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    这是一份北京市海淀区2022-2023学年高一英语下学期期末试题(Word版附解析),共22页。试卷主要包含了 B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    考生须知1. 本试卷共8页,共四个部分,59道小题。满分100分。考试时间90分钟。
    2. 在试卷和答题纸上准确填写学校名称、班级名称、姓名。
    3. 试题答案一律填涂或书写在答题纸上,在试卷上作答无效。
    4. 在答题纸上,选择题用2B铅笔作答,其余题用黑色字迹签字笔作答。
    5. 考试结束,请将本试卷和答题纸一并交回。
    第一节(共4小题; 每小题1分,共4分)
    听下面4段对话。每段对话后有一道小题,从每题所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你将有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话你将听一遍。
    1. What should the woman do to join the Rock Climbing Club?
    A. Fill in the form. B. Pay for the club. C. Prepare a helmet.
    2. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers?
    A. Customer and waiter.
    B. Professor and student.
    C. Passenger and driver.
    3. When does the man plan to arrive at the party?
    A. At 7:00. B. At 8:00. C. At 8:30.
    4. What is the man’s solution to his friend’s problem?
    A. Reviewing the verbs with his help.
    B. Adding-ed at the end of the verbs.
    C. Sleeping with the grammar book.
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1分,共10分)
    听第5段材料,回答第5至 6小题。
    5. What are the two speakers mainly talking about?
    A. Pet raising. B. Bird feeding. C. Animal care.
    6. Why isn’t a bird a good choice for the speakers?
    A. A bird cage is too expensive.
    B. A bird needs a lot of clean-up.
    C. They don’t know how to raise it.
    7. What is the conversation mainly about?
    A. Planning vacations.
    B. Taking pictures.
    C. Buying cameras.
    8. In which way does the man prefer to take pictures?
    A. When people are ready.
    B. Without people’s notice.
    C. Together with other people.
    听第7段材料,回答第9至 11小题。
    9. What is the main cause of the man’s stress?
    A. Preparing for the finals.
    B. Suffering from aches.
    C Low efficiency at work.
    10. Which suggestion does the woman think is the most important?
    A. Having a sound sleep at night.
    B. Setting a reasonable daily schedule.
    C. Putting the most important task first.
    11. How will the man probably feel after working out?
    A. Fulfilled. B. Relaxed. C. Satisfied.
    听第8段材料,回答第12至 14小题。
    12. What might attract kids?
    A. How physics works.
    B. How patterns are formed.
    C. How planes have developed.
    13. What can we learn about the museum from the lecture?
    A. It’s for visitors of different ages.
    B. Adults dislike energy exhibitions.
    C. Each exhibition has hands-on activities.
    14. What is the purpose of the lecture?
    A. To look for volunteers.
    B. To compare different shows.
    C. To introduce the exhibitions.
    第三节(共4小题; 每小题1分,共4分)
    听下面一段独白,完成第15至18四道小题,每小题仅填写一个词。听独白前,你将有20秒钟的时间阅读试题,听完后你将有 60秒钟的作答时间。这段独白你将听两遍。
    Ways to Start a Conversation
    Ask for information
    ●An 15 and natural way to build a friendly relationship
    ●A great way to approach someone
    Seek for help
    ●Make the other person feel helpful
    ●Be more likely to 16 you
    17 a shared experience
    ●Finda 18 as a talking point
    ●Make getting along much easier
    第一节(共10小题; 每小题 1. 5分, 共15分)
    Sachin invested everything he had and borrowed some money from friends to start his textile business. Despite his best efforts to maintain top ___1___ in his products, he was only getting small projects and the earnings were not sufficient to ___2___ its basic cost. His friends started asking for their money back, leaving him feeling defeated. One day, while sitting on a farm, Sachin met a farmer who asked him why he looked so down. Sachin explained his business wasn’t giving him the ___3___ he’d hoped for and that he was thinking of selling it.
    The farmer then took Sachin to see a mango tree and a bamboo tree.
    “Both the trees were planted at the same time, ___4___ nurtured with water, fertilizer, and sunshine. In the first two years, the mango tree grew quickly, while the bamboo tree remained relatively dormant (休眠的). It continued for the third and fourth years. In the fifth year, the mango tree started ___5___ fruits. Still, there were no ___6___ of growth in the bamboo tree. My fellow farmers told me not to waste any time on it. But I never gave up. One week later, there was a ___7___ growth in the bamboo tree. Then within six weeks, the tree grew to 100 feet. Actually, in the first four years, it was developing its root deep underground for a strong base for outside growth.”
    Sachin realized that the same principle ___8___ his business. He went back to his friends, requested for more time and then began exploring opportunities to get big orders. In the third month, a(n)___9___ order from a multinational company worth millions of dollars came in. Sachin and his team delivered the order on time, maintaining their high standards, and the company continued to give them more orders. Eventually, Sachin’s business became highly profitable, and he____10____ all the debts he owed to his friends.
