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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In a clinic. B. In a htel. C. In a stre.
    2. What did the wman think they wuld d?
    A. See an exhibitin. B. Have a meeting. C. Attend a lecture.
    3. What will the man prbably d next?
    A. G back t his wrk. B. Eat ut fr lunch. C. Pick up Jenny.
    4. What is the prbable relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Prfessr and student. B. Htel manager and turist. C. Salesman and custmer.
    5. Hw much will the wman pay fr ne chair?
    A. $59. B. $62. C. $65.
    6. What part-time jb des the wman d?
    A. A teacher. B. A guide. C. A cleaner.
    7. Why des the wman like the jb?
    A. She can get a high pay.
    B. She can have mre spare time.
    C. She can get sme gd wrk experience.
    8. When will the man leave China?
    A. Next year. B. In ne mnth. C. In tw weeks.
    9. Why can’t the man decide when t cme t China again?
    A. His mther hasn’t recvered yet.
    B. He hasn’t fund a jb in China.
    C. He wants t wrk in America.
    10. Hw did the wman bk the mvie tickets?
    A. On the phne. B. At the ticket ffice. C. Thrugh the Internet.
    11. Where will the speakers g first?
    A. The cinema. B. The restaurant. C. The bkstre.
    12. When was the appintment with the Smiths riginally scheduled?
    A. At 11:30. B. At 12:00. C. At 2:00.
    13. Where are the tw rugby teams frm?
    A. Frm Oxfrd and Harvard.
    B. Frm Yale and Cambridge.
    C. Frm Yale and Harvard.
    14. When is the rugby game usually held every year?
    A. In Octber. B. In Nvember. C. In December.
    15. What des the wman think f the game?
    A. Fantastic. B. Nisy. C. Bring.
    16. Hw d the students celebrate the event accrding t the man?
    A. By waving flags and dancing.
    B. By thrwing bttles and singing.
    C. By waving flags and shwing lgs.
    17. What des the study mainly explain?
    A. Watching t much TV culd increase the risk f death.
    B. The healthy way t watch TV fr relaxatin.
    C. Bad habits related t TV watching.
    18. Hw many sitting-fr-lng actins des the speaker mentin?
    A. One. B. Three. C. Five.
    19. What des Gnzalez say abut driving a car?
    A. It represents a higher energy lss than watching TV.
    B. It represents as much energy lss as watching TV.
    C. It represents a lwer energy lss than watching TV.
    20. What des Gnzalez suggest peple d?
    A. Eat fd while watching TV.
    B. Watch TV less than an hur each day.
    C. Stp watching TV.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 单项选择(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Fd festivals arund the wrld
    Stiltn Cheese Rlling
    May Day is a traditinal day fr celebratins, but the 2,000 English villagers f Stiltn must be the nly peple in the wrld wh include cheese rlling in their annual plans. Teams f fur, dressed in a variety f strange and funny clthes, rll a cmplete cheese alng a 50-metre curse. On the way, they must nt kick r thrw their cheese, r g int their cmpetitrs’ lane. Cmpetitin is fierce and the chief prize is a cmplete Stiltn cheese weighing abut fur kils (disappintingly, but understandably the cheeses used in the race are wden nes). All the cmpetitrs are served with beer r prt wine, the traditinal accmpaniment fr Stiltn cheese.
    Fiery Fds Festival—The Httest Festival n Earth
    Every year mre than 10,000 peple head fr the city f Albuquerque, New Mexic. They cme frm as far away as Australia, the Caribbean and China, but they all share a cmmn addictin—fd that is nt just spicy , but ht enugh t make yur muth burn, yur head spin and yur eyes water. Their destinatin is the Fiery Fd and BBQ Festival which is held ver a perid f three days every March. Yu might like t try a chclate-cvered habaner pepper—fficially the httest pepper in the wrld—r any ne f the thusands f prducts that are n shw. But ne thing’s fr sure—if yu dn’t like the feeling f a burning tngue, this festival isn’t fr yu!
    La Tmatina—The Wrld’s Biggest Fd Fight
    On the last Wednesday f every August, the Spanish twn f Bunl hsts La Tmatina—the wrld’s largest fd fight. A week-lng celebratin leads up t an exciting tmat battle as the highlight f the week's events. The early mrning sees the arrival f large trucks with tmates—fficial fight-starters get things ging by casting tmates at the crwd.
    The battle lasts little mre than half an hur, in which time arund 50,000 kilgrams f tmates have been thrwn at anyne r anything that mves, runs, r fights back. Then everyne heads dwn t the river t make friends again—and fr a much-needed wash!
    1.In the Stiltn cheese rlling cmpetitin, cmpetitrs n each team must ________.
    A.wear varius frmal clthes
    B.kick r thrw their cheese
    C.rll a wden cheese in their wn lane
    D.use a real cheese weighing abut fur kils
    2.Where is the Fiery Fd and BBQ Festival held?
