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    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题07 Word版含答案
    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题07  Word版含答案01
    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题07  Word版含答案02
    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题07  Word版含答案03
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    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题07 Word版含答案

    这是一份2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题07 Word版含答案,共10页。试卷主要包含了 A,weighing 22等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Listening Cmprehensin (25%)
    Sectin A
    Directins: In Sectin A, yu will hear ten shrt cnversatins between tw speakers. At the end f each cnversatin, a questin will be asked abut what was said. The cnversatins and the questins will be spken nly nce. After yu hear a cnversatin and the questin abut it, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper, and decide which ne is the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    A. Excited.B. Dissatisfied.C. Bred.D. Exhausted.
    2. A. 7:00.B. 7:10.C. 9:00.D. 9:10.
    A. A ck.B. A shp assistant.
    C. A saleswman.D. A waitress.
    A. At a gas statin.B. In a wrk shp.
    C. At an art gallery.D. In a department stre.
    A. He hasn’t had a chance t meet Kathy yet.
    Kathy had already tld him the news.
    He didn’t knw that Kathy was being mved.
    His new ffice will be lcated in New Yrk.
    A. The wman wants t g t Trnt.B. The man wants t g t Vancuver.
    C. There are n flights t Trnt.D. There are tw direct flights t Trnt.
    A. She shuld d mre careful wrk.
    She is nt cncerned abut Gerge’s remarks.
    Gerge des nt care abut her.
    Gerge shuldn’t have said much abut her.
    A. She can’t affrd that much fr a trip.
    She is frtunate t have made a lt f mney.
    She desn’t think 15,000 dllars is enugh fr the trip.
    She cnsiders 15,000 dllars nly a small sum f mney.
    A. Playing tennis.B. Writing a term paper.
    C. Gathering materials.D. Hlding a meeting.
    A. The man was seriusly injured in the car accident.
    The man had pr imaginatin because f the car accident.
    The man wasn’t wearing the seat belt when the accident happened.
    The man’s daughter advised him t wear the seat belt befre he left hme.
    Sectin B
    Directins: In Sectin B, yu will hear tw shrt passages, and yu will be asked t questins n each f the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questins will be spken nly nce. When yu hear a questin, read the fur pssible answers n yur paper and decide which ne wuld be the best answer t the questin yu have heard.
    Questins 11 thrugh 13 are based n the fllwing passage.
    A. Future researchers.B. Cllege students.
    C. Cmpany emplyees.D. Successful artists.
    A. T teach the listeners hw t wrk hard.
    B. T enable the listeners t get better salaries.
    C. T prepare the listeners t get better jbs.
    D. T encurage the listeners t seize pprtunities.
    A. Kindness.B. Diligence.C. Willingness.D. Interest.
    Questins 14 thrugh 16 are based n the fllwing news.
    A. The benefits f walking.B. The imprtance f keeping fit.
    C. The way f frming a habit.D. The pssibility f excising regularly.
    A. Because it needs much thinking.B. Because peple can imprve their memry.
    C. Because it is suitable fr everyne.D. Because peple needn’t cncentrate n it.
    A. It is the easiest way t lse weight.B. It can be made part f peple’s life.
    C. It can make peple’s hearts strnger.D. It prevents peple suffering frm cancers.
    Sectin C
    Directins: In Sectin C, yu will hear a lnger cnversatin. The cnversatin will be read twice. After yu hear the cnversatin, yu are required t answer the fllwing questins.
    A. He has just been back frm Suth America.B. He has been burnt fr a few hurs.
    C. He has been surfing the Internet fr lng.D. He has been ding schl wrk all night.
    A. T lk fr smething interesting fr pleasure.
    T meet new friends in the net chartrm.
    T release pressure frm heavy wrk.
    T lk fr infrmatin fr his prject.
    A. Quite a few sites are just ld event calendars.
    It’s a waste f time t surf the Internet.
    A lt f infrmatin can be fund.
    A lt f friends can be made n the Internet.
    A. Peple spend much time talking abut ther interests.
    It takes lng t find things because f many useless sites.
    C.It is hard t start chatting with thers in the chat rm.
