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    1.Watching The Battle at Lake Changjin is a good _______ to relax when you’re tired.
    A.rule B.choice C.question D.skill
    2.— Did you see Mike? He just came back from France.
    — Yes. But he ________ with someone, so I nodded to him and went away.
    A.talks B.is talking C.was talking D.has talked
    3.It’s important for teenagers to learn to spend money ________.
    A.easily B.exactly C.wisely D.quickly
    4.—What about going to the cinema this weekend?
    —I’d like to, but the final exam is coming. I ________ to stay at home.
    A.prefer B.avoid C.refuse D.achieve
    5.My parents won’t let me go out alone ________ they are sure I’m safe.
    A.since B.if C.unless D.because
    6.—I lost my watch in the library yesterday.
    —Why not go to the Lost and Found? They _______ one.
    A.find B.have found C.will find D.had found
    7.Betty, you dance ________ among all the dancers. Congratulations!
    A.better B.best C.beautifully D.most beautiful
    8.—How delicious the salad is!
    —It ________ by my sister.
    A.makes B.made C.was made D.will be made

    Tony is a warm-hearted repairman, who lost his job again a few months ago. He was really 9 applying for (申请) a new job.
    One day, he brought together all his courage to go to a job interview. The interview was at 10 a. m. and it was already 8:30. While waiting for a bus, he saw a man 10 kicking one tyre (轮胎) of his car. Clearly, there was something wrong with the car. Tony 11 to help.
    An hour later, Tony finished repairing the car, getting his shirt dirty. The man thanked him and wanted to pay for the 12 . "I was just helping out," Tony 13 . "I have to rush for an interview now," he added. "Well, I could take you there. It's the 14 I could do, please!" the man insisted (坚持). Then Tony agreed.
    While waiting in the long line of the applicants (应聘者) 15 his dirty shirt, Tony felt embarrassed and nervous. One by one, the applicants left the interviewer's office with 16 looks on their faces. Finally his name was called.
    The 17 was sitting on big chair with his back towards Tony. "Do you really need to be interviewed?" he asked. Tony's heart sank (下沉). "With the way I 18 now, how could I possibly 19 this interview?" he thought to himself.
    Then the interviewer 20 his chair. To Tony's surprise, it was the man he helped earlier in the morning!
    "Sorry to keep you waiting, but I was pretty sure I had made the 21 decision to have you in our company even 22 you came into this office. I just know you'd be a good worker I can 23 . Congratulations!"
    9.A.afraid of B.interested in C.crazy about D.sure of
    10.A.excitedly B.slowly C.hardly D.angrily
    11.A.provided B.offered C.asked D.promised
    12.A.car B.tyre C.work D.time
    13.A.refused B.accepted C.agreed D.avoided
    14.A.most B.best C.least D.worst
    15.A.in B.for C.with D.of
    16.A.satisfied B.disappointed C.worried D.pleased
    17.A.clerk B.customer C.applicant D.interviewer
    18.A.talk B.stand C.look D.wait
    19.A.fail B.pass C.lose D.win
    20.A.knocked B.broke C.shook D.turned
    21.A.wrong B.right C.silly D.careful
    22.A.until B.after C.before D.since
    23.A.trust B.depend C.meet D.praise

    helpful   bring   why   winner   angry    cry    join    everyone    if    really    loudly
    Fights at school sometimes happen. But how can you keep away from a fight? Here’s something you can do.
    Be calm. Sometimes, you feel so angry that you 24 want to teach somebody a lesson. But being 25 can’t solve problems. Neither can a fight. Instead, it may 26 you more problems. In the school, 27 involved (卷入) in a fight will be punished, no matter who started it. There are no 28 in a fight.
    Shout loudly. If you know someone is coming up behind you to attack (攻击), turn toward the person with your hands up in front of your body and 29 say “stop” before walking away. Loud voice can usually make the attacker calm down. If the person doesn’t stop, 30 for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby.
    Learn to refuse. Your friend may ask you 31 in a fight. Learn to say no. Helping him fight is not really 32 to him. If you really want to give him a hand, try to ask him to give it up. Also, you can tell him 33 he gets involved in a fight, he may get hurt and be punished. Then, try to learn 34 he wants a fight and help him find a right way to deal with the problem.

