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    UNIT 3 SEA EXPLORATION 检测卷-2022版英语选择性必修第四册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)
    UNIT 3 SEA EXPLORATION 检测卷-2022版英语选择性必修第四册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)01
    UNIT 3 SEA EXPLORATION 检测卷-2022版英语选择性必修第四册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)02
    UNIT 3 SEA EXPLORATION 检测卷-2022版英语选择性必修第四册人教版(2019) 同步练习 (Word含解析)03
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    高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration课时训练

    这是一份高中英语人教版 (2019)选择性必修 第四册Unit 3 Sea Exploration课时训练,共10页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分37等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (满分:120 分;时间:100 分钟)
    第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Welcme t Trpical Nrth Queensland—the nly place in the wrld where the Great Barrier Reef meets Wrld-Heritage-listed rainfrest. Hme t tw Wrld-Heritage-listed natural wnders—the grand Great Barrier Reef and the ancient Daintree Rainfrest, it is famus fr having sme f the mst specific natural attractins n earth.
    Stretching fr mre than 2,000 km and hlding abut 3,000 cral reef islands, the Great Barrier Reef is ne f the wrld's mst ppular hliday destinatins.
    N matter what yur age r ability level is, yu can easily explre the reef by taking a glass-bttm bat trip, scuba diving, trying an cean walk r flying verhead in a helicpter r plane.
    There are als numerus ways t experience the beauty f the planet's ldest trpical rainfrest withut having an impact n its clean envirnment thanks t a huge range f ec-friendly ptins. While explring these sites is n every visitr's must-d list, there are als cuntless ther exciting discveries t be made in this wnderful sun-kissed crner f Australia.
    Keep this imprtant infrmatin in hand during yur hliday.
    Plice and Fire Services Ph: 000
    Cairns Plice Ph: 617 4030 7000
    Cairns 24-Hur Medical Centre Ph: 617 4052 1119
    Bank & shpping hurs
    Mst banks are pen frm 9 am t 4 pm weekdays.
    Majr shpping centres are pen frm 9 am t 5 pm Mnday t Saturday (with extended shpping until 9 pm n Thursday) and frm 10 am t 4 pm Sunday.
    Sunbus, a lcal bus service, runs frm the nrthern beaches t the suthern suburbs thrugh the Cairns CBD.
    Visit r phne 617 4057 7411.
    Cars, recreatinal vehicles, fur-wheel drives, and bicycles are available fr hire.
    Visit r phne 617 131 008.
    1.What can yu d in Trpical Nrth Queensland?
    A.Climb the Great Barrier Reef.
    B.Experience a desert walk.
    C.Take a wd-bttm bat trip.
    D.Explre the ld rainfrest.
    2.If yu want t rent a vehicle, yu can call .
    A.617 4052 1119B.617 4057 7411
    C.617 131 008 D.617 4030 7000
    3.Where can yu pssibly see the text?
    A.In a scientific reprt.B.In a guidebk.
    C.In a bk review. D.In a mvie pster.
    Lewis Carrll was the pen-name f Charles Lutwidge Ddgsn, an English writer and the authr f tw f the best-lved children's bks in English literature—Alice's Adventures in Wnderland and Thrugh the Lking-Glass. The characters and phrases frm these bks have entered and becme part f the English lexicn(词典), which in a way are cmparable t thse frm Shakespeare's wrks.
    Charles Ddgsn was brn n January 27,1832 and spent the first eleven years f his life at Warringtn. Ddgsn was educated first by hmeschling, then at barding schls in Richmnd and at Rugby schl, and finally at the Christ Church Cllege, Oxfrd. In later life, he remembered his barding schl experience with n fndness. Still, he was an excellent student and did very well academically thrughut. Fr all his brilliance r perhaps because f it, he culdn't be bthered t spend lng hurs studying and s he didn't. If things came easily, that was fine; if they didn't, well, that didn't seem t have bthered him vermuch.
    His bk Alice's Adventures in Wnderland first came int being in 1862 as a stry he made up fr Alice Liddell, the ten-year-ld daughter f his friend Dean Henry Liddell. Later he wrte it dwn and shwed the bk, illustrated with his wn drawings, t anther friend, the fairy tale writer Gerge MacDnald, and his children. They lved it and enthusiastically urged him t get it published. Accrdingly, Ddgsn revised it fr publicatin. And in 1865, with illustratins mre prfessinally drawn by Sir Jhn Tenniel, it became an immediate best-seller. Its sequel(续篇)Thrugh the Lking-Glass prved equally ppular.
    4.What des Paragraph 1 intend t tell us?
    A.Charles Ddgsn was mre famus than Shakespeare.
    B.Charles Ddgsn had great achievements in literature.
    C.Charles Ddgsn nce wrked n the English lexicn.
    D.Charles Ddgsn was a writer with few wrks.
