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    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题06 Word版含答案
    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题06  Word版含答案01
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    2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题06 Word版含答案

    这是一份2021届上海市高三下学期5月秋考押题英语试题06 Word版含答案,共7页。

    II. Grammar and Vcabulary (20分)
    Sectin A
    Directins: After reading the passage belw, fill in the blanks t make the passage cherent and grammatically crrect. Fr the blanks with a given wrd, fill in each blank with the prper frm f the given wrd; fr the ther blanks, use ne wrd that best fits each blank.
    The United States f America (cmmnly (1) (refer) t as the United States, the U.S.,the USA,the States r America) is a federal cnstitutinal republic cmprising fifty states and a federal district.The cuntry is situated mstly in central Nrth America, (2) its frty-eight cntiguus states and Washingtn,D.C.,the capital district,lie (3) the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans,brdered by Canada t the nrth and Mexic t the suth.The state f Alaska is in the nrthwest f the cntinent,with Canada t its east and Russia t the west acrss the Bering Strait.
    At 3.79 millin square miles (9.83 millin km²) and with mre than 300 millin peple,the United States is the third r furth (4) (large) cuntry by ttal area,and third largest by land area and by ppulatin.The United States is ne f the wrld's mst ethnically diverse and multicultural natins, the prduct f large-scale immigratin frm many cuntries. The is the largest natinal ecnmy in the wrld, with an estimated 2008 grss dmestic prduct (GDP) f US$14.3 trillin.
    The natin was funded by thirteen clnies f Great Britain lcated alng the Atlantic seabard. On July 4,1776,they issued the Declaratin f Independence, (5) prclaimed their independence frm Great Britain and their frmatin f a cperative unin.The rebellius states (6) (defeat) Great Britain in the American Revlutinary War,the first successful clnial war f independence. A federal cnventin adpted the current United States Cnstitutin n September 17,1787; its ratificatin the (7) (fllw) year made the states part f a single republic with a strng central gvernment. The Bill f Rights, cmprising ten cnstitutinal amendments guaranteeing many fundamental civil rights and freedms, was ratified in 1791.
    In the 19th century, the United States acquired land frm France, Spain, the United Kingdm, Mexic, and Russia, and annexed the Republic f Texas and the Republic f Hawaii. Disputes between the agrarian Suth and industrial Nrth ver states’ rights and the expansin f the institutin f slavery prvked the American Civil War f the 1860s. The Nrth's victry prevented a permanent split f the cuntry and led (8) the end f legal slavery in the United States. By the 1870s, (9) natinal ecnmy was the wrld's largest. The Spanish–American War and Wrld War I cnfirmed the cuntry's status as a military pwer. In 1945, the United States emerged frm Wrld War II as the first cuntry (10) (have) weapns,a permanent member f the United Natins Security Cuncil, and a funding member f NATO.The end f the Cld War left the United States as the sle superpwer.The cuntry accunts fr apprximately 50% f glbal military spending and is a leading ecnmic,plitical,and cultural frce in the wrld.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Cmplete the passage with the wrds in the bx. Each wrd can nly be used nce. Nte that there is ne wrd mre than yu need.
    catch-up B. substitute C. advance D. cmmitted E. exhausted F. multitask G. transferred
    H. maintaining I. cmmenting K. challenge J. embrace
    My friend Haley called me the ther day. She hadn't texted me in (11) _______ t “find a time “t chat. Nr did we have a Zm date n the calendar. She just up and called me unannunced.
    It was thrilling, this unscheduled, spntaneus cnversatin withut a purpse r the weight f a frmal (12) ________. It felt like wheeling ver t smene in the ffice t hear a jke.
    I was reminded f that larger rbit f friendships utside the inner cre f thse we still see in persn, usually because we live with them. Think abut all thse relatinships nce sustained by serendipity and prximity, nw starved by a year f scial distancing.
    In what may be the wrld's largest scilgical experiment, many f us have had t rely almst cmpletely n technlgy t tend these cnnectins. We nw have a whle new cadre f Appintment Friendships.
