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    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题05 Word版含答案
    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题05  Word版含答案01
    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题05  Word版含答案02
    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题05  Word版含答案03
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    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题05 Word版含答案

    这是一份2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题05 Word版含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了 cmbined22, faced27, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    As mre peple acrss the wrld are encuraged t wrk frm hme, televised news, scial media and nline frums (21) ______(cmbine) can either be an enlightening r fear-mngering surce f infrmatin.
    (22) ______ scial distancing nw a thing, ne can nly lk at their phne r laptp s many times a day fr accurate updates abut the spread f COVID-19. Frtunately, a few tech enthusiasts are lking t make a cntributin (23) ______ (eradicate) the spread f the virus, using an app backed by data frm fficial health rganizatins and medical institutes.
    Rtr Nipuna Rambukkanage, President f The Rtary District 3220, nted that he and his team pndered ver the situatin f the natin and came up with (24) ______ they recgnized as the ‘deal slutin’ – a mbile applicatin system called ‘Track the Spread’.
    The system can be used t supprt the Gvernment t cntrl COVID-19 by string and analyzing details f the quarantined persns, and the public health fficials (PHI). PHIs can use their app t check the lcatin f the quarantined persns and mnitr their activities. Health fficials will get the pprtunity (25) ______ ______the ability t mnitr quarantined peple withut physically visiting them, give instructins and keep in tuch with them.
    The main challenge Rambukkanage and his team (26) ______ (face) in building ‘Track the Spread’ was in finding talented undergraduates (27) ______ reading degrees are related t Cmputer Science. They als needed t get the green light frm the Gvernment t put this app int practice. After visiting the Ministry f Health, Ministry f Defence, Medical Officers fr Health and Public Health Inspectrs. they finally triumphed n their well-deserved victry.
    “We wanted t make the lives f peple in quarantine easier, (28) ______ (prvide) them varius benefits because peple in quarantine have many needs and they need cnstant care. Therefre, we wanted t present them a mbile applicatin t fulfill their day-t-day needs such as banking, rdering medicine and checking their health status daily. And the secnd bjective was t reduce the risk f Public Health Inspectrs (29) ______ mnitring quarantined peple. T increase the effectiveness f their service, we wanted t prvide them with a mbile applicatin t effectively d their investigatins.
    The team (30) ______ (apply) fr cpyrights fr the sftware system and are hping t receive the cpyrights sn.
    21. cmbined22. With23. t eradicate24. what25. such as
    26. faced27. whse28. prviding29. when30. has applied
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    All arund the wrld, lawyers generate mre hstility than the members f any ther prfessin---with the pssible exceptin f jurnalism. But there are few places where clients have mre grunds fr cmplaint than America.
    During the decade befre the ecnmic crisis, spending n legal services in America grew twice as fast as (31) _____ . The best lawyers made skyscrapers-full f mney, (32) _____ ever mre students t pile int law schls. But mst law graduates never get a big-firm jb.
    There are many reasns fr this. One is the (33) _____ csts f a legal educatin. There is just ne path fr a lawyer in mst American states: a fur-year undergraduate degree at ne f 200 law schls authrized by the American Bar Assciatin and an expensive preparatin fr the bar exam. This (34) _____ tday’s average law-schl graduate with $100,000 f debt n tp f undergraduate debts.
    Refrming the system wuld help bth lawyers and their custmers. (35) _____ ideas have been arund fr a lng time, but the state-level bdies that gvern the prfessin have been t cnservative t (36) _____ them. One idea is t allw peple t study law as an undergraduate degree. Anther is t let students sit fr the bar after nly tw years f law schl. If the bar exam is (37) _____ a stern enugh test fr a wuld-be lawyer, thse wh can sit it earlier shuld be allwed t d s. Students wh d nt need the extra training culd cut their debt muntain by a third.
