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    外研版高中英语必修第三册自主学习手册 学案01
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    Unit 1 Knowing me,knowing you
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.agony    n.痛楚,苦难
    2.steam n.蒸汽,水蒸气
    3.lip n.(嘴)唇
    4.sink n.使(船)沉没
    5.resolve v.解决(问题、困难)
    6.strategy n.计谋,策略;行动计划
    7.signal n.信号;暗号
    8.breath n.呼出的气
    9.duty n.职责,义务;责任
    10.core adj.核心的(课程、团体等)
    11.ensure v.确保,保证
    12.complexity n.复杂性,错综复杂
    13.forgive v.原谅,宽恕
    14.boxing n.拳击(运动)
    1.loose adj.控制不严的→loosen v.使松开→loosely adv.松散地;宽松地
    2.fault n.责任,过错→faultless adj.无缺点的,完美的→faulty adj.有错误的,有缺
    3.concern n.忧虑,担心→concerned adj.担心的,忧虑的→concerning prep.关于,涉及
    4.annoyed adj.恼怒的,烦恼的→annoy v.使生气,使烦恼→annoying adj.令人烦恼的
    5.adjust v.适应,(使)习惯→adjustment n.调整;调节;适应→adjustable adj.可调整的,可调节的
    6.accident n.意外事件,偶然因素→accidental adj.意外的,偶然的→accidentally adv.意外地,偶然地
    7.criticise v.批评,指责→critic n.批评家,评论家→criticism n.批评,评论→critical adj.批判性的,挑剔的
    8.embarrassment n.尴尬,难为情→embarrass v.使尴尬,使窘迫→embarrassing adj.令人尴尬的→embarrassed adj.尴尬的,窘迫的
    1.    (loose) managed teams can become hotbeds of distraction. 
    2.A      (fault) connection caused the machine to stop. 
    3.But the downturn is making companies rethink their      (strategy). 
    4.     (concern) about her,they try to work together to cheer her up. 
    5.I was     (annoy) with myself for giving in so easily. 
    6.For some people,     (forgive) themselves is the biggest challenge. 
    7.Accepting sadness helps a person deal with the emotional      (complex) of growing up,and settle down in his new life. 
    8.Alice felt      because there was an      silence.And she apologised to them for any     she may have caused.(embarrass) 
    9.The dynamic of the market demands constant change and     (adjust). 
    10.Information must be stored so that it is secure from      (accident) deletion. 
    答案:1.Loosely 2.faulty 3.strategies4.Concerned 5.annoyed 6.forgiving
    7.complexity 8.embarrassed;embarrassing;embarrassment 9.adjustment 10.accidental
    1.She discovered the problem        (意外地). 
    2.         (深呼吸) and give life a big smile when we suffer pain. 
    3.All these presents came to more money than I had,and my mother had to
    4.We can succeed only if everyone in the team         (做好分内的事). 
    5.Regular exercise helps to cope with stress and it a good way of relaxing or
    答案:1.by accident 2.Take a deep breath 3.help me out 4.pulls his weight
    5.letting off steam

    1.听到你不能适应你的新环境,并且学习一团糟,我感到很抱歉。(be in a mess)
    I’m sorry to hear that you are unable to adjust to your new environment and your study is in a mess.
    Criticising someone for his fault in front of others is not a good idea.It can cause embarrassment.
    3.正如谚语所说,祸从口出。所以最好的策略就是少说多做。(Loose lips sink ships.,
    As the saying goes,“Loose lips sink ships.”Therefore,the best strategy is to talk less and do more.
    4.当你向别人宣泄情绪时,你也应该考虑别人的感受。(let off steam)
    When you let off steam to others,you should think about others’ feelings as well.
    Remember to think before you act,and learn to apologise for your own mistake.
    6.如果你做好分内事,一切都会好起来。(pull one’s weight)
    If you pull your weight,everything will work out well.
    7.不要让你自己和你的家人失望,不要放弃继续前行。(let down,move on)
    Do not let yourself and your family down,never stop moving on.

    1.将句2 使用“It is+名词+to do”句式进行改写升级。
    It’s not a good idea to criticise someone for his fault in front of others.It can cause embarrassment.
    When letting off steam to others,you should think about others’ feelings as well.

    Dear Alex,
    I’m sorry to hear that you are unable to adjust to your new environment and your study is in a mess.Now I will give you some advice to solve your problems.
    First,it’s not a good idea to criticise someone for his fault in front of others.It can cause embarrassment.Second,as the saying goes,“Loose lips sink ships.”Therefore,the best strategy is to talk less and do more.What’s more,when letting off steam to others,you should think about others’ feelings as well.Last but not least,remember to think before you act,and learn to apologise for your own mistake.
    In conclusion,if you pull your weight,everything will work out well.So do not let yourself and your family down,never stop moving on.Looking forward to your good news.
    Li Hua


    主旨大意:第一封信是求助信,写信人Ben描述了一场篮球比赛引发的一系列的人际关系问题。第二封回信是Agony Aunt对Ben的困扰给出了三点建议,并明确了处理人际关系问题和情绪管理的一个基本理念——“Think before we speak.”


      It is a letter in which Ben asked Agony Aunt for help.Ben thought it was his teammate that should be blamed for their lost match.Though he was just letting off steam,his best friend told everyone else what he’d said.Agony Aunt advised him to apologise to his teammate and have a clear communication with his friend.Meanwhile,he should make self-criticism about his own behaviour,and take others’ feelings into consideration.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.tangled   adj.纠结的;复杂的
    2.web n.蜘蛛网;错综复杂的事物
    3.deceive v.欺骗
    4.tear n.眼泪,泪水
    5.latter n.后者
    6.moreover adv.此外,而且
    7.apart adv.分离,分开
    8.fence n.栅栏,围栏,篱笆
    1.weave v.编,织→weave n.织法,编织样式→weaver n.织布工
    2.justify v.证明(别人认为不合理的事)有道理;为……辩护→justified adj.(做某事)有正当理由的;合乎情理的→justification n.正当理由
    3.frank adj.坦率的,坦诚的,直言不讳的→frankness n.率直,坦率,坦白→frankly adv.坦率地,坦诚地,直言不讳地
    4.independent adj.独立的→independence n.独立,自立→independently adv.独立地
    1.They      (frank) admitted their responsibility. 
    2.     (weave) and knitting are traditional cottage industries. 
    3.All I can say in     (justify) of her actions is that she was under a lot of pressure at work. 
    4.It was a touching story that moved many of us to      (tear). 
    5.They were      (deceive) into buying that house. 
    6.Faced with so many problems,I didn’t know how to deal with them     (independent). 
    答案:1.frankly 2.Weaving 3.justification 4.tears 5.deceived 6.independently
    1.Lucy,you look worried.Are you trying to         (向……隐瞒某些事) me? 
    2.        (即使)you go there in person,there would be no result. 
    3.But          (到何种程度) are you willing to help me? 
    4.        (说实话),I admire him. 
    5.She went there on foot       (而不是)by bus. 
    答案:1.hide something from 2.Even if 3.to what extent 4.To tell the truth
    5.instead of

