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    这是一份江苏省如皋市2020-2021学年高二上学期期末教学质量调研英语试题,共18页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分 7等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分 7.5 分)
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. In the street.B. On the bus.C. At the bus statin.
    2. What are the speakers talking abut?
    A. The weather.B. The man’s clthes.C. The vacatin plan.
    3. Hw much RMB will the man get?
    A. Abut 480 yuan.B. Abut 600 yuan.C. Abut 4,800 yuan.
    4. When des the wman usually get up?
    A. At 4:00.B. At 6:00.C. At 8:00.
    5. Why des the man think he will fail the exam?
    A. His listening is pr.
    B. His reading is pr.
    C. His writing is pr.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What happened during the hliday?
    A. Mary didn’t g t Harbin.
    B. Jenny held a party.
    C. The man had mved huse.
    7. When can the wman meet Jenny?
    A. On weekends.B. On weekdays.C. In summer hlidays.
    8. What is the wman?
    A. A custms fficer.B. A tur guide.C. A htel clerk.
    9. Why des the man cme t Britain?
    A. T attend a meeting.B. T take a vacatin.C. T visit his friends.
    10. Where will the man stay?
    A. At a business partner’s huse.
    B. At his huse.
    C. At a htel.
    11. Wh is Mr. Smith?
    A. A manager.B. A cnsultant.C. A secretary.
    12. Why des Elina leave a message?
    A. She desn’t knw when she’ll be available.
    B. She wants Mr. Smith t call her back.
    C. She wants t tell smething imprtant.
    13. What’s the message abut?
    A. Canceling sme rders.
    B. Quitting the delivery f sme rders.
    C. Stpping delivering rders t all cmpanies.
    14. Why des the man feel unwell?
    A. He eats smething wrng.
    B. He lacks physical exercise.
    C. He always stays up late.
    15. What des the wman suggest the man d?
    A. G t bed n time.
    B. Pay attentin t mental health.
    C. Have a balanced diet.
    16. What can we learn frm the cnversatin?
    A. The wman sunds patient.
    B. The man thinks the advice impractical.
    C. The man is a dctr.
    17. What did the landlrd d fr a mnth?
    A. He visited his friends.
    B. He went n a business trip.
    C. He traveled alne.
    18. Where did the landlrd keep his watch?
    A. On the bed.B. On the table.C. On the chair.
    19. Why was the landlrd s angry?
    A. A servant didn’t reach his requirement.
    B. His huse was destryed.
    C. A valuable gift was stlen.
    20. Hw did the landlrd find the thief?
    A. By a stick.
    B. By a bttle f water.
    C. By the ftprints.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Canyn Rck Turs
    Suth Rim Drive
    (555) 602-7548
    A unique lk at the Grand Canyn frm an expert’s perspective. Let ur prfessinal gelgists give yu the mst infrmative Grand Canyn tur available.
    The Rcks
    Learn abut the amazing histry f the Grand Canyn by lking at its many layers f rck. See trace fssils f animals and plants that lived millins f years ag. Tuch Precambrian (前寒武纪的) rcks that are 2 billin years ld. Find ut which minerals give the rck layers their clrs f red, yellw and green.
    The Frmatins
    Visit different rck frmatins and witness hw ersin and weathering have shaped ne f the wrld’s mst beautiful canyns.
    The Views
    Enjy yur lunch break at Yavapai Observatin Statin. The statin verlks the canyn with a view that is breathtaking and unfrgettable.
    Tur departs every day, except Sunday, at 9 A.M. frm the Grand Canyn Village Visitr Centre. Turs return arund 5 P.M.
    Cst is $30 per persn.
    Unsuitable fr senir citizens with special needs.
    Be sure t pack a sack lunch and bring plenty f drinking water.
    Turs invlve extensive hiking and require sme rck-climbing experience. Please dress in layers and wear apprpriate shes.
    Nte: Reservatins are required at least tw days in advance fr grups f six r mre.