    The ther reasn why csts are s high is the restrictive guild-like wnership structure f the business. Nn-lawyers may nt wn any share f a law firm, which keeps fees high and (38) _____ slw. There is pressure fr change frm within the prfessin, but ppnents f change amng the (39) _____ insist that keeping utsiders ut f a law firm islates lawyers frm the pressure t make mney rather than serve clients ethically.
    In fact, allwing nn-lawyers t wn shares in law firms wuld reduce csts and imprve services t custmers, by encuraging law firms t use technlgy and t emply prfessinal managers. After all, ther cuntries, such as Australia and Britain, have started (40) _____ their legal prfessins. America shuld fllw.
    III. Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Where's winter? A number f cuntries just witnessed their warmest January ever recrded
    It's nt just yu -- January was (41) _______ than usual fr many parts f the wrld.The glbal temperature last mnth was warmer than every previus January n recrd, just (42) _______ ut the previus recrd frm January 2016, the Cpernicus Climate Change Service reprted.And in Eurpe, it was the warmest January ever recrded at 0.2ºC warmer than the previus recrd in 2007, the Eurpean Unin's system fr (43) _______ the Earth said.
    The rise is even mre (44) _______ thrugh the lens f histry -- (45) _______ t the average January temperature in the pre-industrial years befre the 20th century, it was abut 1.4 degrees Celsius (2.7 degrees Fahrenheit) warmer.
    Last mnth, temperatures in Eurpe were warmer than the 1981-2010 January average, especially ver parts f nrthern Eurpe, the reprt said. Sme areas were mre than 6°C abve the average, (46) _______ verall, it was 3.1°C warmer than the average January in that time perid.It als brught the warmest January day ever recrded in Nrway, which saw the secnd warmest January verall since 1900.And in Central and suthern Finland, it was its warmest January recrded since 1961.The heat wave (47) _______ t several parts f Russia, t.Temperatures frm east f Greenland t the nrthwest f Svalbard were warmer, and had belw-average sea-ice cver.
    (48) _______, last year was 0.59°C warmer than the 1981-2010 average. That's the secnd warmest year n recrd. The warmest 12-mnth perid remains Octber 2015 t September 2016, where it was 0.66°C (49) _______ 1981-2010.Thse averages are pushing glbal temperatures (50) ______ t red lines set by bth climate scientists and wrld leaders. Scientists have (51) _______ that glbal temperatures shuld be kept well belw 2 degrees Celsius (3.6 degrees Fahrenheit) f (52) _______. The internatinal cmmunity, as utlined thrugh the Paris Climate Agreement, stated that participating cuntries wuld (53) _______ t keep glbal warming limited t 1.5 degrees Celsius.
    But (54) _______ with a rise since pre-industrial temperatures, last mnth's average is between 1.2 and 1.4 deg C f warming -- putting it near the Paris Climate Agreement's (55) _______.
    41. A.clerB. rainier C.sunnier D.tastier
    43. A.imprvingB.revealingC.mnitring D.changing
    44. A.striking B. unique C.cmmn D.realistic
    45. A.cntrast B.cntraryC. subject D.cmpared
    B.andC.r D.furthermre
    B. between C.abutD.abve
    50. A.clseB.inferir C.limited D.expanded
    51. A.assumed B. predictedC.warnedD.argued
    B.warmingC.changing D.decreasing
    B.cntribute C.devteD.strive
    【答案】41-45 DBCAD 46-50 ACBDA 51-55CBDAC
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have read.
    Amng the annying challenges facing the middle class is ne that will prbably g unmentined in the next presidential campaign: What happens when the rbts cme fr their jbs?
    Dn't dismiss that pssibility entirely. Abut half f U.S. jbs are at high risk f being autmated, accrding t a University f Oxfrd study, with the middle class disprprtinately squeezed. Lwer-incme jbs like gardening r day care dn't appeal t rbts. But many middle-class ccupatins-trucking, financial advice, sftware engineering — have arused their interest, r sn will. The rich wn the rbts, s they will be fine.
