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    1. When will the woman have time to translate the instruction?
    A. This morning. B. This afternoon. C. Tomorrow afternoon.
    2. Who is this credit card for?
    A. Tom. B. Tom’s brother. C. Tom’s colleague.
    3. Why is the man disappointed?
    A. He lost his job.
    B. His leave was refused.
    C. He didn’t get a promotion.
    4. Where is this conversation likely to take place?
    A. On the way to work.
    B. At entrance to the theatre.
    C. At the railway station.
    5. Which aspect of Chinese painting does the woman like best?
    A. Figures. B. Landscape painting. C. Birds and flowers.
    6. What does the woman think of a car wash for a charity event?
    A. It is unfit for bad weather.
    B. It is very practical for them.
    C It can’t make much money.
    7. Which activity does the man choose at last?
    A. A cake sale. B. A book sale. C. A sports day.
    8. Where are the speakers probably?
    A. On a game show. B. In a spaceship. C. In a bank.
    9. Who was the first woman in space?
    A. Anna Edison. B. Sally K. Ride. C. Valentina Tereshkova.
    10. What are the speakers talking about?
    A. Offering and taking a lift.
    B. Studying for a driver’s test.
    C. Traffic rules to follow on the road.
    11. How does the woman feel about the man?
    A. She’s had enough of him.
    B. She has high hopes for him.
    C. She is concerned about him.
    12. What is the probable relationship between the speaker?
    A. Driver and passenger.
    B. Classmates.
    C. Brother and sister.
    13. What is the conversation mainly about?
    A. Fighting fires. B. Detecting fires. C. Using fires.
    14. How many fires did California have in 2020?
    A. Around 50. B. About 100. C. Over 8,600.
    15. What size of fire can the new satellites discover?
    A. Size of a car. B. Size of a plane. C. Size of a sports field.
    16. What is the woman’s main concern?
    A. Saving animals. B. Saving the trees. C. Saving humans.
    17. What does Brian Kane do?
    A. A truck driver. B. A rubbish collector. C. A professional climber.
    18. Why did he ask for leave on his 30th birthday?
    A. To visit Nepal.
    B. To volunteer on Mount Qomolangma.
    C. To go to the top of Mount Qomolangma.
    19. How did Brian feel when he saw the rubbish pile at Camp Four?
    A. Extremely upset. B. Indifferent. C. Very excited.
    20. Which can accurately describe Brain Kane’s behivour?
    A. Brave and hardworking. B. Unwise and pointless. C. Without common sense.
    CES is produced by the Consumer Technology Association known as the place where many companies launch their latest technology offerings. Here is a look at some of the top products presented at CES 2022.
    All-in-one communication
    Technology company Anker announced the launch of an “all-in-one” device designed to improve communications for employees working from home. The Anker Work B600 sits on top of the computer display like a traditional webcam. But it combines several elements of communication into one device that includes a camera, speaker, microphone and a light.
    AirSelfie camera
    Electronics maker AirSelfie launched its latest self-flying camera designed to take “selfie” pictures. The new device, called Air Pix, is a small, light camera that flies through the air and captures high-quality photographs and video. Air Pix can fly, frame and take pictures all by itself before landing back on the user’s hand.
    Labrador’s assistive robot
    Robot maker Labrador announced its Retriever robot designed to hold things and, as its name suggests, also retrieve(恢复) things. The robot can be controlled by voice commands or from an app on a phone. It can also be programmed based on an exact map of a users home.The Retriever is designed “ to serve as an extra pair of hands and lighten the load of everyday tasks in the home ”.
    Self-driving tractor
    American-based farm equipment manufacturer John Deere presented a fully self-driving tractor equipped with six different cameras and a series of sensors to guide the tractor through the fields. Farmers can control the vehicle and see the tractor’s progress in real-time through a mobile device which is to help farmers do more work with less equipment and people.
    The company noted that such machines can help improve farming methods as the world’s population grows and food demand is expected to rise 50 percent by 2050.
