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    这是一份福建省漳州市2021届高三下学期3月第二次教学质量检测英语试题含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了本试题共12页,满分150分, 15等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    3.回答非选择题时,将答案写在答题卡上,写在本试卷上一无效;回答选择题时,选出 每小题答案后,用2B铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净 后,再选涂其他答案标号。
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    做题时,先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案 转涂到答题卡上
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)
    听下面5段时话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最 佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置、听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £ 19. 15.B. £ 9. 18.C. £ 9. 15.
    1.What will the wman d tmrrw mrning?
    A. Tidy up her rm.B. Pick up Prfessr Brwn. C. Hand in her bk reprt.
    2. Which pad f Janet’s cmputer is ut f rder?
    A. The screen.B. The keybard.C. The muse.
    3. When is Henry leaving fr China?
    A. This weekend.B. Next week.C. At the end f May.
    4. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Husband and wife.B. Waitress and custmer.C. Mther and sn.
    5. What is the weather like?
    A. Rainy.B. Clear.C. Cludy.
    第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5,满分22. 5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个 选项中选出最隹选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个 小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听下面一段对话,回答第6和第7两个小题.
    6. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. In a car.B. In a cncert.C. At hme.
    7. What time is it nw?
    A. 7:00 pm.B. 6:30 pm.C. 6:00 pm.
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. A large rder.B. A bread factry.C. A baking system.
    9. What will the man d tnight?
    A. Buy sme bread.B. G t Marie's wrkplace. C. Teach Marie baking skills.
    10. What did the man d?
    A. He met Jasn.B. He did sme shpping. C. He attended a wedding.
    H. What des the wman say abut the jacket?
    A. a bit big.B. It's a little small.C. It's easy t get dirty.
    12. What des the wman expect the man t d?
    A. Wash his jeans.B. Buy a new jacket. C. Send the trusers back.
    13. What has the wman reserved fr Jhn?
    A. A htel.B. A flight.C. A match ticket.
    14. Why des Jhn cme here?
    A. T see a sccer game.
    B. T have a week-lng break.
    C. T get t knw sme prducts.
    15. Wh will Jhn have lunch with?
    A. The wman.B. Danny.C. Frank.
    16. What will the wman d next?
    A. Make a reservatin.B. Try t cntact Danny. C. Take Jhn t the restaurant.
    17. When will the exhibitin end?
    A. On Octber 3rd.B. On Octber 7th.C. On Octber 9th.
    18. Why is the whle exhibitin area flded with waler?
    A. T make visitrs cncerned abut rising sea levels.
    B. T shw hw the ice is disappearing.
    C. T try t make fun fr visitrs.
    19. What can yu see n the walls f the exhibitin hall?
    A. Phts f the scenery f the Arctic.
    B. Psters abut glbal warming.
    C. Intrductins t the exhibitin.
    20. What are peple encuraged t d n cmputers?
    A. Search fr infrmatin. B. Ask scientists questins. C. E-mail their friends.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2. 5分,满分37.5分)
    Luxury symbls f China, all-inclusive cruise (乘船游览)and Munt Fuji adventure
    Frm the architectural riches f China t the awe-inspiring beauty f Munt Fuji, discver wnders f the wrld during this epic adventure, paired with htel stays in interesting cities and an all-inclusive cruise n bard Silver Muse,
    Days 1 -3 Beijing—Htel Stay and Tur
    Discver China's greatest treasures during a fully accmpanied tur, wnder at the weaving Great Wall f China, admire the Temple f Heaven and uncver histry- in the Frbidden City.
    Days 4-5 Xi'an—Htel Stay and Tur
    Travel by fast train t Xi'an, ne f the birthplaces f Chinese civilizatin. Here yu'll visit the Terractta Army, ne f the greatest archaelgical sites in the wrld.
