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    中考英语专题练习 短文填空 专项训练三首字母提示填空(含解析)
    中考英语专题练习  短文填空 专项训练三首字母提示填空(含解析)01
    中考英语专题练习  短文填空 专项训练三首字母提示填空(含解析)02
    中考英语专题练习  短文填空 专项训练三首字母提示填空(含解析)03
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    中考英语专题练习 短文填空 专项训练三首字母提示填空(含解析)

    这是一份中考英语专题练习 短文填空 专项训练三首字母提示填空(含解析),共15页。试卷主要包含了i________,t________,r________,d________,l________等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Passage 1(2019天津)
    The villagers in Mhangeni, Africa, faced a very big challenge(挑战). They didn't have a schl fr their kids.
    Then the village elder thught f an 1.i________. He said that there was an ld, abandned(废弃的) farmhuse. It culd be changed int classrms after cleaning and furnishing(装设备) it. All the villagers were 2.p________ with his suggestin and started the prject immediately.
    The parents repaired the brken walls. Sme villagers 3.d________ the huse int three classrms by using pieces f wd. The thers helped make desks and chairs fr the students. Still, there was much mre wrk t d. But the rains were cming. They had t 4.s________ wrking fr the schl as it was nw the best time fr them t plant.
    S the children f Mhangeni decided t finish the huse by 5.t________. They had t hurry as summer had ended and ther schls had already pened. They didn't want t delay(耽搁) their studies. Every day they were busy with wrk like cutting the grass and clearing the bushes(灌木).
    The news abut the prject 6.s________ and many peple knew it. Tw teachers wh wrked fr the cuntry's Department f Educatin arrived t help ut, and tw freign visitrs were als tuched(感动) by the children's 7.a________. They dnated mney fr them t buy textbks and statinery.
    After 10 days f hard wrk, the new schl was 8.r________. The kids were very happy but a bit wrried—they were behind in their studies.
    Besides(除…之外) this, they als faced many 9.d________. There were nt enugh classrms t hld all the students. And tw r three students had t share ne bk.
    Hwever, the children are happy t study in schl— 10.e________ in their new schl which they helped t build. Thugh their schl might nt be mdern, their dream f having a schl near their hmes has cme true.
    Passage 2(2019南京)
    Chinese writing is ne f the wrld's greatest writing systems. It is mre 1.w________ in use than alphabetic(字母的)writing systems. Mre than half f the wrld's bks are written in Chinese, including histrical writings and nvels, alng with writings n gvernment and law.
    At the beginning, written Chinese was a picture­based 2.l________. It dates back several thusand years t the 3.u________ f animal bnes and shells n which symbls were carved(刻)by ancient Chinese peple. Sme f the ancient symbls can still be seen in 4.t________ hanzi.
    By the Shang Dynasty, these symbls had becme a well­develped writing system. Over the years, the system develped int different frms, as it was a time when peple were 5.d________ gegraphically, leading t different dialects(方言)and characters. This, hwever, 6.c________ under Emperr Qinshihuang f the Qin Dynasty.
    Emperr Qinshihuang united(统一)the seven majr states int ne cuntry where the Chinese writing system began t develp in ne directin. That writing system was f great 7.i________ in uniting the Chinese peple and culture. Even tday, n matter where Chinese peple live r what dialect they speak, they can all still 8.c________ in writing. Written Chinese has als becme an imprtant methd t 9.c________ China's present with its past. Peple in mdern times can read the classic wrks which were written by Chinese in ancient times.
    Tday, Chinese writing system is still an imprtant part f Chinese culture. As China plays a 10.g________ rle in the wrld, an increasing number f internatinal students are beginning t appreciate(欣赏)China's culture thrugh this amazing language. Written Chinese spreads Chinese culture wherever it ges.
    Passage 3(2019武汉)
    It was at an exhibitin f the artists' wrks rganized by the Red Crss. I was invited as a special 1.g________ t attend the exhibitin. During this perid, tw cute girls f 16 r 17 years ld came t me and asked me fr my signature(签名).