    1.有时,我们不得不向我们的好朋友说一些善意的谎言。(white lies)
    Sometimes we have to tell white lies to our friends.
    We can protect our friends from harm.
    But some frank comments can let our friends know more about themselves and get opportunities for improvement.
    4.你应该和Tom清楚地谈一下,而不是总是向他说善意的谎言。(instead of)
    You should have a clear communication with Tom,instead of always telling him white lies.
    5.即使他当时会生你的气,他以后会理解你。(even if)
    Even if he will be angry with you at that moment,he will understand you later.

    将句1和句2用so that合并,升级成一个主从复合句。
    Sometimes we have to tell white lies to our friends so that we can protect them from harm.

    Dear Alex,
    I am sorry to hear that you are in trouble whether you should tell your friend Tom the truth or not.
    I understand your situation deeply.Sometimes we have to tell white lies to our friends so that we can protect them from harm,which makes us feel ashamed.
    To some extent,white lies can give them some encouragement and make them feel better. But some frank comments can let our friends know more about themselves and get opportunities for improvement.So you should have a clear communication with Tom,instead of always telling him white lies.Even if he will be angry with you at that moment,he will understand you later.There is an old saying,“As distance tests a horse’s strength,so time reveals a person’s heart.”Don’t be afraid that you will lose your friendship.
    That’s all my opinions.Hope they can be helpful to you.
    Li Hua




    This article is mainly about whether we should tell white lies.Perhaps out of kindness,we may tell white lies to make others feel better,to give encouragement or to protect others from bad news.However,perhaps others want your frank comments,your parents want to understand your real feelings,and we may also feel despaired if we find someone hide the truth from us.So tell the truth when it is possible.
    Unit 2 Making a difference
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.relief       n.减轻,缓解
    2.shortage n.短缺,不足,缺乏
    3.internal adj.内部的
    4.fund v.为……提供资金,资助
    5.recycle v.再利用,回收利用
    6.earn v.挣(钱)
    7.donate v.捐赠,捐献
    8.insight n.顿悟,猛醒
    9.mission n.职责;使命
    10.disease n.疾病,病
    11.disability n.残疾,残障
    12.generous adj.慷慨的,大方的
    13.hesitate v.迟疑,犹豫
    14.cancer n.癌症
    15.institution n.机构,团体
    16.confirmation n.证实,证明
    1.contribution n.贡献→contribute v.捐献; 
    是……的原因之一→contributor n.投稿人;捐赠者
    2.effective adj.有效的,产生预期效果的→effect n.影响,效果,作用→effectively adv.有效地→ineffective adj.无效的
    3.foundation n.基金会→found v.创办,创建→founder n.成立者,创建者
    4.reality n.真实,现实→realise v.实现,使成为现实→real adj.真实的,确实的→realistic adj.现实的,实际的→really adv.真正地,确实地
    5.extend v.持续;延伸→extension n.延伸,扩大,延长期→extensive adj.广阔的,广泛的
    6.sensitive adj.敏感的,容易生气的→sense v.&n.感觉,意义→sensible adj.明智的,合理的→sensibly adv.容易感知地,聪明地
    7.assistance n.帮助,援助→assist v.帮助,援助→assistant n.助手,助理
    8.recycle v.再利用,回收利用→recyclable adj.可回收的,可再利用的
    1.Who made a great     (contribute) to the construction of the country? 
    2.She smiled in     (relieve) after she heard her son had been admitted to a famous university. 
    3.There are energy savings to be made from all     (recycle) materials,sometimes huge savings. 
    4.She showed great devotion to her work and     (earn) the respect of her fellow workers. 
    5.In view of the     (short) of time,each person may only speak for five minutes. 
    6.I have no     (hesitate) in recommending her for the job. 
    7.My     (assistance) will now demonstrate the machine in action. 
    8.Last week the retired man     (donate) most of his savings to the school damaged by the earthquake. 
    9.The researchers have been working till midnight everyday since the outbreak of the disease to find an      (effect) cure. 
    10.His words     (confirm) me in my belief that our cause was right. 
    答案:1.contribution 2.relief 3.recyclable 4.earned 5.shortage 6.hesitation 7.assistant 8.donated 9.effective 10.confirmed
    1.In case of emergency,whether knowing how to apply first aid or not really
                (有影响) in matters concerning injuries. 
    2.I                 (非常感谢) all the teachers for their help. 
    3.Hearing the good news,Della                 (绽开微笑). 
    4.To tell you the truth,I’m determined to quit my job and          (成立) a company of my own. 
    5.The talk failed because no one could             (提出) a solution accepted by both sides. 
    6.If you want to                 (让你的梦想成为现实),you have to take effective action. 
    答案:1.makes a difference 2.am extremely grateful to 3.broke into a smile
    4.set up 5.come up with 6.make your dream a reality

    1.我们老师提出了一个想法。(come up with)
    Our teacher came up with an idea.
    2.我们应该成立一个阅读俱乐部。(set up)
    We should set up a reading club.
    3.阅读俱乐部将有助于开阔学生们的视野,并丰富他们的生活。(contribute to,as well as)
    The reading club will contribute to broadening students’ horizons as well as enriching their life.
    4.王丽自愿组织同学们为阅读俱乐部捐书。(volunteer to do,donate)
    Wang Li volunteered to organise classmates to donate books for the reading club.
    5.令她感到欣慰的是,大多数同学都很慷慨并毫不犹豫地支持她的工作。( to one’s relief,generous,hesitate)
    Much to her relief,a majority of classmates were very generous and did not hesitate to be in support of her work.
    6.整个班级都从这个活动中受益。(benefit from)
    The entire class benefited from the activity.
    She earned the respect of her classmates.