    D. It's hardly the best surce f infrmatin available.
    【答案】1-5: BDDCC 6-10: ABACD 11-13: BCC 14-16: ADD17-20: CDCB
    II. Grammar and Vcabulary
    Sectin A(10分)
    Directins: After reading the passages belw, fill in the blanks t make the passages cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    Oscar Envelpe
    The shining Oscar statue is a celebrated symbl f the Academy Awards,but there is anther symbl n the Oscars scene.
    (21)______(weigh) a quarter f a pund and seen by millins f viewers arund the wrld, it’s the Oscar envelpe. It bears, after all, the Oscar winner’s name. The glden envelpe was initially develped as a safeguard (22)_______ leaks t the media f the winners’ name. Yet the envelpe hlds sme secrets f its wn.
    While 24 envelpes appear n the Academy Award telecast----ne fr the winner f each categry, three sets are prduced, ttaling 72 envelpes. That’s because the tw extra sets are emergency backups, (23)_______ _______ the first set gets delayed in its delivery.
    The prductin team als cnstruct 363 heavyweight cream clr winner cards (24)_______(print) with all the nminees’ names. Yet the stuffing f the envelpes takes place utside f the studi, in a tp-secret prcess (25)_______prtects the Academy’s picks f the year until the frmal presentatin.
    Althugh 72 envelpes are made,nly ne third f them (26)_______ (make) it t the Oscar stage. The winner f each categry takes hme bth a glden statue and the winning envelpe, but the extra sets f envelpes(27)_______ (destry) .
    "The eliminatin is t prevent leftvers frm appearing n sme nline stres r markets and(28)_______(preserve) the hnr f the winners,"Mare Friedland, designer f the Oscars envelpe said. "The value f each envelpe as a suvenir is priceless. Hpefully a winner lking back at the envelpe will recall that mment in time when (29)_______ was watching, and the hsts annunced in that particular secnd (30)_______ the Oscar winner was.”
    21.weighing 22.against 23.in case 24.printed 25.that/which 26.make 27.are destryed 28.(t)preserve 29.everyne 30.wh
    根据句子结构分析此处应填连接词,考查从句。通过句意可知为目的状语从句,in case 表“以防,万一”
    26. 根据句子结构分析可知此处所给动词作谓语,时态语态为一般现在时的主动形式。
    27. 根据句子结构分析可知此处所给动词作谓语,时态语态为一般现在时的被动形式。28. 根据句子结构分析可知所给词的形式通过and 与前句作表语的动词不定式“t prevent..”并列,因此所给词应为动词不定式形式且可以省略t。
    29. 分析可知此处所填虚词为代词,根据上下文意应为everyne。
    30. 根据句子结构分析此处应填连接词,考查从句。通过句意可知为宾语从句,此处填wh。
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    All Weekends Can Be Hlidays
    There is a reasn mst peple return t wrk Mnday feeling n better than they did Friday afternn. Exhaustin and stress n the jb are prblems fr tw ut f three wrkers, and weekends usually aren’t much__31__, studies shws.
    New research suggests a rather__32__simple slutin: Pretend yur weekend is a vacatin.
    Peple__33__t adpt a vacatin mindset n the weekend returned t wrk feeling happier and mre refreshed, withut spending any additinal mney r time ff, accrding t research n nearly 1,000 full-time wrkers. Althugh participants spent a little mre time eating and staying with lved nes, researchers fund after cntrlling the results fr specific behavirs that just ne factr ----- their increased fcus n the present mment, r mindfulness----- __34__ greater happiness. Cassie Hlmes, a researcher n the prject, said, “Merely__35__hw yu’re thinking can have these wnderful effects n yur emtinal experience and yur time.”
    This desn’t always require changing yur__36__ weekend rutine. It may mean just thinking abut and priritizing activities__37__. Interviews with a dzen peple wh cnsciusly cultivate mindfulness n the weekend ffer insights int the time management and planning skills they__38__.
    Mindfulness has been shwn in research t imprve self-cntrl, helping peple__39__their emtins. Thse wh enjy vacatins tend t take great__40__in psitive emtins, expanding feelings f jy and happiness, accrding t a 2018 study.