    1. Which operator’s product will teleworking staff be most interested in?
    A. Anker B. Airselfie C. Labrador D. John Deere
    2. What kind of product can effectively help the elderly with mobility difficulties?
    A. The“all-in-one”device . B. Self-flying camera.
    C. Retriever robot D. The fully self-driving tractor.
    3. What impact will self-driving tractors have on agriculture in the future?
    A. Improving products quality
    B. Promoting agricultural reform.
    C. Increasing agricultural investment.
    D. Reducing the environmental pollution.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. B
    细节理解题。根据第一个产品All-in-one communication中的“Technology company Anker announced the launch of an “all-in-one” device designed to improve communications for employees working from home.(科技公司Anker宣布推出一款“一体机”设备,旨在改善在家工作的员工的之间的沟通。)”可知,远程办公的员工最感兴趣的是科技公司Anker的产品。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第三个产品Labrador’s assistive robot中的“Robot maker Labrador announced its Retriever robot designed to hold things and, as its name suggests, also retrieve(恢复) things. The robot can be controlled by voice commands or from an app on a phone.(机器人制造商拉布拉多宣布了它的“寻回者”机器人,顾名思义,它可以拿东西,也可以捡东西。机器人可以通过语音命令或手机上的应用程序进行控制。)”可知,“寻回者”机器人能有效帮助行动不便的老人。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The company noted that such machines can help improve farming methods as the world’s population grows and food demand is expected to rise 50 percent by 2050.(该公司指出,随着世界人口的增长,预计到2050年粮食需求将增长50%,这种机器可以帮助改善农业方法。)”可知,未来无人驾驶拖拉机会推进农业改革。故选B。
    A donation by a famous writer has helped start an effort, called the United States of Readers, to help poor children read more books.
    The classroom programme is being launched by Scholastic Book Clubs with a donation of $1.5 million from the writer James Patterson.
    Scholastic announced the programme recently, aiming to bring books to 32,000 poor children who are in kindergarten to eighth grade.
    Judy Newman, president of Scholastic Book Clubs, said that in many communities people don’t have enough money to buy books. So her company “needed to come up with an alternative to our tried-and-true model, because every child needs to be able to choose and own books, and see themselves as a reader!”
    Scholastic is a large publisher of books for children and educational materials. Its goal is to get books into schools to increase literacy. The company has publishing rights in the U.S. for books like the Harry Potter and Hunger Games series.
    A gift from Patterson helped start the new programme. He is credited with selling millions of books. He has already donated more than $10 million to teachers and students through Scholastic.
    He said that he has supported literacy for many years. He believes reading skills are important for the country.
    “In many cases, kids simply need access to books— and especially books they want to read— to fall in love with reading, characters, and stories.”
    Patterson added that the programme “will bring books to those schools and communities that need them the most, and ones that we haven’t served before.”
    Scholastic describes the programme on its website. It says the United States of Reader programme targets children in schools serving poor communities. The company said it has chosen a limited number of schools to take part this year but hopes to expand the programme in the coming years.
    4. Who of the following is the target of the United States of Readers?
    A. Teenagers who like literature very much.
    B. Children from less developed countries.
    C. Schools and communities that have worked together before.
    D. Children in urgent need of books in lower grades in backward areas.
    5. In Judy Newman’s opinion, what is the main problem to be solved by the future model?
    A. Attacting more donated books.
    B. Expanding the number of books.
    C. Meeting children’s personalized needs.
    D. Developing students’ reading ability.
    6. What is the goal of Scholastic Book Clubs?
    A. To translate foreign works.
    B. To help students promote literacy.
    C. To explore new reading patterns.
    D. To recommend excellent children’s writers.
    7. What is the author’s purpose in writing the text?
    A. To entertain poor children.
    B. To advertise for new books.
    C. To introduce a new reading programme.
    D. To criticize the traditional teaching model.
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. B 7. C
    细节理解题。根据文章第一段“A donation by a famous writer has helped start an effort, called the United States of Readers, to help poor children read more books.(一位著名作家的捐赠帮助启动了一项名为美国读者的活动,以帮助贫困儿童阅读更多的书籍)”和第三段“Scholastic announced the programme recently, aiming to bring books to 32,000 poor children who are in kindergarten to eighth grade.(Scholastic最近宣布了这一计划,旨在为3.2万名从幼儿园到八年级的贫困儿童提供书籍)”以及最后一段的句子“It says the United States of Reader programme targets children in schools serving poor communities.(Scholastic表示,美国阅读项目针对的是贫困社区学校的儿童)”可知,United States of Readers目标是针对落后地区低年级急需书籍的儿童。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第四段“Judy Newman, president of Scholastic Book Clubs, said that in many communities people don’t have enough money to buy books. So her company ‘needed to come up with an alternative to our tried-and-true model, because every child needs to be able to choose and own books, and see themselves as a reader!’(Scholastic读书俱乐部主席朱迪·纽曼表示,在许多社区,人们没有足够的钱买书。因此,她的公司‘需要拿出一种替代我们久经考验的模式,因为每个孩子都需要能够选择和拥有书籍,并将自己视为读者!’)”可知,未来模型需要解决的主要问题是满足孩子的个性化需求。故选C项。
    细节理解题。根据文章第五段的句子“Scholastic is a large publisher of books for children and educational materials. Its goal is to get books into schools to increase literacy.(Scholastic是一家大型儿童图书和教育材料出版商。它的目标是让书籍进入学校,以提高读写能力)”可知,Scholastic Book Clubs的目标是帮助学生提高读写能力。故选B项。
    In English, a shadow can also be considered a weak form of ourselves. So, when someone is a weaker version of what they used to be, we can say they are a “shadow of their former self”.