    1. A. ranking B. balance C. quality D. appearance
    2. A. cover B. cut C. manage D. increase
    3. A. opportunities B. returns C. concerns D. expenses
    4. A. hardly B. equally C. finally D. hurriedly
    5. A. bearing B. changing C. preserving D. gathering
    6. A. signs B. clues C. patterns D. responses
    7. A. solid B. steady C. visual D. noticeable
    8. A. made up B. turned into C. resulted from D. applied to
    9. A. regular B. ordinary C. massive D. familiar
    10. A. raised B. settled C. invested D. consumed
    【答案】1. C 2. A 3. B 4. B 5. A 6. A 7. D 8. D 9. C 10. B
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管他尽了最大的努力来保持产品的高质量,但他只得到了小项目,收入不足以支付基本成本。A. ranking等级,地位;B. balance平衡;C. quality质量;D. appearance外貌,外观。根据该句中的“Despite his best efforts to maintain…”以及下文“he was only getting small projects”可知,上下文语意转折,可推知,尽管他尽了最大的努力来保持产品的高质量,但他只得到了小项目。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管他尽了最大的努力来保持产品的高质量,但他只得到了小项目,收入不足以支付基本成本。A. cover支付;B. cut减少;C. manage管理;D. increase增加。根据上文“he was only getting small projects”以及该句中的“the earnings were not sufficient to…”可推知,他只得到了小项目,收入不足以支付基本成本。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:萨钦解释说,他的公司没有给他带来他希望的回报,他正在考虑卖掉它。A. opportunities机会;B. returns回报;C. concerns关心;D. expenses经费。 根据下文“and that he was thinking of selling it.”可推知,他的公司没有给他带来他希望的回报,他正在考虑卖掉它。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:这两棵树是同时种植的,同样用水、肥料和阳光来培育。A. hardly几乎不;B. equally同等地;C. finally最终;D. hurriedly匆忙地。根据上文“Both the trees were planted at the same time”以及结合上下文语境可知,此处为这两棵树是同时种植的,同样用水、肥料和阳光来培育。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:第五年,芒果树开始结果了。A. bearing结(果实);B. changing改变;C. preserving保护;D. gathering聚集。根据上文“In the first two years, the mango tree grew quickly,”以及“fruits”可推知,第五年芒果树开始结果了。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然而,竹子没有生长的迹象。A. signs迹象;B. clues线索;C. patterns模式;D. responses响应。根据该句中的Still 和上文形成的语意转折以及该句中的“growth in the bamboo tree.”可推知,竹子没有生长的迹象。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:一个星期后,竹子明显长高了。A. solid坚固的;B. steady平稳的;C. visual视觉的;D. noticeable明显的。根据下文“Then within six weeks, the tree grew to 100 feet.”可知,一个星期后,竹子明显长高了。故选D项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:萨钦意识到,同样的原则也适用于他的生意。A. made up组成,和解,化妆;B. turned into转变成;C. resulted from起因于;D. applied to运用,适用。 根据该句中的“Sachin realized that the same principle…”以及下文“He went back to his friends, requested for more time and then began exploring opportunities to get big orders.”可知,萨钦意识到,同样的原则也适用于他的生意。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:第三个月,一家跨国公司送来了一份价值数百万美元的大订单。A. regular常规的,有规律的;B. ordinary普通的;C. massive巨大的;D. familiar熟悉的。根据句意以及该句中的“worth millions of dollars came in.”可推知,一家跨国公司送来了一份价值数百万美元的大订单。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:最终,萨钦的生意变得非常有利可图,他还清了欠朋友的所有债务。A. raised提升;B. settled付清(欠款);C. invested投资;D. consumed消费。根据上文“Sachin’s business became highly profitable”以及该句中的“all the debts”可知,萨钦的生意盈利了,他还清了欠朋友的所有债务。故选B项。
    第二节(共10小题; 每小题1分,共10分)
    Most people suffer from what is known as “Just-me-ism”. What is that? Well, say you leave the tap ___11___(run) while you brush your teeth, leave a light on when you go out or you drop a piece of litter and can’t be bothered to pick it up. And all these would be very harmful. To inspire young people to take action for the environment, animals and their community, an institute called Roots & Shoots ___12___(establish) in the early 1990s by Dr. Jane Goodall. Roots & Shoots hopes ___13___(involve) millions of young people all over the world to be a part of a community for a shared future.
