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    北师大版高中英语选择性必修第二册·UNIT5 LESSON 1(课件+练习)01
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    北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 EducationLesson 1 Enlightening a Mind优质课件ppt

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 5 EducationLesson 1 Enlightening a Mind优质课件ppt,文件包含UNIT5WRITINGWORKSHOPVIEWINGWORKSHOP课件PPTpptx、UNIT5PartVWRITINGWORKSHOPREADINGCLUBS同步练习含答案docx等2份课件配套教学资源,其中PPT共21页, 欢迎下载使用。

    ACTIVATE AND SHARE1 Think f sme pssible ways t teach smene wh is blind t read and write? Then think f ways t teach smene wh is bth blind and deaf t read and write.
    Suggested answer:T teach smene wh is blind,yu can try these pssible ways. With thick card pieces,stick the wrds n a table,wall r glass. Let the blind persn feel the wrds and feel their shapes. Then teach him t read and write them. T teach smene wh is bth blind and deaf is prbably a difficult jb.
    READ AND EXPLORE Pair Wrk Read paragraphs 1-2 f the stry. Discuss Helen Keller and her teacher’s characteristics and persnalities.
    Suggested answer:Helen was frustrated,stubbrn and trublesme. She gt angry easily when she was nt understd.Anne was a superb teacher wh culd understand Helen’s difficulties. She was sympathetic.
    3 Read the rest f the stry. Answer the questins. 1 Hw many wrds were taught t Helen? What were they? 2 Which wrds were easier t learn? Which were mre difficult? Explain why.
    The wrds “dll” and “water” were easier t learn,because Helen culd tuch them. The wrds “lve” and “think” were mre difficult,because they were cmplex and abstract cncept and culdn’t be tuched.
    Fur wrds were taught t Helen in the stry:“dll” “water” “lve” and “think”.
    Cmplete the diagram.
    Fr the wrd “dll”Anne .
    Fr the wrd “think”When Helen was trying tslve a difficult prblem,Anne     In a flash,Helen .
    Fr the wrd “water”Anne
    Fr the wrd “lve”Helen thught at first it was the sweetness f flwers but later “Yu cannt tuch lve
    Hw AnnetaughtHelen thefur wrds
    let Helen play with the dll,and then spelt the letters “D-O-L-L” n her hand
    put ne f Helen’s hands under the water. As the water flwed verHelen’s hand,Anne spelt ut“W-A-T-E-R”int Helen’s ther hand
    she drew Helen clser t her and said,“It is here”,pinting t Helen’s heart.
    but yu feel the sweetness that it purs int everything. Withut lve yu wuld nt be happy r want t play”
    tuched Helen’s frehead and wrte the wrd “think” n her hand
    knewthat the wrd was the name f the prcess that was ging n in herhead
    5 Cmplete the diagram abut hw the learning prcess affected Helen by chsing frm the expressins. a felt hpe and jy b felt puzzled c had a breakthrugh d thught it was a game
    e gt the wrld f wrds pened up t her f understd the beautiful truth f the wrd g knew the meaning f the wrd in a flash h felt it was mnkey-like imitatin
    waterhad a burst f understanding
    lvefelt cnfused and disappinted
    d thught it was a gameh felt it was mnkey- like imitatin
    a felt hpe and jye gt the wrld fwrds pened up ther
    b felt puzzledf understd thebeautiful truth fthe wrd
    c had a breakthrughg knew the meaningf the wrd in a flash
    Grup Wrk Each member chses ne wrd. Tell the rest f the grup hw Anne taught the wrd and what impact the learning prcess had n Helen.
    Suggested answer:I chse the wrd “dll”. Anne let Helen play with the dll,and then speltthe letters “D-O-L-L” n her hand. When she initially did this,Helen thught it was a game and she simply made her fingers g in mnkey-like imitatin.
    Hw many parts can the stry be divided int? What is each part mainly abut? Underline the signal expressins that cnnect the descriptin f Helen’s learning prcesses.
