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    第一节 选词填空(共13小题;每小题1分,共13分)
    decorate beyond generous intelligent function keep track of try out adapt to

    1. It’s very ________ of you to lend me your book.
    2. The machine doesn’t ________ well in cold weather.
    3. After 30 years, the town has changed ________ recognition.
    4. Anyone with musical talent can ________ for the competition.
    5. When important festivals approach, we will ________ the houses.
    6. Every time I go out for a walk, I use this app to ________ my steps.
    7. To become an astronaut, you must be ________ enough to get a related college degree.
    8. Scientists are concerned that it’s difficult for animals to ________ the climate change.
    【答案】1. generous
    2. function
    3. beyond 4. try out
    5. decorate
    6. keep track of
    7. intelligent
    8. adapt to
    考查形容词。句意:你把你的书借给我真是太慷慨了。根据空前的“It’s”,这里应用形容词,作表语。结合空后的“lend me your book”,这里是说你非常慷慨。generous意为“慷慨的”。故填generous。
    考查介词。句意:30年后,这个小镇已经变得让人认不出来了。change beyond recognition意为“变得面目全非,沧海桑田”,为固定搭配。故填beyond。
    考查动词短语。句意:任何有音乐天赋的人都可以参加比赛的选拔。根据空前的can,这里应用动词原形。根据空后的“for the competition”可知,这里表示参加比赛的选拔,try out for意为“参加……的选拔(或试演)”。故填try out。
    考查动词。句意:当重要的节日临近时,我们会装饰房子。根据句中的“important festivals approach”,重大节日到来时需要装饰房子。decorate意为“装饰”,为及物动词。故填decorate。
    考查动词短语。句意:每次我出去散步时,我都会使用这个应用程序来记录我的步数。根据空后的“my steps”,这里是说用应用程序纪录步数。keep track of意为“了解……的情况/动态”。故填keep track of。
    考查形容词。句意:要成为一名宇航员,你必须足够聪明以便获得相关的大学学位。根据空后的“get a related college degree”,这里是说要聪明到能够获得相关大学学位。intelligent意为“聪明的”。故填intelligent。
    考查动词短语。句意:科学家们担心动物很难适应气候变化。根据空后的“the climate change”,这里是说适应气候变化。空前有不定式符号to,这里应用动词原形。adapt to意为“适应”。故填adapt to。
    extinct definite equip usual energy

    9. Working out regularly, he is always ________.
    10. Never go climbing without the proper ________.
    11. The boy’s ________ behaviour puzzled the doctor.
    12. Many endangered species are now facing the danger of ________.
    13. It was an amazing atmosphere — ________ the best one I’ve ever experienced.
    【答案】9. energetic
    10. equipment

    11. unusual
    12. extinction
    13. definitely
    考查形容词。句意:他经常锻炼,总是精力充沛。根据“Working out regularly”可知,此处是指总是精力充沛,名词energy意为“精力”,此处应用其形容词形式energetic表示“精力充沛的”作表语。故填energetic。
    考查名词。句意:没有适当的装备,千万不要去爬山。根据“Never go climbing”可知,此处是指没有适当的装备,所以应用动词equip“配备”的名词形式equipment表示“设备”作宾语,不可数名词。故填equipment。
    考查形容词。句意:这个男孩的反常行为使医生感到困惑。根据“puzzled the doctor”可知,此处是指这个男孩的反常行为,所以应用形容词usual的反义词unusual表示“反常的”作定语。故填unusual。
    考查名词。句意:许多濒危物种正面临灭绝的危险。根据“Many endangered species”可知,此处是指正面临灭绝的危险,形容词extinct意为“灭绝的”,此处应用其名词形式extinction表示“灭绝”作宾语,不可数名词。故填extinction。
    考查副词。句意:那是一种令人惊叹的气氛——绝对是我经历过的最好的气氛。根据“It was an amazing atmosphere”可知,此处是指绝对是“我”经历过的最好的气氛,所以应用形容词definite“肯定的”的副词形式definitely表示“绝对地”作状语。故填definitely。
    第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,共10分)
    Gus White was driving home from work when he spotted a pair of dogs in the flash of his headlights. It was snowing so hard. What were they doing out here, when it was too ____14____ for dogs to go outside? Gus parked his truck and approached the animals. He ____15____ his hands to them, which made no effort to escape. He placed the dogs on the passenger seat and they were snuggled (依偎) together there. Gus took a picture of the pair and ____16____ it to his wife, Katie White.