    【答案】11. running
    12. was established
    13. to involve
    【导语】本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Jane Goodall博士创立公益组织“根与芽”的背景和目的。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:嗯,比如说你刷牙的时候让水龙头一直流水,出门的时候让灯开着,或者你掉了一片垃圾,懒得捡起来。根据“leave the tap”可推知,空处是非谓语动词,作宾语补足语,run“(水龙头)流水”和the tap逻辑上是主动关系,结合语境可知,此处表示让水龙头一直流水,即流水的行为一直进行,应用run的现在分词形式running,构成leave sth. doing的固定结构,意为“让某物一直做某事”。故填running。
    考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:为了激励年轻人为环境、动物和他们的社区采取行动,Jane Goodall博士在20世纪90年代初建立了一个名为“根与芽”的机构。分析句子可知,空处作句子的谓语,时间状语为in the early 1990s,时态应用一般过去时,establish“建立,创建”和主语an institute之间是被动关系,应用一般过去时的被动语态,且主语是单数名词,be动词应用was。故填was established。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:“根与芽”希望让全世界数百万年轻人参与进来,成为一个共享未来的社区的一部分。根据“hopes”可推知,此处用固定短语hope to do sth.,意为“希望做某事”,involve“使参加,使加入”和Roots & Shoots逻辑上是主动关系,空处应用involve的不定式形式to involve。故填to involve。
    After college, I tried for six months to get a job, but my luck was bad. Finally, one day I was in a downtown coffee shop, ___14___(bury) in the newspaper, and my luck began to change. A young woman sitting next to me asked ___15___ she could read my newspaper. I said OK and we started talking. She told me she worked in a huge advertising company and ___16___(look) for an assistant at the moment. I told her I was interested in mass communication and had studied it for four years at the university. Within one week, I was her assistant.
    【答案】14. buried
    15. whether##if
    16. was looking
    考查时态和主谓一致。句意:她告诉我她在一家大型广告公司工作,目前正在寻找一名助理。分析句子可知,空处作宾语从句的谓语,时间状语为at the moment,且文章整体描述的是过去发生的事情,此处时态应用过去进行时,且主语是she,be动词用was。故填was looking。
    Most gardeners will probably say gardening is good for you. According to a study, people who garden have a ___17___ (healthy) diet, get more exercise, and feel less stress. Researchers studied the benefits of gardening in shared community gardens ___18___ people work together. They suggest gardening may reduce stress because it exposes people to nature, while community gardens also provide ___19___ (chance) for social interaction. Therefore, they hope the results will encourage doctors and government leaders to regard community gardens ___20___ a vital part of the public health system.
    【答案】17. healthier
    18 where 19. chances
    20. as

    考查形容词。句意:根据一项研究,种植花木的人有健康的饮食,得到更多的锻炼,感觉更少的压力。根据空后的get more exercise, and feel less stress,可知,此处对“种植花木的人”与“不种植花木的人”进行比较,设空处在a与diet之间,应选形容词的比较等级healthier,作前置定语。故填healthier。
    考查定语从句。句意:研究人员研究了在人们一起工作的共享社区花园中园艺的好处。此处考查限制性定语从句,先行词为shared community gardens,在从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导从句,故填where。
    第一节(共11小题; 每小题2分,共22分)
    Do you know someone who has a hard time opening bottles or jars at home? Eighth-grade students in Mark Bolt’s engineering class were tasked with making changes to a product to make it easier for people with challenges to use.
    Rather than requiring step-by-step directions for creating their projects, Mr. Bolt preferred to leave students’ creative paths open. Let’s see some of the students’ products.
    A Device That Easily Opens Bottles
    To find a solution for her grandmother who had difficulty in opening bottles, Alana looked at existing bottle openers and then she created her own.
    She used a piece of wood shaped like a cellphone. Next, she made three holes of different sizes in the wood so that they could match common bottle cap sizes. Each hole also had a layer of dried, sticky hot glue, which provided a firm grip for the bottle caps. With a simple twist of the device, her grandmother could open bottles without help.
    A Coffee Cup With A Supportive “Thumb”
    Due to arthritis, a disease that causes pain in or around the joints, Robert’s grandfather had trouble holding a coffee cup. Robert simplified a robotic “third thumb” device created by a London designer. He used rubber bands and a 3D-printed plastic form to make the extra “thumb” which can firmly support the bottom of a cup.
    A Reading Tool
    Michael noticed how dyslexia——a common reading disorder, made it difficult for a friend to follow along on pages full of text. It is a language-processing condition. The brain tends to confuse the order of numbers, letters and other images.
    So, Michael created a small adjustable window-blind-style device. “My friend could isolate small sections of text while reading,” he said.
