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    北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory优质课件ppt

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 3 The Secrets of Your Memory优质课件ppt,共53页。PPT课件主要包含了综合练·提升能力等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    1(T) 2(F)We can remember them clearly. 3(F)He is gd at remembering particular things but des nt have a phtgraphic memry. 4(F)N ne has been prved t have a phtgraphic memry. 5(F)The sharpest lss f memry ccurs during the very early perid after learning. 6(F)Our memry starts t get wrse after the age f 25.
    A:Para. 1 B:Para. 3 C:Para. 4   D:Para. 2
    Truth and advice 1: _______________________________________________________________Truth and advice 2: _______________________________________________________________Truth and advice 3: ______________________________________________________________Truth and advice 4: _______________________________________________________________
    Truth:Our memry reaches its full pwer at the age f 25. Advice:We need t train ur memry t remember mre when we’re lder.
    Truth:We remember things that have strng cnnectins in ur mind, especially emtinal cnnectins. Advice:We need t make strng cnnectins with things we want t remember in ur mind,especially emtinal cnnectins.
    Truth:Nbdy has a phtgraphic memry. Advice:We need t fcus n the imprtant ideas and be curius abut what we learn when memrising detailed learning materials.
    Truth:The sharpest lss f memry ccurs during the very early perid after learning. Advice:We need t review the infr-matin at regular intervals,especially during the first day after learning.
    1 Hw has the expert tried t make her statements t each questin cnvincing? What methds has she used and what signal wrds can yu find? 2 Are there any answers given by Jemima Gryaznv that are nt cnvincing t yu?
    T make her statements cnvincing the expert used: • examples:Fr example... • figures:a famus frgetting curve • qute:Accrding t... • numbers:25,200,40...
    1 emtinal  2 excitement 3 memrise  4 technique 5 peridically
    1 If anybdy has/have any tips fr memrising infrmatin,I wuld like t hear them. 2 Many experts says/say that yu shuld review infrmatin peridically after yu learn it. 3 Each f the students is/are trying ne f these memrising techniques this week. 4 Bth f my English teachers tells/tell me t ask questins t identify the mst imprtant infrmatin I need t remember. 5 Writing infrmatin dwn clearly makes/make it easier fr yu t review it later.
    Ⅰ 阅读理解(根据课文内容选择正确答案) 1. Which f the fllwing statements can’t accunt fr the reasn why we can remember events in ur childhd? A. We remember things that have strng emtinal cnnectins. B. We ften have strng feelings the first time we experience things. C. We retell events t fix experiences in ur memries. D. The brainpwer in ne’s childhd is strnger than that in the yuth. 2. Accrding t the passage,hw can we memrise detailed learning materials? ①fcus n imprtant ideas ②be curius abut what we learn ③learn imprtant infrmatin by heart in the mrning ④ask questins abut what we learn ⑤grup similar ideas r infrmatin A. ①②④ B. ①②④⑤ C. ②③④⑤ D. ②③⑤
    3. What implicatin des The Frgetting Curve give us? A. We shuld recite as much as pssible in the early mrning. B. We shuld review what we’ve learnt as much as pssible. C. We shuld review the material peridically. D. We shuld wait t review everything befre exams. 4. At what age des ur memry reach its full pwer? A. 16. B. 25. C. 40. D. 20.
    Ⅱ 语法填空(根据课文内容和语法规则完成短文)   We can remember events in ur childhd 1     we ften have strng feelings f fear r 2     ____________( excite). Als,interesting r funny stries are ften tld again and again. As 3____result,we remember them much better. Up t nw,n ne 4___________(prve) that there are peple wh really have phtgraphic memries. When 5____________(memrise)detailed learning materials,we need t fcus 6    the imprtant ideas. Anther 7__________     (effect) technique is t grup similar ideas r infrmatin. 8____________( prevent)us frm the lss f memry,ne glden rule is t review the material 9____________(perid). Our memry reaches its full pwer at the age f 25 and begins t lse 10,000 brain cells every day by the age f 40. By middle age,ur memry is significantly 10    (bad) than when we were yung.
