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    Module 1 Life in the Future单元测试题 2
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    高中外研版Module 1 Life in the future单元测试巩固练习

    这是一份高中外研版Module 1 Life in the future单元测试巩固练习,共27页。

    Circus Returns
    It’s March and that means we are again welcming the Circus Under the Stars t ur twn.
    Ringmaster (马戏表演领班) Ferdinand Dieg prmises that it will be full f surprises fr the whle family. Dieg says, “This year we are presenting frty different perfrmers. We are especially pleased t add the Flying Mntinis t ur circus family. They are knwn thrughut Eurpe fr their dangerus trapeze (高空秋千) acts. In fact, Ernestine Mntini was the first female t perfrm a triple flip (空翻三周), and yu can see her perfrmance nightly in ur shw.”
    Charley Smith’s perfrmances have been the favrite act f lcal children in past shws. Charley will be with the circus again this year. Smith prmises t be “a little smarter, but just as silly” this time arund. He will surely leave the crwd laughing.
    Right after their shws here, the perfrmers will begin a three-mnth tur in Suth America. S make sure yu buy yur tickets early. The circus will be in twn fr nly ne week, frm Wednesday, June 5, thrugh Sunday, June 9. There will be evening perfrmances Thursday thrugh Sunday at 7 P.M.
    Matinees (午后场) will be held at 2 P.M. n Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday. Perfrmances will again be at the Civic Center, 454 Oak Street in Bakersville.
    Call 555-6789 fr ticket infrmatin.
    21. Which part f the shw will be new this year?
    A. Its name.
    B. Its lcatin.
    C. Charley Smith.
    D. The trapeze artists.
    22. When will the circus be perfrming n Wednesday, June 5?
    A. In the mrning.
    B. In the afternn.
    C. In the evening.
    D. In the midnight.
    23. What type f writing is the text?
    A. A nte.
    B. A diary.
    C. A reprt.
    D. A ntice.

    I started playing ftball when I was 7 r 8 years ld after my brthers had agreed t let their little sister jin in their games. I’m frm a very small twn and at that time n ther girls played ftball in my twn. Peple said ftball wasn’t fr wmen and my family shuldn’t let me play. They als said I wuldn’t make it, and that I wasn’t gd enugh.
    As a child, I didn’t really understand why peple were s against me playing when I culd play it well! I fught back by shwing my talent n the streets.
    My greatest inspiratin (激励) was my mther. We came frm a pr family; my mm separated frm my dad when I was less than a year ld and she raised fur children n her wn. She wrked all day, had little time t spend with us, but she never gave up. I fund my strength frm her t keep ging.
    Every win is imprtant fr me, frm the time when I was playing in amateur teams amng the bys t the first win as part f the Brazilian natinal team, and nw. I remember when I went back t my twn in 2006 after winning the award (奖) fr the best female player in the wrld. When I arrived, it was nearly midnight and the whle twn was awake, waiting fr me. I gt int a fireman’s truck and peple were waving. That achievement culd happen because I hadn’t given up that first mment I heard a “n”.
    Sprt changed my life cmpletely. It gave me the pprtunity (机会) t help my family, meet ther peple, see ther cuntries and experience ther cultures. Sprt is a tl fr empwering girls, because it gives yu the pprtunity t d what yu want and learn t respect the differences between peple.
    Fr me, it’s a great hnr t be a UN Wmen Gdwill Ambassadr (亲善大使). Tday, I am here t use my stry t inspire many mre girls and wmen and t create pprtunities s that next generatin desn’t have t g thrugh what I did.
    24. What was the authr’s family’s attitude tward her playing ftball at first?
    A. They were uncertain abut it.
    B. They were supprtive f it.
    C. They were strngly against it.
    D. They thught it must be painful.
    25. What happened t the authr when she returned hme in 2006?
    A. She learnt t say “n” fr the first time.
    B. She had little time t spend with her family.
    C. She gt a chance t play fr the natinal team.
    D. She was warmly welcmed by the whle twn.
    26. Which f the fllwing wrds can best describe the authr?
    A. Creative.
    B. Humrus.
    C. Strng-willed.
    D. Self-centered.
    27. What des the authr call n girls and wmen t d?
    A. Play ftball just like her.
    B. Try their best t see the utside wrld.
    C. Trust themselves and d what they want.
    D. Value the happy hurs with their families.

    I left a jb in higher educatin in 1987 t begin wrk full time as a futurist. Actually, there are three ways t this career (职业).
