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    1.全卷满分120分。考试时间为120分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
    2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
    3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用05毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
    第I卷(选择题 共60分)
    从 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    1.My dream hme has ________ area f 1000 square metres. That is, ________ area f my dream hme is 1000 square metres.
    A.a; theB.an; theC.an; anD.the; an
    2.We planted ________ trees last year. We plan t plant three ________ trees this year.
    A.hundreds f; thusandsB.hundred f; thusand
    C.hundreds f; thusandD.hundreds f; thusands f
    3.—There is a Shanghai-Suzhu-Nantng Yangtze River Bridge(沪苏通长江公铁大桥)_______ the Changjiang river. It’s 11,072 kilmetres lng.
    —Hw amazing! We can get t Suzhu easily ________ the bridge.
    A.ver; acrssB.ver; crssC.n; acrssD.n; crss
    4.—D yu knw Hemingway?
    —Yes. He is famus ________ a writer and ________ his wrk—The ld Man and the Sea.
    A.fr; frB.fr; asC.as; asD.as; fr
    5.Heilngjiang is ________ the nrth-east f China, but Japan is ________ the east f China.
    A.in; inB.in; tC.t; inD.t; t
    6.The lady ________ an imprtant meeting because she had t take care f her daughter.
    7.—There was much traffic n the rad. Were yu late fr schl this mrning?
    —N, I was ________ t get t schl befre the first class.
    8.—Spring is cming. D yu ften see beautiful kites ________ in the sky?
    —Of curse. It is a wnderful time ________ kites.
    A.fly; flyingB.fly; t flyC.flying; flyingD.flying; t fly
    9.—Jenny, ________ music d yu listen t every weekend?
    —Arund 20 minutes r s.
    A.hw ftenB.hw lngC.hw manyD.hw much
    10.—Hw can I get t Sunny Garden at the traffic lights?
    —Walk ________ a plice statin, then yu will see Sunny Garden ________ the crner f the street.
    A.alng; inB.n; atC.past; atD.dwn; in
    11.—There ________ tw talks n COVID-19 vaccines (疫苗) next Sunday.
    —Everyne shuld be careful with the health.
    A.is ging t beB.is ging t haveC.will beD.will have
    12.—Daniel, help yurself t sme fish.
    —Thanks. It smells s ________ and must be very tasty.
    13.—I am srry I ________ my exercise bk at hme this mrning.
    —It desn’t matter. Remember ________ it here tmrrw.
    A.left; t bringB.left; t takeC.frgt; bringingD.frgt; t bring
    14.— ________?
    —Oh, she’s nice and kind.
    A.What des yur Maths teacher likeB.What’s yur Maths teacher like
    C.Hw’s yur Maths teacher likeD.Hw des yur Maths teacher like
    15.—Excuse me, hw can I get t Starshine Cinema?
    —________. Yu can ask the by playing basketball ver there.
    A.Never mindB.Srry, I am new here C.That’s OKD.I’m afraid s
    二、 完形填空(本题共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    A crw(乌鸦) lives in the frest and is very happy with his life. But ne day he ___16___ a swan (天鹅). “This swan is s white,” he thinks, “and I am s black.” This swan must be the ____17____ bird in the wrld.”
    He tells his ideas t the swan. “In fact,” the swan answers, “I am feeling that I am the happiest bird ____18____ I see a parrt, which has tw clrs.” I nw ____19____ the parrt is the happiest bird.” The crw then ges t the parrt. The parrt explains(解释), “I live a very happy life until I see a peacck(孔雀). I have nly tw ____20____, but the peacck has many clrs.”
    The crw then visits a peacck in the z and sees that many peple ____21____ t see him. After the peple leave, the crw ges t the peacck. “Dear peacck,” the crw says, “yu are s ____22____. Every day s many peple visit yu. When peple see ____23____, they g away at nce. I think yu are the happiest bird in the wrld.”
    The peacck answers, “I ____24____ think that I am the mst beautiful and happiest bird in the wrld. But because f my beauty, peple catch me int this ____25____. I examine(检查)the z very carefully, and I find that the crw is the nly bird nt kept in a cage. ____26____ fr the past few days, I hpe that if I were a crw, I culd fly ____27____ happily. ”
    That’s ur prblem t. We always make cmparisns(比较) with ____28____ and becme sad. As a result, this leads t the wrst cycle(循环)f unhappiness! ____29____ t be happy with what yu have is imprtant. The ne wh is ____30____ with what he is, is the happiest persn in the wrld.