    Day 6 Shanghai—Embark (登船)Silver Muse
    Tday yu'll embark Silver Muse fr yur cruise t Osaka. Settle int yur surrundings and chse frm a wealth f dining experiences, persnalise yur suite ( 套房)t the finest detail — including yur chice f perfume, tiletries and pillw—and get t knw yur persnal butler wh will keep yur fridge stcked with yur favurite drinks. Cruising with Silversea is simply impressive. Days 7-9 Osaka—Disembark Silver Muse, Tky Htel Stay and Tur
    Yu'll disembark in Osaka and transfer t the airprt fr yur flight t Tky. Japan's capital basts an incredible cmbinatin f bth mdem and traditin as saring nen skyscrapers gather next t ancient temples. During yur three-night stay yu'll embark n a fully accmpanied tur f sacred Munt Fuji. Witness its splendid appearance during a ride n the Hakne Rpeway cable car, admire its quietness during a cruise trip acrss Lake Ashi and experience the speed f the bullet train as it whisks yu back t Tky.
    Days 10 Tky—Fly Hme
    21. Which f the fllwing best describes the htel service in Shanghai?
    A. Expensive. B. Persnalized. C. Amazing. D. Cmfrtable.
    22. T experience the mixture f mdem and traditin, yu'll chse.
    A. BeijingB. Xi'anC. ShanghaiD. Osaka
    23. Hw many means f transprtatin are mentined in the passage?
    A. 2.B. 3.C. 4.D. 5.
    Grman is the yungest pet in U. S. histry. She became the yuth pet laureate (获奖者)f Ls Angeles at age 16 in 2014 and the first natinal yuth pet laureate three years later. She has recently cmpleted her studies at Harvard University.
    Her mther, Jan Wicks, teaches middle schl in Watts. Shuttling amng the neighbrhds gave Grman a windw t the wrld. Her like fr petry elates at least back t the third grade when her teacher read Ray Bradbury's Dandelin Wine t the class.
    Grman is a lt better at it nw, but still wrking n her cnfidence as a public speaker. " Until tw r maybe three years ag, I culdn't say the letter "r" . Even t this day smetimes I struggle with it. I'd want t say 'girls can change the wrld' , but I cannt say s many letters in that statement, s I'd say things like 'yung wmen can shape the glbe'."
    Fr Grman, writing became a cure. "I used writing as a frm f self-expressin t get my wrd n the page. S the mre I recited ut lud, the mre I was able t teach myself hw t prnunce these letters which fr s lng had been my greatest impediment. " Grman said she als used a sng frm Miranda's Pulitzer Prize-winning Bradway musical Hamiltn t help with her speaking. "But I dn't lk at my disability as a weakness," said Grman. "It's made me the perfrmer that I am and the stryteller that I strive t be. ”
    In September, Gman will release Change Sings, the first f tw children's bks. The pet says she desires t publish a bk “in which kids culd see themselves as change-makers in histry, rather than just bservers".
    24. What happened t Grman in 2017?
    A. Winning the U. S. first yuth pet laureate.
    B. Graduating frm Harvard University.
    C. Becming the yuth pet laureate.
    D. Turning int a public speaker.
    25. What raised Grman's interest in petry?
    A. Her mther's encuragement.
    B. Ray Bradbury's wrks.
    C. Her teacher's effrt.
    D. Miranda's inspiratin.
    26. What des the underlined wrd "impediment" mean in Paragraph 4?
    A. Barrier.B. Regret.C. Mtivatin. D. Achievement.
    27. Which f the fllwing best describes Grman?
    A. Mdest and frtunate.B. Wise and hardwrking.
    C. Determined and ptimistic.D. Thughtful and ambitius.
    It is the stck respnse t a parent struggling with a crying baby r a bad-tempered teenager; "Treasure every mment because they grw up s fast. Nw researchers have fund there may be smething in the ld saying. Watching children grw up really des seem t make time fly. Scientists have fund that parents feel time passing mre quickly than nn — parents.
    The findings culd be due t the fact that children change fast. "Over ten years, children g thrugh dramatic changes nt nly in their physical appearance, but als in their understanding abilities and their status," the researchers said. The results culd als be a cnsequence f parents
    spending a large amunt f their time n their children, they said, even thugh they fund n difference in the time pressures recrded by parents cmpared with nn — parents in the study.