    And even with (13) ________ scheduling, it's nt really enugh. A recent study frm researchers at the University f Nevada, Las Vegas, cnfirms what we nw knw in ur (14)________ hearts: vide calls, texts, scial media, even phne calls are a great supplement t face-t-face interactins, but they aren't a(n) (15) ________.
    Cntrary t what yu might expect, the mre sphisticated the technlgy, the less it satisfies ur need fr cnnectin.
    Researchers reprted that the humble phne call was assciated with decreases in stress, lneliness, and relatinship difficulties. Meanwhile, vide chats were assciated with increased stress, lneliness, and difficulties in (16) _________.
    I get it, we’re less self-cnscius n the phne, and yu can (17) _________ and talk-maybe fld laundry r eat r bth. With vide, that uncanny valley f almst being there tends t make yu lng fr the real thing. The UNLV researchers als reprted that scial media psting, (18) _________ and sharing was the “mdality mst strngly assciated with stress. “
    N ne is less surprised abut all this than Sherry Turkle, a clinical psychlgist at She's been studying hw technlgy affects ur capacity fr empathy and cnnectin since the first Apple cmputer shwed up with a smiley face, reprting her findings in tw seminal bks “Reclaiming Cnversatin” and “Alne Tgether.”
    When I spke t her a few weeks ag, she’d just published her memir, “The Empathy Diaries,” which is abut becming ne f very few wmen at and ne wh was willing t (19)________ the enduring gspel f the engineering universe: that technlgy wuld slve the prblems it caused.
    Turkle finished wrking n this bk during pandemic shutdwns, which were akin t a real-wrld test f her life's wrk. She writes:
    In the crucible f enfrced islatin, we explred the limits f where ur screens can take us As technlgy became ur lifeline, we realized hw much we missed the full (20) ______ f the human.
    III.Reading Cmprehensin
    Sectin A
    Directins: Fr each blank in the fllwing passages there are fur wrds r phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the wrd r phrase that best fits the cntext.
    Tday we live in a wrld where GPS systems, digital maps, and ther navigatin apps are available n ur smart phnes.(21) f us just walk straight int the wds withut a phne. But phnes (22) n batteries, and batteries can die faster than we realize.If yu get lst withut a phne r a cmpass, and yu (23) can’t find nrth, a few tricks t help yu navigate(24) t civilizatin, ne f which is t fllw the land...
    When yu find yurself well(25) a trail, but nt in a cmpletely(26) area, yu have t answer tw questins: Which(27)______is dwnhill, in this particular area? And where is the nearest water surce? Humans verwhelmingly live in valleys, and n supplies f fresh water.(28) , if yu head dwnhill, and fllw any H2O yu find, yu shuld(29) see signs f peple.
    If yu’ve explred the area befre, keep an eye ut fr familiar sights—yu may be(30) hw quickly identifying a distinctive rck r tree can restre yur bearings.
    Anther(31) : Climb high and lk fr signs f human habitatin.(32) , even in dense frest, yu shuld be able t(33) gaps in the tree line due t rads, train tracks, and ther paths peple carve thrugh the wds. Head tward these breaks t find a way ut. At night, scan the hrizn fr artificial light surces, such as fires and streetlights, then walk tward the glw f light pllutin.
    Finally , assuming yu’re lst in an area humans tend t frequent, lk fr the(34) we leave n the landscape. Trail blazes, tire tracks, and ther features can(35) yu t civilizatin.
    Sectin B
    Directins: Read the fllwing three passages. Each passage is fllwed by several questins r unfinished statements. Fr each f them there are fur chices marked A, B, C and D. Chse the ne that fits best accrding t the infrmatin given in the passage yu have just read
    Why make a film abut Ned Kelly? Mre ingenius crime than thse cmmitted by the reckless Australian bandit are reprted very day. What is there in Ned Kelly t justify dragging the mesmeric Mick Jagger s far int the Australian bush and away frm his natural haunts? The answer is that the film makers knw we always fall fr a bandit, and Jagger is set t d fr bld Ned Kelly what Brand nce did fr the arrgant Emilian Zapata.