    Suggested answerThe stry can be divided int three parts.The first part:Anne Sullivan was brught in t help Helen.The secnd part:Hw Anne taught Helen “dll”and“water”.The third part:Hw Anne taught Helen “think”and“lve”.Signal expressins cnnecting the descriptin f Helen’s learning prcesses:thught itwas a game,was making my fingers g in mnkey-like imitatin;gave her hpe and jy,the wrld f wrds pened up t her;was cnfused and disappinted, finally understd the beautiful truth f the wrd“lve”;had a breakthrugh,knew that the wrd was the name
    Grup Wrk What qualities d yu think Helen and Anne shwed in the stry? Chse frm the list belw. Find evidence t supprt yur pinin. determined  perseverant  kind patient diligent  willing creative
    Suggested answer:I think that Helen was determined t try t understand a wrd. She kept asking Anne questins s that she culd understand the wrd “lve”. I think Anne was perseverant,patient and creative because she kept trying different ways and waiting fr Helen t discver what wrds are.
    Fill in the blanks with the wrds frm the stry. When Helen was yung she lst her sight and hearing. With these 1      t her cmmunicatin,Helen’s behaviur was ften 2     and smetimes she was3      ,stubbrn and angry with a 4      t break things when she was ntunderstd. Anne Sullivan was a 5     teacher. Anne’s technique was simple and6     . She put an bject int Helen’s hand and spelt ut the wrd n her therhand. The 7      knwledge she taught Helen gave her hpe and jy. Frm “dll” and“water”,Helen’s knwledge and 8      expanded and this changed her 9_______    prcess. As Helen grasped the key t language,she discvered mre 10________ wrds. Helen nw understd the beautiful truth f the wrd “lve”.
    severe restrictins
    FOCUS ON LANGUAGE: HAVE/GET SOMETHING DONE10 Find a sentence r part f a sentence in the text which uses have/get smething dne and means the fllwing: 1 She culd nt d anything fr herself. 2 A great teacher was suggested t Helen’s parents. 3 A new wrld f language pened up t her.
    gt the wrld f wrds pened up t her
    have everything dne fr her
    gt a superb teacher recmmended
    Cmplete the sentences using have/get smething dne and the cues in the brackets. 1 We’re ging t(a vide f the wedding/make)have a vide f the wedding made. 2 I dn’t knw what’s wrng with my tyres. I’ll(them/check)     . 3 I’ll(the washing machine/repair)     sn. 4 Many years ag Pauline(prtrait/paint)    by a well-knwn painter. 5 (yu ever/vice/recrd)     ? 6 (yu/face/make up)     with face paint when yu were a kid?
    Have yu ever had yur face made up
    have them checked
    have the washing machine repaired
    had her prtrait painted
    Have yu ever had yur vice recrded
    EXPRESS YOURSELFPair Wrk Write dwn questins that yu wuld want t ask Anne Sullivan. Then act ut a rle-play f the interview between yu and Anne.
    1 Did yu like teaching Helen?2 What d yu think f her? Or what kind f girl is Helen?3 Was there a time when yu were disappinted with Helen?4 Hw did yu feel when Helen managed t learn the first wrd?
    A—Anne Sullivan Y—YuY: Miss Sullivan,I admire yu very much. May I ask yu sme questins?A: Thank yu. I’m hnured t meet yu. Please g ahead.Y: Did yu like teaching Helen in the past? What d yu think f her?A: Well,yes. She was s clever a girl that I did like her. She,fnd f learning,was determined and diligent.Y: Was there a time when yu were disappinted with Helen?A: Very little. But smetimes I gt angry when she lst her temper.Y: Hw did yu feel when Helen managed t learn the first wrd?A: Very excited,I held her tightly. At that mment,I realised my wrk paid ff.