    根据前后文句意,工作中的疲累和压力对于三分之二工人来说是问题,并且根据研究周末对于他们来说也没什么用,aren’t much help(没什么用),故选E。
    本题根据可以看出应该填形容词,但还是需要结合句意:这并不意味着要求变化你有序的周末日常,rderly adj/adv 有序的(地)。故选I。
    根据help peple d sth可以看出本空应填动词原形,根据句意:帮助人们管理情绪,故选H。
    本句考查固定搭配,take delight in 乐于,故选B。
    III. Reading cmprehensin. (45分)
    Sectin A (15分)
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passage there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Yu’re ready fr yur first day n a new jb—until yu arrive and find yur new clleagues miserable. Is it ever OK t quit n yur first day?Making a wise decisin requires___41___fr a mment. Then yu may find the key is t distinguish between challenges yu shuld try t vercme and___42___prblems that are truly deal breakers.
    Mre new hires are heading fr the ___43___fast, emplyers and career caches say. Tw-thirds f emplyees have taken a jb nly t realize later that it was a(n) ___44___fit, and half f thse emplyees quit within six mnths, say a recent Career Builder survey in the US.
    Lri Cheek quit after a few days n a furniture-sales jb several years ag. She was___45___by dragging a suitcase laded with heavy prduct manuals arund the city all day n the subway t meet with clients, then cntinuing t wrk until 8 p.m. she quickly fund what lked like a better sales jb at a shwrm nearby, selling stylish designer furnishings.
    “it was the wrst decisin ever,” Ms. Check says. Her supervisr n the first jb, wh had spent time training her, was deeply disappinting, and ne manager n her new jb___46___her even mre. “At first sight she culd nt stand the way I dressed,” Ms Check says. She reluctantly tned dwn her jewelry, makeup and hair. T ___47___earning a reputatin as a jb-hpper, hwever, she stuck with the new psitin fr almst a year. Lking back, Ms. Check wishes she’d stayed n the first jb and tried t negtiate better cnditins.
    It isn’t wise t quit just because yu dn’t like the persn next t yu r have t d___48___wrk all day lng. If the bss is ffensive, ___49___a bit. One intern at a Wall Street financial-services firm asked his bss, wh seemed rude. “Are yu just having a bad day, r are yu always like this?” says Rebecca Zucker, a career and executive cach in San Francisc. The intern nt nly___50___the exchange but earned better treatment frm the bss, Ms. Zucker says.
    ___51___, yu’d better quit early if an emplyer tries a bait-and-switch—prmising ne jb and assigning yu t a different ne, r ging against ther ___52___terms, says Chicag career cach Jdy Michael. “if yu are tld yu’ll be reprting t the CEO, but in fact there’s smene psitined between yu and the CEO, that’s a ___53___,” Ms. Michael says.
    Whatever the reasn, it’s imprtant t leave n as ___54___as a nte pssible, says Jill Tipgraph, c-funder f Early Stage Career, a New Yrk City caching service fr recent cllege graduates. “First and last___55___are what peple remember,” she says.
    【答案】41-45 DCABD 46-50 ADABC 51-55 BBADC
    41. 前文问到了入职第一天该不该就离职,根据这个信息可以推断出做出一个明智的决定需要停顿思考片刻,所以,选项D正确。
    42. 与需要去克服的困难相对立的面就是破坏交易的根本性问题,所以选C。
    43. 纵观整个段落讲的都是新入职的人选择快速离职,选项A. exist能体现出离职这层概念。
    44. 三分之二的雇员上岗以后发现自己与新的工作岗位不匹配,才会选择离职,选项B合适。
    45. 文章讲到了Lri Check当了几天家具销售员之后就离职了,原因是每天拖着装满家具宣传册的行李箱乘坐地铁见客户使得她筋疲力尽,所以选项D正确。
    46. 文章讲到了Ms. Check第一份工作中的主管是令人失望的,但是新工作岗位上的经理让她更加痛苦,所以选项A正确。
    47. Ms. Check第二份工做满了一年才选择离开,为的是避免给别人留下一个频繁跳槽的印象。所以选项D正确。
    48. 文章讲到了不要因为不喜欢工作中坐在你旁边的人亦或者是每天做反复同样的工作而选择离职,这样是不明智的,所以选项A正确。
    49. 文章讲到了如果你的老板是无礼的,冒犯他人的,那么你可以选择反击,所以选项B正确。
    50. 前文讲到了一个实习生对老板的无礼进行反击,结果不但没有被开除,在这次对话中活了下来,反而得到了老板更好的对待。所以选项C正确。
    51. 后文讲到了如果雇主使用玩诱饵掉包手法的,最好选择离职,与前面说的不轻易离职态度是相反的,所以选项B正确。
    52. 玩诱饵掉包手法就是承诺你一份工作,实际上却派遣你去做另外一份工作,或者不兑现早先双方达成一致的协议条款,所以选项B正确。
    53. 文章讲到如果一开始你被告知直接向CEO回报,结果却发现你们中间还有设立层级,那么这就是一个问题了。所以选项A正确。
    54. 文章讲到了不管什么原因,尽量去留下一个积极的便条,这很重要,所以,选项D争取。
    55. 文章讲到了人们往往记住的是第一印象和最后的印象,所以选项C正确。
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read.