    A.In New Mexic. B.In the Caribbean.
    C.In Australia. D.In China.
    3.The celebratin f La Tmatina lasts ________.
    A.three days B.seven days
    C.less than three days D.mre than seven days
    When Kate’s paintings were n shw in Lndn, a pet described her paintings as “a ribbn (丝带) arund a bmb”. Such cmments seem t suggest Kate had a big influence n the art wrld f her time. Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name tday than she was during her time.
    Brn in 1907 in a village near Mexic City, Kate suffered frm pli (小儿麻痹症) at the age f seven. Her spine (脊柱) became bent as she grew lder. Then, in 1925, her back was brken in several places in a schl-bus accident. Thrughut the rest f her life, the artist had many peratins, but nthing was able t cure the terrible pain in her back. Hwever, the accident had an unexpected side effect. While lying in her bed recvering, Kate taught herself t paint.
    In 1929, she gt married t Dieg Rivera, anther famus Mexican artist. Rivera’s strng influences n Kate’s style can be seen in her early wrks, but her later wrks frm the 1940s, knwn tday as her best wrks, shw less influence frm her husband.
    Unfrtunately, her wrks did nt attract much attentin in the 1930s and1940s, even in her hme cuntry. Her first ne-wman shw in Mexic was nt held until 1953. Fr mre than a decade after her death in 1954. Kate’s wrks remained largely unnticed by the wrld, but in the 1970s her wrks began t gain internatinal fame at last.
    4.What des the underlined phrase “a much bigger name” in paragraph 1 mst prbably mean?
    A.A far better artist.
    B.A far mre gifted artist.
    C.A much strnger persn.
    D.A much mre famus persn.
    5.The terrible pain Kate suffered was caused by .
    B.her bent spine
    C.back injuries
    D.the peratins she had
    6.Kate’s style had becme increasingly independent since the .
    A.1930s B.1940s C.1950s D.1970s
    7.What is authr’s attitude tward Kate?
    A.Devtin. B.Sympathy. C.Wrry. D.Encuragement.
    “Yur mind is a garden; yur thughts are the seeds. The harvest can either be flwers r weeds,” William Wrdswrth wrte. In the abve qute, William suggests that the prcess f gardening mirrrs human life. Depending n what we “plant” in ur lives, we blm (生长茂盛) r dn’t. Befre yu start t wrk in yur garden, it’s necessary t have a visin fr it. Thinking f what yu want t grw in yur garden and hw t lay it ut is a gd first step in making yur visin a fruitful reality. In life, yu shuld cnsider what yu want t create and what yu want t achieve, because yur mind-garden is like the white paper and the pssibilities are endless.
    Regardless f what yu chse t plant, pr sil isn’t suitable fr grwth. This is why gardeners take the time and energy t upgrade the sil befre planting. S, creating the right sil is imprtant t the realizatin f yur gals and dreams. Frtunately, there are cuntless ways t make yur persnal bedrck better. Getting an educatin is ne f the mst effective ways, which can help yu enrich yur life’s sil.
    Yu dn’t have t be an enthusiastic gardener t understand the meaning f “Yu reap(收获) what yu sw.” When a gardener wants tmates, they just need t plant tmat seeds. It’s a very clear act that prduces an expected result. Each f us has the pwer t decide which “life seeds” t plant. Fr example, if yu plant ill seeds, it's likely that yu’ll experience pain in return. Cntrarily, if yu plant seeds f kindness and understanding, yur life will blm with happiness and lve.
    A gardener’s truly arduus wrk begins after the seeds are in the grund because a garden requires a lt f care and attentin. Regular watering and weeding are required fr a healthy garden. S, t ensure yur dreams take rt, yu shuld be devted, aware, and present. After cuntless hurs and energy spent, the crps have grwn well and are finally ready t be harvested.
    8.What is imprtant befre gardeners break grund in their gardens?
    A.Receiving sme training in planting.
    B.Drawing up a gd plan fr their gardens.
    C.Having the curage t accept the wrst utcme.
    D.Ding research n the cmmn lcal garden plants.
    9.What is cmpared t getting educatin by the authr?
    A.Imprving the cnditin f the sil.
    B.Grwing yur mst favrable plants.
    C.Taking care f the plants in yur garden.
    D.Selecting prper gals in gardening wrk.
    10.What des the authr want t express in Paragraph 3?
    A.Yur quality f life depends n yur psitive actin.
    B.Yur experience can help yu understand plants better.
    C.Yur chice f sil is an imprtant part in yur gardening.
    D.Yur knwledge f planting will make yu a successful gardener.
    11.What des the underlined wrd “arduus” in Paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    The Intelligent Transprt team at Newcastle University has turned an electric car int a mbile labratry named “DriveLAB” in rder t understand the challenges faced by lder drivers and t discver where the key stress pints are.
    Research shws that giving up driving is ne f the key reasns fr a fall in health and well-being amng lder peple, leading t them becming mre islated(隔绝) and inactive.