    Then he called the ____17____ from the dogs’ ID tags. A man answered. “I gave those dogs away,” the man said. “Well, do you want them back?” “No.” The man hung up. These dogs were ____18____ in this world. Gus looked over at them, their large eyes begging. He called Katie. “Bring them home”, she said. The Whites prepared a bed for the dogs, also setting out food and water.
    As a boy, Gus had dreamed of owning dogs but ____19____ this pair was out of the question—the Whites already had a family dog. The next day, they took the dogs to a ____20____ to drop them off—on one condition. “I’m not signing the dogs over to you if you’re going to ____21____ them,” Katie said. The shelter workers promised her they’d keep the couple together. In the days following, Katie phoned the shelter ____22____ to check up on Pepper and Cooper. Soon, the dogs were adopted, as a pair, to a loving family.
    It’s a simple story but it speaks to the best of our ____23____
    14. A. wet B. late C. windy D. cold
    15. A. reached out B. spread out C. gave out D. pushed out
    16. A. handed B. took C. sent D. donated
    17. A. police B. passenger C. name D. number
    18. A. important B. fearless C. friendly D. homeless
    19. A. keeping B. curing C. attending D. training
    20. A. shop B. shelter C. park D. street
    21. A. leave B. adopt C. separate D. treat
    22. A. unwillingly B. casually C. repeatedly D. hardly
    23. A. power B. nature C. knowledge D. worth
    【答案】14. D 15. A 16. C 17. D 18. D 19. A 20. B 21. C 22. C 23. B
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意;天气太冷了,狗不能出去,它们在外面干什么?A. wet湿的;B. late迟到的;C. windy风大的;D. cold寒冷的。根据前文“It was snowing so hard.(雪下得很大。)”可知,此处是指天气太冷了。故选D。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:他向它们伸出双手,它们没有试图逃跑。A. reached out伸出;B. spread out展开;C. gave out分发;D. pushed out推出。根据“his hands to them”可知,此处是指他向它们伸出双手。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:格斯给这对狗拍了张照片,发给了他的妻子凯蒂·怀特。A. handed递;B. took拿走;C. sent发送;D. donated捐赠。根据“Gus took a picture of the pair”可知,此处是指把照片发给了他的妻子。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后他拨打了狗的身份牌上的号码。A. police警察;B. passenger乘客;C. name名字;D. number号码。根据后文“A man answered.(一个男人接听了电话。)”可知,此处是指他拨打了狗的身份牌上的号码。故选D。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:狗狗们在这个世界上无家可归了。A. important重要的;B. fearless无畏的;C. friendly友好的;D. homeless无家可归的。根据前文“I gave those dogs away(狗我不要了)”可知,此处是指狗狗们在这个世界上无家可归了。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当格斯还是个孩子的时候,他就梦想着养狗,但不可能养这两只狗——怀特家已经有了一只狗。A. keeping养;B. curing治愈;C. attending出席;D. training训练。根据“the Whites already had a family dog”可知,此处是指不可能养这两只狗。故选A。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天,他们把狗送到收容所,但有一个条件。A. shop商店;B. shelter收容所;C. park公园;D. street街。根据后文“In the days following, Katie phoned the shelter”可知,此处是指他们把狗送到收容所。故选B。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“如果你们要把狗分开,我不会把它们交给你们的。”凯蒂说。A. leave离开;B. adopt采用;C. separate分开;D. treat接待。根据后文“The shelter workers promised her they’d keep the couple together.(收容所的工作人员向她保证,他们会让这对狗在一起。)”可知,此处是指凯蒂让工作人员保证不把这对狗分开。故选C。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:在接下来的几天里,凯蒂不断给收容所打电话,询问佩珀和库珀的情况。A. unwillingly不情愿地;B. casually随意地;C. repeatedly不断地;D. hardly几乎不。根据“In the days following”可知,此处是指凯蒂不断给收容所打电话。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:这是一个简单的故事,但它道出了我们本性中最美好的一面。A. power力量;B. nature本性;C. knowledge知识;D. worth价值。根据“it speaks to the best of our”可知,此处是指故事道出了我们本性中最美好的一面。故选B。
    第三节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,共15分)
    In 2009, Whitacre received a video of a girl ____24____ was singing one of his works. Inspired, he asked his fans ____25____ (make) videos, which he then joined together into one performance. His first virtual choir had 185 singers ____26____ 12 different countries. It has received millions of views on the Internet. Since then, the virtual choir ____27____ (become) a worldwide phenomenon.