    On the other hand, a person who is “larger than life” casts a big shadow. In this case, the shadow is not from their actual bodies but from their personality and successes. To “cast” in this case means to send something out or forward. Children of successful people often have problems. They “live in the shadow” of their parents and can feel not successful by comparison. We could also say that the successes of the parents “cast a shadow” over the lives of the children.
    Something else that can cast a shadow is our sins— actions considered to be bad. Here is another expression “old sins cast long shadows”.
    Think about your shadow on a sunny day. The shadow you cast can be long and far-reaching. The same can be said for our past mistakes and sins. They can reach far into the future. They affect our present-day situation. So, the saving “old sins cast long shadows” means that the wrong things we do early in our lives can have long term effects.
    And often, the sins of one person comes back to cause them great problems. In one mystery, a jewel thief double-crossed her partner. She kept the jewels they stole together for herself. She changed her name and moved to a quiet English village. She thought she had gotten away with it. But her partner in crime found her... and eventually so did the police.
    In the end, they were both arrested. When the police came to take the jewel thief away, she said, “How did you find me? My crime was so long ago,” The detective answered, “Old sins cast long shadows.”
    “Old sins cast long shadows” also can be used in another way. It can be used to talk about other people’s sins and how they affect us. It means that sometimes people suffer from the sins of others.
    8 What can we learn from paragraph 2?
    A. Parents should be more demanding of their children
    B. Parents should set a successful example for their children.
    C. The success of children depends on the success of their parents.
    D. Successful parents should pay attention to protecting their children’s self-confidence.
    9 What’s the main idea of paragraph 4?
    A. Past mistakes influence the present and future.
    B Everyone has old sins and mistakes.
    C. We must avoid making mistakes.
    D. Other people’s sins may affect us.
    10. Which is close to the underlined word “double-crossed” in paragraph 5?
    A. Committed. B. Cheated. C. Murdered. D. Encouraged.
    11. What is the best title for the text?
    A. The Life in the Shadow
    B. The Sins Behind the Shadow
    C. Explore the Formation of Shadow
    D. Talking About Our Shadow
    【答案】8. D 9. A 10. B 11. D
    推理判断题。根据第二段“Children of successful people often have problems. They “live in the shadow” of their parents and can feel not successful by comparison. We could also say that the successes of the parents “cast a shadow” over the lives of the children. (成功人士的孩子往往有问题。他们 “生活在父母的阴影下”,相比之下,他们会觉得自己并不成功。我们也可以说,父母的成功给孩子的生活蒙上了“阴影”)”可知,成功人士的孩子经常把自己和父母的成就相比,认为自己很失败,不自信。由此推断,成功人士作为父母要鼓励孩子,注意保护孩子的自信心。故选D项。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段“Think about your shadow on a sunny day. The shadow you cast can be long and far-reaching. The same can be said for our past mistakes and sins. They can reach far into the future. They affect our present-day situation. So, the saving “old sins cast long shadows” means that the wrong things we do early in our lives can have long term effects.(想想你在阳光灿烂的日子里的影子。你投下的阴影可能很长很深远。我们过去的错误和罪恶也是如此。它们可以触及遥远的未来。它们影响着我们现在的处境。所以,“旧罪长影”是指我们在生命早期所做的错误的事情会产生长期的影响)”可知,主要讲的是过去的错误对现在和以后造成长远的影响。故选A项。
    词句猜测题。根据第五段“She kept the jewels they stole together for herself.(她把他们一起偷来的珠宝留给了自己)”和“She thought she had gotten away with it. But her partner in crime found her.( 她以为自己侥幸逃脱了。但她的犯罪同伙找到了她)”判断可知她骗了她的同伴,把一起偷的东西占为己有,由此可知划线词词义为“欺骗”,故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段中“In English,a shadow can also be considered a weak form of ourselves.(在英语中,影子也可以被认为是我们自己的软弱形式。所以,当一个人比以前的自己弱了,我们可以说他们是“以前的自己的影子”)”以及后文内容介绍了“shadow of their former self” “live in the shadow” “old sins cast long shadows”等几个关于shadow的习语,对于这个词大家都知道字面意思以外的用法做了介绍。D项意为“浅谈我们的影子”适合做本文题目。故选D项。
    Batik is a traditional Indonesian coloring method used to make designs and drawings, usually on cloth and finished textiles. Batik makers use dyes— colors added to cloth and other materials— to create the colorful designs.
    In central Indonesia, many batik makers are using natural dyes instead of manufactured ones. The natural dyes used come from mangrove forests that grow along the coast. The trees grow in salty water on a complex system of tall roots.