    Led by Prfessr Phil Blythe, the Newcastle team are develping in-vehicle technlgies fr lder drivers which they hpe culd help them t cntinue driving int later life.
    These include custm-made navigatin(导航) tls, night visin systems and intelligent speed adaptatins. Phil Blythe explains: “Fr many lder peple, particularly thse living alne r in the cuntry, driving is imprtant fr preserving their independence, giving them the freedm t get ut and abut withut having t rely n thers.”
    “But we all have t accept that as we get lder ur reactins slw dwn and this ften results in peple aviding any ptentially challenging driving cnditins and lsing cnfidence in their driving skills. The result is that peple stp driving befre they really need t.” Dr Amy Gu, the leading researcher n the lder driver study, explains, “The DriveLAB is helping us t understand what the key pints and difficulties are fr lder drivers and hw we might use technlgy t address these prblems.”
    “Fr example, mst f us wuld expect lder drivers always g slwer than everyne else but surprisingly, we fund that in 30mph znes they struggled t keep at a cnstant speed and s were mre likely t break the speed limit and be at risk f getting fined. We’re lking at the benefits f systems which cntrl their speed as a way f preventing that.”
    “We hpe that ur wrk will help with technlgical slutins(解决方案) t ensure that lder drivers stay safer behind the wheel.”
    12.What is the purpse f the DriveLAB?
    A.T explre new means f transprt.B.T design new types f cars.
    C.T find ut lder driver’s prblems.D.T teach peple traffic rules.
    13.Why is driving imprtant fr lder peple accrding t Phil Blythe?
    A.It keeps them independent.B.It helps them save time.
    C.It builds up their strength.D.It cures their mental illnesses.
    14.What d researchers hpe t d fr lder drivers?
    A.Imprve their driving skills.B.Develp driver-assist technlgies.
    C.Prvide tips n repairing their cars.D.Organize regular physical checkups.
    15.What is the best title fr the text?
    A.A new Mdel Electric CarB.A Slutin t Traffic Prblem
    C.Driving Service fr eldersD.Keeping Older Drivers n the Rad
    第二节 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。(满分12.5分,每小题2.5分)
    In America, it’s lng been a traditin that tips are given t a persn wh prvides gd service. Of curse, the tip is in additin t the bill. 16 The general rule is t tip accrding t the service.
    Yu may be surprised t knw that waiters at the restaurants usually get lw pay. 17 Therefre, please make sure t tip prperly when yu visit a restaurant. Fr a full-service, sit-dwn meal, 15 t 20 percent f the pretax (税前的) bill is custmary. 18
    Yu shuld tip a taxi driver arund 10% f yur taxi fare, because the taxi driver usually helps yu lad and unlad the bags. When yu reach the airprt, there are prters wh can help with the bags. 19 When yu reach the htel, yu shuld tip $1 r $2 per bag t the drman wh helps yu with yur bags.
    Barbershps and beauty salns
    When yu g fr a haircut, beauty treatment, shamp, shave r ther similar services, yu shuld generally tip at least 10-20% f the bill t the service prvider.
    N tipping
    There is n tipping required at the gas statin. 20
    Unless smene helps yu lad bags in yur car, there is n tipping required at the grcery stre.
    A.That is because they are expected t get tips frm custmers.
    B.Many visitrs t the U. S. feel it isn’t fair r reasnable t tip.
    C.Of curse, if n service is prvided by the waiters, there is n need t tip.
    D.Mst gas statins are self-service.
    E.Yu shuld tip them $ 1 r $ 2 per bag.
    F.Tipping practices can change depending upn the situatin.
    G.Tipping is the means by which thers are thanked fr their gd service.
    第三部分 语言运用(共二节,满分30分)
    第二节 单句语法填空,每空不超过3词(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    21.The news was widely reprted by the mass __________(medium).(所给词的适当形式填空)
    22.As an ld saying ges, “Dn’t cry ver the __________(spill) milk”. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    23.The strm left, __________(claim) 10 peple’s lives. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    24.She became the first wman ever __________(appint) as directr in the cmpany. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    25.Families __________(celebrate) the Lantern Festivals can enjy the fun f guessing riddles. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    26.In __________(respnd) t the cmplaints f the custmers, the cmpany aplgized in public. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    27.If________ (heat) , water can be turned int vapur. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    28.Faced with __________(finance) difficulties, the manager had t find ways t settle them. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    29.Setting a deadline fr each task can __________(definite) help imprve yur efficiency. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    30.The __________ (rigin) painting was replaced by the thieves secretly. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    31.All nn-vilent plitical __________(believe) shuld be respected equally. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    32.He was caught __________(steal) and sent t the plice. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    33.The headmaster was glad t see that the campus was full f __________(energy) students. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    34.Sme f the plays tld sad stries, but the __________(majr) f the plays were really funny. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    35.__________(bite) by the msquit, he quickly applied sme cream n his skin. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Detective Ashley Jnes wrks at a plice department in England. He has recently made a significant 36 — lneliness is a serius scial prblem that can cntribute t depressin and even crimes, but it can be 37 in a clever way. The slutin? Chat benches.