    Basketball, running and swimming are popular events(项目) at the Olympics. But there are also some events that are not as popular. Some are even very strange. Let’s see if you have any knowledge about the following events.

    Tug-of-warThis event started in 1900 and left the Olympics in 1920. The team wins if they pull the rope past a certain point first. Interestingly, more than one team from a country can enter in this event. This makes it possible for one country to win several medals.

    Rope climbingIt first appeared as an Olympic sport in 1896. The climber who spends the shortest time reaching the top is the winner. The rope used to be 15 meters long. Years later, it was shortened to 8 meters for some reason. After 1932, there was no rope climbing in the Olympics.

    Race walkingIn race walking, walkers have to win the race by walking. To make sure that they do not run, race walkers must have one foot on the ground at all times. Race walking has been an Olympic sport since 1904. Men enter in 20 kilometer and 50 kilometer races; women only race 20 kilometers.
    35.Which of the following events left the Olympics in 1920?
    A.Rope climbing. B.Basketball.
    C.Tug-of-war. D.Race walking.
    36.How many metres long was the rope in rope climbing in 1896?
    A.8. B.15. C.20. D.50.
    37.Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage?
    A.One country can only enter one team in tug-of-war.
    B.Rope climbing first appeared in the 1932 Olympics.
    C.Women in race walking can enter in the 50 kilometer race.
    D.Race walking is still an event at the Olympic Games today.

    “Amy! Milk!” Mama called.
    Milk. It was Amy’s turn to get it. Amy sighed and shut her first-aid(急救) book.
    Amy tied the cow close to a tree. Somewhere down the mountain, some volunteer doctors were teaching medical skills to village nurses. Amy heard Betty dive off hours ago. “She should have taken me with her. She thinks I’m too young.” Amy thought. “But she’s wrong. I am already 15!”
    Amy carried the milk back to Mama, then wandered up the road. Roy, a village boy, was trying to stand on a horse’s back. “No wonder they don’t trust kids with anything important,” Amy thought.
    She had just turned away when she heard a heavy fall and a few cries. Roy was on the ground. “Roy!” The kids nearby ran towards him. “Get Betty,” one said. Amy shook her head. “Betty’s gone to the city.”
    The kids didn’t know what to do. Amy ran to Roy and saw one of his legs out of shape. A broken leg! She remembered what the first-aid book said about it.
    “Victor!” Amy called to one of the boys. “Go get Roy’s mama, and find someone with a truck,” She turned to the others. “Give me your shirts. We need something to tie his leg with.”
    Amy then found a strong, straight stick. She carefully wrapped the shirts around Roy’s leg and the stick. Roy cried out in pain. “I know it hurts,” Amy said softly. “But this will hold it still until you get to the hospital.”
    When Amy was done, she looked up and saw Roy’s mama and a man watching beside a truck. “Thank you, Amy,” Roy’s mama said. Amy helped them lift Roy into the truck, then they drove down the hillside towards the hospital.
    The next day, Betty came to Amy’s home. “I heard what you did,” Betty said. “You kept your head in an emergency. That’s an important skill.”
    Amy’s face turned red. “I was afraid ...”
    Betty shook her head. “It’s OK for a nurse to be afraid, as long as she has a clear head. The volunteer doctors are coming tomorrow with vaccines. We need some more hands. Can you help?”
    “I’d love to.” Amy replied at once.
    “Come early, then. There is a lot to learn.”
    Amy smiled. “I’ll bring my first-aid book.”
    38.Why didn’t Betty take Amy with her to the medical training?
    A.Amy was busy reading. B.Amy had to milk the cow.
    C.Betty left too early in the morning. D.Betty thought Amy wasn’t old enough.
    39.What happened to Roy?
    A.He fell off the horseback. B.He was kicked by the horse.
    C.He successfully stood on the horseback. D.He was pulled off the horseback by the kids.
    40.What is the correct order of Amy’s first-aid actions?
    a. She found a proper stick.                    b. She helped lift Roy into the truck.
    c. She asked the boys for some shirts.            d. She tied the shirts around the broken leg.
    e. She sent someone to get Roy’s mum and a truck.
    A.c-e-a-b-d B.a-c-e-d-b C.e-c-a-d-b D.e-c-a-b-d
    41.Why did Betty invite Amy to help the doctors in the end?
    A.Amy had similar experiences before.
    B.Amy was cool-headed when giving first-aid.
    C.Betty regretted not taking Amy to the training.
    D.Betty realized that Amy had become a good doctor.
    42.Which sentence best describes a lesson from the story?
    A.Only trained doctors and nurses can provide first-aid.
    B.Knowledge from books can help solve real-life problems.
    C.Children need enough practice before they can be helpful.
    D.Helping with housework is important to children’s health.