    This isn't t be alarmist. Optimists pint ut that technlgical upheaval has benefited wrkers in the past. The Industrial Revlutin didn't g s well fr Luddites whse jbs were displaced by mechanized lms, but it eventually raised living standards and created mre jbs than it destryed. Likewise, autmatin shuld eventually bst prductivity, stimulate demand by driving dwn prices, and free wrkers frm hard, bring wrk. But in the medium term, middle-class wrkers may need a lt f help adjusting.
    The first step, as Erik Brynjlfssn and Andrew McAfee argue in The Secnd Machine Age, shuld be rethinking educatin and jb training. Curriculums —frm grammar schl t cllege- shuld evlve t fcus less n memrizing facts and mre n creativity and cmplex cmmunicatin. Vcatinal schls shuld d a better jb f fstering prblem-slving skills and helping students wrk alngside rbts. Online educatin can supplement the traditinal kind. It culd make extra training and instructin affrdable. Prfessinals trying t acquire new skills will be able t d s withut ging int debt.
    The challenge f cping with autmatin underlines the need fr the U.S. t revive its fading business dynamism: Starting new cmpanies must be made easier. In previus eras f drastic technlgical change, entrepreneurs smthed the transitin by dreaming up ways t cmbine labr and machines. The best uses f 3D printers and virtual reality haven't been invented yet. The U.S. needs the new cmpanies that will invent them.
    Finally, because autmatin threatens t widen the gap between capital incme and labr incme, taxes and the safety net will have t be rethught. Taxes n lw-wage labr need t be cut, and wage subsidies such as the earned incme tax credit shuld be expanded: This wuld bst incmes, encurage wrk, reward cmpanies fr jb creatin, and reduce inequality.
    Technlgy will imprve sciety in ways big and small ver the next few years, yet this will be little cmfrt t thse wh find their lives and careers upended by autmatin. Destrying the machines that are cming fr ur jbs wuld be nuts. But plicies t help wrkers adapt will be indispensable.
    56.what des the underlined wrd “they” in the secnd paragraph refer t?
    A. lw-incme wrkers.
    B. Rbt wners.
    C. Rbts.
    D. Researchers f the study.
    57.Which f the fllwing is true?
    A. All jbs will be threatened by the cming f rbts.
    B. Optimists' pinins n new tech find little supprt.
    C. Issues arising frm autmatin need t be tackled.
    D. Negative cnsequences f new tech can be avided.
    58.Educatin in the age f autmatin shuld put mre emphasis n
    A. innvative ptential.
    B. jb-hunting skills.
    C. cmmunicatin skills
    D. cperative spirit.
    59.The authr suggests that tax plicies be aimed at
    A. encuraging the develpment f autmatin.
    B. bsting incmes.
    C. easing the hstility between rich and pr.
    D. bridging the incme gap.
    Slwly stalking dwn the snwy hillside, the Amur lepard watches its prey thrugh the trees. In the clearing belw, a sika deer munches n tree bark, ne f its few remaining fd surces during the cld Russian winter. The lepard cruches, its bdy s lw t the grund that its belly fur brushes the snw. Suddenly it bunds and springs frward, tackling the deer frm 10 feet away. With a deadly cmbinatin f speed, strength, and stealth, the Amur lepard seems like it has everything it needs fr survival. But nt lng ag—after decades f habitat lss and paching—these endangered cats almst went extinct. Thanks in part t a newly established natinal park, hwever, Amur lepards are clawing their way back frm the brink.
    Disappearing Act
    Mst peple think f lepards prwling African savannas, but the sptted predatrs are fund in many different cuntries and habitats. They’ve adjusted t life in grasslands, jungles, deserts, and freezing, hilly landscapes. It’s there—alng the Russian-Chinese brder—that Amur lepards live, adapting t their chilly climate with bushier fur and lnger legs t trudge thrugh the deep snw.