    “I haven't brught my pen. Is the 2.p________ kay?” Actually, I knew they wuldn't 3.r________. I just wanted t shw a well­knwn writer's gd manners t the 4.c________ readers.
    “Certainly,”the yung girls readily 5.a________. I culd see they were very excited. Of curse, their excitement als made me feel mre pleased and satisfied. One f the girls 6.h________ her fine ntebk t me. I turned ver the cver f the ntebk, wrte a few wrds f encuragement 7.n________, and signed my name. The girl read my signature, frwned(皱眉), lked at me carefully and asked, “Aren't yu Rbert Charbss?”
    “N,”I tld her prudly, “I'm the authr f Alice Adams, the 8.w________ f tw Pulitzer Prizes.”
    The yung girl turned t the 9.________, shrugged(耸肩)and said,“Mary, lend yur rubber t me.”At that mment, all my 10.p________ turned int a bubble(泡泡)immediately. Since then, I always warn myself: n matter hw utstanding yu are, dn't think highly f yurself.
    Passage 4(2019泰州)
    Everyne knws that secnd­hand smke is as dangerus as first­hand smke. But have yu 1.h________ f “third­hand” smke?
    Third­hand smke means the pllutin left n the surfaces(表面) f things arund, 2.l________ furniture r clthes. When smene smkes in a rm, pisnus particles(粒子) in tbacc(烟草) smke land n the surfaces f the furniture r his clthes, even after the cigarette(香烟) has been put ut. This can cause a great danger t yur family, 3.e________ yunger children.
    Babies have nly just learned t walk. They are mre likely t be harmed by third­hand smke. This is 4.b________ they are ften clse t surfaces f things, such as flrs, walls and furniture where tbacc particles remain. When they 5.t________ these surfaces, they get their hands plluted.
    S, it is necessary and imprtant t say 6.n________ t third­hand smke. T achieve this, strict 7. r________ fr frbidding(禁止) smking inside hmes shuld be carried ut. If ne f yur family members smkes, please make sure he smkes 8. ________ the huse. Get him a special jacket and hat, s nce he 9.f________ smking, he will take them ff befre getting inside the huse. Mrever, make sure that a smker washes his hands and face, and changes his clthes befre picking up the baby.
    Many times, yu cannt see the smke ding harm t yur child, but it desn't mean he r she is 10.s________. Give up smking, r if that is nt pssible, make sure that yur lved nes are far away frm third­hand smke.
    Passage 5(2019咸宁)
    Cnfucius is the greatest teacher in Chinese histry. He was brn n 1. S________ 28th, 551 B.C. in the Kingdm f Lu, in tday's Shandng Prvince. When he was yung, he and his mther had a hard 2.l________. At the age f fifteen, he began t learn music, and he did well in it. Then he went n 3.l________ ther subjects. When he was thirty, he 4.b________ a teacher. He started his wn schl. He believed everyne shuld have a chance t get educatin whether they were 5.r________ r pr. He had abut 3,000 6.s________ and many f them became famus.
    Chinese see Cnfucius as the greatest thinker 7.w________ had many wise ideas abut human nature and behavir. And he is als regarded 8.a________ the greatest teacher. His mst imprtant ideas are abut kindness and 9.g________ manners. He said yung peple shuld 10.t________ care f the ld. Peple shuld nt nly always think f themselves, but wrk fr 11.________. His ideas are arund in peple's everyday life. Tday peple can still hear the ideas, and they even g far int east 12.a________ suth Asia.
    Passage 6(2019襄阳)
    Mst adults find it hard t remember the things happened while they were children. Nw scientists have fund exactly when these memries 1.d________.
    A new study has fund that mst three­year­ld children can remember a lt f what happened t them a year 2. e________, and these memries are still clear while they are 5 and 6, but by the time they are ver 7, these memries becme weaker 3.r________.
