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    外研版Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries习题

    这是一份外研版Module 2 Developing and Developed Countries习题,共13页。

    第一部分 听力
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
    Tea drinking was cmmn in China fr nearly ne thusand years befre anyne in Eurpe had ever heard abut it.Peple in Britain were much slwer in finding ut what tea was like,mainly because tea was very expensive.It culd nt be bught in shps and even thse peple wh culd affrd t have it sent frm Hlland did s nly because it was a fashinable curisity.Sme f them were nt sure hw t use it.They thught it was a vegetable and tried cking the leaves.Then they served them mixed with butter and salt.They sn discvered their mistake but many peple used t spread the used tea leaves n bread and give them t their children as sandwiches.
    Tea remained scarce(稀少的)and very expensive in England until the ships f the East India Cmpany began t bring it directly frm China early in the 17th century.During the next few years s much tea came int the cuntry that the price fell and many peple culd affrd t buy it.
    At the same time peple n the Cntinent were becming mre and mre fnd f tea.Until then tea had been drunk withut milk in it,but ne day a famus French lady named Madame de Sevigne decided t see what tea tasted like when milk was added.She fund it s pleasant that she wuld never again drink it withut milk.She was such a great lady that her friends thught they must cpy everything she did,s they als drank their tea with milk in it.Slwly this habit spread until it reached England and tday nly very few Britns drink tea withut milk.
    At first,tea was usually drunk after dinner in the evening.N ne ever thught f drinking tea in the afternn until a duchess(公爵夫人)fund that a cup f tea and a piece f cake at three r fur 'clck stpped her getting“a sinking feeling”as she called it.She invited her friends t have this new meal with her and s,teatime was brn.
    21.What d we knw abut the intrductin f tea int Britain?
    A.Tea reached Britain frm Hlland.
    B.The Britns gt expensive tea frm India.
    C.The Britns were the first peple in Eurpe wh drank tea.
    D.It was nt until the 17th century that the Britns had tea.
    答案: A 细节理解题。由第一段第二、三句可知,最初在英国因为茶很贵,很少有人买得起,即使有些人能花得起钱从荷兰弄到茶,他们也只是因为觉得茶是一种稀缺品才这么做的,故A项正确。
    22.When did tea becme a ppular drink in Britain?
    A.In the late 19th century.
    B.In the 18th century.
    C.In the 17th century.
    D.In the 16th century.
    答案:C 细节理解题。由第二段第一句可知,在17世纪初,东印度公司直接将茶从中国运到英国才结束了茶在英国罕见且昂贵的局面,此后饮茶便在英国流行开来,故C项正确。
    23.Peple in Eurpe began t drink tea with milk because________.
    A.it tasted like milk
    B it tasted mre pleasant
    C.it became a ppular drink
    D.Madame de Sevigne had great influence and peple tried t cpy her
    答案:D 细节理解题。由第三段倒数第二句可知,Madame de Sevigne是一位非常有影响力的女士,她的朋友们认为他们必须要模仿她所做的一切,也往茶中加牛奶。这样一来,欧洲人就开始喝奶茶了。
    24.Accrding t the passage,the habit f drinking tea in the afternn in Britain was mstly due t the influence f________.
    A.a duchess
    B.peple in Hlland
    C.the ancient Chinese
    D.the upper scial class
    答案:A 推理判断题。由最后一段可以推知,一位公爵夫人创立了喝下午茶的传统。
    The ancient city is in Pingya Cunty,Shanxi Prvince.The city wall was first built during the Zhu Dynasty and was rebuilt in 1370.Since 1997,it has been listed as a Wrld Heritage Site.Nw Pingya city is the nly ne in China cmpletely prtected as it was hundreds f years ag,n mdern buildings,nly narrw stne­plate streets with many Chinese­style shps n bthsides.
    The perimeter(周长)f this square city is 6.4 km lng and the city wall is ne f the ldest city walls in China.It is 12m high with an average width f 5m.The wall was built with earth and cvered with bricks.Outside the city wall there is a river,4m wide and 4m deep.