    Fr the study, published in the jurnal Timing & Time Perceptin (感知),the researchers asked 431 peple aged frm 20 t 59 t fill in a subjective time questinnaire, a tl used by psychlgists t measure time perceptin. They were asked: ”Hw fast did the last ten years pass fr yu?” An answer f very slwly gave a scre f - 2 ; slwly was - 1 ; neither fast nr slw was 0 ; fast was 1 and very fast scred 2. S the higher the scre, the faster they felt time had passed. The parents had an average scre f 1. 22, cmpared with 0. 76 fr the nn — parents.
    Participants were als asked hw quickly the last year, mnth and week had passed, but there were n differences between the grups fr these shrter intervals (间隔).Previus studies have suggested that time als seems t speed up when we get lder. Research published in 2019 by Duke University in Nrth Carlina suggests this culd be due t physical changes in ur bdies, with a slwdwn in image prcessing speeding up ur perceptin f time passing.
    Days that seemed t last frever in ur yuth were "nt due t experiences being much deeper r meaningful" , the researcher Adrian Bejan said, "but due t the fact that they were being prcessed rapidly.”
    28. What prbably makes parents feel time passing mre quickly than nn — parents?
    A. The pressure f raising children.B. Devting much time t children.
    C. The slwdwn in image prcessing.D. Nticing children's daily physical grwth.
    29. What can be inferred frm the text?
    A. Time seems t speed up fr the yung.
    B. Parents respnded differently t the ld saying.
    C. Nn — parents have deeper experiences.
    D. The lder peple are, the higher scres they may get.
    30. What des the underlined wrd “they” in the last paragraph refer t?
    A. Experiences. B. Researchers. C. Days.D. Yuths.
    31. What's the best title fr the text?
    A. The perceptin f time passing.
    B. Teenagers experience dramatic changes.
    C. Time really flies when yu are having children.
    D. Cmparisn between parents and nn — parents.
    China's Tianwen 1 Mars prbe (探测器)cnducted its furth rbital (crrectin n Friday evening, as the spacecraft makes ready fr its arrival in rbit arund Feb. 10, accrding t the China Natinal Space Administratin.
    The name cmes frm the lng pem Tianwen, meaning Heavenly Questins r Questins t Heaven, written by Qu Yuan, ne f the greatest pets f ancient China. In Tianwen, this name cnveys the Chinese natin's steady effrt in pursuing truth and culture f explring nature and the universe. CNSA als unveiled (发 布)the lg f China's planetary explratin missins, featuring the letter C , signifying China, internatinal cperatin and capacity f entering space.
    Tianwen 1 has flwn fr 197 days and mre than 465 millin kilmeters n its jurney t the planet. It is nw arund 184 millin km frm Earth and 1. 1 millin km frm Mars. Depending n the tw planets, rbits, Mars is between 55 and 400 millin km frm Earth. Mars prbe Tianwen 1 is seen in its first selfies in space n Oct. 1,2020. The administratin als published a black-and-white picture f Mars taken by Tianwen 1 , the first snapsht (抓拍的照片)frm the Chinese craft.
    Tianwen 1 , the cuntry's first independent Mars missin, was launched by a Lng March 5 heavy-lift carrier rcket n July 23 frm the Wenchang Space Launch Center in Hainan prvince, kicking ff the natin's planetary explratin prgram.
    A successful landing wuld make China nly the secnd natin l place a spacecraft n the Martian planet. China wuld als be the first t successfully rbit, land and deply (部署)a vehicle in the same missin. Accrding t experts, searching fr signs f life n Mars will be the first and fremst scientific gal. China is pen and inclusive in the develpment f its space technlgy nt least because it believes that the explratin f uter space shuld help build a cmmunity with a shared future fr mankind.
    32. Why is Qu Yuan's pem mentined in the text?
    A. T tell the rigin f space explratin.
    B. T describe space explratin vividly.
    C. T highlight the imprtance f space explratin.
    D. T shw Chinese cntinuus struggle in space explratin.
    33. The main idea f Paragraph 3 is abut Tianwen 1's .
    A. functinB. develpment C. peratin D. structure
    34 What is the essential gal f explring Mars?
    A. T build a cmmn future fr man.
    B. T prve ur achievement in space research.
    C. T discver signs f life n this planet.
    D. T expand the understanding f the space.
    35. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. Letter C Lg symblizes creatin between cuntries.
