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    第一部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    If yu have difficulty deciding n yur bk list, the ideas shared by sme great talents might help yu ut.
    Read bks frm eras past // Alert Einstein
    Keeping up with current events and latest bks frm the bestseller list is a big jb,but Albert Einstein thught it was vital t leave sme rm fr lder wrks,t.Otherwise,yu’d be “cmpletely dependent n the prejudices and fashins f yur times,” he wrte in a 1952 jurnal article.
    “Smebdy wh reads nly newspapers and at best bks f cntemprary authrs lks t me like an extremely near-sighted persn wh scrns(拒绝)eyeglasses,”he wrte.
    Dn’t jump t quickly frm bk t bk //Seneca
    Seneca, a first-century Rman Stic philspher, believed that reading t wide a variety in t shrt a time wuld keep the teachings frm leaving a lasting impressin n yu.“Yu must spend much time amng a limited number f master thinkers,if yu wuld gain ideas which shall win firm hld in yur mind,” he wrte.
    Shp at secndhand bkstres/Virginia Wlf
    In her essay “Street Haunting,” Virginia Wlf described the benefits f shpping in secndhand bkstres,where the wrks “have cme tgether in vast flcks f varius feather, and have a charm which the carefully chsen bks f the library lack.”
    Accrding t Wlf,lking thrugh used bks gives yu the chance t cme acrss smething that wuldn’t have risen t the attentin f librarians and bksellers,wh are ften much mre selective in building their cllectins than secndhand bkstre wners.
    Yu can skip utdated science wrks,but nt ld literature // Edward Lyttn
    19th-century British nvelist and Parliamentarian Edward Lyttn was a firm believer in the value f reading ld literature.
    “In science,read,by preference,the newest wrks;in literature,the ldest,” he wrte in his 1863 essay cllectin,Caxtniana.“The classic literature is always mdem.New bks revive and redecrate ld ideas; ld bks suggest and invigrate new ideas.”
    1. Wh hlds the idea that great wrks shuld be digested?
    A. Virginia Wlf.B. Seneca.
    C. Alert Einstein.D. Edward Lyttn.
    2. What attracted Virginia Wlf t secndhand bkstres?
    A. The lwer price.B. A mre careful selectin.
    C. A wider range.D. The warmer service.
    3. Hw des Edward Lyttn find the classical literature?
    A. valuable.B. utdated.
    C. challenging.D. Interesting.
    【答案】1. B 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。根据Dn’t jump t quickly frm bk t bk //Seneca中的“Seneca, a first-century Rman Stic philspher, believed that reading t wide a variety in t shrt a time wuld keep the teachings frm leaving a lasting impressin n yu. “Yu must spend much time amng a limited number f master thinkers, if yu wuld gain ideas which shall win firm hld in yur mind,” he wrte. (公元一世纪的古罗马斯多葛派哲学家Seneca认为,在短时间内读书太杂会让自己无法长久铭记从书中获得的教益。他在给罗马作家卢西利厄斯的信中写道:“你必须花时间品读少数几位伟大思想家的作品,这样才能让教益常驻心间。”) ”可知,Seneca认为伟大的作品应该被消化。故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据Shp at secndhand bkstres/Virginia Wlf中的“In her essay “Street Haunting,” Virginia Wlf described the benefits f shpping in secndhand bkstres, where the wrks “have cme tgether in vast flcks f varius feather, and have a charm which the carefully chsen bks f the library lack. (弗吉尼亚·伍尔夫在她的文章《街头漫步》中描述了在二手书店购物的好处,在那里各种书籍“像斑驳的羽毛一样堆在一起,这种魅力正是图书馆里中规中矩的藏书所欠缺的”)”可知,范围更广的图书引了弗吉尼亚•伍尔夫去二手书店。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据Yu can skip utdated science wrks, but nt ld literature // Edward Lyttn中的“19th-century British nvelist and Parliamentarian Edward Lyttn was a firm believer in the value f reading ld literature. (19世纪英国小说家、议会议员Edward Lyttn是古文学价值的坚定信徒)”可知,Edward Lyttn认为古典文学是有价值的。A. valuable. 有价值的;B. utdated. 过时的;C. challenging. 有挑战性的;D. Interesting. 有趣的。故选A项。
    In life,nce n a path,we tend t fllw it,fr better r wrse.What's sad is that even if it's the latter,we ften accept it anyway because we are s used t the way things are that wed dn't even recgnize that they culd be different This is a phenmenn psychlgist call functinal fixedness.
    This classic experiment will give yu an idea f hw it wrks and a sense f whether yu may have fallen int the same trap: Peple are given a bx f tacks (大头钉) and sme matches and asked t find a way t attach a candle t a wall s that it burns prperly.
