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    命题人: 唐强辉 考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What des the man want t be in the future?
    A. Sldier. B. A lawyer. C. A teacher.
    2.Where will the wman prbably g first?
    A. The teacher’s ffice. B. The hspital. C. The gym.
    3. Hw des the wman keep fit nw?
    A. By wrking ut at a gym. B. By playing basketball. C. By ging climbing.
    4. What will the wman d in the evening?
    A. Eat ut. B. G shpping. C. Stay at hme.
    5. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. Why the man is late. B. When the film starts. C. Wh the visitr was.
    6. Hw many bedrms are there in the huse?
    A. One. B. Tw. C. Three.
    7. What will the wman help the man d?
    A. Take care f the dcuments. B. Lead him t the bank. C. Check n the huse.
    8.What attracted the man mst in Paris?
    A. The Eiffel Twer. B. The Luvre Museum. C. Restaurants and clubs.
    9. Hw did the man find his vacatin?
    A. Bring. B. Wnderful. C. Tiring.
    10. What are the speakers mainly discussing?
    A. Hw teenagers keep healthy.
    B. Why many teenagers get sick.
    C. What fd teenagers shuld have.
    11. What des the man think f an hur’s exercise fr teenagers daily?
    A. It’s nt enugh. B. It’s t tiring. C. It’s necessary.
    12 What des the man suggest teenagers d?
    A. Stp eating fast fd. B. Keep their hands clean. C. Imprve their schlwrk.
    13. Where des the wman wrk?
    A. In a transprt business. B. In a shpping centre. C. In a hspital.
    14. Hw will the wman g t wrk?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By train.
    15. What is the man’s pinin n parking in Bradgreen?
    A. It is cstly. B. It is easy. C. It is hard.
    16.What is the disadvantage f Bradgreen?
    A. It is far frm the shpping places.
    B. There is a lt f nise.
    C. The rents are high.
    17.When did Hemingway prduce his first cllectin f shrt stries?
    A. In 1923. B. In 1932. C. In 1952.
    18.What is Hemingway’s The Sun Als Rises abut?
    A. A grup f reprters.
    B. Sme writers and artists.
    C. His childhd experience.
    19.What d we knw abut A Farewell t Arms?
    A. It came ut in 1924.
    B. It was Hemingway’s third nvel.
    C. It describes smething related t Wrld War I.
    20. What was The Old Man and the Sea based n?
    A. The stry f a reprter.
    B. An ld fisherman’s real life.
    C. Hemingway’s experiences f ging fishing.
    Have yu ever been int a cave? If nt, please fllw us and explre sme f the mst beautiful caves frm arund the wrld!
    Marble Caves
    Lcated in the center f Lake General Carrera, the Marble Caves in Chic, Chile, are nly accessible by bat. The surrunding crystal clear waters allw visitrs t see the rck frmatins beneath them while the rck ceilings abve change clr (depending n the writer levels and the seasn). The best time t visit: during sunrise and sunset, when the sun’s rays light up the cave walls, making it an experience t remember.
    Reed Flute Cave
    Reed F1ute Cave knwn as “the Palace f Natural Arts” is lcated in the nrthwest f Guilin in suthern China.The limestne cave ffers a grand fairyland f stalactites(钟乳石), stne pillars, stne curtains, birds, plants and animals in fantastic shapes and clrs.
    Fingal’s Cave
    This incredible sea cave is lcated n the uninhabited island f Staffa in Sctland. The cave’s size, shape, and naturally - arched(拱形的) rf cmbine with the waves t create strange sunds that enhance its cathedral - like atmsphere.
    The Blue Grtt
    The Blue Grtt is the symbl f Capri. It is a sea cave fund n the cast f the island and is a well-knwn spt t all wh visit the area. This cave is unique fr its brilliant blue light which cmes frm tw surces: the entrance t the cave and a bigger hle beneath the entrance. When viewed frm inside the cave, the entrance appears as a brilliant white light just abve the waterline, while the underwater hle, which is the larger surce f light, prvides a blue light.