    21. What is special abut the tur?
    A. Turists can bring hme sme clrful rcks.
    B. It is tailred t the needs f senir peple.
    C. Turists can see rare animals and plants.
    D. It cmbines sightseeing with learning.
    22. What are turists required t d?
    A. Wear thick clthes t keep warm.
    B. Bring their wn breakfast.
    C. Drink enugh water in advance.
    D. Wear shes suitable fr hiking.
    23. When might turists need t bk early?
    A. If they have a team f seven peple.
    B. If they wuld like a private tur.
    C. If they want t g n a particular day.
    D. If they wish t have lunch at Yavapai Observatin Statin.
    As technlgy and supermarkets have made buying fd easier and mre cnvenient than ever, researchers believe peple are grwing mre distant frm the fd they eat. As knwledge abut crps, fd prductin, and healthy eating is lst ver generatins, sme schl districts are lking t recnnect children with their fd by educating them in a garden setting. Researchers bserved ne “schl garden” in a rural Midwestern schl district, in which teachers held classes utside in a garden ne r tw times per mnth.
    “We have lst tuch with a lt f basic skills related t fd, which raises cncerns fr the future f fd prductin and the eating habits f ur children. And we wanted t see if allwing children t ‘taste’ their educatin in a garden setting culd have the ptential t rerient (重新定位) them tward envirnment and health issues that will nly becme mre imprtant as they grw. This case study shwed that the answer is ‘yes’. The ptential is there.” says Mary Hendricksn, an assciate prfessr f rural scilgy at the University f Missuri’s Cllege f Agriculture, Fd and Natural Resurces.
    The idea f schl gardens is nt new, but mst f these prgrams have ccurred in wealthy urban settings. Beginning as an after-schl club led by vlunteers, the prgram eventually changed t the cntrl f the schl district. The district jined it int the schl day an average f ne r tw times per mnth, when students wuld attend classes utside surrunded by fruits and vegetables. Each grade level received their wn garden.
    Researchers fund that schl garden educatin affected the children beynd the classrm, with students expecting healthier chices n the schl’s salad bar and starting their wn gardens at hme, as well as generally expressing mre interest in fd prductin and preparatin, encuraging them t develp an appreciatin fr fresh, healthy fds.
    “What we heard frm the peple invlved in this prgram is that their children are mre interested in eating healthier fd and have chices f fd systems like rganics and farmer’s markets, giving children mre cntrl ver their lives.” says Mary.
    “I think that peple recgnize that we are a rural cmmunity, but we are nt healthy eaters,” ne participant said. “We d have cattle and chickens, but we dn’t have gardens because when I was grwing up … we didn’t talk abut healthy fd. Nbdy really grew fd.”
    24. What are sme schls trying t d t their students?
    A. T teach them t build a schl garden.
    B. T advise them t eat health fd.
    C. T bring them tgether with fd.
    D. T remind them t learn knwledge.
    25. What is Mary Hendricksn’s attitude twards the practice f building a “schl garden”?
    A. Critical. B. Favurable. C. ambiguus. D. neutral.
    26. What is the finding f the researchers abut the students?
    A. They will have the abilities t make infrmed chices f fd.
    B. They will learn sme skills t prepare fr their everyday fd.
    C. They will prbably eat mre healthy salad than meat.
    D. They will take an active part in ut-f-class activities.
    27. What is the passage mainly discussing abut?
    A. The significance f develping healthy lifestyles.
    B. The change in peple’s buying fd in the future.
    C. The educatin f recnnecting students with fd.
    D. The necessity f teaching students gardening.
    Australian experts have expressed cncerns that t many millennials (千禧一代) are hping t use their scial media accunts t build their careers.
    Their cncerns fllw the sudden rise in “insta-celebrities” wh make mney by psting spnsred (赞助的) phts nline. Fr the lucky few wh are nt nly talented phtgraphers but als gd-lking and business-savvy (有商业头脑的), making mney ff scial media isn’t impssible.
    Instagram is flded with scial media prfessinals paid t prmte prducts and services. Hwever, scial scientist Lauren Rsewarne, frm the University f Melburne, says that in reality, there are far fewer peple making mney ff the platfrms than ne may think.