    【答案】24. who##that
    25. to make
    26. from 27. has become
    考查动词不定式。句意:受此启发,他让他的粉丝制作视频,然后他将这些视频拼接成一场表演。ask sb to do意为“要求某人做某事”,此处用to do不定式作宾语补足语。故填to make。
    考查介词。句意:他的第一个虚拟合唱团有来自12个不同国家的185名歌手。根据“12 different countries”可知,此处是指来自12个不同国家,所以应用介词from表示“来自”。故填from。
    考查现在完成时和主谓一致。句意:从那时起,虚拟合唱团已经成为一种全球现象。根据since then可知,此处应用现在完成时。主语为第三人称单数。故填has become。
    In 1941, Dr Lin became the first Chinese woman ever to be appointed director of the OB-GYN department of the PUMC Hospital, but just a few months later, the department ____28____ (close) because of the war. ____29____ (think) of all the people still in need of help, Dr Lin opened a private clinic. She charged very low fees to treat patients and often reduced costs for poor patients. At times she was even seen ____30____ (ride) a donkey to faraway villages to provide medical care.
    【答案】28. was closed
    29. Thinking
    30. riding
    考查主谓一致、动词时态和语态。句意:1941年,林医生成为有史以来第一位被任命为北京协和医学院妇产科主任的中国女性,但仅仅几个月后,该科因战争而关闭。空处but作后面分句的谓语。close意为“停业,关闭”时既可作及物动词,又可作不及物动词。作及物动词时,close和the department之间是动宾关系,应用被动语态。根据时间状语“In 1941”可知,这里应用一般过去时。故填was closed。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:想到所有仍然需要帮助的人,林医生开了一家私人诊所。分析句子结构,空处应用非谓语动词。think和逻辑主语Dr Lin之间是主谓关系,应用现在分词的一般式,作原因状语。故填Thinking。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:有时甚至有人看到她骑着驴子去遥远的村庄提供医疗服务。see sb. do sth.意为“看到某人做某事”,省略to的不定式作宾语补足语,表示看到动作的全过程,其被动形式为sb. be seen to do sth.,不定式作主语补足语;see sb. doing sth.意为“看到某人正在做某事”,现在分词作宾语补足语,表示看到动作正在进行,其被动形式为sb. be seen doing sth.,现在分词作主语补足语。根据句意,这里是说看到她当时骑着驴子的瞬间,应用现在分词。故填riding。
    The Dragon Boat Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday ____31____ (celebrate) by many people today. It ____32____ (fall) on the fifth day of the fifth lunar month. There are many activities and customs, such as ____33____ (race) dragon boats. It is also an occasion for families to gather and for people to pay respect to the famous poet, Qu Yuan.
    【答案】31. celebrated
    32. falls 33. racing
    考查非谓语动词。句意:端午节是中国的传统节日,今天很多人都在庆祝。分析句子结构,本句是一个简单句,谓语是is,所以空处应用非谓语动词。逻辑主语a traditional Chinese holiday和celebrate之间是动宾关系,所以应用过去分词,作后置定语。故填celebrated。
    考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:它正好在农历五月初五。fall意为“发生”,为不及物动词,没有被动语态,fall on…意为“适逢某时”。主语为It,谓语应用单数形式。这里陈述的是客观事实,应用一般现在时。故填falls。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:这里有许多活动和习俗,例如赛龙舟。such as“例如”后跟名词、动名词等。race意为“使比赛”,其逻辑主语是人,二者之间是主谓关系,所以这里应用动名词的一般式。故填racing。
    Family days out can be expensive but it’s possible to stick to a budget during the summer holidays by taking advantage of the following activities.
    Outdoor activities
    At Brimham Rocks, there is a one-hour rock explorer activity on 14 July. The activity is free, although car-parking charges apply for non-National Trust members.
    While getting out into nature has lots of benefits, sometimes you need an extra activity to keep things interesting. For example, the Woodland Trust is hosting a tree planting event at Yonder Oak Wood, near Exmouth in Devon. There are morning and afternoon sessions on 18 and 19 July. It is free to attend but online booking ahead of time is essential.