    Mst children by the age f 8 r 9 can nly remember 35% f their 4.e________ frm under the age f 3, accrding t the new studies.
    The scientists say this is because at arund this age the way we frm(形成)memries begins t change. They say that befre the age f 7 children d nt have a 5.s________ f time and place in their memries. In lder children, hwever, the early things they can remember becme mre adult­like in the way they are frmed. Children als have a far faster speed f 6.f________ than adults. The discveries als help t explain why children can ften have clear memries f what they have dne, 7.b________ then frget them just several years later.
    The children were rganized t the labratry fr the first time at the age f 3 and discussed 6 impressed(印象深刻的)things frm their past, such as the first relaxing trip with yur family, the first 8.d________ accident yu met, and the first day f schl. The children then returned fr a secnd 9.s________ between the ages f 5 and 9 t discuss the same things. The scientists fund that between the ages f 5 and 7,the amunt(量)f memries that the children culd remember 10.r________ between 63%-72%. Hwever, between the ages f 8 t 9, the amunt f memries that the children culd remember fell t between 35%-36%.
    Passage 7(2019呼和浩特)
    Smartphnes and e­readers have becme mre cmmn in recent years. Sme peple think that the days f paper bks will be gne. But recent surveys have shwn that traditinal bks are still ppular 1.a________ readers.
    Research cmpany Nielsen fund that in the UK, sales f e­bks are 2.f________ while sales f paper bks are rising. Mre surprisingly, it's yung peple wh are buying the mst physical bks. Anther survey f university students frm the United States, Slvakia(斯洛伐克) and Japan als shwed that 92 percent f 3.t________ preferred paper bks.
    S what is 4.b________ paper bk cmeback(回归)?
    The mst ppular reasn given was:“I like t hld the prduct.” It's true that paper bks bring a very different reading experience. Slvakian students said that they liked the smell f paper bks. Other students said that they culd get a 5.s________ f accmplishment(成就) when they finished reading a paper bk.
    Paper bks can als be very persnal bjects t lvers f reading. Many peple like t sign their name n the 6.i________ cver. If the cver gets bent(弯曲) r there is a stain(污点) made n the pages frm cffee, all the better. The 7.a________ make the bk even mre persnal. It's as if readers f paper bks make friends with them.
    This “friendship” peple 8.d________ with bks isn't just sentimental(情感的). Research has shwn that readers remember mre infrmatin reading frm paper bks 9.t________ e­bks. Peple als mre 10.e________ end up with headaches r sre eyes while reading e­bks.
    S why nt pick up a bk and start reading?
    Passage 8(2019镇江)
    As I entered an internatinal high schl, all my friends felt surprised at my shrt hair. This is because, my ld schl thinks teenage 1.y________ aren't the time fr lking pretty. Then I clured my hair blue. Fr the first time, I felt free and beautiful. This internatinal schl 2.s________ t meet my needs.
    I had a 3.t________ educatin backgrund. I went t public schls, received nrmal(常规的) educatin and was required t fllw 4.r________ like every ther student. Later, I began t wnder 5.w________ this educatin was truly suitable fr me.
    Hwever, in the new schl my high hpes were nt met. Fr a while, I fund myself in a surprising situatin as I faced befre. It was 6.s________ the biggest challenge I faced in my educatin—the freedm t try new things. In the ld system, I was strngly advised 7.a________ trying new things. But in my new schl, it wrked the ppsite way—we had many chances t try new things. But if I 8.f________ , I must be respnsible(负责任的) because I put myself in such risk. Finally, it led me t get int truble again.
    As time went by, I started t find my 9.________ balance. In fact, nne f the educatin systems in the wrld are perfect. I am 10.l________ enugh t have a chance t bring great value frm bth systems tgether. As a result, I've built a system fr myself.