    She said many yung Australians were getting sucked in by the appeal f making mney n platfrms like Instagram, describing it as “ttally unrealistic” and extremely difficult t d.
    “Yung peple are hping t be famus in numbers that were simply nt there 20 years ag,” Rsewarne tld the Australian Bradcasting Crpratin (ABC) n Saturday. “There are sme peple wh can make frtunes ut f mnetizing (使具有货币性质) their Instagram psts, but that is nt the nrm.”
    She said it was up t parents and schls t discurage students frm seeking Insta-fame, as many believe it is a pssible career chice. “There’s the warning fr parents; this is nt a nrmal r even cmmn ccurrence that yu can mnetize yur Instagram accunt.”
    Meanwhile Tni Eager frm Australian Natinal University said scial prblems culd arise frm spending t much time with scial media.
    “Where d the insta-celebrities g t separate the life peple see n Instagram frm their actual nrmal life?” Eager said. “All f a sudden, peple wn yur private life.”
    28. Why is there a rise in “insta-celebrities”?
    A. Many yung peple are gd at taking phts.
    B. Many peple see it as a shrtcut t making mney.
    C. Peple want t scialize by sharing phts nline.
    D. Instagram ffers a reliable career chice fr millennials.
    29. What des the underlined phrase “getting sucked in” in paragraph 4 prbably mean?
    A. Becming invlved in smething.B. Benefiting frm smething.
    C. Taking advantage f smething.D. Being satisfied with smething.
    30. What message des the authr cnvey by quting Lauren Rsewarne?
    A. Yung peple tday are mre business-savvy than ever.
    B. Yung peple are becming less interested in internet fame.
    C. Instagram is nt a gd platfrm t prmte new prducts.
    D. It’s a bad idea fr yung peple t try earning mney n Instagram.
    31. What prblem des Tni Eager think veruse f scial media culd cause?
    A. An ver-reliance n Instagram.
    B. Inability t appreciate life.
    C. A lss f persnal privacy.
    D. An addictin t the virtual life nline.
    SpaceX, Eln musk’s rcket cmpany, launched the newly designed Crew Dragn capsule carrying fur astrnauts t space n Nv 16. The spacecraft successfully dcked (对接) with the Internatinal Space Statin (ISS) n Nv 17.
    This is the first time that NASA has sent a crew int rbit entirely via a privately-wned spacecraft. “It’s the start f a new era in which rutine astrnaut jurneys t lw-Earth rbit are being cnducted by cmmercial prviders,” NASA said. NASA’s cmmercial manned prgram has taken a lt f risks. Whether the funding is sufficient in the lng term and whether the cmpanies have the capabilities t slve all the technical difficulties have been repeatedly questined by the US Cngress.
    Befre the launch, NASA had cperated with SpaceX fr mre than a decade t build a manned spacecraft. Back in 2014, NASA was facing a viral decisin — chsing the finalists t cmplete the task f develping alternative space shuttles. Eventually, it came dwn t Being and SpaceX. There was fierce cmpetitin between the tw cmpanies t cmplete the missin.
    In December 2019, Being’s manned spaceship, CST-100Starliner, cnducted a test flight, but due t multiple errrs, the flight failed t reach the ISS. The recent launch f the Dragn capsule wasn’t flawless, either. An air leak caused an unexpected drp in capsule pressure less than tw hurs befre launch, a NASA fficial said. Thanks t the technicians, the launch wasn’t affected.
    In the cming year, US actr Tm Cruise will start a cmmercial space jurney n the Dragn capsule t film a mvie at the ISS. At the same time, Being is catching up. The cmpany will cnduct anther unmanned flight in 2021, and its first manned missin will take place smetime in 2022. “It very much fllws the aviatin (航空) era where airliners used t be gvernment-run, and nw f curse they’ve been cmmercial fr a number f decades,” said ne f the Dragn capsule crew members.
