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    中考英语专题练习 短文填空 专项训练一方框选词填空(含解析)
    中考英语专题练习  短文填空 专项训练一方框选词填空(含解析)01
    中考英语专题练习  短文填空 专项训练一方框选词填空(含解析)02
    中考英语专题练习  短文填空 专项训练一方框选词填空(含解析)03
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    中考英语专题练习 短文填空 专项训练一方框选词填空(含解析)

    这是一份中考英语专题练习 短文填空 专项训练一方框选词填空(含解析),共33页。

    专项训练一 方框选词填空
    (时间:7~12分钟/篇 分值:1分/小题)
    类型1 10选10
    Passage 1(2019江西)
    this explain skill say information than again polite available smile
    How you speak on the telephone is very important. If you use good telephone 1.________, the caller will be happy. If not, they may not want to deal with(打交道) you or your company 2.________.
    First, make sure you answer the call formally(正式地), giving your name and the name of your company. 3.________ will let the caller know that you are professional.
    You should also remember 4.________ as you speak, and use a friendly tone(语调). If you sound bored or too busy, the caller will think you are impolite.
    Your choice of words can make a big difference, too. For example, if you have not heard what a caller 5.________, it is much more polite to say “I'm sorry. Could you say that again, please?” 6.________ to simply say “What?”.
    Similarly, if a caller asks to speak to someone, don't just say “yes” or “no”. If the person is 7.________, say that you will put the caller through to them. If they are unavailable, 8.________ where they are, and then take a message.
    In either situation, you will also need to get some 9.________ about the caller, such as their name or company. Make sure you get all that you need and, most importantly, ask for it 10.________ !
    Passage 2(2019陕西)
    meter stop one can take wait your sell slow wife
    It was nine on a cold winter night. I hurried to go home from work on my motorbike.
    At the last crossing, while I was 1.________ for the green light, I saw an old man walking toward me. He 2.________ me and I felt a little nervous. The old man said 3.________, “Excuse me. Could you please help me?” I looked at him up and down. He looked about 70 years old.
    The old man took out a 10­yuan bill and said to me, “You see the old lady over there? She is selling baked(烤) sweet potatoes. Could you just 4.________ the money and buy one from her?” He pointed at an old lady selling something about fifty 5.________ away in the corner.
    “But why don't you go and buy it 6.________?” I was puzzled(迷惑的). The old man continued, “That old lady is my wife and it's her 7.________ day to sell baked sweet potatoes. Just now I called her. She told me that there was only one sweet potato left and she wouldn't go home until all the sweet potatoes were 8.________ out. But I know she can't stand the cold because her legs hurt. I'm very worried about her.”
    At that time, I understood why the old man asked me to buy his 9.________ sweet potato. I felt really warm and moved. Without taking the money, I rode to the old lady quickly and bought the last one. As I waved goodbye to the old man, I 10.________ see him standing there with a thankful smile.
    Passage 3(2019甘肃省卷)
    come fun visit hardly yourself not fall off advice from important
    Dear Molly,
    I just got your letter with the picture of you riding your bike.
    From the smile on your face, I can tell how much1.________ you're having. I still remember when you could 2.________ ride a tricycle(儿童三轮自行车). You've 3.________ a long way!
    Now here's some 4.________. I'm sure you're a good rider. But you will 5.________ that bike now and then. So please get 6.________ a helmet(头盔). Wear it every time you ride. A helmet will help protect you 7.________ a head injury. Wearing a helmet when you ride a bike is as 8.________ as wearing your seat belt when you ride in a car!
    No, I'm 9.________ trying to be a bossy know­it­all. I just don't want a bad fall to wipe that smile off your face. When you come 10.________ this summer, bring your bike and your helmet. We,ll take some great rides together!
    Your cousin,
    Passage 4(2019兰州)
    come first how fly probably meter it for little and
    Have you ever dreamed of flying to school like Harry Potter? Of course, you're 1.________ not a magician. But Speeder could make your dreams 2.________ true. Speeder is a flying motorcycle. A US company made 3.________. The company calls it the world's 4.________ flying motorcycle.