    Jnes gt the idea after he had talked with an elderly lady wh had been cheated f her 38 . The lady wuld get a call frm a stranger every mrning wh 39 made her believe that he was her friend, and then she lent him abut £31,000. Jnes was 40 when she said that she didn’t actually mind being cheated. “Otherwise, I wuld never speak t anther persn fr weeks n end,” she said.
    This led Jnes t the cnclusin that there are t many extremely 41 peple in his cmmunity, wh are easy targets f cheating. S he 42 t d smething abut it. He cnvinced the plice department t allw him t 43 a cuple f “chat benches” in tw f their lcal parks. Then he hung a clrful sign n each f the benches that 44 : “HAPPY TO CHAT”. Just a few days after the signs went up, he fund peple sitting there and engaging in (参加) active and 45 cnversatins.
    The idea is catching n 46 . There are nw ver 40 chat benches thrughut England. Mre new chat benches have sprung up acrss the UK and beynd. All wh participated have gained a(n) 47 utcme frm getting invlved. Jnes’ idea has been fully 48 —the “HAPPY TO CHAT” benches help break dwn the invisible scial barrier that keeps peple frm saying hell.
    This effrt is nt just a(n) 49 at being cmmunity-minded — it’s als a crime-cutting measure. It prevents peple wh are cut ff frm sciety falling victim t cheaters. The Chat Bench is a fantastic new prject that 50 thse f all ages t interact and get t knw each ther in the future.
    43.A.put awayB.clean upC.tear dwnD.set up
    第四部分 书面表达(共二节,满分40分)
    相关词汇:crw (乌鸦)
    Why dn’t yu drink water as the bk tld us?
    Crws Drink Water
    There was nly a little water in a bttle which had a lng and narrw neck. A fat crw came t the bttle and drank the water by a straw. He was enjying the water when anther thirsty crw went by. Accustmed (习惯于) t the way f drinking water taught in bks, the thirsty crw was very surprised. He asked the fat crw, “Why dn’t yu drink water as the bk tld us?” The fat crw replied,“Because this methd can make me drink water faster.”
    Asad was a 13-year-ld by wh was very hnest and hardwrking. Recently he had entered a new schl, s he had n friends yet. On Mnday mrning, he was nearly late fr schl. The night befre, his family attended his cusin's wedding and reached hme late, which was why he culdn't get up n time as usual.
    At schl, Asad culd nt pay attentin t anything and wanted the bell t ring s that he culd buy smething t eat. After a few hurs, when the bell rang, Asad quickly pened his schlbag t find his mney, but just then he remembered that he had left fr schl in a hurry in the mrning and frgtten t take mney. He lked under his bks, hping t find sme mney but there was nthing.
    Nt knwing what t d, he walked ut f the classrm and-at n a bench in frnt f the canteen. He saw a few f his classmates there. Amng them was Fahad. He was ne f the riches kids in his class, but he was a very arrgant by wh thught everyne else was a lser. But as Asad was new, he didn’t knw much abut Fahad.
    When he went twards-Fahad and asked if he culd brrw sme mney fr, his lunch. Fahad laughed a lt and said, “I knew yu were a lser, maybe a beggar?” Fahad laughed ut s lud that ther kids als heard and made fun f the situatin. He didn’t answer Fahad, and slwly walked back twards an empty bench.
    When he reached the bench, he nticed smething lying near it. It was a wallet He picked it up and recgnized it as Fahad's, as he remembered Fahad shwing it t his friends and telling that his uncle bught it fr him frm the UK. There was quite a lt f mney inside fr a kid.
    Para. 1:
    At first, Asad wanted t keep it a secret and punished Fahad.
    Then Fahad said, “Why are yu giving back?”