    Rainham Marshes, the RSPB nature reserve in Purfleet, Essex, is running an arts programme for children aged three to ten on 14 July. You can sign up online and tickets cost £3. It is also hosting pond-dipping activities on 15 July (up to £5.50).
    Arts, crafts and museums
    For Londoners or those visiting the capital during the holiday, the Southbank Centre is hosting the Imagine Children’s Festival (until 18 July), where many events are free, including hip-hop dance workshops, and live music shows. The Tate Modern is hosting Threads, a free family event running from 11—19 July where you work together to create your own artwork using colorful threads and textiles.
    The Royal Air Force Museum London (free entry) in Hendon has a range of free activities on offer over the same dates, including a robot-coding workshop, a radar maths challenge and tote bag making. And the Victoria and Albert Museum in South Kensington is running free Chinese themed events including a drop-in workshop for families where you make a traditional Chinese kite (15—17 July).
    34. Where is the tree planting event held?
    A. At Brimham Rocks. B. At Yonder Oak Wood.
    C. In RSPB nature reserve. D. In the Southbank Centre.
    35. What can you do at the Imagine Children’s Festival?
    A. Take dance classes. B. Create an artwork. C. Learn robot-coding. D. Make a Chinese kite.
    36. The passage is intended for ________.
    A. artists B. teachers C. guides D. parents
    【答案】34. B 35. A 36. D
    细节理解题。根据“Outdoor activities”下面的“For example, the Woodland Trust is hosting a tree planting event at Yonder Oak Wood, near Exmouth in Devon.(例如,伍德兰信托基金会正在德文郡埃克斯茅斯附近的Yonder Oak Wood举办植树活动)”可知,植树活动会在Yonder Oak Wood举办。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“Arts, crafts and museums”下面的“For Londoners or those visiting the capital during the holiday, the Southbank Centre is hosting the Imagine Children’s Festival (until 18 July), where many events are free, including hip-hop dance workshops, and live music shows.(对于伦敦人或假期期间参观首都的人,南岸中心将举办想象儿童节,一直持续到7月18日,许多活动都是免费的,包括街舞讲习班和现场音乐表演)”可知,在Imagine Children’s Festival可以上舞蹈课。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据文章首句“Family days out can be expensive but it’s possible to stick to a budget during the summer holidays by taking advantage of the following activities.(家庭出游可能会很昂贵,但在暑假期间,可以通过以下活动来坚持预算)”可知,本文主要是介绍了可以省钱的家庭旅游活动,由此可推测出,这篇文章是为家长而准备的。故选D。
    Hibernation is not just sleep. While we sleep, our brains fire up and become highly active; in hibernation, on the contrary, brain activity completely slows down. The body temperature of hibernating animals also drops, in some cases close to the freezing point. Cells (细胞) stop dividing and heart rate decreases to two beats per minute. Yet, once it’s time to wake up, hibernating animals come back to life without any significant side effects like freezing, muscle loss, or loss of bone density during the long winter months. The same, however, can’t be said about people who wake up from long-term medical comas (昏迷), or even those who have to stay in bed for long periods of time. Such people, just like astronauts in microgravity, would suffer from a wide range of side effects that come from not actively using their bodies.
    Scientists are therefore looking into hibernation research with the aim of developing ways to cause hibernation in future space astronauts. Recently, Kelly Drew, a professor of chemistry and biochemistry, has been rewarded for his research.
    The idea is that rather than having astronauts sit for months in a tiny Mars-bound capsule, consuming food, water and air, and gradually wasting away from not doing much in microgravity, a part of the crew members could be placed into hibernation. The hibernating astronauts wouldn’t need any food or water and could manage with much less air — yet they would wake up with their bones and muscles in a much better condition than those of their awake counterparts.
    “This research could be used to help future missions, from the extreme of medically caused hibernation for long term space missions, protecting astronauts from cabin fever, radiation, and much more,” he said. “It could also prove effective in preventing muscle and bone loss in zero gravity.”
    The state of hibernation could also help in the medical setting to help protect patients suffering from life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks and strokes.
    “This could mean that patients who have suffered from a stroke or heart attack could be placed in medically caused hibernation until they can be transported to a hospital to receive care, which could significantly improve medical outcomes,” the scientist said.