    First is the infrmal r self-taught path (途径) taken by many peple. Peple in different fields ften discver their persnal interest in the future. And then they begin t read things abut futures studies, frecasting, science and technlgy, and s n. They begin t attend meetings as they can find them. Gradually they begin t call themselves futurists. Of the 40,000 members f the Wrld Future Sciety (WFS), mst have taken that path. But nly abut 1,200 are “prfessinal members” wh try t make a living as futurists. If this path sunds right fr yu, it can be successfully fllwed. The best place t start is with a membership in the WFS.
    A secnd path is thrugh the mre traditinal clleges. There are cllege prgrams in futures studies. Amng thse we suggest is the master’s degree prgram in futures studies at the University f Hustn, Clear Lake, Texas. Anther prgram in futures studies is the Hawaii Research Center fr Futures Studies, at the University f Hawaii.
    Finally, a third path is the ne that I tk, r rather was given. That is the mentr (导师) path. An early futurist and funding member f the WFS tk me under his wing while I was an undergraduate student (本科生). He began t feed me things t read and t attend, nurturing (培养) my wn interest in the future thrugh what became mre than a ten-year-lng relatinship. His name was Ed Lindaman, at ne time directr f prgram planning fr building Apll, later a cllege president when I knew him. If yu are lucky enugh t find that kind f relatinship, it can have sme f the features f the first tw paths, thugh withut the frmal degree.
    28. What d we knw abut the authr?
    A. He funded the WFS.
    B. He gt his first jb as a futurist.
    C. He makes a living as a futurist nw.
    D. Being a futurist was his childhd dream.
    29. What des the underlined part “that path” in Paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Self-study.
    B. Full-time educatin.
    C. Being a WFS member.
    D. Being guided by prfessinals.
    30. What kind f feeling did the authr have when he mentined Ed Lindaman?
    A. Regret.
    B. Wrry.
    C. Excitement.
    D. Thankfulness.
    31. What advice des the authr mainly give t readers?
    A. Hw t jin the WFS.
    B. Hw t becme a futurist.
    C. Hw t chse yur career.
    D. Hw t take a degree in the future.

    Three French students, using the name “Obvius”, have prduced the first artwrk created mainly by a cmputer prgram t be sld at auctin (拍卖). Using artificial intelligence (AI), Obvius created 11 prtraits f an imaginary family they called Belamy.
    Obvius used 15,000 real prtraits t train an AI prgram which has tw parts. One part tries t create pictures that lk real. The ther part judges (判断) the wrk. If the prtrait desn’t lk real enugh, the first part ges back and changes its decisins until it cmes up with a better picture. These decisins are cntrlled by an algrithm (计算程序). The students made many chices, helping guide the AI’s decisins. But even s, the painting is “signed” by the algrithm, instead f the students.
    On Octber 25, Obvius’s picture, Edmnd de Belamy, was sld at auctin at Christie’s in New Yrk. The final price fr Edmnd de Belamy was $432,500 — abut ten times mre than Christie’s expected.
    This is nt the first AI artwrk, just the first ne sld at auctin. In fact, many peple are nt impressed with the prtrait. “The wrk isn’t interesting, r riginal (新颖的),” says 19-year-ld Rbbie Barrat. He shuld knw. He wrte much f the prgram that created the pictures.
    But he desn’t like the idea f Obvius selling the picture. He thinks it’s t simple and gives a bad idea f what real AI artists are ding. He pints ut that he created many pictures like these ver a year ag.
    Obvius desn’t hide the fact that it used Mr. Barrat’s wrk, r even that its prtrait is nt the best AI artwrk ever. Pierre Fautrel f Obvius said, “... the gal f ur prject was t d smething that was simple enugh fr ... my mther r brther t understand.”