    Chimpanzee culture refers t grups' differing behaviral traditins, which are passed n by learning and imitatin rather than genes. Fr example, sme chimps in Uganda have learned t use sme plants t sak up water, which they can then drink. Thse elsewhere dn’t d this.
    In 2002, Carel van Schaik at the University f Zurich in Switzerland suggested that human interference culd destry this cultural diversity. Nw, a decade-lng study has fund strng evidence that van Schaik was right. A team c-led by Hjalmar Kühl at the German Centre fr Integrative Bidiversity Research in Leipzig, Germany tracked 31 cultural behavirs, such as using tree branches t catch termites, a species f ant, in 144 chimpanzee cmmunities acrss Africa.
    The researchers used camera traps t recrd behavirs, lked fr the remains f tls and studied faeces (排泄物) t see if the chimps had eaten things like termites that can be btained nly by using tls.
    The team then placed the different cmmunities n a map and verlaid a measure f human disturbance, which cmbined factrs like the density f human ppulatin and the amunt f infrastructure (基础建设).
    In areas with a greater human ftprint, the chimps were fund t have fewer cultural behavirs. Each behaviur was 88 per cent less likely t ccur in these human-dminated landscapes.
    "In thse places, we find the chimpanzees have suffered a lss in behaviral r cultural diversity," says study c-leader Ammie Kalan at the Max Planck Institute fr Evlutinary Anthrplgy in Leipzig.
    It is thught that the lss f culture cmes frm lder chimps being killed and there being less interactin between grups, s that if ne grup dies ut, their ideas die with them.
    "It is a discuraging finding," says Jill Pruetz ar Texas State University. "Lsing sme f the
    behavirs pses a real risk t the chimps because if they stp fishing fr termites r cracking nuts, they can n lnger access thse fds."
    56. Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing is a feature f chimpanzee culture?
    A. Mre than ne grup shares certain kinds f behaviur.
    B. The behavirs spread thrugh crss-grup imitatin.
    C. Yung chimpanzees learn the behavirs frm lder nes.
    D. The behaviral traditins disappear with certain genes.
    57. The wrd "interference" in paragraph 2 is clsest in meaning t _____.
    A. interactin
    B. interval
    C. invasin
    D. investment
    58. What did the study by Hjalmar Kühl and Leipzig cnfirm?
    A. Chimpanzee cmmunities are decreasing in number.
    B. Humans are t blame fr the lss f chimpanzee culture.
    C. Human-dminated landscapes have been increasing in size.
    D. Chimpanzee are gd at hunting fr fd with certain tls.
    59. Accrding t Jill Pruetz why des lsing sme behavirs put chimpanzee at risk?
    A. They may have fewer things t feed n.
    B. The lder nes are mre likely t be killed.
    C. There will be less interactin between them.
    D. They can n lnger live in traditinal ways.
    56. 根据文章第一段Chimpanzee culture refers t grups' differing behaviral traditins, which are passed n by learning and imitatin rather than genes.可知黑猩猩文化指的是群体间不同的行为传统,它们是通过学习和模仿而不是基因来传递的。故答案选C。
    57. 根据文章第四段The team then placed the different cmmunities n a map and verlaid a measure f human disturbance.可知研究小组把不同的社区放在地图上,覆盖了人类干扰的测量值。故答案选C。
    58. 根据文章第七段the lss f culture cmes frm lder chimps being killed and there being less interactin between grups, s that if ne grup dies ut, their ideas die with them.可知文化的丧失是因为年长的黑猩猩被杀,群体之间的互动减少,所以如果一个群体消失了,他们的想法也随之消失。故答案选A。
    59. 根据文章第八段if they stp fishing fr termites r cracking nuts, they can n lnger access thse fds.可知如果它们停止捕捞白蚁或敲碎坚果,它们就无法再接触到这些食物。故答案选B。
    Fr mre than 60 years, English speakers used because as a cnjunctin meaning " fr reasn that," dutifully fllwing with a fall clause f explanatin (r at least the wrd f). Then, a few years ag, this ld wrd suddenly began bursting with new life, as peple started using it in a manner that disbeyed all grammatical rules: Hw d yu knw climate change is real? " Because science. "Why are yu sleepy? "Because wine" Academics went nervusly excited, debating whether because had evlved int a prepsitin and which types f nuns fit this new cnstructin. But there was little disagreement n the driving frce behind the change.