    21. Why is sunset the best time t visit Marble Caves?
    A. Because bats are nly available at sunset.
    B. Because it has the mst beautiful scenery.
    C. Because it is surrunded by clear waters.
    D. Because it has enugh light in it.
    22. Which cave will yu g t if yu want t enjy the strange sund?
    A. Reed Flute Cave.B. Marble Caves.
    C. The Blue Grtt.D. Fingal’s Cave.
    23. What is special abut the Blue Grtt?
    A. Bright blue lightB. Varius plants and animals.
    C. Unique underwater hle.D. Strange sunds.
    Super Typhn Rai (knwn as “Odette” in the Philippines) made landfall n Siarga Island in sutheastern Philippines at 1:30 pm lcal time n Thursday, December 16. The typhn was the 15th strm t hit the cuntry in 2021 and was the strngest strm f 2021. Almst 16 millin Filipins were facing threats including strng winds, heavy rains, flding, landslides, displacement and risking lss f life, hme, livelihd and agriculture. Arund 700,000 f them were children.
    UNICEF (United Natins Internatinal Children’s Emergency Fund) expressed deep cncern fr children and families at risk and annunced its cmmitment t prviding supprt t the Philippine gvernment. Reyn Ambag was ne f the children wh were rescued during the typhn.
    12-year-ld Reyn Ambag is a grade 7 student living n the island f Siarga. He ges t schl in San Isidr Natinal High Schl which is lcated in the Municipality f San Isidr. With Values Educatin as his favrite subject in schl, Reyn is always ready t help thers.
    Reyn is raised by his mther wh is a single parent and runs a retail stre alne. Aside frm his mther, his cusin has als been living with them t help ut in the absence f Reyn’s father. Reyn’s mther prvides fr all three f them. She is able t supprt their daily needs and Reyn’s schling by the incme she gets frm the small retail stre.
    During Typhn Odette, Reyn’s family stayed inside the cmfrt rm f the schl where they were evacuated (疏散) t. There, he witnessed thrugh the windw hw the strng winds f the typhn destryed the area. They stayed there until the strm subsided and it was safe fr them t g ut. Upn returning t their hme, they were astnished t find that their huse was damaged due t the fallen trees.
    After bserving the delays in restring the electricity in their cmmunity, Reyn wanted t pursue a related jb in the future. “I want t be an electrician smeday s that if a pwer cut wuld happen because f a typhn, I wuld be able t help in restring it fr free,” said Reyn.
    24. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Different types f natural disasters.
    B. The intrductin f a typhn and its threats.
    C. Histrical data f the strngest typhns.
    D. The gvernment’s reactin t Super Typhn Rai.
    25. Where des Reyn’s schling fees cme frm?
    A. His father. B. His cusin.
    C. His family stre. D. His part-time jb.
    26. What des the underlined wrd “subsided” in paragraph 5 prbably mean?
    A. Brke dwn. B. Fell dwn.
    C. Went dwn. D. Died dwn.
    27. Why did Reyn intend t becme an electrician?
    A. T make mney t supprt his family.
    B. T reward the cmmunity with his wrk.
    C. T restre pwer in time after typhns.
    D. T meet his mther’s expectatins f him.
    A study frm the University f Mntreal and the Mntreal Museum f Fine Arts, published in Frntiers in Medicine, fund that regular virtual visits t museums culd help senirs stay mentally active and cme with a hst f additinal health benefits. That’s because these digital cnnectins can make retirees feel less lnely and islated(孤立的).
    Scial islatin has been assciated with the risks fr heart disease and the decline f recgnitin abilities in senirs and the pandemic increased the risks due t the need fr senirs t stay hme and islate, accrding t a press release frm the university.