    Language pints
    教材原句p.30 Helen Keller was an exceptinally special girl. 海伦·凯勒是一个非常特殊的女孩。1 exceptinally adv. 极其,非常He is an exceptinally humrus persn wh is always bringing laughter t us. 他是一个非常幽默的人,总是给我们带来笑声。He’s an exceptinally talented dancer and needs t practise several hurs every day. 他是位非常有天赋的舞蹈家,每天需要练几小时。【词语积累】 except prep. 除……之外exceptin n. 例外exceptinal adj. 异常的;例外的I recmmend him withut reservatin,as I believe yu will appreciate his exceptinal talent in his studies. 我毫无保留地向你推荐他,因为我相信你会欣赏他在研究上的非凡能力。
    单句语法填空(1)Abut 12% f the cuntry is in an“      (exceptin)”drught,the wrst categry. (2)Everyne has the ptential t d things well if he puts his heart int what he is ding and there is n       (except). (3) The weather,even fr January,was       (exceptin)cld. 完成句子(4)He insists that attitude be            (相当重要)when dealing with a difficult custmer.
    exceptinally significant
    教材原句p.30 With these severe restrictins t her cmmunicatin, Helen’s behaviur was ften unbearable. 这些严重的障碍限制了海伦的正常交流,也让她的行为常常令人难以忍受。2 severe adj. 很严重的;严厉的,苛刻的;严峻的,激烈的severe damage 严重的损害 a severe crisis 严重的危机 be severe with neself 严于律己 a severe winter 严冬 severe cmpetitin 激烈的竞争 【词语积累】 severely adv. 严重地;严厉地 a severely plluted lake 被严重污染的湖
    完成句子(1)His injuries            (是严重的),which frightened me. (2)My ppnent is         (一位严厉的女士)wh seldm smiles. (3)         (面对激烈的竞争),he still has a gd sense f humur. 单句语法填空(4) Anyne breaking the law will be       (severe)punished.
    were severe
    a severe wman
    Facing severe cmpetitin
    3 unbearable adj. 难以忍受的;承受不住的His strange behaviur is unbearable. 他奇怪的行为令人无法忍受。 I find his rude manner unbearable. 我觉得他粗鲁的态度令人无法忍受。【单词助记】 un-(不)+bear(容忍)+-able(能……的)→ unbearable 难以忍受的【词语积累】 unbearably adv. 难以忍受地;承受不住地bearable adj. 可忍受的;支持得住的bear v. 忍受,承受;经得起can’t bear t d sth 不能忍受做某事can’t bear(sb)ding sth 不能忍受(某人)做某事
    单句语法填空(1)I wuld rather live withut these       (bear)tensins. (2) He can’t bear peple       (smke) while he is eating. 完成句子(3)T tell yu the truth,I really         (觉得……难以忍受) t wrk with such a terrible man wh has n sympathy at all.
    find it unbearable
    教材原句p.30 She was smetimes trublesme,stubbrn and angry,and had a tendency t break things when n ne understd her. 海伦有时很烦人、很固执,而且很易怒,如果没有人能理解她的意思,她就会摔东西。4 trublesme adj. 引起麻烦的;令人烦恼的a trublesme cugh/prblem 烦人的咳嗽 / 棘手的问题 This is a trublesme zne at present because a severe disease is being spread here. 目前这是一个麻烦的地区,因为这里正传播着一种严重的疾病。He needed surgery t cure a trublesme back injury. 他需要动手术来医治烦人的背部伤痛。
    完成句子(1)          (让人心烦的孩子)destryed his yunger brther’s ty, which made his mther very annyed. (2)        (这真烦人)f the kid t pur the dirty water int the bttle. (3) He remained ptimistic despite             (棘手的问题).
    The trublesme child
    It is trublesme
    the trublesme prblem
    5 tendency n. 倾向搭配have a tendency t d sth 倾向于做某事a tendency t/twards... ……的倾向/ 趋势 display artistic tendencies 显示出对艺术的偏好 I’m aware that she has a tendency t talk t much when she’s nervus. 我意识到她一紧张就会说很多话。It is recgnised that there is a tendency fr this disease t run in families. 人们认识到这种疾病有在家庭中流行的趋势。【词语积累】 tend v. 倾向,趋于;照顾,照料tend t d sth 往往会做某事,易于做某事tend t/twards 有……的趋势When a persn is aware that he will be punished fr his deed,he tends t lie. 当一个人意识到他会因为他的行为而受到惩罚时,他就倾向于说谎。 His views tend twards the extreme. 他的观点趋于偏激。
    单句语法填空 (1) She has a strng natural tendency        cautin. (2) Nwadays many peple have a tendency    (give)up smking due t its bad effects. (3)The manager tends       (prmte)the emplyee wh is wrking hard. 完成句子(4) He             (往往会) be nervus when speaking in public. (5) The drug is effective but                  (可能会引起头疼).