    28.A.thersB.the therC.therD.anther
    三、 阅读理解(本题共15小题;每小题2分, 满分30分)
    请认真阅读下列短文, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
    The museum pens at _________ every day.
    A.8 amB.9 amC.10 amD.11 am
    32.Peple can’t let the museum knw their ideas by _________.
    A.making a phne callB.visiting artlafayette. rg
    C.sending a letter t its addressD.leaving a message n its Facebk
    33.Which f the fllwing is TRUE?
    A.The museum is clsed every Mnday.
    B.The museum ffers (提供)visitrs fd and drinks.
    C.Visitrs can find htels near the museum.
    D.The museum is pen lnger n weekends.
    If yu are a visitr, yu may lk fr the pst ffice in a freign cuntry. Can yu imagine(想象) hw thse peple will tell yu the way?
    In the cuntryside f American Middle West, peple will tell yu, “G nrth three miles. Turn east, and then g anther tw miles.”
    While in Ls Angeles, Califrnia, the American peple have n idea f the distance n the map. “Hw far is the pst ffice?” yu ask, “h,” they answer, “It is abut ten miles frm here.” But in fact, they dn’t knw hw far it is.
    In Greece(希腊), a Greek will ften say, “Fllw me.” Then he’ll g with yu thrugh the streets f the city t the pst ffice.
    In many places, peple usually say “Srry, I dn’t knw” when they can’t tell yu the way. Hwever, in Mexic(墨西哥), the peple think “I dn’t knw” is nt plite(有礼貌的). They usually give an answer, ften a wrng ne.
    S yu must be careful f their habits(习惯) when yu are asking the way in a freign cuntry.
    34.In ________, the peple dn’t tell yu the directin but lead(引导) yu t the pst ffice.
    35.The underlined wrd “distance” means ________ in Chinese.
    36.Hw many cuntries are mentined(提到) in the passage?
    A.Tw. B.Three. C.Fur. D.Five.
    37.What d peple usually d if they dn’t knw the way?
    A.They lead yu t the place.B.They give yu a wrng answer.
    C.They say “Srry, I dn’t knw”.D.They say nthing.
    One Tuesday mrning, Harry saw an ad in a windw. It said. “Wanted, The Best Salesman in the Wrld Tp Pay.” Harry thught he was a great salesman and went t ask fr the jb. “I am the best salesman in the wrld.” he said t the manager. “Give me the jb.”
    “Yu must prve yu’re the best,” the manager said.
    “OK. I will!” Harry answered.
    “Gd!” The manager tk a bx f sweets ut f his desk. “Last week I bught a thusand bxes f sweets. If yu can sell them all befre the end f the week. Yu can have the jb,” said the manager.
    “That’s easy.” Harry said. He tk the bxes f sweets and left the ffice.
    Every day and all day he went frm shp t shp, trying t sell the bxes f sweets. He culdn’t sell ne. The sweets were t bad fr him t sell. At the end f the week he went back t the manager. “I’m srry, sir.” He said. “I was wrng abut myself. I’m nt the best salesman in the wrld. But I knw wh is.”
    “Oh.” said the manager. “Wh?” “The persn wh sld yu a thusand bxes f these sweets.” Harry said.
    38.Harry went t ask fr the jb because he was____________ himself at first.
    A.afraid fB.sure fC.wrng withD.wrried abut
    39.If Harry wanted t get the jb, he wuld have t____________.
    A.buy all the sweets frm the managerB.sell ut all the sweets in a few days
    C.eat up all the sweetsD.sell the sweets at the weekend
    40.Chse the right rder(顺序)f this stry.
    ①Harry went t ask fr the jb
    ②Harry tld the manager wh the best seller really was.
    ③Harry saw an ad in a windw
    ④Harry went t sell the sweets.
    41.Accrding t(根据)the stry, which f the fllwing is RIGHT?
    A.Harry sld sme f the sweets.B.The sweets were t expensive.
    C.Harry was nt clever at all.D.The sweets were terrible.
    Bike-sharing is becming mre ppular in China and many peple chse bike riding instead f driving. The bike has GPS r Bluetth n it, and thse bikes can be easily unlcked (开锁) with a smart phne and left anywhere in public. Bike-sharing allws (允许) peple t brrw a bike frm ne place and give it back at anther place easily.