    Many people may wonder what the three Chinese astronauts’ life was like when working in space. In fact, they did many of the things as we do on Earth.
    They brush their teeth, wash their hair and go to the bathroom. However, because of the microgravity(失重) environment, they take care of themselves in different ways. They wash their hair by using the no-rinse shampoo to get it clean because there are no real showers in the spaceship.
    Astronauts eat three meals a day: breakfast, lunch and dinner. But how much they eat depends on the astronauts. A small woman astronaut often needs only about 1 ,900 calories (卡路里) a day, while a large man requires about 3,200 calories. So there are many kinds of foods ready, such as fruits, nuts, chicken, beef and seafood. They can also drink coffee, tea and orange juice.
    Astronauts can have much fun, too. They look out of the window, enjoying the wonderful sunsets and sunrises which happen every 45 minutes. Very often, they play with their food or even jokes on their workmates. Believe it or not, astronauts can even spend weekends, when they can watch movies, play music, read books and talk to their families.
    After a long day at work, ________. Just like on Earth, an astronaut goes to bed at a certain time, then wakes up and prepares for work again. But there are a few differences. Astronauts have to sleep in sleeping  bags in special cabins (柜子) . Generally, astronauts are planned to have eight hours of sleep. Like on Earth, they may wake up in the middle of their sleep to use the toilet. And astronauts also have dreams.
    As for Wang Yaping, she had another experience—preparing for lessons for the Chinese students far down on Earth.
    43.What can we learn about astronauts from the passage?
    A.They have to take showers every two days
    B.They are not allowed to play jokes in space.
    C.They can have many kinds of foods for their meals.
    D.They seldom have dreams when they sleep in space.
    44.What does the underlined word “it” refer to?
    A.The no-rinse shampoo. B.The spaceship.
    C.The astronauts’ hair. D.The bathroom.
    45.Choose the best sentence to fill in the blank “________” in Paragraph 5.
    A.it is time to make a phone call
    B.reading is what an astronaut needs
    C.listening to music sounds like a good idea
    D.nothing is better than a good night’s sleep
    46.What was Wang Yaping’s special experience in space?
    A.Making different kinds of foods.
    B.Taking care of the other astronauts.
    C.Writing a report about space travel.
    D.Giving a lesson to students on Earth.
    47.What does the passage mainly talk about?
    A.How astronauts work in space.
    B.What it is like inside a spaceship.
    C.What kind of people can be astronauts.
    D.Astronauts’ daily life in the spaceship.

    Historically, most cars have run on gasoline (汽油), but that may change in the future: cars can also run on other liquid fuels (液体燃料) and electricity.
    Gasoline is from oil. The energy in gasoline comes from hydrocarbons (碳氢化合物). Gasoline provides great power for cars. However, it causes environmental problems, like air pollution and temperature rise. So gasoline can’t be the best fuel.
    Another choice is electricity. Electricity cars can be as efficient (效能好的) as cars using gasoline. And they produce less pollution. But electric cars themselves are more expensive. Good news is that the cost has been lower and there are more and more places for the cars to get electricity ever since 2010.
    The other choices are other liquid fuels. Many of these can be stored in the same places as gasoline, and used in the same cars. They can also be friendly to the environment.
    One way to make such fuels is to get CO2 from the air and put it in water. Through chemical reaction, hydrocarbons can be created. However, these fuels take up more space.
    Another way is to make such fuels from plants which take in carbon from the air. These fuels are greener in use. But not all of them can be as efficient as gasoline.
    For a fuel to be the best, people have to be able to afford it. Unluckily, almost every green technology is more sumptuous than that of using gasoline. Governments and car producers are doing everything they can to cut down the costs. In the end, the best fuel will be both affordable for car users and green for our planet.
    48.What does Gasoline provide cars with?
    A.Great power. B.Fresh air.
    C.Clean water. D.Enough space.
    49.According to Paragraph 3, what can we infer about electric cars?
    A.They produce more pollution.
    B.They will become more and more expensive.
    C.They will become more popular.
    D.They are more efficient than those using gasoline.
    50.What does the underlined word “sumptuous” mean?
    A.Scientific. B.Expensive.
    C.Harmful. D.Convenient.
    51.Which of following may be the structure of the passage?
    A. B.
    C. D.
    52.What would be the best title for the passage?
    A.How Do We Protect Our Planet?
    B.What Are the Fuels’ Differences?
    C.What Is the Best Fuel for Cars?
    D.How Do We Make Fuels for Cars?