    Althugh Amur lepards thrive in freezing temperatures, by the late 20th century the human ppulatin mving int their habitat shrunk their Califrnia-size range by a huge 98 percent, trapping the animals in a stretch f land less than half the size f Puert Ric. Pachers ramed the space that remained, killing the cats t sell their cats. In 2000, cnservatinists were stunned when a new cunt f Amur lepards estimated that nly 30 were left in the wrld (thugh it was based n a study dne by cunting tracks, which isn’t the mst reliable methd). “These animals were ging extinct,” bilgist Dale Miquelle says. “Sme f us were afraid it was t late t save them.”
    Their slutin? A new natinal park dedicated t prtecting the endangered cat. But first, scientists had t cnvince the gvernment that this was smething wrth ding—and that it culd be dne.
    60. In paragraph 1, the Amur Lepard will be almst extinct because _______________.
    A. the sika deer had mved their habitat t snwy hillside.
    B. human have hunted the lepard fr decade.
    C. they can’t endure the chilly cld envirnment.
    D. the natinal park established.
    61.Accrding t this passage, what des the “sptted predatrs” mean?
    A. The lepards B. Human beings C. The pachers D. Lepards’ nature enemies
    62. What is the bilgists’ attitude t the disappearing f the lepard?
    A. It’s t late t save them.
    B. They shuld cnvince the gvernment t get human far frm the habitat.
    C. They shuld hurry t establish a natinal park.
    D. They shuld let the gvernment legislate t stp paching.
    “The dangerus thing abut lying is peple dn't understand hw the act changes us,” says Dan Ariely, behaviral psychlgist and Duke university. Psychlgists have dcumented children lying as early as the age f tw. Sme experts even cnsider lying a develpmental milestne, like crawling and walking, because it requires sphisticated planning, attentin and ability t see a situatin frm smene else's perspective t manipulate them. But, fr mst peple, lying gets limited as we develp a sense f mrality and the ability t self-regulate.
    Harvard cgnitive neurscientist Jshua Greene says, fr mst f us, lying takes wrk. In studies, he gave subjects a chance t deceive fr mnetary gain while examining their brains in a functinal MRI machine, which maps bld flw t active parts f the brain. Sme peple tld the truth instantly and instinctively. But thers pted t lie, and they shwed increased activity in their frntal perietal (颅腔壁的) cntrl netwrk, which is invlved in difficult r cmplex thinking. This suggests that they were deciding between truth and dishnesty—and ultimately pting fr the latter. Fr a fllw-up analysis, he fund that peple whse neural(神经的) rewards centers were mre active when they wn mney were als mre likely t be amng the grup f liars—suggesting that suggesting that lying may have t d with the inability t resist temptatin.
    External cnditins als matter in terms f when and hw ften we lie. We are mre likely t lie, research shws, when we are able t ratinalize it, when we are stressed and fatigued t see thers being dishnest. And we are less likely t lie when we have mral reminders r when we think thers are watching. “We as a sciety need t understand that, when we dn't punish lying, we increase the prbability it will happen again,” Ariely says.
    In a 2016 study published in the jurnal Nature Neurscience Ariely and clleagues shwed hw dishnesty alters peple's brains, making it easier t tell lies in the future. When peple uttered a falsehd, the scientists nticed a burst f activity in their amygdala. The amygdala is a crucial part f the brain that prduces fear, anxiety and emtinal respnse—including that sinking, guilty feeling yu get when yu lie. But when scientists had their subjects play a game in which they wn many by deceiving their partner, they nticed the negative signals frm the amygdala began t decrease. Nt nly that, but when peple faced n cnsequences fr dishnesty, their falsehds tended t get even mre sensatinal. This means that if yu give peple multiple pprtunities t lie fr their wn benefit, they start with little lie which get bigger ver time.
    Why d sme experts cnsider lying a milestne in a child’s develpment?