    In sme cities, we can see mre and mre peple riding this kind f sharing-bikes. It’s very easy t use the bikes if yu have a smart phne. First, yu have t dwnlad (下载) such an APP n yur smart phne. Then what yu need t d is t find a nearest bike thrugh the APP, scan the QR cde (二维码) n the bike r cnnect (连接) yur phne with the bike ver a Bluetth. Yu will find the bike can be unlcked itself. Then yu can enjy yur trip. What’s mre, the greatest advantage (优势) f bike-sharing is that yu can easily find ne and never wrry abut where t park it. The cst f riding depends n (取决于) the time that yu spend. Usually, every hur yu ride, yu need t pay ne yuan. It desn’t cst s much, des it?
    At the same time, sme peple park the bikes in their wn hmes. Besides, sme peple dn’t treasure (珍惜) the bikes. Nw Bike-sharing cmpanies are trying t slve the prblem like being stlen.
    42.Frm the first paragraph, we knw ___________.
    A.bike-sharing is invented in China
    B.sharing-bikes are used by many peple
    C.mst peple in cities dn’t drive
    D.sharing-bikes can be brrwed anywhere
    43.If yu want t use a sharing-bike, yu must ___________ first.
    A.have a smart phne and dwnlad an APP
    B.dwnlad an APP and pay fr the trip
    C.unlck the bike and dwnlad an APP
    D.find a nearest bike and brrw it frm anyne
    44.Which f the fllwing is NOT mentined (提及) in this passage?
    A.Bike-sharing is very cheap.
    B.Sharing-bikes may be stlen.
    C.Sharing-bikes are easy t unlck.
    D.Bike-sharing is a kind f green transprt (交通).
    45.The passage prbably cmes frm ___________.
    A.a strybkB.a menuC.a newspaperD.a guidebk
    第Ⅱ卷(非选择题 共60分)
    四、词汇(本题共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    A. 请根据括号中的中文提示、英文释义或句意, 写出句中所缺单词, 使句子通顺。
    46.— Where can I find him?
    — Just walk ____________(径直地)n. He’s waiting fr yu in frnt f the bank.
    47.We shuld learn frm the dctrs and nurses wh help t treat the patients in Hubei. Hw ____________(勇敢)they fught against the virus.
    48.Kite flying became a ppular utdr activity abut tw ____________(ne hundred year)ag.
    49.We all ________(want t knw)if we can have a spring ut this weekend.
    50.—There’re fur seasns in a year. Summer cmes after spring.
    —Yes, winter ________ autumn.
    B. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的单词, 并用其适当形式填空, 使句子通顺。
    51.These bks belng t me. _________ are n the sfa.
    52.It’s __________ t read English fr half an hur every mrning.
    53.Listening t the teacher _________ is ne f the keys t study well.
    54.I miss my grandma very much. I am lking frward t _________ her sn.
    55.My birthday is n the _________ f September.
    C. 请根据句意从方框中选择合适的动词, 并用其适当时态填空, 使句子通顺。
    56.Sally __________ a nice birthday present fr her mum last weekend.
    57.—Wh __________ us a talk n hw t prtect the envirnment next Mnday?
    —Mr. Smith will.
    58.I can smell the tasty dishes. Wh ________ there in the kitchen?
    59.Lk! Tim ______ a big bag n his back. Let’s g and help him.
    60.Walk alng the rad, and yu _________ the library n yur left.
    五、句型转换(本题共5小题;每小题1分, 满分5分)
    请根据要求改写下列句子, 每空一词。
    61.Daniel with his classmates will get t the park n ft. (对划线部分提问)
    ________ ________ Daniel with his classmates get t the park?
    62.Mike and Jack use the same bx f crayns in art classes. (保持句意基本不变)
    Mike ________ a bx f crayns ________ Jack in art classes.
    63.Turn left at the third turning. (保持句意基本不变)
    ________ the third turning ________ the left.
    64.He has t search the bushes carefully. (改为否定句)
    He ________ ________ t search the bushes carefully.
    65.This new mbile phne cst her much mney. (改为一般疑问句)
    ________ this new mbile phne ________ her much mney?
    六、短文填空(本题共10小题;每小题1分, 满分10分)
    Mrs Black is having a lt f prblems with her skins (皮肤), s she ges t see her dctr abut it. The dctr cannt find anything w___66___ with her, s he sends her t the lcal hspital fr sme tests. The hspital sends the results f the t___67___ t Mrs Black’s dctr, and the next mrning the dctr telephnes her t give a list f the things that he thinks she shuldn’t e___68___, fr any f them might be the cause (病因).