    There are several gates f the city,tw each n the east and the west and ne each n the suth and the nrth.Each gate has tw drs.This has given the city the name“Turtle City”with the tw gates n the suth and the nrth standing fr the head and the tail f the turtle and fur gates n the east and west standing fr the fur legs.The drs n the suth and the nrth stand ppsite each ther,like the head f the turtle extending ut and tw wells just beynd the suthern gate are like the turtle's tw eyes.
    Lcated n the trade rute between Beijing and Xi'an,Pingya develped int a financial(金融的)center where the lcal peple set up the natin's earliest banks.These banks were the first in China t use checks.Several ld curtyards have been turned int museums;mst f them are hmes and ffices f Pingya's ld banks.One f the mst remarkable aspects f visiting here is realizing that this place was very imprtant in China's financial histry.
    25.What des the passage mainly talk abut?
    A.An ancient city—Pingya.
    B.The develpment f Pingya.
    C.The city wall f Pingya.
    D.The museums in Pingya.
    答案:A 主旨大意题。本文着重介绍了中国古代城市——平遥的城市规模以及历史地位。
    26.We knw frm the passage that________.
    A.the city wall f Pingya was first built in 1370
    B.Pingya city is the nly prtected city in China
    C.Pingya's streets are wide and made f earth
    D.Pingya city is well prtected
    答案:D 细节理解题。由第一段“Nw Pingya city is the nly ne in China cmpletely prtected as it was hundreds f years ag”可知平遥古城是中国唯一一座把几百年前的面貌完整保存下来的城市,故D项符合文意。
    27.Which gate f Pingya city stands fr the head f the turtle?
    A.The gate n the nrth.
    B.The gate n the suth.
    C.The gate n the east.
    D.The gate n the west.
    答案:B 细节理解题。由第三段“ tw gates n the suth and the nrth standing fr the head and the tail f the turtle...”可知答案。
    28.It can be inferred frm the last paragraph that________.
    A.ld banks in ancient Pingya city used checks nly
    B.Pingya city was ne f the largest cities in ancient China
    C.all the museums in Pingya city are used as bank ffices nw
    D.Pingya city played an imprtant rle in ancient China's finance
    答案:D 推理判断题。根据最后一段内容可知,平遥对中国古代的金融发展起到了很重要的作用。
    American cities are similar t ther cities arund the wrld:in every cuntry,cities reflect the values f the culture.American cities are changing,just as American sciety is changing.
    After Wrld War Ⅱ,the ppulatin f mst large American cities decreased;hwever,the ppulatin in many Sun Belt cities increased.Ls Angeles and Hustn are cities where ppulatin shifts(转移)t and frm the city reflect the changing values f American sciety.In the late 1940s and early 1950s,city residents(居民)became wealthier.They had mre children s they needed mre space.They mved ut f their apartments in the city t buy their wn hmes.They bught huses in the suburbs.
    Nw things are changing.The children f the peple wh left the cities in the 1950s are nw adults.Many,unlike their parents,want t live in the cities.They cntinue t mve t Sun Belt cities and lder nes f the Nrtheast and Midwest.Many yung prfessinals are mving back int the city.They prefer the city t the suburbs because their jbs are there; r they just enjy the excitement and pssibilities that the city ffers.
    This ppulatin shift is bringing prblems as well as benefits.Cuntless pr peple must leave their apartments in the city because the wners want t sell the buildings r make apartments fr sale instead f fr rent.In the 1950s,many pr peple did nt have enugh mney t mve t the suburbs;nw many f these same peple d nt have enugh mney t stay in the cities.
    Only a few years ag,peple thught that the lder American cities were dying.Sme city residents nw see a bright,new future.Others see nly prblems and cnflicts.One thing is sure:many dying cities are alive again.
    29.What des the authr think f cities all ver the wrld?
    A.They are alive.