    Language pints
    核心词汇教材原句p.58 facts and arrangements 事实和安排1 arrangement n. 计划;安排 make an arrangement/arrangements fr... 为……做安排 搭配arrive at/cme t an arrangement 谈妥,达成协议by arrangement 通过预约 If yu want t succeed,yu’d better make arrangements fr the future. 如果你想成功,你最好为未来做好安排。 We are trying t cme t an arrangement abut wh shuld pay legal fees. 我们正试图达成一个关于谁应支付法律费用的协议。
    ◆词语积累arrange vt. & vi. 安排,筹划 arrange t d sth 安排做某事arrange fr sb t d sth 安排某人做某事 My several gd friends arranged ur wedding in the cuntryside. 我的几个好朋友在乡下为我们筹划了婚礼。The teacher arranged fr him t spend ne day in the lab. 老师安排他在实验室做了一天实验。
    ◆单句语法填空(1) Try t find an       (arrange) that meets yur skills s yu can get learning tday. (2) My bss arranged fr me       (discuss) details with smene frm anther cmpany. (3) They had n time       (arrange) their wn wedding,s they had it rganised by a cmpany. (4)[词汇复现]Special ______________(arrange) have been made fr thse wh have sme difficulty in walking. ◆完成句子 (5) If yu ____________________________________(对安 排不满意),yu can put frward yur ideas.
    t discuss  
    t arrange  
    are nt satisfied with the arrangements
    教材原句p.58 We remember things that have strng cnnectins in ur mind,especially emtinal cnnectins. 我 们会记住我们的头脑中有较强联系的事情,特别是情感联系。2 emtinal adj. 情感上的;情绪上的emtinal harm 情感伤害搭配physical and emtinal well-being 身体和情感上的健康 emtinal stress情绪紧张 She had a lt f emtinal and financial supprt frm her family. 她得到了来自家庭的大量情感和经济上的支持。◆词语积累emtin n. 强烈的情感;情绪;激情 be vercme with emtin 激动得不能自持 a mixture f emtins 百感交集  emtinally adv. 情绪上;感情上 As a nurse,I have learnt t cntrl my emtins. 作为一名护士,我已经学会了控制自己的情感。
    ◆单句语法填空(1) My family prvides       (emtin) supprt when I feel very painful. (2) My dctr said the prblem was mre       (emtin) than physical. (3) Mr King finished his speech        ( emtinal). ◆完成句子(4)What will affect             ( 情感健康) f the children? (5) Hearing the gd news,Paul                 (激动得不能自持). (6) I had             ( 百感交集) and culdn’t help crying.
    the emtinal health
    was vercme with emtin
    a mixture f emtins  
    3 excitement n. 兴奋,激动t ne’s excitement 令某人兴奋的是搭配in/with excitement(= excitedly)兴奋地in ne’s excitement 由于激动,出于兴奋 Much t his excitement,he was asked t take charge f the sales department. 令他非常兴奋的是,他被要求负责销售部。[词汇复现] The kids lked at these gifts with excitement. 孩子们兴奋地看着这些礼物。In his excitement,Henry rushed ut and frgt his cellphne. 由于激动,亨利急匆匆地跑了出去,他的手机都忘了带。 ◆词语积累 excite vt. 使兴奋,使激动       excited adj. 兴奋的,激动的exciting adj. 令人兴奋的,令人激动的Gerge was very excited at the exciting news. 听到这个令人兴奋的消息,乔治非常激动。
    ◆单句语法填空(1) When seeing his lst sn return hme safe and sund,he culdn’t hide his __________ ( excite). (2) T his great       (excite),he has been admitted as a member f the schl basketball team. (3)    her excitement,she almst fell ff the bike. (4) Everyne is very       (excite) and they are cming up with very different designs. (5) Guilin is ne f the mst beautiful and        (excite) places in China. (6)“I wn first place in the examinatin,Mum,” said Mary in an       (excite) vice.