    5.What d we knw abut Charles Ddgsn frm Paragraph 2?
    A.He was a hard-wrking student.
    B.He struggled with his studies.
    C.He received very little schling.
    D.He had high study efficiency.
    6.What prbably led t the publicatin f Alice's Adventures in Wnderland?
    A.The persuasin frm Gerge MacDnald.
    B.The help frm Dean Henry Liddell.
    C.The guidance f Sir Jhn Tenniel.
    D.The demand f a publisher.
    7.When Alice's Adventures in Wnderland first came int being, Charles Ddgsn .
    A.had a little by as its main character
    B.wrte it just fr his children
    C.was sure it culd be ppular
    D.didn't expect it t be published
    Fr thse cncerned abut wrinkly ld skin, it might be a creative slutin: an elastic(有弹性的)“secnd skin” that can be smthed n yur skin t make aged tissue lk mre yuthful.
    The wearable film, develped at the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy (MIT), has shwn prmise in a series f small experiments where it was applied t wrinkles, under-eye bags and areas f dry skin. When applied t the face r bdy, the thin, transparent layer sticks t the skin and supprts the tissue, making the skin lk yunger, its prducers claim.
    “What we've been able t d is create a cream that yu can put n the skin, and when it's n the skin it can actually frm, essentially, an elastic secnd skin,” said Bb Langer, wh led the research. Tests in the lab fund that the plymer film(高分子膜), which is nly 70 thusandths f a millimeter thick, reduced the appearance f wrinkles and under-eye bags, and helped keep misture(水分)in areas f dry skin.
    The layer is designed t be applied in the mrning, and then peeled ff at night. In previus studies, the secnd skin withstd nrmal daily wear, exercise and swimming, withut falling ff r causing irritatin. It als survived expsure t rain.
    “It's smething yu can wear fr a whle day r lnger, depending n the physical frce that gets applied t the area where it is wrn,” said Daniel Andersn, wh helped develp the prduct at MIT. “Others can't tell yu're wearing it.”
    While nrmal csmetics can mask imperfectins n the skin, the new cating changes the way skin behaves by giving it the elasticity f yung skin. It was develped with the help f tw cmpanies.
    8.Accrding t the text, the “secnd skin” .
    A.was develped by tw cmpanies
    B.has nt been tested by scientists
    C.was develped t remve under-eye bags
    D.is a transparent cvering n the skin
    9.Cmpared with nrmal csmetics, the new prduct .
    A.can make the skin appear yunger
    B.can fully mask imperfectins n the skin
    C.desn't cause any prblems fr the skin
    D.must be used in a mre cmplicated way
    10.What can we learn frm Daniel's wrds?
    A.Yu can recgnize if peple wear the “secnd skin”.
    B.The “secnd skin” shuld be peeled ff at night.
    C.Hw lng peple can wear the layer varies.
    D.The prduct can prvide skin with a lt f water.
    11.What is the main idea f the text?
    A.MIT has made a breakthrugh in csmetics.
    B.The “secnd skin” helps renew ne's yuth.
    C.Masks will sn becme a thing f the past.
    D.Hw the “secnd skin” is used t imprve skin.
    The Great Barrier Reef Chking n Pllutants
    Attempts t prtect the Great Barrier Reef are failing. A reprt released n Mnday by the gvernment in Australia says water quality in the Great Barrier Reef is far belw what it shuld be. It shws that pllutin has decreased, but nt enugh t reach envirnmental targets.
    Sediment(沉淀物)and chemicals can weaken crals, hurting their ability t feed and grw. Crals are live animals that take rt in the cean flr, but they are nt plants. Reefs are the hard skeletns left at the bttm f the sea by small marine creatures called plyps(珊瑚虫). The plyps then frm the larger structure f a reef. Crals are als sme f the mst diverse ecsystems n the entire planet. They can make a hme fr invertebrates, crustaceans, fish, and sea snakes.
    Steve Miles is Queensland's envirnment minister. He says the research shws that the Reef needs mre prtectin. “Over that five-year perid, we did see sme prgress twards ur targets. Sediment is dwn by 12 percent and pesticide(杀虫剂)lads are dwn by 30 percent. But what is mst disturbing is that these results are far frm ur targets. Prgress twards these targets flatlined in the perid 2013—2014. If ne f my kids came hme with a reprt card like this, I wuld be a bit disappinted. There is mre bad news here than gd news.” said Steve Miles.
    The reprt als fund that fewer than ne-third f Queensland's sugar plantatins used techniques t reduce the use f pesticides. Only 28 percent f land managers managed their land prperly. They had reduced harmful water run ff t prtect the health f the Reef. The fficial target is a 90 percent reductin in the pesticide use within three years.
    Scientists at the University f Queensland and the Australian Institute f Marine Science published their findings n Wednesday, July 18 in the jurnal Science Advances. It fund between 1992 and 2010, the recvery rate drpped by an average f 84 percent. But there was hpe. The study als fund sme crals culd recver quickly if “acute and chrnic stressrs” were lessened.
