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    三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中, 选择最佳选项。
    Cool Places to Visit In the World

    Beipanjiang Bridge in China is 565 meters above Beipanjiang Canyon and it is the highest bridge in the world. It links Guizhou and Yunnan, and it reduces travel time from five hours to one. On the bridge, visitors can have a wonderful view of the canyon.

    CopenHill is a power plant in Denmark(丹麦)and it creates energy by burning waste. A 1,300-foot man-made ski slope(斜坡) on the roof makes it special. The slope doesn’t depend on machine- made snow or cold temperature. That means visitors can enjoy Earth- friendly fun throughout the whole year.

    a roller coaste
    Canada’s Wonderland is home to 17 roller coasters including the world’s fastest and longest dive(潜水)coaster. Riders hang over a 90-an underwater passage.

    Icehotel in Sweden(瑞典)is the world’s first hotel made of ice. Every winter, this magical place is completely rebuilt by artists using more than 3,000 tons of ice and snow. They are made into works of art that make up every part of the hotel.

    21. The world’s highest bridge is in________.
    A. China B. Sweden C. Canada D. Denmark
    22. Which of the four places is a power plant?
    A. Icehotel. B. Beipanjiang Bridge.
    C. CopenHill. D. Canada’s Wonderland.
    23. What makes Canada’s Wonderland a cool place to visit?
    A. A 1,300-foot man-made ski slope. B. Works of art made of ice and snow.
    C. A wonderful view of Beipanjiang Canyon. D. The world’s fastest and longest dive coaster.
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D
    细节理解题。根据“Beipanjiang Bridge in China is 565 meters above Beipanjiang Canyon and it is the highest bridge in the world.”可知,世界上最高的大桥在中国。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“CopenHill is a power plant in Denmark(丹麦)and it creates energy by burning waste.”可知,歌本山是一个发电厂,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“Canada’s Wonderland is home to 17 roller coasters including the world’s fastest and longest dive(潜水)coaster.”可知,世界上最快最长的潜水过山车使加拿大的仙境成为一个很酷的地方。故选D。