    1.C 2.A 3.B
    1.细节理解题。根据Stiltn Cheese Rlling部分的“Teams f fur, dressed in a variety f strange and funny clthes, rll a cmplete cheese alng a 50-metre curse.(四人一组,穿着各种奇形怪状的衣服,沿着50米的路线滚动一块完整的奶酪。)”以及后面倒数第二句括号里面的内容“but understandably the cheeses used in the race are wden nes(但可以理解的是,比赛中使用的奶酪都是木制的)”可知,在Stiltn Cheese Rlling比赛中,每队的参赛者必须在他们自己的道路上卷一块木制奶酪,故选C。
    2.细节理解题。根据Fiery Fds Festival—The Httest Festival n Earth部分的“Every year mre than 10,000 peple head fr the city f Albuquerque, New Mexic.(每年都有超过一万人前往新墨西哥州的阿尔伯克基市。)”可以知道这是在新墨西哥发生的事情,从段落中第三句“Their destinatin is the Fiery Ed and BBQ Festival(他们的目的地是Fiery Ed and BBQ节日)”可以知道人们到新墨西哥是为了参加Fiery fd festival。故选A。
    3.细节理解题。根据La Tmatina—The Wrld’s Biggest Fd Fight部分的“A week-lng celebratin leads up t an exciting tmat battle as the highlight f the week's events.(为期一周的庆祝活动将迎来一场令人兴奋的番茄大战,成为本周活动的亮点。)”可以知道,La Tmatina节日的持续时间是一周,故选B。
    4.D 5.C 6.B 7.B
    【导语】本文是记叙文。文章介绍了画家Frida Kahl,小时候的残疾加上后来的事故给她带来了伤痛,但是还是自学绘画,后来绘画风格受到丈夫的影响,但是没有失去自己的特点,虽然当时没有受到关注,但是现在她的艺术成就受到广泛的认可。
    4.词句猜测题。根据第一段“Such cmments seem t suggest Kahl had a big influence n the art wrld f her time”(这样的评论似乎表明,卡罗对她那个时代的艺术世界产生了巨大的影响)及“Sadly, she is actually a much bigger name tday than she was during her time.”(可惜的是,相比于她所处的时代,在如今她有着a much bigger name)和最后一段“Unfrtunately, her wrks did nt attract much attentin in the 1930s and1940s, even in her hme cuntry.”(不幸的是,她的作品在20世纪三四十年代,甚至在她的祖国也没有引起太多关注)及“but in the 1970s her wrks began t gain internatinal fame at last”(但在20世纪70年代,她的作品终于开始赢得国际声誉)可知,她现在比以前更有名,a much bigger name 意思是:a much mre famus persn。故选D。
    5.细节理解题。从第二段“Thrughut the rest f her life, the artist had many peratins, but nthing was able t cure the terrible pain in her back.”(在她的余生中,这位艺术家做了许多次手术,但没有任何手术能够治愈她可怕的背痛。)可知,她遭遇的巨大的疼痛都是由背部的疼痛造成的,故选C。
    6.细节理解题。根据第三段“but her later wrks frm the 1940s, knwn tday as her best wrks, shw less influence frm her husband”(但她20世纪40年代后期的作品,也就是如今被称为她最好作品的作品,较少受到丈夫的影响)可知,在20世纪40年代,Kahl较少受到丈夫的影响,说明她的绘画风格更加独立了,故选B。
    7.推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Unfrtunately, her wrks did nt attract much attentin in the 1930s and 1940s, even in her hme cuntry.”(不幸的是,她的作品并没有收到太多的关注,即使是在自己的祖国。)可知,作者对她的态度是同情的,故选B。
    8.B 9.A 10.A 11.D
    8.细节理解题。根据第一段中“Befre yu start t wrk in yur garden, it’s necessary t have a visin fr it. Thinking f what yu want t grw in yur garden and hw t lay it ut is a gd first step in making yur visin a fruitful reality. In life, yu shuld cnsider what yu want t create and what yu want t achieve (在你开始在你的花园工作之前,有必要对它有一个愿景。想想你想在你的花园里种什么,以及如何布置它是使你的愿景成为富有成效的现实的良好的第一步。在生活中,你应该考虑你想要创造什么,你想要实现什么)”可知,作者认为在翻地整理园子之前,有个好的规划很重要。故选B项。
    9.推理判断题。根据第二段中“This is why gardeners take the time and energy t upgrade the sil befre planting. S, creating the right sil is imprtant t the realizatin f yur gals and dreams. Frtunately, there are cuntless ways t make yur persnal bedrck better. Getting an educatin is ne f the mst effective ways, which can help yu enrich yur life’s sil. (这就是为什么园丁在种植前要花时间和精力来升级土壤。因此,创造合适的土壤对实现你的目标和梦想很重要。幸运的是,有无数的方法可以让你的个人基础变得更好。接受教育是最有效的方式之一,它可以帮助你丰富你的生活的土壤)”可知,作者把提高土壤条件比喻为接受教育。故选A项。
    10.推理判断题。根据第三段中“It’s a very clear act that prduces an expected result. Each f us has the pwer t decide which “life seeds” t plant. Fr example, if yu plant ill seeds, it's likely that yu’ll experience pain in return. Cntrarily, if yu plant seeds f kindness and understanding, yur life will blm with happiness and lve. (这是一种非常明显的行为,能够产生预期的结果。我们每个人都有能力决定种下哪种“生命种子”。例如,如果你播下了不良的种子,你很可能会经历痛苦作为回报。相反,如果你播下善良和理解的种子,你的生活就会充满幸福和爱)”可知,作者在这一段告诉读者我们的生活质量取决于我们的积极付出。故选A项。