    教材原句p.58 As a result,we remember them much better, as retelling events helps fix experiences in ur memries. 因此,我们更好地记住了它们,因为重述事件帮助加强我们对事件的记忆。4 as a result 作为结果,因此After he tk charge f the cmpany,the business didn’t lk up. As a result,peple left the cmpany ne after anther. 在他掌管公司之后,生意毫无起色。结果,大家陆续离开了公司。[词汇复现] 【归纳拓展】as a result 作为结果,因此(后接结果) as a result f 作为……的结果,由于(后接原因) result in 导致,造成(后接结果) result frm 由……引起,起因于(后接原因) Prfits have declined as a result f the recent drp in sales. 由于最近销量滑坡,利润下降了。[词汇复现] There is n dubt that his drunk driving resulted in the accident. 毫无疑问,他的酒驾导致了这次事故。His illness resulted frm the cld weather. 寒冷的天气使他生病了。
    ◆单句语法填空(1) He had sme bad fish. As      result, he felt ill this mrning. (2)[词汇复现]He can’t take part in the sprts meeting as a result    his serius injuries in an accident. (3) His laziness resulted   his failure; that is t say,his failure resulted     his laziness. (4)We are still dealing with prblems resulting      errrs made in the past. ◆完成句子 (5) Oliver studied hard last term.        (因此),he made great prgress in his studies. (6)        (由于) Ekeblad’s wrk,peple began using ptates t make things like bread and even alchl.
    As a result  
    As a result f
    教材原句p.59 In 1885,Hermann Ebbinghaus published a bk called Memry and presented a famus frgetting curve. 1885 年,赫尔曼·艾宾浩斯出版了 《关于记忆》一书,提出了著名的遗忘曲线。5 publish vt. & vi. 出版;发表;刊登 publish in English 用英语出版publish under ne’s real name 用真名发表 Miss Yang has recently published her furth bk. 最近,杨女士出版了她的第四本书。The dictinary was first published mre than a century ag. 这本词典是在一个多世纪前首次出版的。He fund it difficult t get his pems published. 他发现要把他的诗出版很难。◆词语积累 publisher n. 出版者  publicatin n. 出版;发表,公布;出版物publishing n. 出版(业)
    ◆单句语法填空(1) The bk is said t have been translated int mre than fifty languages since it _____________( publish) in 1945. (2)[词汇复现]His first nvel ______________(publish) next mnth is based n a true stry. (3) He wrte many children’s bks,nearly half f which ______________ (publish) in the 1990s. (4) Sidney was the leading writer f a study n the findings,       (publish) in the jurnal Nature. (5) The guide is being translated int several languages fr       (publish)near Christmas.
    was published
    t be published  
    were published
    教材原句p.59 Accrding t him,the sharpest lss f memry ccurs during the very early perid after learning. 根据他的说法,最急剧的遗忘出现在学习之后的最初阶段。6 sharp adj. 急剧的,猛烈的;尖的,锋利的a sharp increase/decline 急剧增加/ 下降a sharp turn 急转弯sharp teeth/knives 锋利的牙齿/ 刀子a sharp pain 一阵剧痛be sharp with sb 对某人严厉;对某人说话尖刻have a sharp tngue 说话刻薄 The knife is very sharp,s yu’d better be careful while using it. 刀子很锋利,因此你用时最好小心点。◆词语积累 sharply adv. 急剧地;严厉地sharpen vt. 使变锋利;使提高,使改进His health imprved sharply this week. 本周他的健康情况迅速好转。This knife needs sharpening. 这把刀需要磨了。The curse will help yu sharpen yur writing skills. 这门课程将帮助你提高写作技巧。
    ◆单句语法填空(1)Stck prices f cmpanies in this area rse     (sharp) when the plan was annunced. (2) The prgramme will give yung athletes the chance t       (sharp) their skills. (3) When I was late fr wrk this mrning,the bss was sharp      me. ◆完成句子(4) On the ther hand,           ( 急剧增长) in turist is creating prblems. (5) Mrs Brwn            (说话刻薄),s mst f us dn’t like her. (6) Diseases such as cancer,strke and dementia are predicted t cause health care csts in the area t         (急剧增长).  