    has a tendency t/tends t  
    has a tendency t cause headache
    原句p.30 She’d had eyesight prblems early in life as well s she culd relate t Helen’s diculties. 她小时候视力也有障碍,所以能理解海伦所面临的困境。6 relate vi. 理解;相联系;认同 vt. & vi. (使)有联系relate t... 理解……;与……有关搭配 使……和……有联系be related t... 与……有关 I nly stayed with him ccasinally. Therefre it’s hard fr me t relate t his idea. 我只是偶尔和他待在一起,因此很难理解他的想法。T tell the truth,all these dn’t relate t sympathy. 说实话,所有这一切与同情心无关。The reprt seeks t relate the increase in the number f animals in this species t ur cnservatin. 报告试图把这个物种中动物数量的增加与我们的保护联系起来。
    单句语法填空(1) I lve technlgy and try t keep up with it, s I can relate        my students. (2) The study tries t relate the rise in crime        an increase in unemplyment. (3)I can’t relate him        the famus philspher. He lks s rdinary. (4) The tpic yu chse must       (relate)t yur studies. 完成句子(5) Our prduct needs an image that peple can         (理解). (6)The “new fur great inventins”         (与……相关)China’s high-tech innvatin.
    be related
    are related t/relate t
    教材原句p.30 Anne’s technique t teach Helen language was simple and straightfrward. 安妮教海伦学习语言的方法简单明了。7 technique n. 技巧,手法They adpted a new technique in raising sheep. 他们采用了新的养羊技术。Over the next mnths,he applied himself t imprving the technique. 在接下来的几个月里,他一门心思改进技术。【词语积累】 technical adj. 工艺的,科技的;技术上的;专门的technically adv. 技术上;专门地;学术上;工艺上technician n. 技师,技术员;技巧纯熟的人In thse days sund recrding was nt technically pssible. 在那个时候,录音在技术上是不可能的。
    单句语法填空(1)It is evident t us that we shuld adpt varius       (technique)t handle industrial pllutin. (2)In rder t reach this limit,a number f       (technique)prblems will have t be slved. (3)It is a       (technique) demanding piece f music t play. 完成句子(4)              (了解基本的急救技术)will help yu respnd quickly t emergencies. (5)                     (随着科技的发展),mre and mre peple are familiar with astrnmy.
    varius 后接可数名词时,要用复数形式。
    Knwing basic first-aid techniques
    With the develpment f science and technlgy
    教材原句 p30 When they initially did this,Helen thught it was a game. 刚开始海伦以为这是在玩游戏。8 initially adv. 起初Initially,fellw man didn’t knw the significance f prtecting the envirnment. 起初,人们并不知道保护环境的重要性。The strms may nt be as bad as they initially frecasted. 暴风雨可能不像他们最初预测的那样糟。【词语积累】 initial adj. 起初的Hang n t yur faith,dn’t bther yurself;therwise yu wn’t attain yur initial gal. 坚持自己的信仰,不要庸人自扰,否则你就达不到最初的目标。
    单句语法填空(1)       (initial),he was nt cnvinced f the hnesty f the wman. (2) She came       (initial)t spend a few days,but in the end she stayed fr a whle mnth. (3)       (initial),I disagreed with his prpsal,but later I changed my mind. 完成句子(4) My        (最初的反应) was t decline the ffer.