    专项训练三 首字母提示填空
    Passage 1
    1. idea 【解析】句意:然后,村里的老人们想出了一个 。根据语境及首字母提示可知,此处指“想出了一个主意”。根据空前的不定冠词an可知此处应填可数名词单数。故填idea。
    2. pleased 【解析】句意:所有村民们对这个建议 并立刻开始了这个项目。分析句子结构可知,此处应填形容词。根据下文“started the prject immediately”以及首字母可知,此处指“所有人对这个建议都很满意”。故填pleased。
    3. divided 【解析】句意:通过使用一块块的木头,一些村民们把这所房子 三间教室。分析句子结构可知,空处应填动词作谓语。根据语境及首字母可知,此处表示“把房子分成三间教室”。全文时态为一般过去时,此处应填动词的过去式。故填divided。
    4. stp 【解析】句意:他们不得不 建造学校,因为对于他们来说现在是种植的最好时间。根据“as it was nw the best time fr them t plant”及首字母提示可知此处指“他们不得不停止建造学校”。空格前t是不定式符号,应用动词原形。故填stp。
    5. themselves 【解析】句意:因此Mhangeni的孩子们决定靠 来完成这所房子。根据下文内容及首字母提示可知,此处指“孩子们决定靠自己来完成这所房子”。故填themselves。
    6. spread 【解析】句意:有关这个项目的消息 ,许多人知道了这件事。根据下文“many peple knew it”及首字母提示可知,此处指“关于这个项目的消息传播开来”。此处描述的是过去发生的动作,应用动词的过去式。故填spread。
    7. actins 【解析】句意:两位国家教育部的老师来到这儿帮忙,并且两个外国游客被孩子们的 感动。根据语境及首字母提示可知,此处指“孩子们的行动”。此处表示多个孩子们的行动,应用actin的复数形式。故填actins。
    8. ready 【解析】句意:经过10天的努力工作,这所新学校 。根据语境及首字母提示可知,此处指“新学校已经建好了”。故填ready。
    9. difficulties 【解析】句意:除此之外,他们也面临许多 。根据语境及首字母提示可知,此处指“他们也面临许多困难。”根据空格前many可知,此处应用可数名词复数形式。故填difficulties。
    10. especially 【解析】句意:然而,孩子们很高兴在学校学习—— 在他们帮助建造的新学校里面。分析语境可知,此处单词表示语义上的递进关系,结合首字母提示,可知此处指“尤其是在他们帮助建造的新学校里面”。故填especially。
    Passage 2
    widely 【解析】句意:它的使用比字母书写系统更 。分析句子结构,此处要填入一个以字母“w”开头的副词作状语。根据后文“Mre than half f the wrld's bks are written in Chinese...”可知,这里应该是说汉字运用的广泛。此处应用副词来修饰介词短语。故填widely。
    language 【解析】句意:一开始,书面汉字是一种以图像为基础的 。分析句子结构,此处不定冠词“a”后要填入一个单数名词。分析句意,这里应该是说以前汉字是一种以图像为基础的语言。故填language。
    use 【解析】句意:它可以追溯到几千年前动物的骨头和贝壳的 ,古代中国人在上面刻上了这些符号。分析句子结构,此处介词“f”之前要填入名词。可填入名词use“使用”符合句意。故填use。
    4. tday's 【解析】句意:在 的汉字中仍然可以看到一些古代的符号。分析句子结构,这里要填入一个形容词修饰名词“hanzi”。根据句意理解,此处应该是表示在当今的汉字中仍然可以看到一些古代的符号。名词所有格tday's“今天的,当今的”符合句意。故填tday's。
    5. divided 【解析】句意:随着时间的推移,这一系统发展成不同的形式,因为这是一个人类被地理 的时代,因此产生了不同的方言和文字。根据句子结构及句意分析,这里要填入一个动词的过去分词构成被动语态。根据生活常识,人们语言的不同是地理划分的不同造成的。故填divided。