    Mrs Black carefully w___69___ all the things dwn n a piece f paper, and then she leaves the paper beside the t___70___ befre she ges ut t a friend’s party. When she gets b___71___ hme, she finds her husband waiting fr her. He has a big basket f f___72___ beside him, and when he sees her, he says, “Hell, my dear. I buy all the things fr yu.” “Yu buy all the things fr me?” she asks in s___73___. “But h___74___ d yu knw what I want t buy?” “Well, when I get hme, I find yur shpping list beside the telephne,” answers her husband prudly. “S I g dwn t the shps and buy e_____75_____ n it.”
    Of curse, Mrs Black has t tell him the truth: the dctr des nt allw (允许) her t eat all the things n the list.
    七、阅读与回答问题(本题共5小题;每小题2分, 满分10分)
    请认真阅读下面短文, 并根据短文内容回答问题。
    The first year passes and the Sul cmes back t the seashre. He calls the Fisherman. The Fisherman rises frm the deep water and says, “Why d yu call me?”
    “Cme and listen t my stry,” says the Sul.
    The Fisherman cmes near. He lies in the water. He leans his head n his hand and listens.
    The Sul begins his stry:
    I decide t g t the East. Everything in the East is wise. I travel fr six days. On the seventh day I cme t the land f the Tartars. There are lts f hills and the land is dry and ht. I sit under a tree and watch. Peple cme and g. Then the Tartars g and fight.
    The mn is high. I see a fire. There are merchants sitting n carpets. There are tents and camels. I g ver and the chief merchant stands up and takes ut his swrd.
    ‘Wh are yu?’ he asks me.
    ‘I am a Prince. I am running away frm the Tartars. I d nt want t be their slave(奴隶),’ I answer.
    The merchant takes my hand and I sit beside him. Then a servant brings me milk and fd.
    In the mrning the caravan starts n its jurney. I ride n a red-haired camel next t the chief. The men f war walk with their weapns. Eighty mules fllw us with all the things we have t sell. There are frty camels in the caravan.
    We leave the land f the Tartars and we travel t many strange lands.
    —frm The Fisherman and His Sul
    76.After travelling fr six days, where des the Sul cme?
    77.What is the land like?
    78.Why is the Sul running away frm the Tartars?
    79.What des a servant bring him?
    80.Hw des the Sul leave the land?
    81.假如你是李华,学校开展以“My hmetwn”为题的征文活动,请根据下面表格内的提示,用英文完成一篇短文,介绍你的家乡南通。
    3、文中不得提及真实的人名、校名、地名等相关信息。My hmetwn
    Hi everyne, my name is Li Hua. I want t tell yu smething abut my hmetwn.
    I hpe yu can cme and visit here ne day.
    Art Museum f Greater Lafayette
    Nearby Fd and Drink:
    Emily’s Family Restaurant Since 1929
    Rute 66 Diner
    Fruitshine Wine
    ADDRESS: 102 S. 10th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901
    TEL: 765-742-1128
    WEBSITE: artlafayette.rg
    Hurs f Operatin:
    11 am—4 pm Mnday t Sunday
    Open all year. Clsed n majr (主要的) hlidays (Christmas, New Year’s Day, Thanksgiving, Easter, Memrial Day, Independence Day, Labr Day).