    Do you sleep well every night? Studies show if we have a good rest, we must have more energy to study. 53
    The sleep environment is very important to us. The bedroom is the main place where we sleep at night, so its environment directly affects the quality of our sleep. 54 So we should advise our parents to pay attention to our bedroom environment.
    55 The bedroom light should be neither too bright nor too dark. If the light is too dark, it will affect people’s eyesight. If the light is too bright, it can affect the speed of falling asleep. So we should choose a kind of yellow light that gives feeling of warmth.
    There shouldn’t be too many flowers in our bedroom. Many old people like to put a lot of flowers in the bedroom. Of course these flowers can make us relaxed and feel well. But there are too many plants in the bedroom, which can really affect people’s sleep quality. 56
    Our bedroom should be ventilated(通风) often. 57 Otherwise, we may find it difficult to breathe, which can affect our sleep quality.
    A.We should sleep at night with windows open.
    B.Our bedroom should have proper light.
    C.We should pay attention to our eyesight.
    D.At the same time, we will be healthier.
    E.And good sleep plays an important role in our health.
    F.So don’t put too many plants in our bedroom.
    G.We should often open the window so that fresh air can come in.

    A: Hello! This is West Lake Theater. 58
    B: Yes, we want to use your theater to have an English party.
    A: 59
    B: This Saturday evening.
    A: 60
    B: About 2 hours.
    A: 61 It’s available from 19:00 p. m. to 21:00 p. m.
    B: The time is OK. How much should I pay for this place?
    A: 800 yuan per hour.
    B: That’s too expensive. Is it OK to pay you 700 yuan an hour?
    A: 62
    B: Thank you. We’ll arrive at 18:50 this Saturday evening.
    A: You’re welcome.
    A.Why will you have the English party?
    B.Oh, let me see.
    C.No problem.
    D.When are you going to use it?
    E.Can I help you?
    F.How long will your party last?
    G.That sounds reasonable.

    你对陌生人做过哪些温暖的、善意的小事?或者你接受过任何萍水相逢的援助吗?请你回顾过往,以“A small kind act”为题,写一篇英语作文。
    1. How did the small act happen?
    2. How did it make you feel?
    3. What can you learn from it?
    A small kind act

    考查名词辨析。rule规则;choice选择;question问题;skill技巧。根据“to relax when you’re tired.”可知,看《长津湖之战》是疲劳时放松身心的好选择。故选B。
    考查过去进行时。根据“But he … with someone, so I nodded to him and went away”可知,此处强调在过去的某个时间点正在发生的动作,用过去进行时。故选C。
    考查副词辨析。easily容易地;exactly确切地;wisely明智地;quickly迅速地。根据“It’s important for teenagers to learn to spend money”可知,这里指学会明智地花钱是很重要的。故选C。
    考查动词词义辨析。prefer更喜欢;avoid避免;refuse拒绝;achieve获得。由答语“I’d like to, but the final exam is coming”知,此句是说宁愿待在家里。故选A。
    考查连词辨析。since自从,引导时间状语从句;if如果,引导条件状语从句;unless除非,引导条件状语从句;because因为,引导原因状语从句。根据“they are sure I’m safe.”可知,这里是由unless引导的条件状语从句。故选C。
    【详解】句意:——我昨天在图书馆丢了手表。 ——为什么不去失物招领处?他们找到了一个。
    考查现在完成时。根据“Why not go to the Lost and Found? They…one.”可知,此处强调过去的动作对现在有影响,因此用现在完成时。故选B。
    考查副词最高级。better是good和well的比较级形式;best是good和well的最高级形式;beautifully美妙地,副词;most beautiful最美妙的,形容词最高级形式。根据句中“among all the dancers”可知,这里表示在三者以上的范围中比较,应用最高级,排除A和C;并且结合句子结构,该空修饰动词dance,应用副词形式,排除D,故选B。
    考查一般过去时的被动语态。主语“it”指的是salad“沙拉”,和动词make“制作”之间是被动关系,故应用被动语态,排除A、B;又根据“How delicious the salad is”可知,动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时的被动语态,构成形式为was/were+done。故选C。