    initial reactin
    教材原句p.30 She wrte abut her excitement later in her bk,The Stry f My Life :... 后来在《我的人生故事》一书中,她描述了自己的兴奋之情:…… 9 excitement n. 兴奋,激动t ne’s excitement 令某人兴奋的是in/with excitement 兴奋地搭配a sense f excitement 兴奋感be full f/filled with excitement 满怀激动hide ne’s excitement 掩饰某人的激动be trembling with excitement 激动得直发抖Much t his excitement,he gt prmted shrtly after he wrked in this cmpany. 令他大为兴奋的是,他在这家公司工作不久之后就升职了。 The dg leapt and wagged its tail in excitement. 狗兴奋得摇着尾巴跳来跳去。The children were jumping up and dwn with excitement. 孩子们兴奋得跳上跳下。【词语积累】 excite vt. 使兴奋 excited adj. 兴奋的 exciting adj. 令人兴奋的
    单句语法填空(1) The news caused great       (excite) amng her friends. (2) N wnder the children are       (excite)! This is the first time they’ve been abrad. (3) The end f the mvie was much mre       (excite)than I’d expected. 完成句子(4)He              ( 满 怀 激 动)when he heard the news that his sn wn the natinal schlarship. (5)            (令他大为兴奋的是),his dream f becming a musician has cme true.
    was full f excitement/was filled with excitement
    Much t his excitement
    教材原句p.31 Nw that Helen grasped the key t language, she was very eager t learn mre and use it as much as she culd. 由于海伦理解了语言的关键,她非常渴望学习更多语言,并且尽可能运用它。10 grasp vt. (1)理解,领会 搭配:grasp ne’s meaning 理解某人的意思 At that time,we did nt fully grasp the significance f treating peple sincerely. 当时,我们没有完全明白真诚待人的重要性。(2)抓住;紧握搭配:grasp a chance/grasp an pprtunity 抓住机会I grasped the pprtunity t hst the party and did a gd jb. 我抓住了举办聚会的机会,办得很好。
    写出grasp 在句中的含义(1) Kay grasped him by the wrist. __________        (2) They failed t grasp the imprtance f his wrds. _________       完成句子(3)He              (抓住机会)and saved the naughty by frm the crisis. (4)He         (抓住手)f the middle-aged man and shk it warmly.
    grasped the chance/pprtunity
    grasped the hand
    教材原句p.31 fr Helen,it was a gradual and smetimes painful prcess. ……但对海伦来说,学习语言是个渐进的过程,有时会很痛苦。11 gradual adj. 逐渐的,逐步的gradual grwth逐渐成长 a gradual change in climate气候的逐渐变化 a gradual prcess 一个循序渐进的过程 a gradual increase in the birth rate出生率逐渐增长 【词语积累】 gradually adv. 逐渐地,逐步地Cuntless failures made her desperate gradually. 无数次的失败使她逐渐绝望。
    单句语法填空(1)His interest in this subject       (gradual)decreases. (2)      (gradual),she realised that it was herself that she culd rely n. 完成句子(3) The develpment f industry has been         (一个循序渐进的过程) thrughut human existence,frm stne tls t mdern technlgy. (4)He is cnvinced f            (逐渐成长)f living traditins.
    a gradual prcess
    the gradual grwth
    12 painful adj. 令人痛苦的;困难的;疼痛的搭配be painful t d sth 做某事痛苦It is painful(fr sb)t d sth.(某人)做某事很痛苦。a painful death 痛苦的死亡 a painful experience/memry 痛苦的经历 / 回忆 A painful injury frced her t withdraw frm the game. 一次痛苦的受伤迫使她退出了比赛。 Dealing with the trublesme naughty by can be a painful experience. 与那个调皮捣蛋的男孩打交道可能是一个痛苦的经历。Is yur back still painful? 你的背还疼吗? 【词语积累】 pain n. 疼痛;努力 painless adj. 无痛的,不痛的
    单句语法填空(1) The ld phtgraph brught back        (pain)memries. (2) Their effrts were painful        (watch). (3) It is       (pain)fr him nt t grasp the precius pprtunity t attain his gal. 完成句子(4) 我的脚踝还是疼得不能走路。 My ankle is still            . (5)         (不劳无获).
