高中英语上教版必修二 Unit1.单元知识点讲解
Unit 1 Nature
1. creature /ˈkriːtʃə/ n. 生物; 动物
2. paradise /ˈpærəˌdaɪs/ n .天堂
3. wither/ˈwɪðə/ vi . 变虚弱
4. replace /rɪˈpleɪs/ vt. 代替; 取代
5. theory /ˈθɪərɪ/ n. 理论
6. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/ n. 奖励; vt.回报
7. solution /səˈluːʃən/ n. 解决办法
8. ignore /ɪɡˈnɔː/ vt. 不理睬; 忽视
9. restore /rɪˈstɔː/ vt. 恢复
10. destroy /dɪˈstrɔɪ/ vt. 摧毁
11. flourish /ˈflʌrɪʃ/ vi 繁荣; 兴旺
12. balance /ˈbæləns/ v. 使平衡; n. 平衡
13. delicate /ˈdɛlɪkɪt/ adj. 易碎的; 脆弱的; 精巧的; 精美的; 微妙的
14. beyond /bɪˈjɒnd/ prep. . 在…的另一边;在…之外
15. generation /ˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʃən/ n. 一代人
16. preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/ vt.维护;保藏
17. appreciate /əˈpriːʃɪˌeɪt/ vt. 欣赏;感激
18. miraculous /mɪˈrækjʊləs/ adj. 奇迹般的
19. sunset/ˈsʌnˌsɛt/ n. 日落
20. familiar /fəˈmɪlɪə/ adj. 熟悉的
21. affect /əˈfɛkt/ vt. 影响 (某人或物);(疾病) 困扰 (某人)
22. mood /muːd/ n 情绪
23. responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbəl/ adj. 负有责任的
24. romantic /rəʊˈmæntɪk/ adj. 浪漫的
25. timid /ˈtɪmɪd/ adj 羞怯的
26. frozen /ˈfrəʊzən/ adj (地面) 冰冻的; 冻僵的
27. aware /əˈwɛə/ adj. 意识到…的
28. positive /ˈpɒzɪtɪv/ adj. (心态) 积极的
1. send for 派人去叫; 请 (某人) 来
2. show up 使显露; 显露
3. break into 强行闯入;成功打入 (某行业、某领域)
4. tear up 拆除; 拆毁
1. creature
creature /ˈkriːtʃə/ n. You can refer to any living thing that is not a plant as a creature, especially when it is of an unknown or unfamiliar kind. People also refer to imaginary animals and beings as creatures. (尤指不明的或想像中的) 生物; 动物
例:Alaskan Eskimos believe that every living creature possesses a spirit.
1. creative /kriːˈeɪtɪv/
adj A creative person has the ability to invent and develop original ideas, especially in the arts. 有创造力的
例:Like so many creative people, he was never satisfied.
2. creativity n. 创造力
例:American art reached a peak of creativity in the '50s and '60s.
2. paradise /ˈpærəˌdaɪs/
n . According to some religions, paradise is a wonderful place where people go after they die, if they have led good lives. 天堂
例:The book describes paradise as a place containing a garden of delight.
Bali is one of the world's great natural paradises.
3. wither/ˈwɪðə/
1. vi . If someone or something withers, they become very weak. 变虚弱
例:When he went into retirement, he visibly withered.
wither away 变虚弱
例:To see my body literally wither away before my eyes was sad.
2. vi. If a flower or plant withers, it dries up and dies. (花朵或植物) 枯萎
例:The flowers in Isabel's room had withered.
4. replace /rɪˈpleɪs/
1. vt. If one thing or person replaces another, the first is used or acts instead of the second. 代替; 取代
例:One species of tree replaces another as a forest ages.
2. vt. If you replace one thing or person with another, you put something or someone else in their place to do their job. 用…代替; 用…替换
例:I clean out all the grease and replace it with oil so it works better in very low temperatures.
substitute /ˈsʌbstɪˌtjuːt/
n/v. If you substitute one thing for another, or if one thing substitutes for another, it takes the place or performs the function of the other thing. 替代品/ 以…代替; 代替
例:They were substituting violence for dialogue.
replace A with B 用B替换A
substitute A for B 用A 代替B
5. theory /ˈθɪərɪ/
n. A theory is a formal idea or set of ideas that is intended to explain something. 理论
例:Marx produced a new theory about historical change based upon conflict between competing groups.
in theory 从理论上讲
Achieving these goals is relatively easy in theory, yet quite difficult in practice.