    The tile f Gretchen McCullch's new bk, Because Internet : Understanding the New Rules f Language, is in hnr f this kind f linguistic change evlutin made pssible by the dminance f the web and the never-befre explsin f infrmal writing that has cme with it. Her aim is t explain hw the Internet has shaped language.
    McCullch is an Internet linguist, and her bk abut Internet language is, fittingly, a mixture drawn frm academic and Internet culture. In sme measure, Because Internet ffers a histry f the web, an intrductin t linguistic and a survey f the mst fascinating research frm her field, including , a study that tk advantage f getags n scial media slw hw new wrds spread frm place t place. Her wrk is als a well-researched retrt t grammarian wh think technlgy is the cause why kid are making lazy, senseless tala. On the cntrary, she argues, it's making us mre creative in ur writing than ever befre.
    The frmal, unemtinal writing we were all taught in the classrm simply wn’t d in places designed fr virtual cmmunicatins, McCullch explains. And she breaks dwn the many ways we've managed t use keybard t restre the dynamism f face-t-face interactin. Fr a start : We tap all caps when we feel LIKE SHOUTING. We use the abbreviatin ll nt just t mean "laughing ut lud" but als t get ut f awkward situatins r t ffer empathy. And we lengthen wrds t shw just hw much we feel.
    60. Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing examples best reflects hw peple use the wrd because nwadays when answering the questin "why are yu late fr schl this mrning?"
    A. Because traffic.
    B. Because f the traffic.
    C. Because I met traffic jam.
    D. Because the traffic was bad when I came here.
    61. The bk Because Internet intrduces the readers__________.
    A. hw t rganize meaningful sentences in English
    B. hw t make effective cmmunicatins nline
    C. hw t keep pace with the evlving languages
    D. bw t use new wrds and signals n scial media
    62. Gretchen McCllch believe the way we talk has been changed because__________.
    A. we have develped abbreviatin t replace quite sme wrds
    B. virtual cmmunicatin is very different frm face-t-face talk
    C. n lnger signal ur identify trugh the language we use
    D. tday’s kids are nt taught hw t make cmmunicatins at schl
    【答案】60-62 A C B
    【分析】60. 由第一段中Then, a few years ag, this ld wrd suddenly began bursting with new life, as peple started using it in a manner that disbeyed all grammatical rules: Hw d yu knw climate change is real? " Because science. "Why are yu sleepy? "Because wine" Academics went nervusly excited, debating whether because had evlved int a prepsitin and which types f nuns fit this new cnstructin. But there was little disagreement n the driving frce behind the change.可知,热门,人们已经把because当作了一个介词来使用,且没有争议,所以选项中只有A符合这一原则,故选A。
    61. 由第二段The tile f Gretchen McCullch's new bk, Because Internet : Understanding the New Rules f Language, is in hnr f this kind f linguistic change evlutin made pssible by the dminance f the web and the never-befre explsin f infrmal writing that has cme with it. Her aim is t explain hw the Internet has shaped language.
    Gretchen McCullch 的新书就是为了纪念这种由网络的主导地位以及随之而来的前所未有的非正式写作的爆发所带来的语言变化演变。她的目的是解释互联网是如何塑造语言的,故选C。
    62. 由最后一段The frmal, unemtinal writing we were all taught in the classrm simply wn’t d in places designed fr virtual cmmunicatins, McCullch explains. And she breaks dwn the many ways we've managed t use keybard t restre the dynamism f face-t-face interactin.可知,两种交流方式是完全不同的,故选B。
    Children wh dn’t read prficiently by the end f third grade are far mre likely t be left behind in many ways.
    The first thing t knw abut early literacy is that it is critically imprtant; the next, that it cnnects t a whle lt f ther cnditins and challenges. But the best thing t knw is that there are slutins t the prblem f pr reading skills and sme smart peple wrking tward them. They culd use yur help.