    Speeder can take off 5.________ land anywhere. It flies at 240 km per hour at a height of 4,500 6.________ in the sky. To reach that speed, Speeder mainly uses diesel fuel(柴油) to 7.________. The company will do more research on 8.________ to use clean energy to power Speeder in the future. Speeder riders must weigh 9.________ than 109 kg. If a rider is too heavy, it will be hard 10.________ the motorcycle to take off.
    Passage 5(2019泰安)
    he kill scared silly lie courage hear against fight strong

    One sunny afternoon, a young deer and an old deer were 1.________ under a tree in the forest. Suddenly, in the distance, they 2.________ some sounds of dogs' barking.
    The old deer stood up quickly. He felt nervous and 3.________. He said to the young deer, “Be quick! It's time to find a place to hide in. The barking dogs are fierce(凶猛的)and they will 4.________ us.”
    The young deer laughed and said, “Why should we hide from the dogs? We are bigger and 5.________ than them. We can toss (扔)them aside with our big antlers(角). We should fight with them bravely.”
    The old deer admired the 6.________ of the young deer, but he did not believe the young deer. “We'd better run away now,” said the old deer.
    The young deer refused to run away. He decided to fight 7.________ the dogs. As the dogs ran to 8.________ , he put down his antlers and wanted to toss them aside. But he didn't win the 9.________ because there were too many dogs. He was killed by the dogs in the end.
    The young deer lost his life because he didn't know his strength and weakness. We can learn a lesson from the story. Don't be like the 10.________ young deer when we are in danger. We should know our strength and weakness.
    Passage 6(2019菏泽)
    look good on other appear especially before share side and
    In recent years, with the development of technology, many popular apps (应用程序) have been produced. These days, an app has caught great attention. It is Douyin, a video sharing app. Douyin first 1.________ in 2016. Now it is many people's favorite app, 2.________ the young.
    With Douyin, users can record videos, edit(编辑) them and 3.________ them online. It is very easy 4.________ interesting. We can share our videos with our friends with just a tap on the mobile phone screen. What's more, it's a great way to spend our free time by 5.________ through those funny videos.
    However, every coin has two 6.________. The app also has bad things. On the one hand, some people spend long hours 7.________ the app, which is harmful for their health. On the 8.________ hand, users can also find some bad things on the app. Such thing is unsuitable and meaningless.
    In my opinion, Douyin should check the videos 9.________ they are uploaded (上传) in order to keep a healthy environment for its users. Douyin is not 10.________ for teenagers. We should not use it too often.
    Passage 7(2019广西北部湾经济区)
    try back killed government best much danger millions from cause
    As you may know, coral(珊瑚) is not a plant, but an animal. However, coral reefs(珊瑚礁)around the world are in 1.________. Here is a piece of bad news. Thailand will close one of its beaches to protect its coral 2.________ business activities for tourists. The beach is so famous that 3.________ of tourists put it on their wish lists. More than 5,000 visitors visit it a day. They arrive by boat. This does 4.________ harm to the coral reefs. Most of the coral has died. The beach will be closed between June and September to let the coral come 5.________ to life.
    Experts(专家) say that 80% of Thailand's coral reefs have been 6.________. Too many tourists 7.________ a lot of pollution to these beaches. An expert said the biggest problems were hotels by the beaches, boats, and plastic waste in the sea. He believed the 8.________ choice was to close the beaches forever. He said, “I hope the 9.________ can take steps to protect the coral reefs. At the same time, I also hope all of us should 10.________ our best to protect the environment around us.”
    Passage 8(2019随州)
    century or  prevent put from what try receive long direct
    Stonehenge, a rock circle, is not only one of Britain's famous historical places but also one of its greatest mysteries. Every year it 1.________ more than 750,000 visitors. People like to go to this place especially in June as they want to see the sun rising on the 2.________ day of the year.
    For many years, historians believed Stonehenge was a temple where ancient leaders 3.________ to communicate with the gods. However, historian Paul Stoker thinks this can't be true because Stonehenge was built so many 4.________ ago. “The leaders arrived in England much later,” he points out.