    The bandit inhabits a special realm f legend where his deeds are embridered by thers; where his death rather than his life is cnsidered beynd belief; where the men wh bring him t“justice” are afflicted with dubts abut their rle.
    The bandits had a rle t play as definite as that f the authrities wh cndemned them. These were men in cnflict with authrity, and, in the absence f strng law r the idea f lyal ppsitin, they tk t the hills. Even there, hwever, many f them beyed certain unwritten rules.
    There rbbers, wh claimed t be smething mre than mere thieves, had in cmmn, firstly, a sense f lyalty and identity with the peasants they came frm. They didn’t steal the peasant’s harvest; they did steal the lrd’s.
    And certain characteristics seem t apply t “scial bandits” whether they were in Sicily r Peru. They were generally yung men under the age f marriage, predictably the best age fr dissidence. Sme were simply the surplus male ppulatin wh had t lk fr anther surce f incme; thers were runway serfs r ex-sldiers; a minrity, thugh the mst interesting, were utstanding men wh were unwilling t accept the meek and passive rle f peasant.
    They usually perated in bands between ten and twenty strng and relied fr survival n difficult terrain and bad transprt. And bandits prpsed best where authrity was merely lcal —ver the next hill and they were free. Unlike the general run f peasantry they had a taste fr flambyant dress and gesture; but they usually shared the peasants’ religius beliefs and superstitins.
    The first sign f a man caught up in the Rbin Hd syndrme was when he started ut, frced int utlawry as a victim f injustice; and when he then set ut t “right wrngs”, first his wn and then ther peple’s. The classic bandit then “take frm the rich and gives t the pr” in cnfrmity with his wn sense f scial justice; he never kills except in self-defense r justifiable place; his peple admire and help t prtect him; he dies thrugh the treasn f ne f them; he behaves as f invisible and invulnerable; he is a “lyalist”, never the enemy f the king but nly f the lcal ppressrs.
    Nne f the bandits lived up fully t this image f the “nble rbber” and fr many the claim f larger mtives was ften a delusin.
    Yet amazingly, many f these vilent men did behave at least half the time in accrdance with this idealist pattern. Panch Villa in Mexic and Salvatre Giulian in Italy began their careers harshly victimized. Many f their charitable acts later became legends.
    The bandit in the real wrld is rted in peasant sciety and when its simple agricultural system is left behind s is he. But the tales and legends, the bks and films cntinue t appear fr an audience that is neither peasant nr bandit. In sme ways the characters and deeds f the great bandits culd s readily be the stuff f grand pera — Dn Jse n “Carmen” is based n the Andalusian bandit El Empranill. But they are perhaps mre at hme in flk sngs, in ppular tales and the ritual dramas f films. When we sit in the darkness f the cinema t watch the bld deeds f Ned Kelly we are caught up in admiratin fr their strng individuality, their simple gesture f prtest, their passin fr justice and their cnfidence that they cannt be beaten. This sustains us nearly as much as it did the almst hpeless peple frm whm they sprang.
    36. Which f the fllwing wrds is NOT intended t suggest apprval f bandits?
    A. Bld (Para. 1).
    B. Claimed (Para. 4).
    C. Legend (Para. 2).
    D. Lyalty (Para. 4).
    37. Of the fllwing reasns which is the LEAST likely ne fr becming bandits?
    A. They liked theatrical clthes and behavir.
    B. They wanted t help the pr cuntry flk.
    C. They were unwilling t accept injustice.
    D. They had very few careers pen t them.
    38. “…began their careers harshly victimized” (Par. 9) means that they _____.
    A. had received excessive ill-treatment
    B. were severely punished fr their crimes
    C. tk t vilence thrugh a sense f injustice
    D. were misunderstd by their parents and friends
    39. What has made bandits suitable as film heres is that they_____.
    A. are sure they are invincible
    B. pssess a theatrical quality
    C. retain the virtues f a peasant sciety
    D. prtest against injustice and inequality
    Literary Festivals acrss the Wld
    Hw is BkExp America different frm the ther three bk fairs?
    It is held in different cities every year.
    It attracts many famus writers.
    It displays the latest trends in technlgy.
    It is the lngest annual bk fair.