    a sharp increase
    has a sharp tngue
    increase sharply
    教材原句p.59 At that pint,we can remember up t 200 pieces f infrmatin in a secnd. 在那时,我们可以在一秒钟内记住多达200 条信息。7 up t 多达;直到;能胜任;正在做(秘密或不该做的事);由…… 决定,是……的义务up t nw 直到现在,到目前为止搭配be up t sb 由某人决定 it be up t sb t d sth 做某事是某人的义务 Up t 10,000 athletes tk part in the Olympic Games. 多达10 000 名运动员参加了奥运会。[词汇复现] Up t nw,we have finished reading ten English nvels. 到目前为止,我们已经读完了十本英文小说。Marty is experienced and up t the psitin. 马蒂经验丰富,能胜任这个职位。What are yu up t in the rm? 你正在房间里做什么? Yu can pay weekly r mnthly—it’s up t yu. 你可以每周或者每月付一次款,你自己决定。It was up t him t make it right, n matter hw lng it tk. 不管需要花多长时间,把事情摆平是他的义务。
    ◆写出下列句中 up t 的含义(1) I dn’t feel up t the task. ( )   (2) He knew Bailey was up t smething. But what? ( )     (3) They stayed there up t 7 days a week. ( ) (4) It is up t yu t make a decisin. ( )      ◆完成句子 (5) Michael is nt really      ( 胜任) the jb as an architect. (6) The children are very quiet. I wnder             (他们在搞什么鬼). (7) —What shall we d tnight?        (由你决定). (8)        (到目前为止),they have planted      (多达) 20,000 trees.
    what they are up t  
    It’s up t yu  
    教材原句p.60 S take it easy. Yu are at a gd age in terms f yur memry. Make gd use f it ! 所以放轻松。在记忆力方面你正处在好的年龄,要充分利用这一点! 8 take it easy 放轻松Take it easy! Dn’t panic! 放轻松!不要惊慌! The dctr tld me t take it easy fr a few weeks. 医生叫我休息几周。【归纳拓展】take things easy 放松;休息;别过分劳累take ne’s time 从容不迫;慢慢来 take apart 拆开;彻底搜查 take dwn 写下,记录;取下take in 欺骗;领会;吸收;理解 take n 雇用;呈现;承担(责任) take ff 脱下;休假;突然开始成功;起飞take ver 接管;取得对……的控制take up 占据;开始从事(新工作);对某事产生兴趣There’s n rush—take yur time. 别着急,慢慢来。Dn’t trust that fellw;he will take yu in if he gets the chance. 不要相信那个家伙,他一有机会,就会欺骗你。Wh will take ver the cmpany if Mr Green retires next year? 如果明年格林先生退休,谁将会接管公司?
    ◆单句语法填空(1) Take        easy,Peter. I’ll help yu ut. (2) Rgers tk      painting fr a while, but sn lst interest. (3) China has taken      a new lk in the past few years. (4) There are still tw hurs befre ur plane takes     ,s take yur time. (5) Dn’t be taken      by prducts claiming(声称)t help yu t lse weight in a week. (6) Yu needn’t take      whatever yur teacher says in class. (7)We tk the cmputer      t see what was wrng. (8) Many businesses started up by cllege students have taken        thanks t the cmfrtable climate fr business creatin.