    37. What is mainly talked about in Paragraph 1?
    A. The working principles of hibernation. B. The unique features of hibernation.
    C. The major reasons for hibernation. D. The side effects of hibernation.
    38. What does the underlined word “counterparts” in Paragraph 3 refer to?
    A. Bones and muscles. B. Brains. C. Astronauts. D. Patients.
    39. What will scientists probably do in the future research?
    A. Study hibernating animals in space missions. B. Find ways to put people into hibernation.
    C. Improve medical treatments for patients. D. Seek cures for life-threatening diseases.
    【答案】37. B 38. C 39. B
    主旨大意题。根据第一段前五句“Hibernation is not just sleep. While we sleep, our brains fire up and become highly active; in hibernation, on the contrary, brain activity completely slows down. The body temperature of hibernating animals also drops, in some cases close to the freezing point. Cells (细胞) stop dividing and heart rate decreases to two beats per minute. Yet, once it’s time to wake up, hibernating animals come back to life without any significant side effects like freezing, muscle loss, or loss of bone density during the long winter months.(冬眠不仅仅是睡觉。当我们睡觉时,我们的大脑兴奋起来,变得高度活跃;相反,在冬眠中,大脑活动完全减慢。冬眠动物的体温也会下降,在某些情况下接近冰点。细胞停止分裂,心率下降到每分钟两次。然而,一旦醒来,冬眠的动物就会恢复活力,没有任何明显的副作用,比如在漫长的冬季里冻死、肌肉损失或骨密度损失)”可知,第一段主要是讲冬眠的独特特点。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据第三段最后一句中的“yet they would wake up with their bones and muscles in a much better condition than(然而,当他们醒来时,他们的骨骼和肌肉状况要比……好得多)”和awake(醒着的)可知,此处是指进入冬眠状态的宇航员在醒来时会比他们醒着的同伴的骨骼和肌肉状况好得多,所以counterparts是指“宇航员”。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第二段第一句“Scientists are therefore looking into hibernation research with the aim of developing ways to cause hibernation in future space astronauts.(因此,科学家们正在进行冬眠研究,目是找到让未来的太空宇航员冬眠的方法)”和倒第二段“The state of hibernation could also help in the medical setting to help protect patients suffering from life-threatening conditions such as heart attacks and strokes.(在医疗环境中,冬眠状态也可以帮助保护那些患有心脏病和中风等危及生命的疾病的病人)”可推知,在未来的研究中,科学家可能会想办法让人们进入冬眠状态。故选B。
    Will chatbots that can generate fascinating articles destroy education as we know it?
    New York City’s Department of Education recently banned (禁止) the use of ChatGPT. “While the tool may be able to provide quick and easy answers to questions,” says the official statement, “it does not build critical-thinking skills, which are necessary for academic and lifelong success.”
    Banning such use of technology from the classroom is a nearsighted response. Instead, we must find a way forward in which such technologies combine well with, rather than replace, student thinking.
    Banning ChatGPT is impossible in practice. Students will find ways around the ban, which will cause a further defensive response from teachers and administrators, and so on. It’s hard to believe that a close race between those digital natives and their educators will end in a decisive victory for the latter. In fact, chatbots may well speed up a trend (趋向) toward valuing critical thinking. In a world where computers can fluently answer any question, students need to get much better at deciding what questions to ask and how to fact-check the answers the program generates.
    So how do we encourage young people to use their minds when real thinking is so hard to tell apart from its simulacrum (假象)? Teachers of course, will still want to watch students taking old-fashioned, in-person, no-chatbot-allowed exams to check that they do not cheat.
    But we must also figure out how to do something new: how to use tools like GPT to inspire deeper thinking. GPT often generates text that is fluent and “reasonable” — but wrong. So using it requires the same mental heavy lifting that writing does: forming an opinion, creating an outline, picking which points to explain and which to drop, and looking for supporting facts. GPT can help with those tasks, but it can’t put them all together. Writing a good essay still requires lots of human thought and work. Indeed, writing is thinking, and good writing is good thinking.
    One approach is to focus on the process as much as the result. For instance, teachers might require four drafts of an essay. After all, as John McPhee, the famous writer, said, “the central nature of the process is revision.” Each draft gets feedback from the teacher, from peers or even from a chatbot. Then the students produce the next draft, and so on.
    Will AI one day outperform human beings in thinking? Maybe, but for now, we must think for ourselves. Like any tool, GPT is an enemy of thinking only if we fail to find ways to make it our partner.