    6. changed 【解析】句意:然而,在秦始皇统治时期这种情况 。根据句子结构及句意分析,这里要填入一个以字母“c”开头的动词过去式作句子的谓语。根据第四段第一句“Emperr Qinshihuang united(统一)the seven majr states in ne cuntry where the Chinese writing system began t develp in ne directin.”可知,秦始皇统一了七国,也统一了中国文字。所以此处应该是说这种情况改变了。故填changed。
    7. imprtance 【解析】句意:这种文字系统对于统一中国人民和文化非常 。分析句子结构,这里形容词“great”之后要填入一个名词。根据文章理解,统一文字对中国人和中国文化都是重要的。故填imprtance。
    8. cmmunicate 【解析】句意:甚至是今天,无论中国人身处何方或者说什么方言,他们仍然能用汉字 。分析句子结构,此处情态动词“can”后要填入一个动词原形。根据句意理解,动词cmmunicate“交流”符合句意。故填cmmunicate。
    9. cnnect 【解析】句意:书写的汉字已经成为把中国的现在和过去 起来的重要方法。分析句子结构,这里要填入一个以字母“c”开头的动词原形构成不定式。根据后文“Peple in mdern times can read the classic wrks which were written by Chinese in ancient times.”可知,通过文字,现代人了解到了古代的人们,所以文字把现在和过去联系了起来。故填cnnect。
    10. great/greater 【解析】句意:随着中国在世界上扮演 角色,通过这种令人称奇的语言,越来越多的国际学生正在开始欣赏中国文化。分析句子结构,此处要填入一个形容词修饰名词“rle”。根据句意,形容词great“重要的”符合句意。且根据语境也暗含比较意义,所以也可填great的比较级greater。故填great/greater。
    Passage 3
    guest 【解析】句意:我作为一个特邀 出席这个展览会。分析句子结构可知要用可数名词单数来填空。结合给出的首字母提示,可知guest符合语境。故填guest。
    2. pencil 【解析】句意: 可以吗?分析句子结构及Is可知要用可数名词单数来填空。根据最后一段第一句“ yur rubber t me...”以及给出的首字母提示,可知pencil符合语境。故填pencil。
    3. refuse 【解析】句意:实际上,我知道她们不会 。分析句子结构可知此处应填动词原形。结合给出的首字母提示,可知refuse符合语境。故填refuse。
    4. cmmn 【解析】句意:我只是想对 的读者展示一个著名作家良好的举止。分析句子结构可知要用形容词来修饰readers。结合给出的首字母提示,可知cmmn符合语境。故填cmmn。
    5. agreed 【解析】句意:“当然了,”那两个年轻的女孩欣然 。分析句子结构及句子时态可知要用动词过去式来填空。根据下句“I culd see they were very excited.”并结合给出的首字母提示,可知agree符合语境。根据全文时态可知时态为一般过去时。故填agreed。
    6. handed 【解析】句意:其中一个女孩把她的精美的笔记本 我。分析句子结构及句子时态可知要用动词过去式。结合给出的首字母提示,可知hand符合语境,表示把笔记本递给作者。故填handed。
    7. naturally 【解析】句意:我翻开笔记本的封面, 写了一些鼓励的话,并签上了我的名字。分析句子结构可知要用副词来修饰动词wrte。结合给出的首字母提示,可知naturally符合语境,表示“自然地写下”。故填naturally。
    8. winner 【解析】句意:我是Alice Adams的作者,两次普利策奖的 。分析句子结构可知要用名词。结合给出的首字母提示可知winner符合语境。故填winner。
    9. ther 【解析】句意:这个年轻的女孩转向 ,耸了耸肩并说道,“玛丽,把你的橡皮借我一下。”分析句子结构可知用代词。结合给出的首字母提示,可知ther符合语境。故填ther。