    Meanwhile, the Australian gvernment released its updated reef prtectin plan n Friday. It clearly states glbal temperatures must be stpped frm rising in rder t save the wrld's largest living structure.
    12.What can be learned frm what Steve Miles said?
    A.He is satisfied with the prtectin f the Reef.
    B.He thinks that the Reef needs mre prtectin.
    C.He feels angry abut what his children did.
    D.He is very happy abut the prgress f the prtectin.
    13.What des the underlined wrd “flatlined” mean in Paragraph 3?
    A.Nt increased. B.Disappeared.
    C.Sped up. D.Missed the chance.
    14.The reprt fund the majrity f land managers in Queensland .
    A.were tugh t deal with
    B.failed t manage their land prperly
    C.reduced the amunt f harmful water
    D.were eager t quit pesticide sn
    15.Where is the passage mst likely t have been taken frm?
    A.A news reprt.B.A science fictin.
    C.A bk review.D.A guidebk.
    An nline jurnalist generates news cntent fr distributin ver the Internet. As in ther frms f jurnalism, nline jurnalists seek t answer the “Five Ws and ne H” f an event: wh, what, when, where, why, and hw. 16 Hwever, pinin pieces and blgs can be written frm a persnal angle n a stry.
    17 Ppular degrees fr nline jurnalists are cmmunicatins, jurnalism, and a native language such as English. Hands-n experience in student publicatins can als be helpful t nline jurnalists.
    In recent years, the blg has becme a widely-accepted platfrm fr reprting and debating news and pinins. 18 Many well-knwn public figures regularly cntribute t sme kind f blg.
    Writing as a freelance(自由职业的)nline jurnalist can have advantages and disadvantages ver mre cmmn types f jbs. First, wrking at hme allws a jurnalist t set her wn hurs. It can als save n transprtatin and ffice expenses. 19 They are ften paid based n what cntracts they are successful in securing, which can vary frm mnth t mnth.
    Online jurnalists can wrk with a variety f news services. Many traditinal newspapers publish nline cntent, such as The New Yrk Times and USA Tday. Sme newspapers nly publish nline cntent. 20
    A.They can emply nline jurnalists fr their websites.
    B.Hwever, nline jurnalists generally d nt have regular salaries.
    C.Ordinary news is in a written article frmat with an bjective view.
    D.This may invlve cnducting research and interviews fr their stry cntents.
    E.A Bachelr's degree is necessary fr thse wh desire t be nline jurnalists.
    F.Online jurnalism invlves mre educatinal flexibility than traditinal jurnalism.
    G.Online jurnalists ften write blgs t get publishers' and general audiences' attentin.
    16. 17. 18. 19. 20.
    第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    It was clse t my 54th birthday as I wrte this and I was reminded f a wnderful qute(语录), “What a wnderful life I've had! I nly wish I'd realized it sner. ” I was s frtunate t grw up the way I did. I was 21 by a lving family. I seemed t have all f 22 as my playgrund: I tk walks in the wds and went swimming in the lake every day during the summer. I did well in schl and 23 friendships that I still have t this day. I was frtunate enugh t g t cllege and learn s much there.
    My life had its share f 24 t. I married yung and struggled financially fr years t supprt my family. Tw f my three children were severely sick. And I realized that they wuld need t be 25 fr the rest f their lives here. Hwever, raising them brught s much learning, laughter and 26 int my sul. In the end they became the greatest 27 in my life.
    Still, it tk me a lng time t realize this. I spent years making the 28 s many f us here made. I cnstantly 29 what my life wuld be like if my life's circumstances were 30 . In the end I wasted s many days lking fr a 31 that never came, nt enjying the “present” I had 32 me. It tk me years t see that where yu are is nt as imprtant as wh yu are and that 33 living with lve can bring yu mre jy than anything else in this life.
    It is never t 34 t realize hw wnderful yur life is. Always remember this 35 is Gd's gift t yu. And hw yu live it is yur gift t Gd.
    C.nature D.equipment
    B.frmedC.lst D.dubted
    utB.lked after
    C.learned frm D.given up
    B.recrdC.stry D.plan
    frnt fB.apart frm
    C.far frm D.ther than
    B.late C.strangeD.bad
    The yung Perce Blackbrw 36 (desperate) anticipated an adventure. 37 (jin) the expeditin, he secretly hid himself in a cupbard after Sir Ernest Shackletn turned dwn his request. As they apprached Antarctica, the ship Endurance gt 38 (stick) in the ice. They had t abandn the ship and reached the uninhabited Elephant Island. Later, they gt int a difficult situatin 39 they were crwded tgether under a bat n the rcky shre f the miserable place. T seek help, Shackletn departed, 40 (lead) a team in a lifebat. Fr the remaining crew, staying alive tk all their time and energy. While they were bred 41 all meat f sea creatures, they knew if 42 hadn't been fr sea animals, they wuld all have starved. It was fur mnths befre they were finally rescued. It was Shackletn's perseverance and 43 (cmmit) that saved them frm a slw but 44 (pain) death. The expeditin 45 (cnsider) a successful failure at that time.