    Mangrove forests serve an important purpose. They provide a barrier against destructive (破坏性的) ocean waves called tsunamis. They also are important to water life like fish and crabs. And the forests are more effective in taking in carbon dioxide gas, a gas linked to climate change, than rainforests or similar environments.
    Erwin Ardli is a mangrove ecologist at Indonesia’s Jenderal Soedirman University. He says the natural dyes may not be as bright as manufactured ones. But they are better for the environment. Ardli said, “We’ve seen the interest for natural dyes increasing, and especially for middle-to upper-class people, they seem proud to wear clothes using these natural dyes rather than synthetic (合成) ones.” Iiting Budiarti, who owns an art gallery that shows Batik designs, agreed with Ardli, adding that objects with natural dyes can cost two or three times more than the synthetic ones.
    Forty-eight-year-old Sodikin is a batik maker. Over the past four years, he and his group of batik makers have changed from using chemical materials for dyes to mangrove-based products. The change has reduced their costs and helped the environment.
    Harvesting involves gathering a handful of what looks like string beans-seeds within a covering. Sodikin then takes the mangrove fruit home to make natural dye from them.
    “We use natural materials so as to preserve the mangrove forest at the same time,” Sodikin said, as he processed dried fruits before boiling them to extract the colour for use as a dye. “We do not cut down the trees,” he added, “and we only take fruits or leaves that have fallen.”
    12. Where do the natural dyes used by Indonesian batik manufacturers come from?
    A. Some string beans.
    B. Salty water.
    C. The roots of coastal trees.
    D. Mature seeds or leaves of mangrove forests.
    13. Which is NOT mentioned in the passage about the role of mangrove forests?
    A. Resisting harmful ocean waves.
    B. Preventing carbon dioxide emissions better.
    C. Providing more high-quality wood products.
    D. Providing a growth environment for marine organisms.
    14. What does paragraph 4 focus on?
    A. The development trend of Batik.
    B. People’s attitude towards synthetic dyes.
    C. Advantages and disadvantages of natural dyes.
    D. The relationship between natural dyes and people’s identity.
    15. Where is this text most likely from?
    A. A biology textbook.
    B. A tourist guide to central Indonesia.
    C. A report concerning traditional culture.
    D. An assessment report on ecological balance.
    【答案】12. D 13. C 14. A 15. C
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“The natural dyes used come from mangrove forests that grow along the coast.(所用的天然染料来自沿海生长的红树林)”以及倒数第二段中“Sodikin then takes the mangrove fruit home to make natural dye from them.(然后,Sodikin把红树果实带回家,用它们制作天然染料)”和最后一段中“we only take fruits or leaves that have fallen.(我们只拿走掉落的果实或树叶)”可知,蜡染用的天然染料是红树成熟果实种子和掉落的叶子。故选D项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中内容“Mangrove forests serve an important purpose. They provide a barrier against destructive (破坏性的) ocean waves called tsunamis. They also are important to water life like fish and crabs. And the forests are more effective in taking in carbon dioxide gas, a gas linked to climate change, than rainforests or similar environments..(红树林起着重要的作用。它们为被称为海啸的破坏性海浪提供了屏障。它们对鱼类和螃蟹等水生生物也很重要。与雨林或类似环境相比,红树林能更有效地吸收与气候变化有关的二氧化碳气体)”可知,文中提到红树林可以抵御海啸,为水生生物提供更好的生存环境,还能更好地吸收二氧化碳,但没有提到提供木材。故选C项。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段“…But they are better for the environment. Ardli said, ‘We’ve seen the interest for natural dyes increasing, and especially for middle-to upper-class people, they seem proud to wear clothes using these natural dyes rather than synthetic (合成) ones.’(但是它们对环境更好。阿德利说:我们看到人们对天然染料的兴趣越来越大,尤其是中上层阶级的人,他们似乎以穿着使用这些天然染料而不是合成染料的衣服而自豪)”可知,本段主要介绍蜡染的发展趋势。故选A项。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Batik is a traditional Indonesian coloring method used to make designs and drawings, usually on cloth and finished textiles. Batik makers use dyes— colors added to cloth and other materials— to create the colorful designs.(蜡染是一种传统的印度尼西亚着色方法,用于制作设计和图纸,通常在布料和成品纺织品上。蜡染师使用染料—添加在布料和其他材料上的颜色—来创造色彩斑斓的图案)”并结合全文可知文章主要介绍了蜡染这种工艺的相关内容和发展趋势,属于印度尼西亚的传统文化的宣传推广。由此推知,本文可能来自一个关注传统文化的报告。故选C项。
    Reasons why you should learn first aid
    A first-aid course only takes a matter of hours to complete but supplies you with all of the knowledge you require to handle an emergency. ____16____. Actually, there are more benefits if you take crucial (关键的) first-aid practices.