    40. How does the author feel about the ban?
    A. Understandable. B. Irresponsible. C. Unwise. D. Necessary.
    41. Why is it impossible to ban ChatGPT in practice?
    A. Because students are digitally fluent. B. Because schools will defend the ban.
    C. Because ChatGPT will keep developing. D. Because people treasure critical thinking.
    42. How does the author explain his idea in Paragraph 6?
    A. By quoting others. B. By presenting facts. C. By giving examples. D. By showing similarities.
    43. What is the passage mainly about?
    A. Is GPT a process or a result? B. Will GPT outperform students?
    C. Why Chatbots become a new trend? D. How can Chatbots serve education?
    【答案】40. C 41. A 42. B 43. B
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Banning such use of technology from the classroom is a nearsighted response. Instead, we must find a way forward in which such technologies combine well with, rather than replace, student thinking.(禁止在课堂上使用这种技术是一种目光短浅的反应。相反,我们必须找到一条前进的道路,让这些技术与学生的思维很好地结合在一起,而不是取代学生的思维。)”可知,作者认为这一禁令很不明智。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段第二句“Students will find ways around the ban, which will cause a further defensive response from teachers and administrators, and so on.(学生们会找到绕开禁令的方法,这将引起教师和管理人员进一步的防御性反应,等等。)”可知,不可能在实践中禁止ChatGPT是因为学生们对数字技术很精通。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第六段最后五句“GPT often generates text that is fluent and “reasonable” — but wrong. So using it requires the same mental heavy lifting that writing does: forming an opinion, creating an outline, picking which points to explain and which to drop, and looking for supporting facts. GPT can help with those tasks, but it can’t put them all together. Writing a good essay still requires lots of human thought and work. Indeed, writing is thinking, and good writing is good thinking.(GPT通常生成流畅且“合理”的文本,但却是错误的。因此,使用它需要和写作一样的脑力劳动:形成观点,创建大纲,选择要解释哪些要点,哪些要点要放弃,寻找支持事实。GPT可以帮助完成这些任务,但它不能把它们放在一起。写一篇好文章仍然需要很多人的思考和工作。的确,写作就是思考,好的写作就是好的思考。)”可知,作者通过陈述事实来解释他的观点。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“Will chatbots that can generate fascinating articles destroy education as we know it?(聊天机器人是否会像我们所知道的那样摧毁教育?)”和最后一段“Will AI one day outperform human beings in thinking? Maybe, but for now, we must think for ourselves. Like any tool, GPT is an enemy of thinking only if we fail to find ways to make it our partner.(人工智能有一天会超越人类的思维能力吗?也许吧,但现在,我们必须为自己考虑。像任何工具一样,只有当我们找不到方法让它成为我们的伙伴时,GPT才是思考的敌人。)”可知,文章主要是讲人工智能是否有一天会超越人类的思维能力从而摧毁教育。故选B。
    In the 17th century when a British businessman heard that there were one hundred million people in China, he was determined to go there and sell spoons. He thought even if he could earn one penny for one spoon, he would still make a lot of money. ____44____
    Then, why do the Chinese people use chopsticks? Some people did research on the origin of China’s chopsticks. One theory is that chopsticks were very convenient for Chinese to use because China was an agricultural society, relying mainly on vegetables for food. When we steamed or boiled food, it was difficult for us to use spoons to dip vegetables in the soup. ____45____ Westerners, on the other hand, travelled with their animals from place to place and lived on meat. For them, knives and forks were more practical.
    Chopsticks reflect gentleness and kindness, the main moral teaching of Confucianism. ____46____ First, don’t use it to hit the side of your bowl or plate to make noises, because Chinese people think only beggars would do this to beg for meals. ____47____ It means you lay the blame on others. Also, don’t stick your chopsticks upright in the rice bowl. That usually appears at the funerals and is believed to be impolite to the host and the seniors who are at the table.
    Today, chopsticks have become a typical part of Chinese culture, symbolising the power of unity. ____48____ However, ten pairs of chopsticks represent strength, which means they won’t break off in any cases. We Chinese people draw on this spirit, which always inspires and encourages us to work hand in hand for a better future.