    11.词义猜测题。根据第四段中“because a garden requires a lt f care and attentin. Regular watering and weeding are required fr a healthy garden. S, t ensure yur dreams take rt, yu shuld be devted, aware, and present. After cuntless hurs and energy spent, the crps have grwn well and are finally ready t be harvested. (因为花园需要很多的照顾和关注。一个健康的花园需要经常浇水和除草。所以,为了让你的梦想生根发芽,你应该全身心地投入、意识到并时刻关注。经过数不清的时间和精力,庄稼长得很好,终于可以收割了)”由讲述当把种子播种到土壤里,花园还需要很多的照顾和关注才能长得很好,最终收割,可知,种子播种到土壤里,真正“艰难的”工作才刚开始。因此猜测划线词arduus意为“艰难的”。故选D项。
    12.C 13.A 14.B 15.D
    12.细节理解题。根据第一段The Intelligent Transprt team at Newcastle University have turned an electric car int a mbile labratry named “DriveLAB” in rder t understand the challenges faced by lder drivers and t discver where the key stress pints are.可知,DriveLAB为了理解老年司机所面对的挑战,发现关键点在哪里。即发现老年司机的问题,故选C。
    13.细节理解题。根据第四段中Phil Blythe explains: “Fr many lder peple, particularly thse living alne r in the cuntry, driving is imprtant fr preserving their independence, giving them the freedm t get ut and abut withut having t rely n thers.”可知,开车对于保持老年司机的独立性很重要,让他们可以自由地出去走动,而不必依赖别人。故选A。
    14.推理判断题。根据第五段中The DriveLAB is helping us t understand what the key pints and difficulties are fr lder drivers and hw we might use technlgy t address these prblems.及最后一段We hpe that ur wrk will help with technlgical slutins(解决方案) t ensure that lder drivers stay safer behind the wheel.可知,研究人员想要用技术解决的老年司机的关键难题,而且正在研究一种控制速度的系统,即开发驾驶员辅助技术,故选B。
    15.主旨大意题。本文主要讲述一些研究人员想要利用技术解决老年司机驾驶存在的问题,其目的是帮助老年司机能够一直开车直到应该停止的年龄,故以 Keeping Older Drivers n the Rad符合全文主旨,其他题目都太片面,不足以概括全文。故选D。
    比如第四题主要围绕老年司机为主,故排除了A和B,对象不正确。C. Driving Service fr elders. 为老人提供服务,本文也算服务的一种,但是犯了过度概括的错误,范围扩大了, D. Keeping Older Drivers n the Rad.这正是本文介绍的内容,研究人员目的也是延长老年司机的驾驶时间。故选D。
    16.F 17.A 18.C 19.E 20.D
    16.根据下文“The general rule is t tip accrding t the service.(一般规则是根据服务情况给小费)”可知,给小费的标准各有不同,但一般规则是根据服务情况。F项“小费可能会根据情况而改变。”符合题意,与下文承接自然。故选F。
    17.根据上文“Yu may be surprised t knw that waiters at the restaurants usually get lw pay.(你可能会惊讶地发现餐馆里的服务员通常工资很低)”推知,下文陈述服务员工资很低的原因。A项“这是因为他们需要从顾客那里得到小费。”符合题意,且与下文“Therefre, please make sure t tip prperly when yu visit a restaurant. (因此,当你去餐馆用餐时,请务必适当地给小费)”构成明显的因果关系。故选A。
    18.空处位于段末应承接上文。根据上文“Fr a full-service, sit-dwn meal, 15 t 20 percent f the pretax (税前的) bill is custmary. (对于提供全套服务的正式用餐,通常需要支付税前账单的15%到20%的小费)”可知,上文陈述了服务员给你提供服务你需支付的小费比率。由此推知,下文继续陈述该话题。C项“当然,如果服务员不提供服务,也就没有必要给小费。”符合题意。故选C。
    19.根据上文“When yu reach the airprt, there are prters wh can help with the bags. (当你到达机场时,会有搬运工帮你搬行李)”推知,下文应陈述给搬运工的小费该怎么计算。E项“每个包你应该给他们1美元或2美元的小费。”符合题意。故选E。
    20.根据上文“There is n tipping required at the gas statin. (在加油站不需要付小费)”可知,下文承接上文陈述加油站为什么不需要消费。D项“大多数加油站都是自助的。”符合题意。故选D。
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:风暴离开了,夺走了10条生命。句中left为谓语动词,claim意为“夺走”,应该使用非谓语动词。the strm和claim之间的关系是主动,且表示伴随,故使用现在分词作状语。故填claiming。
    24.t be appinted
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:她成为该公司有史以来第一个被任命为董事的女性。wman前有序数词first修饰,空处应填动词不定式作后置定语,且动词appint和wman之间是被动关系,故此处用动词不定式的被动式。故填t be appinted。
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:庆祝元宵节的家庭可以享受猜谜的乐趣。句中can enjy为谓语动词,celebrate应该使用非谓语动词,此处families和celebrate之间是主动关系,故使用现在分词作后置定语。故填celebrating。
    【详解】考查名词。句意:为回应顾客的投诉,公司公开道歉。分析句子,设空处应该填写名词作宾语,respnd为动词,意为“回复”,其名词为respnse。in respnse t为固定搭配。故填respnse。