    B. China was the first natin t land a spacecraft n Mars.
    C. Tianwen 1 made its fifth rbital crrectin arund Feb. 10.
    D. Tianwen 1 started a new chapter in Chinese planetary explratin.
    第二节(共5小题;每小题2. 5分,满分12. 5分)
    根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最住选项。选项中有两项为多余 选项。
    What is niksen? In Dutch, “niksen” literally means "t d nthing". Niksen used t have negative assciatins f laziness. 36 The wrld tday is mre cnnected and faster. Niksen is allwing urselves t take time ut and cnsciusly switch ff, withut feeling guilty.
    It enables yu t priritise (优先)yurself and what yu need. Often we think we're busy, but wh can't take a half-hur break? Niksen brings the same benefits as mindfulness in terms f mental health, sleep, creativity and enhanced fcus. It helps the bdy and brain recver.
    Describe sme easy ways peple can embrace ding nthing?
    It might feel awkward at first. D a relaxatin exercise and let yur mind wander. There's a Dutch verb, uitwaaien, t “g ut in the wind”. 38 G ut and watch cluds-lie n yur back and make up stries. Peple-watch. Indrs, chse a nice space and make it yur wn—— make it cmfrtable, add sme flwers, sit by the windw and watch the day g by. 39
    Hw can peple ensure that niksen becmes a regular and fulfilling part f their life?
    It shuld be a mindset. Schedule time and give yurself permissin t d nthing. Start small- five minutes, ten, half an hur a day, up t a few hurs at the weekend. Repeat t yurself, "It's a gd thing t d nthing," and practise saying, "n, anther time," when yu're busy and smebdy asks fr yur help. 40
    A. It refreshes the mind.
    B. Hw can niksen help peple?
    C. Hw did yu becme an expert in it?
    D. D ne thing a day fr the purpse f it.
    E. I write abut mindfulness and psychlgy.
    F. But it's been reinterpreted as a psitive practice.
    G. Single-fcus crafts such as knitting r sewing can be a helpful first step.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处 的最佳选项。
    After 49 years n the jb, Marge Mre still mps and sweeps her bus every day and washes it n weekends. Every winter is a 41 fr Mre, just because she needs t 42 her kids n time. Besides, she has t drag her blw-dryer t 43 the transmissin (变速器)when 44 cld.
    Even with vacatins, Mre still gets 45 t wrk as a bus driver fr Virginia Beach public schls. She's seeing sme 46 students grw up and have kids, whm Mre als tk t schl. “Mre's abslutely 47 There's a reasn she hasn't 48 a day, “ peple said, "she's just 49 by her lve fr kids. " She is earning a little 50 as her term f service inches clser t the half-century mark.
    The COVID - 19 has seriusly interrupted her schl 51 When learning is virtual, Mre wrks t deliver fd t 50 families, wh wuldn't 52 have it Her cnsistency is 53 , and she was nminated (提名)fr the "Recgnizing Inspiratinal Schl Emplyees Award”. The 54 will be annunced in the spring.
    Mre isn't sure when she'll quit. "If I didn't 55 it, I wuldn't be ding it," she said.
    41. A. change
    B. challenge
    C. break
    D. delight
    42. A. pick up
    B. lk after
    C. wait fr
    D. send ff
    43. A. clean
    B. repair
    C. preserve
    D. unfreeze
    44. A. slightly
    B. averagely
    C. particularly
    D. temprarily
    With mre than 2, 000 clred sculptures and 45 ,000 square meters f murals (壁画),Mga Grttes (石窟)cntinue 56 ( attract) peple thrughut the wrld. Recently, the Dunhuang Academy and Tencent 57 (team) up t launch a series f cartns abut the grttes t help peple better understand the cultural relics.