    32. What is the significance f the successful launch f Crew Dragn capsule?
    A. It carried fur astrnauts int the space.
    B. It successfully dcked with the Internatinal Space Statin.
    C. It sent rdinary peple t space fr the first time.
    D. It marks the beginning f spaceflights being cnducted by cmmercial prviders.
    33. What’s the main factr cntributing t the successful launch f Crew Dragn capsule?
    A. SpaceX’s lng-term cperatin with NASA.
    B. Being’s failure in the test flight due t multiple errrs.
    C. SpaceX’s having sufficient funding.
    D. All the technical difficulties being timely fixed.
    34. What des the underlined “it” refer t in paragraph 5?
    A. Crew Dragn capsule launched by SpaceX.
    B. cmmercial space explratin.
    C. the cmpetitin between Being and SpaceX.
    D. cmmercial airliners.
    35. Which ne can be the best title fr this passage?
    A. Manned spaceflight was launched.
    B. Spaceflights g cmmercial.
    C. NASA faces lts f risks.
    D. SpaceX leads the way in spaceflights.
    Finding an utlet fr emtin
    Finland is fertile (肥沃的) grund fr heavy metal music. Fr every 100,000 peple, there are 70 metal bands, accrding t Medium. Heavy metal’s characteristic aggressin and ludness attack listeners with brute (粗暴的) frce. 36
    The cld and smetimes severe climate has cntributed t the ppulatin’s interest in heavier frms f rck. “When smene is surrunded by cld and dark fr lng perids f time, it is nly natural that sme frm f depressin will start t set in,” the website A Metal State Of Mind nted. “Hw d many Finns cmbat the depressin, release the negative energy, and make themselves feel mre psitive? 37
    Accrding t Medium, mst Finnish peple are emtinally restrained (克制的). Whatever emtins — sft r hard — they feel, they keep them inside. “I feel that the emtinal intrversin (内向性) als has t d with the fact that we ften want t keep things private. 38 One has t appear ‘strng’ at all csts,” Ida-Katharina Kiljander, ne f the lead singers f the Oulu-based metal band Murnful Lines, tld Medium.
    “The reasn why heavy metal might reflect the Finnish mentality is prbably because we are s private that it is difficult t discuss ur feelings, but still we need an utlet t deal with these negative emtins,” explained Kiljander.
    40 Thse wh tend t keep their emtins inside may find themselves drawn t a medium r genre that allws them t d the ppsite — smething that Finland has made lud and clear with its grwing number f heavy metal fans.
    A. Hwever, heavy metal music ffers a way t express these emtins.
    B. Every year, thusands f “metalheads” gather at Finland’s many metal festivals, especially during summer.
    C. But why des this seemingly extreme frm f music thrive in the Nrdic cuntry f Finland?
    D. It has nt been scially acceptable t shw great emtins, fr example anger r sadness.
    E. Just as the Chinese prverb ges, “Where yu live makes yu wh yu are.”
    F. Emtinal intrversin is a frm f learned behavir in Finland and the rts g back quite far in histry.
    G. There is n ne frm f music mre tailred t the release f the negative mre than metal.
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    I was diagnsed (诊断) at the age f 14 with a disease which the dctr said wuld 41 me in a wheelchair at 25 and dead at 40. Luckily, it didn’t happen as 42 . The disease never spread t my legs, fr which I am very 43 .
    Still, everything I did hurt, and my left hand was functinally paralyzed (功能性瘫痪的). I was in cnstant pain because I lack the muscle 44 required t d these simple tasks.
    After 45 40 years f this disease, I decided t step int the wrld f 46 healing. I learned t allw the flw f grace t heal and care fr me.
    Healing is having the curage t lve yurself, and trusting yu 47 a better life and healthier existence. When I adpted that new belief system, my entire being started t wellness.
    Slwly and steadily, I was 48 myself frm the nly existence I had knwn. I began t a 49 a new life filled with jy and acceptance. If my heart healed, my bdy wuld heal.
    As I became mre in tuch with the energy arund me, I learned the incredible pwer f wrds and hw we receive 50 what we ask fr. I came t understand that everything in life is an ffering, an pprtunity t grw.