    Another popular idea is that Stonehenge might be a kind of calendar. The large stones were 5.________ together in a certain way. On midsummer's morning, the sun shines 6.________ into the center of the stones. Other people believe the stones have a medical purpose. They think the stones can 7.________ illness and keep people healthy. “As you walk there, you can feel the energy 8.________ your feet move up your body,” said one visitor. No one is sure 9.________ Stonehenge was used for, but most agree that the position of the stones must be for a special purpose. Some think it might be a burial place 10.________ a place to honor ancestors. Others think it was built to celebrate a victory over an enemy.
    Passage 9(2019郴州)
    but program over work travel comfortable nurse place with she
    Diana is Australian. She once 1.________ in a big company. She lived with her friend in a 2.________ apartment and drove to work. She travelled to many 3.________, but she seldom took the plane. She was afraid of flying.
    One day, Diana saw a TV 4.________ about ORBIS. She learnt about the Flying Eye Hospital. She wanted to help poor people 5.________ eye problems, so she made up her mind to train as a 6.________ and attended courses after work.
    Diana is working for ORBIS now. She has to travel 7.________ 300 days a year. She is getting used to 8.________ by plane.
    Diana enjoys 9.________ work. She is glad to be able to help people see again. She does not have as much money as before, 10.________ she thinks her life is more meaningful.
    Passage 10(2019眉山)
    success pay teach since in customer draw she real two
    Everyone has a dream. Catherine's is to own a bakery(蛋糕店).
    The 14­year­old American girl became fond(喜爱) of baking and decorating(装饰) cakes when her mother first 1.________ her how to do it. Her parents found that she is talented 2.________ making cakes. She made her first cake for her sister's birthday. “I had never 3.________ done anything like it before,” she said.“It was pretty good and I actually realized how much I liked cake decorating.”After making her sister's birthday cake, Catherine tried making the 4.________ one for herself.
    Catherine had thought about starting 5.________ own business years ago, but she didn't start receiving orders until she put pictures of her cake designs on Facebook.
    A few hours later, somebody saw Catherine's cake designs and called to order a cake for $15. That was her first 6.________ cake. It proved to be a 7.________ experience.
    Realizing the public's interest in Catherine's designs, her family decided to create a business for her. She has made about 35 cakes 8.________ she started, including birthday cakes and wedding cakes. And she made her cakes without 9.________ sketch(草稿) first.
    Catherine's 10.________ were surprised that she could create such impressive(印象深刻的) designs at such a young age.
    Passage 11(2019贺州)
    of quick some important like bad until surprise feel boy
    We were going to play with a team from a country school. They didn't come 1.________ the match nearly began. They looked 2.________ than we thought. They wore dirty T­shirts and blue jeans and looked 3.________ farm boys. We thought they had never seen a basketball before. We 4.________ that we didn't need any practice to play with such a team. It was so late that they couldn't have 5.________ time to practice. The match began. One of our 6.________ got the ball and he tried to give it to another one. But from out of nowhere a boy in a T­shirt caught the ball and he 7.________ and beautifully got the ball into their basket and had two points. To our 8.________, they had another two points in a minute. Soon it was all over. The country team won the match. 9.________ course we knew that there was still another team better than any good team. But the most 10.________ lesson we learned this time was: One can't tell a man or a team by the appearance.
    Passage 12(2019梧州)
    open  father  marry  final speech  heart  take play  they  eight
    Dad bought me a violin as a gift on my 1.________ birthday. He said excitedly to me,“Once you learn to play it, it'll stay with you for life.” But I didn't want to play it. I just wanted to play games, but Dad asked me 2.________ violin lessons every day.
    One day, I found a box in a corner. When I 3.________ it, I saw a beautiful accordion(手风琴). “It's your 4.________,” Mum said. “His parents bought it for him but he was too busy on the farm for his family to learn to play it.”
    I had to practise 5.________ the violin one hour every day, and every day I tried to get out of it. But Dad didn't allow. I asked why. He answered, “Because you can bring people joy. You can touch their 6.________.”He said softly, “Someday you'll have the chance I never had: you'll play beautiful music for your family. And you'll understand why you've worked so hard.” I thought of father's accordion and felt 7.________.
    The lessons stopped after I finished high school. When I grew up, I got 8.________ and moved into a new house with my family. Later, I put the violin in the attic (阁楼).