    9.A 10.D 11.B 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.C 16.B 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.D 21.B 22.C 23.A

    be afraid of害怕;be interested in对……感兴趣;be crazy about为……而疯狂;be sure of确信。由下文“One day, he brought together all his courage to go to a job interview一天,他鼓起勇气去参加一个面试。”可知,他害怕申请一份新工作。故选A。”
    excitedly兴奋地;slowly慢慢地;hardly几乎不;angrily生气地。由下文“kicking one tyre (轮胎) of his car”踢汽车的轮胎,可知,男人非常生气。故选D。
    provided提供;offered主动提出;asked询问;promised承诺。由下文“An hour later, Tony finished repairing the car”一个小时以后,托尼修完了车,可知,托尼主动提出要帮忙,即offer to do sth主动提出做某事。故选B。
    car汽车;tyre轮胎;work工作;time时间。由上文“Tony finished repairing the car”可知,男人想为托尼的修理轮胎的工作付钱。故选C。
    refused拒绝;accepted接受;agreed同意;avoided避免。由上文“I was just helping out”我只是在帮忙,可知,托尼拒绝了男人的报酬。故选A。
    in在……里面;for为了;with带有,具有;of……的。由下文“his dirty shirt”可知,此处应用介词with表伴随,即穿着脏衬衫在队伍中等候。故选C。
    satisfied满意的;disappointed失望的;worried担心的;pleased高兴的。由下文“I just know you'd be a good worker I can _______ . Congratulations!”可知,最终是托尼被录取了,所以其他人带着失望的表情离开办公室。故选B。
    clerk职员;customer顾客;applicant应聘者;interviewer面试官。由下文“Do you really need to be interviewed?”可知,坐在椅子上的是面试官。故选D。
    talk说;stand站立;look看起来;wait等待。由上文“While waiting in the long line of the applicants (应聘者) with his dirty shirt”可知,托尼穿着脏衬衫参加的面试,所以他想自己看起来的样子不会通过面试。故选C。
    knocked敲;broke打破;shook震动;turned调转。由上文“with his back towards Tony…”及下文“To Tony's surprise, it was the man he helped earlier in the morning”可知,面试官之前背对着托尼,所以他转动了椅子之后,托尼认出了他的相貌。故选D。

    24.really 25.angry 26.bring 27.everyone 28.winners 29.loudly 30.cry 31.to join 32.helpful 33.if 34.why