    The researchers investigated the ptential benefits f weekly virtual visits fr a three-mnth perid. The participants were peple aged 65 and lder wh lived in Mntreal. Half f the participants tk part in nline visits and a discussin afterwards, while the cntrl grup did nt participate in any cultural events at all. The grup wh participated in the virtual visits shwed imprvements in their quality f life. “Our study shwed that art-based activities may be an effective interventin,”lead authr Dr. Olivier Beauchet, a prfessr at the University f Mntreal, said in the press release. “On a glbal scale, this participatry art-based activity culd becme a mdel that culd be ffered in museums and arts institutins wrldwide t prmte active and healthy aging.”
    The initiative reflects appraches recmmended by the Wrld Health Organizatin t manage certain diseases, accrding t Beauchet. Fr instance, the WHO launched the Aging and Health Prgram in 2015 that included using cmmunity-based rganizatins t prmte culture as a key cmpnent f imprving health. Traditinally, these srts f preventive health activities have taken place in schls, cmmunity centers, and wrkplaces. “While these are suitable lcatins that reach a great number f peple, there are additinal rganizatins and sectrs that culd becme partners in public health research and practice develpment,” Beauchet said. “Museums are amng such ptential partners. They are aware f the needs f their cmmunities and are cnsequently expanding the types f activities they ffer.”
    28. Hw d senirs benefit frm regular virtual visits t museums?
    A. They imprve quality f life. B. They raise interest in art.
    C. They get survival skills. D. They cnnect mre with family.
    29. What can be inferred frm Beauchet’s wrds in Paragraph 3?
    A. Senirs shuld attend mre art-based activities.
    B. They imprve quality f life.
    C. Face-t-face discussin is a useful interventin.
    D. Participants cme frm the whle wrld.
    30. What is the purpse f the last paragraph?
    A. T entertain. B. T advcate
    C. T advertise. D. T warn.
    31. Which may be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. The Aged Frm a Cmmunity t Reduce Lneliness
    B. Virtual Art-based Activities Bring Peple Tgether
    C. Online Museum Trips Imprve Senirs’ Well-being
    D. Retired Individuals Pay Mre Visits t Museums
    What is the purpse f lightning?
    Many are familiar with the ptentially deadly dangers psed by lightning, which is blamed fr an average f 43 deaths in the United States each year, based n data frm 1989 t 2018. Althugh the dds f being struck are quite lw — 1 in 1,222,000 in a given year and 1 in 15,300 in a lifetime — many in the weather cmmunity have lng urged peple t take prper precautins t stay safe amid strms, which can frequently cause lightning, even withut turning severe.
    Hwever, the researchers recently uncvered a surprising and beneficial impact f lightning. The Earth is struck by lightning nearly 20 millin times each year, and lighting can travel as much as 10 t 12 miles frm a thunderstrm, instantly heating the air t 50,000 degrees Fahrenheit. Essentially, lightning ccurs due t the buildup f electric charges in the atmsphere. In rder t balance ut the different charges, lightning is caused between tw cluds r between a clud and the grund.
    The study was based n an airbrne research flight cnducted by a strm-chasing plane. The plane was used t examine the tp prtin f thunderstrm cluds. Researchers initially thught there was a prblem with the equipment n the plane, which was being used t measure the hydrxyl radicals(羟基自由基) in the atmsphere until they realized spikes they bserved crrespnded with lightning flashes.
    Researchers previusly understd that lightning culd help t clean the atmsphere, but there was n evidence that it culd generate cmpunds like these radicals. And the data shwed surprising spikes f up t 1,000 mre hydrxyl radicals than the nrmal value. As a result, the study estimates that smewhere between 2% and 16% f the cleaning that happens naturally in the Earth's atmsphere, is dne by lightning.
    Why is this significant? The cleaning prcess helps t reduce chemicals like carbn mnxide and methane in the atmsphere. These chemicals, knwn fr being greenhuse gases, have been prven t cntribute t rising temperatures assciated with climate change.