    Which bk fair prviders turs f specific themes?
    The Lndn Bk Fair.
    BkExp America.
    The Frankfurt Bk Fair.
    The Tky Internatinal Bk Fair.
    What d we knw abut the Tky Internatinal Bk Fair?
    It is the mst ppular bk fair in Asia.
    It is a great place fr e-bk lvers.
    It mainly fcuses n natural science bks.
    It mainly displays printed bks fr schls.
    Fr years, the U. S. has experienced a shrtage f registered nurses. The Bureau f Labr Statistics prjects that while the number f nurses will increase by 19 percent by 2022, demand will grw faster than supply, and that there will be ver ne millin unfilled nursing jbs by then.
    S what's the slutin? Rbts.
    Japan is ahead f the curve when it cmes t this trend. Tyhashi University f Technlgy has develped Terapi, a rbtic medical cart that can make hspital runds, deliver medicatins and ther items, and retrieve recrds. It fllws a specific individual, such as a dctr r nurse, wh can use it t recrd and access patient data. This type f rbt will likely be ne f the first t be implemented in hspitals because it has fairly minimal patient cntact.
    Rbts capable f scial engagement help with lneliness as well as cgnitive functining, but the rbt itself desn't have t engage directly—it can serve as an intermediary fr human cmmunicatin. Telepresence rbts such as MantarBt, Vg, and Giraff can be cntrlled thrugh a cmputer, smartphne, r tablet, allwing family members r dctrs t remtely mnitr patients r Skype them, ften via a screen where the rbt's ' face' wuld be. If yu can't get t the nursing hme t visit grandma, yu can use a telepresence rbt t hang ut with her. A 2016 study fund that users had a "cnsistently psitive attitude" abut the Giraff rbt's ability t enhance cmmunicatin and decrease feelings f lneliness.
    A rbt's appearance affects its ability t successfully interact with humans, which is why the RIKEN-TRI Cllabratin Center fr Human-Interactive Rbt Research decided t develp a rbtic nurse that lks like a huge teddy bear. RIBA (Rbt fr Interactive Bdy Assistance), als knwn as ‘Rbear', can help patients int and ut f wheelchairs and beds with its strng arms.
    It's imprtant t nte that rbtic nurses dn't decide curses f treatment r make diagnses (thugh rbt dctrs and surgens may nt be far ff). Instead, they perfrm rutine and labrius tasks, freeing nurses up t attend t patients with immediate needs. This is ne industry where it seems the integratin f rbts will lead t cllabratin, nt replacement.
    43. What des the authr say abut Japan?
    A) It delivers the best medicatins fr the elderly.
    B) It takes the lead in prviding rbtic care.
    C) It prvides retraining fr registered nurses.
    D) It sets the trend in future rbtics technlgy.
    44. What d we learn abut the rbt Terapi?
    A) It has been put t use in many Japanese hspitals.
    B) It prvides specific individualized care t patients.
    C) It des nt have much direct cntact with patients.
    D) It has nt revlutinized medical service in Japan.
    45. What are telepresence rbts designed t d?
    A) Directly interact with patients t prevent them frm feeling lnely.
    B) Cater t the needs f patients fr recvering their cgnitive capacity.
    C) Clsely mnitr the patients' mvements and cnditins arund the clck.
    D) Facilitate cmmunicatin between patients and dctrs r family members.
    46. What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A) Dctrs and surgens will sn be laid ff.
    B) The rbtics industry will sn take ff.
    C) Rbts will nt make nurses redundant.
    D) Cllabratin will nt replace cmpetitin.
    Sectin C
    Directins: Cmplete the fllwing passage by using the sentences given belw. Each sentence can be used nly nce. Nte that there are tw mre sentences than yu need.
    In an a few years yu will be able t rder a transcript f yur entire genetic cde fr less than $1,000. (47)________ Tw different university labratries have develped tests that will reveal the entirety f a baby's genetic cde using just a bld sample frm the mther plus a drp f saliva(唾液)frm the father.