    Obvius gt the attentin f Christie’s by selling anther wrk, Le Cmte de Belamy, fr ver $11,000 in February. One reasn Christie’s chse t auctin Obvius’s wrk is because AI art is unusual nw. In the future it will be much mre cmmn.
    32. What des Paragraph 2 mainly explain?
    A. Hw Obvius made its decisins.
    B. Hw Obvius named its AI artwrk.
    C. Hw Obvius’s AI prgram did paintings.
    D. Hw Obvius gt the idea t becme AI artists.
    33. What can we learn abut Edmnd de Belamy?
    A. It’s Obvius’s first AI artwrk.
    B. It’s Obvius’s best AI artwrk ever.
    C. It’s the first AI artwrk highly praised.
    D. It’s the first AI artwrk sld at auctin.
    34. What des Rbbie Barrat think f the AI artwrk sld at auctin?
    A. It is f little artistic value.
    B. It is wrth mre than the price paid.
    C. It is a gd example f real AI artwrk.
    D. It is hard fr cmmn peple t understand.
    35. Hw des Christie’s feel abut AI art nw?
    A. Wrrying.
    B. Enjyable.
    C. Meaningless.
    D. Mney-making.
    Tips fr chsing a career
    Chsing a career isn’t always easy. Here are ur tips t help yu make up yur mind.
    Dn’t let ther peple tell yu what t d! There are always peple wh want yu t becme a lawyer, r be a teacher. Listen t them, but remember it’s yur life and it’s yur decisin. 36 !
    Cnsider what yu think yu’re gd at. It’s true that things like salary (工资) are imprtant, but dn’t let financial cnsideratins lead yu dwn the wrng path. 37 — if yu’re nt very utging, dn’t g fr a sales jb, even if the pay is gd.
    Yur first decisin isn’t frever. 38 — they chse a jb, find they lve it and stick at it. But it isn’t always like that, s remember — yu’re allwed t change yur mind! Certainly, it’s n gd wrrying fr years: maybe yu’ve gt three r fur pssible things yu’d like t d, s cme t a decisin and try ne, and if yu dn’t like it, try anther ne.
    39 . Sme peple chse their career simply because they think they’ll earn huge amunts f mney. OK, if that’s what yu want. But generally, peple get mre satisfactin ut f their career if they feel they are ding smething valuable fr thers. 40 . It culd be a jb that helps ther peple, like being a child-minder. Just dn’t frget that jb satisfactin isn’t nly abut mney.
    A. D smething f value
    B. Cnsider yur past experiences
    C. It desn’t have t be charity wrk
    D. Fllw yur heart and yur persnality
    E. Sme lucky peple get it right first time
    F. Be sure that yu’re the ne wh makes that decisin
    G. The mre yu learn, the mre yu’ll realize just hw much yu dn’t knw

    Blinking is the pening and clsing f the eyelid (眼睑). Usually we blink nce every fur secnds during the 41 hurs f every day. That is abut 15 times per 42 . S a persn wh sleeps 8 hurs a day blinks abut 14,400 times each day! And it all 43 autmatically (无意识地).
    The lids f ur eyes 44 much like a car’s windscreen wipers, which are used t remve rain frm a windscreen. Hwever, they mve very quickly s ur eyesight is nt damaged. S 45 d we blink, and why is blinking s 46 ?
    Fr ne thing, blinking helps 47 ur eyes. As we knw, eyelashes (睫毛) help 48 dust and ther tiny things ut. Hwever, smetimes they still 49 the eye. Blinking helps remve them t keep the eyes frm becming 50 . If yu start blinking vilently, it prbably 51 yu have smething in yur eyes.
    Blinking 52 keeps the eyes lubricated (润滑). Our eyes have tiny tear glands (泪腺), which can keep the eyes wet. 53 ur eyelids blink, the glands prduce tears. A film f tears cats the eyes and prevents them frm becming t 54 .
    Have yu ever had yur picture taken and yur eyes started t blink 55 ? That is because blinking als prtects the eyes frm strng 56 . Yu may als 57 mre when cutting fresh nins. The vegetable prduces a gas that makes the eyes tear up and blink.