    重点句式 教材原句p.58 This is because when we experience things fr the rst time,we ften have strng feelings f fear r excitement. 这是因为当我们第一次经历事物时,我们常常会产生强烈的恐惧感或者兴奋感。 This is because... 这是因为…… He didn’t g by bike with me. This is because there was smething wrng with his bike. 他没和我一起骑自行车,这是因为他的自行车坏了。【归纳拓展】This/It/That is because... 这/ 那是因为……(because 引导表语从句, 后接原因) This/It/That is why... 这/ 那就是为什么……(why 引导表语从句, 后接结果) The reasn (why...) is that... (……的)原因是……(why 引导定语从句,that 引导表语从句) His right ft was injured. That’s why he had t drp ut f the Olympic Games. 他的右脚受了伤,那就是他退出奥运会的原因。The reasn why he wasn’t chsen t be the captain f the team was that he lacked the spirit f teamwrk. 他没有被选中当队长的原因是他缺乏团队合作精神。
    ◆单句语法填空(1)[词汇复现]It is reprted that a huge percentage f bird species are in danger. It’s _________their habitats r hmelands are disappearing. (2) Mary is a humrus and warm-hearted wman and that is        she is the mst ppular persn in her cmmunity. (3) The real reasn why I dn’t have a hbby is        I dn’t have time. (4) The famus player tried again and again after each failure. That’s        he succeeded at last. ◆完成句子 (5) Frm space,the Earth lks blue.            (这是因为) abut seventy-ne percent f its surface is cvered by water. (6) He gt up late.        (这就是为什么) he was late fr schl.
    This is because
    This is why
    单元语法 主谓一致主谓一致是指谓语动词在人称和数上必须与主语保持一致。主谓一致主要有三个原则:语法一致原则、意义一致原则和就近一致 原则。1 语法一致原则语法一致原则是指主语和谓语在语法形式上保持一致。通常情况下,主语是单数形式,谓语动词也用单数形式;主语是复数形式,谓语动词也用复数形式。( 1)不可数名词/ 可数名词单数+ 单数谓语; 可数名词复数 + 复数谓语。All the furniture in this rm is new. 这个房间里所有的家具都是新的。A by is playing basketball n the playgrund. 一个男孩正在操场上打篮球。Sme bys are playing basketball n the playgrund. 一些男孩正在操场上打篮球。(2)单个的不定式(短语)、动名词(短语)或从句作主语时,谓语动词一般用单数形式。Walking in space is really a difficult task. 太空行走确实是一项非常困难的任务。yyWhat caused the accident is a cmplete mystery. 是什么导致了这次事故完全是个谜。
    【学法点拨】当 what 引导的主语从句表示复数概念时,谓语动词用复数。What his parents left him are a few bks. 他的父母留给他一些书。 ( 3)主语后跟with,tgether with,alng with,like,in additin t,as well as,including,rather than,besides,except,but 等连接的词语时, 谓语动词与前面的主语保持一致。Carl,as well as his parents,ges swimming every Sunday. 卡尔和他的父母每个星期天都去游泳。( 4)不定代词each,either,neither 及由sme-,any-,n-,every- 构成的复合不定代词后跟单数谓语。each... and(each)...,every... and(every)...,n... and(n)... + 单数谓语。Each f the students has a dictinary. 每个学生都有一本词典。Each by and each girl is asked t wear unifrms. 每个男孩和女孩都被要求穿校服。(5)many a/mre than ne + 可数名词单数 + 单数谓语。Many a student is fr the decisin. 许多学生都支持这个决定。(6)ne f + 可数名词复数 + 单数谓语。One f the students cmes frm the US. 其中一个学生来自美国。
    【误区警示】①ne f + 可数名词复数 + 定语从句(复数谓语) He is ne f the students wh have been t Eurpe. 他是去过欧洲的学生之一。②the nly/the very ne f + 可数名词复数 + 定语从句(单数谓语) He is the nly ne f the students wh has been t Eurpe. 他是那些学生中唯一一个去过欧洲的。(7)trusers,pants,shes,glasses,scissrs 等 + 复数谓语。说明:当这类名词前有 pair 修饰时,要根据 pair 的单复数来确定谓语的单复数。His trusers are t lng. 他的裤子太长了。A pair f trusers is hanging behind the dr. 一条裤子正挂在门后。
    ◆单句语法填空 (1) The news he tld me yesterday     ( be) true. (2) All the students     (be) interested in his subject and listen attentively. (3) T cmplete the lngest sea-bridge    ( be) a great achievement. (4)What he said     (be) true and what we badly need     (be) gd teachers. (5) Referring t the dictinary    (be) a gd habit in English learning. (6) Steve,tgether with his wife,        ( mve) ff tnight. (7) The teacher as well as the students        ( like) this painting.