    A. It shws they have the ability t view cmplex situatins frm different angles.
    B. It indicates they have an ability mre remarkable than crawling and walking.
    C. It represents their ability t actively interact with peple arund them.
    D. It invlves the crdinatin f bth their mental and physical abilities.
    64.Why des the Harvard neurscientist say that lying takes wrk?
    A. It is hard t chse frm several ptins.
    B. It is difficult t sund natural r plausible.
    C. It requires speedy bld flw int ne’s brain.
    D. It invlves lts f cmplex mental activity.
    65.Under what circumstances d peple tend t lie?
    A. When they becme t emtinal.
    B. When they face t much peer pressure
    C. When the temptatin is t strng.
    D. When the cnsequences are nt t happen sn.
    66.What des they authr say will happen when a liar des nt get punished?
    A. They may feel justified.
    B. They will tell big lies.
    C. They will becme satisfied with themselves.
    D. They will cnfuse lies and truths.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    First Impressins Cunt
    Traditinally unifrms were—and fr sme industries still are -- manufactured t prtect the wrker. When they were first designed, it is als likely that all unifrms made symblic sense—thse fr the military, fr example, were riginally intended t impress and even terrify the enemy; ther unifrms dented a hierarchy.
    (67) _________. Particularly in “custmer facing” industries, and especially in financial services and retailing. Frm unifrms and wrkwear has emerged “crprate clthing”. “The peple yu emply are yur ambassadrs,” says Peter Griffin, managing directr f a majr retailer in the UK. “What they say, hw they lk, and hw they behave is terribly imprtant.” The result is a new way f lking at crprate wrkwear. Frm being a simple means f identifying wh is a member f the staff, the unifrm is emerging as a new channel f marketing cmmunicatin.
    Truly effective marketing thrugh visual cues such as unifrms is a subtle art, hwever. Wittingly r unwittingly, hw we lk sends all srts f pwerful subliminal messages t ther peple. Dark clrs give an aura f authrity while lighter pastel shades suggest apprachability. Certain dress style creates a sense f cnservatism, thers a sense f penness t new ideas. (68) __________.
    A successful unifrm needs t balance tw key sets f needs. On the ne hand, n unifrm will wrk if the staff feel uncmfrtable r ugly. Giving the wearers a chice has becme a key element in the way crprate clthing is intrduced and managed. On the ther, it is pintless if the lk desn’t express the business’s marketing strategy. (69)________.When it cmes t human perceptins,first impressins cunt. Custmers will size up the way the staff lk in just a few secnds» and that few secnds will clr their attitudes frm then n. Thse few secnds can be s imprtant that big cmpanies are prepared t invest years, and millins f punds, getting them right.
    (70) ________. Sme banks have yet t intrduce a full crprate lk; plice frces are researching a cmpletely new lk fr the 21st century. And many emplyees nw welcme a cmpany wardrbe. A recent survey f the staff fund that 90 percent welcmed having clthing which reflected the crprate identity.
    【参考答案】:67-70: FDCE
    IV. Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    Mulan--A Well-knwn Tale Gets A New Mvie
    Disney’s 1998 animated mvie Mulan has becme a classic. With its fun music, it has smething fr everyne. But this year the classic stry is getting a makever. Mulan is the latest animated Disney mvie t be made int a live-actin film.
    The mvie tells the stry f a yung Chinese wman named Mulan. When China is in danger, the emperr rders ne man frm every husehld t jin the army. Mulan disguises herself as a man s that she can fight instead f her aging father.
    There will be sme changes t the characters and the plt in this new mvie. In the riginal Disney mvie, Mulan falls in lve with her captain, Li Shang. The new mvie will give Mulan a new lve interest, wh is anther sldier. Her cmmander, a separate character, will be a mentr t her. The new film als gives her a sister, which was nt the case in the riginal.
    At first the new Mulan’s directr, Niki Car, said that there wuld be n sngs in her mvie. But after cmplaints frm fans, she said that music wuld play sme rle in the mvie. Mst likely instruments will play sme f the mre well-knwn pieces. But the cast prbably wn’t sing them, and sme familiar sngs may be missing altgether.