    We always have a chice. We can remain 51 in the past belief patterns and behavirs that n lnger 52 us, r we can create a new stry, ne that is truer t ur 53 self.
    I learned that 54 + cmpassin = healing. When we frgive urselves, and thers, we heal the hurt and discmfrt. When we are cmpassinate and graceful, we attract the same. Healing is based in the heart, nt the mind. As a result f my learning, I nw live each day in jy and 55 .
    “If I can heal, anyne can heal.” We are here t be in ur heart’s desire and live ur purpse.
    41. A. leaveB. rescueC. takeD. spend
    42. A. expectedB. plannedC. predictedD. required
    43. A. cheerfulB. gratefulC. depressedD. scared
    44. A. energyB. frceC. pwerD. strength
    45. A. undergingB. evaluatingC. freseeingD. spending
    46. A. traditinalB. desperateC. gradualD. alternative
    47. A. desireB. demandC. deserveD. determine
    48. A. preventingB. unlckingC. prtectingD. discuraging
    49. A. avidB. destryC. imagineD. heal
    50. A. ppsitelyB. exactlyC. particularlyD. rarely
    51. A. trappedB. absrbedC. invlvedD. interested
    52. A. benefitB. serveC. wrkD. attract
    53. A. happyB. stubbrnC. idealD. authentic
    54. A. graceB. jyC. frgivenessD. wellness
    55. A. purpseB. gratitudeC. curageD. regret
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题:每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    The size f fish in the ceans is shrinking. A new reprt frm Canada states fish may shrink by as much as a quarter in the cming decades, which mainly 56 (result) frm glbal warming. The research team cnducted tests n the effect f 57 (rise) cean temperatures n the size and number f ver 600 species f fish. They cncluded that mst fish are likely t shrink by 14-24 percent by the year 2050. The biggest changes 58 (see) clearly in trpical regins. There is 59 (little) xygen in warmer water s fish cannt grw nrmally and many will migrate t cler waters.
    Lead researcher Prfessr William said: “We were surprised t see such a large decrease in fish size. Marine fish are generally knwn t respnd t climate change 60 changing distributin and seasnality. But the unexpectedly big effect 61 climate change culd have n bdy size suggests that we may be missing a big piece f the puzzle f understanding climate change effects in the cean." He added that verfishing and pllutin will 62 (wrse) the prblem. "Our wrk shws a very 63 (wrry) future fr the ceans, 64 it is very imprtant t reduce greenhuse gas emissins and develp better fish management plicies 65 (adapt) t these changes, he said.
    第四部 写作(共两小节,满分40分)
    第一节 应用文 (满分15分)
    假设你是李华,本学期你阅读了小说《了不起的盖茨比》(The Great Gatsby),请根据提示用英语写一篇书评,80-100词。
    第二节 读后续写 (满分25分)
    Early ne weekend mrning, I was sleeping like a lg when the telephne rang. When I answered I heard my Grandma’s vice “Hey, sweetheart. I have missed yu s much lately. Why dn’t yu cme t the cuntryside and enjy sme fine views?” she asked. “Dad, Grandma is inviting us t her hme,” I shuted t my father wh was busy in the kitchen. “Fine with me,” he respnded in a casual tne. After a quick breakfast, we drve t Grandma’s.
    Once we arrived, we were bth thrilled by the breathtaking landscape. The plum trees in the backyard were ripe with fruit, while millins f wildflwers clred the valley. Grandma prepared delicius lunch including her special hmemade apple jam, which was my favrite. Seeing my greedy eyes, grandma said “Take sme when yu leave, and I’ve gt plenty stred in the cellar (地窖) .” Talking and laughing, we didn’t even ntice that it was late in the afternn, thugh smewhat cler than it had been that mrning. Grandma suggested that we take her hmemade wden bat fr a tur alng the nearby river.
    Seated in the bat, lking up at the sky, I felt like the cluds were greeting us cheerfully frm abve. In the vast fields, the glden trees were like brides in the sun. The breeze skimmed ver the surface f the field, carrying the sweet smell f the flwers. It was like a picture painted by ne f the Dutch masters. “It is s nice t spend sme quality time with family,” Dad murmured. “It feels like we’re n an adventure,” I added. “It’s been s much fun!”