6. reward /rɪˈwɔːd/
1. n. A reward is something that you are given, for example because you have behaved well, worked hard, or provided a service to the community. 奖励
例:A bonus of up to five percent can be added to a student's final exam score as a reward for good spelling, punctuation, and grammar.
2. n. A reward is a sum of money offered to anyone who can give information about lost or stolen property, a missing person, or someone who is wanted by the police. 赏金
例:The firm last night offered a $10,000 reward for information leading to the conviction of the killer.
3. vt. If you do something and are rewarded with a particular benefit, you receive that benefit as a result of doing that thing. 回报
例:Make the extra effort to impress the buyer and you will be rewarded with a quicker sale at a better price.
4. n. The rewards of something are the benefits that you receive as a result of doing or having that thing. 回报
例:The company is just starting to reap the rewards of long-term investments.
reward, award
reward 指对品德高尚和勤劳的人所给予的奖励。也可指为某事付酬金。
award 侧重指官方或经正式研究裁决后对有功者或竞赛优胜者所给予的奖励。
7. solution /səˈluːʃən/
1. n. A solution to a problem or difficult situation is a way of dealing with it so that the difficulty is removed. 解决办法
例:Although he has sought to find a peaceful solution, he is facing pressure to use greater military force.
2. n. The solution to a puzzle is the answer to it. 谜底
We invited readers who completed the puzzle to send in their solutions.
solution to… …的解决方案/谜底
8. ignore /ɪɡˈnɔː/
1. vt. If you ignore someone or something, you pay no attention to them. 不理睬
例:She said her husband ignored her.
2. vt. If you say that an argument or theory ignores an important aspect of a situation, you are criticizing it because it fails to consider that aspect or to take it into account. (某论断或理论) 忽视
例:Such arguments ignore the question of where ultimate responsibility lay.
9. restore /rɪˈstɔː/
1. vt. To restore a situation or practice means to cause it to exist again. 恢复
例:The army has recently been brought in to restore order.
2. restoration n. 恢复
例:His visit is expected to lead to the restoration of diplomatic relations.
3. vt. To restore someone or something to a previous condition or place means to cause them to be in that condition or place once again. 使复原
例:We will restore her to health but it may take time.
4. vt. When someone restores something such as an old building, painting, or piece of furniture, they repair and clean it, so that it looks like it did when it was new. 修复
例:...experts who specialize in examining and restoring ancient parchments.
5. vt. If something that was lost or stolen is restored to its owner, it is returned to them. 归还
例:The following day their horses and goods were restored to them.
backup and restore 备份与还原
10. destroy /dɪˈstrɔɪ/
1. vt. To destroy something means to cause so much damage to it that it is completely ruined or does not exist any more. 摧毁
例:That's a sure recipe for destroying the economy and creating chaos.
2. vt. To destroy someone means to ruin their life or to make their situation impossible to bear. 毁掉
例:If I was younger or more naive, the criticism would have destroyed me.
3. vt. If an animal is destroyed, it is killed, either because it is ill or because it is dangerous. 宰杀
例:Lindsay was unhurt but the horse had to be destroyed.
destroy, break, wreck, ruin, spoil, damage
1)destroy 多指彻底地、毁灭性地破坏,含导致无用,不能或很难再修复的意味。
2)ruin 多指因外部原因而受到严重破坏或毁灭,侧重破坏的彻底性,也可用于引申意义。
3)spoil 强调不仅会削弱力量、精力或价值,而且会导致不可避免的毁灭。
4)damage 多指对无生命物体的损害,造成降低价值、破坏功能等后果。
11. flourish /ˈflʌrɪʃ/
1. vi If something flourishes, it is successful, active, or common, and developing quickly and strongly. 繁荣; 兴旺
例:Business flourished and within six months they were earning 18,000 roubles a day.
2. adj. flourishing 繁荣的; 兴旺的
例:Boston quickly became a flourishing port.