    36. 37. 38. 39. 40.
    41. 42. 43. 44. 45.
    第三部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    提示词:探月 mn explratin
    Dear Jim,
    I am glad t share with yu mre details abut my passin fr mn explratin.

    Li Hua
    Balthazar is my pride. It is a French brasserie(餐馆)in New Yrk City. I have run it fr twenty years. Thugh it is intended t attract peple frm all walks f life, mst f its regular custmers are thse wh wrk in the cmpanies alngside Wall Street.
    One night at Balthazar, fur Wall Street businessmen rdered the restaurant's mst expensive red wine: a bttle f Chateau Mutn Rthschild, the mst famus brand f Brdeaux,which was wrth $2,000. One f the tw waiters transferred the Brdeaux int a fancy glass cntainer at the waiter's cunter.
    Meanwhile, a yung cuple rdered the restaurant's cheapest red wine, an $18 Pint Nir. Usually, peple wh rdered the Pint Nir pured the wine directly int their glasses, but this cuple insisted the wine be pured int a fancy glass cntainer befre they drank.
    These tw very different wines were nw in the same cntainers.
    Mistaking the $18 wine fr the $2,000 Rthschild, the first waiter pured the cheap wine fr the businessmen. The businessman treating the ther three cnsidered himself a wine expert. He tk a taste f the cheap wine first, and shwing ff, he burst int delight abut its purity. “Fantastic!” he claimed.
    The yung cuple, wh rdered the $18 Pint Nir, were then unintentinally served the $2,000 Rthschild by the secnd waiter. On taking their first drink f what they believed was cheap wine, they jkingly pretended t be drinking an expensive wine and cpied all the behavirs f a wine expert, shaking the wine glasses, bserving the liquid inside and tasting it slwly, ttally fascinated.
    Five minutes later, the tw waiters discvered their errr, and hrrified, phned me at hme.
    Paragraph 1:
    I rushed int my restaurant.

    Paragraph 2:
    After cmfrting the waiters, I walked directly twards the businessmen with a $2,000 Rthschild.

    第一部分 阅读
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了澳大利亚的北昆士兰旅游景点以及在旅游过程中需要掌握的一些信息。
    1.D 细节理解题。由文章第四段第一句“There are als numerus ways t experience the beauty f the planet's ldest trpical rainfrest withut having an impact n its clean envirnment, thanks t a huge range f ec-friendly ptins.”(还有许多方式可以让你体验地球上最古老的热带雨林之美,而不会影响其无污染的环境,这要归功于大量的环保的选择。)可知,在热带的北昆士兰你可以探索古老的雨林。故选D项。
    2.C 细节理解题。由文章最后两句“Cars, recreatinal vehicles, fur-wheel drives, and bicycles are available fr hire. Visit r phne 617 131 008.”(汽车、娱乐车辆、四轮驱动车和自行车都可以租用。请访问或拨打617 131 008。)可知,如果你想租车,可以拨打617 131 008。故选C项。
    3.B 推理判断题。由文章第一段第一句“Welcme t Trpical Nrth Queensland—the nly place in the wrld where the Great Barrier Reef meets Wrld-Heritage-listed rainfrest.”(欢迎来到热带的北昆士兰——世界上唯一一个既有大堡礁又有被列入世界遗产名录的雨林的地方。)及第五段“Keep this imprtant infrmatin in hand during yur hliday.”(度假时把这条重要信息随身携带。)可知,这篇文章可能来源于一本旅游指南。故选B项。
    【高频词汇】 1.grand adj.宏伟的;壮丽的 2.specific adj.特定的;明确的 3.destinatin n.目的地 4.emergency n.紧急情况
    原句 While explring these sites is n every visitr's must-d list, there are als cuntless ther exciting discveries t be made in this wnderful sun-kissed crner f Australia.