    21. Alana’s grandmother could open bottles easily by______.
    A. sticking bottle caps to the device
    B. connecting the device to a cellphone
    C. twisting the device that has holes in it
    D. cutting holes of different sizes in wood
    22. What did Robert do to help his grandfather?
    A. He reformed a process to form a metal “thumb”.
    B. He created a simpler “thumb” device in the cup.
    C. He added plastic materials to the “thumb” device.
    D. He used bands and a 3D-printed form to make a “thumb”.
    23. Which of the following words can best describe the students in the passage?
    A. Independent and patient. B. Creative and considerate.
    C. Ambitious and hardworking. D. Open-minded and generous.
    【答案】21. C 22. D 23. B
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“Whe used a piece of wood shaped like a cellphone. Next, she made three holes of different sizes in the wood so that they could match common bottle cap sizes. Each hole also had a layer of dried, sticky hot glue, which provided a firm grip for the bottle caps. With a simple twist of the device, her grandmother could open bottles without help.(他用了一块手机形状的木头。接下来,她在木头上打了三个不同大小的洞,这样它们就可以匹配普通瓶盖的大小。每个洞里都有一层干燥的、粘稠的热胶,可以牢牢地抓住瓶盖。只要简单地扭动一下这个装置,她的祖母就能在没有帮助的情况下打开瓶子。)”可知,阿拉娜的祖母可以通过扭转有洞的装置轻松打开瓶子。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第三段中“Robert simplified a robotic “third thumb” device created by a London designer. He used rubber bands and a 3D-printed plastic form to make the extra “thumb” which can firmly support the bottom of a cup.(罗伯特简化了一个由伦敦设计师设计的机器人“第三根拇指”装置。他用橡皮筋和3d打印的塑料模型制作了一个额外的“拇指”,可以牢固地支撑杯子的底部。)”可知,Robert为了帮助他的祖父,他用手带和3d打印的表格制作了一个“拇指”。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第二段“To find a solution for her grandmother who had difficulty in opening bottles, Alana looked at existing bottle openers and then she created her own.(为了解决祖母开瓶困难的问题,Alana查看了现有的开瓶器,然后创造了自己的开瓶器。)”以及“Due to arthritis, a disease that causes pain in or around the joints, Robert’s grandfather had trouble holding a coffee cup. Robert simplified a robotic “third thumb” device created by a London designer. He used rubber bands and a 3D-printed plastic form to make the extra “thumb” which can firmly support the bottom of a cup.(由于关节炎(一种会导致关节或关节周围疼痛的疾病),罗伯特的祖父连拿咖啡杯都有困难。罗伯特简化了一个由伦敦设计师设计的机器人“第三根拇指”装置。他用橡皮筋和3d打印的塑料模型制作了一个额外的“拇指”,可以牢固地支撑杯子的底部。)”可知,“有创造力,体贴”最能描述文章中的学生。故选B。
    Sports have been a big part of my life. I played flag football in elementary school and middle school. In high school, before I got hurt, I was on the swim team and track team.
    It was the summer going into my senior year when I was hit by a car. The doctor informed me that there was no hope of full recovery. As a sixteen-year-old boy, you have a lot of self-doubts and are trying to find out who you are. So, you throw in an accident on top of that and it kind of threw a loop into things for me. It was definitely hard, the physical pain of therapy, and learning how to live life. And there was the emotional pain, too. The mental suffering of being paralyzed (瘫痪) is more severe than the physical pain.
    When I was in the hospital, one of the guys from the University of Wisconsin (UW) that played on the Whitewa ter wheelchair basketball team visited. He told me about adaptive sports, and I thought that sounded good. He gave my information to the local junior wheelchair basketball coach in Milwaukee. I started playing that October.
    Playing basketball was a really good thing for me. It let me see a bunch of different people in the same situation as me. It was good to have a group of friends for support.
    I studied at Southwest Minnesota State University for three years and then transferred to UW-Whitewater for my senior year. I was invited in 2013 to try out for the National Team and made it. That was always my goal. A lot of people would ask me what my backup plan was——I didn’t have one, to be honest.
    The Paralympics is the pinnacle of our sports. It’s been pretty easy for me to stay motivated. We were the best team in the 2016 Paralympics. And this team was way too good just to win one medal, so I had to be back in 2020.
    I’m not sure right now about getting ready for the 2024 Paralympics. The team is growing and going through some turnover. I honestly don’t know what my future holds. I just want to be around the people that I care about and care about me—— whether that’s on the National Team, or just my friends back home. They are my security blanket, the good people in my life.
    However, one thing I’m sure is that playing basketball is still number one, with a focus on the Paralympics.
    Now I am signed as a player with a team over in Spain and I’m exploring what the next chapters of my life might be like.