    “It’s mre than an educatin issue, mre than a reading issue,” says Arianne Weldn, directr f the Get Gergia Reading Campaign, a cllabrative nnprfit funded in 2013. “Getting mre kids t read takes mre than gd schls, mre than great teachers, mre than lving families. It really des take all f us wrking tgether.”
    Only 42 percent f Gergia public schl children are nw reading prficiently by the end f third grade, accrding t 2019 Gergia Department f Educatin (DOE) figures – nt a great number, but an imprvement ver the 37 percent recrded in 2015 and lwer scres prir t that.
    Weldn says children nt in that prficiency grup are fur times mre likely t drp ut f high schl and, further, that every student wh desn’t finish represents an estimated $260,000 in lst earnings and prductivity.
    “By the end f third grade,” says Mindy Binderman, executive directr f Gergia Early Educatin Alliance fr Ready Students, r GEEARS, a nnprfit cncerned with early learning, “if children are nt reading at grade level, they are less likely t be successful in schl, less likely t graduate n time, mre likely t engage in risky behavir. The third grade reading marker is such an imprtant indicatr f all that cmes later and, frankly, all that came befre.”
    A key natinal study released by the Annie E. Casey Fundatin in 2010 highlighted the reading prblem, especially amng students frm lw-incme families and children f clr; subsequent research has reinfrced the crrelatin between pverty and bth reading ability and failure t graduate frm high schl. Clearly, pverty plays a key rle in children’s reading prficiency, influencing the schls they attend and the cmmunity resurces they can utilize.
    Parents’ educatin level, especially mthers’, is a factr as well. “Maternal educatin and maternal literacy is a huge predictr f child literacy and educatinal utcmes,” says Dana Rickman, vice president f the Gergia Partnership fr Excellence in Educatin (GPEE), established by the Gergia Chamber and the Gergia Ecnmic Develpers Assciatin t prmte and supprt educatin. “We’ve gt a pretty high adult illiteracy rate in Gergia that a lt f peple dn’t like talking abut.” Imprving adult literacy ultimately impacts children’s reading ability.
    Accrding t the passage, early literacy is imprtant mainly because it ______
    A.indicate hw well a child’s brain has been develping
    B.explain the reasns why a child drps ut f high schl
    C.tells whether a child may becme successful as an adult
    D.reprts the average educatinal level f a certain regin
    64. Accrding t Arianne Weldn, what is the mst pssible cnsequence f pr reading skills?
    A.Entering schls with fewer resurces
    B.Achieving mre prly in high schl
    C.Earning less than the rdinary peple
    D.Causing mre risks in future life
    65. Frm what Dana Rickman says, we can infer that ______
    A.imprving mthers’ educatin is useful fr bettering children’s reading ability
    B.expsing children t reading tasks at an early age is part f family supprt
    C.illiteracy rate can be greatly reduced by upgrading children’s cmmunities
    D.parents can predict their children’s early literacy based n their resurces
    66. If this passage has several remaining paragraphs, which f the fllwing is the mst prbable tpic they will cver?
    A.Why third grade is seen bu experts as a critical perid
    B.Hw the gvernment may imprve parents’ educatin level
    C.Why adult illiteracy rate is higher in Gergia than in ther places
    D.Hw pverty may influence a child’s future academic develpment
    63.C. “if children are nt reading at grade level, they are less likely t be successful in schl, less likely t graduate n time, mre likely t engage in risky behavir. The third grade reading marker is such an imprtant indicatr f all that cmes later and, frankly, all that came befre.”早期读写能力决定了能否学业成功,能不能准时毕业,会不会参与危险行为,是后面人生的重要先行指标。
    64.C . Weldn says children nt in that prficiency grup are fur times mre likely t drp ut f high schl and, further, that every student wh desn’t finish represents an estimated $260,000 in lst earnings and prductivity. 高中辍学的学生会在收入方面少26万美金。
    65.A. Parents’ educatin level, especially mthers’, is a factr as well. “Maternal educatin and maternal literacy is a huge predictr f child literacy and educatinal utcmes,” says Dana Rickman 母亲的教育和读写水平对于小孩的读写水平影响很大。
    66.B. We’ve gt a pretty high adult illiteracy rate in Gergia that a lt f peple dn’t like talking abut.” Imprving adult literacy ultimately impacts children’s reading ability. 上一段刚讲父母的受教育水平影响小孩,佐治亚州的父母受教育水平不高,后面肯定会讲怎么提高父母的水平。
    Sectin C (4×2=8%)
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Fill in each blank with a prper sentence given in the bx. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    Making friends can be frustrating, smething I recently fund ut after mving t a new city.Yu might hit it ff with an acquaintance(泛泛之交), but what’s the next step? And hw lng des it take t mve past"getting t knw yu?________67________
    But University f Kansas researcher Jeffrey A. Hall has helped us t knw the prcess f friendship-building in a new study. Hall surveyed 112 cllege students every three weeks during
    their first nine weeks at a Midwestern university. He als gave a ne-time questinnaire t 355
    American adults wh had mved t a new city in the past six mnths.In these surveys,the newcmers picked a friend r tw and reprted hw much time they spend tgether,what activities they d,and hw clse the friendship is.