    分析 本句是一个主从复合句。While引导的是一个让步状语从句,意为“尽管”;主句是一个含有there be句型的句子, t be made in this wnderful sun-kissed crner f Australia为不定式短语作discveries的后置定语。
    句意 虽然探索这些景点是每个(来这的)游客必做的事情,但在这个阳光灿烂的澳大利亚角落,还有无数其他令人兴奋的发现。
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,介绍了英国作家Charles Lutwidge Ddgsn的创作故事以及他所取得的成就。
    4.B 推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Lewis Carrll was the pen-name f Charles Lutwidge Ddgsn, an English writer and authr f tw f the best-lved children's bks in English literature (刘易斯·卡罗尔是英国作家查尔斯·路特维奇·道奇森的笔名,他写过两本英国文学中最受欢迎的儿童书籍)”和“The characters and phrases frm these bks have entered and becme part f the English lexicn(词典), which in a way are cmparable t thse frm Shakespeare's wrks. (这些书中的人物和短语被英语词典收录,可与莎士比亚作品中的人物和短语相媲美)”可推知,第一段是告诉读者Charles Ddgsn在文学上取得的巨大成就。故选B项。
    5.D 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Fr all his brilliance r perhaps because f it, he culdn't be bthered t spend lng hurs studying and s he didn't. If things came easily, that was fine; if they didn't, well, that desn't seem t have bthered him vermuch. (他很聪明,也许正因为如此,他不愿花太多时间学习,所以他没有。如果事情很容易,那很好;如果事情比较难,好吧,那似乎也没有给他带来太多的困扰)”可知,对于Charles Ddgsn而言,没有什么太难的事情,他的学习效率非常高。故选D项。
    6.A 细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Later he wrte it dwn and shwed the bk, illustrated with his wn drawings, t anther friend, the fairy tale writer Gerge MacDnald, and his children. They lved it and enthusiastically urged him t get it published. Accrdingly, Ddgsn revised it fr publicatin. (后来,他写了出来,并给另一位朋友——童话作家乔治·麦克唐纳和他的孩子们看了这本配有自己绘画的书。他们很喜欢这本书,热情地敦促他把它出版。因此,道奇森修改了它,以便出版)”可知,Ddgsn是在朋友Gerge MacDnald的劝说和敦促下出版了《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》的。故选A项。
    7.D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“His bk Alice's Adventures in Wnderland first came int being in 1862 as a stry he made up fr Alice Liddell, the ten-year-ld daughter f his friend Dean Henry Liddell. (他的书《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》最早形成于1862年,是他为他的朋友迪恩·亨利·里德尔10岁的女儿爱丽丝·里德尔编的故事)”和“They lved it and enthusiastically urged him t get it published. Accrdingly, Ddgsn revised it fr publicatin. (他们很喜欢这本书,热情地敦促他把它出版。因此,道奇森修改了它,以便出版)”可推知,《爱丽丝漫游奇境记》是Ddgsn送给Alice Liddell的礼物,他是在朋友的劝说和敦促下决定出版的,说明最初他并不想将此书出版。故选D项。
    【高频词汇】 1.barding schl寄宿制学校 2.cme int being开始形成 3.illustrate vt.加插图于;说明 4.fairy tale童话 5.best-seller n.畅销书
    原句 The characters and phrases frm these bks have entered and becme part f the English lexicn(词典), which in a way are cmparable t thse frm Shakespeare's wrks.
    分析 该句是一个主从复合句。which引导的是非限制性定语从句。
    句意 这些书中的人物和短语被英语词典收录,在某种程度上可与莎士比亚作品中的人物和短语相媲美。
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。想让肌肤焕发第二次生命吗?本文主要介绍了在麻省理工研究人员的努力下,这已经不再是梦想!
    8.D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的When applied t the face r bdy, the thin, transparent layer sticks t the skin and supprts the tissue, making the skin lk yunger, its prducers claim.“该产品的生产商称,当这种薄薄的透明层涂在面部或身体上时,它会粘附在皮肤上并支撑该组织,使皮肤看起来更年轻。”可知,当被使用到脸部或者皮肤上时,这种薄的透明层会附着在皮肤上。故选D。
    9.A 细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的While nrmal csmetics can mask imperfectins n the skin, the new cating changes the way skin behaves by giving it the elasticity f yung skin.“虽然普通化妆品可以掩盖皮肤上的瑕疵,但新的涂层改变了皮肤表现的方式,赋予它年轻皮肤的弹性。”可知,正常化妆品可以掩盖皮肤的瑕疵,但是新的涂层可以改变皮肤的状态,让皮肤看起来更年轻。故选A。