    Our teacher came up with an idea that we should set up a reading club which will contribute to broadening students’ horizons as well as enriching their life.

    Star Student of the Week
    Wang Li has been awarded the title of “Star Student of the Week” for what she did for our class. 
    Our teacher came up with an idea that we should set up a reading club which will contribute to broadening students’ horizons as well as enriching their life.Wang Li volunteered to organise classmates to donate books for the reading club.Much to her relief,a majority of classmates were very generous and did not hesitate to be in support of her work.Actually,the entire class benefited from the activity,therefore,she earned the respect of her classmates.
    Wang Li is always warm-hearted and cares a lot about the class,which sets a good example to us.Thus,she deserves the honour and we should learn from her.




    Ryan decided to help people in developing African countries build a well to get clean water.He not only earned money by himself,but also called on others to donate money.With the aid of more and more people,Ryan really had made a difference for these children.We should learn from Ryan’s courage and perseverance.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.Jewish    adj.犹太人的,犹太教的
    2.aid v.帮助,援助
    3.military n.军队
    4.knighthood n.(英国的)爵士封号或头衔
    5.major adj.重要的,主要的
    6.drug n.药物,药材
    7.certificate n.证明书,证书
    8.ministry n.(政府的)部
    9.further adj.更多的,附加的
    1.temporary adj.短期的,短暂的;临时的→temporarily adv.临时地,暂时地
    2.achievement n.成绩,成就→achieve v.达到,实现 
    3.chief adj.最高级别的,首席的→chief n.首领→chiefly adv.主要地,首要地
    4.treatment n.治疗;疗法→treat v.治疗;对待;款待
    5.obtain v.获得,得到→obtainable adj.能得到的,可获得的
    1.We     (aid) him in looking after his children. 
    2.Full details are     (obtain) from any post office. 
    3.He     (rise) to his feet and left the room without a word. 
    4.We are     (chief) concerned with improving educational standards. 
    5.Make sure you enclose all the relevant     (certificate). 
    6.The new drug has great significance for the     (treat) of the disease. 
    7.    (far) information can be obtained from our headquarters in Beijing. 
    8.His major     (achieve) was the discovery of the causes of a cancer. 
    9.I’m afraid we’re     (temporary) out of stock. 
    10.The great     (major) of people seem to agree with this view. 
    答案:1.aided 2.obtainable 3.rose 4.chiefly 5.certificates 6.treatment 7.Further 8.achievement 9.temporarily 10.majority
    1.We         (躲开了) the hustle and bustle of the city for the weekend. 
    2.He decided to help                 (把他们送到安全的地方). 
    3.To be frank,our chief editor trusts me now,but was not satisfied with me
    4.They built a          (临时住所) out of zincs. 
    5.Moreover,the latter phenomenon has been          (引起公众的注意). 
    答案:1.escaped from 2.transport them to safety 3.at one point 4.temporary home 5.brought to public attention

    Qian Xuesen went to America for his further study.
    Qian Xuesen obtained his doctor’s degree in aerospace science and mathematics.
    3.在中国政府的帮助下,他在1955年回到中国。(with the aid of)
    With the aid of Chinese government,he returned to China in 1955.
    4.从那时起,他担任了一个研究团队的负责人,以设计和研究火箭和导弹为目标。(work as,
    chief,aim to do)
    Since then,he has worked as the chief of a research team aiming to design and research rockets and missiles.
    5.因为他的杰出成就,钱学森被授予“航天之父”和“火箭之王”的荣誉称号。(be honoured as,achievement)
    Qian Xuesen is honoured as the “Father of China’s Aerospace”and the “King of Rockets”for his outstanding achievements. 
    6.他于2009年11月在北京逝世。(pass away)
    He passed away in November,2009 in Beijing.

    Qian Xuesen went to America for his further study and obtained his doctor’s degree in aerospace science and mathematics.
    2.句5可以用“It is/was...that...”句式,改写成一个强调句,强调成就。
    It’s for his outstanding achievements that Qian Xuesen is honoured as the “Father of China’s Aerospace” and the “King of Rockets”. 

    The person I admire most is Qian Xuesen,a pioneer of China’s Aerospace industry,who contributed to the development of missiles and nuclear weapons for China.
    Having graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University in 1934,Qian Xuesen went to America for his further study and obtained his doctor’s degree in aerospace science and mathematics.With the aid of Chinese government,he returned to China in 1955.Since then,he has worked as the chief of a research team aiming to design and research rockets and missiles.
    It’s for his outstanding achievements that Qian Xuesen is honored as the “Father of China’s Aerospace” and the “King of Rockets”.Unfortunately,he passed away in November 2009 in Beijing.We should learn from him and devote ourselves to our country.