    Luisa’s Letter
    Luisa checked the mailbox. An eggshell-white envelope lay on top of all the letters. It was still there, thank goodness. She picked it and put it into her bag.
    Upstairs, she handed the remaining letters to her mother. “How was school, Luisa?” Mom asked.
    “It was fine,” said Luisa, giving her mother a quick hug.
    In her room Luisa tried to focus on her English homework, but the letter called to her. It had traveled more places than she had. All her life, Luisa had lived in Seville, an ancient city in the southwest of Spain. Luisa loved her hometown, but she wanted to see the world.
    A year abroad! What an attractive possibility! But Luisa couldn’t bring herself to raise the subject with her parents because her parents just wanted her to stay in Seville, get married, give them grandchildren. Last spring, on her own, she applied for(申请) a year of high school in England. Now, this envelope held her answer.
    Luisa went to the kitchen to help with dinner. She asked, “Mom, do you ever think about traveling?
    I mean, I want to. And maybe someday…live somewhere else.”
    Luisa’s heart beat harder as she waited for her mother’s reaction. But Mom nodded. “Luisa, of course you’d like to travel. I want that for you and…”
    Just then Dad arrived. When they sat down at the table to eat, Dad said, “Seville is the best, yes, my Luisa?” Luisa’s heart sank(为之一沉). Dad continued, “Why would people want to leave Seville?” Mom smiled, “When Luisa is old enough, we can discuss with her what’s best for her future.”
    Dad raised an eyebrow but didn’t argue.
    Luisa couldn’t wait any longer, but her parents’ easy chatter(聊天)was the sound of her childhood. She sank deeper into her chair and listened. Home would always be here. But when the time was right, she’d leave. And she wanted it to be with her parents’ support.
    “Something came in the letter,” she said at last. “I want you to see.” She took out the letter. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you,” her voice was shaking. “I wanted this more than anything.” Luisa waved at the unopened envelope. “But only if you say it’s okay.”
    24. Last spring, Luisa________.
    A. traveled abroad with her parents B. got married and started a family
    C. discussed her future plan with her mother D. applied for a year of high school in England
    25. How did Luisa feel as she waited for her mother’s reaction in the kitchen?
    A. Excited. B. Nervous. C. Proud. D. Regretful.
    26. Luisa decided to tell her parents about the letter because________.
    A. she wanted her parents’ support B. she had already known the answer
    C. her parents asked her for the letter D. her parents were unwilling to wait
    【答案】24. D 25. B 26. A
    细节理解题。根据第五段中“Last spring, on her own, she applied for(申请) a year of high school in England.”可知,去年春天,她为自己申请了一所英国的高中。故选D。
    推理判断题。A:兴奋的;B:紧张的;C:骄傲的;D:后悔的。根据第八段中“Luisa’s heart beat harder as she waited for her mother’s reaction.”可知,当路易莎等待母亲的反应时,她的心跳得更厉害了。所以推测路易莎是紧张的。故选B。
    推理判断题。A:她想要她父母的支持;B:她已经知道答案了;C:她父母向她要那封信;D:她的父母不愿意等。分析上下文语境及倒数第二段中“But when the time was right, she’d leave. And she wanted it to be with her parents’ support.”可知,她最后决定告诉父母是因为她想得到父母的支持。故选A。
    Bacterial Quorum Sensing
    Bacteria(细菌)play an important role in our lives. They can keep us alive as well as make us sick. It wasn’t until fairly recently that we learned bacteria can communicate with one another.
    In the 1960s, researchers found that a kind of bacteria called Vibrio fischeri(费氏弧菌) produced no light when they were alone, but that they exhibited great amount of light as the bacterial population grew to a certain number. How did this happen? How can Vibrio fischeri tell the difference between times when they’re alone and times when they’re in a community, and then all do something together?
    Researchers found they talk to each other with a chemical language—signal molecules(信号分子). Vibrio fischeri makes signal molecules, and it also has a receptor on its surface that fits like a lock and key with a signal molecule. As the bacteria increase, more and more signal molecules are sent into the environment. When signal molecules increase to a certain amount, they lock down into those receptors and information comes into the bacteria, which tells them how many neighbors there are. As soon as they realize the population has hit the certain number, all of the bacteria behave as a group, making light together. In the past ten years, researchers have found all bacteria have systems like this: they make and recognize chemical words, determine(判断)the size of the community, and carry out tasks that would be unsuccessful if a single one were to act alone. This process is called quorum sensing.
    Most of the time, bacteria live with thousands of other species (种类)of bacteria. There has to be a language of interspecies communication. In fact, bacteria have another kind of signal molecule, which is the common language used by all species. Moreover, this kind of molecule has its own receptor. In this way, bacteria are able to count different populations, and then they decide what task to carry out depending on which species has the greatest population.
    Knowing how bacteria communicate could influence how we fight disease. What if bacteria can’t talk or hear? They won’t recognize when there are enough bacteria and when to exhibit the group behavior to make us sick. Researchers are developing a method—to make molecules that look like the real ones and then they lock into the receptors to jam recognition of the real situation.
    On the other hand, researchers also improve the conversation of the beneficial bacteria, so they can do things that we want them to do better than they would do on their own.
    27. According to the passage, what can we learn about quorum sensing?
    A. Quorum sensing may happen when there is only one Vibrio fischeri.
    B. Signal molecules are kept away from receptors during quorum sensing.
    C. Most bacteria have similar systems to make light during quorum sensing.
    D. Bacteria carry out a group task when their population hit a certain number.
    28. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. The more species there are, the more group actions bacteria will take.
    B. In different environments, bacteria have different interspecies languages.
    C. Beneficial bacteria communicate better by themselves than harmful ones.
    D. To fight disease, researchers try to turn off the communication between harmful bacteria.
    29. The passage is mainly about ________.
    A. why bacterial population grows B. how bacteria communicate with each other
    C. which bacteria help fight disease D. what scientists do to find quorum sensing
    【答案】27. D 28. D 29. B
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“As soon as they realize the population has hit the certain number, all of the bacteria behave as a group…if a single one were to act alone. This process is called quorum sensing.”可知,一旦发现细菌数量达到一定数量,所有的细菌就会一起发光。研究人员发现所有的细菌都有这样的系统,判断群体的大小,并且如果单独行动的话执行的任务将会失败。这个过程称为群体感应。结合选项,故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第四段中“Researchers are developing a method—to make molecules that look like the real ones and then they lock into the receptors to jam recognition of the real situation.”可知,研究人员正在开发一种方法——使分子看起来像真实的分子,然后它们锁定在受体上,阻碍对真实情况的识别。所以为了对抗疾病,研究人员试图关闭有害细菌之间的交流。故选D。
    Everybody hates that feeling when you spend three weeks reading a book, and a month later somebody asks you about it and you can’t remember a thing you read. It makes you wonder why you wasted a couple of hours on the words that didn’t stick.
    There are some effective ways to learn. And when I say “to learn effectively”, what I mean is to not just build up knowledge, but to be able to apply(应用)that knowledge effectively at some point in the future. By this definition, most of the courses people spend money on is not learning. Something is not truly learned until it changes you in some way.
    1. Memory is based on relevance (相关性)
    One of my favorite online book clubs is Mentor Box. What’s cool about the club is not only do they send you books to read, but they send you study materials related to them. The study materials, instead of being like school, where it asks you to repeat information in the book to help memorize it, are designed to help you apply the lessons to various areas of your life.
    That’s because memory works based on relevance. We only remember what our brain has considered important to our own lives. If you don’t find a way to make it relevant to you and your well-being in some way, your brain will conveniently forget it.
    You can do this on your own. When you come across something interesting in a book, write down its application or relevance to something in your life—how you can use the idea, how it explains something in your past, how it can help with your problems, etc.
    2. Reading does not have to be linear
    People believe they have to read everything, line by line, one after another. This is not only not true, but it’s often a waste of time and energy.
    When you buy a book, you’re not buying the words, you’re buying the useful ideas. The point of a book is to gather the information that is relevant and important to you, not to finish it or to understand every word. What matters is the principle or key idea. Once you’ve received that principle or idea, there’s no reason to feel obligated to sit there and read the rest.
    3.Think critically and ask the right questions
    Everything you read should be questioned. You should question the writer’s biases(偏见 ), whether they’re explaining information correctly, whether they’re overlooking something. When reading something I agree with, I’ll ask myself, “Is it possible that this could be wrong?” Everything should be taken with a grain of salt, for the simple reason that almost everything is largely uncertain. And it’s the ability to manage those uncertainties effectively that will determine the depth of your knowledge and understanding, not the ability to memorize a lot of facts and numbers.
    30. According to the writer, effective learning________.
    A. is a practical method to have good feelings
    B. helps you explain and remember difficult words
    C. happens when knowledge changes you in some way
    D. is the main goal of the courses people spend money on
    31 What does the writer suggest when we learn something new?
    A. Read line by line to receive useful ideas.
    B. Repeat and rethink information to deepen our memory.
    C. Build connections between books and our personal life.
    D. Keep asking questions to understand the writer’s opinions.
    32. The underlined word “obligated” probably means “________”.
    A. worried B. forced C. relaxed D. interested
    33. Which of the following would be the best title for the passage?
    A. How to Become A Better Learner
    B. How to Memorize Things Effectively
    C. Ways of Building Relevance in Your Life
    D The importance of Asking the Right Questions
    【答案】30. C 31. C 32. B 33. A
    推理判断题。根据“By this definition, most of the courses people spend money on is not learning. Something is not truly learned until it changes you in some way.”可知,当知识以某种方式改变你时,这才是有效的学习,故选C。
    推理判断题。根据“That’s because memory works based on relevance. We only remember what our brain has considered important to our own lives. If you don’t find a way to make it relevant to you and your well-being in some way, your brain will conveniently forget it.”可知,当我们学习新东西时,我们应在书和个人生活之间建立联系,故选C。
    词义猜测题。worried担心的,forced被迫的,relaxed放松的,interested感兴趣的。根据“What matters is the principle or key idea.”可知,重要的是原则或关键思想。因此一旦接受了这个原则或想法,他就愿意去读,而不是被迫去读。故选B。
    标题归纳题。根据“There are some effective ways to learn.”可知,本文主要介绍了如何成为一个更好的学习者。故选A。
    三、阅读下列短文, 根据短文内容, 从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。