    10.C 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段中的It's smething yu can wear fr a whle day r lnger, depending n the physical frce that gets applied t the area where it is wrn“你可以戴上一整天,甚至更长时间,这取决于佩戴部位受到的物理作用力”可知,这种东西戴的时间是有差异的。故选C。
    11.B 主旨大意题。根据全文内容可知,文章主要讲述研究人员发明的可戴薄膜可以让你焕发青春。故选B。
    【高频词汇】 1.smth vt.均匀涂抹于;使光滑 2.tissue n.组织 3.film n.薄膜 4.claim v.宣称 5.expsure n.暴露
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章介绍了澳大利亚对大堡礁的保护依然不到位,很多因素制约了目标的实现。
    12.B 推理判断题。根据第三段中“Sediment is dwn 12 percent and pesticides (杀虫剂) lads are dwn by 30 percent. But what is mst disturbing is that these results are far frm ur targets. (沉积物减少了12%,杀虫剂残余量减少了30%。但最令人不安的是,这些结果与我们的目标相差甚远)”可知,Steve Miles认为珊瑚礁需要更多的保护。故选B项。
    13.A 词义猜测题。根据第三段中“Over that five-year perid, we did see sme prgress twards ur targets. (在那5年期间,我们确实看到朝着我们的目标取得了一些进展。)”和“Prgress twards these targets flatlined in the perid 2013—2014. If ne f my kids came hme with a reprt card like this, I wuld be a bit disappinted. (在2013—2014年期间,实现这些目标的进展 。如果我的孩子带着这样的成绩单回家,我会有点失望)”提到有一些进展,但是如果自己的孩子是这样的成绩还是有点失望,说明在2013—2014年期间,实现这些目标的进展没有明显增加。由此推知,画线词flatlined指的是“没有明显增加,增加不显著”。故选A项。
    14.B 细节理解题。根据第四段中“The reprt als fund that fewer than ne-third f Queensland's sugar plantatins used techniques t reduce the use f pesticides. Only 28 percent f land managers managed their land prperly. (该报告还发现,昆士兰州只有不到三分之一的甘蔗种植园采用了减少杀虫剂使用的技术。只有28%的土地管理者正确地管理他们的土地)”可知,报告发现,昆士兰州的大多数土地管理人员未能正确管理他们的土地。故选B项。
    15.A 推理判断题。根据第一段“Attempts t prtect the Great Barrier Reef are failing. A reprt released n Mnday by the gvernment in Australia says water quality in the Great Barrier Reef is far belw what it shuld be. It shws that pllutin have decreased, but nt enugh t reach envirnmental targets. (保护大堡礁的尝试是失败的。澳大利亚政府星期一公布的一份报告说,大堡礁的水质远远低于应有的水平。这表明虽然污染有所减少,但还不足以达到环境目标)”以及下文内容可知,本文介绍了澳大利亚的大堡礁的相关信息,尽管多方努力,尽量避免珊瑚减少,可是效果不太理想,因此本文应该是摘自新闻报道。故选A项。
    【高频词汇】 1.target n.目标 2.take rt生根,扎根 3.disturbing adj.令人不安的,烦扰的 4.rate n.比率;速度 5.release vt.发布
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。网络记者是在互联网上发布新闻内容的人群。文章介绍了网络记者这一职业。
    16.C 下文“Hwever, pinin pieces and blgs can be written frm a persnal angle n a stry.”(然而,人们可以从个人的角度撰写评论文章和博客。)一句中出现hwever一词,可以判定它与前一句话之间有对比或转折关系。C项中的an bjective view(客观的观点)正与a persnal angle n a stry(一个故事的个人角度)相对。故C选项“普通新闻是一种带有客观观点的书面文章形式。”切题。故选C项。
    17.E 下文“Ppular degrees fr nline jurnalists are cmmunicatins, jurnalism, and a native language such as English. Hands-n experience in student publicatins can als be helpful t nline jurnalists.”(网络记者最受欢迎的学位是传播学、新闻学和一门母语,比如英语。)中具体列举了哪些学位在网络记者这一行中最受欢迎,可知本段在讲要成为网络记者的相关条件。E项“想要成为一名网络记者,有学士学位是必要条件。”是本段的主旨句。故选E项。
    18.G 上文“In recent years, the blg has becme a widely-accepted platfrm fr reprting and debating news and pinins.”(近年来,博客已经成为一个被广泛接受的报道新闻和辩论观点的平台。)是段首句。 G项“网络记者经常写博客来吸引出版商和一般读者的注意。”和段末句“许多知名的公众人物定期给某种博客投稿。”是对段首句进行阐述和说明。故选G项。
    19.B 段首句“Writing as a freelance(自由职业的)nline jurnalist can have advantages and disadvantages ver mre cmmn types f jbs.”(与其他更平常的工作相比,以一名自由职业的网络记者的身份写作有利有弊。)说明网络记者工作有利有弊。后句“First, wrking at hme allws a jurnalist t set her wn hurs. It can als save n transprtatin and ffice expenses.”一句先讲了“利”的一面,那么后面部分就应该是“弊”的一面。B项“然而,网络记者通常没有固定的工资。”承上启下,转“利”为“弊”。故选B项。