    B.They are hpeless.
    C.They are similar.
    D.They are different.
    答案:C 细节理解题。由文章第一段可知全世界的城市都相似,故选项C正确。
    30.Accrding t the 4th paragraph,a great many pr peple in American cities________.
    A.are faced with husing prblems
    B.are frced t mve t the suburbs
    C.want t sell their buildings
    D.need mre mney fr daily expenses
    答案:A 推理判断题。由第四段中的Cuntless pr peple must leave their apartments in the city because the wners want t sell the buildings r make apartments fr sale instead f fr rent.可知很多房主想卖掉楼房而不愿出租致使许多贫困人家遭遇到住房困难,故A项符合句意。
    31.We can cnclude frm the text that________.
    A.American cities are changing fr the wrse
    B.peple have different views n American cities
    C.many peple are nw mving frm American cities
    D.the ppulatin is decreasing in lder American cities
    答案:B 推理判断题。从文章最后一段可以得出结论。
    32.The underlined wrd“suburbs”in the secnd paragraph prbably means________in Chinese.
    A.市区 B.郊区
    C.市中心 D.农村
    答案:B 词义猜测题。从上文看出,居民们富裕了,孩子多了,需要更大的空间,自然是到郊区买房子。
    In nly tw decades Asian Americans have becme the fastest­grwing US minrity.As their children began mving up thrugh the natin's schls,it became clear that a new class f academic achievers was frming.Their achievements are reflected in the natin's best universities,where mathematics,scienceand engineering departments have taken n a decidedly Asian character.Thisspecial liking fr mathematics and science is partly explained by the fact that Asian­American students wh began their educatins abrad arrived in the USwith a slid grunding in mathematics but little r n knwledge f English.They are als influenced by the prmises f a gd jb after cllege.Asians feelthere will be less unfair treatment in areas like mathematics and science becausethey will be judged mre bjectively.And the return n the investment in educatin is mre immediate in smething like engineering than with an arts degree.
    Mst Asian­American students we their success t the influence f parentswh are determined that their children take full advantage f what the Americaneducatinal system has t ffer.An effective measure f parental attentin ishmewrk.Asian parents spend mre time with their children than Americanparents d,and it helps.Many researchers als believe there is smething in Asian culture that causes success,such as ideals that stress family values and emphasize educatin.
    Bth explanatins fr academic success wrry Asian Americans because ffears that they feed a typical racial image.Many can remember when Chinese,Japanese and Filipin immigrants were the victims f scial separatin.Indeed,it was nt until 1952 that laws were laid dwn giving all Asian immigrants theright t citizenship.
    33.While making great achievements at cllege,Asian­American students________.
    A.feel they are mistreated because f limited knwledge f English
    B.are afraid that their academic successes bear a strng Asian character
    C.still wrry abut unfair treatment in academic areas
    D.generally feel it a shame t have t depend n their parents
    答案:B 事实细节题。从文章最后一段第一句可看出。
    34.What are the majr factrs that determine the success f Asian Americans?
    A.Slid fundatin in basic mathematics and Asian culture.
    B.Hard wrk and intelligence.
    C.Hard wrk and a limited knwledge f English.
    D.Asian culture and the American educatinal system.
    答案:D 事实细节题。从第二段第一句和最后一句得出:亚洲学生把成功归因于充分利用美国的教育体制和亚洲文化。
    35.Few Asian­American students majr in human sciences mainly because________.
    A.their English is nt gd enugh
    B.they are afraid they might meet with unfair judgment in these areas
    C.there is a wide difference between Asian and Western cultures
    D.they knw little abut American culture and sciety
    答案:B 事实细节题。第一段中的“Asians feel there will be less unfair bjectively”可看出。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    A trip t Key West
    As we crss the bridge t Key West,we can see many Others belng t peple wh have sailed their bats here frm many different places.