    主旨大意:本文讲述了Nicholas Winton在第二次世界大战前夕不畏艰险、不计名利,拯救了669个犹太儿童并最终被世人知晓,得到了极大的尊重和荣誉的故事。


    Nicholas Winton,who was born into a German-Jewish family in 1909,once worked in banks and business.Since 1938,he has rescued 669 children from death at the hands of Nazis,for which he received various honours.Winton passed away at the age of 106,as the Chinese saying goes,“A kind-hearted person lives a long life.”
    Unit 3 The world of science
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.press     v.按
    2.shoot v.射出(光、亮等),放射
    3.virtual adj.虚拟的,模拟的
    4.battery n.电池
    5.stuff n.东西,物品
    6.passive adj.被动的
    7.beyond prep.无法……
    8.instance n. 例子,实例
    9.minor adj.小的
    10.species n.物种
    11.extraordinary adj.非凡的,出色的
    12.brilliant adj.聪颖的,才华横溢的
    13.theory n.学说,理论
    14.cure n.药剂;疗法
    1.flexible adj.易弯曲的,柔韧的→flexibility n.灵活性,弹性→flexibly adv.灵活地,柔韧地
    2.capable adj.有能力的→capability n.才能,能力→incapable adj.没有能力的
    3.desire n.渴望,欲望→desire v.要求,期望,渴望 →desirable adj.可取的;值得做的
    4.significant adj.重要的,影响深远的→significance n.意义,重要性→significantly adv.显著地,明显地
    5.injure v.使受伤,弄伤→injury n.伤害,损害→ injured adj.受伤的
    6.chemist n.化学家→chemical adj.化学的,与化学有关的→chemistry n.化学
    7.biologist n.生物学家→biological adj.生物学的→biology n.生物学
    8.accurate adj.精确的→accurately adv.精确地,准确地→accuracy n.精确性
    9.origin n.起源,起因→originate v.起源,发源;创立→original adj.原来的,起初的 n.原稿,原件→originally adv.原来,起初
    10.mental adj.精神的;精神健康的→mentally adv.精神上,智力上
    1.It turns out that just looking at green,growing things can reduce stress,lower blood       (press),and put people into a better mood(情绪).(2019年全国Ⅰ卷,七选五) 
    2.Apart from      (shoot),he did quite well in other events. 
    3.They questioned the      (accurate) of the information in the file. 
    4.The company should adopt a      (flexible) strategy in terms of the changing market conditions. 
    5.It is      (desire) that interest rates should be reduced. 
    6.People experience differences in physical and mental      (capable) depending on the time of a day. 
    7.And they tended to lose cognitive(认知) function at a much slower rate than those with the least     (mental) challenging jobs.(2020年浙江7月卷,阅读理解C) 
    8.When muscles are taut or cold there is more chance of      (injure) or strain. 
    9.Puzzle play was found to be a       (significance) predictor of cognition(认知). 
    10.The official confirmed that the paintings were      (origin) and worth as much as $ 50 million. 
    答案:1.pressure 2.shooting 3.accuracy 4.more flexible 5.desirable 6.capability 7.mentally 8.injury 9.significant 10.originals
    1.My parents often tell me that         (别轻易说决不). 
    2.This device helps make          (虚拟现实) a more usable and accessible technology. 
    3.         (除此之外),important advances have been made in other areas. 
    4.The evolution of different species is the result of           (自然选择). 
    5.Within the next 30 years,our lives may be changed          (无法辨认) by advanced technology. 
    答案:1.never say never 2.virtual reality 3.In addition 4.natural selection
    5.beyond recognition

    1.就科技的作用而言,毫无疑问,我们在许多不同的方面受益于科学进步。(in terms of )
    In terms of the role of technology,there is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways.
    2.由于3D打印技术的应用,我们在医疗科技方面取得了巨大的成就。(due to)
    We have made great achievements in medical technology due to the application of 3D printing technology.
    Extraordinary advances in medical field have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.
    4.除此之外,我们把精力集中到可以被用于医学的纳米技术和干细胞研究上。(in addition,
    focus on,be used)
    In addition,we focus our efforts on studying nanotechnology and stem cells that can be used in medicine.
    5.多亏了医疗技术的发展,人们才能够过上更加健康的生活。(thanks to,live a...life)
    Thanks to the development of medical technology,human beings can live a healthier life.

    Great achievements in medical technology have been made due to the application of 3D printing technology.
    2.将句3升级为“It is/was...that...”的强调句。
    It is extraordinary advances in medical field that have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.

    In terms of the role of technology,there is no doubt that we benefit a lot from the scientific advancements in many different ways.For instance,great achievements in medical technology have been made due to the application of 3D printing technology.What’s more,in the last decades,it is extraordinary advances in medical field that have made it possible for people to live longer than in the past.In addition,we focus our efforts on studying nanotechnology and stem cells that can be used in medicine,which can greatly solve many medical problems.Thanks to the development of medical technology,human beings can live a healthier life.

      Dr Richard Fairhurst,1.     new book The New Age of Invention has just been published,is being interviewed.The following are what he tells us. 
    There have been golden ages of invention throughout history.In Ancient China,there 2.     (be) the four great inventions: gunpowder,papermaking,
    printing and the compass.They changed the world forever.And now we are in the great new age of technology,when most of the new great 3.    (invention) are tech-based.For example,advances in virtual 4.    (real),wearable tech and the flexible battery,mean we should soon be seeing further developments.
    5.    addition,important advances 6.     (make) in medicine and environmental science thanks to increasing computer power.New inventions like 3D printers have been used to make replacement hearts and bone parts.What’s more,it’s possible 7.     (create) an intelligent walking house. 
    Most inventions start with 8.     (recognise) a problem that needs
    9.     solution.But what remains 10.    (importance) is that we have an incredible desire to think and create,and that’s the real spirit of invention. 
    答案:1.whose 2.were 3.inventions 4.reality 5.In 6.have been made 7.to create 8.recognising 9.a 10.important
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.draft    v. 起草,草拟
    2.fiction n. 虚构的事,想象的事
    3.metal n. 金属
    4.flash n. 闪光
    5.gravity n. 重力,引力
    6.procedure n. 程序,步骤,手续
    1.declaration n.声明,宣告→declare v.声明,宣告
    2.experiment n.(科学)实验→experimental adj.实验性的,科学实验的
    3.attach v.系,绑;贴 →attachment n.附属物
    4.conduct v.传导(热、电)→conductor n.导体;指挥→conductive adj.导电的
    5.scientific adj.科学(上)的→science n.科学 →scientist n.科学家
    6.entirely adv.完全地,彻底地→entire adj.完全的,彻底的
    7.account n.记述,描述→accountant n.会计
    8.proof n.证明,证据→prove v.证明,证实
    1.The      is invalid because it was      totally illegal.(declare) 
    2.It is a      (fiction) account of life on a desert island. 
    3.This is an electric drill with a range of different      (attach). 
    4.The      (science) institution declared that the experiment was successful. 
    5.It is said that wood is a poor      (conduct). 
    6.I’m not      (entire) satisfied with the proposal. 
    7.The chemist thinks that his      (experiment) procedure is correct and effective. 
    8.Making a complaint is quite a simple      (procedural). 
    9.These results are a further      (prove) of his outstanding ability. 
    10.I’ve never been there,but it’s a lovely place,by all      (account). 
    答案:1.declaration;declared 2.fictional 3.attachments 4.scientific
    5.conductor 6.entirely 7.experimental 8.procedure 9.proof 10.accounts
    1.        (除……外)internal changes,the company has taken other effective measures to increase production. 
    2.In order to cure your disease,you can      drink     (既不……也不……) smoke. 
    3.An online survey was recently conducted          (为了) obtain insights from the public. 
    4.There is enough proof to show that this scientific experiment         (发生) before. 
    5.She          (想出) a new idea for increasing sales. 
    答案:1.Apart from 2.neither;nor 3.in order to 4.has taken place 5.came up with