    A. As a result, spoons were designed and preferred by Westerners.
    B. But to his surprise, the Chinese people use chopsticks, not spoons.
    C. Therefore, Chinese people cleverly invented chopsticks to pick food.
    D. Besides, never point at people with your chopsticks while using them.
    E. Indeed, one chopstick is useless and so delicate that it can be broken readily.
    F. So these virtues have gradually become the rules people follow in their daily life.
    G. There are some rules about using chopsticks that you should pay great attention to.
    【答案】44. B 45. C 46. F 47. D 48. E
    根据前文“In the 17th century when a British businessman heard that there were one hundred million people in China, he was determined to go there and sell spoons. He thought even if he could earn one penny for one spoon, he would still make a lot of money.(17世纪,一位英国商人听说中国有一亿人口,就下决心去中国卖勺子。他想,即使一个勺子能挣一分钱,他也会赚很多钱。)”可知,后文应该强调该事情的结果。B选项“But to his surprise, the Chinese people use chopsticks, not spoons.( 但令他惊讶的是,中国人用筷子,而不是勺子。)”承接前文。故选B。
    根据前文“When we steamed or boiled food, it was difficult for us to use spoons to dip vegetables in the soup. (当我们蒸或煮食物时,我们很难用勺子把蔬菜浸在汤里。)”可知,此处应该强调解决该问题的方式。C选项“Therefore, Chinese people cleverly invented chopsticks to pick food.(因此,中国人聪明地发明了筷子来挑选食物。)”承接前文。故选C。
    根据前文“Chopsticks reflect gentleness and kindness, the main moral teaching of Confucianism. (筷子体现了儒学的主要道德教育——温柔和善良。)”可知,筷子体现了儒学的主要道德教育——温柔和善良。后文应该继续对该主题进行强调。F选项“So these virtues have gradually become the rules people follow in their daily life. (因此,这些美德逐渐成为人们在日常生活中遵循的规则。)”指出,这些美德逐渐成为人们在日常生活中遵循的规则。these virtues指代前文的gentleness and kindness。故选F。
    根据后文“It means you lay the blame on others.(这意味着你把责任推给别人。)”可知,此处指出用筷子指着别人意味着把责任推给别人。D选项“Besides, never point at people with your chopsticks while using them.(此外,不要用筷子指着别人。)”与下文的it呼应,且First和Besides是并列关系。故选D。
    根据前文“Today, chopsticks have become a typical part of Chinese culture, symbolising the power of unity.(如今,筷子已成为中国文化的典型组成部分,象征着团结的力量。)”可知,此处强调筷子象征着团结的力量。同时根据后文“However, ten pairs of chopsticks represent strength, which means they won’t break off in any cases. (然而,十双筷子代表力量,这意味着它们在任何情况下都不会折断。)”可知,前文应该与此处构成转折关系。E选项“Indeed, one chopstick is useless and so delicate that it can be broken readily. (事实上,一根筷子是没有用的,它是如此脆弱,很容易被折断。)”指出一根筷子容易折断,与后文构成转折关系。故选E。
    For most 12-year-olds, any free time after school is spent hanging out with friends, competing in sports, or playing video games. But Alejandro Buxton has another dream: making all-natural candles that he sells online and at a local mall.
    The idea was inspired by his mother, who had to give up many of the scented candles she’d filled their home with after realizing the chemicals within them were worsening her allergies (过敏), causing her frequent headaches.
    So, in 2019, at just 9 years old, the boy started experimenting with making his own, mixing ingredients like soy and coconut waxes with essential oils. He called his first work “Jurassic Orange,” for its color and pleasant smell. Though his mother was a big fan, and the scent didn’t cause her head to ache, Buxton wanted to improve upon his work.
    Within the next few months, he’d developed a line of six uniquely scented candles. By the following year, during the worldwide lockdowns, he’d created his own online shop.
    Soon after, Alejandro began selling his products on his own website, “Smell of Love Candles,” where shoppers can find offerings with creative names like “Sage the Day!” and “Alexa, clean the house.” He also lists other products such as room sprays for sale.
    According to the site, his younger sister Valentina serves as assistant of operations while his mother takes the role of assistant to the CEO.
    Now, he is operating his business in a local mall as well. This past September, he opened a stand in D.C.’s Tysons Corner shopping center—making him the youngest leaseholder (承租人) at the mall.
    Besides inspiring fellow kids with his entrepreneurial spirit and talent, Alejandro is also a positive role model for giving back and making a difference: He donates a part of his profits to a local charity.