    In the city,the huses are almst all painted white.A few are pink r light blue.Many huses are very ld and very small.Key West is a very ld
    Many palm trees(棕榈树)grw here.Clrful flwers grw in frnt f many f the little huses.Yu can stay in a rm in ne f these huses fr the night.Yu can smell the cean n the sft warm wind that blws acrss the island.
    We drive past several streets and then cme t Whitehead Street.There is a mnument there.The sign says this is the suthernmst part f the United States.The sign says“America Begins Here.”38.________It is the secnd largest cean.
    After taking a few phtgraphs f the sign,we turn the car arund and fllw Whitehead Street t number a few dllars,yu can see the inside f the huse.Hemingway had many cats when he lived here.He is gne,but the cats remain.Many are asleep n the beds r chairs.They are used t seeing peple walking thrugh the ld huse.
    40.________There is a private museum here we want t visit.It is the Mel Fisher Maritime Heritage Sciety Museum.The museum is named after treasure hunter Mel Fisher,wh discvered an ld sunken Spanish treasure ship near Key West mre than twenty years ag.
    A.Finally,we g back hme.
    B.Beynd the sign is the Atlantic Ocean.
    C.Sme are fishing bats yu can use fr the day.
    D.After that,we travel a little way t Green Street.
    E.Many f the buildings are mre than 100 years ld.
    F.It is made f mdern materials,i,e.steel and cncrete.
    G.This huse belnged t the famus American writer Ernest Hemingway.
    答案:36~40 CEBGD
    第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
    第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    I live in a big city with a lt f hmeless peple.Luckily there're sme ways f helping them and yu needn't have a lt f __41__.One way t help is t buy their mnthly magazine.__42__ding this ne day,I gt t__43__a yung hmeless man.He was ften__44__the magazine at the train statin.
    He was a pr farmer frm anther cuntry.After a while,I discvered that his__45__was clse t mine.It __46__that we were brn in the same mnth.
    I met him last year__47__after his birthday,and after cngratulating him,withut__48__,I asked if he had had a gd day.He__49__and said that he hadn't really celebrated.I felt s __50__
    I just culdn't bear the thught f(不敢想)this nice,yung man being __51__n his 25th birthday with n presents,n cake;nthing!S I went hme and lked in my yarn(沙线)basket.__52__fr me,I had enugh yarn __53__.I set t wrk and knitted(编织)a__54__fr the yung man.The yarn had becme a little dirty __55__I didn't knit very ften.Then I washed the yarn s the scarf wuld be __56__when he gt it.
    I met him n my wn birthday as I was ging shpping.I had __57__t meet him s I had __58__the scarf and a piece f my wn birthday__59__arund with me.He was very happy with these gifts and s was I.The__60__in his eyes was the best present he culd have given me!
    41.A.wrk B.energy
    答案:C 从下文的买杂志、送围巾等事可知,帮助这些无家可归的人不必有很多钱(mney)。
    答案:D by ding sth.意为“通过做某事”,作方式状语。
    43.A.realize B.ignre
    答案:C get t knw sb.意为“认识某人”。
    44.A.selling B.reading
    答案:A 上文提到. their mnthly magazine和By ding this ne day...,由此可知,作者认识的这个年轻人常在火车站卖(sell)杂志。
    C.height D.hbby
    答案:A 从下一句话的we were brn in the same mnth可知,他的生日(birthday)和我的生日很近。
    46. A.said B.fund