    10. pride 【解析】句意:在那一刻,我所有的 立刻都化为了泡影。分析句子结构可知要用名词。结合给出的首字母提示,可知pride符合语境。故填pride。
    Passage 4
    1. heard 【解析】句意:但是你 “三手”烟吗?根据句意及首字母提示可知此处应是表示“听说”,hear f,分析句子结构可知本句时态为现在完成时,故填heard。
    2. like 【解析】句意:三手烟是指周围物体表面留下的污染物, 家具或衣服。根据句意以及首字母提示可知此处表示“比如,就像”,like符合语境。故填like。
    3. especially 【解析】句意:这会对你的家人造成极大的伤害, 小孩子。根据句意可知此处应是指“尤其是小孩子”,结合首字母提示可知especially符合语境。故填especially。
    4. because 【解析】句意:这是 他们经常靠近物体的表面,比如烟草颗粒残留的地板,墙壁和家具。前句提到小孩更容易受三手烟的危害,本句提到了原因,故空处应是填表示原因的连词,结合首字母提示可知because符合语境。故填because。
    5. tuch 【解析】句意:当他们 这些表面,他们会让他们的手受污染。结合句意和首字母提示可知此处应是表示“接触”,本句时态为一般现在时,故填tuch。
    6. n 【解析】句意:所以,对三手烟说 是很有必要且重要的。结合句意以及全文内容,可知此处应是表示对三手烟说“不”,故填n。
    7. rules 【解析】句意:为了实现这个,需要实行禁止在家里吸烟的严格的 。根据句意及常识可知,要禁止吸烟,应是实行严格的规则,结合首字母提示可知“rule”符合语境,规则不止有一条,故应用名词复数形式。故填rules。
    8. utside 【解析】句意:如果你的家人之一要吸烟,请确保他在房子 吸烟。根据上句中的“frbidding(禁止)smking inside hmes”可知此处是和在家里吸烟相反,应是在外吸烟,结合首字母提示可知utside符合语境,故填utside。
    9. finishes 【解析】句意:给他一个特殊的外套和帽子,所以一旦他 吸烟,他可以在进房子之前脱掉它们。根据句意和首字母提示可知此处应是表示“结束”吸烟,finish符合语境。主语是he,谓语动词应用第三人称单数。故填finishes。
    10. safe 【解析】句意:很多时候,你不能看到香烟正在伤害你的孩子,但这并不意味着他或她是 。根据空前的“harm”可知此处应是与之相对的词,结合句意和首字母提示可知应是表示这并不意味着你的孩子就是“安全的”,safe符合语境。故填safe。
    Passage 5
    1. September 【解析】句意:孔子出生于公元前551年9月28日,鲁国,也就是今天的山东省。根据句意及首字母提示可知此处应填September。
    2. life 【解析】句意:当他小的时候,他和他的妈妈过着艰难的 。live a.意为“过……的生活”。故填life。
    3. learning 【解析】句意:然后他继续 其他科目。根据上文“ began t learn music...”可知用动词learn。固定用法:g n ding sth.意为“继续做某事”。故填learning。
    4. became 【解析】句意:当他三十岁的时候,他 一名老师。根据句意及首字母提示可知是成为了一名老师。又根据上文when引导的时间状语从句中的动词was,可知填became。
    5. rich 【解析】句意:他相信每个人都应该有接受教育的机会,无论他们是 还是贫穷。 由空格后的“r pr”可知用形容词rich。故填rich。
    6. students 【解析】句意:他大约有3000个 ,他们当中很多人(后来)变得很出名。根据句意可知此处指学生。又结合空前3000,可知用名词复数形式。故填students。
    7. wh 【解析】句意:中国人把孔子看作一位最伟大的思想家,他有许多关于人类本性和行为的睿智的观点。空格处需填定语从句的引导词,其先行词thinker指人,结合首字母提示,故填wh。