    There are ther reasns why we blink. Our eyes 58 blink mre during times f wrry than when we are calm. 59 we ften blink less when we are ding a difficult task. Tiredness, disease, and injury t the eyes can als 60 hw much we blink and hw ften.
    41. A. early B. sleeping C. busy D. waking
    42. A. secnd B. minute C. hur D. day
    43. A. clses B. practices C. happens D. passes
    44. A. begin B. shake C. change D. mve
    45. A. what B. why C. hw D. where
    46. A. different B. strange C. imprtant D. simple
    47. A. prtect B. save C. remve D. use
    48. A. cut B. put C. keep D. wrk
    49. A. clean B. catch C. enter D. turn
    50. A. brken B. damaged C. lst D. stuck
    51. A. means B. seems C. decides D. agrees
    52. A. still B. never C. just D. als
    53. A. When B. Thugh C. Unless D. Because
    54. A. dirty B. cld C. dry D. empty
    55. A. easily B. endlessly C. weakly D. rapidly
    56. A. frces B. lights C. feelings D. pains
    57. A. prduce B. shw C. need D. blink
    58. A. seldm B. usually C. nce D. hardly
    59. A. But B. S C. Fr D. Or
    60. A. check B. recrd C. affect D. tell
    Imagine flying thrugh space, ging deep under the sea, and traveling the wrld — withut ever 61. ________ (step) ft utside yur classrm. With virtual reality (VR), these experiences are pssible. A VR user wears a headset cnnected t a cmputer 62. ________ a mbile device (设备) t explre a 3D setting. The user can mve arund in the space. Sights (情景) and sunds seem real.
    Katelyn Flanagan, a student at Brugh Schl, in New Jersey, jumped t the surface f the mn with VR and 63. ________ (enjy) it very much. She liked ging t the mn better 64. ________ lking at pictures. “It was s cl and s lifelike,” she said.
    Mnica Crudele is a teacher at the same schl. Her students saw the 1969 mn landing with VR. “They lved it s much because it is 65. ________ (difference) frm watching a vide,” she said. “It widens what I can teach 66. ________ (they).”
    Chris Chin wrks fr a VR cmpany 67. ________ (call) HTC Vive. He said VR culd als 68. ________ (use) t teach real-wrld tasks. “I’ve seen sme really interesting things with training,” Chin said. “Peple can learn 69. ________ t fight fires r t becme a dctr.” When it cmes t medical training, a VR experience is a safer way 70. ________ (learn) t treat patients.
    Research suggests that virtual reality culd reach 15 millin students by 2025.

    注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。
    The ther day I saw a beautiful dress at a shp and fall in lve with it. I tried it n and fund it fit perfectly s I bught it! My favrite thing abut the dress is that it has such many pckets that I dn’t need take a bag any mre. I als get lts f attentins frm my friends whenever I wear it, that makes me prud. What’s funny is that the style is very similarly t what peple wre back in the 1990s. In the fact, I’ve fund sme ld phtgraphs f my mther wear a similar dress. It’s really amazed that we’ve started t wear things that was ppular abut 20 years ag.
    你校英语角将举办以“Shes in the Future”为主题的英语演讲比赛,你有意参加。请你发挥自己的想象力, 用英语写一篇演讲稿。
    注意:1. 词数100左右(开头已给出,但不计入总词数); 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Gd mrning, everyne. I’d like t share my ideas abut shes in the future with yu.

    This June, I learnt that my flight int Queenstwn, the adventure capital f the wrld, was a 20-minute drive away frm the wrld’s first ever bungee (蹦极) site. “S,” I tld myself, “since I’m afraid f any term that starts with the wrd ‘bungee,’ I shuld have a try this time.”
    I regretted saying thse wrds as I lked dwn frm the bridge. “Yu wuldn’t be human if yu didn’t feel this way,” said X, the bungee instructr. She tld everybdy this, I was sure. But then I remembered hw every single persn befre me jumped willingly, and shuted s ludly that the crwd standing near the bridge brke int applause (掌声).