    t painful t walk n
    N pain,n gain
    教材原句p.31 Hwever,because Helen was s enthusiastic abut learning,the results were amazing. 然而, 由于海伦对学习有极高的热情,学习成果令人吃惊。13 enthusiastic adj. 热心的;热情的;热衷的搭配:be enthusiastic abut(ding)sth 对(做)某事有兴趣He is very enthusiastic abut academic research. 他对学术研究很感兴趣。She was less enthusiastic abut buying a laptp. 她对买笔记本电脑不太感兴趣。【词语积累】 enthusiasm n. 热情,热忱enthusiastically adv. 热情地;热心地
    单句语法填空 (1)The by was nt enthusiastic        ging t the barding schl and didn’t want t part with his ld friends. (2) The whle playgrund was excited with the audience cheering       (enthusiastic) the athletes n. 完成句子(3)My new classmate is sensitive and                 (热心帮助别人).
    enthusiastic abut helping thers
    教材原句p.31 As Helen’s knwledge and vcabulary expanded, she asked mre and mre questins. 随着海伦知识和词汇量的不断扩大,她提出的问题也越来越多。14 expand vi. & vt.(使)扩大;增加;扩展,发展搭配:expand(...)int(把……)扩展/ 发展成…… She has expanded her career t the field f entertainment. 她已经把自己的事业扩展到娱乐领域。The mayr is determined t expand the lcal airprt. 市长决定扩建当地机场。The village expanded int a twn. 这个村庄发展成了一个城镇。【词语积累】 expansin n. 扩大;扩张;扩充
    单句语法填空(1) A student’s vcabulary       (expand) thrugh reading. (2) The cmpany gt int truble when it tried       (expand)quickly. (3) The lcal gvernment has set up a number f technical schls t meet the needs f the rapidly       (expand) ecnmy. 完成句子(4)         (为了增加知识), yu have t get ut f yur cmfrt zne.
    T expand knwledge
    教材原句p 31 Miss Sullivan put her arm gently rund me and wrte n my hand... 莎莉文老师温柔地搂着我,在我的手上写着…… 15 gently adv. 轻柔地;温和地;平缓地Gently,she tk hld f the dr handle and turned it. 她轻轻地握住门把手扭动了它。The path ran gently dwn t the sea. 这条小路平缓地向大海延伸。【学法点拨】 gentle 的副词形式是去e 加y,类似的形容词还有pssible,prbable, simple 等。
    单句语法填空(1) The waves       (gentle)lap against the shre. (2) She       (gentle)flded the baby in a blanket. (3)The prfessr patted the trublesme by       (gentle)and cmfrted him.
    教材原句p.31 Althugh the meaning f lve was still nt apparent t Helen,she kept n trying t understand it. 尽管对海伦来说,爱的意义还不明确,但她一直试着理解。16 apparent adj. 显而易见的;明白的(=bvius) 搭配:It is apparent that... ……是显而易见的。It was apparent t everyne that he was annyed. 谁都知道他生气了。It sn became apparent t everyne that he culdn’t handle the prblem. 大家很快都明白了他处理不了这个问题。 Fr n apparent reasn,he began t have a preference fr fishing. 不知什么原因,他开始喜欢钓鱼了。【词语积累】 apparently adv. 显然;看来好像(=bviusly/evidently) Apparently,he didn’t realise the significance f eyesight and kept n playing cmputer games all day lng. 显然,他没有意识到视力的重要性,整天玩电脑游戏。
    单句语法填空(1)It is apparent        the prducer has a special talent t make his play amusing. (2)I thught he had retired,but       (apparent)he hadn’t. 完成句子(3)             (很明显)the drug des benefit sme patients. (4)            (很明显), he has suffered frm psychlgical prblems.