    【详解】考查省略句。句意:如果加热,水可以变成蒸汽。if引导的条件状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致且有be的某种形式时,可以省略从句的主语和be动词,water与heat是被动关系,需用被动语态,完整的从句是if it is heated,省略it is,空处需填过去分词heated。故选heated。
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:他偷东西被当场抓住,送到了警察局。be caught ding sth,被抓到做某事。根据句意,故填stealing。
    【详解】考查固定短语。句意;有些戏剧讲的是悲伤的故事,但大多数戏剧都很有趣。本题考查固定短语the majrity f,意为“大多数”,故填majrity。
    36.C 37.B 38.A 39.C 40.D 41.A 42.B 43.D 44.A 45.B 46.B 47.C 48.D 49.A 50.D
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了英国的一名警察Ashley Jnes发现孤独是一个严重的社会问题,它会导致抑郁甚至犯罪,所以Jnes通过在社区设置“聊天长椅”,帮助打破了阻碍人们打招呼的无形的社会障碍。
    36.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他最近有了一个重大发现——孤独是一个严重的社会问题,可能导致抑郁,甚至犯罪,但可以用一种聪明的方式来预防。A. chice选择;B. visit参观,拜访;C. discvery发现;D. prmise承诺。下文“lneliness is a serius scial prblem that can cntribute t depressin and even crimes”说孤独是一个严重的社会问题,它会导致抑郁甚至犯罪,这是他发现的一个社会问题。故选C项。
    37.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他最近有了一个重大发现——孤独是一个严重的社会问题,可能导致抑郁,甚至犯罪,但可以用一种聪明的方式来阻止。A. suffered遭受;B. prevented阻止;C. experienced经历,体验;D. felt感觉。根据下文“The slutin? Chat benches.”可知,此处指用聊天长椅来阻止这一问题,故选B项。
    38.考查名词词义辨析。句意:Jnes是在和一位被骗钱的老太太谈话后想到这个主意的。A. mney钱;B. marriage婚姻;C. credit信用;D. pleasure乐趣。根据下文“and then she lent him abut £31,000”可知,这位老妇人被骗了钱。故选A项。
    39.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这位女士每天早上都会接到一个陌生人的电话,这个人最终让她相信他是她的朋友,然后她借给他大约3.1万英镑。A. previusly先前;B. typically典型地;C. finally最后;D. ccasinally偶尔。根据空前的“every mrning”及下文“made her believe that he was her friend”可知,陌生人每天早上都给老妇人打电话,最后骗取了这位老妇人的信任。故选C项。
    40.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当她说她实际上并不介意被骗时,Jnes感到震惊。A. excited兴奋的,激动的;B. scared害怕的;C. ashamed羞耻的;D. shcked震惊的。根据“when she said that she didn’t actually mind being cheated”可知,老妇人说不介意被骗钱,这让Jnes很震惊。故选D项。
    41.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这让Jnes得出结论,在他的社区里有太多极度孤独的人,他们很容易成为欺骗的目标。A. lnely孤独的;B. active活跃的,积极的;C. cautius谨慎的;D. mild温和的。第一段中“lneliness is a serius scial prblem”提到孤独是一个严重的社会问题,结合上一段中“Otherwise, I wuld never speak t anther persn fr weeks n end(否则,我连续几周都不和另一个人说话)”可知,如果不是骗子,老妇人几个星期都没人说话,所以此处指有太多极度孤独的人。故选A项。
    42.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以他决定对此做点什么。A. learned学习;B. decided决定;C. pretended假装;D. refused拒绝。下文提到Jnes采取的实际行动,所以此处指他决定做些什么。故选B项。
    43.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他说服警察局允许他在当地的两个公园里设置几个“聊天长椅”。A. put away收起来;B. clean up清理;C. tear dwn拆除,拆毁;D. set up设置,设立。根据空后“a cuple f ‘chat benches’ in tw f their lcal parks”及语境可知,是在当地的两个公园里设立几个“聊天长椅”。故选D项。
    44.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后他在每个长椅上都挂了一个彩色的牌子,上面写着:“聊天愉快”。A. read阅读,显示;B. claimed声称,断言;C. meant 意味着;D. illustrated说明,阐明。根据“HAPPY TO CHAT”可知,此处是指牌子上写着“聊天愉快”,read有此用法。故选A项。
    45.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:就在告示张贴几天后,他发现人们坐在那里,进行着积极而愉快的对话。A. brief短暂的,简短的;B. jyful令人愉快的,高兴的;C. awkward令人尴尬的,使人难堪的;D. sharp锋利的,尖锐的。此处和active并列,jyful符合语境,指人们坐在那里进行着积极愉快的交谈。故选B项。
    46.考查副词词义辨析。句意:这个想法很快就流行起来了。A. slwly缓慢地;B. quickly快速地;C. gratefully感激地;D. purpsefully有目的地。根据下一句“There are nw ver 40 chat benches thrughut England.(现在英国有超过40个聊天长椅)”可知, 这个想法很快就流行起来了。故选B项。
    47.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所有参与的人都从参与中获得了积极的结果。A. crrect正确的;B. disappinting令人失望的;C. psitive积极的;D. embarrassing令人尴尬的。根据下文“the ‘HAPPY TO CHAT’ benches help break dwn the invisible scial barrier that keeps peple frm saying hell(这种‘HAPPY TO CHAT’长椅有助于打破阻碍人们打招呼的无形社会障碍)”可知,人们从长椅中获得了积极的结果,故选C项。