3. vi. If a plant or animal flourishes, it grows well or is healthy because the conditions are right for it. (动植物因环境适宜而) 旺盛
例:The plant flourishes particularly well in slightly harsher climes.
5. vt. If you flourish an object, you wave it about in a way that makes people notice it. 挥舞
例:He flourished the glass to emphasize the point.
6. n. Flourish is also a noun. 挥动
例:He took his cap from under his arm with a flourish and pulled it low over his eyes.
in full flourish 在全盛时,盛极一时
12. balance /ˈbæləns/
1. v. If you balance something somewhere, or if it balances there, it remains steady and does not fall. 使平衡; 平衡
例:I balanced on the ledge.
2. n. Balance is the ability to remain steady when you are standing up. 平衡能力
例:The medicines you are currently taking could be affecting your balance.
balance between …之间的平衡
in/on balance adv. 总而言之,总的来说
in the balance 悬而未决;在危急状态中
balance sheet 资产负债表
13. delicate /ˈdɛlɪkɪt/
1) adj. If something is delicate, it is easy to harm, damage, or break, and needs to be handled or treated carefully. 易碎的; 脆弱的
例:Although the coral looks hard, it is very delicate.
2). adj. Something that is delicate is small and beautifully shaped. 精巧的; 精美的
例:He had delicate hands.
3). adj. Something that is delicate has a colour, taste, or smell which is pleasant and not strong or intense. 柔和的 (颜色); 清淡可口的 (味道)
例:Young haricot beans have a tender texture and a delicate, subtle flavour.
4) adj You use delicate to describe a situation, problem, matter, or discussion that needs to be dealt with carefully and sensitively in order to avoid upsetting things or offending people. 微妙的
例:Ottawa and Washington have to find a delicate balance between the free flow of commerce and legitimate security concerns.
1. beyond /bɪˈjɒnd/
1). prep. If something is beyond a place or barrier, it is on the other side of it. 在…的另一边
例:On his right was a thriving vegetable garden and beyond it a small orchard of apple trees.
2). adv. Beyond is also an adverb. 在…的另一边
例:The house had a fabulous view out to the Strait of Georgia and the Rockies beyond.
3). If something happens beyond a particular time or date, it continues after that time or date has passed. (时间) 在…之后
例:Few jockeys continue race-riding beyond the age of 40.
1)beyond expression 无法表达 ; 无法形容 ; 说不出的
2)beyond measure 极度 ; 不可估量 ; 无法估量的
3)beyond repair 无法修复 ; 无法修理
4)beyond sb. 超出某人的理解范围
2. generation /ˌdʒɛnəˈreɪʃən/
n. A generation is all the people in a group or country who are of a similar age, especially when they are considered as having the same experiences or attitudes. 一代人
例:...the younger generation of party members.
3. preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/
1). vt. If you preserve a situation or condition, you make sure that it remains as it is, and does not change or end. 维护
例:We will do everything to preserve peace.
2). vt. If you preserve something, you take action to save it or protect it from damage or decay. 保护
例:We need to preserve the forest.
3). vt. If you preserve food, you treat it in order to prevent it from decaying so that you can store it for a long time. 保藏
例:I like to make puree, using only enough sugar to preserve the plums.
4) .n. Preserves are foods made by cooking fruit with a large amount of sugar so that they can be stored for a long time. 果酱
例:She decided to make peach preserves for Christmas gifts.
4. appreciate /əˈpriːʃɪˌeɪt/
1). vt. If you appreciate something, for example, a piece of music or good food, you like it because you recognize its good qualities. 欣赏
例:Anyone can appreciate our music.
2). vt. If you appreciate a situation or problem, you understand it and know what it involves. 理解
例:She never really appreciated the depth and bitterness of the family's conflict.
3). vt. If you appreciate something that someone has done for you or is going to do for you, you are grateful for it. 感激
例:Peter stood by me when I most needed it. I'll always appreciate that.
5. miraculous /mɪˈrækjʊləs/
adj. If you describe a good event as miraculous, you mean that it is very surprising and unexpected. 奇迹般的
例:The horse made a miraculous recovery to finish a close third.