    ________68________Thrugh his analysis, Hall was able t apprximate hw many hurs it tk fr different levels f friendship t emerge。。。。。。。。。。。。:
    -It takes students 43 hurs and adults 94 hurs t turn acquaintances int casual friends.
    -Students need 57 hurs t transit frm casual friends t friends. Adults need, n average,164 hurs.
    -________69________Adults need an additinal 100 hurs t make that happen.
    But time n its wn des nt bring abut clseness: it depends n hw we spend that time, as
    Hall fund when he analyzed what activities friends did tgether.
    In general, spending mre time talking didn’t make student r adult friends feel clser.
    Student friends did tend t be mre friendly when they engaged in certain types f
    talking---namely,catching up abut their lives,talking playfully, and shwing attentin, but student friends wh engaged in small abut current events actually tended t becme mre distant ver time.
    ________70________Fr study participants, spending time tgether n shared interests didn't seem t mve the needle n feelings f clseness. Nr did spending time tgether at wrk r schl, places yu're suppsed t be anyway. But a few activities were mre cmmn in clser friendships: relaxing and hanging ut and watching mvies.
    67.后文But University f Kansas researcher Jeffrey A. Hall has helped us t knw the prcess f friendship-building in a new study.,所以E选项:没有交友的说明书指南和下一段第一句形成对比才能转折。
    68.后文Thrugh his analysis, Hall was able t apprximate hw many hurs it tk fr different levels f friendship t emerge,以及后文分析的内容,所以选项F:不足为奇的是,两人花的时间越久,两人的关系久越亲密,能够很好地概括这一段落的中心思想。
    69. 后文Adults need an additinal 100 hurs t make that happen.讲述成人的情况,按照这一段结构前面应该讲述学生的情况,选项B:对于学生来说,成为好朋友或最好的朋友需要在119小时之后。
    70. 后文Fr study participants, spending time tgether n shared interests didn't seem t mve the needle n feelings f clseness.,选项D:结合前文,共有的活动也不会让我们更亲密。
    Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and the main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    New Year Reslutin
    Every time a new year rlls arund, peple set ut t better themselves. They prmise they will lse weight, find a new jb, r maybe even take that vacatin they've always talked abut. But why d we make these prmises t urselves, and where did this traditin cme frm? Why des this traditin live n when s many peple fail t keep the reslutins they make? Well, we can start by blaming the ancient Babylnians.
    Arund 4000 years ag in Babyln, the earliest recrded celebratin hnring the cming f a new year was held. The cllective ceremnial lasted 11 days. The Babylnians felt this wuld help them start the new year ff n the right ft. Reslutins cntinued n with the Rmans Julius Caesar decided t make a change. He cnsulted with the best astrnmers and mathematicians f the time and intrduced the Julian calendar, which mre clsely represents the mdern calendar we use tday. Caesar declared January 1 the first day f the year t mark new beginnings.
    T this day, the traditins f the ancient Babylnians and Rmans cntinue n arund the wrld. S much s that Ggle launched a Reslutin Map in 2013 where peple culd add reslutins and see thers adding theirs in real time. The mst cmmn new year wishes are Lse Weight, Get rganized, Save Mre Mney, Enjy life, Stay healthy, Learn Smething New, Quit Smking, Help Others Pursue Their gals, and Spend Mre Quality Time With Their Family Members.