    1.中国政府起草了一份声明。(draft, declaration)
    Chinese government has drafted a declaration.
    2.我们应该通过科学和技术让中国变得更强大。(make sth.+adj.)
    We should make China more powerful through science and technology.
    3.科技使人们生活的方方面面受益。(contribute to)
    Technology contributes to every aspect of people’s life.
    4.我们一直强调科学实验的重要性。(attach, scientific experiment)
    We have been attaching importance to scientific experiments.
    5.我们将许多宇航员送进了太空,他们为我们详细描述了太空。(give an account of)
    We sent many astronauts into space.They gave us a detailed account of space.
    China has been entirely successful in launching the Chang’e-5 probe into the moon.
    Without the development of technology, we will build neither the foundation of our daily life nor the modern civilisation.

    Chinese government has drafted a declaration that we should make China more powerful through science and technology.
    We sent many astronauts into space, who gave us a detailed account of space.

    Chinese government has drafted a declaration that we should make China more powerful through science and technology.Technology contributes to every aspect of people’s life. And we have been attaching importance to scientific experiments. With the joint efforts, we have made great achievements in many fields.For instance,we have made a significant breakthrough in space exploration in the past decades. We sent many astronauts into space, who gave us a detailed account of space. China has been entirely successful in launching the Chang’e-5 probe into the moon,of which we Chinese are all proud.Without the development of technology, we will build neither the foundation of our daily life nor the modern civilisation.




    Benjamin Franklin’s famous experiment with lightning which had proved that lightning was a form of electricity may be fiction instead of fact.Generations of schoolchildren have been inspired by the story and details that are questioned by many scientists who want to establish the facts. We can be inspired by the story, but we need facts in scientific exploration.
    Unit 4 Amazing art
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.greet       v.问候,迎接,招呼
    2.broadcast n.广播节目,电视节目
    3.stair n.楼梯
    4.battle n.战斗,战役
    5.neighbourhood n.社区,街坊
    6.needle n.缝衣针
    7.carve v.刻(图形或字母)
    8.contemporary adj.当代的
    9.cigarette n.香烟
    10.lack v.没有,缺乏
    11.portrait n.人物照片;肖像
    1.fold v.折起→folder n.文件夹→unfold v.展开,打开
    2.exhibition n.展出,展览→exhibit vt.展览,显示
    3.vividly adv.生动地,逼真地→vivid adj.生动的,逼真的
    4.elegant adj.高雅的,优美的→elegantly adv.优美地→elegance n.优美,优雅
    5.demonstrate v.示范,演示→demonstration n.示范,演示
    1.He quickly     (fold) the blankets and spread them on the bed. 
    2.It takes a lot of time and effort to get an      (exhibit) ready. 
    3.This battle was     (vivid) recorded in the article. 
    4.He was     (elegant) dressed in a grey suit,blue shirt and beautiful tie. 
    5.He is fond of      (listen) to music while he is doing sports. 
    6.Her work is very highly     (regard). 
    答案:1.unfolded 2.exhibition 3.vividly 4.elegantly 5.listening 6.regarded
    1.              (瞧)that dress! 
    2.A working party has been set up to                 (调查这个问题). 
    3.The girl        (被看作) a representative of the youth of her generation. 
    4.During the interview her fluent English          (给……留下深刻印象) the interviewer. 
    5.Outwardly she seemed confident but         (实际上) she felt extremely nervous. 
    答案:1.Get a load of 2.look into the problem 3.is regarded as 4.made a deep impression on 5.in reality

    1.我正在故宫为你们直播。(be being done)
    This broadcast is being brought to you from the Forbidden City.
    2.进入之后,你会看到数以千计的宫殿。(get a load of)
    After you enter the Forbidden City,you’ll get a load of thousands of palaces.
    3.看完每一间宫殿需要相当长的时间。(it takes... to do)
    It takes quite a long time to see every palace.
    4.这些宫殿跨越了几百年,出现在我们面前,仿佛时间没有流逝一般。(as if)
    These palaces reach out to us across hundreds of years as if time itself were nothing.

    After entering the Forbidden City,you’ll get a load of thousands of palaces.

    This broadcast is being brought to you from the Forbidden City.After entering the Forbidden City,you’ll get a load of thousands of palaces,and it takes quite a long time to see every palace.These palaces reach out to us across hundreds of years as if time itself were nothing.Once many emperors lived here,which makes it attract so many visitors every day.


    主旨大意:课文通过主播介绍了在巴黎卢浮宫陈列的雕塑the Winged Victory of Samothrace、Leonardo da Vinci的作品Mona Lisa和Rembrandt的自画像,在介绍这些艺术作品的同时,主播表达了自己的看法。


    Zack was broadcasting Louvre’s most amazing treasures.First,he showed us a huge sculpture—the Winged Victory of Samothrace,whose head and arms were missing.Next,he presented us a painting—Mona Lisa,of whom the sadness in her smile attracted many visitors every day.Finally,we enjoyed the self-portrait of an artist named Rembrandt.We were advised to subscribe to find out where he was visiting next!
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.sponsor   v.资助
    2.emperor n.皇帝
    3.fond adj.喜爱的
    4.vase n.花瓶
    5.mostly adv.大部分;主要地
    6.shade n.(色彩的)浓淡,深浅,色度
    7.bare v.使暴露,露出
    8.wine n.葡萄酒
    9.gallop v.(马)飞奔,疾驰
    1.magnificent adj.宏伟的,壮丽的→magnificence n.华丽→magnificently adv.壮丽地,壮观地,宏伟地
    2.frequent adj.经常发生的,频繁的→frequently adv.频繁地,屡次地,往往→frequency n.频率,发生次数
    3.dirt n.灰尘,尘土→dirty adj.脏的
    1.We’re     (most) out on Sundays. 
    2.Buses run     (frequent) between the city and the airport. 
    3.She circled the bedroom,picking up    (dirt) clothes. 
    4.The boss of the company will sponsor 100 students     (enter) college per year. 
    5.The soft clouds     (surround) the mountain tops,he was reduced to tears. 
    6.It is suggested that the question     (discuss) at the next meeting. 
    答案:1.mostly 2.frequently 3.dirty 4.to enter 5.surrounding 6.should be discussed
    1.        (据说) they have realised their wishes. 
    2.He         (被认为) as one of the greatest contemporary football players. 
    3.                (尽管他缺乏经验),he got the job finally. 
    4.                (我们是多么兴奋) to know that our parents will take us to London during our winter holiday. 
    答案:1.It is said that 2.is regarded 3.Although he lacked experience 4.How excited we are