    答案:D mean意为“意味着;意思是”,此处用meant来进一步解释前面的his birthday was clse t mine。
    答案:B 从后面的cngratulating him可知,这个年轻人生日刚过不久(shrtly after)。
    答案:D 从上下文可知,作者看到年轻人后,不假思考(withut thinking)就问他生日是否过得好。
    49.A.lked upB.turned up
    C.lked dwn D.gt dwn
    答案:C 从下文的he hadn't really celebrated可知,由于条件不好,年轻人没有庆祝自己的生日,所以被别人问起的时候,不好意思地低下头(lk dwn)。
    答案:A 作者意识到自己的言行让年轻人很尴尬,所以觉得自己很愚蠢(flish)。
    答案:C 从上文可知,这个年轻人没有庆祝生日,所以作者不敢想这么好个人竟然独自(alne)度过自己25岁的生日。
    答案:B 从下文可知,作者想给这个年轻人织条围巾作为礼物送给他,所以当作者发现纱线时,觉得很庆幸(luckily)。
    C.left D.prduced
    答案:C left意为“剩下的,余下的”,在句中作后置定语。
    54. A.scarfB.cap
    答案:A 从下文的s the scarf wuld be...可知A项符合语境。
    答案:B 因为作者不常织东西,所以纱线有点脏了,because引导原因状语从句。
    56. A.different B.dry
    C.wet D.clean
    答案:D 上文提到纱线脏,作者洗了纱线是为了织出的围巾是干净的(clean)。
    答案:B 作者希望(hped)见到年轻人,以便把围巾送给他。
    答案:D 因为作者希望看到年轻人,所以随身带了(carried)为他织的围巾。
    答案:A a piece f my wn birthday cake意为“我自己的一块生日蛋糕(cake)。”
    60. A.lightB.pain
    答案:A 句意为:他眼里发亮的眼神是他给我的最好的礼物。light意为“亮光,眼神”;pain意为“痛苦,疼痛”;sight意为“视力,场景”;tear意为“眼泪”,常用复数tears。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分15分)
    Visitrs__61__Britain may find the best place t enjy lcal culture is in a traditinal pub. A team f researchers have revealed sme f__62__unknwn culture f British pubs—starting with the difficulty f getting a drink. This may sund incnvenient, but there is a__63__(hide) meaning.
    Pub culture is frmed__64__(imprve) sciability in a sciety that is knwn fr its cldness. Standing at the bar fr service allws yu t chat__65__thers wh are waiting t be served. The bar cunter is pssibly the nly place in Britain__66__a friendly talk with strangers__67__(cnsider) t be entirely prper and really quite nrmal behavir. Hwever,__68__yu d nt fllw the lcal rules, the experience may fall flat. Fr example, if yu are in a big grup,__69__is best fr ne r tw peple t g t buy the drinks. Nthing makes the regular custmers and bar staff angry mre than a grup f strangers blcking all passages t the bar while__70__chat and hesitate abut what t rder.
    61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______
    66.______ 67.______ 68.______ 69.______ 70.______
    答案:61.t 来到英国的游客,使用介词t。
    62.the 特指英国的酒吧文化,使用the。
    63.hidden 过去分词做前置定语。
    64.t imprve 动词不定式做目的状语。
    65.with with与前面的chat构成固定搭配。
    66.where 引导了一个限制性定语从句。
    67.is cnsidered is cnsidered t be被认为……。
    68.if 这里表示条件,引导了一个条件状语从句。
    69.it it做形式主语。
    70.they 指前面的a grund f strangers。
    Tm: Hi, Steven, here is a picture f a red duble decker bus !
    Steven: Yeah, red duble decker bus is__61__yu' ll see very ften in Lndn. In fact I knw this bus is frm Lndn because I can see the names: Chelsea, Slan Square, Victria. These are all areas in Lndn. S__62__(bvius) the bus is in Lndn.
    Tm:Have yu ever been n a duble decker bus?
    Steven:Yeah, many times.__63__I was yunger, peple used t get duble-deckers all ver England, but nw they can nly see__64__in sme big cities.
    Tm:Oh,really. Hw much is__65__fare?
    Steven:It depends n the jurney. It's nt t expensive, but the minimum price yu wuld pay is, fr__66__ shrt jurney, abut a pund.
    Tm: Mm, wh can yu see n the bus? Can yu pick ut anyne n the bus__67__lks interesting?
    Steven:Hmm,this girl here at the back. She lks really bred. Maybe she is ging t wrk and she__68__(want) t g !
    Tm:Is that__69__yu feel n the bus?