    ____17____. Just imagine for a second that somebody was in a life-threatening condition and your quick actions saved their lives. What a great feeling to wake up to! Remembering that you have prolonged someone’s life and allowed them to spend many more happy years with their loved ones.
    Having the ability to help family and friends in need. When a member of your family or a friend injures himself or herself, there’s nothing worse than feeling helpless. In your first-aid training, you can learn how to treat a variety of medical conditions and injuries. This means that when someone is in need, you will know exactly what to do. ____18____.
    Earning the respect of your fellow colleagues. ____19____. They will most certainly be grateful for all of your help, because you have provided the correct treatment at an early stage and they can recover quickly. This will reduce the number of days they are absent.
    Gaining new responsibilities. Your role as a first-aider is very important especially in high-risk working environments where employees are operating heavy machines or working at a great height. ____20____. More importantly, your skills will be highly valued to prevent potential accidents.
    A. But that’s not all
    B. Getting more confidence
    C. You will be the go-to person in times of need
    D. Having the pride you will feel if you help save someone
    E. We all know that accidents happen, but we cannot predict the future
    F. Your knowledge of first aid will increase their chance of making a quick recovery
    G. Stepping in to help your colleagues will have a greater effect than you might expect
    【答案】16. A 17. D 18. F 19. G 20. C
    根据上文“A first-aid course only takes a matter of hours to complete but supplies you with all of the knowledge you require to handle an emergency.(一个急救课程只需要几个小时就可以完成,但它会为你提供处理紧急情况所需的所有知识)”以及后文“Actually, there are more benefits if you take crucial (关键的) first-aid practices.(事实上,如果你采取关键的急救措施,会有更多的好处)”可知,空前句子说明当你处理紧急情况时,急救课程能够提供给你所需要的全部知识,这是在说明急救课程的益处。结合空后句子说明如果你采取了关键的急救措施,还会给你带来更多益处。分析前后句关系,后句是对前句急救带来益处的补充说明。故A选项“但这还不是全部”符合语境,故选A。
    根据后文“Just imagine for a second that somebody was in a life-threatening condition and your quick actions saved their lives. What a great feeling to wake up to! Remembering that you have prolonged someone’s life and allowed them to spend many more happy years with their loved ones.(试想一下,有人生命垂危,而你的迅速行动救了他们的命。醒来的感觉真好!记住,你延长了某人的生命,让他们与所爱的人度过了更多快乐的岁月)”可知,空处为段落主旨句,根据该段内容可知,延长某人的生命是一种非常棒的感觉。故D选项“如果你拯救了某人的生命, 你会感觉到自豪”符合语境,故选D。
    根据上文“Having the ability to help family and friends in need. When a member of your family or a friend injures himself or herself, there’s nothing worse than feeling helpless. In your first-aid training, you can learn how to treat a variety of medical conditions and injuries. This means that when someone is in need, you will know exactly what to do.(有能力帮助有需要的家人和朋友。当你的家人或朋友受伤时,没有什么比感到无助更糟糕的了。在你的急救培训中,你可以学习如何治疗各种医疗状况和伤害。这意味着当有人需要你的时候,你就知道该怎么做了)”可知,上文提到如果你参加了急救训练,就意味着当有人需要帮助时,你会准确的知道要做什么。故F选项“你的急救知识会增加他们快速康复的机会”符合语境,故选F。
    根据上文“Earning the respect of your fellow colleagues.(赢得同事的尊重)”以及后文“They will most certainly be grateful for all of your help, because you have provided the correct treatment at an early stage and they can recover quickly. This will reduce the number of days they are absent.(他们肯定会感谢你的所有帮助,因为你在早期提供了正确的治疗,他们可以很快恢复。这将减少他们缺勤的天数)”可知,本段主旨句为“Earning the respect of your fellow colleagues.”,G选项中的colleagues与主旨句中的colleagues相呼应。故G选项“帮助你的同事给你带来的影响比你所能想象的更大”符合语境,故选G。
    根据上文“Gaining new responsibilities. Your role as a first-aider is very important especially in high-risk working environments where employees are operating heavy machines or working at a great height.(获得新的责任。急救员的角色是非常重要的,特别是在高风险的工作环境中,员工操作重型机器或在很高的高度工作)”以及后文“More importantly, your skills will be highly valued to prevent potential accidents.(更重要的是,你的技能将被高度重视,以防止潜在的事故)”可知,根据空前句说作为一名急救员,你的角色非常重要。空后句说你的急救能力在预防潜在事故方面被高度重视,故本句是进一步说明你的急救员角色的重要性。故C选项“在有需要的时候, 你将成为不可或缺的人”符合语境,故选C。
    Some people say he is a hero. Some people say he is stupid. Emmanuel Tulor thinks he did the ____21____ thing.