    32. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Lighting happens in a flash
    B. Lighting causes deaths every year
    C. Lighting can help fight against glbal warming
    D. Lighting reduces gases in the atmsphere
    33. Hw many deaths did lighting causes in the United States frm 1989 t 2018?
    A. Less than 1000 B. Abut 1300
    C. Abut 2000 D. Mre than1600
    34. Hw des lighting clean the atmsphere?
    A. By generating carbn mnxide. B. By increasing hydrxyl radicals.
    C. By heating the air. D. By reducing greenhuse gases.
    35. What made researchers dubt the equipment n the plane?
    A. The electrnic charges in the atmsphere
    B. The times f lighting flashes
    C. The tp prtin f thunderstrm cluds.
    D. The increasing amunt f hydrxyl radical.
    Fd waste has becme a severe prblem acrss the wrld due t a lack f understanding f hw t effectively use fd and cnserve it. Rughly ne- third f the fd prduced glbally is either lst r wasted every year. ___36___
    Stp Fd Waste Day is an internatinal day f actin in the fight against fd waste. It began back in 2017 by Cmpass Grup, ne f the wrld’s largest fd-service cmpanies serving restaurants, cafes, hspitals, schls, and mre. ___37___ On this day, Cmpass cuntry teams will wrk tgether t raise awareness f the critical fd waste prblem and inspire change.
    Stp Fd Waste Day aims t educate peple abut their fd waste ___38___Stp Fd Waste Day hpes t change the way leftvers are used, s peple can take the mst significant advantage f what fd they use.
    The Cmpass Grup fcuses the effrts f its missin by teaching their chefs hw t track and reduce waste as much as pssible. They als seek t dnate mre than 250, 000 punds f fd each year t lcal fd banks.
    ___39___ Shw yur supprt by lking up simple recipes t best use leftvers and fresh prduce. Befre fd shpping, plan ahead by making a list and nly buying what yu knw yu’ll use. ___40___
    Get int the habit f freezing leftvers, instead f thrwing them in the rubbish. Besides, help teach peple abut the benefits f saving fd waste.
    A. Help schedule cking demnstratins and share recipes.
    B. Nw it’s yur turn t take actin.
    C. Mre imprtantly, it ffers creative and effective slutins.
    D. It brings 30 cuntries tgether.
    E. Fd waste, hwever, can be stpped.
    F. Cmpass Grup prmised t reduce fd waste by 30% by 2025.
    G. Als avid wasting fd by seeing what needs t be used up befre yu g shpping.
    第三部分英语语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
    第一节完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入 . 空白处的最佳选项。
    Silence is imprtant fr learning. I gt it frm my furteen-mnth-ld daughter Arielle.
    One day, she sat n the flr with an ld baby dll. Withut buttns, it culd neither ___41___ nr play music. The whle rm was silent. Then Arielle began t explre the baby dll. When her hand tuched a tiny ___42___. she used ne finger t trace(勾画)its shape. Then she___43___ ne f her wn ears and then bth ears. She kept tracing the dll’s ear and her wn a few mre times until, ___44___, she turned her attentin elsewhere.
    At that mment I discvered hw human ___45___ tk place. Smething stimulated Arielle’s ___46___: Is her bdy like her dll’s? With n utside stimulatin, she satisfied her curisity by cmparing the dll’s bdy and herself. ___47___, fr many kids, experiences like Arielle’s are less and less frequent ___48___children are surrunded by thse s-called ___49___ tys which can talk and mve at the push f a buttn. This ___50___them t push buttns repeatedly withut thinking and may rb(剥夺)children f pprtunities t slve prblems.
    Like adults, children need time that is ___51___ t experience the difference between just reacting t utside stimulatin and ___52___ their wn ideas by explring the wrld.
    Indeed, the tys mst likely t encurage creative play are nt thse that make ___53___ r have lts f unnecessary functins. ___54___, they are simple, quiet and can be used in lts f different ways. S next time, when ___55__ what t buy yur child, make a wise chice.
