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    新外研社高中英语选择性必修二Unit6Survival-Using Language课件
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    外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 6 Survival背景图课件ppt

    这是一份外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 6 Survival背景图课件ppt,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar ,whatever,whoever,however,whichever,whenever,wherever,引导让步状语的连词,though,although等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Wherever they g, animals find twns and cities in their way.Animals always find twns and cities in their way as they g
    N matter hw many crimes he cmmitted, the plice were pwerless t arrest himEven thugh he cmmitted many crimes, the plice were pwerless t arrest him.
    1. What is the meaning f –ever and n matter? Why des the authr chse t use sentences (a) and (c)?
    T stress (强调)
    2. What ther wrds can be cmbined with -ever and n matter t frm adverbial clauses?
    n matter what/wh/whm/when/hw/where/which
    疑问词+ever 和 n matter + 疑问词引导的让步状语从句
    n matter what
    n matter wh
    n matter which
    n matter when
    n matter where
    n matter hw
    Althugh/thugh they have been talking fr a lng time, he can nt make her believe him.Even thugh I didn`t understand a wrd, I kept smiling.While I understand yur pint f view, I d nt share it .Even if I failed again, I will nt give up the experiment.
    Translate these sentences
    Lk fr mre sentences in the passage
    Hwever true this is, we als need t cnsider that…Hwever they adapt t ur ways f urban living, it’s imprtant…Whatever the reasns behind these species entering ur cities, ne thing is fr sure…
    Translate the fllwing sentences
    1. Whatever the weather is like, we will g n the tur.2. N matter hw late he is, his mther will waite fr him t have dinner tgether.3. Whichever rute he decides t take, he wn’t give up.4. N matter what happens, I will nt change my mind.
    5. Hwever great the difficulties are, we must cmplete the task n time.6. Cultural differences ccur whereever yu g.7. Each persn, whever they are, shuld prtect the animals.8. N matter which yu chse, yu wn’t be satisfied.
    Let’s practice
    1. N matter _______ yu like t d, there is a way t get invlved in varius activities n Earth Day.2. Whatever stage f life yu`re at, __________yu g and whatever prject yu d in GDA, yu`ll create psitive changes in a pr and remte cmmunity .3. __________ he is in truble, his mther will be there fr him.4. N matter _______ rute yu take, it takes three hurs.5. She left the windw pen, __________ cld it was.
    6. N matter ______ yu are, I wn’t let yu in.7. He carries a bk in his bag __________ he ges.8. N matter _______ dictinary yu take, yu have t pay at least 20 dllars.
    1. Whatever past experience yu have had / N matter what past experience yu have had, please read these survival tips carefully
    2. Whenever a wildfire breaks ut / N matter when a wildfire breaks ut, leave the area quickly but calmly.
    Rewrite the underlined sentences using adverbial clauses with -ever and n matter.
    4. Wherever yu g in the wild / N matter where yu g in the wild, take a first aid kit with yu.
    3. N matter hw many peple there are in yur grup / Hwever many peple there are in yur grup, dn’t split up.
    ___________________________________________/__________________________________________________(hw),Jane never gave up hpe.2. __________________________//________________________ (where), Jane wuld invite peple t dnate tissue samples fr research purpses.
    many times she was rushed t the ICU
    Hwever many times she was
    Wherever she went
    N matter where she went
    rushed t the ICU
    N matter hw
    Jane is determined t live a fulfilling life ___________________________/_________________________________(what)._________________________________/_________________________________________(what), Jane is determined t help patients recver frm this cancer
    Whatever the future hlds
    N matter what the future hlds
    Whatever difficulties she might face
    N matter what difficulties
    she might face
    Listening & speaking
    Listening & speaking: While-listening
    1. The stry f Rbinsn Cruse is a very sad survival stry. 2. It takes great patience fr Rbinsn Cruse t survive n the island. 3. Rbinsn Cruse is a clever and ptimistic man.
    Listen t the cnversatin and chse the ideas NOT cnveyed by the speakers.
