初中英语中考复习“主动表被动,被动表主动“词语和短语汇总(中考难点 )
展开中考英语“主动表被动,被动表主动”词语和短语(一)说明主语的品质或性能的动词。如cut, sell, write, wear等,常用主动形式表示被动含义。1.她的书很畅销。Her books sell well.2.我的钢笔很好用。My pen writes well.3.这把刀不快。This knife won’t cut.4.这地毯耐用,是不是?That carpet is wearing well, isn’t it?(二)need / require / want doing sth = need / require / want to be done 这三个动词表示“需要做某事”,后接v-ing的主动式或不定式的被动式。此外 be worth doing意为“某事值得做”,worth后接v-ing,不能接to be done。1.我的窗户需要擦洗。My windows need cleaning./ My windows need to be cleaned.2.大部分室内植物需要定期浇水。Most house plants require watering / to be watered regularly.3.这栋房子需要修缮。 The house wants repairing / to be repaired.4.传统文化非常值得学习。Traditional culture is well worth learning.(三)表示开始,结束,运动的动词。1.门就是打不开。The door won’t open.2.英国的一些小店通常在午餐时歇业一小时。Some small shops in Britain usually close for an hour at lunchtime.3.这扇窗户关不上。The window won’t shut.(四)不及物动词没有被动形式,如:take place / happen / belong等后不接宾语。1.几天前,我的朋友莉莉遇上了件倒霉事。A few days ago, something very bad happened to my friend Lily.2.比尔的内心发生了变化。A change took place in Bill’s heart.3.这些鞋是他的。These shoes belong to him.(五)在sth + be + adj to do与find sth adj to do这两个句型中,sth与to do构成动宾关系,但不可使用不定式的被动式。1.这个故事对儿童来说有点难理解。The story is a little difficult for children to understand.2.我觉得这些使用起来相当便捷。I find them quite easy to use.(六)be to blame 意为“应负责任,应受责备”,在此句型汇总,虽然中文意义是被动,不可用to be blamed。他们要对发生的所有糟糕的事情负责。They are to blame for all the bad things that happened.(七)连系动词:smell / taste / sound / prove等。1.炒米饭闻起来真香。The fried rice smells delicious.2.这披萨味道不错,我想再要一些。The pizza tastes good.I'd like some more.3.服务员说的话不友好。The waiter doesn't sound friendly.4.事实表明他是一个诚实的朋友。He proved (to be) an honest friend.(八)一些英文中是被动形式,但在中文表示主动意义的动词。这类动词很多,在学习时,最好以短语的形式去记忆。如be related to, be absorbed in, be dressed in等等。1.牛顿坐在自己的花园里,看到一个苹果从树上落下来。Newton was seated in his garden when he saw an apple fall from a tree.2.当某件事确实让我感兴趣时,我就能够全神贯注。When something did interest me, I could become absorbed.3.他专注于看书,没注意到我来。He was lost in his book and did not notice my coming.4.他们总是在7:20穿好衣服。They always get dressed at seven twenty.