    21. What's Jack's new hobby?
    A. Taking pictures. B. Cooking.
    C. Making clothes. D. Writing.
    22. Who has a beautiful cat?
    A. Mike. B. Jack. C. Lucy. D. Susan.
    23. What are they talking about?
    A. Their homework. B. Their pets.
    C. Their favorite things. D. Their friends.
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. C
    细节理解题。题意:杰克的新业余爱好是什么?A. Taking pictures 摄影;B. Cooking 烹饪;C. Making clothes 做衣服;D. Writing 写作。根据杰克的原话cooking has become my new hobby可知,烹饪是他的新业余爱好,故答案选B。
    细节理解题。题意:谁有一只漂亮的猫?根据Susan原话She’s not really a thing but a beautiful cat可知,苏珊有一只漂亮的猫,故答案选D。
    主旨大意题。题意:他们在谈论什么?A. Their homework 他们的家庭作业;B. Their pets 他们的宠物;C. Their favorite things 他们最喜爱的事物;D. Their friends 他们的朋友。根据几位小朋友的叙述文字可知,他们在分享自己最喜欢的事物,故答案选C。

    A Beautiful Reminder
    Clara Daly was seated on an Alaska Airlines flight from Boston to Los Angeles with her mother when a flight attendant asked an urgent (紧急的) question over the loudspeaker:“Does anyone on board know American Sign Language (ASL)?”
    Clara, 15 at the time, offered to help. The flight attendant came by and explained the situation. “We have a passenger on the plane who's blind and deaf. He is flying home after visiting his sister. He is unable to make any kind of communication with the flight attendants.” she said. The passenger seemed to want something, but he was traveling alone and the flight attendants couldn't understand what he needed.
    Clara had been studying American Sign Language for the past year and she knew she would be able to finger spell into the man’s palm (掌心). So she stood up, walked toward the front of the plane, and rested on her knees alongside 64⁃year⁃old Tim Cook. Gently taking his hand, letter by letter, she unlocked his wishes. She signed, “How are you? Are you OK?” Cook asked for some water. When it arrived, Clara returned to her seat. She came by again a bit later because he wanted to know the time. On her third visit, she stopped and stayed awhile. She soon realized Cook didn't need anything. He was lonely and wanted to talk.
    So for the next hour, that's what they did. She talked about her family and her plans of becoming a politician in the future. Cook told Clara how he had gradually become blind over time and shared stories of his days as a traveling salesman. Even though he couldn't see her,she looked attentively at his face with such kindness.
    People on board thought it was cool. A passenger named Lynette Scribner took a photo and wrote about Clara's act of kindness on the Internet, calling it “a beautiful reminder in this time of too much awfulness…that there are still good people who are willing to look out for each other.”
    24. The flight attendant wanted a person who    .
    A. knew ASL B. liked talking
    C. traveled alone D. came from Boston
    25. What did Clara do on her third visit to Cook?
    A. She told Cook the time. B. She gave Cook some water.
    C. She took a photo with Cook. D. She stayed and talked to Cook.
    26. Clara's act was called a beautiful reminder because    .
    A. it encouraged people to talk with strangers
    B. it told people the importance of learning ASL
    C. it showed there were still people willing to help
    D. it proved it was safe for people to travel by air
    【答案】24. A 25. D 26. C
    题意:空乘人员想要一个懂美国手语的人。考查细节理解。根据when a flight attendant asked an urgent question over the loudspeaker: “Does anyone on board know American Sign Language (ASL)?” 一名空姐通过扩音器问了一个紧急问题:“飞机上有人懂美国手语吗?”可知空乘人员想要一个懂美国手语的人,a person who knew ASL符合题意,故选A。
    题意:克拉拉第三次去看库克时做了什么?考查细节理解。根据On her third visit, she stopped and stayed awhile. She soon realized Cook didn't need anything. He was lonely and wanted to talk. So for the next hour, that's what they did.,结合下文两人的谈话可知,她停下来和库克谈了一会儿,She stayed and talked to Cook.符合题意,故选D。
    题意:克拉拉的行为被称为一个美丽的提醒,因为它表明仍然有人愿意帮助。考查细节判断。根据A passenger named Lynette Scribner took a photo and wrote about Clara's act of kindness on the Internet, calling it “a beautiful reminder in this time of too much awfulness…that there are still good people who are willing to look out for each other.”可知虽然这个时代有太多的不幸……仍然有好人愿意互相照顾,it showed there were still people willing to help符合题意,故选C。
    【点睛】本文篇幅较长,难度适中,各个小题都能在文中找到适当依据。只要认真阅读短文,注意前后联系,就能顺利完成阅读。三个题目主要考查细节理解或判断,做题关键是找出原文的根据,认真核查小题和原文的异同。例如小题2,问克拉拉第三次去看库克时做了什么?考查细节理解。根据On her third visit, she stopped and stayed awhile. She soon realized Cook didn't need anything. He was lonely and wanted to talk. So for the next hour, that's what they did.,结合下文两人的谈话可知,她停下来和库克谈了一会儿,She stayed and talked to Cook.符合题意,故选D。