    Nearby Htels:
    Hmewd Suites—Lafayette
    Hamptn Inn—Lafayette
    Prphetstwn State Park
    Wabash & Erie Canal Park
    twenty help visit yu care
    ck have buy see give
    1.现代化小镇 2.历史悠久 3.距离市中心30公里
    考查冠词的用法。a不定冠词,用于以辅音音素开头的单词前;an不定冠词,用于以元音音素开头的单词前;the定冠词,表示特指。have an area f“面积为”,area是以元音音素开头,用不定冠词an;根据“area f my dream hme”可知,此处特指“我梦想的家”,第二空应该用定冠词the。故选B。
    考查数词的表达。表示确切的数量,用基数词+数词的单数形式;表示概数,用数词复数形式+f,所以第一空表示概数,所以填hundreds f;第二空前有基数词three,所以第二空填thusand,故选C。
    【详解】句意:——在长江大桥上有一个沪苏通长江公铁大桥。它是11,072 千米长。——多么令人吃惊啊!通过大桥,我们可以很容易地到达苏州。
    考查介词辨析。fr因为;as作为。根据“He is writer wrk—The ld Man and the Sea.”可知,作为作家,因为作品而闻名,故选D。
    考查介词辨析。in表示在某一地区之内(属于该范围),在领土之中;t表示在某一地区之外(不属于该范围) ,不接壤。黑龙江省属于中国,所以第一个空填in;日本与中国不接壤,因此第二空用t。故选B。
    考查动词辨析。missed错过;invited邀请;held举办;jined参加。根据“because she had t take care f her daughter”可知,这位女士不得不照顾她的女儿,由此可推测出,前面表达的是:她错过了一个重要的会议。故选A。
    考查形容词辨析。careful仔细的;strange奇怪的;sad悲伤的;lucky幸运的。根据“N, I get t schl befre the first class.careful strange sad lucky”可知,没迟到是幸运的,故选D。
    考查非谓语动词。see sb. d sth.看到某人做了某事;see sb. ding sth.看到某人正在做某事。根据“D yu ften see beautiful kites…in the sky”可知是经常看到风筝在飞,第一空应填现在分词flying;it is time t d sth.“是做某事的时候了”,是固定表达,第二空应填动词不定式t fly。故选D。
    考查特殊疑问词组。hw ften多久一次;hw lng多长时间;hw many多少,修饰可数名词复数;hw much多少,修饰不可数名词。根据空后的“music”是不可数名词可知,此处修饰不可数名词。故选D。
    考查介词辨析和介词短语。alng沿着;n在……上面;past经过,越过;dwn在……下方;in the crner在角落里(内角);at the crner在拐角处(外角)。根据“ plice statin”可知,此处指经过一个警察局,walk past“走过,经过”,动词短语;根据“Sunny crner f the street”可知,阳光花园在街道的拐角处,第二空应填at。故选C。
    考查There be句型的一般将来时。根据“next Sunday”可知,该句为There be句型的一般将来时,其结构为“There is/are ging t be”或“There will be”,句中主语为“tw talks”,应用There are ging t be,故选C。
    考查形容词辨析。bad坏的;well健康的;gd好的;terrible糟糕的。smell是系动词,后面应接形容词作表语。根据空后“must be very tasty”可知,此处表示鱼闻起来很香。故选C。
    考查动词辨析。leave落下;bring带来;frget忘记;take带走。根据第一空后短语可知,此处考查动词短语leave sth. in/at sp.“把某物落在某地”;第二空考查动词短语remember t d sth.“记得要做某事”,空处用不定式,且结合语境可知是从远处带到说话地,用bring。故选A。
    考查固定句型。根据答语“Oh, she’s nice and kind.”可知,前者是在问后者的数学老师怎么样,询问某人的特征用句型What’ “……怎么样”。故选B。
    考查情景交际。Never mind别介意;Srry, I am new here对不起,我刚来这里;That’s OK没关系; I’m afraid s我恐怕是如此。根据“Yu can ask the by playing basketball ver there.”可知自己也不熟悉路,不知道去星光电影院的路。故选B。
    16.D 17.A 18.C 19.A 20.C 21.C 22.B 23.C 24.D 25.D 26.A 27.A 28.A 29.B 30.C
    catches捕捉;helps帮助;leaves离开;sees看见。根据“This swan is s white,”可知,乌鸦只有看见天鹅才会知道天鹅是白的。故选D。
    happiest最快乐的;cleverest最聪明的;whitest最白的;tallest最高的。根据后文“ I am feeling that I am the happiest bird...”可知,乌鸦认为天鹅是最快乐的鸟,空格处要填happiest。故选A。
    because因为;s所以;befre在……之前;after在……之后。根据“the parrt is the happiest bird.”可推知,是在看见鹦鹉之前。故选C。
    think认为;hpe希望;ask问;see看见。根据 “In fact, the swan answers, I am feeling that I am the happiest bird ... I see a parrt, which has tw clrs.”可知,天鹅认为鹦鹉是最快乐的鸟。故选A。