    1.《清明上河图》因图像准确而知名。(be known for)
    Along the River During the Qingming Festival is known for its accurate image.
    Though there was no advanced science and technology,the picture still pictured the prosperity.
    This is a breathtaking picture.
    4.这幅画卷被称为宋朝的百科全书。 (be regarded as)
    This picture is regarded as the encyclopaedia of the Song Dynasty.
    5.使得其他画作黯然失色。 (put sb./sth.in the shade)
    This picture puts other pictures in the shade.
    6.如果你也喜欢这幅画卷,你可以去北京故宫博物院欣赏一下。(be fond of)
    If you are also fond of this picture,you can visit the Palace Museum and appreciate it by yourself.
    7.你欣赏得越多,你对它的理解就越多。(the more...the more...)
    The more you appreciate it,the more understanding of it you’ll have.

    There being no advanced science and technology,the picture still pictured the prosperity.
    What a breathtaking picture it is!
    This picture is regarded as the encyclopaedia of the Song Dynasty,which puts other pictures in the shade.

    Along the River During the Qingming Festival is known for its accurate image.There being no advanced science and technology,the picture still pictured the prosperity.What a breathtaking picture it is!This picture is regarded as the encyclopaedia of the Song Dynasty,which puts other pictures in the shade.If you are also fond of this picture,you can visit the Palace Museum and appreciate it by yourself.The more you appreciate it,the more understanding of it you’ll have.




    Born into a poor family in the early Tang Dynasty,Han Gan was good at capturing not only the physical features of the animal,but also its inner spirit and strength.His artistic talent was accidentally discovered by Wang Wei and his years of hard work made him a royal painter.However,he drew horses by observing them.Those who saw Han Gan’s horse paintings all sang high praises for his unique skill.
    Unit 5 What an adventure!
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.thus    adv.因此,从而
    2.zone n.地区,地带
    3.oxygen n.氧气
    4.port n.港,港口
    5.guideline n. 指导方针,指导原则
    6.liquid n.液体,液态物
    7.stretch v.延伸,绵延
    1.confirm v.证实,证明→confirmation n.证实,证明,证明书
    2.crowd n.人群→crowded adj.拥挤的,充满的
    3.attempt n.努力,尝试→attempted adj.未遂的,企图的
    4.failure n.失败→fail v.失败,衰退,不及格
    5.unaware adj.未觉察到的,未意识到的→awareness n.认识,意识,感悟能力→aware adj.注意到的,意识到的
    6.injury n.伤,损害→injure v.伤害,使受伤→injured adj.受伤的,有伤的
    1.Because of the appearance of the famous professor,the lecture hall was     (crowd) with young students. 
    2.I’m still waiting for     (confirm) of the test results. 
    3.She attempted      (figure) out the problem,but failed. 
    4.Despite     (enjoy) taking risks,he cares about safety most when climbing mountains. 
    5.The little boy can’t stand        (laugh) at by his classmates. 
    6.It is important that students develop an     (aware) of how the Internet can be used. 
    7.The player is under good treatment and the chances are that he will recover from his     (injure) in time for the next game. 
    8.The best way to treat such     (bleed) is to apply firm pressure. 
    9.A lot of small companies are having to fight for     (survive). 
    10.Sometimes people make up such     (amaze) stories. 
    答案:1.crowded 2.confirmation 3.to figure 4.enjoying 5.being laughed 6.awareness 7.injury 8.bleeding 9.survival 10.amazing
    1.We finished the task 15 minutes        (提前). 
    2.The new film is very exciting and         (它值得一看). 
    3.            (已经证实)the atmosphere of the family has a great effect on children’s mental and physical health. 
    4.He          (正在努力尝试着)get rid of the bad habit of staying up late. 
    5.       (是……的责任)us young people to make our country richer and stronger. 
    6.Memories of my childhood         (涌上心头) me when I saw these photos. 
    答案:1.ahead of time 2.it is worth watching 3.It has been confirmed that
    4.is making an attempt to 5.It is up to 6.crowded in on

    1.徐霞客喜欢冒险。(take risks)
    Xu Xiake liked to take risks.
    2.他总是探寻名山。(in search of)
    He was always in search of well-known mountains.
    3.他让我们认识了很多山,例如天台山、雁荡山。(bring...into focus)
    He brought numerous mountains into focus,including the Tiantai Mountain and Yandang Mountain.
    4.登山是一项独一无二的体验,可以使得我们强大。(like no other)
    Climbing mountains is an experience like no other,which could make us powerful.
    5.旅途中他经常遇到困难。(encounter difficulties)
    He often encountered difficulties during his journey.
    6.这部书被称为文学和科学的综合体。(refer to...as...)
    This book is referred to as a combination of literature and science.

    Xu Xiake,always in search of well-known mountains,liked to take risks.
    Climbing mountains is an experience like no other,making us powerful.
    He often encountered difficulties during his journey,whose book is referred to as a combination of literature and science.

    Xu Xiake,always in search of well-known mountains,liked to take risks.He brought numerous mountains into focus,including the Tiantai Mountain and the Yandang Mountain.As we all know,climbing mountains is an experience like no other,making us powerful.He used to encounter difficulties during his journey,whose book is referred to as a combination of literature and science.