    Mulan’s helper, the small dragn Mushu, may be missing frm the live-actin mvie as well. There is talk that he is being replaced by the phenix(凤凰), anther legendary animal that plays a rle in Chinese culture. As f nw, it is guarded secret!
    Since Mulan takes place in China and is a traditinal Chinese actress Liu Yifei, and the mvie will als feature Dnnie Yen and Jet Li.
    Fans f riginal mvie are eagerly waiting t see this new take n a classic stry. Hpefully the new mvie will meet their expectatins.
    A new live-actin mvie based n Disney’s Mulan fllws a wman wh jins the army t prtect her father. It differs frm the riginal bth in characters and plt. Either familiar sngs r the dragn Mushu which was tk place by a phenix will disappear. Happening in China, the main characters are all Chinese. Fans expect it very much. (59 wrds)

    第II卷 (共40分)
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    72. Mst peple think that the key t lsing weight is t cut ut any junk fd.
    73. There are many wild animals in Suth Africa s n wnder it is many animal lvers’ wnderland. After taking cllege entrance exam,my classmates and I plan t visit there.
    74. There are three teams in ttal,whse prpsals are favred by the judges,and ur team, n behalf f Prtugal is ne f them.
    75. The mment Hi,Mm featuring mther- daughter relatinship was released,it was well- received and ranked the first in bx ffice during spring festival.
    VI. Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    假设你是市西高中的王丽。过完今年的暑假你将迎来大学生活。你校拟选拔一些优秀学生,利用暑假到当地实验小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此活动。请根据提示写给校评选组一封申请信:1.对此活动的认识(如对本人,学生和社会的益处)2.个人优势(如性格,独立生活能力,语言能力等) 3.你的计划(如怎样做等)
    Dear Sir/Madam,
    I’m Wangli frm class ne, senir three. I am writing t apply fr the pprtunity t help the students in Shiyan Schl with their English. Thus they can imprve their English during the summer vacatin. Meanwhile, I can learn hw t get alng well with the students and benefit the whle schl. I lng fr participating this activity because after class activities are an integral part f schl life. By ging in fr such activities, I can learn what I cannt learn frm bks, which will be beneficial t me in the future.
    I’m upbeat, easy-ging and always ready t help thers. I wash clthes and make beds by myself t develp independence. English is my favrite subject and I have wn several prizes in English cntests. S I think that I am qualified fr the psitin.
    I plan t cmmunicate with students first t knw what they need. Besides, I’ll try t get them mre interested in English by telling stries, singing sngs, playing games and s n. Except teaching thse students wrds r grammar literally, I will start share English news with them and read Hamlet t interest them abut the charisma f language rather than imprve their English scres merely.
    I’d appreciate it if yu culd give me the pprtunity.
    Yurs Sincerely,
    tempting B. truly C. sensible D.inflatin E. implement
    F. innvatin G. regulatrs H.liberalizing I.excessive J. leaves K. impses
    A. Chefs wre white because they wrk with flur, but the main chef wre a black hat t shw he supervised.
    B. Huge investments have been made in new systems, infrmatin technlgy and amassing quality assurance accreditatins.
    C. The greatest challenge in this respect is time.
    D. Neatness can suggest efficiency but, if it is verdne, it can spill ver and indicate an bsessin with pwer.
    E. Crprate clthing des have ptential fr further grwth.
    F. The last 30 years, hwever, have seen an increasing emphasis n their rle in prtecting the image f an rganizatin and in uniting the wrkfrce int a hmgeneus unit.

    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题03 Word版含答案: 这是一份2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题03 Word版含答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了 A, A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题09 Word版含答案: 这是一份2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题09 Word版含答案,共7页。试卷主要包含了 A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题07 Word版含答案: 这是一份2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题07 Word版含答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了 A,weighing 22等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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        2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题05 Word版含答案
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