    eggs鸡蛋;feet脚;clrs颜色;wings翅膀。根据“ I have nly tw ..., but the peacck has many clrs. ”可知,句子是在谈论颜色的问题。故选C。
    get到达;arrive到达;cme来;visit参观。根据“The crw then visits a peacck in the z and sees that many peple... t see him.”可推断,有许多人来看孔雀。故选C。
    big大的;beautiful美丽的;busy繁忙的;ugly丑陋的。根据“Every day s many peple visit yu.”可推知,孔雀是美丽的,所以很多人来看它。故选B。
    him他;yu你;me我;her她。根据“yu are s day s many peple visit yu. When peple see... they g away at nce.”可推知,空格处表示的是乌鸦自己。故选C。
    never从未;usually通常;ften常常;always一直、总是。根据“But because f my beauty, peple...”可推知,以前孔雀总是这样认为。故选D。
    frest森林;garden花园;park公园;z动物园。根据“I examine(检查)the z very carefully,”可推知,孔雀被抓进动物园。故选D。
    S所以;But但是;And和;Or否则。根据“ I examine(检查)the z very carefully... fr the past few days, I hpe that if I were a crw, I culd ”可知,空格前后为因果关系,故选A。
    everywhere到处;nwhere无处;anywhere在任何地方;smewhere在某处。根据“and I find that the crw is the nly bird nt kept in a cage.”可知,乌鸦是唯一没有被关进笼子可以到处飞的。故选A。
    thers其他人;the ther(两者中的)另一个;ther其它的;anther(三者及以上的)另一个。根据“We always make cmparisns(比较) with ... and becme sad.”可知,我们和其他人比较,变得悲伤。故选A。
    Wrking工作;Learning学习;Ding做;Hping希望。根据“As a result, this leads t the wrst cycle(循环)f unhappiness!... t be happy with what yu have is imprtant.”可推知,学习对已拥有的东西感到快乐。故选B。
    angry生气的;sad伤心的;happy快乐的;gd好的。根据“The ne wh is ... with what he is, is the happiest persn in the wrld.”中的“happiest persn in the wrld”可推知,空格处要填happy,be happy with“对……满意”。故选C。
    31.D 32.D 33.C
    【导语】本文主要介绍了Art Museum f Greater Lafayette的相关信息。
    31.细节理解题。根据“11 am—4 pm Mnday t Sunday”可知每天11点开门。故选D。
    32.细节理解题。根据“ADDRESS: 102 S. 10th Street, Lafayette, IN 47901 ”可知可以寄信、打电话或访问网站。故选D。
    33.细节理解题。根据“Nearby Htels”可知博物馆附近有旅馆。故选C。
    34.C 35.B 36.B 37.C
    34.细节理解题。根据“In Greece(希腊), a Greek will ften say, ‘Fllw me.’ Then he’ll g with yu thrugh the streets f the city t the pst ffice.”可知,在希腊,希腊人常说:“跟我来。”然后他会和你一起穿过城市的街道到邮局。故选C。
    35.词句猜测题。分析“While in Ls Angeles, Califrnia, the American peple have n idea f the distance n the in fact, they dn’t knw hw far it is.”可知,事实上,他们不知道有多远。所以在加州的洛杉矶,美国人根本不知道地图上的距离。故选B。
    36.细节理解题。根据“In the cuntryside f American Middle West”,“In Greece”和“in Mexic”可知提到了3个国家,故选B。
    37.细节理解题。根据“In many places, peple usually say ‘Srry, I dn’t knw’ when they can’t tell yu the way.”可知,在许多地方,当人们不能告诉你路的时候,他们通常会说“对不起,我不知道”。故选C。
    38.B 39.B 40.C 41.D
    38.细节理解题。根据“Harry thught he was a great salesman and went t ask fr the jb”,可知,起初Harry对自己很有把握,认为自己就是世界上最好的销售员,故选B。
    39.细节理解题。根据“If yu can sell them all befre the end f the week. Yu can have the jb”,可知,Harry必须在周末之前卖出去所有的糖果,他才能得到这份工作,故选B。