    It’s apparent/bvius that
    教材原句p.31 When her teacher said that it wasn’t,she was cnfused and disappinted. 老师说不是,海伦感到更困惑了,而且有些失望。17 disappinted adj. 失望的,沮丧的 be disappinted at/with/abut 对……感到失望搭配be disappinted t d sth 因做某事而感到失望be disappinted that... 因……而感到失望 She was very disappinted at having n access t the Internet at the htel. 她对酒店不能上网感到很失望。They were disappinted t find their adpted sn wasn’t grateful at all. 他们很失望地发现养子根本不心怀感激。He was disappinted that the rumurs ruined his reputatin. 这些谣言毁了他的声誉,他感到沮丧。
    【词语积累】 disappint vt. 使失望 disappintment n. 失望;沮丧t ne’s disappintment 令某人失望的是disappinting adj. 令人失望的;令人沮丧的The disappinting news that he failed the exam made him very disappinted. 他没有通过考试,这令人扫兴的消息让他感到非常失望。
    单句语法填空(1)She was       (disappint) that she didn’t attain the schlarship. (2)She was disappinted        (learn)that she had nt gt prmted. (3) When hearing the       (disappint) news that he was banned frm driving,the ld man was very       (disappint). (4)Frm his       (disappint) lk,I knew he didn’t handle the scientific prblem. (5) Much t his        (disappint),his sn is addicted t smking. (6)He was disappinted       (find)that his friend was nt enthusiastic abut his plan.
    教材原句p 31 Hwever,ne day as she was wrking n a simple task,she had a breakthrugh. 然而有一天, 在做一项简单的任务时,她取得了突破。18 breakthrugh n. 突破;重大进展搭配:make/achieve a breakthrugh 取得突破/ 重大进展Here came the news that the scientists had made a majr scientific breakthrugh. 传来了科学家们取得重大科学突破的消息。 He made a majr breakthrugh in the treatment f cancer. 他在癌症治疗方面取得了重大突破。【归纳拓展】 v. + adv. → n.(由动词短语转化而来的合成名词) break thrugh 突破→ breakthrugh n. 突破;重大进展 break dwn 出故障→ breakdwn n. 故障break ut 爆发→ utbreak n. 爆发 put ut 生产,输出→ utput n. 产量,输出cme in 进来→ incme n. 收入 cme ut 出现,结果是 → utcme n. 结果,后果
    选词填空:utbreak/breakthrugh/breakdwn (1) The cause f AIDS is made clear,which will help t make a great      in the treatment f the deadly disease. (2) Blamed fr the      f the schl cmputer netwrk,Alice was in lw spirits. (3) We must be ready t respnd quickly t cntain any     . 完成句子(4)The educatr              (取得了重大突破)in vcabulary teaching.
    made a great breakthrugh
    教材原句p.31 In that vivid mment,Helen nally understd the beautiful truth f the wrd“lve”. 就在那个动人的 时刻,海伦终于明白了“lve”这个词语蕴含的美丽的真谛。19 vivid adj. 生动的,逼真的;鲜明的;丰富的vivid memries清晰的记忆 a vivid red cat鲜红色外套 vivid blue eyes碧蓝的眼睛 a vivid imaginatin丰富的想象力 The article highlights the whle affair and gives a vivid descriptin f it. 这篇文章突出了整个事件,并对它作了生动的描述。【词语积累】 vividly adv. 生动地;逼真地
    单句语法填空 (1) He tells stries very       (vivid)and hlds his audience’s attentin. 完成句子(2)As far as I am aware,even as a child he             (有丰富的想象力). (3)She can explain such an abstract cncept         (以生动的方式).
    has a vivid imaginatin
    in a vivid way
    重点句式 教材原句p 31 Withut lve yu wuld nt be happy r want t play. 没有爱,你就不会快乐,也不会想玩耍。【句式分析】本句中 withut lve 为隐含的虚拟条件句,相当于 if there were n lve。 withut 虚拟条件句Withut air,there wuldn’t be living things in the wrld. 没有空气,世界上就没有生物。Withut yur help,I culdn’t have wrked ut such a cmplex maths prblem. 没有你的帮助,我不可能解出这么复杂的数学题。【学法点拨】 有时虚拟的条件不是直接通过条件句来表示,而是通过一些词或短语体现出来,甚至暗含在上下文中,这种句子称为含蓄条件句。除了withut 外,but fr,r,therwise,but 等也有此用法。But fr yur help,I wuld have been disappinted at the result f my final exam. 如果没有你的帮助,我对期末考试的结果会感到失望。He was very busy yesterday. Otherwise,he wuld have cme t the party. 他昨天很忙,要不然他就来参加聚会了。
    单句语法填空(1)Withut yu,he wuld       (take) risks t g there alne. (2)Withut yur help,we wuld       (run)ut f petrl halfway. (3)He wrked very hard. Otherwise, he wuldn’t       (make)such a great breakthrugh in scientific research. 完成句子(4)Withut his wartime experiences,Hemingway           (就不会写出) his famus nvel A Farewell t Arms. (5)             (要是没有电), there wuld be n mdern industry.