    24. What does the underlined word “that” in Paragraph 2 refer to?
    A. Being unable to do sports. B. Being hit by a car at sixteen.
    C. Feeling uncertain about himself. D. Suffering physical and mental pains.
    25. What helped the author regain passion for sports after the accident?
    A. Playing wheelchair basketball. B. Transferring to UW-Whitewater.
    C. Trying out for the National Team. D. Winning a medal in the 2016 Paralympics.
    26. What can we infer about the author?
    A. He plans to switch to flag football in the future.
    B. He will graduate from UW-Whitewater in 2024.
    C. He wants to play basketball at the 2024 Paralympics.
    D. He intends to coach wheelchair basketball players in Spain.
    27. What’s the passage mainly about?
    A. How playing basketball empowered the author.
    B. How people around the author supported him.
    C. How the author’s backup plan shaped him.
    D. How the author enjoyed his college life.
    【答案】24. C 25. A 26. C 27. A
    词句猜测题。根据第二段的“As a sixteen-year-old boy, you have a lot of self-doubts and are trying to find out who you are. So, you throw in an accident on top of that and it kind of threw a loop into things for me.( 作为一个16岁的男孩,你有很多自我怀疑,并试图弄清楚你是谁。所以,你在那上面加上一个事故,这使对我陷入一个循环。)”可知,that指代上文提到的“a lot of self-doubts and are trying to find out who you are.”,也就是作者对自己的怀疑,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Playing basketball was a really good thing for me. It let me see a bunch of different people in the same situation as me. It was good to have a group of friends for support.( 打篮球对我来说是一件非常好的事情。它让我看到一群和我处境相同的不同的人。有一群朋友支持是件好事。)”可知,打轮椅篮球让作者重拾激情。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第三段的“I’m not sure right now about getting ready for the 2024 Paralympics.( 我现在还不确定是否为2024年残奥会做好了准备。)”可推断,作者想要在2024年残奥会上打篮球。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段的“It was the summer going into my senior year when I was hit by a car.( 在我进入大四的那个夏天,我被车撞了。)”,第三段的“He gave my information to the local junior wheelchair basketball coach in Milwaukee. I started playing that October.( 他把我的信息给了密尔沃基当地的青少年轮椅篮球教练。那年10月,我开始打球。)”,第四段“Playing basketball was a really good thing for me. It let me see a bunch of different people in the same situation as me. It was good to have a group of friends for support.(打篮球对我来说是一件非常好的事情。它让我看到一群和我处境相同的不同的人。有一群朋友支持是件好事。)”以及倒数第二段“However, one thing I’m sure is that playing basketball is still number one, with a focus on the Paralympics.(然而,有一件事我很确定,那就是打篮球仍然是第一位的,重点是残奥会。)”可知,文章讲述了爱好运动的作者在车祸后瘫痪,打轮椅篮球让他重燃激情,成为了出色的轮椅篮球运动员,准备冲击残奥会,有了人生的目的,因此推断文章主要讲述打篮球如何赋予作者力量,走出低谷,重燃激情的。故选A。
    Have you ever bought a new car and started noticing the exact color and model of car everywhere? Has that type of car just become popular in your city? Were they there before? Or are you just going crazy?
    You’re not going crazy. The reason you are now just noticing them is what psychologists call “priming”. Basically, the cars were always there. You just didn’t recognize them consciously. However, when that certain model of car becomes part of your conscious thinking, you start “automatically” recognizing all of the other cars that are the same, because you are already “primed” to do so.
    The priming effect takes many forms. In one study, students were asked to walk around a room for 5 minutes at a rate of 30 steps per minute, which was about one-third their normal pace. After this brief experience, the participants were much quicker to recognize words related to old age, such as forgetful, old, and lonely. Reciprocal priming effects tend to produce a coherent reaction: if you are primed to think of old age, you would tend to act old, and acting old would reinforce the thought of old age. This research shows that the way we think influences the way we act, and the way we act influences the way we think.
    A similar conclusion was reached by the American psychologist William James a century ago, but he emphasized the effect on feeling. “Actions seem to follow feeling, but really actions and feeling go together; and by regulating the action, which is under the more direct control of the will, we can indirectly regulate the feeling, which is not. Thus the path to cheerfulness, should our cheerfulness be lost, is to sit up cheerfully and to act and speak as if cheerfulness were already there.”
    So, that’s it. If you want to be happy, just sit up and act happy. Based on these scientific findings, we can adopt certain priming effects to help make ourselves consistently happier.
    One thing we have in common is our ability to think, and thus feel. Pleasant thoughts have been proven to produce the chemicals that make us feel happy, particularly thoughts and feelings of gratitude. When we purposefully go through and think about the things we’re grateful for and deliberately feel as much gratitude as we can, we are flooding our mind with the “happy chemicals”. Furthermore, by consciously thinking, feeling and expressing gratitude, we will not only be happier in the moment, we will be “primed” to recognize the things in our life to appreciate. Each time this happens, the “happy chemicals” will be produced. Do this every day and we will become consistently happier. This makes up for the momentary happiness we gain from eating chocolate or buying new clothes. More than that, combining thoughts of gratitude with happy acts like smiling and laughing will have a supplementary positive effect on our state of mind.