6. sunset/ˈsʌnˌsɛt/
1). n. Sunset is the time in the evening when the sun disappears out of sight from the sky. 日落
例:The dance ends at sunset.
2).n. A sunset is the colours and light that you see in the western part of the sky when the sun disappears in the evening. 晚霞
例:There was a red sunset over Paris.
8. familiar /fəˈmɪlɪə/
1. adj. If someone or something is familiar to you, you recognize them or know them well. 熟悉的
例:He talked of other cultures as if they were more familiar to him than his own.
例:They are already familiar faces on our TV screens.
be familiar with…对…是熟悉的
Most people are familiar with this figure from Wagner's opera.
9. affect /əˈfɛkt/
1). vt. If something affects a person or thing, it influences them or causes them to change in some way. (某事物) 影响 (某人或物)
例:Nicotine adversely affects the functioning of the heart and arteries.
例:More than seven million people have been affected by drought.
2). vt. If a disease affects someone, it causes them to become ill. (疾病) 困扰 (某人)
例:Arthritis is a crippling disease which affects people all over the world.
3). vt. If something or someone affects you, they make you feel a strong emotion, especially sadness or pity. (某事物或人) 影响 (某人)
例:If Jim had been more independent, the divorce would not have affected him as deeply.
10. mood /muːd/
1). n Your mood is the way you are feeling at a particular time. If you are in a good mood, you feel cheerful. If you are in a bad mood, you feel angry and impatient. 情绪
例:He is clearly in a good mood today.
例:Lily was in one of her aggressive moods.
2). If you say that you are in the mood for something, you mean that you want to do it or have it. If you say that you are in no mood to do something, you mean that you do not want to do it or have it. 有/无心情 (做某事)
例:After a day of air and activity, you should be in the mood for a good meal.
3). n. If someone is in a mood, the way they are behaving shows that they are feeling angry and impatient. 心情不好
例:She was obviously in a mood.
11. responsible /rɪˈspɒnsəbəl/
1). adj. If someone or something is responsible for a particular event or situation, they are the cause of it or they can be blamed for it. 负有责任的
例:He still felt responsible for her death.
2) n. responsibility 责任
a sense of responsibility 责任感
be responsible for… 对…负责
12. romantic /rəʊˈmæntɪk/
1). adj. Someone who is romantic or does romantic things says and does things that make their wife, husband, girlfriend, or boyfriend feel special and loved. 浪漫
例:When we're together, all he talks about is business. I wish he were more romantic.
2). A romantic play, movie, or story describes or represents a love affair. 关于爱情的 (戏剧、影片或故事)
例:It is a lovely romantic comedy, well worth seeing.
3). adj. If you say that someone has a romantic view or idea of something, you are critical of them because their view of it is unrealistic and they think that thing is better or more exciting than it really is. 浪漫主义的; 不切实际的 [表不满]
例:He has a romantic view of rural society.
13. timid /ˈtɪmɪd/
adj Timid people are shy, nervous, and lack courage or confidence in themselves. 羞怯的
例:A timid child, Isabella had learned obedience at an early age.
14. frozen /ˈfrəʊzən/
1) adj If the ground is frozen it has become very hard because the weather is very cold. (地面) 冰冻的
例:It was bitterly cold now and the ground was frozen hard.
2). adj. Frozen food has been preserved by being kept at a very low temperature. 冷冻的 (食物)
例:Frozen fish is a very healthy convenience food.
3). adj. If you say that you are frozen, or a part of your body is frozen, you are emphasizing that you feel very cold. 冻僵的 [强调]
例:He put one hand up to his frozen face.
例:I'm frozen out here.
freezing adj. 寒冷的;表示体感寒冷;多修饰天气。
15. aware /əˈwɛə/
adj. If you are aware of something, you know about it. 意识到…的 [v-link ADJ]
Smokers are well aware of the dangers to their own health.
例:He should have been aware of what his junior officers were doing.
be aware of…意识到 ….
16. positive /ˈpɒzɪtɪv/
1). adj. If you are positive about things, you are hopeful and confident, and think of the good aspects of a situation rather than the bad ones. (心态) 积极的
例:Be positive about your future and get on with living a normal life.
例:Her husband became much more positive and was soon back in full-time employment.