    Research has already suggested that opening a book may help improve brain function and reduce stress. Now, a team led by Joanna Sikora of the Australian National University is looking into the benefits of growing up around a book⁃filled environment; the researchers' new study suggests that homes with libraries can arm children with skills that last well into adulthood.

    The study looked at data from 160 000 adults from 31 countries, including the United States, Australia, Turkey and Chile. Participants (参与者) filled out surveys with the Programme for the International Assessment of Competencies, which measures proficiency (水平) in three areas: literacy (读写能力), numeracy and information communication technology. People, 25 to 65 years old, were asked to tell how many books were in their house when they were 16 years old. The research team was interested in this question because home library size can be a good sign of “book⁃oriented socialization.” Participants were able to choose from a given range of books that included everything from“10 or less” to “more than 500.”
    The surveys, which were taken between 2011 and 2015, showed that the average (平均的) number of books in participants' childhood homes was 115, but that number varied widely from country to country. The average library size in Norway was 212 books, for example; in Turkey, it was 27. In all, however, it seemed that more books in the home was linked to higher proficiency in the areas tested by the survey.
    The effects were most marked when it came to literacy. Growing up with few books in the home resulted in below average literacy levels. Being surrounded by 80 books raised the levels to average, and literacy continued to improve until libraries reached about 350 books,at which point the literacy rates leveled off. The researchers saw similar things when it came to numeracy; the effects were not as pronounced with information communication technology tests, but skills did improve with increased numbers of books.
    So, what does the new study tell us? Take, for example, an adult who grew up with hardly any books in the home, but went on to get a university degree compared to an adult who grew up with a large home library, but only had nine years of schooling. The study found that both of their literacy levels were almost the same. “So, literacy⁃wise, bookish childhood makes up for a good deal of educational advantage,” the study authors write.
    Further research is needed to decide exactly why exposure to ( 沉浸在) books in childhood encourages valuable skills later in life, but the study offers further evidence to suggest that reading has a powerful effect on the mind. And so home library size might be important because, as the researchers note, “children emulate (模仿) parents who read.”
    27. The second paragraph is mainly about     .
    A. what the study found out
    B. how the study was carried out
    C. who were invited to the research
    D. why the researchers did the study
    28. The phrase “leveled off” in Paragraph 4 probably means “    ”.
    A. backed to average B. started falling
    C. continued to grow D. stopped rising
    29. The example in Paragraph 5 shows    .
    A. the disadvantage of having little school education
    B. the effect of having a home library in childhood
    C. the necessity of raising people's literacy level
    D. the importance of getting a university degree
    30. What can we learn from the passage?
    A. The study explained why bookish childhood encouraged valuable skills.
    B. Adults benefit more from a home library than children.
    C. Home library size has little to do with numeracy level.
    D. Parents who love reading benefit children a lot.
    【答案】27. B 28. D 29. B 30. D
    题意:第二段主要是关于研究是如何进行的。考查段意理解。根据The study looked at data from 160, 000 adults from 31 countries, including the United States, Australia, Turkey and Chile. Participants filled out surveys with the Programme for the International Assessment of Competencies,结合本段内容,可知介绍了是怎样进行研究的,how the study was carried out符合题意,故选B。
    题意:第4段中的“leveled off”一词可能是“ ”的意思。考查词义理解。A. 回到平均值;B. 开始下降;C. 继续增长;D. 停止上升。根据上文Growing up with few books in the home resulted in below average literacy levels. 结合本句可知,藏书量不断增长,达到350本左右时读写能力才趋于稳定,不再上升,前面三项意思都与句意不合,故选D。
    题意:第5段的例子显示了在儿童时期拥有家庭图书馆的影响。考查推理判断。根据本段对两个童年时读书数量不同的成年人的对比,结合研究者的话So, literacy-wise, bookish childhood makes up for a good deal of educational advantage可知,在文学方面,书卷气十足的童年会弥补很多教育上的优势,the effect of having a home library in childhood符合题意,故选B。
    题意:我们能从这篇文章中了解到什么?考查文意理解。根据最后研究者的话“children emulate parents who read.”可知爱读书的父母对孩子很有好处,Parents who love reading benefit children a lot.符合文意,故选D。