    41.A. smile B. stand C. walk D. talk
    42.A. hand B. arm C. ear D. ft
    43.A. gt B. cvered C. hurt D. felt
    44.A. satisfied B. surprised C. cnfused D. amused
    45.A. aging B. cmmunicatin C. learning D. intelligence
    46.A. imaginatinB. curisity C. creativity D. determinatin
    47.A. Eventually B. Sadly C. Hpefully D. Frtunately
    48.A. unless B. while C. until D. since
    49.A. safe B. delicate C. smart D. interesting
    50.A. required B. frbade C. urged D. caused
    51.A. quiet B. limited C. extra D. precius
    52.A. changing B. develping C. expressing D. reflecting
    53.A. nise B. prfits C. prgress D. recrds
    54.A. Hwever B. Instead C. Therefre D. Besides
    55.A. asking B. studying C. deciding D. suggesting
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Wrld Ppulatin Day was funded by the United Natins, and this hliday is __56__ (annual) bserved n July 11th.
    The idea f Wrld Ppulatin Day started in the late 1960s, ___57___ wrld leaders penly declared that adults have the right ___58___ (chse) whether they wanted children r nt. This idea was als viewed as a human right. During this era, leaders were mre pen abut ___59____ (discuss) child-bearing and the right wmen had t time their children ___60___ they wished. While this was just ne f the ___61___ (sign) t the feminist mvement in the US, this idea was new t many develping natins at the time.
    In 1989, the wrld ppulatin quickly increased t five billin. During this same year, the United Natins funded Wrld Ppulatin Day. Bth events ___62___ (ccur) n July 11th f that year.
    Wrld Ppulatin Day is celebrated in many ways-much f this depends n the regin. Participants wh live in cuntries where gender ___63____ (equal) is a law, the hliday is meant t be ___64____ reflectin and celebratin f significant mments in histry that helped sciety achieve this basic human right.
    Every July 11th, the United Natins als has central celebratins in which all natins ___65____ (permit) t participate. In additin, the UN hlds an annual theme.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
    1. 问题的严重性;
    2. 发出倡议等。
    注意:1. 词数80词左右;
    2. 开头结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear teachers and fellw students,
    That’s all! Thanks fr all yur attentin!
    Catherine was the clest kid in her class. Whenever she went, she was in the sptlight, with a bunch f kids fllwing her and ding everything she did.
    Her deskmate, Landy, hwever, was nt in the cl kids’ grup. Being the tallest kid in her class, she was teased(取笑) by her classmates, wh were always chanting “Landy, Landy, lng as spaghetti (意大利面)”. Every time Landy heard thse silly chants, she culd feel her face burst int flames(鲜红色). Gd knew hw she wished the grund t crack and swallw her!
    Catherine didn’t really like it when the kids chanted “Landy, Landy, lng as spaghetti”. But she never tld them t stp either, and nr did she ever talk t her. She liked being ppular.
    One weekend, Catherine went ver t her grandfather fr Thanksgiving. Her grandfather lives n a farm at the ppsite end f twn, where he keeps chickens. While helping t feed the chickens, Catherine nticed a peculiar(特别的) ne. Curling in the crner, it lked smaller than the thers and was almst half-bare!
    “What’s the matter with it?” She asked her grandfather, with a puzzled frwn n her face. Her grandfather tld her hw chickens culd act. “They have a pecking (啄) rder,” he explained, wrinkles f cncern spreading arund his frehead. “If ne chicken is different, the thers will push it away and keep pecking it. Smetimes they peck it s much that it dies.”
    “Oh, what a pr little thing!” Catherine let ut a sigh as she scped the frightened chicken up in her arms, whse heart was beating fast in the bny little bdy. Suddenly, she thught f Landy, the girl being “pecked” by her classmates. “I’m ging t take it hme and take gd care f it,” she said with a determined lk.