    Climbing Qomolangma is an experience making some feel weak and others,powerful.We can get sheer joy from this adventure and it brings into focus what’s important to us.The personalities of risk-taking people are referred to as “Type T”.Our desire to seek risks can be connected to how much we expect to benefit from the result.However,whether the benefits of climbing Qomolangma worth the risks, it’s totally up to you.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.charge    n.主管,负责
    2.captain n.船长
    3.ahead adv.在前面
    4.chapter n. 章节
    5.consume v.消耗
    6.distinguish v.看清;认出
    7.wrinkled adj.有皱褶的
    8.shore n.岸,滨
    9.broad adj.宽的,阔的
    10.beneath prep.在……之下,在……正下方
    11.resident n.居民,住户
    1.servant n. 仆人,佣人→serve v.端上(饭菜),服务→service n.服务
    2.permit vt.允许,准许,许可→permit n.执照;许可证→permission n.允许
    3.relate v.相联系,有关联;讲述→relative n.亲戚,亲属→related adj.有关系的,相关的→relation n. 联系,关系
    4.astonish v.使吃惊,使惊讶→astonished adj.感到吃惊的→astonishing adj.令人吃惊的,惊人的→astonishment n.惊讶,惊奇;令人惊讶的事物或人
    5.gradually adv.逐步地,逐渐地→gradual adj.渐进的,逐渐的
    6.surround v.围绕,环绕→surrounding adj.周围的,环绕的→surroundings n.(pl.)环境
    7.depth n.深,深度→deep adj.深的,厚的→deeply adv.深深地
    1.Our beautiful village     (surround) by series of hills and a clean river. 
    2.Trainees should be invited to relate new ideas       their past experiences. 
    3.I felt     (astonish) at how soon the patients began to enjoy the therapy. 
    4.The school does not permit their     (enter) the chemical laboratory without permission. 
    5.The father will not permit his little daughter     (eat) more candies. 
    6.Like any other public     (serve),fire fighters must quickly respond to public demand anytime and anywhere. 
    7.The oil well extended several hundreds of feet in     (deep). 
    8.We shall discuss the problem as it relates      our specific case. 
    9.She gives the     (impress) of being very busy. 
    10.It is believed that reading increases our knowledge and      (broad) our mind. 
    答案:1.is surrounded 2.to 3.astonished 4.entering 5.to eat 6.servants 7.depth 8.to 9.impression 10.broadens
    1.What he said         (说明……的原因) this strange phenomenon. 
    2.Because of our joint efforts,we         (赶走) the Japanese invaders in 1945. 
    3.My assistant will be         (负责) the department in my absence. 
    4.Our school do not                (允许学生染发). 
    5.Can you see the picture clearly             (在……的距离处) ten metres?  
    6.As I         (回顾) those years,I am struck by Annie’s wisdom. 
    7.        (为了) achieve your wants and desires,set up goals for yourself. 
    8.The care and love from an teacher will         (留下深刻印象)students’ mind. 
    答案:1.accounted for 2.drove away 3.in charge of 4.permit students to colour their hair 5.at a distance of 6.look back upon 7.In order to 8.leave a deep impression on

    参考词汇:长空栈道 Changkong Cliff Road
    1.长空栈道给我留下了深刻刺激的印象。(leave a...impression on sb.)
    Changkong Cliff Road left a deep and thrilling impression on me.
    2.当我回忆这些印象时,我依然心有余悸。(look back on)
    When I look back on these impressions,I am still terrified.
    3.我们的旅游团队由三名导游负责。(in the charge of)
    Our tour group is in the charge of three tour guides.
    4.没有导游的准许,游客不能随意离开旅游团。(without one’s permission)
    Nobody can be allowed to leave the tour group without the tour guide’s permission.
    5.我们步行前进时被许多喜欢冒险的游客围绕。(be surrounded with)
    While we were walking,we were surrounded with a group of adventurous tourists.
    6.令我感到惊讶的是,他们很勇敢。(to one’s astonishment)
    To my astonishment,they were brave enough.
    7.他们对我们很友好,如同我们是他们的家人。(as if)
    They were friendly to us as if we were their families.

    I am still terrified when I look back on these deep and thrilling impressions left upon me by Changkong Cliff Road.
    Our tour group is in the charge of three tour guides,without whose permission nobody can be allowed to leave the tour group.
    While walking,we were surrounded with a group of adventurous tourists.
    What astonished me was that they were brave enough.

    Last week,I went to visit Mount Hua with my parents.I am still terrified when I look back on these deep and thrilling impressions left upon me by Changkong Cliff Road. Our tour group is in the charge of three tour guides,without whose permission nobody can be allowed to leave the tour group.To our surprise,while walking,we were surrounded with a group of adventurous tourists.What astonished me was that they were brave enough.Besides, they were friendly to us as if we were their families.


    主旨大意:课文是根据法国作家Jules Verne的科幻小说《海底两万里》的选段改写的,通过Aronnax教授等人跟随Nemo船长在海底漫步的视角,呈现了海底的景色,着重描述了阳光透过水面的光线变化和在海床上行走的感受。


    Adapted from a chapter of the book,Aronnax describes the experience of walking on the sea bed.Words are not enough to relate such wonders!The light astonished the writer by its power.He could see as if he was in broad daylight at the depth of thirty feet.
    Unit 6 Disaster and hope
    Part 1 Starting out,Understanding ideas,Using language

    1.tube   n.管子
    2.plus adj.(用于数字后面表示)多,余
    3.hurricane n.飓风
    4.landslide n.山崩,滑坡
    5.forecast v.预测,预报
    6.grab v.攫取,抓住
    7.tsunami n.海啸
    8.rescue n.营救,解救
    9.typhoon n.台风
    10.blizzard n.暴风雪
    11.avalanche n.雪崩
    12.claim v.(战争、事故等)夺去(生命)
    13.crisis n.危机
    14.satellite n.人造卫星
    1.erupt v.(火山)爆发,喷发→eruption n.爆发,喷发
    2.occur v.发生→occurrence n.发生的事情,发生
    3.announcement n.通告,公告→announce v.声明,宣告→announcer n.宣告者,播音员
    4.reliable adj.可信赖的,可靠的→reliability n.可靠性,可信度→rely v.依靠,信赖
    5.exceptionally adv.极其,非常→exceptional adj.例外的,特别的,罕见的→exception n.例外
    6.precisely adv.精确地,准确地→precise adj.精确的,准确的
    7.threat n.威胁→threaten v.威胁到,危及→threatening adj.恐吓的,具有威胁的
    1.It remained an      (exceptional) rare book before it was reprinted. 
    2.     (billion) of years ago,universe was too hot for life to exist. 
    3.The temple was destroyed in the violent      (erupt) of 1470 BC. 
    4.If you hear an alarm,leave the building     (immediate). 
    5.Today’s      (announce) of a peace agreement came after weeks of discussion. 
    6.I found this is a      (rely) brand of washing machines. 
    7.Have you crossed the road to avoid      (talk) to someone you recognise? 
    8.It’s not clear     (precise) how the accident happened. 
    答案:1.exceptionally 2.Billions 3.eruption 4.immediately 5.announcement 
    6.reliable 7.talking 8.precisely
    1.It was reported that the storm             (给……造成损失) personal property. 
    2.She             (漏掉) an important detail in her report. 
    3.Sure enough,she,who is ready to help others, can’t             (被视为) a selfish girl. 
    4.        (随着时间的推移),however,we have the opportunity to learn to accept ourselves. 
    5.            (我突然想到) we ought to make a new plan for the coming holiday. 
    答案:1.caused damage to 2.left out 3.be considered as 4.Over time 5.It suddenly struck me that