    Hwever, hw many reslutins finally cme true? N matter hw many peple participated in Ggle’s prject, nly few can maintain their reslutins. nly eight percent f peple are successful in sticking them ut. If thse failed reslutins abve lk familiar and remind yu that the whle cncept is a cmplete failure, r if they inspire yu t create yur wn list f prmises fr a new year, just remember that this traditin is destined t live n. We have 4000 years wrth f histry telling us s, and that's a statistic that's hard t argue with.
    Keys: Peple make new year reslutin at the beginning f the year in the hpe f having better selves. This riginated frm ancient Babylnian and Rman traditin and lasts until tday. Reslutin maps are set where peple culd share their reslutins with each ther. Reslutins always fail but this lng-held traditin will g n.
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    75.昔日贫困闭塞的村落如今大力发展生态旅游,游客们对那儿的农家乐趋之若鹜,(s that)
    72. Keep the curtains f the rm clsed t avid t much sunshine.
    73. The average-lking yung man turned ut t be a well-knwn UN interpreter
    74. (On) seeing the ld lady suddenly fell t the grund n the crner, the high schl student immediately rushed frward t help her.
    75. The village, which used t be pr and clsed, is nw develping ec-turism s that turists are flcking t the farmhuse there
    72.考察keep的用法,keep可做系动词,后接形容词表示物体所处的状态。Keep sb/sth adj.
    73.考察turn的用法,turn ut t be 结果是
    75.考察s that用法,s that 可引导目的状语从句
    VI. Guided Writing (25分)
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-l50 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    The scene f sunrise is usually thught f as a beautiful mment, fr it brings peple brightness and warmth and it indicates hpe and a new beginning. A persn with fine character may be cnsidered as a beauty because f his r her manifestatin f hnesty, kindness, and strng will. In my eyes, beauty means things that can aruse human's wnderful emtins--appreciatin, respect, encuragement--and we can becme mre beautiful by cnsciusly fster such characters as kindness and warmheartedness.。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。
    It is natural that physical beauty appeals t us, but nly the beauty f the sul can last. Take Mther Teresa as an example. She did nt bast the typical appearance which wuld be cnsidered as beautiful. Hwever, she kept ding gd all her life and insisted n helping thse in need. Till tday, Mther Teresa has always been mentined as the exemplary mdel f beauty and undubtedly, her beauty will cntinue radiate int the endless future, inspiring us t d gd just as she did. S it is safe t say that it is a bless if smene was brn a beauty. But this kind f beauty can fade as time passes by. Only by learning t have a lving heart and by spreading his r her lve t thers can he r she retain the beauty.
    T cnclude, it is nt the pleasing lk but the beauty f ur sul that determines hw peple see us. Beauty f the sul is the essential beauty.
    A. arguing
    B. fantasizing
    C. exercising
    D. pausing
    A. scial
    B. minr
    C. fundamental
    D. changeable
    A. exits
    B. destinatins
    C. ffices
    D. cmmunities
    A. gd
    B. bad
    C. new
    D. ld
    A. revlved
    B. criticized
    C. praised
    D. exhausted
    A. pained
    B. cmfrted
    C. assisted
    D. neglected
    A. cnsider
    B. cntinue
    C. frbid
    D. avid
    A. repetitive
    B. challenging
    C. surprising
    D. evidential
    A. set aside
    B. push back
    C. take n
    D. make up
    A. invlved
    B. requested
    C. survived
    D. encuraged
    A. Cnsequently
    B. Nevertheless
    C. Otherwise
    D. Subsequently
    A. built-in
    B. agreed-upn
    C. well-received
    D. fully-equipped
    A. prblem
    B. deal
    C. prmise
    D. bnus
    A. distant
    B. regretful
    C. mysterius
    D. psitive
    A. rewards
    B. pprtunities
    C. impressins
    D. elements
    A. Everyne wants t have friends, but yu can’t have friends withut making them.
    B.Fr students,friends became gd r best friends after abut 119 hurs.
    C. It's the first t explre nt just what activities bring us clser, but exactly hw many hurs it takes fr an acquaintance t becme a friend。。。。。。。。。。。.
    D.Shared activities dn’t always make us clser,either.
    E.Unfrtunately,there's n manual fr this crucial life skill.。。。。。。。。
    F.Unsurprisingly, the mre time tw peple spent tgether, the clser their relatinship.

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