    4. Rbinsn Cruse’s wrds are gd suggestins when we are faced with a crisis. 5. The mst imprtant reasn fr Rbinsn Cruse’s survival is his calmness.
    Listening & speaking: Befre listening
    D Yu Knw? There is a very exciting bk called The Adventures f Rbinsn Cruse, whse theme is abut survival. Have yu read it befre? Can yu remember sme stries in that bk?
    Listen again and cmplete the diagram.
    Rbinsn Cruse desn’t 1____________ but2___________________ frm the ship.
    lse his head
    gets necessary things
    He 3___________________ and4 ________________t keep himself safe. And he 5____________by rubbing wd tgether. He makes tls that are imprtant fr survival, such as spades 6 ___________ and cups ut f clay. He even makes his wn clthes by7_______________________
    lives in a cave
    builds a fence
    makes a fire
    being wise and 8____________
    sewing animal skins tgether.
    He takes days t 9____________________________ with tls made f wd. After the cave is 10 _____________ ________________________ _______________.
    ruined by a landslide / ruined by a fall f earth
    patience and perseverance
    and deepen his cave
    He desn’t 11_____________but quickly 12 ____________________________________________________________________________________
    feel depressed
    redes the wrk, using wden psts t make the cave strnger than befre.
    14 _____________
    He 13_______________ ___________________________________________________________, and cnsiders what he enjys rather than what he wants.
    lks mre upn the bright side f his cnditin, and less upn the dark side
    psitive attitude
    Listening & speaking: Discussin
    Nw talk abut the qualities that help Rbinsn Cruse t survive. D further research if necessary.
    the qualities that help Rbinsn t survive:1. calmness2. being wise and knwledgeable 3. patience and perseverance4. psitive attitude
    Sentence patterns that may help yu:It is imprtant / necessary / vital t stay calm, fr …Being wise and knwledgeable is extremely significant, because …
    Listening & speaking: Summary
    Cmplete the bxes with the expressins frm the cnversatin.
    What d yu think …? The way I see it, … I can’t agree mre. Persnally, I think / believe … I think yu are right.
    What’s yur take n this? I think s, t. That’s true. I’m quite impressed… What surprises me mre is…
    2. What’s yur take n this?
    1. What d yu think ... ?
    1. The way I see it ...
    2. Persnally, I think / believe…
    1. I can’t agree mre.
    2. I think yu are right.
    4. What surprises me mre is …
    4. That’s true.
    3. I’m quite impressed ...
    3. I think s, t.
    Listening & speaking: Speaking
    Read the passage and answer the questins.
    Daniel Defe was an English writer, wh is best knwn fr his nvel Rbinsn Cruse, althugh he als wrte hundreds f ther wrks. He published Rbinsn Cruse in 1719 at the age f 59. Tday, it remains ne f the mst famus tales f survival ever tld.
    Cuntless readers have been encuraged by Rbinsn Cruse’s qualities, which g beynd his survival n a desert island. Such qualities can help us cpe in a crisis, n matter what r where it is.
    After reading the passage, please answer the questins.
    2. What can we d when facing such crises?
    注释:crises: 危机,crisis的复数形式
    1. What kinds f crises d yu knw peple are facing in different parts f the wrld?
    Shw yur wn answers.
    Vcabulary building
    Backgrund Infrmatin
    Crises the wrld faces
    Nt nly shuld a single persn knw hw t survive in crises, but als this wrld has t take measures t cpe with the crises it faces. What are the crises this wrld faces?
    Read the newspaper reprts and answer the questins. Pay attentin t the wrds and expressins in bld.
    Dctrs battle new disease Dctrs are flying t an island ff the cast f West Africa after an utbreak f a new disease caused by a flu virus. They will be testing varius medicines in a struggle t find a cure.
    Eurpe Struggles with Heat WaveCuntries in Suthern Eurpe have issued warnings after temperatures rse t 40°C. They advise peple t stay indrs and avid exercise. Swimming pls and beaches are crwded with peple trying t cl dwn.