    24.句意:有时,你会感到非常愤怒,以至于你真地想教训别人。根据“want to teach somebody a lesson.”及备选词汇可知,太生气了以至于想真地教训别人,really意为“真地,很”,副词修饰动词。故填really。
    25.句意:但是生气并不能解决问题。根据“you feel so angry that you…”及备选词汇可知,这里是指生气并不能解决问题,系动词后跟形容词angry“生气的”。故填angry。
    26.句意:相反,它可能会给你带来更多的问题。根据“you more problems.”及备选词汇可知,这里是给你带来更多的问题,bring意为“带来”,may后跟动词原形。故填bring。
    27.句意:在学校里,参与打架的每个人都会受到惩罚,无论是谁挑起的。根据“involved (卷入) in a fight will be punished”及备选词汇可知,这里是参与打架的每个人,everyone意为“每个人”。故填everyone。
    28.句意:打架没有赢家。根据“in a fight.”及备选词汇可知,这里指打架没有赢家,winner 意为“获胜者”,这里用复数形式winners。故填winners。
    29.句意:如果你知道有人在你身后发起攻击,那么在走开之前,双手放在身前,转向那个人,大声说“停”。根据“Shout loudly.”及备选词汇可知,这里是大声说“停”,loudly意为“大声地”,副词修饰动词。故填loudly。
    30.句意:如果这个人不停下来,喊出附近办公室的老师的名字来呼救。根据“for help by calling out the name of a teacher whose office is nearby.”及备选词汇可知,这里是大声呼叫老师的名字,cry for help意为“呼救”,这里是祈使句用动词原形。故填cry。
    31.句意:你的朋友可能会邀请你参加一场打架。根据“in a fight.”及备选词汇可知,这里是参加一场打架,join意为“加入”,这里是:ask sb. to do sth.要求某人做某事,需用动词不定式。故填to join。
    32.句意:帮他打架对他没有什么帮助。根据“Helping him fight is not really…to him.”及备选词汇可知,这里是打架对他没有什么帮助,helpful意为“有帮助的”,形容词作表语。故填helpful。
    33.句意:此外,你可以告诉他,如果他卷入斗殴,他可能会受伤并受到惩罚。根据“…he gets involved in a fight, he may get hurt and be punished.”及备选词汇可知,前句是后句的条件,这里是由if引导的条件状语从句。故填if。
    34.句意:然后,试着了解他为什么想要打架,并帮助他找到正确的方法来处理这个问题。根据“he wants a fight and help him find a right way to deal with the problem.”可知,是了解原因,帮助解决问题,这里是由why引导的宾语从句。故填why。
    35.C 36.B 37.D

    35.细节理解题。根据“Tug-of-war”下的“This event started in 1900 and left the Olympics in 1920.”可知拔河这个项目于1920年退出奥运会,故选C。
    36.细节理解题。根据“Rope climbing”下的“It first appeared as an Olympic sport in 1896…The rope used to be 15 meters long.”可知1896年爬绳项目的绳长15米,故选B。
    37.推理判断题。根据“Race walking has been an Olympic sport since 1904.”可知自1904年起,竞走就成为了奥运会的一项运动,所以今天,竞走仍然是奥运会的比赛项目,D项表述正确,故选D。
    38.D 39.A 40.C 41.B 42.B

    细节理解题。根据原文She should have taken me with her. She thinks I’m too young可知,贝蒂觉得艾米太年轻了,所以没有带她去。D选项Betty thought Amy wasn’t old enough“贝蒂觉得艾米的年纪还没达到”符合题意,故选D。
    细节理解题。根据原文Roy, a village boy, was trying to stand on a horse’s back … She had just turned away when she heard a heavy fall and a few cries. Roy was on the ground可知,罗伊从马背上摔了下来。A选项He fell off the horseback“他从马背上摔下来了”符合题意,故选A。
    推理判断题。根据原文It’s OK for a nurse to be afraid, as long as she has a clear head可知,护士需要冷静的头脑,由此可推断艾米在急救中表现出的头脑冷静打动了贝蒂。B选项Amy was cool-headed when giving first-aid“艾米在急救时头脑冷静”符合题意,故选B。
    主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了艾米将书上所学急救知识运用到实际中的故事。B选项Knowledge from books can help solve real-life problems“书本上的知识可以帮助解决现实生活中的问题”符合题意,故选B。
    43.C 44.C 45.D 46.D 47.D

    43.细节理解题。由第三段“So there are many kinds of foods ready, such as fruits, nuts, chicken, beef and seafood.”知,宇航员有很多种食物。故选C。
    44.词句猜测题。由句中“They wash their hair”知,此处“it”指的是宇航员的头发。故选C。
    45.推理判断题。由后句“Just like on Earth, an astronaut goes to bed at a certain time, then wakes up and prepares for work again”知,此处是说睡眠对宇航员很重要,故选D。
    46.细节理解题。由最后一段“As for Wang Yaping, she had another experience— preparing for lessons for the Chinese students far down on Earth.”知,王亚萍的特殊经历是为远在地球上的中国学生上课,故选D。
    48.A 49.C 50.B 51.B 52.C