    Finally, I jumped. If yu are waiting fr the part where I say I felt like a bird, it’s nt cming. I fell like a rag dll (布娃娃), and felt like my stmach and my heart were in my thrat. If smebdy applauded fr me, I didn’t hear it. When the men in the bat handed me a rpe t catch and get int the bat, I was t shcked t mve.
    I climbed the steps alng the muntain t return t the bungee centre n tp. Midway lay a little gate beynd which I saw a little by and a wman. “Oh yu did it!” she waved at me with jy. “It was yu that we were watching there!” she pinted t the bridge.
    I smiled, and she tld me hw she was waiting fr her daughter wh was up next. We turned t lk, and saw a girl fall, shuting excitedly. “Oh, lk at yu girls,” she smiled. I mumbled (咕哝) that it was terrifying. “But yu jumped. Yu’ll always remember that,” she said.
    I climbed the rest f the stairs shaking with cld, nly this time there was sunny warmth inside me.
    1. Why did X say the underlined wrds t the authr?
    A. T warn her.
    B. T educate her.
    C. T encurage her.
    D. T make fun f her.
    2. Hw did the authr feel when she jumped?
    A. She felt like a bird.
    B. She was deeply trubled.
    C. She wanted t be praised.
    D. She was frightened t death.
    3. In the eyes f the wman with a by, which wrd can best describe the authr?
    A. Silly.
    B. Lucky.
    C. Brave.
    D. Friendly.
    4. After hearing what the wman said, the authr was _____.
    A. mved
    B. red-faced
    C. surprised
    D. brken-hearted

    There are few clear rules in the UK saying drivers shuld nt park n the pavement (人行道). But Sctland, a cuntry f Britain, is planning a cmplete ban n pavement parking. And, earlier this year, the UK gvernment admitted it was cnsidering changing the law fr the ther parts f Britain.
    Je Irvin f Living Streets (the UK charity fr everyday walking) says there is “n excuse” fr the disagreement and has called n the UK gvernment t act the same way.
    “Pavement parking is really thughtless — and if yu think abut peple with wheelchairs, pushchairs, r sight impairment (受损), they have t g ut n t the rad,” says Mr Irvin.
    Steve Hynd, frm Bristl, said his father, wh uses a wheelchair, had recently ended up in hspital after a parked car had blcked his path.
    “My dad’s experience was near his care hme,” he says. “He was trying t wheel himself back inside and a car had parked up n the pavement. He tried t get arund it and fell ut f his wheelchair.
    “He went t hspital. He’d hurt his head and gt a black eye where his glasses had gne in.”
    Grups such as the AA and RAC admit “sme streets” shuld nt allw pavement parking if it causes prblems t emergency vehicles (紧急车辆) — but they d nt believe in a cmplete ban acrss the cuntry.
    AA president Edmund King says, “We wuld be cncerned if there was a ttal ban. It is clearly pssible in sme areas t park n the pavement while still allwing rm fr pushchairs r peple in wheelchairs t pass.”
    Hugh Bladn f the Alliance f British Drivers argues a cmplete ban wuld cause serius prblems as sme streets were s narrw.
    The simple way t deal with the prblems, Mr Bladn believes, is that all drivers must leave at least ne metre between their car and the inside f the pavement t allw peple with pushchairs and s n t pass by.