    Steven:Well,nt really,I haven't wrked in England fr lng,s I__70__(take)a bus fr a lng time.
    Tm: Thanks a lt.
    Steven: N prblem.
    61.______ 62.______ 63.______ 64.______ 65.______
    66.______ 67.______ 68.______ 69.______ 70.______
    61.what 考查名词性从句。此句中is是系动词,后接表语从句,因为引导词在表语从句中要作宾语,所以用what引导而不用that。
    62.bviusly 考查副词。“很明显巴士是伦敦的”,用副词bviusly。
    63.When 考查状语从句。“我年轻一点的时候,人们经常坐巴士”,这里的状语从句是提示时间的,用when引导。
    64.them 考查代词。代替的是Steven刚刚所说的duble­deckers,因为是复数,所以用them。
    65.the 考查冠词。the fare指的是红色双层巴士的费用,特指,用the。
    66.a 考查冠词。短途的费用是一英镑左右,这个“短途”是泛指,不是“某一次短途旅行”,因此用a。
    67.wh/that 考查定语从句。先行词是anyne,因此用wh/that引导。
    68.desn't want 考查动词时态。因为前文说了the girl lks bred,所以她可能去上班但她不想去,如果想去的话就不bred了;因为前文用的是一般现在时,所以此处也应该是时态一致的。
    69.hw 考查名词性从句。该疑问句中,is是系动词,that是主语,后面接的是表语从句,问感觉怎么样,用hw引导。
    70.haven't taken 考查动词时态。根据前文的现在完成时可以知道,此处也应该是现在完成时,根据句意可知是否定,所以是haven't taken。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)
    第一节 短文改错(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    Dear James,
    I'd like t tell yu smething abut ur sprts meet.It was hlding n Oct.10th,that was a fine day.There were ver 2,000 students and teachers attend it.Yu Le,a student frm my class wn the 100­meter race.He finishes the race in 12.6 secnds and brke in the schl recrd.The sprts meet was really success.That was because we were all trying t d my best.Althugh I was nt ne f the winners,but I was prud f that we had dne.
    I am lking frward t receive yur letter.
    Dear James,
    I'd like t tell yu smething abut ur sprts meet.It was eq \(hlding,\s\d4(held)) n Oct.10th,eq \(that,\s\d4(which)) was a fine day.There were ver 2,000 students and teachers eq \(attend,\s\d4(attending)) it.Yu Le,a student frm my class wn the 100­meter race.He eq \(finishes,\s\d4(finished)) the race in 12.6 secnds and brke eq \(in,\) the schl recrd.The sprts meet was really eq \(∧,\s\d4(a)) success.That was because we were all trying t d eq \(my,\s\d4(ur)) best.Althugh I was nt ne f the winners,butI was prud f eq \(that,\s\d4(what)) we had dne.
    I am lking frward t eq \(receive,\s\d4(receiving)) yur letter.
    第二节 书面表达(满分25分)
    3.参考词汇:亚热带海洋性气候sub­trpical marine climate;纺织品textile。
    Shenzhen and Shantu
    Shenzhen and Shantu are tw main cities in Guangdng Prvince.There are many similarities and differences between them.
    The tw cities are China's special ecnmic znes and bth f them have the sub­trpical marine climate.Hwever, they are different in many ways.Shenzhen is lcated at the suthern castal area,with an area f nearly 2,000 square kilmeters,while Shantu lies in the eastern part and is mre than 2,000 square kilmeters in area.Shenzhen's main industries are electrnics,light industrial prducts and building materials.But Shantu is famus fr light industry,like textile.
    Shenzhen has many beautiful sceneries.On the ther hand,Shantu als has sme places f interest,such as Mayu Island.In a wrd,bth f the tw cities are beautiful and attractive.
    位于广东省东部,是中国经济特区。面积2,000多平方千米,属亚热带海洋性气候。工业以轻纺为主。有妈屿岛度假胜地 。

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