    Robotic Pets
    I am going to predict how people are going to be with future technology in their life. I think robotic pets are going to be increasingly popular as the technology develops. At least I am going to build what I think is a strong case for this prediction.
    From a neurological point of view, I do not see anything in the way to people bonding (纽带) fully with robotic pets. The human brain can attach (赋予) emotions to things and respond to emotional signaling. Being alive is simply not required. From how objects move, our brains infer that they are able to act with their own will and purpose. If they move in a way that cannot be explained simply as passive (被动的) movement, then they must be moving on their own. Therefore, they can connect to the emotional centers in our brains. We either fear them, or love them, or hunger for them, or whatever. We can respond emotionally with cartoon creatures, with animals, and yes, even with robots. Our brains treat things that act alive as if they are alive—no different.

    One of the opposite points that people often bring up is that they love the way their pets behave, not just look. This gets to AI, which has been developing at a fast pace. We have AI that can beat world masters in chess and go. I have no doubt we can build AI to mimic (模仿) the behavior of dogs and cats, if not now then probably within a generation.
    So we will have no problem fully emotionally bonding with a robotic pet. But this doesn't mean we would prefer such a pet. One argument against robotic pets is that they will be expensive compared to a live pet—but this is likely not to be true forever. Living pets need to be fed, and they need at least basic medical care, and they may need to be boarded at times. Also, people spend hundreds of dollars on pets, _____31_____or thousands of dollars on purebred species. Robotic pets will finally cost less in total than biological ones.
    But let's get to the real reason people will prefer robotic pets at last. The possibilities for building in useful technology are endless. An advanced robotic pet could also serve as a defensive and alarm system. You could recharge your cell phone off their batteries. They could be a walking cell phone. They would be excellent companions for the elder, affording them more independence for longer. This in itself would be a huge cost saving—anything that keeps people out of a nursing home is cost effective.
    Imagination is really the only limitation, once you have the basics of a working robot. When the technology crosses a certain limit, this will be a thing. Future generations may consider keeping a living animal in your home as primitive (原始的) and cruel. They may have a point.
    31. Why can we bond fully with robotic pets?
    A. They can respond to our reactions.
    B. They can move actively and freely.
    C. Our brains can treat things differently.
    D. Our brains can attach emotions to them.
    32. According to the passage, we know that     .
    A. robotic pets will be cost effective in the future
    B. present AI can mimic all the behaviors of live pets
    C. the elder prefer to have robotic pets as companions
    D. the young think it primitive and cruel to keep live pets
    33. The writer probably agrees that     .
    A. live pets will serve us better
    B. it is easier to keep live pets at home
    C. technology ensures robotic pets a bright future
    D. imagination limits the development of robotic pets
    【答案】31. D 32. A 33. C
    题意:为什么我们能与机器人宠物建立起全面的联系?考查细节判断。根据The human brain can attach emotions to things and respond to emotional signaling.和下文We can respond emotionally with cartoon creatures, with animals, and yes, even with robots. Our brains treat things that act alive as if they are alive-no different.可知人类的大脑可以将情感与事物联系起来,我们的大脑可以用卡通动物,动物,甚至是机器人来表达情感,Our brains can attach emotions to them.符合题意,故选D。
    题意:根据这篇文章,我们知道机器人宠物在未来将是经济有效的。考查细节判断。A. 机器人宠物在未来将是经济有效的;根据An advanced robotic pet could also serve as a defensive and alarm system…This in itself would be a huge cost saving—anything that keeps people out of a nursing home is cost effective.可知说法正确。B. 现在的人工智能可以模仿活体宠物的所有行为;根据I have no doubt we can build AI to mimic the behavior of dogs and cats, if not now then probably within a generation.可知说法错误。C. 老年人喜欢有机器宠物作伴;根据They would be excellent companions for the elder, affording them more independence for longer. This in itself would be a huge cost saving—anything that keeps people 可知说法错误。D. 年轻人认为养宠物既原始又残忍;根据Future generations may consider keeping a living animal in your home as primitive and cruel.可知错误。综合以上分析,故选A。
    题意:作者可能认为,技术保证了机器人宠物的光明未来。考查观点态度。根据When the technology crosses a certain limit, this will be a thing. Future generations may consider keeping a living animal in your home as primitive and cruel. They may have a point.可知技术突破一定限度时,机器人宠物的未来是很好的;technology ensures robotic pets a bright future符合文意,故选C。