    The 18-year-old from Liberia found $50,000 on the highway. He gave it back to the ____22____. Life in Liberia isn’t ____23____. The country went through 14 years of civil wars. Tulor dropped out of school in seventh grade and started driving a motorcycle taxi to ____24____ money. One day, he was ____25____ on the highway when he saw a bunch of money wrapped in a plastic bag. It had been ____26____ on the road unnoticed. There were thousands of dollars inside. “I was ____27____ because it was plenty.” he said, “and so I brought it home and gave it to my aunty to ____28____ until the owner could ask for it.”
    That day, Musu Yancy, the businesswoman who had lost the money, went on the radio ____29____ for her money and appealing to anyone finding it. So he took it to her. Yancy gave him a(n) _____30_____ of cash and some gifts, which was worth about $1,500 in all. Yancy celebrated with Tulor.
    Tulor said that while many Liberians are praising his actions, others including some friends, _____31_____ him. They said he should keep the money. “Since my decision, when I have a(n) _____32_____ on the highway and some of my rider friends see me, they don’t help; they say I was _____33_____ to find and return money. I should let the money help me.”
    Tulor still thinks he made the right choice. He thinks people should _____34_____ lost things and the cash they find. Tulor planned to _____35_____ the gifts with some people who were with him when he found the cash. “But the cash I got will be given to my grandma.” he said.
    21. A. strange B. foolish C. right D. wrong
    22. A. owner B. police C. person D. school
    23. A. hard B. poor C. happy D. easy
    24. A. borrow B. pick C. produce D. make
    25. A. wandering B. swinging C. driving D. posing
    26. A. dropped B. placed C. buried D. forgot
    27. A. afraid B. excited C. content D. curious
    28. A. check B. donate C. hide D. keep
    29. A. shouting B. crying C. arguing D. complaining
    30. A. award B. room C. reward D. prize
    31. A. caught up with B. made fun of C. relied on D. looked up to
    32. A. outcome B. breakout C. breakdown D. breakthrough
    33. A. cautious B. stupid C. honest D. generous
    34. A. ignore B. seek C. return D. report
    35. A. share B. accept C. tolerate D. purchase
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D 24. D 25. C 26. A 27. A 28. D 29. B 30. C 31. B 32. C 33. B 34. C 35. A
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:Emmanuel Tulor认为他做得对。A. strange奇怪的;B. foolish愚蠢的;C. right正确的;D. wrong错误的。根据下文“Tulor still thinks he made the right choice.”可知,Tuloe一直认为自己做对了事情。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他把它还给了失主。A. owner主人;B. police警察;C. person人;D. school学校。根据下文“That day, Musu Yancy, the businesswoman who had lost the money, went on the radio ____9____ for her money and appealing to anyone finding it. So he took it to her.”可知,他把钱还给了失主。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:利比里亚的生活并不容易。A. hard困难的;B. poor贫穷的;C. happy快乐的;D. easy简单的。根据下文“The country went through 14 years of civil wars.”可知,利比里亚经历常年战乱,这里的生活是不容易的。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Tulor七年级时辍学,开始开摩的赚钱。A. borrow借;B. pick捡起;C. produce生产;D. make赚钱。根据上文“Tulor dropped out of school in seventh grade and started driving a motorcycle taxi”及空后“money”可知,此处指Tulor开摩的赚钱。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一天,他开车走在高速公路上,突然看到一个塑料袋里包着一大笔钱。A. wandering漫步;B. swinging摆动;C. driving开车;D. posing造成。根据上文“Tulor dropped out of school in seventh grade and started driving a motorcycle taxi”及空后“on the highway”可知,此处指他在公路上开车。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:它被丢在路上,没有人注意到。A. dropped丢;B. placed放置;C. buried埋葬;D. forgot忘记。根据下文“That day, Musu Yancy, the businesswoman who had lost the money, went on the radio ____9____ for her money and appealing to anyone finding it.”可知,钱被丢在路上,没有被注意到。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很害怕,因为有很多。A. afraid害怕的;B. excited激动的;C. content满足的;D. curious好奇的。根据下文“because it was plenty (因为是很多钱)”和“until the owner could ask for it(直到失主来寻找它)”可知,在他发现里面有5万美元的时候应该是很害怕的,担心失主找不到,毕竟是很多钱。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以我把它带回家,交给我姑姑保管,直到主人来要。A. check检查,核对;B. donate捐赠;C. hide隐藏;D. keep保持,保管。根据后文“until the owner could ask for it”可知,他把钱带回家给他姑姑保存,直到失主过来寻找它。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天,丢了钱的女商人Musu Yancy在广播里哭着要钱,呼吁所有能找到她的人。A. shouting喊叫;B. crying哭泣;C. arguing争论;D. complaining抱怨。