    With the experience and knowledge he’s gaining from running this business at such a young age, Alejandro hopes to one day go on to create an engineering business.
    49. What is Alejandro’s dream?
    50. Why did the boy come up with the idea?
    51. Please decide which part is false in the following statement, then underline it and explain why.
    • Alejandro is a successful businessman because he began his candle business and started an engineering business at a young age.
    52. Among Alejandro’s qualities, which one do you think will be important for you? Why? (In about 40 words)
    【答案】49. Making all-natural candles that he sells online and at a local mall.
    50. Because his mother had to give up many of the scented candles after realizing the chemicals within them were worsening her allergies, causing her frequent headaches.
    51. Alejandro is a successful businessman because he began his candle business and started an engineering business at a young age.
    Because he just hopes to one day go on to create an engineering business.
    52. The entrepreneurial spirit. Because I’m always afraid of the trouble and obstacles possibly existing in the process of starting a business, which is the biggest problem for me to have my own business.
    考查细节理解。根据第一段最后一句“But Alejandro Buxton has another dream: making all-natural candles that he sells online and at a local mall.(但亚历杭德罗·巴克斯顿还有另一个梦想:制作纯天然蜡烛,并在网上和当地一家商场出售。)”可知,亚历杭德罗的梦想是制作纯天然蜡烛,并在网上和当地一家商场出售。故答案为Making all-natural candles that he sells online and at a local mall。
    考查细节理解。根据第二段“The idea was inspired by his mother, who had to give up many of the scented candles she’d filled their home with after realizing the chemicals within them were worsening her allergies (过敏), causing her frequent headaches.(这个想法的灵感来自于他的母亲,在意识到香薰蜡烛中的化学物质会加剧她的过敏,导致她经常头痛后,她不得不放弃家里满满当当的许多香薰蜡烛。)”可知,这个男孩有了这个想法是因为他的母亲在意识到香薰蜡烛中的化学物质会加剧她的过敏,导致她经常头痛后,不得不放弃了许多香薰蜡烛。故答案为Because his mother had to give up many of the scented candles after realizing the chemicals within them were worsening her allergies, causing her frequent headaches。
    考查细节理解。根据最后一段“With the experience and knowledge he’s gaining from running this business at such a young age, Alejandro hopes to one day go on to create an engineering business.(亚历杭德罗在这么年轻的时候就经营这家公司,积累了丰富的经验和知识,他希望有一天能创办一家工程公司。)”可知,亚历杭德罗只是希望,却还没有创办一家工程公司。所以“and started an engineering business”这部分是错误的。故答案为Alejandro is a successful businessman because he began his candle business and started an engineering business at a young age. Because he just hopes to one day go on to create an engineering business.。
    考查开放性回答。考生需要挑选文章中亚历杭德罗的一个品质,并解释为什么这一品质对自己很重要,并注意答案应控制在40个单词之内。答案为The entrepreneurial spirit. Because I’m always afraid of the trouble and obstacles possibly existing in the process of starting a business, which is the biggest problem for me to have my own business。
    53. 假如你是红星中学高一学生李华。第19届杭州亚运会音乐作品征集活动正在进行,请你给英国好友Jim写邮件邀请他参加。内容包括:
    提示词:第19届杭州亚运会the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou
    组委会the organizing committee
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    【答案】One possible version:
    Dear Jim,
    I’m writing to tell you a piece of good news that a campaign calling for songs for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou is taking place these days. I want to invite you to take part.
    The campaign is organized by the organizing committee, lasting until March 1st, 2023. The song should reflect Chinese cultural values and the features of the city of Hangzhou. Only the original song will be accepted. Besides, the creation can be received by email or by post.
    You have a great talent for music, so I would like you to grasp this chance to show your talent to the world.
    Li Hua
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    呼吁:call for→ appeal for
    参加:take part→ participate
    组织:organize→ arrange
    持续:last→ continue
    有……天赋:have a talent for→be gifted in/have a gift for
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:The campaign is organized by the organizing committee, lasting until March 1st, 2023.
    拓展句:The campaign is organized by the organizing committee, which lasts until March 1st, 2023.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】I’m writing to tell you a piece of good news that a campaign calling for songs for the 19th Asian Games Hangzhou is taking place these days.(使用了不定式短语作目的状语、that引导同位语从句、现在分词短语作后置定语)

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