    28. Which of the following is an example of the priming effect?
    A. Walking much faster after attending a lecture about old age.
    B. Donating money to the poor after seeing pictures of cute cats.
    C. Learning about various types of cars after purchasing the first car.
    D. Completing SO_P as SOUP rather than SOAP after seeing the word EAT.
    29. What does the underlined word “reciprocal” in Paragraph 3 probably mean?
    A. Related. B. Two-way. C. Well-rounded. D. Opposite.
    30. What will the author probably agree with?
    A. Eating or shopping leads to consistent feelings of happiness.
    B. Our will has greater control over emotions than over actions.
    C. Happy chemicals make us think about the things we’re grateful for.
    D. Practicing gratitude frequently prepares us for long-term happiness.
    31. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
    A. Prime Yourself to Be Happier
    B. Share Happiness to Enhance Wellbeing
    C. Why Gratitude Is Important in Psychology
    D. How Happy Chemicals Affect People’s Thoughts
    【答案】28. D 29. B 30. D 31. A
    推理判断题。根据第三段“In one study, students were asked to walk around a room for 5 minutes at a rate of 30 steps per minute, which was about one-third their normal pace. After this brief experience, the participants were much quicker to recognize words related to old age, such as forgetful, old, and lonely.(在一项研究中,学生们被要求以每分钟30步的速度在一个房间里走5分钟,这大约是他们正常速度的三分之一。在这个短暂的经历之后,参与者更快地识别出与老年有关的单词,如健忘、年老和孤独)”可知,在感知慢速行走的过程后,参与者会更快识别与老年有管的词汇,D项“Completing SO_P as SOUP rather than SOAP after seeing the word EAT. (在看到单词EAT后将SO_P补全为SOUP而不是SOAP)”,参与者在已看见EAT这个单词后,内心会留意相关信息,与EAT有关联的词汇为SOUP,意为“汤,羹”,而SOAP为“肥皂”。由此推知,D项的例子属于“启动效应”,故选D项。
    词句猜测题。根据第三段“Reciprocal priming effects tend to produce a coherent reaction: if you are primed to think of old age, you would tend to act old, and acting old would reinforce the thought of old age. This research shows that the way we think influences the way we act, and the way we act influences the way we think.(Reciprocal启动效应往往会产生连贯的反应:如果你被启动想到老年,你就会倾向于表现得很老,而表现得很老会强化老年的想法。这项研究表明,我们的思维方式影响我们的行为方式,而我们的行为方式又影响我们的思维方式)”可知,这里陈述的是启动效应的一个形式,思维影响行为,行为又反过来影响思维,说明Reciprocal意为“交互的,互相的”,与Two-way意思相同,故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Furthermore, by consciously thinking, feeling and expressing gratitude, we will not only be happier in the moment, we will be ‘primed’ to recognize the things in our life to appreciate. Each time this happens, the ‘happy chemicals’ will be produced. Do this every day and we will become consistently happier. This makes up for the momentary happiness we gain from eating chocolate or buying new clothes. More than that, combining thoughts of gratitude with happy act s like smiling and laughing will have a supplementary positive effect on our state of mind.(此外,通过有意识地思考、感受和表达感激之情,我们不仅会在当下更快乐,还会‘准备好’认识到生活中值得欣赏的事物。每次这种情况发生时,‘快乐的化学物质’就会产生。每天都这样做,我们会变得越来越快乐。这弥补了我们从吃巧克力或买新衣服中获得的短暂快乐。不仅如此,将感恩的思想与快乐的行为结合起来,比如微笑和大笑,会对我们的精神状态产生补充的积极影响)”可推知,作者认为:经常表示感恩,不仅使我们当下很快乐,也为启动我们长期的幸福做好了准备工作。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其倒数第二段“So, that’s it. If you want to be happy, just sit up and act happy. Based on these scientific findings, we can adopt certain priming effects to help make ourselves consistently happier. (就是这样。如果你想快乐,那就坐起来,装出快乐的样子。基于这些科学发现,我们可以采用某些启动效应来帮助我们始终保持快乐)”可知,通过注意到在马路上有很多与自己新买的车同款的汽车,文章引出话题:心理学中的“启动效应”,文章还提到了一些研究结果,表明我们的思维方式与我们的行为方式之间会相互作用,通过有意识地思考和感受感激之情,我们不仅当前快乐,也启动了长期的幸福。由此可知,“Prime Yourself to Be Happier (启动自己让自己变得更快乐)”适合作文章的标题。故选A项。
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2分,共10分)
    Working Together to Save the Sea Turtles
    Florida has some of the best beaches in the world. Thousands of people visit the state to enjoy the sand. But these beaches are also home to five species of sea turtles. A major problem is facing these interesting creatures. ___32___ So how do Floridians protect these special animals?
    Some volunteers and researchers in Florida take direct action to help the turtles. They look closely at the sand to find the fin (鳍) marks the mother sea turtles left there. ___33___ When they’ve figured out where the eggs were laid, they mark the area off so that no one disturbs the eggs. They also collect information about the nests and tracks to help people studying sea turtles.
    These are not the only Floridians taking action to help protect these creatures. Florida’s government has passed laws to save the turtles. One of these laws is “Florida’s Marine Turtle Protection Act”. This law prohibits anyone from disturbing or destroying marine turtles, nests, or eggs.___34___
    Another way Floridians work together to save these creatures is through organizations like the Sea Turtle Conservancy. The Sea Turtle Conservancy helps people take steps that will help reduce the threats that put sea turtles in danger. For instance, bright lights on buildings near the beach can negatively impact sea turtles. Baby sea turtles usually hatch on the sandy beach and head to the ocean. When there are bright lights coming from the other side of the shore far from the ocean, the baby turtles get confused. ___35___ To help save these turtles, The Sea Turtle Conservancy works with property owners to make lighting in their buildings sea turtle-friendly. They also encourage Florida residents to turn off their lights at night if they live close to a beach.