    20.A 段首句“Online jurnalists can wrk with a variety f news services.”讲网络记者可以与各种各样的新闻机构合作。空格前一句“Sme newspapers nly publish nline cntent.”说到一种只发布在线内容的新闻服务机构,那么这种新闻服务机构应该也可以与网络记者合作。A项正好与其有顺承关系。故A选项“他们可以为自己的网站雇用网络记者。”切题。故选A项。
    【高频词汇】 1.distributin n.分布,分配 2.seek t d设法做 3.hands-n adj.亲身实践的 4.cntribute t为……撰稿 5.cntract n.合同,契约
    第二部分 语言运用
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。作者通过回忆自己的生活,感慨生活的美好。
    21.D 句意:我被一个充满爱的家庭包围着。A.bserved观察;B.changed改变;C.assessed评估;D.surrunded包围。根据上文“What a wnderful life I've had”和“I was s frtunate t grw up the way I did”可知,作者被一个有爱的家庭包围着(surrunded)。故选D。
    22.C 句意:我似乎把自然界的一切都当作我的游乐场:夏天的时候,我每天都在树林里散步,在湖里游泳。A.atmsphere气氛;B.air空气;C.nature自然界;D.equipment设备。根据“I tk walks in the wds and went swimming in the lake”可知,森林、湖泊大自然界(nature)的东西是作者玩乐的地方。故选C。
    23.B 句意:我在学校表现很好,建立了至今还拥有的友谊。A.studied学习,研究;B.frmed形成;C.lst失去;D.dubted怀疑。根据“that I still have t this day”可知,作者至今还拥有这些曾经“建立(frmed)”的友谊。故选B。
    24.D 句意:我的生活也有它的问题。A.memries记忆;B.discveries发现;C.discussins讨论;D.prblems问题。根据下文“ financially fr years”和“Tw f my three children were severely sick.”可知,作者的生活中也有问题(prblems)。故选D。
    25.B 句意:我意识到他们的余生都需要在这里被照顾。A.picked ut挑选出;B.lked after照顾;C.learned frm向……学习;D.given up放弃。根据上文“Tw f my three children were severely sick.”可知,作者的三个孩子中有两个病得很重,他们都需要被照顾(lked after)。故选B。
    26.D 句意:然而,抚养他们给我的心灵带来了很多知识、欢笑和爱。A.care谨慎,照料;B.hnesty诚实;C.respect尊重;D.lve爱。根据“raising them brught s much learning, laughter”可知,该词应与“知识、欢笑”并列,再根据下文“ 33 living with lve can bring yu mre jy”可知,选项lve(爱)符合语境,故选D。
    27.C 句意:最后,它们成了我生命中最大的好事。A.symbls象征;B.hbbies业余爱好;C.blessings好事,有益之事;D.challenges挑战。根据上下文可知,本句中的“they”指代抚养孩子给作者心灵带来的知识、欢笑和爱,最终它们成了作者人生中最大的好事(blessings)。故选C。
    28.A 句意:多年来我一直在犯我们很多人都犯的错误。A.mistake错误;B.recrd记录;C.stry故事;D.plan计划。根据下文“In the end I wasted s many days lking fr a 31 that never came and nt enjying the ‘present’ I had 32 me”可知多年来,作者犯了我们很多人都会犯的错(mistake)。故选A。
    29.D 句意:我不断地想象,如果我的生活环境不同,我的生活将会是什么样子。A.wrte写;B.shwed显示;C.annunced宣布;D.imagined想象。根据下文“ my life's circumstances were 30 ”可知作者不断地想象(imagined),故选D。
    30.A 句意同上。A.different不同;B.cntrversial有争议的;C.annying恼人的;D.cmplex复杂的。根据语境可知,作者想象如果自己的生活不同(different)将是什么样子,故选A。
    31.C 句意:最后,我浪费了这么多的日子,去寻找一个从未到来的未来,也没有享受就在我面前的“现在”。A.histry历史;B.past过去;C.future将来;D.present现在。根据下文“that never came, nt enjying the ‘present’”可知作者浪费了很多时间去寻找永远不会到来的未来(future),而没有享受作者面前所拥有的现在。故选C。
    32.A 句意同上。A.in frnt f在……面前;B.apart frm除……之外;C.far frm离……很远;D.ther than除了。指作者面前所拥有的现在。故选A。
    33.D 句意:我花了很多年才明白,你是谁比你在哪里更重要,仅仅带着爱去生活比生活中其他任何事情都能给你带来更多的快乐。A.rarely很少地;B.immediately立刻;C.eventually最后;D.simply简单地,仅仅。根据语境可知,“仅仅(simply)”带着爱去生活就会比任何东西带给你的快乐要多。simply在此表示强调,意为“仅仅,只是”,故选D。
    34.B 句意:意识到自己的生活有多美好,永远都不嫌晚。A.simple简单;B.late晚的,迟的;C.strange奇怪的;D.bad坏的。根据语境可知,不论何时意识到你的生活是多么美好都不算晚(late)。故选B。
    35.A 句意:永远记住这样的生活是上帝给你的礼物。A.life生活;B.experience经历;C.chice选择;D.schedule计划表,时间表。根据上文“It is never t 34 t realize hw wnderful yur life is.”可知,这美好的生活(life)是上帝赐予你的礼物。故选A。
    【高频词汇】 1.qute n.引语,语录 2.financially adv.财政上,金融上 3.severely adv.严重地 4.circumstance n.环境,状况
    ◎语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了Shackletn所带领的船队在探险时遇到了危险,在Shackletn的坚韧不拔和献身精神下大家最终得救了。
    36.desperately 考查副词。句意:年轻的珀西·布莱克博罗非常期待这一次冒险。修饰动词anticipated需要用副词。故填desperately。
    37.T jin 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了加入探险队,在欧内斯特·沙克尔顿爵士拒绝了他的请求后,他秘密地把自己藏在了一个橱柜里。句子的谓语动词为hid,所以动词jin要以非谓语动词形式出现。根据句意可知,此处表达“为了加入探险队”,故用不定式作目的状语。故填T jin。