    40.推理判断题。根据“Harry saw an ad in a windw”及“Harry thught he was a great salesman and went t ask fr the jb”,可知,他看见了橱窗的广告,然后去应聘这份工作,根据“Every day and all day. he went frm shp t shp, trying t sell the bxes f sweets”及“I was wrng abut myself. I’m nt the best salesman in the wrld. But I knw wh is”,可知,接下来他为了得到这份工作去卖糖果,最后他意识到谁是最好的销售员并告诉了经理,所以正确的排序是③-①-④-②,故选C。
    41.推理判断题。根据“The sweets were t bad fr him t sell”,可知,这些糖果对他来说太差了所以卖不出去,D选项表述正确,故选D。
    42.B 43.A 44.D 45.C
    42.细节理解题。根据“Bike-sharing is becming mre ppular in China and many peple chse bike riding instead f driving”可知,越来越多的人选择使用共享单车,故选B。
    43.细节理解题。根据“First, yu have t dwnlad (下载) such an APP n yur smart phne”可知,使用共享单车,要先有一部智能手机来下载APP,故选A。
    44.推理判断题。根据“It desn’t cst s much”可知,本文提到了共享单车很便宜。根据“Nw Bike-sharing cmpanies are trying t slve the prblem like being stlen”可知,本文提到了共享单车容易被偷。根据“Yu will find the bike can be unlcked itself”可知,本文提到了共享单车很容易解锁,D选项未提及,故选D。
    【详解】句意:——我在哪里可以找到他?——一直往前直走。他在银行门口等你。straight“径直地”,副词,walk straight表示“直走”,固定短语。故填straight。
    【详解】句意:我们都想知道这个周末我们是否能有一次春游。want t knw表示“想知道”,和wnder同义。本句是一般现在时,主语是we,动词用原形。故填wnder。
    50.cmes after
    【详解】句意:——一年有四个季节。夏天在春天之后。——是的,冬天在秋天之后。根据“Summer cmes after spring.”以及“”可知冬天是在秋天之后,cme after“紧跟”,主语是第三人称单数,动词用三单形式,故填cmes after。
    51.Yurs 52.helpful 53.carefully 54.visiting 55.twentieth
    【解析】51.句意:这些书是我的。你的在沙发上。根据“These bks belng t me... are n the sfa.”结合备选词汇可知,此处表示“你的书”,且空后无名词,因此用名词性物主代词yurs,句首首字母大写。故填Yurs。
    52.句意:每天早晨读半小时的英语是有帮助的。根据“read English fr half an hur every mrning.”及备选词汇可知,此处表示“有帮助的”,it’s+形容词+t d sth“做某事是怎么样的”,故空处用形容词helpful。故填helpful。
    53.句意:认真听老师讲课是学好的关键之一。根据“Listening t the teacher”及备选词汇可知,此处是“认真地”,用副词carefully修饰动词。故填carefully。
    54.句意:我很想念我的祖母。我期待着尽快去看望她。根据“I miss my grandma very much.”及备选词汇可知,此处表示“拜访”,lk frward t ding sth“期待做某事”。故填visiting。
    55.句意:我的生日在九月二十日。根据“n the ... f September.”可知,此处表示“九月二十日”,the后跟序数词。故填twentieth。
    56.bught 57.will give 58.is cking 59.has 60.will see
    【解析】56.句意:萨莉上周末给她妈妈买了一件漂亮的生日礼物。根据空格后的“a nice birthday present fr her mum”以及备选词汇可知,空格处应表达“购买”之意,buy sth. fr sb.可表示“为某人购买某物”;根据“last weekend”可知,此句应用一般过去时,因此buy应用过去式bught。故填bught。
    57.句意:——下周一谁来给我们做一个关于如何保护环境的演讲? ——史密斯先生。根据空格后的“us a talk”以及备选词汇可知,此处应表达“做演讲”之意,可对应到短语give sb. a talk;根据“next Mnday”可知,此句应用一般将来时。故填will give。
    58.句意:我能闻到美味的菜肴。谁在厨房里做饭?根据“tasty dishes”和“in the kitchen”可知,空格处应表达“烹饪”之意,可对应到ck;根据语境可知,是有人正在做饭,空格处应用现在进行时,结构为am/is/are ding;而“Wh”作主语,不确定数量时,视作单数第三人称,因此be动词用is。故填is cking。
    60.句意:沿着这条路走,你会看到图书馆在你的左边。根据句意可知,空格处应表达“看到”之意,可对应到see;根据语境可知,“你会看到图书馆”是还未发生的事情,应用一般将来时。故填will see。
    61. Hw will
    【详解】句意:丹尼尔和他的同学将要走路去公园。考查特殊疑问句,划线部分是n ft,应该用hw提问,注意首字母大写。时态为一般将来时,助动词用will。故填Hw;will。
    62. shares with
    【详解】句意:迈克和杰克在艺术课上共用一盒彩色铅笔。此处考查短语share sth. with sb.“和某人分享某物”。句子是一般现在时,主语Mike为第三人称单数,谓语需用三单。share“分享”,其三单形式为shares。故填shares;with。
    63. Take n