    ___36___ Sometimes, turtles mistake plastic bags for jellyfish. They eat this trash and die. Florida residents can volunteer for beach clean-ups and make sure to pick up their own litter. They can also vote for state leaders who want to protect the sea turtles’ habitats. Every individual in the community has the power to make a difference!
    A. Many of them do not make it to the ocean and die.
    B Some of these turtle species are in danger of going extinct.
    C. This helps them to locate where the sea turtles laid their eggs.
    D. It also helps make sure that sea turtles’ natural habitats are protected.
    E. Female sea turtles come from the ocean and onto these beaches at night.
    F. They use their fins to move back across the beach and return to the ocean.
    G. Every Floridian can do their part to protect sea turtles and their environment.
    【答案】32. B 33. C 34. D 35. A 36. G
    根据上文“A major problem is facing these interesting creatures. (这些有趣的生物面临着一个主要问题。)”可知,设空处应具体说这个问题,下文“So how do Floridians protect these special animals? (那么佛罗里达人是如何保护这些特殊动物的呢?)”,句中用到protect these special animals,说明这些特殊动物面临的问题很严重,得靠人为干预才可能解决,B项“Some of these turtle species are in danger of going extinct. (其中一些海龟有灭绝的危险。)”,B项承上启下,衔接连贯。故选B项。
    根据上文“They look closely at the sand to find the fin (鳍) marks the mother sea turtles left there. (他们仔细观察沙子,寻找海龟妈妈留在那里的鳍标记。)”,下文“When they’ve figured out where the eggs were laid, they mark the area off so that no one disturbs the eggs. (当他们弄清楚卵的位置后,它们会在这个区域做上标记,这样就不会有人打扰卵了。)”可知,本段内容与保护海龟蛋有关,C项“This helps them to locate where the sea turtles laid their eggs. (这有助于他们定位海龟产卵的地方。)”,C项起到承上启下的作用,句中的This指代上文的find the fin (鳍) marks the mother sea turtles left there, locate where the sea turtles laid their eggs与下文figured out where the eggs were laid呼应,上下文衔接连贯,故选C项。
    根据上文“Florida’s government has passed laws to save the turtles. One of these laws is ‘Florida’s Marine Turtle Protection Act’. This law prohibits anyone from disturbing or destroying marine turtles, nests, or eggs. (佛罗里达州政府已经通过了拯救海龟的法律。其中一项法律是《佛罗里达州海龟保护法》。这项法律禁止任何人扰乱或破坏海龟、海龟巢或海龟蛋)”可知,佛罗里达有了保护海龟、海龟巢或海龟蛋的法律,D项“It also helps make sure that sea turtles’ natural habitats are protected. (它还有助于确保海龟的自然栖息地得到保护。)”,句中的It知道上文的Florida’s Marine Turtle Protection Act,由also可知,D项承接上一句,说明了法律保护的具体范畴,上下文衔接连贯。故选D项。
    根据上文“Baby sea turtles usually hatch on the sandy beach and head to the ocean. When there are bright lights coming from the other side of the shore far from the ocean, the baby turtles get confused. (小海龟通常在沙滩上孵化,然后游向大海。当有明亮的光线从远离海洋的海岸的另一边照射过来时,小海龟就会感到困惑。)”可知,小海龟因为夜间的人造光,迷失了方向,A项“Many of them do not make it to the ocean and die. (它们中的许多海龟没能进入海洋就死了。)”可知,句中的them指代上文的the baby turtles,上下文语意一致,衔接连贯。故选A项。
    根据本段最后一句“Every individual in the community has the power to make a difference! (社区中的每个人都有能力做出改变!)”可知,这是本段的结尾总结句,提及到每一位社区成员,为了保护海龟,佛罗里达的居民们也要尽一份力,G项“Every Floridian can do their part to protect sea turtles and their environment. (每个佛罗里达人都可以尽自己的一份力量来保护海龟和它们的环境。)”,G项为本段中心句,与最后的总结句呼应,语意一致。故选G项。
    第一节(共4小题; 第55-57小题每题2分, 第58小题4分,共10分)
    There is a drive within all of us to create and express ourselves through art. This drive comes from a need to achieve a balance within ourselves. Art refers to the theory and physical expression of creativity found in human societies_and cultures. Its major fields include literary arts, performing arts (e. g. theater and dance) and visual arts (e. g. drawing, painting, photography, film and sculpture).
    Art is essential to our culture because it provides us with a deeper understanding of emotions. Through art, we learn to feel joy in times of happiness and we see pain and despair in times of suffering. Creating art allows us to slow down and experience a full range of our emotions, while viewing others’ art can release the emotions within us and allow us to explore our feelings. This can help us heal and grow, and succeed both personally and professionally.
    Art encourages critical thinking and promotes communication. Throughout the entire process of creating and appreciating art, we need to make decisions. We use logic and reasoning to find meaning in what we see or create. Art is a medium to share thoughts, ideas and visions that may not be expressed in other ways. Through art, we gain a better understanding of past and present cultures. Yet more importantly, there are no language barriers in art and therefore it is universal.