    While we were admiring the splendid setting arund us, the weather started getting ht and humid again. At first, we ignred this change, but when dad lked up at the sky, he saw dark, lw cluds were appraching us. Then a fierce gale (大风) sprang up. Lightning flashed within the black cluds, fllwed by a rar f thunder. “Rw!” Dad shuted, trembling, “A trnad (龙卷风) is cming!”
    There was n time t think. We rwed as fast as we culd. __________________________
    Grandma pened the dr fr us.___________________________________________
    听力1—5 BACCA6—10 BAABC11—15 ACBBC16—20 ACBCA
    阅读21-23 DDA 24-27 CBAC 28-31 BADC 32-35 DDBB
    七选五36-40 CGDAE
    完形填空 41-45 ACBDA 46-50 DCBCB 51-55 ABDCB
    56. results 57. rising 58. will be seen 59. less 60. thrugh/ by
    61. that/which (或/) 62. wrsen 63. wrrying 64. s 65. t adapt
    The nvel The Great Gatsby is the representative wrk f American writer F. Sctt Fitzgerald. It is a true reflectin f the 1920s and universally acknwledged as a literary classic.
    The Great Gatsby shws the tragic stry f Gatsby’s pursuing his dream. He realizes his dream by illegal business. He falls in lve with Daisy, wh represents a beautiful life. Hwever, in real life, she is far frm what Gatsby imagines. She is a selfish and shallw girl and finally leads Gatsby t a sad ending.
    In my pinin, the tragedy f Gatsby reflects the theme f the nvel — the decline f the American dream. But then again, althugh Gatsby’s effrts d nt pay ff, his spirit f struggling t realize his dream and change his fate tuches me deeply.
    There was n time t think. We rwed as fast as we culd. Althugh I didn’t dare t lk,I culd feel the trnad getting clser as hail started t fall, hitting the creaky ld bat hard. Chased by the relentless nightmare, I culdn't affrd t let up fr a mment. I didn't even wipe the sweat away as it streamed in my eyes and blurred my view. Finally Grandma's huse appeared befre my eyes. We jumped ut f the bat and ran twards it. Gasping fr breath, we buzzed the drbell again and again.
    Grandma pened the dr fr us. We dripped water n her flr as we went inside, ur shes and clthes saked thrugh. Grandma said we needed t find a safer place t ride ut the trnad, and we fllwed her int the cellar. Dad helped clse ff the entrance while I huddled in the dark crner, quivering frm the cld and the fear. We stayed dwn there, waiting fr the trnad t pass ver us. We didn’t wait very lng, fr it was ver in a matter f minutes. Hwever, after this experience, I appreciated every day with my family.
    Text 1
    M: Excuse me. Des this bus g t the newly built cinema?
    W: N, yu’ll have t get ff at the bkstre, and then take the N.39 bus.
    M: Thank yu.
    Text 2
    W: What a nice day!
    M: That is true. I hpe it wn’t rain again. Last time, I frgt t bring the umbrella and my clthes gt wet.
    W: It’ll be sunny fr the 7-day vacatin accrding t the weather frecast.
    Text 3
    M: Can yu change eurs int RMB?
    W: Yes, ne eur is equivalent t(等于,相当于) abut eight yuan. Hw much d yu want t change?
    M: Six hundred eurs, please.
    Text 4
    W: What time d yu get up every day?
    M: I get up at abut 6:00.
    W: That’s early, isn’t it? I usually get up 2 hurs later than yu.
    M: Yes, but the early bird catches the wrm(早起的鸟儿有虫吃).
    Text 5
    M: I’m abslutely sure I’m ging t fail my English test.
    W: What makes yu s sure?
    M: Because it is impssible t imprve listening skills within a week.
    Text 6
    M: Hi, Mary. Hw’s yur winter vacatin?
    W: Well, it’s wnderful! I went t Harbin! Oh, did I miss smething when I wasn’t here?