    Cuntry Is Cping With Oil Shrtage The President has annunced emergency measures t limit fuel cnsumptin. Meanwhile, scientists are wrking n energy-saving measures and new fuel surces t supplement il supplies.
    Scientists act t eliminate intrduced species frm island Scientists are implementing a three-year prgramme t kill all rats, cats and fxes that were accidentally intrduced t King Island early in the 20th century and are nw threatening the survival f lcal species.
    Firefighters bring blaze under cntrl Lcal firefighters successfully prevented further spreading f a huge fire caused by high temperatures in the suth-west yesterday, after battling fr hurs in fierce cnditins.
    1. What situatins are mentined in the headlines?
    The fifth ne tells f the spreading f a huge fire.
    The first ne tells f an utbreak f a new disease.
    The secnd ne reprts a heat wave.
    The third ne tells f an il shrtage.
    The furth ne reprts the invasin f freign species n an island.
    2. Hw d peple and rganisatins react t these crises?
    1) Dctrs are flying there and will be testing varius medicines t find a cure.
    2) Cuntries which are hit by a heat wave advise peple t stay indrs and avid exercise. Sme peple g t swimming pls and beaches t cl themselves dwn.
    4) Scientists are carrying ut a three-year prgramme t eliminate the intrduced species.
    5) Firefighters brught the huge fire under cntrl after battling fr hurs.
    3) The president has annunced measures t limit fuel cnsumptin and scientists are finding new measures and fuel surces.
    SURVIVOR SURVIVOR is a new mnthly magazine fr peple interested in ecsystem and disaster management. Each issue lks at sme f the mst urgent prblems f ur time. Our first issue has a special fcus n
    Read the advertisement and rewrite the underlined expressins with the crrect frm f the wrds and expressins in Activity 9.
    1. fighting against glbal warming. Temperatures are rising, and natins are failing t 2. respnd t it. As islands 3. wrestle with rising sea levels, what is t bedne? Plus, it als includes a free pster illustrating
    new plans t 4. get rid f the Ebla virus nce and fr all. We invite yu t read Survivr and learn hw we might 5. stp ur prblems frm getting wrse!
    fighting againstrespnd twrestle withget rid fstp ur prblems frm getting wrse
    struggle with
    bring ur prblems under cntrl
    Wrk in pairs. Think f anther issue cncerning survival and talk abut hw t deal with it. Use the wrds and expressins in this sectin.
    Using Language
    regardless fa wildfire breaks utget lst insplit upa first aid kitbe diagnsed with a rare and deadly cancerinfrm sb f sthhigh-risk surgerybe rushed t the ICUgive up hpeshrtly after recverytake an internshipdnate tissue samples fr research purpsesbe determined t live a fulfilling lifein spite fface difficulties
    不管,无论...野火爆发迷失,走丢分开,分离急救工具箱被诊断患一种稀少且致命的癌症通知某人某事高风险手术被送到ICU放弃希望恢复后不久实习为研究捐献组织样本14. 决心过有意义的人生15. 尽管 面对困难
    ff the castan utbreak f a new diseasein a struggle t find a curestruggle with/wrestle withissue warningscpe withlimit fuel cnsumptinwrk n energy-saving measuresimplement a three-year prgrambring blaze under cntrlfight against/battle glbal warmingget rid f/eliminate
    Using language
    Wrds and Phrases
    1. break ut