    1.自然灾害的发生是常有的事情。(it’s typical that...)
    It’s typical that a natural disaster occurs every now and then.
    2.自然灾害会对我们的生活产生极其负面的影响。(have a negative impact on...)
    A natural disaster will have an extremely negative impact on our life.
    3.面对泥石流,要保持镇静从容。(in the face of)
    In the face of mudslides,stay calm and unhurried.
    4.不要携带任何贵重物品,例如首饰珠宝和钱物。(pick up)
    Never pick up anything precious,including valuable jewelry and possessions.
    5.毕竟生命更为贵重。(after all)
    After all,life is more important than the valuable jewelry and possessions.
    6.不携带贵重物品更容易到达安全区域。(make it to)
    It’s easier for you to make it to a safe place without any valuable belongings.
    7.要对自然灾害保持乐观的态度。(positive attitude)
    You should keep a positive attitude towards natural disasters.

    It’s typical that a natural disaster occurs every now and then,which will have an extremely negative impact on our life.
    Because life is more important than the valuable jewelry and possessions,never pick up anything precious,including valuable jewelry and possessions.

    It’s typical that a natural disaster occurs every now and then,which will have an extremely negative impact on our life.In the face of mudslides,stay calm and unhurried.Because life is more important than the valuable jewelry and possessions,never pick up anything precious,including valuable jewelry and possessions.It’s easier for you to make it to a safe place without any valuable belongings.What’s more,you should keep a positive attitude towards natural disasters.




    Today,the temperature in London is expected to reach 30 plus degrees! He felt sick and then he thought about work to avoid the feeling.Meanwhile he started planning for the future.He knew disaster news by looking through newspaper.Experts say this bad weather has occurred due to climate change.The disaster news made him nervous.Maybe he has been worrying too much.
    Part 2 Developing ideas,Presenting ideas,Reflection

    1.billion   num.十亿
    2.lap n.(坐着时的)大腿部
    3.nowhere adv.什么地方都不,无处
    4.otherwise adv.否则,要不然
    5.mosquito n.蚊子
    6.midnight n.子夜,午夜
    7.county n.(美国等国家的)县;(英国的)郡
    8.property n.所有物,资产,财产
    9.shelter n.庇护,掩蔽
    10.helicopter n.直升机
    sufficient adj.足够的,充足的→sufficiency
    n.充足→insufficient adj.不充足的
    1.Her brother      (threat) to leave her in the dark room alone when she disobeyed his order. 
    2.The holes were      (sufficient) large to serve as nests. 
    3.The universe as a whole contains      (billion) of comparable galaxies. 
    4.The man has made a positive     (contribute) to the project’s success. 
    5.The new regulations will be of benefit to everyone     (concern). 
    答案:1.threatened 2.sufficiently 3.billions 4.contribution 5.concerned
    1.He was so tired that he fell asleep             (一上到床上). 
    2.            (他们还没有证明) that they can be suitable for that position. 
    3.We enjoyed the sunset in the west,             (美丽的景色使我着迷). 
    4.When the tsunami hit the fishing village,the fishermen had no idea             (他们该怎样做). 
    5.Try to     (远离) food with high calories,such as sweets and fast food. 
    6.            (世界上没有其他地方) can attract so many visitors. 
    答案:1.the moment he got to bed 2.They have yet to prove 3.the beautiful scenery fascinating/attracting me 4.what they should do 5.stay away from 6.Nowhere else in the world

    1.台风每年都会发生,特别是夏季。(take place)
    Typhoon takes place every year,especially in summer.
    2.面对台风不要惊慌失措。(get into a panic)
    In the face of typhoon,never get into a panic.
    3.首先,尽快躲到结实的建筑物内。(at first)
    At first,you should get inside the strong buildings as quickly as you can.
    4.台风发生后,房顶很容易被刮走。(fly off)
    When typhoon happens,it is easy for the roof to fly off.
    5.不要冒险开车通过台风。(take a chance)
    Never take a chance to drive through the typhoon.
    6.要远离电线杆。(stay away)
    Stay away from the electrical poles.
    7.同时要注意周边环境。(look out for)
    Meanwhile,you are to look out for the surroundings.
    8.你应该保持乐观,看到事情好的一面,并向我们光明的未来继续前进。(move on)
    You should keep positive and see the good side of things,and move on to your bright future.

    What matters first is that you should get inside the strong buildings as quickly as you can.
    2.将句4用the moment引导的时间状语从句进行升级。
    The moment the typhoon happens,it is easy for the roof to fly off.
    To move on to your bright future,you should keep positive and see the good side of things.

    Typhoon takes place every year,especially in summer. In the face of typhoon,never get into a panic. What matters first is that you should get inside the strong buildings as quickly as you can.The moment the typhoon happens,it is easy for the roof to fly off.Furthermore,never take a chance to drive through the typhoon.Eventually,stay away from the electrical poles.Meanwhile,you are to look out for the surroundings.To move on to your bright future,you should keep positive and see the good side of things.




    A severe hurricane happened quickly.Soon the street turned into a river and then they were going nowhere.However,without a roof,staying inside was too dangerous.But they still tried to see the good side of things.Fortunately,only a few days later,they were rescued.After the hurricane,they were inspired and given confidence to move on.


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