根据上文“The 18-year-old from Liberia found $50,000 on the highway.”和“That day, Musu Yancy, the businesswoman who had lost the money, went on the radio”及常识可知,丢失的数额很大,失主Musu Yancy丢失钱后很着急,crying“哭”能够形容失主的急切心情。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Yancy给了他现金和一些礼物作为回报,这些礼物总共价值约1500美元。Yancy和Tulor一起庆祝。A. award奖;B. room房间;C. reward回报;D. prize奖品。根据下文“cash and some gifts, which was worth about $1,500 in all.”及常识可知,Yancy找到了自己丢失的钱,给Tuloey了一些现金和礼物作为回报。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:Tulor说,虽然许多利比里亚人称赞他的行为,但包括一些朋友在内的其他人却取笑他。A. caught up with赶上;B. made fun of取笑;C. relied on依赖;D. looked up to尊敬。根据上文“Tulor said that while many Liberians are praising his actions”中的while(虽然)可知,此处与praising表达意思正相反,应用make fun of“取笑”,呼应第一段中的“Some people say he is stupid.”。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:自从我做出这个决定后,当我在高速公路上出了故障,我的一些骑手朋友看到我时,他们也不帮忙;他们说我捡钱还钱是愚蠢的。我应该让钱帮我。A. outcome结果;B. breakout爆发;C. breakdown故障;D. breakthrough图片。根据下文“on the highway and some of my rider friends see me, they don’t help”及“I should let the money help me.”可知,Tulor的车出现故障的时候,没有人来帮忙。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:自从我做出这个决定后,当我在高速公路上出了故障,我的一些骑手朋友看到我时,他们也不帮忙;他们说我捡钱还钱是愚蠢的。我应该让钱帮我。A. cautious小心的;B. stupid愚蠢的;C. honest诚实的;D. generous慷慨的。根据第一段中的“Some people say he is stupid”以及“they don’t help”可知,他们认为Tulor把拾到的钱归还给失主是很愚蠢的行为。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他认为人们应该归还丢失的东西和找到的现金。A. ignore忽视;B. seek寻找;C. return归还;D. report报道。根据上文“The 18-year-old from Liberia found $50,000 on the highway. He gave it back to the ____2____. ”和“Tulor still thinks he made the right choice.”可知,他认为人们应该归还丢失的东西和找到的现金。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Tulor打算把这些礼物分给一些发现现金时和他在一起的人。A. share分享;B. accept接受;C. tolerate容忍;D. purchase购买。根据下文“the gifts with some people who were with him when he found the cash”以及“But the cash I got will be given to my grandma.(但我得到的现金会给我奶奶)”可知,Tuloe打算把礼物分享给在他发现现金时,和他在一起的人。故选A项。
    Sooner or later, you all have to face big decisions regarding your ambitions and your future roles in society. That might mean selecting school subjects that will lead to ____36____ fulfilling career or it might mean deciding what kind of job you think will suit you.
    ____37____ (luck), you aren’t restricted(限制) to a choice between academia and the workplace. You might decide to follow a vocational(职业的) course, ____38____ (get) a qualification(资格) in business, for example. Or you might consider doing in an apprenticeship(学徒工作) and working for an employer who will train you ____39____ (do) a specific job.
    When making decisions, don’t forget to put your hearts into your ____40____ (strong). You can get a sense of what academic area you are stronger in, ____41____ (base) on your success in assessments.
    Dig a little deeper to find out what combination of personality traits(特征) and skills are involved in your past success, and which can ____42____ (apply) to other areas. Online personality tests which try to match you to a particular job can help you to focus ____43____ your interests.
    Consulting parents and other people as well as gathering information about different options ____44____ (be) important too. Although it may be possible to change your mind at a later stage, there’s no doubt _____45_____ life is easier if you get it right early on.
    【答案】36. a 37. Luckily
    38. getting
    39. to do 40. strength##strengths
    41. based 42. be applied
    43. on##upon
    44. is 45. that
    考查非谓语动词。句意:或者你也可以考虑做学徒,为一个会训练你做某项具体工作的雇主工作。 train sb. to do sth.“培训某人做某事”。故填to do。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:根据你在评估中取得的成功,你可以了解自己在什么学术领域更强大。be based on意为“基于……”。本句话中get是谓语动词,故本空用非谓语动词based作状语。故填based。
    考查语态。句意:再深入一点,找出你过去的成功包括哪些性格特征和技能,以及哪些可以应用到其他领域。根据句意可知which指的是which personality traits and skills,和apply“应用”之间是被动关系,根据情态动词can可知,此处用be applied。故填be applied。
    考查介词。句意:在线性格测试试图将你与特定的工作相匹配,可以帮助你专注于自己的兴趣。focus on/upon“集中在……上”是固定短语,故本空填介词on/upon。故填on/upon。
    考查连接词。句意:虽然你有可能在以后的阶段改变你的想法,但毫无疑问,如果你早点做好,生活会更容易。There is no doubt that 意为“毫无疑问……”,that从句为同位语从句。故填that。
    46. 假定你是李华,你将参与英国友好学校组织的以“Personal Finances”为主题的论坛活动。请你写一篇文章简要介绍下列内容:
    【答案】Personal Finances
    Usually we have a certain amount of pocket money provided by our parents, which varies from person to person. Students should have some pocket money because we need to buy some necessaries and develop the skill of managing money as well.