    8. as 【解析】句意:并且他还被认为是最伟大的教育家。be regarded as意为“被认为;被看作”,为固定短语,故填as。
    9. gd/great 【解析】句意:他的最重要的思想观点是关于友善和好习惯的。固定用法:gd/great manners意为“好习惯”。故填gd/great。
    10. take 【解析】句意:他说年轻人应该关心照顾老人。take care f照顾,照料,固定搭配。shuld后填动词原形。故填take。
    11. thers 【解析】句意:人们不仅应该一直考虑他们自己,而且还应该为他人而工作。根据句意及首字母提示可知thers符合语境,意为“其他人”。故填thers。
    12. and 【解析】句意:今天人们仍然能够听到这些观点,并且它们甚至传播到亚洲东部和南部地区。根据句意可知这里要用连词and表示并列,意为“和”。故填and。
    Passage 6
    1. disappeared 【解析】句意:现在科学家们已经准确地找到这些记忆是什么时候 。根据上一句句意以及下文内容可知科学家们找到他们记忆消失的时间。结合所给首字母提示可知disappear符合此处语境,并应填其过去式。故填disappeared。
    2. earlier 【解析】句意:一项新研究已经发现大多数三岁的小孩能记得很多一年 他们发生的事情……结合语境可知大多数三岁小孩能记得一年以前他们发生的事情,此处暗含比较级,结合所给首字母提示可知earlier符合此处语境。故填earlier。
    3. rapidly 【解析】句意:但是在他们超过七岁时,这些记忆 变弱。根据最后一段“ the ages f 8 t 9, the amunt f memries that the children culd remember fell t between 35%­36%.”可知七岁以上孩子的记忆在快速变弱。结合所给首字母提示可知rapid符合此处语境,分析句子结构可知此处需要副词修饰动词becme。故填rapidly。
    4. experiences 【解析】句意:新研究指出,大多数八九岁的孩子只能记得百分之三十五关于他们三岁以下 。 联系上下文可知本文主要讲述了小时候的记忆,由此可知此处表示他们三岁以下的经历。结合所给首字母提示可知experience符合此处语境,表示“经历”时为可数名词。故填experiences。
    5. sense 【解析】句意:他们说七岁之前,小孩的记忆中没有时间和地点的 。 联系上下文可知此处指小孩没有时间观念。结合所给首字母可知提示此处是“a sense f”表示“一种……的感觉”。故填sense。
    6. frgetting 【解析】句意:比起成年人,孩子们 的速度要快得多。根据下一句句意可知孩子们记得快忘得也快。结合所给首字母提示可知frget符合此处语境,f后应用动词的现在分词。故填frgetting。
    7. but 【解析】句意:这些发现也帮助解释为什么孩子们能经常有关于他们做过的事情的清晰的记忆, 几年后就忘了。结合语境可知前后两句为转折关系,结合所给首字母可知填but。
    8. dangerus 【解析】句意:……比如和家人第一次轻松的旅行,你遇到的第一次 事故以及上学的第一天。结合语境可知此处在讨论孩子们印象深刻的事情,此处表示你遇到的第一次危险的事故。结合所给首字母提示可知填dangerus。
    9. study 【解析】句意:然后孩子们在五至九岁之间再一次 讨论相同的事情。结合语境可知在他们五岁至九岁会回来以便科学家们进行第2次研究,结合所给首字母提示可知填study。
    10. remained 【解析】句意:科学家们发现五至七岁时孩子们能记住的记忆的量 在63%至72%。联系上文中七岁以前小孩记忆力好,七岁以后开始快速减弱可知此处五岁至七岁的孩子们的记忆可以保持在63%至72%。结合所给首字母提示可知remain符合此处语境,并结合全文时态可知应填动词的过去式。故填remained。
    Passage 7
    amng 【解析】句意:但是最近的调查显示传统书籍在读者 仍然受欢迎。根据语境并结合首字母提示可知此处指“在读者中”。故填amng。