    Typically, the subjects try tacking the candle t the wall r lighting it t fix it with melted wax. The psychlgists had, f curse, arranged it s that neither f these bvius appraches wuld wrk. The tacks are t shrt, and the paraffin (石蜡) desn't stick t the wall. S hw can yu cmplete the task? The successful technique is t use the tack bx as a candle-hlder. Yu empty it, tack it t the wall. and stand the candle inside it. T think f that, yu have t lk beynd the bx's usual rle as a receptacle just fr tacks and re-imagine it serving an entirely new purpse. That is difficult because we all suffer t ne degree r anther frm functinal fixedness.
    The inability t think in new ways affects peple in every crner f sciety. The plitical therist Hannah Arendt cined the phrase“frzen thughts”t describe deeply held ideas that we n lnger questin but shuld. In Arendt's eyes, the self- cntent reliance n such accepted “truths”als made peple blind t ideas that didn't fit their wrldview, even when there was plenty f evidence fr them.
    Frzen thinking has nthing t d with intelligence, she said,“It can be fund in highly intelligent peple.”
    4. What des the underlined wrd“it”in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. The experiment.B. Functinal fixedness.
    C. The path.D. The thinking.
    5. Which way is hard t think f t cmplete the task?
    A. Tacking the candle t the wall.
    B. Fixing the candle with melted wax.
    C. Using the tack bx as a candle-hlder.
    D. Lighting the candle t stand it.
    6. Which f the fllwing statements will Hannah Arendt agree with?
    A. Peple shuld questin.
    B. We shuld be used t the way things are.
    C. Peple shuldn't accept the idea that desn't fit their wrldview.
    D. The smarter peple are,the mre pen t the new things they are.
    7. What's the passage mainly abut?
    A. An interesting experiment
    B. A psychlgical phenmenn.
    C. A thery t be prved.
    D. The pinin f Hannah Arendt.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. A 7. B
    代词指代题。根据前一句This is a phenmenn psychlgist call functinal fixedness.可知这是一种心理学家称之为功能固着的现象。根据划线词所在句子This classic experiment will give yu an idea f hw it wrks and a sense f whether yu may have fallen int the same trap:可知这个经典的实验将让你了解它是如何起作用的,还会让你知道你是否会掉入同样的陷阱。结合上文可知这里的it就是前文的“(functinal fixedness)功能固着”,故选B项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的The successful technique is t use the tack bx as a candle-hlder. functinal fixedness.可知成功实现的方法就是把钉盒用作烛台。你需要把盒子清空,把它钉在墙上,然后把蜡烛放在里面。要考虑到这一点,你必须超越盒子通常的作用,不再把它看作是一个仅仅是为了图钉而设计的盒子,而是把它重新想象成一个有全新的用途的工具。这是困难的,因为我们都或多或少地承受着功能固着的痛苦。也就是说把钉盒用作烛台这个方法是很难想到的。故选C项。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中的“The plitical therist Hannah Arendt cined the phrase…als made peple blind t ideas that didn't fit their wrldview, even when there was plenty f evidence fr them.”可知政治理论家汉娜·阿伦特创造了“冻结思维”一词,它用来描述我们不再质疑、但应该质疑的根深蒂固的想法。阿伦特认为,自满的依赖这些公认的事实使人们对不符合他们世界观的想法视而不见,即使有足够的证据支持这些想法。由此可以推断汉娜·阿伦特会赞同“人们需要质疑”这个想法。故选A项。
    A new study says electrnic tys are nt helping babies learn.
    “Even if cmpanies are marketing them as educatinal, they’re nt teaching the babies anything at this time,” said the study’s authr, Anna Ssa. She is a Nrthern Arizna University prfessr wh heads the schl’s Child Speech and Language Lab.
    Ssa and her fellw researchers listened t audi recrdings f parents playing with their babies-aged 10 mnths t 16 mnths. There searchers cmpared the experiences when the children played with electrnic tys, traditinal tys such as blcks, r when the children lked at bks.
    What they fund is that parents talked less with their babies when the babies played with electrnic tys.
    “The parents talked less, respnded less and used fewer cntent specific wrds,” Ssa said. Why is this imprtant?
    Ssa said research shws that hw quickly children develp language is ften based n what they hear frm parents. When the infants played with electrnic tys, parents said little t their children. But with traditinal tys, such as blcks, parents shared the names and descriptins f the animals, clrs and shapes as their children played, Ssa said.
    There was even mre infrmatin given by parents as their babies lked at the pictures in bks, the researcher als said.