    5. What shuld the UK gvernment d accrding t Je Irvin?
    A. Give equal rights t drivers in the UK.
    B. Prevent Sctland frm making the law.
    C. Ban pavement parking ttally in the UK.
    D. Find mre ways t prtect walking peple.
    6. What des the underlined wrd “it” in Paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. A hspital.
    B. A parked car.
    C. A wheelchair.
    D. A care hme.
    7. What is Edmund King’s attitude t a cmplete ban n pavement parking?
    A. He is against it.
    B. He is uncertain f it.
    C. He feels hpeful abut it.
    D. He pays little attentin t it.
    8. What des Hugh Bladn want drivers t d when parking?
    A. Be careful with cars n the pavement.
    B. Stp parking n the pavement frever.
    C. Allw peple with pushchairs t g first.
    D. Leave enugh space fr pavement walkers.
    21-25 DBDBD 26-30 CCCAD
    31-35 BCDAD 36-40 FDEAC 41-45 DBCDB
    46-50 CACCB 51-55 ADACD 56-60 BDBAC
    61. stepping 62. r 63. enjyed
    64. than 65. different 66. them
    67. called 68. be used 69. hw
    70. t learn
    71. ... fall in lve ... fall → fell
    72. ... has such many ... such → s
    73. ... need take a ... need后加t
    74. ... lts f attentins ... attentins → attentin
    75. ... that makes me ... that → which
    76. ... very similarly t ... similarly → similar
    77. In the fact ... 去掉the
    78. ... mther wear a ... wear → wearing
    79. ... really amazed that ... amazed → amazing
    80. ... things that was ... was → were
    One pssible versin:
    Gd mrning, everyne. I’d like t share my ideas abut shes in the future with yu.
    Shes in the future will be quite different frm what they are nw. First f all, their size and shape will be changeable. The shes will als be able t change clr based n changes in temperature r mvement. What’s mre, future shes will have sme amazing functins. They will be able t becme cler when it is ht and warmer when it is cld. They will als be able t play music and light yur way when it is dark. All in all, I think shes in the future will be mre cmfrtable and amazing.
    That’s all. Thank yu!

    本文是应用文。文章是一则关于马戏团Circus Under the Stars将要到美国贝克斯维尔进行表演的通知。
    21. D。细节理解题。由第二段中的We are especially pleased t add the Flying Mntinis t ur circus family和They are knwn ... fr their dangerus trapeze acts可知,与以往不同的是,今年的马戏团演出新增了高空秋千表演家的表演。
    22. B。细节理解题。由倒数第二和第三段提及马戏团的表演时间nly ne week, frm Wednesday, June 5, thrugh Sunday, June 9 ... evening perfrmances Thursday thrugh Sunday at 7 P.M.和Matinees will be held at 2 P.M. n Wednesday, Saturday and Sunday可知,6月5日星期三只有下午两点的一场表演。
    23. D。推理判断题。由文中提及今年的表演新增节目和常规节目、表演时间、表演地点、告知读者尽早买票以及购票电话等可知,本文是一则关于马戏团Circus Under the Stars将要到美国贝克斯维尔进行表演的通知。
    24. B。细节理解题。由第一段中的after my brthers had agreed t let their little sister jin in their games和Peple said ... my family shuldn’t let me play可知,作者的家人支持她踢足球。