    Leave the area quickly but calmly if a wildfire breaks ut at any time. (教材P65) 如果任何时候发生火灾,迅速但冷静地离开该地。【用法详解】 break ut意为“爆发,突然发生”,是不及物动词短语,不用于被动语态。  A fire brke ut in the restaurant last night. But frtunately, n ne was hurt. 昨晚这家饭店发生了火灾,但幸运的是,没有人受伤。  At the end f 2019, COVID-19 brke ut firstly in several regins and swept the wrld sn. 2019年底,新型冠状病毒肺炎首先在几个地区爆发,不久席卷全球。
    Leave the area quickly but calmly if a wildfire breaks ut at any time. (教材P65) 如果任何时候发生火灾,迅速但冷静地离开该地。【知识拓展】 break int 强行闯入;突然开始(笑、唱等) break in 强行进入;打断,搅扰 break away frm逃脱;背叛,脱离 break up 解散;粉碎;绝交 break dwn 出故障;垮掉;失败;破坏,消除 break thrugh (克服困难或障碍)取得突破;冲破;突破
    2. dnate vt. 捐献(器官),献(血);(尤指向慈善机构)捐赠
    wuld invite peple t dnate tissue samples fr research purpses. (教材P65) ……简会邀请人们捐献组织样本以用于研究目的。【用法详解】  dnate sth. t sb./sth. 将某物捐赠给某人/某物 The appeal t peple t dnate bld was very successful. 这个让人们献血的呼吁非常有效。 Befre graduatin, many students in ur schl dnated their bks t the schl library fr ther students t use. 毕业前夕,我们学校的许多学生把他们的书捐赠给学校图书馆供其他学生使用。【知识拓展】dnatin n. [C,U] 捐赠物,捐赠 (make a dnatin t...向……捐赠) dnr n. [C]捐赠者;献血者,器官捐献者
    3. react
    Hw d peple and rganisatins react t these crises? (教材P67) 人们和组织对这些危机作何反应?【用法详解】 ① vi. (对……)作出反应,回应;(对食物等)有不良反应,过敏  react t sth. (by ding sth.) (通过做某事)对某事/物作出反应 The audience reacted angrily t the news by sending cmplaints t the newspaper. 观众对这一消息表示愤怒,并向报纸发出投诉。  react t... 对……过敏 Peple can react badly t certain fd additives. 人们对某些食品添加剂会严重过敏。
     react against... 反对,反抗 Many yung peple react against traditinal values and want t live freely. 很多年轻人反对传统价值观,想要自由地生活。 ② vi. 起化学反应  react with sth. 与某物发生化学反应 Irn reacts with water and air t prduce rust. 铁和水及空气发生反应产生铁锈。【知识拓展】 reactin n. [C, U] 反应,回应;化学反应
    4. respnd vi. 作出反应,回应;vt. & vi. (口头或书面)回答,回应
    Temperatures are rising, and natins are failing t respnd t it. (教材P67) 气温正在上升,而各国未能对此作出反应。 When asked abut the cmpany’s future, the directr respnded that he remained ptimistic. 当被问到公司的未来时,经理回答说他依然乐观。【用法详解】  respnd t... (with sth./by ding sth.) (以某事/做某事)对……作出反应/回应 He respnded by marching ff and shutting the dr behind him with great frce. 他的反应是大步走出房间,狠狠甩上了门。
    Temperatures are rising, and natins are failing t respnd t it. (教材P67) 气温正在上升,而各国未能对此作出反应。  respnd t ne’s letter/email 回复某人的信/电子邮件 Dn’t respnd t any emails requesting persnal infrmatin, n matter hw fficial they lk. 不要回应任何询问个人信息的电子邮件,不管它们看起来有多么正式。【知识拓展】 respnse n. [C,U] 反应,响应;回答,答复 in respnse t... 作为对……的答复/反应 make (n) respnse t... 对……(不)作出反应,对……(不)予以回答

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 A delicate world评课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 A delicate world评课ppt课件,共41页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar,宾语从句,不定式,It作形式宾语,真正的宾语是,有宾语补足语,动名词,It 指代不定式,It 指代动名词,It 指代从句等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Breaking boundaries示范课课件ppt: 这是一份高中英语外研版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Breaking boundaries示范课课件ppt,共41页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar,随堂练习等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    高中英语Unit 3 Times change!示范课ppt课件: 这是一份高中英语Unit 3 Times change!示范课ppt课件,共54页。PPT课件主要包含了Grammar,过去进行时的被动语态,企业家,形成坚实的基础,over,easier等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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