    have taken
    wuldn’t have written
    But fr/Withut electricity
    单元语法 have/get sth dne have/get 是使役动词,sth 是宾语,dne 是过去分词作宾补,不管表示什么意义,宾语与dne 之间都是被动关系。(1)have/get sth dne(主语)请/ 派别人完成某事He will have/get his right leg examined every day after the peratin. 手术后他每天都要检查他的右腿。I had/gt my teeth filled yesterday afternn.昨天下午我请人补了牙。 (2)have/get sth dne(主语)完成某事(可能参与) All emplyees shuld d what they can t have/get the quality f their prducts enhanced. 所有雇员都应该尽其所能来提高他们的产品质量。 We must have/get the wrk finished by Tuesday. 我们必须在星期二之前完成此项工作。(3)have/get sth dne(主语)遭受某种不幸的情况He had/gt his suggestin rejected,which upset him. 他的建议被拒绝了,这使他有点沮丧。I had/gt my leg brken when I gt ff the bus.下公共汽车时我的腿摔断了。
    【误区警示】 have sth dne 用于否定句中,表示“不允许,不让”。I wn’t have anything said against her. 我不会允许有任何反对她的言论。I wn’t have my huse turned int a htel. 我不会让我的房子变成一家旅馆。【归纳拓展】 (1)have sb d sth 让某人做某事使役动词后接省略t 的不定式作宾补,d 可以表示将来的动作,可以表示完成了的动作,还可以表示经常性的动作,与宾语之间是主动关系。The manager will have her annunce the result this afternn. 经理将在今天下午让她宣布结果。The manager had her annunce the result yesterday afternn. 经理昨天下午让她宣布了结果。
    The manager ften has her annunce the result. 经理经常让她宣布结果。(2)have sb/sth ding sth 使/ 让某人/ 某物持续做某事使役动词have 后接ding 作宾补,宾语与宾补之间是主动关系。①肯定句中ding 表示动作正在进行或者持续一段时间。I have a car waiting fr me. 我让一辆车在等我。 He made a mistake and I had him running fr half an hur n the playgrund. 他犯了个错误,我让他在操场上跑了半个小时。②否定句中,常与can’t,wn’t 连用,表示“不能容忍,不容许”。I can’t/wn’t have yu saying t yur parents this way. 我不能容忍你用这种方式对你父母讲话。(3)have sth t d 表示“有某事要完成”,其中不定式作定语。I have sme letters t write. 我有几封信要写。 He has a large family t supprt. 他有一个大家庭要养活。
    单句语法填空(1)The cmputer I had       (repair) yesterday brke dwn again. (2)Thailand gt sme famus buildings       (destry)in the fld. (3)He has been lking frward t having his reputatin       (imprve). (4) The farmers had the tractrs       (wrk)day and night at the harvest time. (5) Dn’t have the water       (run)when yu brush yur teeth. (6)He was a little pr in English but he had his vcabulary       (expand) gradually. (7) The building had been ut f cnditin fr years,s we decided t get it    (rebuild). (8) The directr had her assistant    (pick)up sme ht dgs fr the meeting. (9) —Did Peter fix the cmputer himself ? — He had it   (fix),because he didn’t knw much abut cmputers. (10)There is smething wrng with the brake f my new car,and I have t have it __________       (check).
    完成句子(11)He drpped frm a tree and           (左胳膊骨折). (12)I             (将完成我的工作)befre six ’clck this afternn. (13)Mther           (让我去商店)and buy sme salt. (14)D yu have any clthes          (要洗)tday?
    had his left arm brken
    will have my wrk finished
    has me g t the shp
    t wash/t be washed

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