    Thinking outside the Box
    If you think young people can't have an influence on the world,think again. Over the years,teens have invented excellent things that solve problems and have changed the ways people do things.
    Take fourteen-year-old Eliott Sarrey for example. He invented Bot2Karot,a gardening robot that can take care of a small vegetable garden. The robot is controlled by an app on a smartphone. It helps people grow and take care of vegetables. It also saves water and energy,and makes gardening easy for people who are very busy or have difficulty getting around. Brooke Martin is an animal lover who missed her dog when she was away. So she invented iCPooch when she was just twelve years old. The iCPooch lets pet owners check on their pets from anywhere in the world using a smartphone. It also allows owners to use their smartphone cameras to video chat with their pets.
    Fourteen-year-old inventor Robert Saunt was tired of buying or borrowing different video-game controllers for each game console(操 控 器 ) . So he invented a controller called Game Blox. It can be used with four of the most popular game consoles. His invention will save players a lot of money and space,and it will save 330 million kg of materials every year.
    Kids all over the world find ways to solve problems every day. Who knows?Maybe the next time you have a problem,you'll come up with the next amazing idea!
    21. If you have no time to take care of your vegetable garden,_______ can help you.
    A. Bot2Karot B. iCPooch C. Game Blox D. Smartphone Cameras
    22. Brooke Martin invented iCPooch when she was _______.
    A. 4 B. 10 C. 12 D. 14
    23. According to the passage,Robert Saunt ________.
    A. is an animal lover B. was tired of playing games
    C. invented a controller D. helps with gardening
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. C
    本文举例说明青少年有创造性思考,打破常规,发明了能解决问题并改变人们做事方式的好东西。14岁的艾略特.萨里,他发明了BoT2KAROT,一个园艺机器人。机器人是由智能手机上的应用程序控制的。它帮助人们生长和照料蔬菜。它还节约用水和能源,并使园艺便捷。Brooke Martin是一个动物爱好者。他12岁时发明了iCPooch(狗狗电话)。十四岁的发明家Robert Saunt发明了一种叫做游戏Bulx的控制器。它可以与四款最受欢迎的游戏机一起使用。他的发明将为玩家节省很多钱。全世界的孩子每天都在寻找解决问题的方法。也许下一次
    题意:如果你没有时间照顾你的菜园,_________可以帮助你。根据第二段第1和2句Take fourteen-year-old Eliott Sarrey for example. He invented Bot2Karot,a gardening robot that can take care of a small vegetable garden.(以十四岁的艾略特.萨里为例。他发明了BOT2KAROT,一个可以照顾一个小菜园的园艺机器人。)可知Bot2Karot可以帮助你照顾你的菜园;故选A。
    题意:Brooke Martin ____________岁时发明了iCPooch(狗狗电话)。根据第3段第二句So she invented iCPooch when she was just twelve years old.可知“Brooke Martin12岁时发明了iCPooch”;故选C。
    题意:根据文章,Robert Saunt _________________。A. is an animal lover是动物爱好者;B. was tired of playing games厌倦了玩游戏;C. invented a controller发明一个控制器;D. helps with gardening帮助做园艺。根据第4段第2句So he invented a controller called Game Blox. 可知Robert Saunt发明了一个叫Game Blox控制器。可知选C。
    Parisian architect(建 筑 师 )Paul Andreu has designed so many landmark buildings in China.
    Among his best known are the National Grand Theatre in Beijing,the Jinan Grand Theatre and Shanghai Pudong International Airport. Andreu is nearly 80 and he continues to develop projects in China. The worldfamous architect,writer and painter held his first art show last summer in Beijing where he sat down for this interview.

    How was it that you went from architecture to writing—and more recently to painting?
    I have a desire to create,for continuous renewal. While I can't say that I know everything about architecture,I no longer have much to prove or discover. For me,painting is just as important,creatively,but it's something you do alone in your workshop,with a piece of paper and a pot of ink—it's totally refreshing.

    Why did you wait so many years to start painting?
    It was a kind of need. I was tired off in my field and wanted to try something new and I tried to improve this situation by writing. But writing is a very long process—it takes at least a year to write a book. Painting is faster. Being alone with yourself during the day,in the light,and then putting yourself in a situation where you produce something of which you know nothing and for which no one has asked—it's a kind of freedom you seldom have in life.

    What is your project in China right now?
    There's a project in the ZhuhaiMacao area. The Chinese engineering and building company Zhuhai Da Heng Qin asked French architect Thomas Coldefy to think about the project, suggesting that he work with an architect who's already known in China. He asked me if I'd be willing to do some of the work. We'll present the project some time before December;the planned completion date is in 2019.

    24. Paul Andreu has gone from architecture to painting because .
    A. he likes paper and ink B. he thinks painting is faster
    C. he has a desire to create D. he has to prove that he is great
    25. Where is Paul Andreu's project in China now?
    A. In Beijing. B. In Jinan.
    C. In Shanghai Pudong. D. In the ZhuhaiMacao area.
    26. What do you know about Paul Andreu from the passage?
    A. His achievements. B. His challenges. C. His worries. D. His habits.
    【答案】24. C 25. D 26. A
    题意:保罗·安德鲁已经从建筑到绘画,因为___________。A. he likes paper and ink他喜欢纸和墨水;B. he thinks painting is faster他认为绘画速度更快;C. he has a desire to create他有创造的欲望;D. he has to prove that he is great他必须证明自己是伟大的。根据文中关于第一个问题How was it that you went from architecture to writing—and more recently to painting?(你是如何从建筑到写作,最近才开始绘画的?)中第一句I have a desire to create,for continuous renewal.(我渴望创造,为了不断的更新。)可知答案是C。
    题意:保罗·安德鲁现在在中国的项目在哪里?A. In Beijing.在北京;B. In Jinan.在济南;C. In Shanghai Pudong.上海浦东;D. In the ZhuhaiMacao area.珠海澳门地区。根据文中第3个问题What is your project in China right now?(你现在在中国的项目是什么?)中第1句There's a project in the ZhuhaiMacao area.(在珠海-澳门地区有一个项目。)可知答案是D。
    题意:从这篇文章中关于保罗·安德鲁你知道些什么?A. His achievements.他的成就;B. His challenges.他的挑战;C. His worries.他的担忧;D. His habits.他的习惯。第一段是一篇文章的主要内容,根据第一段和本文内容可知本文主要介绍了巴黎建筑师保罗·安德鲁成就。他在中国设计了许多标志性建筑,其中最著名的是北京国家大剧院、济南大剧院和上海浦东国际机场。根据本文主要内容可知选A。
    After the holiday season,our guess is that you are tired from visiting the store and buying gifts. It is easy to get stuck,both spiritually and physically by having too much. This is why minimalism and living simply should be your resolution for 2018.