1. send for
If you send for someone, you send them a message asking them to come and see you. 派人去叫; 请 (某人) 来
例:I've sent for the doctor.
2. show up
1. If something shows up or if something shows it up, it can be clearly seen or noticed. 使显露; 显露
例:You may have some strange disease that may not show up for 10 or 15 years.
例:The orange colour shows up well against most backgrounds.
2. If someone or something shows you up, they make you feel embarrassed or ashamed of them. 使难堪
例:He wanted to teach her a lesson for showing him up in front of Leonov.
3. break into
1). If someone breaks into a building, they get into it by force. 强行闯入
例:There was no one nearby who might see him trying to break into the house.
2). If someone breaks into something they suddenly start doing it. For example, if someone breaks into a run they suddenly start running, and if they break into song they suddenly start singing. 突然开始 (做某事)
例:The moment she was out of sight she broke into a run.
3). If you break into a profession or area of business, especially one that is difficult to succeed in, you manage to have some success in it. 成功打入 (某行业、某领域)
例:She finally broke into films after an acclaimed stage career.
4. tear up
If something such as a road, railway, or area of land is torn up, it is completely removed or destroyed. 拆除; 拆毁
例:Dozens of miles of railway track have been torn up.
1. 定语从句;
2. 关系代词的使用;
一、 语法知识归纳
基本概念:(一) 定语从句在复合句中作定语,修饰名词或代词的从句叫定语从句。
(二) 先行词被定语从句所修饰的名词或代词。一般情况下,定语从句紧跟先行词。但也有因各种原因定语从句与先行词被分割的现象。
定语从句的引导词。与先行词关系密切,因此紧跟先行词,并在定语从句中充当一个成分。关系代词有:who, whom, which, that和whose, 另外,as也可充当关系代词。关系代词在定语从句中充当主语、宾语、表语和定语。关系副词有:when, where和why。在定语从句中充当状语。
Do you know the man who is talking with your mother?
whom, which和that在从句中做宾语时,常可以省略,但介词提前时后面关系代词不能省略,也不可以用that
Mr. Smith is the person with whom I am working
The boy (whom) she loved died in the war.
I like those books whose topics are about history.
The boy whose father works abroad is my classmate.
A plane is a machine that can fly.
She is the pop star (that) I want to see very much.
The book (which) I gave you was worth $10.
The picture which was about the accident was terrible.
He is such a person as is respected by all of us.
This is the same pen as I lost yesterday.
① Do you know the professor who/that will give us a speech next week? (作主语)
② I read a report about his new novel that/ which will soon be published. (作主语)
③ The plan that/which they argued about was settled at last. (作宾语)
④ This is the new secretary (who/whom/that) I would like to introduce to you. (作宾语)
⑤ The soldier whose legs were badly wounded was operated on without delay. (作定语)
which, that 在代替物时,一般可以通用。
但在有些情况下,只用 that。
⑴ 先行词是最高级形容词或它的前面有最高级形容词修饰时。
① This is the best that has been used against pollution.
② English is the most difficult subject that you will learn during these years.
⑵ 先行词是序数词,或它前面有一个序数词时。例如:
① This is the last place (that) I want to visit.
② It is the first American movie of this kind that I’ve ever seen.
⑶ 先行词是 all, much, little, something, everything, anything, nothing, none等代词时。
例如:① You should hand in all that you have.
② We haven’t got much that we can offer you.
⑷ 先行词前面有the only, the very, any, few, little, no, all, much, every等修饰时。
例如:① The only thing that we can do is to give you some money.
② The little money (that) he had was stolen.
(三)宜用who, 而不用that的一些情况
⑴ 先行词是one, ones, anyone时。
例如:① One who has nothing to fear for oneself dares to tell the truth.
② Don’t tell anyone about the news who oughtn’t to know it.
例如:① Those who were not fit for their work could not see the beautiful clothes made of the magic cloth.
⑴ 先行词既有人又有物时。例如:
① Do you know the things and persons that they are talking about?
② The bike and its rider that had run over an old man were taken to the police station.
⑵ 主句已有疑问词who 或which时。
例如:① Which is the bike that you lost?② Who is the woman that was praised at the meeting?