    48.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Jnes的想法已经完全实现了——“HAPPY TO CHAT”长椅有助于打破让人们不敢打招呼的无形的社会障碍。A. frmed形成;B. examined检查;C. discussed讨论;D. realized实现。根据文章内容可知,Jnes设置长椅是为了解决孤独问题,结合下文可知,聊天长椅帮助打破了阻碍人们打招呼的无形的社会障碍,由此可知,Jnes的想法已经完全实现了。故选D项。
    49.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不仅仅是社区意识的一种尝试——也是一种减少犯罪的措施。A. attempt努力,尝试;B. attack进攻,袭击;C. knck敲门声,打击;D. lk看,表情。结合语境可知,Jnes设置的“聊天长椅”是一个新颖且有趣的尝试,故选A项。
    50.考查动词词义辨析。句意:聊天长椅是一个很棒的新项目,它可以鼓励各个年龄层的人在未来相互交流和了解。A. selects选择;B. appints任命,指派;C. trubles麻烦,费神;D. encurages鼓励。根据文章内容可知,“聊天长椅”是为了打破阻碍人们打招呼的障碍,所以应是鼓励所有年龄段的人在未来相互交流和了解。故选D项。
    51. Actually, we are just like the crws. Many f us strive t drink the water with ur muths, which is painful and unsuccessful. S hw can we break the steretype and becme accmplished?
    First and fremst, never always believe in bks. An ld saying has it that “It’s better t walk ten thusand miles than t read ten thusand bks.” In additin, we shuld think frm a new angle s that a unique idea may strike n us. Last but nt least, we shuld learn frm thers.
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    实际上:actually→in fact
    首先:first and fremst→first f all
    另外:in additin→what’s mre
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:Actually, we are just like the crws.
    拓展句:What is an fact is that we are just like the crws.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Many f us strive t drink the water with ur muths, which is painful and unsuccessful. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] In additin, we shuld think frm a new angle s that a unique idea may strike n us. (运用了s that引导的目的状语从句)
    52.Para. 1:
    At first, Asad wanted t keep it a secret and punished Fahad. But it was nt easy. He felt the heat in his bdy rising, and his cheeks blushing. Thrwing a glance at Fahad, wh was chatting happily, ccking his head high, Asad suddenly felt a bit srry fr the embarrassment he was ging t face. Just at the mment Fahad gasped and cried ut in alarm, “Oh hell, where is my wallet?” Sme gssips began. Asad heard wrds f glat. Overwhelmed by guilt, Asad quickly picked up the wallet and strde t Fahad, “I fund it ver there, and I think it is yurs. ”Seeing the dumb funded face f Fahad, he added, “I thught f sneaking it, f curse.” Recalling what he had dne t Asad, Fahad suddenly hesitated t take the wallet.
    Then Fahad said, “Why are yu giving back?” Murmuring in a lw vice, he ddged Asad’s shining eyes, smehw even nt daring t lk int them. What replied him was a sigh, “Because it belngs t yu.” After cnfessin, the air seemed still and it became weird that n ne uttered a single wrd. Just at this mment, Asad’s stmach seemed t be the first t break the awkwardness by grwling lud. T his astnishment, the arrgant by, Fahad, reached ut his hand, stammering, “W…What abut having lunch tgether?” Befre Asad culd say anything, Fahad quickly added, “Of curse, my treat.” It was n that very day that Asad made his first friend in the new schl, and he truly reckned the value f sincerity and hnesty in a relatinship.
    聊天:chat/ talk
    大喊:cry ut / shut ut lud
    瞥见:thrw a glance at / glance at
    内疚:guilt / shame
    令某人惊讶的是:t ne’s astnishment/ t ne’s surprise
    【点睛】[高分句型1] Thrwing a glance at Fahad, wh was chatting happily, ccking his head high, Asad suddenly felt a bit srry fr the embarrassment he was ging t face. (运用了现在分词作状语和wh引导非限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] Recalling what he had dne t Asad, Fahad suddenly hesitated t take the wallet. (运用了what引导宾语从句)

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