    25. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的the whle twn was awake, waiting fr me和peple were waving可知,由于作者荣获了2006年世界最佳女球员的称号,她家乡的人们为此都欢呼雀跃,她回家的那天晚上,全镇的人都没睡等着她,热烈欢迎她回家。
    26. C。推理判断题。文中作者介绍自己的故事——即使所有的人都反对她踢足球,她仍然以实际行动向人们证明她的天赋,并最终取得傲人的成绩。由此可知,她是一个意志力非常坚定的人。
    27. C。推理判断题。由倒数第二段中的Sprt is a tl fr empwering girls, because it gives yu the pprtunity t d what yu want和最后一段中的use my stry t inspire many mre girls and wmen可知,作为联合国妇女署亲善大使,作者通过自己永不言弃的精神呼吁女性相信自己、去做自己想做的事。
    28. C。细节理解题。由第一段中的I left a jb in higher educatin in 1987 t begin wrk full time as a futurist可知,作者如今是一位职业未来学家。
    29. A。篇章结构题。由第二段中的First is the infrmal r self-taught path taken by many peple可知,世界未来学会中的大多数人都是通过自学的方式开始他们对未来学研究的。
    30. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的tk me under his wing ... nurturing my wn interest in the future ... mre than a ten-year-lng relatinship ... If yu are lucky enugh t find that kind f relatinship可知,Ed Lindaman是使作者走上职业未来学家这条道路的启蒙者和领路人,他们的友谊长达数十年,作者十分感激他的帮助和指引。
    31. B。主旨大意题。本文的主旨句是第一段中的Actually, there are three ways t this career,其中的career指代a futurist。再由下文提及成为未来学家的三种途径the infrmal r self-taught path,thrugh the mre traditinal clleges和the mentr path可知,作者旨在通过本文告诉读者如何成为一名未来学家。
    32. C。段落大意题。本段是对艺术组织Obvius所设计的人工智能程序是如何创作绘画的介绍——该程序由生成和鉴别两种算法组成,整个系统以1.5万幅真实的肖像画所包含的数据点作为参考,生成算法负责创作新的画面,鉴别算法则会分析这些画面。
    33. D。细节理解题。由第四段中的This is nt the first AI artwrk, just the first ne sld at auctin可知,Edmnd de Belamy 是第一幅运用人工智能技术创作而被拍卖的画作。
    34. A。推理判断题。由第四段中的The wrk isn’t interesting, r riginal和第五段中的He thinks it’s t simple and gives a bad idea f what real AI artists are ding可知,早就用人工智能技术创作过画作的Rbbie Barrat认为这幅作品既不新颖、又过于简单,也不能代表真正的人工智能艺术家所做的,因而没有太大的艺术价值。
    35. D。推理判断题。由最后一段中的One reasn Christie’s chse t auctin Obvius’s wrk is because AI art is unusual nw可知,现阶段,佳士得拍卖行认为拍卖人工智能艺术是有利润的。
    36. F。F项中的yu’re the ne wh makes that decisin与本段小标题Dn’t let ther peple tell yu what t d以及该空前的it’s yur decisin相呼应。
    37. D。该空后的if yu’re nt very utging, dn’t g fr a sales jb是对D项Fllw yur heart and yur persnality的举例解释,且与本段小标题Cnsider what yu think yu’re gd at相呼应。
    38. E。E项Sme lucky peple get it right first time与本段小标题Yur first decisin isn’t frever形成对比,且该空后的they chse a jb, find they lve it and stick at it是对E项的进一步解释。
    39. A。A项D smething f value与本段提及的peple get mre satisfactin ut f their career if they feel they are ding smething valuable fr thers和It culd be a jb that helps ther peple相呼应。作者本段建议读者择业时可以选择一些有意义的工作。
    40. C。C项中的charity wrk与该空前的smething valuable fr thers相呼应,且与该空后的a jb that helps ther peple, like being a child-minder形成对比。作者认为做有意义的工作并不一定非要去做慈善事业,只要是能帮助别人就好。
    41. D。由下文中的S a persn wh sleeps 8 hurs a day blinks abut 14,400 times each day可知,此处表示普通人每天“醒着(waking)”的时候每四秒钟眨一次眼。
    42. B。由上文中的we blink nce every fur secnds可知,我们大约每“分钟(minute)”眨眼15次。
    43. C。it在此指代blinking。结合语境可知,此处表示眨眼动作的“发生(happens)”大多是无意识的。
    44. D。下文中的they mve very quickly是提示。
    45. B。46. C。下文描述的是人“为什么(why)”要眨眼睛以及眨眼睛的“重要(imprtant)”作用。