    Back in schl, Catherine tld the cl kids abut the chicken. “It’s lking healthy,” she said prudly. “It’s fatter and its feathers are grwing. Even the cat likes it. She carries it arund the garden, and...” Everyne was entertained by Catherine’s stry f her lvely chicken, laughter lingering arund the classrm.
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Then Catherine sptted Landy sitting by herself in a crner.
    ___________________________________________________________________But Catherine walked directly tward Landy, regardless f what they said.
    1-5 BAACA 6-10 CACBA 11-15 CBCBB 16-20 AABCC
    第二部分 阅读理解
    A篇【答案】21. D 22. D 23. A
    B篇【答案】24. B 25. C 26. D 27. C
    C篇【答案】28. A 29.A 30. B 31. C
    D篇【答案】32. C 33.B 34. D 35. D
    第二节 七选五
    【答案】36 E 37. D 38. C 39. B 40. G
    第三部分 语言运用
    【答案】41. D 42. C 43. D 44. A 45. C 46. B 47. B 48. D 49. C 50. D 51. A 52. B 53. A 54. B 55. C
    56. annually 57. when 58. t chse 59.discussing 60. as
    61.signs 62.ccurred 63.equality 64.a 65.are permitted
    第四部分 书面表达
    第一节Pssible versin:
    Dear teachers and fellw students,
    It’s my great hnr t stand here and present a speech abut the wrrying situatin in ur schl. Yu may have nticed that a large numbers f students dn’t like ding physical exercise, which bviusly has bad effects bth n ur health and study.
    As a result, I strngly appeal t yu all t stick t the practice f physical exercise every mrning, which helps start a happy and pleasant day. Besides, yu’d better make full use f the PE class and ten-minute breaks t wrk ut s that yu will feel refreshed and mre energetic in class. Last f all, time permitting, yu can take part in the clrful after-schl activities, such as playing basketball and ding rpe skipping n the playgrund. I am sure yu will find them interesting and beneficial.
    D take gd care f ur health, and yu’re bund t enjy a bright future.
    That’s all! Thanks fr all yur attentin!
    第二节 Pssible versin:
    Then Catherine sptted Landy sitting by herself in a crner. She kept her head dwn with her eyes fixed n the flr as usual. It hit Catherine that the pecking rder wrked in schl, t. Landy was just like the pr little chicken, being teased and ignred by her classmates, merely due t her special height. “It’s time fr me t make an aplgy t Landy.” Catherine thught t herself. N sner had she made up her mind than she annunced it t the cl kids surrunding her. Astnished at what she said, all the kids burst ut screaming, “Talking t the lng spaghetti? Are yu crazy?”
    But Catherine walked directly tward Landy, regardless f what they said. “Hi, Landy. I’m srry abut the spaghetti thing.” Catherine murmured an aplgy, her face reddening. “I knw it hurts yu. Can yu frgive us?” She figured Landy might just walk away. But she lifted her misty eyes and ndded yes. Catherine wiped away her tears, giving her a warm hug. Mved by the scene, the ther kids als came t ffer their sincere aplgies t Landy. Frm that day n, n ne made up silly chants abut Landy, and Catherine als gained an imprtant life lessn that everyne shuld be treated equally n matter hw special he r she was
    W: Cngratulatins! I hear yu're ging t jin the Army.
    M: Thanks. But actually, it's my twin brther wh is ging t jin the army. I'm ging t university I wish t becme a lawyer in the future
    (Text 2)
    W: Lk, Mark. I hurt my knee during the gym class.
    M: If I were yu. I'd ask ur teacher fr leave and g t the hspital right nw.
    W: I'd better d as yu say.
    W: What is yur hbby?
    M: I like climbing muntains. Actually, 1 started climbing in rder t be healthier. Hw abut yu?
    W: When I was in senir high schl, I used t play basketball. But nw 1 g t the fitness centre and use the equipment there.
    M: We culd g t a ball game this evening, r wuld yu rather eat in a restaurant and then g t the shpping centre?
    W: Given that I'm expecting an imprtant phne call. I can't really g anywhere this evening.