    M: Yes. ⑥Jenny had mved ut, and she wn’t cme t ur schl again. She held a party n the last day f winter vacatin.
    W: What! I can’t believe it! Oh, I wish I hadn’t been t Harbin!
    M: Oh well, it’s already happened. ⑦Yu can still call her and meet her n weekends even if she’s nt cming t ur schl again.
    Text 7 (第8题为推断题)
    W: Gd mrning, sir. Yur passprt, please.
    M: Gd mrning. Here yu are.
    W: Thank yu. Are yu here n business r n vacatin?
    M: ⑨I’m here n hliday.
    W: Hw lng are yu ging t stay? And where will yu be staying?
    M: Abut 10 days, ⑩and I’ll be staying at the Regent Htel in Oxfrd.
    W: D yu have a return ticket, sir? May I have a lk at it, please?
    M: Yes, f curse. Here yu are.
    W: Thank yu, sir. Enjy yur stay in Britain.
    Text 8
    M: Hell, CAA Cmpany.
    W: Hell. ⑪May I speak t Mr. Smith, the manager f the Exprt Department?
    M: I’m srry. Mr. Smith has just gne ut. Wh is calling, please?
    W: ⑫This is Elina Field. Wuld yu please tell me when I culd get in tuch with him?
    M: As a matter f fact, I dn’t knw when Mr. Smith culd be in the ffice. Culd yu call back later r wuld yu mind leaving a message?
    W: ⑫I think I’d better leave a message. But it’s imprtant and urgent. Please make sure he receives this message.
    M: I see. I’m sure t pass yur message t Mr. Smith.
    W: Gd. Wuld yu please tell him that due t an unexpected change, ⑬dn’t fill ut any rders fr James Crpratin until further ntice? It’s very imprtant. I’ll explain later.
    M: Okay, let me repeat yur message t see if I’ve gt it all…
    Text 9 (第16题为总结题)
    W: Hell, Henry! Yu dn’t lk very well. What happened t yu?
    M: Nthing serius, but I feel very weak.
    W: It seems t me that(在我看来) yu are very careless abut yur health. Maybe yu dn’t take physical exercise regularly.
    M: Yes, yu are abslutely right. ⑭I’m nt used t taking exercise.
    W: But yu shuld knw that physical exercise is very imprtant t keep us fit. Because a sund mind lives in a sund bdy(健全的精神寓于健康的身体).
    M: Yeah, I agree with yu. S, culd yu tell me what I shuld d?
    W: Yu shuld take physical exercise regularly. Apart frm this, ⑮yu shuld have a balanced diet.
    M: What d yu mean by a balanced diet? Please tell me in detail.
    W: A balanced diet means taking regular fd cntaining all the necessary ingredients(成分) needed fr health in right prprtin(比例,占比).
    M: I see, bth taking physical exercise regularly and eating a balanced diet are very imprtant fr gd health.
    W: Exactly! I hpe yu will fllw bth f the rules.
    Text 10
    M: There lived a landlrd named James Smith in a certain prvince in Bengal. He had nearly fifty servants t lk after his husehld. One day, ⑰while the landlrd traveled alne fr a mnth, ⑱⑲ne f his servants stle his precius wrist watch kept n his table. The watch was a gift frm the King f Mysre. The landlrd culdn’t affrd lsing it. When the landlrd returned, he was mad abut nt finding his watch at his hme. He dubted that ne f his servants must have dne that. He made a plan. ⑳He gave each f the servants a stick f equal length saying, “The thief’s stick will grw an inch lnger tmrrw”. The thief was full f stress at the thught f getting caught. He cut an inch frm the stick that night. The next day, the landlrd checked the sticks given t the servants and fund ne stick was shrt by an inch. He identified the thief immediately and caught him. The thief gt severe punishment.
    作者:美国作家 F. Sctt Fitzgerald
    主人公Gatsby,靠非法经营实现了他的美国梦,爱上了Daisy。 在Gatsby看来,Daisy是美好生活的象征,而实际上,Daisy自私、肤浅,并最终导致了Gatsby走向了悲剧的结尾。


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