    Economic development results in a lot of consumerism(消 费 ):get a good job,get a nice car, and settle into a beautiful house. But some people say that our lives could use a little lightening these days:We work and work and work to only buy and buy and buy—but does all that material wealth really lead to our happiness?Are we filling our time with unnecessary things,when we should be filling our time with friends,value,and service?

    An article from the website,Becoming Minimalist, points out the problem with this cycle(循 环 ) in the best way,“ Nobody really believes happiness is directly tied to the number of things we own. Yet almost all of us live like it. We get stuck in it. We work more hours than ever before, earn more income, but save less.”

    Minimalism isn't all about ridding(摆 脱 )consumerism and products from your life. Minimalism is about finding your own sense of self and focusing on the things you love. It is about creating a lifestyle that is focused on only those people and things that enrich you.

    These days,minimalistic living can come in many forms. We think the most practical form of minimalistic living for us is to follow our list:How You Can Live Lighter in 2018.

    Purge Your Closet:Take a day and clear out all of your drawers and closets. If something doesn't have special meaning or adds no value to your life—give it away. Have only what you need and what you can see.

    Test Those Limits:See how long you can go without shopping. Give yourself a limit,whether it be two weeks or six months,whether it be avoiding a certain mall or buying clothes. Then put your selfwill to the test. After your allowed time,chances are you will realize all those extra blouses weren't worth it and you will set yourself up for future spending control.

    Cut the Cord:This sometimes means giving up your modern technology:TV,cell phone,computer,etc. Limit yourself to only a few hours of TV per week,or only 30 minutes of social media per day. You'll make more time for the things and people that you love and clear out some unnecessary noise from your life.

    Live to Your Goals:Find out what your life goals and values are. Then,see what may help you or stop you from achieving this goal. Cut out that which doesn't lead to your happiness and success and add more of what does.

    Remember,a pared down lifestyle doesn't mean less success or less happiness. It represents your freedom to focus on the things in life that really matter.