    Ssa is nt telling parents t thrw ut electrnic tys. But she said parents shuld lk at their infants’ play with such tys as entertainment, nt a learning experience.
    Ty Industry Assciatin spkeswman Adrienne Appell respnded t the study. She said it is imprtant that parents make time t play with their children.
    “Playing is a way that kids can learn s much, nt nly cgnitive (认知的) skills, but scial and develpmental skills,” she said.
    She added that play shuld be balanced, including time fr just “make believe” activities, as well as traditinal and electrnic tys.
    8. When ty cmpanies prmte sales, they usually stress their tys are ________.
    A. AmusingB. Electrnic
    C. EducatinalD. Affrdable
    9. Accrding t Anna Ssa, what is imprtant fr kids’ learning experiences?
    A. A gd chiceB. A must
    C. The pastD. A risk
    10. Which idea will Adrienne Appell prbably share?
    A. Cgnitive skills are the mst imprtant fr kids t develp.
    B. Giving kids electrnic tys sets time aside fr parents t t smething else.
    C. Traditinal tys are giving way t electrnic nes.
    D. Parents shuld get invlved t make the tys a meaningful learning tl.
    11. What’s the main idea f the passage?
    A. Electrnic Cars shuld be abandned.
    B. Talking mre abut yur kids’ tys is necessary.
    C. Abandning yur kids t electrnic tys prbably means little learning.
    D. Hw t chse tys fr yur kids is f great imprtance.
    【答案】8. C 9. A 10. D 11. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段的“Even if cmpanies are marketing them as educatinal, they’re nt teaching the babies anything at this time(即使公司把它们宣传为有教育意义的,但他们此时并没有教会婴儿任何东西)”可知,当玩具公司促销时,他们通常强调他们的玩具是有教育意义的,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第三段的“There searchers cmpared the experiences when the children played with electrnic tys, traditinal tys such as blcks, r when the children lked at bks.(研究人员比较了孩子们玩电子玩具、积木等传统玩具和看书时的体验。)”,第四段的“What they fund is that parents talked less with their babies when the babies played with electrnic tys.(他们发现,当婴儿玩电子玩具时,父母与婴儿的谈话减少了。)”和第六段的“When the infants played with electrnic tys, parents said little t their children. But with traditinal tys, such as blcks, parents shared the names and descriptins f the animals, clrs and shapes as their children played, Ssa said.(当婴儿玩电子玩具时,父母很少和他们的孩子说话。但对于传统玩具,如积木,家长们在孩子玩的时候分享动物的名字和描述,颜色和形状,Ssa说。)”可知,根据Anna Ssa的说法,一个好的选择对孩子的学习经历是重要的,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第三段的“She said it is imprtant that parents make time t play with their children.(她说,父母抽出时间和孩子一起玩很重要。)”,倒数第二段的““Playing is a way that kids can learn s much, nt nly cgnitive (认知的) skills, but scial and develpmental skills,” she said.(“玩耍是孩子们可以学到很多东西的一种方式,不仅是认知技能,还有社交和发展技能,”她说。)”和最后一段的“She added that play shuld be balanced, including time fr just “make believe” activities, as well as traditinal and electrnic tys.(她补充说,玩耍应该是平衡的,包括“假装”活动的时间,以及传统和电子玩具的时间。)”可知,Adrienne Appell可能会分享的观点是家长应该参与进来,让玩具成为有意义的学习工具。故选D。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其是第一段的“A new study says electrnic tys are nt helping babies learn.(一项新的研究表明,电子玩具对婴儿学习没有帮助。)”可知,本文主要讲的是一项新的研究表明,电子玩具对婴儿学习没有帮助,也就是“让你的孩子玩电子玩具可能意味着学不到什么东西”。故选C。
    Mre peple wh feel stressed abut living in cities have been seeking prtectin in green spaces fr the prven psitive impacts n physical and mental health,but the benefits f “blue space”— the sea and castline,but als rivers,lakes,canals,waterfalls,even funtains — are less well advertised, yet the science has kept in place fr at least a decade: being by water is gd fr bdy and mind.
    “Many f the prcesses are exactly the same as with green space — with sme added benefits,” says Dr Mathew White,a senir lecturer at the University f Exeter.
    White says there are three established pathways by which the presence f water is psitively related t health and happiness.First,there are the beneficial envirnmental factrs,such as less plluted air and mre sunlight. Secnd, peple wh live by water tend t be mre physically active. Third — and this is where blue space seems t have an advantage ver ther natural envirnments — water has a psychlgical recvery effect. When yu are sailing, surfing r swimming, says White, “yu’re really in step with natural frces there.”