    【详解】句意:在第三个转弯处向左拐。turn left at...“在……向左转弯”,还可以表达为 the left,此句为祈使句,动词用原形。故填Take;n。
    64. desn’t have
    65. Did cst
    66.(w)rng 67.(t)ests 68.(e)at 69.(w)rites 70.(t)elephne 71.(b)ack 72.(f)d 73.(s)urprise 74.(h)w 75.(e)verything
    66.句意:医生没有发现她有什么问题,所以他把她送到当地医院做一些检查。表示“出了什么问题”应用固定搭配sth. wrng with。故填(w)rng。
    67.句意:医院把检查结果发给布莱克太太的医生,第二天早上,医生打电话给她,列出了他认为她不应该吃的东西,因为其中任何一个都可能是病因。根据上文“s he sends her t the lcal hspital fr sme tests”可知,此处表示检查(tests)的结果。故填(t)ests。
    68.句意:医院把检查结果发给布莱克太太的医生,第二天早上,医生打电话给她,列出了他认为她不应该吃的东西,因为其中任何一个都可能是病因。根据最后一段“the dctr des nt allw (允许) her t eat all the things n the list”可知,此处表示不能吃的食物。故填(e)at。
    69.句意:布莱克太太仔细地把所有的东西写在一张纸上,然后她把纸放在电话旁边,出去参加朋友的聚会。根据“dwn n a piece f paper”可推知,此处表示write“写下,记下”。句子时态是一般现在时,且主语是Mrs Black,因此应用write的第三人称单数形式。故填(w)rites。
    70.句意:布莱克太太仔细地把所有的东西写在一张纸上,然后她把纸放在电话旁边,出去参加朋友的聚会。根据下文“I find yur shpping list beside the telephne”可知,此处表示布莱克太太将纸条留在了电话旁边。故填(t)elephne。
    71.句意:当她回到家,她发现她的丈夫正在等她。根据上文“she ges ut t a friend’s party”可知,布莱克太太出门参加聚会了,此处表示她从外面回到家。get back“返回”。故填(b)ack。
    72.句意:他旁边放着一大篮子食物,当他看到她时,他说:“你好,亲爱的。我把所有的东西都给你买了。”根据“the dctr des nt allw (允许) her t eat all the things n the list”可知,清单上的东西都是食物。故填(f)d。
    73.句意:“你给我买了所有的东西?”她惊讶地问。根据下文布莱克太太重复的话“Yu buy all the things fr me?”可知,她是惊讶的。in surprise“吃惊”。故填(s)urprise。
    75.句意:“所以我去商店买了上面的所有东西。”根据上文“I buy all the things fr yu.”可知,他买回来了清单上的所有东西。everything“每件事物,一切”。故填(e)verything。
    76.He cmes t the land f the Tartars. 77.It’s dry and ht. 78.Because he desn’t want t be their slave. 79.Milk and fd. 80.He rides n a red-haired camel next t the chief.
    76.根据“I travel fr six days. On the seventh day I cme t the land f the Tartars.”可知,经过六天的旅行,Sul来到了鞑靼人的土地。故填He cmes t the land f the Tartars.
    77.根据“There are lts f hills and the land is dry and ht.”可知,这片土地又干又热。故填It’s dry and ht.
    78.根据“I am running away frm the Tartars. I d nt want t be their slave”可知,Sul逃离鞑靼人是因为他不想成为他们的奴隶。故填Because he desn’t want t be their slave.
    79.根据“Then a servant brings me milk and fd.”可知,仆人给他送来牛奶和食物。故填Milk and fd.
    80.根据“I ride n a red-haired camel next t the chief.”可知,他骑在酋长旁边的一头红毛骆驼上离开了这片土地。故填He rides n a red-haired camel next t the chief.
    My hmetwn
    Hi everyne, my name is Li Hua. I want t tell yu smething abut my hmetwn. My hmetwn is a mdern twn in Nantng, which has a lng histry. It is 30 kilmeters away frm the city center. There the air is fresh, and the birds are singing and the flwers are fragrant. There are parks where many peple can be seen running every mrning. Als, There is a shpping center with gd quality and lw price. Peple are friendly and helpful each ther. I lve my hmetwn.
    I hpe yu can cme and visit here ne day.

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