高中英语上教版必修第二册 Unit1 No limits 词汇整理表
1. account /əˈkaʊnt/
n. 描述;叙述;报告;账户;
v. 解释 account
n. 会计 accountant
open/close an account
You’ll find no better account of the British Empire at its peak than the opening chapters of Manchester’s Visions of Glory, volume one of his The Last Lion. <2019年嘉定区二模阅读理解A篇>
你会发现,没有比《最后的狮子》(the Last Lion)的第一卷《曼彻斯特的荣耀愿景》(Manchester 's Visions of Glory)更能描述鼎盛时期的大英帝国了。
2. adapt /əˈdæpt/
v. 改编;改写使适应,使适合(新用途、新情况)
n. 改编 adaptation
Frankenstein was a book by Mary Shelly, which has been adapted for the screen dozens of times. <2017年普陀区二模阅读理解A篇>
《弗兰肯斯坦》是玛丽·雪莉 (Mary Shelly) 的一本书,该书已被改编并搬上银屏数十次。
3. attempt /əˈtempt/
n. 企图;试图;尝试
v. 努力;尝试;试图
make an attempty
Between 2006 and 2019, around two thirds of climbers were successful in their attempt to reach the top of Mount Everest. <2021年徐汇区一模阅读理解B篇>
4. blame /bleɪm/
v. 把…归咎于;指责
adj. 清白的 blameless
Recent research from Germany and Italy shows that heart attacks are more common on Monday mornings and doctors blame the stress of returning to work after the weekend break. <2018年奉贤区二模阅读理解C篇>
5. chemical /ˈkemɪkl/
n. 化学制品;化学品
adj. 与化学有关的;化学的
n. 化学家 chemist
n. 化学 chemistry
toxic chemicals
The problem lies in the growth of industrial agriculture and the use of pest control chemicals, as well as changes in weather patterns, all of which reduce the number of flowers bees have to visit. <2020年奉贤区二模阅读理解A篇>
6. conduct /kənˈdʌkt/
v. 组织;安排;实施
n. 行为举止 conduct
n. 指挥 conductor
conduct an experiment/an inquiry/a survey
In 1996, Congress created a commission to conduct a legal study of the social and economic impacts of gambling in the United States. <2017年徐汇区一模阅读理解C篇>
1996 年,国会成立了一个委员会,对美国赌博的社会和经济影响进行法律研究。
7. curiosity /ˌkjʊəriˈɒsəti/
n. 好奇心;求知欲
adj. 好奇的 curious
satisfy my curiosity
“Coming-of-age” stories satisfy our curiosity of looking at someone else’s life, and we become more and more attached to the characters as if we truly know them. <2018年黄浦区一模阅读理解A篇>
8. extent /ɪkˈstent/
n. 程度;限度
adj. 广泛的 extensive
In the late-1990s, more than 300,000 Americans aged 50-71 recalled the extent of their moderate to vigorous leisure exercise at different stages of their life. <2020年嘉定区二模阅读理解C篇>
在 1990 年代后期,超过 300,000 名 50-71 岁的美国人回忆他们在生命不同阶段进行的中度至剧烈休闲运动的程度。
9. issue /ˈɪʃuː/
n. 重要议题;争论的问题;问题;担忧
v. 宣布/发行 issue
a key/sensitive/controversial issue
A lot of important cultural issues were brought to light during the Harlem Renaissance. <2018年普陀区二模阅读理解A篇>
10. judgement /ˈdʒʌdʒmənt/
n. 看法;评价;判断力;识别力
v. 判断 judge
n. 法官 judge
good/poor/sound judgement
Some health researchers warned against making any general judgements based on the Apple-financed study. <2021年崇明区一模阅读理解C篇>
一些健康研究人员警告不要根据 Apple 资助的研究做出任何一般性判断。
11. limited /ˈlɪmɪtɪd/
adj. 有限的
v. 限制 limit
n. 限制 limitation
Cheap renewable energy is not only critical for the environment but also vital for economic development in many places where there is limited affordable energy of any kind. <2019年奉贤区二模阅读理解C篇>
12. preserve /prɪˈzɜːv/
v. 保护;维护;保留;储存;保鲜
n. 果酱 preserve
n. 保护 preservation
Medical students still take the Hippocratic Oath, a formal promise made by new doctors that they will follow the standards set by their profession and try to preserve life, swearing to use their skills to heal and do no harm. <2021年黄浦区一模阅读理解C篇>
13. reaction /riˈækʃn/
n. 反应;回应;生理反应;副作用
v. 反应 react
immediate reaction
Romanticism was a reaction against the Enlightenment’s embrace of rationality and reason. <2017年普陀区二模阅读理解A篇>
14. reveal /rɪˈviːl/
v. 揭示;显示;揭露
adj. revealing 发人深省的
reveal secrets
Years of unbalanced investment in public parks has left 100 million Americans without access to decent nearby green spaces during the coronavirus lockdown, a new report reveals. <2021年虹口区一模阅读理解A篇>
一份新报告显示,在冠状病毒封锁期间,多年来对公园的不平衡投资导致 1 亿美国人附近没有足够的绿地。
15. strategy /ˈstrætədʒi/
n. 策略;计策;行动计划
adj. 战略上的 strategic
military/economic strategy
When seeing a celebrity talking about a product, you may want to consider that this could be a carefully crafted marketing strategy designed to target your core needs. <2021年浦东新区二模阅读理解A篇>