    Prenatal(出生前的) whle-genme sequencing will prvide vlumes f infrmatin beynd the currently available tests exclusively fr genetic disrders such as Dwn's syndrme r Tay-Saches disease. The three billin units f cde furnished in the new tests will als dwarf(使…相形见的) the relative trickle(零散) f infrmatin prvided by cnsumer gene-testing services such as 23andMie, which currently lk nly at perhaps abut ne millin lcatins in the genme.
    (48) ________ Withut careful planning, the new prenatal genetics might rb. a child f the chance t make decisins best left until adulthd- whether r nt t learn, fr instance, if a mutatin(突变) predicts the inevitability f Huntingtn's disease 20 years hence.
    (49) ________ Similar laissez faire(放任) actin t prenatal whle-genme testing culd prtend(预示) tragedy.
    Ultimately certain agency will need t develp a cmprehensive plicy n prenatal whle genme testing. Biethics schlars wrte an analysis last summer that calls n the medical cmmunity t develp a guide t the mst relevant genmic data fr future parents. (50) ________ Withut access t a much higher level f refined expertise, the secrets f ur ffspring's genetic cde will cntinue t remain an unnerving cipher --- r wrse.
    IV Summary Writing
    Directins: Read the fllwing passage. Summarize the main idea and main pint(s) f the passage in n mre than 60 wrds. Use yur wn wrds as far as pssible.
    'This is crisis teaching': students with disabilities are neglected as crnavirus shuts schls
    Hmeschling yur children during the Cvid-19 pandemic(流行病) is hard. Fr parents whse children have a disability, it's a 'herculean(困难的) task'
    As her mm tells it, Sesame Street(儿童节目) is Aubrey's first and nly lve. Her affectin fr the prgram's cast f puppets, fr Elm in particular, is s aggressive and pure that her parents have t restrict her access t it because she gets s peculiar after watching it.
    Aubrey, whse real name her parents asked be withheld t prtect her privacy, is a 16-year-ld student in Ls Angeles. As a teenager living with autism(自闭症), rutine is the bedrck f her day.
    But in the days f a spiraling crnavirus crisis, predicting what cmes next is all but impssible. “Think abut hw we are with uncertainty and multiply it by a millin. Fr her nt knwing is almst unbearable,” said her father, Piruz Kavehpur.
    Tday, with 124,000 f the natin's schls clsed due t crnavirus, Kavehpur has jined the ranks f millins f parents turned int hmeschl teachers vernight – n easy feat fr any wrking parent, but especially challenging fr parents whse children have disabilities.
    It remains unclear when schls acrss the cuntry will repen. Califrnia fficials already indicated they wn't restart this academic year and a handful f ther states have clsed drs until fall. And as classrms shift t nline learning, many f the services guaranteed t the natin's rughly 7 millin children with disabilities have been effectively suspended.
    Federal law prmises t give students educatinal services that address individual needs. But it's unclear when children with disabilities will get the kind f face-t-face help they had been getting at schl befre.
    (Adapted frm the Guardian BY Jerry)
    V. Translatin
    Directins: Translate the fllwing sentences int English, using the wrds given in the brackets.
    Ⅵ. Guided Writing
    Directins: Write an English cmpsitin in 120-150 wrds accrding t the instructins given belw in Chinese.
    1. 表示歉意;
    2. 解释原因;
    3. 另约时间。
    注意:1. 词数120-150;2. 可适当增加细节。
    I.Grammar and Vcabulary(共20分。每小题1分。)
    1.referred 2.where 3.between 4.largest 5.which
    6.defeated 7.fllwing 8.t 9.the 10.t have
    11-20 CADEB HFIKJ
    II.Reading Cmprehensin(共45分。21-35题每题1分;36-50每题2分。)
    21-25 CCDAB 26-30 DCADA 31-35 BDCBC 36-39.AACD
    40-42. ACB 43-46 BCDC 47-50 BFEA
    III.Summary Writing(共10分。)
    I. Summary
    The widespread f Cvid-19 makes hmeschling an issue fr parents wh have disabled children. Like Aubrey, a girl with autism wh spends her life in bredm, thse children with disabilities seem t have been deprived f in-persn help in a time when there is n hpe fr schls t repen. (50 wrds)
    Yu shuld aplgize t all present fr what yu have dne.
