street t reach her destinatin, a small grcery stre n the ther side, where she sld her apples t make ends meet.
    As she slwly made her way t the crsswalk, she held the handle f the bucket. A kind-hearted driver in the first car, recgnizing her struggle, stpped well befre the sidewalk, allwing her t crss safely. Grateful fr this act f kindness, the ld wman ndded and ffered the driver a slight smile as she inched frward.
    A secnd car, in the next rad, als came t a stp. Its driver als witnessed the ld wman’s slw prgress. The kindness f strangers warmed her heart, and with their help, she mved anther step clser t her destinatin.
    Hwever, the third rad was a different stry. As the ld wman mved carefully further int the rad, a speeding car apprached, its engine making lud sund like a beast. Panic flwed thrugh the ld lady as she realized the appraching danger. The driver f the third car had nt nticed her until the very last mment.
    With a jlt(颠簸)f terrr, the ld wman’s hlding n the bucket weakened, and the bucket slipped frm her weak grasp. The bucket fell t the grund, releasing its gds f apples, which scattered(散开)in all directins. The sund f the crashing bucket and rlling apples eched thrugh the busy city traffic.
    In the emergent time, the driver f the speeding car stepped n the brake t a stp just inches frm the ld wman. The drivers’ heart punded in their chest as they realized hw clse it had cme t a tragedy.
    1.续写词数应为 150左右;
    Hell, everyne!
    That’s all, thank yu!
    Shaken but unharmed, the ld wman std frzen, her eyes wide pen with fear.
    Eventually, with all the apples cllected, the three drivers helped the ld lady crss the rad.

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