    38.stuck 考查过去分词。句意:当他们接近南极时,“Endurance”号船被困在了冰里。根据句意可知,主语the ship Endurance和stick为被动关系,故用“get+过去分词”表示被动。故填stuck。
    39.where 考查定语从句。句意:后来,他们遇到了困难,他们挤在这个糟糕的地方的一个礁石岸上的一条船下。分析句子结构可知,此处为定语从句,关系词在从句中作地点状语,所以用关系副词where引导限制性定语从句。故填where。
    40.leading 考查非谓语动词。句意:为了寻求帮助,沙克尔顿带领一支队伍乘坐救生艇离开了。句子的谓语动词为departed,所以动词lead要以非谓语动词形式出现。lead和Shackletn之间为主动关系,所以用现在分词作状语。故填leading。
    41.with 考查介词。句意:尽管他们厌倦了所有的海洋动物的肉时,但他们知道如果没有海洋动物,他们都会饿死。固定短语be bred with意为“对……厌烦”。故填with。
    42.it 考查虚拟条件句。句意见上一题。“if it hadn't been fr sth.”意为“如果不是某事/物”,相当于“withut/but fr+sth.”。故填it。
    43.cmmitment 考查名词。句意:正是沙克尔顿的坚韧不拔和献身精神把他们从缓慢而痛苦的死亡中拯救了出来。根据空格前的perseverance可知,此处填入名词cmmitment,来作句子的主语。故填cmmitment。
    44.painful 考查形容词。句意同上。根据空格前的形容词slw可知此处填入形容词painful作定语,与slw并列修饰名词death,故填painful。
    45.was cnsidered 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。句意:那次探险当时被认为是一次成功的失败。根据全文时态以及at that time可知,句子陈述过去发生的事情,要用一般过去时。主语The expeditin为单数且与谓语动词cnsider之间是被动关系,故填was cnsidered。
    【高频词汇】 1.expeditin n.远征,探险队 2.apprach v.接近 3.abandn vt.舍弃
    4.starve v.饿死 5.cmmitment n.承诺,保证
    第三部分 写作
    One pssible versin:
    Dear Jim,
    I am glad t share with yu mre details abut my passin fr mn explratin.
    In Chinese culture, the mn is ften cmpared t a quiet and elegant lady. Als, it reminds peple f their family and friends far away.
    Human beings have never stpped explring ur clsest neighbr. I believe it is f great significance. The develpment f relevant technlgy facilitates the prgress f science, which benefits ur everyday life. What's mre, I think mn explratin shws an imprtant human trait, that is, curisity abut the unknwn, which is the driving frce that has brught ur species this far.
    What d yu think f when yu gaze at the mn? Write back and tell me abut it!
    Li Hua
    One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1:
    I rushed int my restaurant. Except fr the hrrified waiters, everything was bathed in merry music and sft lights. Frm a quiet crner, I culd see the businessmen and the yung cuple. Obviusly, they were ttally ignrant f the mistake, relishing their respective shares f wine and chatting jyfully. “What shuld we d? Bss!” ne f the waiters, with wrry in every line f his face, pked my arm, anxiusly reminding me t remedy the situatin.
    Paragraph 2:
    After cmfrting the waiters, I walked directly twards the businessmen with a $2,000 Rthschild. “I am srry, sir, but we made a mistake. The wine in yur glass is nt Rthschild, but the $18 Pint Nir. This is ur cmpensatin fr yu.” I aplgized sincerely t the hst businessman and handed him the real Rthschild. As the truth struck the businessmen dumb, the air surrunding them fell int awkward silence. The lud hst was sunk in an embarrassed state f taciturnity. Smetimes, experts d nt say what they are thinking abut.
    36.desperately 37.T jin 38.stuck 39.where 40.leading 41.with 42.it 43.cmmitment 44.painful 45.was cnsidered
    One night
    A French brasserie in New Yrk City called Balthazar
    I, fur Wall Street businessmen, a yung cuple, tw waiters
    Paras. 1—4
    Paras. 5—6
    Para. 7
    Para. 1
    I rushed int my restaurant.
    Para. 2
    After cmfrting the waiters, I walked directly twards the businessmen with a $2,000 Rthschild.

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