⑴ whose是代词的所有格,它既可以代人也可以代物。
例如:① I saw a woman whose bag was stolen.
② Please show me the book whose cover is red.
⑵ 当whose表示物与物的所有格关系时,亦可用of which的形式。
① The building whose roof you can see from here is a new restaurant.
→ The building, the roof of which you can see from here, is a new restaurant.或
→ The building, of which the roof you can see from here is a new restaurant.
Have you seen the pen (which) I wrote the note with just now? (which作介词with的宾语)
→Have you seen the pen with which I wrote the note just now?
⑴ 介词前提后,先行词是人或物,关系代词分别只能用whom和which,而不再用that或who。
⑵ 介词前提后,关系代词不再能省略。
⑶ 有些含有介词的短语动词中的介词不能前提,如:look for, look after, take care of等。例如:
① 错误:Who is the old man to that you were talking to?
正确:Who is the old man to whom you were talking ? 或 Who is the old man (that/ whom) you were talking to?
② 错误:These are the sheep of which the boy took care.
正确:These are the sheep (which/that) the boy took care of.
① Who is the guy that is reading over there?
② The number of people that are going to the exhibition is expected to be over 25,000.
③ All that needs to be done has been done.
④ He is one of the students who use computer a lot for study.
⑤ Timmy is the only one of the pupils that has failed the exam.
如:This is the city (which/that) you visited last year.
定语从句所修饰的先行词是the city,放入定语从句you visited last year中,则它直接充当visited的宾语,变成:you visited the city last year.
如:This is the city where you stayed last year.
定语从句所修饰的先行词也是the city,将其放入定语从句中不能直接作成分,必须加上介词in,一起做从句的地点状语,即定语从句变为:you stayed in the city last year.
I. 选择适当的关系代词或关系副词把下列句子补充完整。
1. His father died in the year ____________ he was born.
2. He is unlikely to find the place ______________ he lived forty years ago.
3. Do you remember the day ______________ you joined our club?
4. Recently I bought a beautiful vase ______________ price was quite reasonable.
5. The reason ______________ I came here is to get your help.
6. I got the book in a small bookstore, the name of ____________ I cannot remember.
7. I will never forget the day _______________ we first met.
8. Is this the factory _________________ you once worked for?
9. Is that the reason ______________ he gave for his terrible behavior?
10. The kind girl ______________ shared her umbrella with me this morning turned out to be my boss.
II. 用定语从句合并下列句子
1. Bamboo grows well in these places.
It’s warm and wet all year round in these places.
2. Shall we go shopping this weekend?
I’ll have finished all my work by then.
3. Sandy is not a very popular singer, because of his strange way.
He dances in a strange way.
4. Is there any reason?
They don’t agree with each other on anything.
5. How can I forget that birthday? I was caught cheating on that day.
III.. 改错
1. Is this the museum the one the exhibition was held?
2. Who is late for the meeting tomorrow will be punished.
3. That is not the hospital that I stayed last time.
4. I am looking forward to the day which I become independent.
5. Why do you believe a person once told so many lies?
6. Nobody will forget the earthquake happened in Sichuan.
7. He is one of the students who is never late.
I. 选择适当的关系代词that, which, who, whom或whose,把下列句子补充完整。
1. when 2. where 3. when 4.whose 5. why
6. which 7. (when) 8. (that/which) 9. (that) 10. who/that
II. 用定语从句合并下列句子
1. Bamboo grows well in places where it’s warm and wet all year round.
2. Shall we go shopping this weekend by which time I’ll have finished all my work.?
3. Sandy is not a very popular singer because of the strange way he dances.
4. Is there any reason why they don’t agree with each other on anything?
5. How can I forget that birthday when I was caught cheating?
III. 改错
1. Is this the museum where the exhibition was held?或者
Is this museum the one where the exhibition was held.
2. Whoever is late for the meeting tomorrow will be punished.或者
Anyone who is late for the meeting tomorrow will be punished.
3. That is not the hospital where/ in which I stayed last time.
4. I am looking forward to the day when /on which I become independent.
5. Why do you believe a person who/that once told so many lies?
6. Nobody will forget the earthquake that/which happened in Sichuan.
7. He is one of the students who are never late.