    In addition to the occasional contact with financial management related knowledge in daily life we learn some basic knowledge at school.
    My financial concepts are as follows. Firstly, making plans is a good choice. Secondly, it’s necessary to keep some money reserve for a rainy day. If people need my help, I will try to give them a hand.
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生写一篇文章参加以“Personal Finances”为主题的论坛活动。要点如下:1.平时你的零花钱的获得和支配;2.你的理财知识获取途径;3.你的理财现。
    除……以外:in addition to→apart from
    帮助某人:give sb. a hand→ do sb. a favor
    原句:Usually we have a certain amount of pocket money provided by our parents, which varies from person to person.
    拓展句:Usually we have a certain amount of pocket money provided by our parents, varying from person to person.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Usually we have a certain amount of pocket money provided by our parents, which varies from person to person.(运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Students should have some pocket money because we need to buy some necessaries and develop the skill of managing money as well.(运用了because引导原因状语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Early in my teaching career, I heard countless excuses— most of them fabricated (编造的), many of them amusing for why students didn’t have their homework. And, yes, “the dog ate it” was one of them. As time passed and I grew less easily cheated, I grew tired of hearing “I don’t have my homework because…”
    And so I quit accepting any excuse other than a verifiable (能证实的) death in the family.
    When I moved to an inner city middle school. I took my no-nonsense attitude with me. “No excuses, no extensions!” I warned my eighth graders on the first day of school. I collected homework at the beginning of each class. When a student didn’t have it, I never asked why. Instead, I sighed loudly, shook my head in dramatic dislike and— with the student looking on-recorded a zero in the grade book. I soon gained the reputation I thought I wanted.
    Then, one afternoon, shortly after the dismissal bell rang, Anthony approached me. “Could I talk to you a minute?” he asked shyly, not taking his eyes off the floor. “I know you said it doesn’t matter why we don’t have our lessons done. but I don’t want you to think I’m a slacker (偷懒的人) because I come to school without mine so often.”
    Anthony looked on at me for the first time, and I could see that his lower lip was quivering (颤抖的). “It’s just that… well, my dad moved out, and my mom waits tables at night, so I have to take care of my little brothers. Sometimes they cry a lot, and it makes it hard to concentrate.”
    I put my hand on Anthony’s thin shoulder. “Why are you just now telling me...?” I stopped in mid-sentence. I knew why. So I changed the question. “Would it help if you stayed here in my classroom after school and worked on it before you go home?”
    He swallowed (吞咽) hard tensely and nodded.
    The things I learned that year weren’t taught in the education classes I’d taken in college.
    【答案】 He swallowed hard tensely and nodded. The next day, I announced to all my students that I’d be offering an afterschool study hall Monday through Friday. Anthony was the first student to show up. A couple of days later, Terrell joined him. Before long, I had a room full of eighth graders who sometimes stayed until five o’clock to work on their lessons. I never asked why any of them were there, but I soon had a large collection of “I don’t have my homework because...” stories. All were very real. None were amusing.
    The things I learned that year weren’t taught in the education classes I’d taken in college. I discovered that not all kids come from homes that are safe and warm and dry. Not all kids have a quiet bedroom with a desk and study light and plenty of school supplies. Some don’t have a home where a parent is even around. And some kids really do go to bed hungry. Most importantly, I learned that “I’ll listen” works a whole lot better than “No excuses!’’ Every student is an angel in my heart, who should be cherished.
    ①点头:nod/bob one’s head
    ②出现:show up/turn up
    【点睛】[高分句型1]. The next day, I announced to all my students that I’d be offering an afterschool study hall Monday through Friday.(由连接词that引导的宾语从句作announced的宾语)
    [高分句型2]. Some don’t have a home where a parent is even around.(由关系副词where引导限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型3]. Every student is an angel in my heart, who should be cherished.(由关系代词who引导非限制性定语从句)
    听力答案:1〜5 CBCBA 6〜10 ABACB 11〜15 ACBCA 16〜20 ABCAA


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