    (8) Believe it r nt,everyne here   ( have) a gift fr music. (9) Each teacher and each student        ( give) a ticket yesterday. (10)N teacher and n student       (listen) t the lecture nw. (11)Many a student     (be)n the spt when the accident happened. (12)Mre than ne persn    (be) against the prpsal. (13)One f the students in ur class    ( be) a Canadian. (14)He is ne f the students wh   ( be) fnd f cuntry music.
    is listening  
    (15)He is the nly ne f the students wh     (have)a gift fr dancing. (16)Her glasses bught in the supermarket     (be) new. (17)This pair f scissrs       (belng) t the tailr. (18)The famus directr,as well as sme actrs,       (invite) t the film festival last weekend. (19)Tm is the very ne f the students in ur class wh    (have) blue eyes. (20)N teachers and n students          ( tell) nt t get clse t the lake s far.
    was invited  
    has been tld  
    2 意义一致原则 意义一致原则是指从意义层面来解决主谓一致问题。有时主语形式上是单数,但表达复数意义,那么谓语动词要用复数形式;而有时主语形式上是复数,但表达单数意义,那么谓语动词要用单数形式。( 1)集体名词(表整体概念)+ 单数谓语;集体名词(强调个体成员)+ 复数谓语。常见的集体名词有 army,audience,class,club, cmmittee(委员会),cmpany,crwd,family,grup,gvernment, rganisatin,party,ppulatin,public,team 等。Our class is a united ne. 我们班是一个团结的班。Our class wrk hard every day. 我们班的学生每天都努力学习。【误区警示】①有生命的集体名词(peple,plice,cattle 等) + 复数谓语。The plice are lking fr the cause f the accident. 警方正在寻找事故的原因。②无生命的集体名词(clthing,equipment,furniture,jewellery, machinery,scenery 等)+ 单数谓语。The latest equipment is very expensive. 最新的设备非常昂贵。
    ( 2)由 and 或 bth... and 连接的两个名词或代词后跟复数谓语。但当 and 连接的两个名词在意义上指同一个人或事物时,谓语动词用单数形式。这时 and 后的名词前不加冠词。He and his sn want t g t Beijing fr their hlidays next week. 他和他的儿子下周想去北京度假。The famus writer and pet has given us a talk twice. 这位著名的作家兼诗人已经给我们做了两次报告。(3)“all/mst/half/plenty/sme/the rest + f + 名词 / 代词”或“分数 / 百分数 + f + 名词 / 代词”作主语时,谓语动词常与 f 后的名词或代词保持数的一致。Half f the bks are written in English. 一半的书是用英语写的。Half f the infrmatin is false. 一半的信息是错误的。The rest f the bks are in my ffice. 剩下的书在我的办公室里。The rest f the mney was given t his mther. 剩余的钱都给了他的母亲。
    【误区警示】当 all,mst,half,plenty,sme,the rest 等单独作主语时,主谓一致要遵循意义一致原则,即根据所表示的单复数意义确定谓语动词用单数还是复数。All was silent.万籁俱寂。All were silent.大家都沉默着。(4)a number f + 可数名词复数 + 复数谓语; the number f + 可数名词复数 + 单数谓语。At present,a large number f freigners are learning Chinese. 目前,大量的外国人正在学习汉语。The number f freigners learning Chinese is large. 学汉语的外国人数量很大。(5)nne(指代可数名词) + 单数 / 复数谓语;nne(指代不可数名 词)+ 单数谓语。We have three sns but nne f them lives/live nearby. 我们有三个儿子,但他们都不住在附近。Nne f the mney is mine. 这些钱都不是我的。(6)表示时间、金钱、距离、重量等的复数名词(看作整体)+单数谓语。Eight hurs f sleep is enugh fr these children. 八个小时的睡眠对这些孩子来说足够了。(7)以 -s 结尾的书刊名、组织名、国家名以及以 -ics 结尾的学科名 + 单数谓语。The United States is made up f fifty states. 美国由50 个州组成。
    【误区警示】以 -s 结尾的群岛、瀑布、山脉等作主语时,谓语动词常用复数形式。Alps are a place where peple can enjy beautiful scenery. 阿尔卑斯山是一个人们能欣赏到美景的地方。 (8)单复数同形的名词作主语时,谓语动词的形式要根据意义确定。常见的这类词有 sheep,deer,fish,crssrads,means,series, species,wrks(工厂)等。A sheep is grazing under the tree.一只羊正在树下吃草。Several sheep are grazing under the tree.几只羊正在树下吃草。(9)“the + 形容词 / 分词”表示一类人时,后跟复数谓语;表示某个人或抽象概念时,后跟单数谓语。The pr are badly in need f help. 穷人非常需要帮助。The beautiful is lved by everyne. 美的东西大家都喜欢。