    The cartns adapted frm the murals stries cnsist 58 five parts, each running less than five minutes. Visitrs can watch them n 59 mini-prgram n the scial media platfrm WeChat. With this 60 ( create ) idea, Dunhuang culture is nt 61 ( cmplete) mysterius any mre. In additin t the ppular cartn series, sme ther cultural prductins 62 ( list) in the Yunyu Dunhuang prgram als include a VR cave explratin and an interactive game f clring murals.
    These 63 ( activity) will let mre cmmn peple, especially yung peple, get invlved in the interactin and develpment f the traditinal culture, 64 will be given sustainable vitality. Dunhuang will always ffer great 65 ( please) t peple arund the wrld.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    参考词汇:艺术团art grup;木偶戏表演puppet shw
    . .
    . .
    . .
    . .
    The Students' Unin
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    I was 11 years ld when I asked my mm fr a pian and pian lessns. Even I myself didn't knw hw t stp the fever grwing frm my whle heart and sul. What interested me mst was the fantastic feeling f standing in the sptlight and being admired by tens f thusands f music fans.
    But we were affected by the ecnmic decline. In fact, we culd barely make ends meet at that time and even culdn't affrd t buy ur favrite cheese cakes . S she said a plite “n”.
    That didn't stp me. I Ggled the measurements fr a keybard, drew the keys n a piece f paper and stuck it n my desk. I wuld click ntes (音符)n an nline keybard and "play" them back n my paper ne-keeping the sund they made n the cmputer in my head. I spent six mnths playing withut tuching a real pian. I was ccupied by the thught f playing a real pian. The desire was s strng that I culd hardly cntrl my passin.
    Once my mm saw that I was serius, she brrwed mney and bught me 10 lessns. I still remember the first ne. I was struck by hw real the sund f the pian was. The sund was s pure and inviting that nbdy culd drag me away frm the magic musical instrument. I held it dear. My mther std in frnt f it, listening attentively t my playing with tears in her eyes. I sat my grade ne after eight lessns. Once I started secndary schl, we culdn't affrd lessns again. I passed grade three, then grade five, practicing nly n my piece f paper.
    My schl didn't ffer music A-level. I fund the Purcell Schl fr yung musicians. The tryuts were difficult. Sme f the questins invlved an evaluatin f the cmpser r when sme piece was written. I felt depressed. Wuld I step back? I said t myself a plite "n".
    Paragraph 1 :
    One evening, my mm said she had a surprise fr me.
    Paragraph 2 :
    Tw years later, I left Purcell Schl.
    45. A. curius
    B. cnfident
    C. stressed
    D. excited
    46. A. excellent
    B. frmer
    C. familiar
    D. different
    47. A. remarkable
    B. knwledgeable
    C. ambitius
    D. curageus
    48. A. frgt
    B. delayed
    C. wasted
    D. missed
    49. A. tuched
    B. driven
    C. awken
    D. influenced
    50. A. prgress
    B. pride
    C. recgnitin
    D. prfit
    51. A. management
    B. business
    C. rutine
    D. life
    52. A. therwise
    B. still
    C. therefre
    D. smehw
    53. A. expected
    B. understd
    C. appreciated
    D. tested
    54. A. applicant
    B. winner
    C. judge
    D. vter
    55. A. accept
    B. face
    C. stand
    D. enjy
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7. 5分)
    1. C2.B3.A4. B5. A
    6. A 7.A8.C9. B10. B11.A12.C
    13. A14.C15.B16. B17. C18.A19.B20. C
    第一节(共15小题;每小题2 .5分.满分37.5分)
    21. B22.D23,C24.A25.B26.A27.C28. B
    29. D30.A31.C32.D33.C34.C35.D
    36. F37.B38.A39.G40,D
    41. B 42. A 43. D 44. C 45. D 46. B 47. A 48. D 49. B 50. C
    51. C 52. A 53. C 54. B 55. D
    56. attracting/t attract 57. have teamed58. f 59. a60. creative
    61. cmpletely62. listed63. activities 64. which 65. pleasure
    3.首字母大小写一样的,若学生写得偏大或偏小不扣分,如w, , c;首字母大小写 不一样的,若写错,一件判错,计零分,如a-A,h-H。

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