    Catherine Kelly is a wellness practitiner wh teaches classes in “mindfulness by the sea”. She says the sea has a quality that can make peple thughtful.
    “T g t the sea means letting g,” says Kelly. “It culd be lying n a beach r smebdy handing yu a ccktail. Fr smebdy else, it culd be a wild, empty cast. But there is this really human sense f: ‘Oh, lk, there’s the sea’— and the shulders drp.”
    12. Why are blue spaces less ppular than green spaces?
    A. Because green spaces are gd t peple’s health.
    B. Because the benefits f green spaces are better advertised.
    C. Because green spaces have mre benefits than blue spaces.
    D. Because little research has been dne n blue spaces.
    13. Where is blue space better than ther natural envirnments accrding t White?
    A. Water helps peple restre mental health.
    B. Where there’s water,there’s fresh air.
    C. Peple living near water are healthier.
    D. The sea can make peple lst in deep thught.
    14. What can we learn frm the last paragraph?
    A. The sea will put yu at ease.
    B. The sea will hurt yur shulder.
    C. The sea will bring yu lneliness.
    D. The sea will make yu feel dwn.
    15. What des the authr mainly want t tell us?
    A. Peple in cities prefer green spaces.
    B. Blue spaces benefit yur bdy and mind.
    C. Green spaces have been ut f date.
    D. Ways t keep us healthy.
    【答案】12. B 13. A 14. A 15. B
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Mre peple wh feel stressed abut living in cities have been seeking prtectin in green spaces fr the prven psitive impacts n physical and mental health,but the benefits f “blue space”— the sea and castline, but als rivers,lakes,canals,waterfalls,even funtains — are less well advertised, (越来越多的人对城市生活感到压力,一直在寻求绿色空间的保护,因为事实证明,绿色空间对身心健康有积极影响,但“蓝色空间”——海洋和海岸线,还有河流、湖泊、运河、瀑布,甚至喷泉——的好处却很少被宣传)”可知,蓝色空间没有绿色空间那么受欢迎是因为宣传的少。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第三段中“White says there are three established pathways by which the presence f water is psitively related t health and happiness. First, there are the beneficial envirnmental factrs, such as less plluted air and mre sunlight. Secnd, peple wh live by water tend t be mre physically active. Third — and this is where blue space seems t have an advantage ver ther natural envirnments — water has a psychlgical recvery effect. (怀特说,有三个既定的途径表明,水的存在与健康和幸福呈正相关。首先,有有利的环境因素,如污染更少的空气和更多的阳光。其次,住在水边的人往往更积极锻炼身体。第三,这也是蓝色空间似乎比其他自然环境更有优势的地方——水有一种心理恢复作用)”可推知,水有助于人们恢复心理健康。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中““T g t the sea means letting g,” says Kelly. “It culd be lying n a beach r smebdy handing yu a ccktail. Fr smebdy else,it culd be a wild, empty cast. But there is this really human sense f: ‘Oh,lk, there’s the sea’— and the shulders drp.”(“去海边意味着放手,”凯利说。“可能是躺在沙滩上,也可能是有人递给你一杯鸡尾酒。对另一些人来说,这可能是一片荒凉、空旷的海岸。但这是一种真正的人类感觉:‘哦,看,这是大海’——然后肩膀就垂了下来。”)”可推知,大海会让你放松的。故选A。
    Humans were made fr walking. With ur upright psture and strng leg muscles, ur bdies were designed with walking in mind --- which is what makes it such perfect exercise. ____16____And best f all, it’s a great way t see new things and meet new peple!
    ___17___Wherever yu are, in the city r at the campgrund, yu’ll find plenty f walking ging n. Studies have shwn that taking a walk every day significantly reduces yur risk fr heart disease and high bld pressure, and it even lwers stress levels. Recently, science has prved that walking is even gd fr yur bdy shape and brain.
    T get started, sit dwn with a map and make a plan. ___18___D yu want t meet ther peple? See new places? Get ut int the wilderness r explre a city? Knwing yur strengths will help yu decide n the type f walk yu want t d.
    If making friends and scializing is yur gal, call up yur friends and schedule walks with them. Ask yur friends where they like t walk and g there, since this will intrduce yu t new places. G nline and lk up yur lcal mall r shpping center. Many malls have grups that cme every day, r every weekend, t “walk the mall. ___19___
    Frm the benefits t yur heart t yur verall happiness, walking is just plain gd fr yu.