    ◆单句语法填空(1) The class       (study)English nw. (2) My family       (be)all music lvers. (3) The plice       (lk)int the accident nw. (4)Warm clthing     (be)necessary in cld climates. (5) All the furniture _______________________________(mve)t anther rm. (6) Bread and butter       (be)what we usually have fr breakfast. (7) Bth Mark and his parents        (sit) in the shade f a tree at that time. (8) The singer and dancer        (welcme) warmly by the lcal peple. (9) Prfessr James will give us a lecture n Western culture,but when and where      (have) nt been decided yet. (10) A number f reasns      (lead)t the change f climate.
    are studying  
    are lking  
    has been mved/was mved  
    were sitting  
    is welcmed  
    (11)The number f peple invited        ( be) fifty,but a number f them __________( be)absent fr different reasns. (12)Tw-thirds f the wrkers       (be) wmen here. (13)Abut seventy-ne percent f the Earth’s surface       (cver) by water. (14)Twenty years    (be) a lng time. (15)Twenty-five dllars   (be)t little t pay fr that shirt. (16)Every pssible means ______________(try). (17)All pssible means ________________(try). (18)Mathematics       (seem) t be difficult t him. (19)Nne f my children       (have) blnde hair. (20)Nne f the water frm Lake Pwell        ( use) t irrigate the area.
    has been tried  
    have been tried
    ◆完成句子(21)The rest f the mney           (被锁在保险箱里). (22)Fifty percent f the students               (通过了这次考试). (23)All wh were present       ( 都沉默着). (24)The United Natins             (是一个世界性组织). (25)The Niagara Falls                       (是最著名的瀑布之一) in the wrld. (26)The rich       (赞成) the decisin but the pr _____________(反对) it. (27)Everyne agrees the beautiful           (并不总是有用的).
    is lcked in the safe
    have passed the exam
    were silent
    is a wrld rganisatin  
    are ne f the mst famus waterfalls
    are against
    is nt always useful
    3 就近一致原则就近一致原则是指谓语动词的人称和数与最近的主语保持一致。( 1)由 r,,nr,,,nt als... 等连接的名词或代词作主语时,谓语动词的数与最近的主语保持一致。Either yu r yur brther is sent t Shanghai t set up a cmpany. 要么你要么你的哥哥被派往上海成立一家公司。(2)there be 句型中,be 动词的单复数与最靠近它的名词保持一致。There is a table and fur chairs in the rm. 房间里有一张桌子和四把椅子。There are sme bks and a pen n the table. 桌子上有一些书和一支钢笔。
    ◆单句语法填空(1) Neither the students nr the teacher    ( knw) the reasn why she behaved strangely. (2) Nt nly I but als he     (lk) dwn upn thse wh always rely n thers. (3) Nt yu but yur father    (be) t blame. (4) There   (be)a pen,tw pencils and three bks n the desk. (5) There    (be)six bys and ne girl n the playgrund.

    北师大版 (2019)必修 第二册Lesson 3 Race to the Pole示范课ppt课件: 这是一份北师大版 (2019)必修 第二册Lesson 3 Race to the Pole示范课ppt课件,共17页。PPT课件主要包含了Prediction,land,oceans,mountains等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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