    47. A。本段描述的是眨眼有助于移除眼睛里的异物,从而起到“保护(prtect)”眼睛的作用。
    48. C。由语境可推断,眼睫毛可以防止灰尘和其他异物进入眼内,故填keep。
    49. C。 they在此指代dust and ther tiny things。由上文中的eyelashes help ... dust and ther tiny things ut以及本句中的Hwever可知,不过,有时尘土和其他微小的东西仍然会“进入(enter)”眼睛。
    50. B。眨眼有助于移除眼睛内的异物,能够防止眼睛被“损坏(damaged)”。
    51. A。本段讲述的是眨眼可以保护眼睛。此处表示如果你开始猛烈地眨眼,这可能“意味着(means)”你的眼睛里有异物。
    52. D。前一段讲述的是眨眼可以保护眼睛,本段描述眨眼的另一个作用。此处表示眨眼“还(als)”能使眼睛保持润滑。
    53. A。“当(When)”眼睑眨动的时候,泪腺会产生眼泪。
    54. C。由上文中的Our eyes have tiny tear glands ... keep the eyes wet可知,眼泪可以防止眼睛变得太“干燥(dry)”。
    55. D。结合下文中的That is because blinking als prtects the eyes可知,通常人们在照相时,眼睛会“快速地(rapidly)”眨动。
    56. B。由上文中的Have yu ever had yur picture taken可知,此处表示强“光(lights)”。
    57. D。由下文中的The vegetable prduces a gas that makes the eyes tear up and blink可知,当你切洋葱的时候,你可能会“眨眼(blink)”更多。
    58. B。 “通常(usually)”,我们的眼睛在我们忧虑的时候眨动比心情平静的时候更多一些。
    59. A。上文中的Our eyes ... blink mre以及本句中的we ften blink less形成一种对比,故填But。
    60. C。结合本段首句There are ther reasns why we blink可知,疲劳、疾病以及眼睛受伤都会“影响(affect)”眨眼的次数和频率。
    61. stepping。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词withut的宾语,故填stepping。
    62. r。考查连词。设空处所在部分意为“与电脑或者移动设备相连接的头戴式耳机”,故填r。
    63. enjyed。考查一般过去时。设空处与jumped并列作谓语,表示过去发生的动作,应用一般过去时,故填enjyed。
    64. than。考查介词。设空处所在句意为“与看图片相比,她更喜欢通过虚拟现实技术体验登月”,故填than。
    65. different。考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处作表语,表示“不同的”,故填different。
    66. them。考查代词。设空处作宾语,指代her students, 表示“他们”,故填them。
    67. called。考查过去分词作定语的用法。设空处所在句意为“Chris Chin在一家叫作HTC Vive的公司工作”, call与cmpany之间是逻辑上的动宾关系,故填called。
    68. be used。考查被动语态。设空处所在部分意为 “虚拟现实技术还可用于教授现实生活中的工作”, use与VR之间是被动关系,应用被动语态。因为设空处前有情态动词culd,故填be used。
    69. hw。考查疑问词。设空处所在部分意为“人们可以学习如何灭火”,故填hw。
    70. t learn。考查不定式作定语的用法。way后常跟不定式作定语,表示“……的方法”。

    1-4 CDCA 5-8 CBAD
    1. C。推理判断题。由第二段中的She tld everybdy this可知,X作为蹦极教练,她跟每一个人说“如果一个人蹦极时不觉得害怕,那这个人就不是人类”,言外之意是感到害怕是正常的,目的就是鼓励人们勇敢地跳下去。
    2. D。细节理解题。由第三段作者描述她蹦极时的感受felt like my stmach and my heart were in my thrat和I was t shcked t mve可知,蹦极时的作者快吓死了。
    3. C。推理判断题。由倒数第三段这位女士喜悦地对作者说Oh yu did it和倒数第二段她听到作者咕哝地说很害怕后的回复But yu jumped. Yu’ll always remember that可知,在她眼里,敢蹦极的作者很勇敢。
    4. A。推理判断题。由最后一段作者描述她与那位女士交谈后的感受nly this time there was sunny warmth inside me可知,那位女士的话让她很感动。
    5. C。细节理解题。由第二段中Je Irvin说的there is “n excuse” fr the disagreement and has called n the UK gvernment t act the same way可知,他认为没有借口不同意全面禁止在人行道上停车,因而英国政府应该执行该禁令。
    6. B。篇章结构题。联系第四段中的ended up in hspital after a parked car had blcked his path 和该划线词前的a car had parked up n the pavement可知,此处的it指一辆停在人行道上的小汽车。
    7. A。推理判断题。由倒数第三段中Edmund King说的It is clearly pssible in sme areas t park n the pavement while still allwing rm fr pushchairs r peple in wheelchairs t pass可知,他认为在人行道上停车的同时也可以给行人留出通过的空间,因而推测他并不支持全面禁止在人行道上停车。
    8. D。细节理解题。由最后一段可知,Bladn希望司机们在人行道上停车的时候可以给行人留出一定的空间让他们通过。

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