    This mnth pick up a map and start walking.___20___
    A. Headed t a new city?
    B. It’s gd fr ur bdies and great fr ur waistlines.
    C. This mnth, why nt fcus n walking with a purpse?
    D. These grups are always happy t include ne mre walker!
    E. Yu might find pen grups f dg walkers at yur lcal park.
    F. It’s a fantastic way t get t knw the wrld, using yur wn tw feet.
    G. Ask yurself, what d yu want t get ut f walking aside frm the health benefits?
    【答案】16. B 17. C 18. G 19. D 20. F
    根据后文And best f all, it’s a great way t see new things and meet new peple!可知最重要的是,这是了解新事物和认识新朋友的好方法!由此可知,本空是在说明步行的优点。故B选项“它对我们的身体和腰围都有好处”符合上下文语境,故选B。
    根据本段内容Wherever yu are, in the city r at the campgrund, yu’ll find plenty f walking ging n. Studies have shwn that taking a walk every day significantly reduces yur risk fr heart disease and high bld pressure, and it even lwers stress levels. Recently, science has prved that walking is even gd fr yur bdy shape and brain.可知无论你在哪里,在城市里还是在露营地,你都会发现有很多的路要走。研究表明,每天散步能显著降低患心脏病和高血压的风险,甚至还能降低压力水平。最近,科学证明,走路甚至对你的体型和大脑都有好处。由此可知,本段说明了步行对身体的一些好处,以此来倡导人们多步行,故C选项“这个月,为什么不专注于有目的的步行呢?”符合上下文语境,故选C。
    根据后文D yu want t meet ther peple? See new places? Get ut int the wilderness r explre a city?可知你想认识其他人吗?看到新地方吗?是去荒野还是去探索一座城市?由此可知,步行除了健康方面的好处,还能帮助你认识其他人,看到新地方,这就要看你自己想从步行中得到什么了。故G选项“问问你自己,除了健康方面的好处,你还想从步行中得到什么?”符合上下文语境,故选G。
    根据本段第一句If making friends and scializing is yur gal, call up yur friends and schedule walks with them.可知如果交朋友和社交是你的目标,打电话给你的朋友,安排和他们一起散步。以及空处上文Many malls have grups that cme every day, r every weekend, t “walk the mall”.可知许多购物中心每天或每个周末都有一群人来“逛购物中心”。由此可知,本句承接上文,继续说明这些团体的情况,本段主要说明的是步行可以有助于社交,那么这些周末逛购物中心的团体是喜欢接纳其他步行者的。故D选项“这些团体总是很高兴再多一个步行者!”符合上下文语境,故选D。
    根据上文This mnth pick up a map and start walking.可知这个月,拿起一张地图,开始步行。由此可知,本段属于总结段落,上文提到了步行的诸多好处,那么本段应当是倡导读者去步行,用自己的双脚去了解这个世界。故F选项“用自己的双脚去了解这个世界,这是一种奇妙的方式”符合上下文语境,故选F。
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题:每题1分,满分15分)
    Finally, the farm where I’d grwn up with my parents came int my sight. I picked up my ___21___and almst ran. There was a feel f “hme”, a ___22___I really needed right then.
    Suddenly a(n)___23___sweet smell f lilacs in blm (丁香花开) made me slw dwn. I ___24___ pulled a bunch (花枝) t my face and enjyed the sweetness, as I had always dne in my childhd.
    Warm memries ___25___my mind until I gt hme. There, Mum and Dad ___26___me with a tight hug.
    I___27___annunced, “It’s spring! The lilacs are in blm!”
    “Lilacs in blssm r nt, it isn’t spring until winter is gne,” Dad___28___. “We’ll still get a bit f cld weather.”
    But I still___29___that pleasure the lilacs had brught t me. Immediately, I recalled the card frm Mum-ne that had____30____me thrugh my dark days. Printed n the card were a flwer cming frm the crack f rck and the____31____wrds, “In the middle f winter, I fund within me an everlasting____32____.”At the bttm f the card, Mum added, “Spring is yur favrite time f year. As always, it’s ____33____.”
    These are wrds Mum, wh always sees the____34____side f ur life, lives by. Even during winter, she finds spring. I lve her sense f jy and her willingness t____35____it.