    Can yu make it clear what it is that caused this serius accident?
    The idea that he shuld becme an assistant t his bss has never deserted him.
    It seems that the UN Security Cuncil has made a reslutin abut/n/regarding/cncerning the internatinal issue that abut 200 species will die ut/be extinct in 2030s because f the glbal warming.
    A. Sme
    B. Mst
    C. Few
    D. All
    A. put
    B. take
    C. run
    D. cme
    A. frmally
    B. relatively
    D. literally
    B. next
    C. arund
    D. away
    A. nt
    B. ff
    C. acrss
    D. alne
    A. unattractive
    B. uncrwded
    C. unchanged
    D. unfamiliar
    A. site
    B. pint
    C. away
    D. place
    A. S
    B. Yet
    C. Instead
    D. Besides
    A. immediately
    B. intentinally
    C. unexpectedly
    D. eventually
    A. surprised
    B. annyed
    D. cnfused
    A. prblem
    A. Abve all
    B.In cntrast
    C.On average
    D.Fr example
    A. bridge
    A. memries
    C. ntes
    D. belngings
    A. restrict
    B. adpt
    C. lead
    D. expse
    Lndn Bk Fair
    Time: held annually in April fr three days
    Place: Lndn, U.K.
    The Lndn Bk Fair is a part f the Lndn Bk & Screen Week.
    Visitrs include anyne wh is invlved with the creatin, distributin, sale r treatment f cntent.
    Authrs, talent scuts (星探), editrs, designers, and digital gurus(领袖人物)all walk the flr-----meeting, talking, bserving, discvering. It’s a great pprtunity t meet all kinds f peple.
    BkExp America
    Time: held annually n May r June fr fur days
    Place: varius cities in the U.S.
    Unlike mst bk fairs, BkExp America desn’t have a base city. It mves t different places every year —— mstly big cities such as New Yrk, Washingtn, Ls Angles and Chicag.
    It is the largest gathering in the United States f librarians, bksellers and industry prfessinals, as well as a great place t discver the latest trends in technlgy while netwrking with thers in the business, G t bk signing sessins (签书会)with yur favrite authrs, and participate in panel discussins with tp writers while yu enjy breakfast. With hundreds f participating authrs, there’s lts t d, see and read.
    Frankfurt Bk Fair
    Time: held annually in Octber fr a week
    Place: Frankfurt, Germany
    The Frankfurt Bk Fair is the wrld’s biggest and ldest bk event with mre than 500 years f histry, yet it never stps develping with time.
    Thematic turs are prvided, during which trade visitrs and the general public can learn mre abut the Frankfurt Bk Fair. Led by experts, these tpical turs take interested grups t stands and ther lcatins arund the fair that are relevant t specific themes, such as educatins, science, kids. With ur Bk Fair app, visitrs have the pssibility t take a time-independent, thematic tur.
    Tky internatinal Bk Fair
    Time: held annually in September fr three days
    Place: Tky, Japan
    Being Asia’s leading bk fair, the Tky Internatinal Bk Fair has several sub categries, including the Natural Sciences Bk Fair, the Humanities & Scial Sciences Bk Fair, and the Children’s Bk’s Fair.
    One f the highlights f the event is the e-bks exp, which shines a sptlight n the fact that peple’s reading habits are switching frm printed bks t digital bks.
    Besides bk prducts, the newest e-learning sftware and digital technlgies are als presented.
    A. Unfrtunately, there aren't nearly enugh trained genetics cunselrs t handle the cming upsurge in demand fr this type f infrmatin.
    B. Adults cannt d much t alter their bilgical lt, but what if parents culd examine their unbrn child's genme(基因组)?
    C. Cancer has becme the first killer these years. That's why peple tend t take vertreatment with the knwledge f family histry.
    D. Anther fear is that a custmer withut discussing with genetics cunselr can receive infrmatin via the Internet abut a multifld greater risk f breast cancer.
    E. Anther prblem arises whether it is mral t chse t stp pregnancy because f the genme prblem.
    F. Attitudes tward child rearing might change alng with the new technlgy.

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