    27. The cycle “ people work and work only to buy and buy” shows .
    A. people get stuck physically and spiritually
    B. people don't believe wealth leads to happiness
    C. people don't want to save more
    D. people fall in love with buying
    28. To practise minimalistic living,you should .
    A. give away your drawers and closets
    B. go to the shopping mall every six months
    C. have 30 minutes of social media per day
    D. discover your life goals and values
    29. The words “ pared down”in the last paragraph probably mean “ ” .
    A. free B. light C. popular D. convenient
    30. Which of the following best explains the writer's opinion?
    A. It might take you a long time to wait for the “ right”thing.
    B. Clear out the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.
    C. Change yourself with the development of society.
    D. Freedom is more important than success.
    【答案】27. A 28. D 29. B 30. B
    本文主要谈论极简主意和生活简单化。经济发展导致了大量的消费主义:找好工作,买一辆漂亮的车,安顿在一个漂亮的房子里。但有些人说,我们的生活可以使用一些点亮这些日子:我们工作,工作和工作,只买,买,买,但所有的物质财富真的会导致我们的幸福吗?当我们用朋友、价值和服务来充实我们的时间时,我们是否在用不必要的东西来充实我们的时间?我们陷入了困境。我们工作时间比以往任何时候都多,赚取更多的收入,但储蓄较少。极简主义并不是指所有的消费品和生活中的产品。极简主义是寻找你自己的感觉,专注于你所爱的事物。它是关于创造一个生活方式只关注那些丰富你的人和事物。如今,极简主义生活可以有多种形式。我们认为最实用的形式,就是遵循我们的清单:2018岁时如何才能生活得更轻松。具体做法:1.你的衣橱:花一天的时间清理你所有的抽屉和壁橱。2.这些限制:看看没有购物你能走多久。3. 切断电源线:这有时意味着放弃现代技术:电视,手机,
    计算机等。4. 实现你的目标:找出你的人生目标和价值观。记住,一个简朴的生活方式并不意味着更少的成功或更少的幸福。它代表你的自由专注于生活中真正重要的事情。
    题意:“人们工作和工作只是为了买和买”的循环表明________________________。A. people get stuck physically and spiritually人们在身体上和精神上都被困住了。B. people don't believe wealth leads to happiness人们不相信财富会带来幸福;C. people don't want to save more人们不想多储蓄;、D. people fall in love with buying人们爱上买东西。根据第1段第2句After the holiday season,our guess is that you are tired from visiting the store and buying gifts.It is easy to get stuck,both spiritually and physically by having too much.(假期过后,我们的猜测是,你厌倦了逛商店和买礼物。通过买买买无论是精神上还是身体上很容易陷入困境。)可知选A。
    题意:要践行简约的生活,你应该_________________。A. give away your drawers and closets捐出你的抽屉和衣柜;B. go to the shopping mall every six months每六个月去购物中心;C. have 30 minutes of social media per day每天30分钟的社交媒体;D. discover your life goals and values发现你的人生目标和价值观。根据How You Can Live Lighter in 2018.(2018岁时如何才能生活得更轻松。)第4点(倒数第2段)Live to Your Goals:Find out what your life goals and values are.(活在你的目标中:找出你的人生目标和价值观。)可知选D。
    题意:最后一段中的“pared down”可能是指__________。A. free自由,免费;B. light轻松的;C. popular流行的,普通的;D. convenient方便的。pared down:简练的; 精简的,简洁的,简朴的;本文主要讲述了极简主义生活,据下文It represents your freedom to focus on the things in life that really matter.( 它代表你的自由专注于生活中真正重要的事情。)结合本文内容可知此句句意是“记住,一个简朴的生活方式并不意味着更少的成功或更少的幸福。”结合选项可知选B。
    题意:下面哪一个最能解释作者的观点?A. It might take you a long time to wait for the “ right”thing. 等待“正确”的事情可能要花很长时间;B. Clear out the unnecessary so that the necessary may speak.清除不必要的,必要的才显山露水;C. Change yourself with the development of society. 随着社会的发展而改变自己;D. Freedom is more important than success. 自由比成功更重要。
    A research study has looked into what happens inside your brain while you read and listen to music. You know that thrill(兴 奋 )you get when listening to your favorite music?That exciting feeling when you hear your favorite songs?According to a recent study,it seems the same thing can happen while you are reading,but not with every kind of text. This opens up interesting questions around how music,reading and emotions are connected in the brain.
    The study
    “ We decided we would do a comparison between four or five different kinds of texts to see how the brain reacted,”explains Adam Zeman,a scientist. “ The participants (参 与 者 )lay in an MRI scanner reading the texts,and then we compared brain activity for those five texts.”The texts ranged (涉 及 )from deadly boring ones to highly exciting ones,including the Highway Code,parts from novels,and poems.
    So what happened in the participants brains while they were reading?
    Emotional reaction
    As the researchers observed,participants found some texts more emotional than others. When reading these emotional texts,there was higher activity in brain areas related to pleasure and reward—the same areas related to the thrill we get when we listen to music. As Zeman says,“ it perfectly shows that the emotional reaction to literature(文 学 )and to music has quite a bit in common. So it doesn't seem to matter whether you are listening or reading if you get a thrill. That was one quite strong finding.”
    Introspection(内 省 )
    There were more interesting findings. Reading poetry is often considered an activity that requires us to use the brain,but did the study find any truth of this?When the participants were reading poems,the team found there was more activity in a particular group of brain areas called the Default Network. “ These areas seem to be related to things we do with our minds when we are resting,like thinking about what's happened to us recently,thinking about what's going to happen in the near future,about other people,and that network seems to be more strongly related to poetry than with other texts,”explains Zeman. This connection between poetry and introspection could be the subject of further research.
    The study shows that the different texts activate different areas of our brains when we read. Zeman says,“ the study did support what we thought:reaction to literature was going to be a bit like the one to music in terms of emotion. We felt that we ended up with a great deal of unanswered questions which we hope somebody will continue to ask.”
    31. What did the research try to find out?
    A. How music helps us read different kinds of texts.
    B. What kind of texts most people like while listening to music.
    C. Why reading different texts causes different reactions in emotion.
    D. Whether reading can cause similar emotional reaction like music does.
    32. What did the participants do in the study?
    A. They listened to music. B. They read different texts.
    C. They answered many questions. D. They compared brain activities.
    33. What can we learn from the study?
    A. The emotional texts work better for the research.
    B. Poetry reading can activate the Default Network.
    C. Music helps to bring pleasure and reward.
    D. People think about the past when resting.
    【答案】31. D 32. B 33. B
    题意:这项研究试图找出什么?A. How music helps us read different kinds of texts. 音乐如何帮助我们阅读不同体裁的文章;B. What kind of texts most people like while listening to music. 听音乐时大多数人喜欢什么样的文章;C. Why reading different texts causes different reactions in emotion. 为什么阅读不同的文章会引起情感上的不同反应。D. Whether reading can cause similar emotional reaction like music does. 阅读是否会引起类似音乐的情绪反应。根据第一段第一句A research study has looked into what happens inside your brain while you read and listen to music.(一项调查研究调查了你在阅读和听音乐时大脑内部发生的事情。)可知研究的目的是“阅读是否会引起类似音乐的情绪反应。”选D。
    题意:参与者在研究中做了什么?A. They listened to music. 他们听音乐;B. They read different texts. 他们读不同的文章;C. They answered many questions. 他们回答了许多问题;
    D. They compared brain activities. 他们比较了大脑活动。根据实验the study的第一句We decided we would do a comparison between four or five different kinds of texts to see how
    the brain reacted可知参与者读不同的文章;选B。
    题意:我们可以从这项研究中了解到什么?A. The emotional texts work better for the research. 情感文本对研究更有效;B. Poetry reading can activate the Default Network. 诗歌朗读可以激活默认网络;C. Music helps to bring pleasure and reward. 音乐有助于带来快乐和回报;D. People think about the past when resting. 人们在休息的时候思考过去。根据第3句When the participants were reading poems,the team found there was more activity in a particular group of brain areas called the Default Network.(与者阅读诗歌时,研究小组发现在特定的大脑区域称为默认网络中有更多的活动。)可知选B。


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