    21. A. languageB. paceC. luggageD. phne
    22. A. landscapeB. shadwC. cmfrtD. figure
    23. A. unexpectedB. strangeC. specialD. rdinary
    24. A. nervuslyB. eagerlyC. patientlyD. strng
    25. A. enrichedB. strengthenedC. changedD. crssed
    26. A. nticedB. waited frC. greetedD. encuraged
    27. A. calmlyB. delightedlyC. anxiuslyD. infrmally
    28. A. addedB. arguedC. favredD. illustrated
    29. A. let gB. make utC. bring backD. held n t
    30. A. acceptedB. amusedC. inspiredD. reminded
    31. A. upliftingB. enthusiasticC. challengingD. subjective
    32. A. cnnectinB. springC. relatinshipD. friendship
    33. A. utsideB. thereC. withinD. utdrs
    34. A. brightB. ppsiteC. missingD. creative
    35. A. predictB. shareC. nticeD. apply
    【答案】21. B 22. C 23. A 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. B 28. B 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. C 34. A 35. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我加快脚步,几乎要跑了。A. language语言;B. pace步伐;C. luggage行李;D. phne电话。根据空后“and almst ran”可知,作者几乎要跑起来了,所以空处是指他加快了他的步伐(pace)。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:有一种“家”的感觉,一种我当时非常需要的安慰。A. landscape风景;B. shadw影子;C. cmfrt安慰;D. figure数字。根据上文“There was a feel f “hme””可知,家的感觉应该是让人感到安慰(cmfrt)的。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:突然,一股突如其来的丁香花香让我放慢了脚步。A. unexpected出乎意料的;B. strange奇怪的;C. special特殊的;D. rdinary普通的。根据空前“Suddenly”可知,这阵丁香花香是出乎意料的,突如其来的(unexpected)。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我急切地拉了一束到我的脸上,享受着它的甜蜜,就像我小时候经常做的那样。A. nervusly紧张地;B. eagerly急切地;C. patiently耐心地;D. strng强烈的。根据空后“pulled a bunch(花枝)t my face and enjyed the sweetness,as I had always dne in my childhd.”可知,丁香花有我小时候的美好回忆,所以我应该是非常急切地(eagerly)想要拉一束来闻。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:温暖的回忆在我的脑海里闪过,直到我回到家。A. enriched使丰富;B. strengthened加强;C. changed改变;D. crssed闪过。根据空前“Warm memries”可知,此处是指温暖的回忆闪过(crssed)我的脑海。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:在那里,爸爸妈妈紧紧地拥抱着我。A. nticed注意到;B. waited fr等待;C. greeted迎接;D. encuraged鼓励。根据空后“me with a tight hug.”可知,此处是指父母迎接(greeted)我的一直都是紧紧的拥抱。故选C项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:我高兴地宣布:“春天到了!丁香花开了!” A. calmly冷静地;B. delightedly高兴地;C. anxiusly焦急地;D. infrmally不正式地。根据下文“It’s spring! The lilacs are in blm!”可知,春天来了,丁香花开了,我应该是十分激动和高兴(delightedly)的。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“不管丁香花开不开,冬天过去了才算春天,”爸爸争辩道。A. added增加;B. argued争辩;C. favred赞同;D. illustrated说明。根据空前“Lilacs in blssm r nt,it isn’t spring until winter is gne”可知,这是父亲不同于我的观点,丁香花开不开和春天来了没有必然的关系,因此此处是指父亲争辩(argued)道。故选B项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:但我仍然抓住丁香带给我的快乐不放。A. let g释放;B. make ut理解;C. bring back使……回忆起来;D. held n t抓住不放。根据下文“that pleasure the lilacs had brught t me.”可知,此处是指,虽然父亲与我争辩,但我还是紧紧抓住(held n t)丁香花带来的快乐不放。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我立刻想起了妈妈给我的卡片,那是一张在我黑暗的日子里鼓舞我的卡片。A. accepted接受;B. amused逗乐;C. inspired鼓舞;D. reminded提醒。根据下文“me thrugh my dark days.”可知,在黑暗的日子里,应该是鼓舞(inspired)我的卡片。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:卡片上印着一朵从岩石裂缝中开出的花和令人振奋的文字:“在隆冬,我在内心找到了永恒的春天。” A. uplifting令人振奋的;B. enthusiastic热情的;C. challenging具有挑战性的;D. subjective主观的。根据上文“me thrugh my dark days.”可知,帮助我度过黑暗日子的,应该是令人振奋的(uplifting)文字。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:卡片上印着一朵从岩石裂缝中开出的花和令人振奋的文字:“在隆冬,我在内心找到了永恒的春天。” A. cnnectin联系;B. spring春天;C. relatinship关系;D. friendship友谊。根据上文“Printed n the card were a flwer cming frm the crack f rck”可知,因为母亲的花和卡片上振奋人心的话语,让我即使深处冬天,也犹如春天(spring)一般,在我内心生长,此处spring与上文winter相呼应。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:一如既往,它在里面。A. utside在外面;B. there在那儿;C. within在里面;D. utdrs在户外。根据上文“In the middle f winter, I fund within me an everlasting___12___.”可知,此处是指春天一如既往,就在这里面(within),此处within为词义复现。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这些都是妈妈的话,她总是看到我们生活中光明的一面。A. bright光明的;B. ppsite相反的;C. missing丢失的;D. creative有创造力的。根据下文“Even during winter, she finds spring.”可知,妈妈总能在寒冬中找到春天,此处是指,妈妈是一个积极乐观的人,总能在生活中看见光明的(bright)一面。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:我爱她的快乐感和她分享快乐的意愿。A. predict预测;B. share分享;C. ntice注意到;D. apply运用,申请。根据上文“Printed n the card were a flwer cming frm the crack f rck and the___11___wrds, “In the middle f winter, I fund within me an everlasting___12___.””和“her willingness t”可知,妈妈不仅能感知快乐,还乐于分享(share)快乐。故选B项。
    The tea that____36____ (delight)the wrld fr thusands f years has finally received glbal ____37____ (recgnize)as a shared cultural treasure f mankind.