    W: Yu shuld have been here thirty minutes ag. The film has been n.
    M: Srry. I was abut t leave my huse when I had an unexpected visitr. We talked fr sme time.
    W: I dn't want such things t happen again.
    M: Can yu help me? I'd like t buy a huse with a garden.
    W: Sure. I recmmend this huse.
    M: Hw many rms are there?
    W: Eight rms: a kitchen, tw mdern bathrms, a lvely dining rm, a living rm and three sweet bedrms.
    M: Hw much is it?
    W: Ninety thusand dllars. Yu needn't pay the whle price at ne time. Yu just pay 50% in advance. We'll deal with the paperwrk fr yu and then yu can brrw the ther 50% frm a bank.
    M: OK.
    W: S, yu're back frm Paris! What did yu think f the Luvre Museum?
    M: Actually, I didn't g t the Luvre.
    W: Oh. Well, hw abut the ther famus places? The Eiffel Twer, Ntre Dame ..
    M: Thse kinds f places dn't attract me.
    W: Yu must have thught Paris was pretty bring, then!
    M: Bring? N way! I went t a different restaurant and a different club every night the fd was wnderful. And I heard sme fantastic music. It was the best vacatin I've ever had!
    W: Tday we are talking t Dctr Smith, wh is an expert n teenage health. Dctr, what is the mst imprtant thing fr teenagers wh want t be healthy?
    M: Exercise, and lts f it. A teenager needs abut an hur f gd exercise every day.
    W: That's a lt. Wn't they get tired?
    M: Nt if they get enugh sleep. A teenager needs abut 9 hurs’ sleep a night. Gd sleep and lts f exercise can imprve their schlwrk, t!
    W: Cl! What else?
    M: S many peple get sick because they dn't wash their hands ften enugh. Always wash yur hands befre a meal and after being utside.
    W: What abut fd?
    M: Of curse it's imprtant t eat well.
    W: S, n fast fd?
    M: Well, fast fd can be OK smetimes. But dn't eat it every day!
    (Text 9)
    W: Hell, I'm mving t Liverpl next mnth and I’ve gt a jb at the children's hspital. S I need t find a place t live near there.
    M: I'd recmmend yu a blck called Bradgreen.
    W: Can yu tell me mre abut the area? I have a car but I’d rather use ther frms f transprt t g t the hspital.
    M: This area has a very gd bus service and a train service.
    W: The bus sunds gd. I cme frm Lndn and parking can be a real prblem there.
    M: Yeah, my sister lives in Lndn and she has t pay fr parking in her wn street! Yu'll be glad t hear we dn't have that prblem here.
    W: Gd. What are the rents like?
    M: The weekly rent here is arund £120, much cheaper than that in Lndn.
    W: Great! There has t be sme disadvantage t it. I think there's a lt f nise in the area r smething.
    M: Nt at all. Thugh sme peple d find they have t travel a bit t g shpping.
    (Text 10)
    M: Tday we'll talk abut Ernest Hemingway, the famus American writer. Like many great writers, many f Hemingway's bks and stries were based n his persnal experiences. In 1923,he prduced his first cllectin f shrt stries and mst f the stries related t his childhd. As we knw, in his early twenties, Hemingway lived in Paris and knew many famus writers and artists there. S in his first nvel. The Sun Als Rises. he wrte abut thse talented but lnely and angry peple. In 1929, he prduced his furth nvel, A Farewell t Arms. which was based n his experiences during Wrld WarⅠ. During Wrld War Ⅱ, he wrked as a reprter in Eurpe, and he used these experiences t write Acrss the River and int the Trees. In 1952, he wrte a shrt nvel, The Old Man and the Sea. Fr this bk, he wn the Nbel Prize fr Literature. Why is it the best? As I said, when he was yunger, he used t g fishing with his father and in his later years, deep-sea fishing remained his favurite hbby. He was able t write a pwerful stry because f his wn persnal experience

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