    One afternoon, my two children found the violin by accident. They got very excited. “Play it. Play it,” they laughed and said. I started to play some simple songs. I was surprised I could still remember 9.________. Soon the kids were dancing. Even my wife was laughing and clapping(拍手) to the beat (节奏).
    At that moment, my father's words came back to me, “Someday you'll have the chance I never had. And you'll understand.” I 10.________ knew why Dad had told me to practise hard. Dad never learnt to play his accordion. But I told my family, “This is my father's music.”
    Passage 13(2019凉山州)
    deep thank give one or be whole until work people
    Lei Feng Spirit Carrying on
    “It is not hard to do one good deed, but it is hard to do good deeds all your life.” Chairman Mao 1.________ said. And he called on people to learn from him. Do you know who the man is? He is Lei Feng.
    Lei Feng was born in a poor family in a little mountain village of Hunan Province, on December 18th, 1940. He didn't go to school 2.________ he was 10 years old. At the age of 18, he became a steel 3.________. He was often praised for his good job. On January 8th, 1960, he joined the army and several months later, he joined the Communist Party. He loved the Party and the people, and kept doing something good for others. When he got 4.________, he always said, “It's my duty and it's just that some people need some help, there should be someone standing out 5.________ them a hand.” He became a model soldier one year later. To our sadness, Lei Feng died in an accident in 1962.
    March 5th 6.________ a“Learn from Lei Feng Day” since 1963. When Lei Feng's Diary came out, people began to know more about him than before. Now the term “Living Lei Feng” has become a name for anyone who is brave, anyone who has 7.________ love for his country, anyone who works hard, 8.________ anyone who is always ready to help others...
    Lei Feng's spirit will live in 9.________ hearts. Lei Feng's spirit will be remembered by the 10.________ nation forever. And we will surely practice his spirit in life as he did.
    类型2 12选10
    Passage 1(2019河南)
    boy   promise  from  during  door  big
    because  hour   take   there  when  like
    The summer holiday was coming but Zach was a little sad. He would have to move 1.________ the holiday, leaving his friends and his tree house. The tree house was Zach's favorite place to go to when he wanted to be alone. He also liked 2.________ his friends there. They would play for 3.________.
    Zach told his mom, “I don't want to move. I'm going to miss my friends. I'm also going to miss my tree house. I want to take it with me.” “Zach, but we have to 4.________ your father's changed his job. He is already 5.________ waiting for us. You will have a much 6.________ bedroom, and you will meet new friends at your new school,” 7.________ his mom. Zach wasn't so sure.
    When Zach and his mom arrived, Dad took Zach to the backyard. There, Zach saw a big tree house. “Wow!” Zach shouted. “This is great!” All of a sudden, Zach heard a 8.________ voice. “Are you moving in? My name is Joey and I live next 9.________. Can I have a look at your tree house?”
    “I think I'm going to 10.________ it here after all!” Zach told his mom and dad that night.
    Passage 2(2019山西)
    by take quick exciting return without 
    he rule which result achieve different
    As a famous piano master, Paderewski was admired by many people. Wishing to make progress on the piano, one day, a boy 1.________ to a Paderewski's concert by his mother. After they were seated, the mother saw a friend and walked up to greet her, leaving the boy alone in 2.________ seat.
    Catching the chance to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy stood up and finally made his way through a door 3.________ was marked “No Admittance(进入)”. Soon, the hall got dark and the concert was about to begin. When the mother 4.________ to her seat, she discovered that the child was missing.
    Suddenly, the lights focused on the piano on the stage. In surprise, the mother found her little boy sitting at the piano. 5.________ knowing where he was, the boy was picking out Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star.
    At that moment, the great piano master appeared, moved to the piano 6.________ , and whispered(耳语) in the boy's ear, “Don't stop. Keep playing.” Then he sat down and added a running obbligato(伴奏). Together, the old master and the young beginner changed an embarrassing situation into a wonderfully creative experience. It became one of the 7.________ parts of the whole concert that evening. The people were touched so much by the master and the mother was shocked. She believed that such an experience would make a big 8.________ to her boy's life.
    In fact, that's the way it is in life. What we can do on our own is hardly unusual. We tried our best, but the 9.________ aren't exactly smooth music like what we have expected. But when we trust in the hands of a greater power, our life's work can be truly beautiful.