    Traditinal tea prcessing techniques and their assciated scial practices in China , including tea gardens, picking f tea leaves,the prcessing, drinking and sharing f tea, ____38____ (add) t UNESCO’s List f the Intangible Cultural Heritage f Humanity last mnth.
    In China,traditinal tea prcessing techniques are____39____ (clse) related t gegraphical lcatin and natural envirnment, ____40____ results in a distributin range between 18°-37°N and 94°-122°E, that is, the prvinces f Zhejiang, Fujian, Jiangxi, Anhui and ther areas in Suth China. Assciated scial practices, ____41____, are spread thrughut the cuntry and shared by many ethnic grups.
    Over 2,000 tea ____42____ (variety), mainly in six categries-green,black yellw,lng. white and dark-are grwn in China. A lt f key prcessing skills are invlved befre it is ready fr service.
    The ancient Silk Rad and trade rutes brught tea t the whle wrld. ____43____ (serve) n different ccasins and used as an imprtant tl fr cmmunicatin, tea is everywhere n the glbe tday. “Practices f greeting guests____44____ tea and building gd relatinships within families and neighbrs thrugh tea-related activities are shared amng many ethnic grups, and prvide_____45_____ sense f belnging, ” tea culture researchers said.
    【答案】36. has delighted
    37. recgnitin
    38. were added
    39. clsely
    40. which 41. hwever
    42. varieties
    43. Served 44. with
    45. a
    考查动词的时态。句意:千百年来一直令世界欣喜的茶,终于被全球公认为人类共同的文化瑰宝。分析句子可知,空格处是定语从句中的谓语动词。根据时间状语fr thusands f years可知,此处应用现在完成时,主语是第三人称单数。故填has delighted。
    考查动词的时态和语态。句意:上个月,中国的传统茶叶加工技术及其相关社会实践,包括茶园、茶叶采摘、茶叶加工、饮用和分享,被列入联合国教科文组织的《人类非物质文化遗产名录》。分析句子可知,空格处应填入谓语动词。根据时间状语last mnth可知,此处应用一般过去时。主语Traditinal tea prcessing techniques and their assciated scial practices与动词add是逻辑上的动宾关系,故用被动语态,主语是复数。故填were added。
    考查定语从句。句意:同上。分析句子可知,此处是非限制性定语从句。先行词是整个主句In China, traditinal tea prcessing techniques are____4____ (clse) related t gegraphical lcatin and natural envirnment,故用关系代词which。故填which。
    考查介词。句意:茶文化研究人员表示:“用茶迎接客人的做法,以及通过与茶相关的活动在家庭和邻居之间建立良好关系的做法,在许多民族中都有,并提供了归属感。”分析句子可知,空格处应填入介词。greet sb. with sth. 是固定短语,意为“用……迎接某人”。故填with。
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分)
    46. 假设你是李华,你对英国伦敦大学官方网站上的“寒假四周交流课程”很感兴趣。请你在该校网站上发一封英文 e-mail,询问该课程的有关问题,包括:
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Sir/Madam,
    I am Li Hua, currently studying in Hng Xing Middle schl in Beijing. I shw great interest in the fur-week exchange curse during the winter hliday advertised n the fficial website f yur university. I’m writing t see if it is pssible fr yu t prvide me with sme infrmatin regarding it.
    First f all, when will the curse begin and hw many students are there in the class? Besides, hw much des the curse cst? I wuld als like t inquire abut the accmmdatin. Culd yu be s kind as t send me sme relevant bklets n the abve-mentined aspects?
    Thank yu fr yur kindness, and yur prmpt attentin t this letter will be highly appreciated.