    48.细节理解题。根据“Gasoline provides great power for cars.”可知汽油给车提供动力。故选A。
    49.推理判断题。根据“Good news is that the cost has been lower and there are more and more places for the cars to get electricity ever since 2010.”可知电动汽车的花费更低,也会有更多地方去充电。由此推断出电动汽车会越来越受欢迎。故选C。
    50.词句猜测题。根据“For a fuel to be the best, people have to be able to afford it”可知要使一种燃料成为最好的燃料,人们必须能够负担得起。结合“Unluckily”可知,几乎每一项绿色技术都比使用汽油更昂贵。故选B。
    52.最佳标题题。通读全文可知,本文主要介绍了几种汽车燃料,并分析了它们的利弊。故What Is the Best Fuel for Cars?“什么是最好的汽车燃料?”是最佳标题。故选C。
    53.D 54.E 55.B 56.F 57.G

    53.根据“Studies show if we have a good rest, we must have more energy to study” 可知好的休息会让我们有更多的精力去学习,因此,下文也应该是介绍“好的休息”的益处,因此D选项“同时,我们会更健康”符合上下文语境。故选D。
    54.根据“The bedroom is the main place where we sleep at night, so its environment directly affects the quality of our sleep” 可知,卧室环境能直接影响我们的睡眠质量,因此下文应该与睡眠质量有关,因此E选项“良好的睡眠对我们的健康起着重要的作用”符合上下文语境。故选E。
    55. 根据下文“The bedroom light should be neither too bright nor too dark”可知,卧室灯光不能太亮,也不能太暗,因此上文应该和卧室灯光有关系,因此B选项“我们的卧室应该有适当的光线”符合上下文语境。故选B。
    56.根据上文“But there are too many plants in the bedroom, which can really affect people’s sleep quality” 可知,放太多植物会影响睡眠质量,因此下文应该和植物有关,因此F选项“所以不要在卧室里放太多的植物”符合上下文语境。故选F。
    57.根据上文“Our bedroom should be ventilated(通风) often”可知,保持通风对睡眠有益处,因此下文应该与“开窗通风”有关,因此G选项“我们应该经常开窗以便新鲜空气就能进来”符合语境。故选G。
    58.E 59.D 60.F 61.B 62.C

    58.根据上下文“Hello! This is West Lake Theater...Yes, we want to use your theater to have an English party.”可知对方在询问有什么事情,选项E“我能为你做些什么?”符合语境。故选E。
    59.根据下文“This Saturday evening.”可知对方在询问派对的时间,选项D“你们打算什么时候用它?”符合语境。故选D。
    60.根据下文“About 2 hours.”可知对方在询问使用的时长,选项F“你们派对持续多久?”符合语境。故选F。
    61.根据下文“It’s available from 19:00 p. m. to 21:00 p. m.”可知工作人员在看时间,选项B“噢,让我看看。”符合语境。故选B。
    62.根据上下文“Is it OK to pay you 700 yuan an hour?...Thank you.”可知工作人员同意了砍价的提议,选项C“没问题。”符合语境。故选C。
    63.One possible version:
    A small kind act
    In our life, we may meet some small kinds act like helping, we will feel warm.
        Last Monday, it was 7 o’clock when I woke up. I realized that I might be late. I got up quickly and ran to the bus stop without breakfast. When I got to the station, the bus had already left. When I didn’t know what to do, a car stopped beside me. The driver in the car was my neighbor Uncle Wang. He saw that I had missed the bus and knew I must have been worried. So he turned the car around to take me to school. When I got to the door of the classroom, the bell rang. I was very thankful to Uncle Wang for what he has done for me. I am going to help people in need like Uncle Wang.
    ①wake up醒来
    ②get up起床
    ③be very thankful to非常感谢
    ①Last Monday, it was 7 o’clock when I woke up.(when引导的时间状语从句)
    ②When I didn’t know what to do, a car stopped beside me.(疑问词+动词不定式结构)
    ③He saw that I had missed the bus and knew I must have been worried.(that引导的宾语从句)
    ④I was very thankful to Uncle Wang for what he has done for me.(what引导的宾语从句)


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