    Art also enhances our lives. The process of experiencing art engages both the body and the mind and provides us with time to reflect. That’s why art is a necessity, not a luxury. It can make a community more beautiful and a workplace more interesting. Our homes reflect our personalities through the art we choose to display. Art can inspire us, make us happy and even motivate us.
    We need to express ourselves through art. When we take a closer look at our world and begin to see the art and creativity in it, it can soothe, enrich or encourage ourselves. Art is beautiful , and beauty is an aesthetic quality.
    37. What drives people to create and express themselves through art?
    38. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
    Art helps people gain a better understanding of past and present cultures, and the language barriers make it difficult for people to appreciate art.
    39. What is the passage mainly about?
    40. What is your favourite art form? And why?(In about 40 words)
    【答案】37. A need to achieve a balance within ourselves.
    38. Art helps people gain a better understanding of past and present cultures, and the language barriers make it difficult for people to appreciate art. There are no language barriers in art and therefore it is universal.
    39. Art has entered every corner of our lives. We need to express ourselves through art.
    40. My favorite art form is the performing arts. Because acting allows us to express our true feelings and experience a full range of our emotions, while viewing others’ art can release the emotions within us and allow us to explore our feelings.
    考查细节理解。根据第一段中“There is a drive within all of us to create and express ourselves through art. This drive comes from a need to achieve a balance within ourselves.”(我们所有人都有一种通过艺术来创造和表达自己的动力。这种动力来自于我们需要达到内心的平衡。)可知,我们需要达到内心的平衡驱使人们通过艺术来创造和表达自己。故答案为A need to achieve a balance within ourselves.
    考查细节理解。根据第三段中“Through art, we gain a better understanding of past and present cultures. Yet more importantly, there are no language barriers in art and therefore it is universal.”(通过艺术,我们可以更好地了解过去和现在的文化。但更重要的是,艺术没有语言障碍,因此它是普遍的。)可知,语言障碍使人们很难欣赏艺术这个陈述是错误,因为艺术没有语言障碍,因此它是普遍的。故答案为There are no language barriers in art and therefore it is universal.
    考查归纳总结。根据文章大意以及最后一段“We need to express ourselves through art. When we take a closer look at our world and begin to see the art and creativity in it, it can soothe, enrich or encourage ourselves. Art is beautiful , and beauty is an aesthetic quality.”(我们需要通过艺术来表达自己。当我们仔细审视我们的世界,开始看到其中的艺术和创造力时,它可以抚慰、丰富或鼓励我们自己。艺术是美的,美是一种审美品质。)可知,这篇文章主要讲的是艺术已经进入了我们生活的每一个角落。我们需要通过艺术来表达自己。故答案为Art has entered every corner of our lives. We need to express ourselves through art.
    考查主观评价。根据文章大意以及题干的提问要求结合自己的主观感受。故答案为:My favorite art form is the performing arts. Because acting allows us to express our true feelings and experience a full range of our emotions, while viewing others’ art can release the emotions within us and allow us to explore our feelings.
    41. 假设你是红星中学学生会负责人李华。学校发起“减塑捡塑,共创美好家园”活动。为了号召更多学生参与该活动,请你用英文给国际部留学生写一封倡议书,内容包括:
    1. 你对该口号的理解;
    2. 具体倡议。
    注意:1. 词数 100左右;
    2. 开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。
    Dear fellow students,
    Students’ Union
    【答案】Dear fellow students,
    With white pollution becoming increasingly serious, I am writing to invite all of you to participate in the “Reduce Plastic, Collect Plastic, Create a Beautiful Home” campaign initiated by our school.
    The slogan “Reduce Plastic, Collect Plastic, Create a Beautiful Home” emphasizes the importance of using less plastic, actively picking up plastic waste in our school and community, and contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable living environment. The following measures may help. First, we can carry reusable bags instead of single-use plastic ones. Additionally, say no to plastic straws and cutlery, and use alternative options like bamboo or stainless steel.
    I urge you to join us in this campaign. Only with joint efforts can we make a difference!
    Students’ Union
    参与:participate in → take part in
    首先:first → first and foremost
    比赛:emphasize the importance of… → highlight the significance of…
    另外:additionally → in addition
    原句:Additionally, say no to plastic straws and cutlery, and use alternative options like bamboo or stainless steel.
    拓展句:Additionally, we can replace plastic straws and cutlery with alternative options like bamboo or stainless steel.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】With white pollution becoming increasingly serious, I am writing to invite all of you to participate in the “Reduce Plastic, Collect Plastic, Create a Beautiful Home” campaign initiated by our school. (运用了现在分词作补语,动词不定式作目的状语、补语,过去分词作后置定语)
    【高分句型2】The slogan “Reduce Plastic, Collect Plastic, Create a Beautiful Home” emphasizes the importance of using less plastic, actively picking up plastic waste in our school and community, and contributing to a cleaner and more sustainable living environment.(运用了动名词作宾语)

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