    2. falling 【解析】句意:Nielsen调查公司发现,在英国,电子书的销量在 而纸质书的销量在上升。根据语境可知此处指电子书的销量在下降。句子的时态是现在进行时,故填falling。
    3. them 【解析】句意:另一项研究显示,来自美国、斯洛伐克和日本的大学生中92%的人喜欢纸质图书。分析句子结构,空处需填入代词指代“他们中的92%”,在介词f后要用人称代词的宾格形式。故填them。
    4. behind 【解析】句意:那么纸质图书回归的 是什么?根据下文中解释的是纸质图书回归的原因,结合首字母提示可知此处指“纸质图书回归的背后是什么?”故填behind。
    5. sense 【解析】句意:别的学生说当他们阅读完一本纸质书后他们能得到一种成就 。a sense f... 一种……的感觉。故填sense。
    6. inside 【解析】句意:很多人喜欢把他们的名字写在封面的 。根据句意并结合首字母可知此处指“封面的内页”。故填inside。
    7. accidents 【解析】句意: 甚至让这本书更加个人化。上文提及了书弯曲,把咖啡洒在书上,根据首字母提示可知此处指“事故”,空后的动词是原形,因此此处要用名词复数形式。故填accidents。
    8. develp 【解析】句意:人们和书 的这种友谊不仅仅是情感上的。根据语境并结合首字母可知此处指“人们和书发展的友谊”。故填develp。
    9. than 【解析】句意:研究者发现读者能从纸质书上记住 电子书更多的信息。根据语境可知此处是将纸质书与电子书做比较。故填than。
    10. easily 【解析】句意:当人们读电子书时也更 以头疼和眼睛疼结束。空处修饰动词短语end up,因此应填副词形式,结合首字母可知此处指“更容易头疼和眼睛疼”。故填easily。
    Passage 8
    yuth/years 【解析】句意:这是因为,我原来的学校认为青少年 不适合打扮得漂亮。分析句子结构可知此处缺少名词,根据句意及首字母提示,可知此处指“青少年时期”。故填yuth/years。
    2. seems 【解析】句意:这所国际学校 满足我的需要。分析句子结构可知此处缺少动词,根据句意及首字母提示,可知seem填在这里符合句意,主语是“This internatinal schl”,用第三人称单数形式。故填seems。
    3. traditinal 【解析】句意:我有一个 的教育背景。分析句子结构可知此处缺少形容词,根据后文介绍以及首字母提示,可知作者之前的教育一直是很传统的方式。故填traditinal。
    4. rules 【解析】句意:我上的是公立学校,接受的是常规教育,和其他每个学生一样被要求遵守 。分析句子结构可知此处缺少名词,根据句意及首字母提示可知rule符合语境。校规不止一条,故此处应用名词复数。故填rules。
    5. whether 【解析】句意:后来,我开始思考这种教育 真的适合我。根据句意及首字母提示可知此处是指这种教育“是否”适合我。故填 whether。
    6. shwing 【解析】句意:它 了我在教育中面临的最大挑战——尝试新事物的自由。分析句子结构可知此处缺少动词,根据句意及首字母提示可知shw符合语境,表示“展示出了我面临的挑战”,空前有was,此处为过去进行时。故填shwing。
    7. against 【解析】句意:在旧体制下,我被强烈建议 尝试新事物。分析句子结构可知此处缺少介词,根据句意及首字母提示可知此处表示“反对”。故填against。
    8. failed 【解析】句意:但如果我 了,我必须负责,因为我把自己置于这样的风险中。分析句子结构可知此处缺少动词,根据句意及首字母提示可知此处指“失败”,本句时态为一般过去时。故填failed。
    9. wn 【解析】句意:随着时间的流逝,我开始找到 平衡。固定短语ne's wn某人自己的。故填wn。
    10. lucky 【解析】句意:我很 有机会将这两个系统的价值结合在一起。分析句子结构可知此处缺少形容词,根据句意及首字母提示,可知lucky填在这里符合语境,指的是“我是很幸运的”。故填lucky。

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