    Li Hua
    对……感兴趣:shw interest in → be interested in
    首先:first f all→ t begin with
    其次:besides → what’s mre
    立即的:prmpt→ instant
    原句:I am Li Hua, currently studying in Hng Xing Middle schl in Beijing.
    拓展句:I am Li Hua, wh is currently studying in Hng Xing Middle schl in Beijing.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I shw great interest in the fur-week exchange curse during the winter hliday advertised n the fficial website f yur university.(运用了过去分词短语作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】I’m writing t see if it is pssible fr yu t prvide me with sme infrmatin regarding it.(运用了if引导宾语从句)
    47. 阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。
    When Sylvia was 13, she climbed her first muntain—a fairly gentle 3,900-ft peak near where she lives in Surrey, British Clumbia. She was verweight at the time and ut f breath when she reached the summit. But she lved the challenge f cnquering smething bigger than herself. Sn she’d climbed nearly 100 peaks. Her parents were happy she’d finally fund a hbby.
    Sylvia ften g climbing with her friend Mia, whm she’d met in a Face-bk grup. Tw years ag, n December 30, when Sylvia was 16, she and Mia drve t Oregn,aiming t reach the tp f 11,240-ft Munt Hd, perhaps, a tugh jb fr bth f them.
    It’s safer t start winter climbs at night when there’s less risk f the sun melting the snw pack. That day, they started at 3 a.m., fllwing the paths alngside the ski runs. The temperature was abut 14 degrees,and they wre layers they culd easily remve, knwing the attempts and effrts wuld make them warm. Alng the way, they met tw ther climbers, and the fur f the grup cntinued n tgether.
    After abut five hurs,they reached Devil’s Kitchen,a plateau(高原)at abut 10,000 feet, just befre the final push t the tp. By this pint, the wind cnditins were nt quite pleasant. Due t the sharp and chilly wind, Sylvia failed t have her skin expsed, feeling as thugh it were burning. The ther climbers decided t turn back, but Sylvia and Mia went ahead.
    The path the tw friends fllwed grew narrwer and steeper. At arund 9 a.m.,they reached a patch f ice called an ice step. It was abut three r fur feet tall and slped at a 75-degree angle. Sylvia vlunteered t g first and placed her left ft n the ice step.
    Cnfident she wuld be safe, Sylvia put her full weight n it. Suddenly, she heard a crack,and a whle slab f ice brke ff the step, right under her ft.
    In an mment, Sylvia fell backward.
    2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。
    Paragraph 1:
    Sylvia culd hear Mia calling her name as she rlled dwn the muntain.
    Paragraph 2:
    When Sylvia wke up, she fund herself in a hspital.
    【答案】Paragraph 1:
    Sylvia culd hear Mia calling her name as she rlled dwn the muntain. After a few secnds, Sylvia came t a stp n a shallw slpe just abve the Devil’s Kitchen. Sylvia had fallen 600 feet. Her clthes were trn int small pieces, her helmet was brken, and her face was bldied frm cuts and scratches. Frtunately, fr the mst part, Sylvia was fine, except that she was suffering frm a sharp, great pain in her left leg. Sylvia yelled fr help. Hearing her cry fr help, Mel made her way dwn and ther climbers came t assist Sylvia. When Sylvia saw Mel arrive, she fainted in pain.
    Paragraph 2:
    When Sylvia wke up, she fund herself in a hspital. The dctrs tld Sylvia it wuld be a year befre she culd climb again, but she was back n the trails within six mnths. The fall has made Sylvia mre cautius. One slip n a muntain can change everything. But the experience als made Sylvia grw as a persn and helped her mature. Since the accident, Sylvia have climbed anther 60 muntains. Sylvia is nt ging t let ne fall and its aftermath keep her frm ding my favrite thing in the wrld.
    【导语】本文以时间为线索展开,讲述了作者从八年级开始就对爬山有兴趣,并且很快爬了近百座山峰。16岁时,作者和朋友Mel Olsen相约去攀登11,240英尺高的胡德山,但在中途过程中,作者意外从山上摔下来的故事。
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:和朋友一起爬山——遇险——大声呼救——医生嘱咐——感悟——重新开始爬山
    3. 词汇激活
    ③阻止某人做某事:keep sb frm ding sth/prevent sb frm ding sth
    【点睛】[高分句型1]Frtunately, fr the mst part, Sylvia was fine, except that she was suffering frm a sharp, great pain in her left leg.(that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2]The dctrs tld Sylvia it wuld be a year befre she culd climb again, but she was back n the trails within six mnths.(befre引导的时间状语从句)

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