    Next time you set out 10.________ great works, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the master, whispering in your ear, “Don't stop. Keep playing.”
    Passage 3(2019成都)
    bad British consider fun hope pleasure
    power they  total understand we win
    Is it true that we British people have a different sense of humor from people in other countries? Let's have a look at what we laugh at in 1.________.
    To us British people, 2.________ and important people often cause laughter. It's not just politicians(政客) who make us laugh, but anyone whose job is to tell other people what to do and who takes 3.________ too seriously.
    We laugh at the power, but also, pitifully, at anyone who is treated 4.________. We know they cannot win, but if they do win sometimes, it's even 5.________. Our clowns(小丑) are often silly people doing silly things, while in America, they are often clever people doing clever things—and 6.________ at last.
    The fact that we laugh when other people might feel 7.________ is one of the strangest things to learn about British humor. We do have a strong sense of irony(反讽). After some terrible experience, we might say, “Not very 8.________.” And we might say in the middle of a typhoon, “It's a bit windy today.” Or “There is a tiny problem,” when something has gone 9.________ wrong. We don't like to express strong feelings, but just “keep calm and carry on”.
    Another thing that can make it difficult 10.________ British humor is that we don't always laugh or even smile when we say something funny. We often keep a straight face or use an unsmiling expression when we're making a joke.
    Do you think the British sense of humor is special?
    Passage 4(2019吉林省卷)
    hurt kind of whether stay back what
    food before better eyes  impolite
    A few years ago, a little boy, not more than eight years old, went to the store himself. While he was going 1.________ home, a dirty dog followed him. The dog was weak because it had a sore leg. After he found the dog was badly 2.________, he let it follow him home.
    The little boy's mother taught him to be 3.________ and friendly. However, when the little boy asked his mother 4.________ he would let the dog come into the house or not, she hesitated(犹豫).“We have no room for it,” said she. The poor dog seemed to understand 5.________ she said. It looked so sad! The little boy almost cried when he saw the dog's big 6.________ looking up to him sadly.
    His mother was actually kind, too. She did not drive the poor hungry dog away, but let it 7.________ in the yard. The little boy gave the dog some 8.________, water and clean dry grass to lie on. They also made it clean.
    After a few days the dog was 9.________ with the help of the boy and his mother. It began to show how happy and thankful it was. Because 10.________ their kindness, the dog finally found a home. It did what a dog could do to be a helpful family member.
    Passage 5(2019淄博)
    want best slowly until when happiness
    facing in still now high not
    My Dear Azhaan,
    I want you to know that you remind me of myself in so many ways. You are like a better and improved version(版本) of me. I look at you and I see myself 1.________ your eyes. I wish I had that confidence(信心) and even some of your bossiness(霸气) at that age. Yet, I'm also troubled on seeing this confidence 2.________ disappearing, because you are 3.________ many different things. I want you to know that your confidence is one of the 4.________ things about you. All of us admire your confidence. However, you are 5.________ confident enough these days, because you are beginning to dislike your own body.
    You are not fat. I agree that you could be a little healthier. You could eat a little junk food. However, I don't know when you'll begin to enjoy fruits, but I believe that you will.
    I think one of the moments of 6.________ for me was when you were born, and the doctor said “Congratulations, you have another baby boy,” not because you were a boy but because you were healthy.
    You're too young to understand this 7.________— no one realizes the importance of a normal life 8.________ it is away from them. What I 9.________ for you is happiness: the understanding that you are not perfect and that it is okay because none of us is!
    Stay confident and keep your head 10.________, my little boy—who is growing up too soon!
    Love, Ammi
    Passage 6(2019黄石)
    after   as   before  centre  common  complete
    connect  express history  lively  these   this
    Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.
    Chinese paper cutting, or jianzhi, is a kind of folk art. It's a way to 1.________ people's hope and feelings. It has a 2.________ of more than 1,500 years. Paper cutting sounds very easy but it can be difficult. Red paper is usually used as red is 3.________ with happiness in Chinese culture. The most 4.________ pictures are flowers, animals, xi(喜) and fu(福). They are put on windows, doors, and walls 5.________ symbols of wishes for good luck.
    Chinese clay art is well known and popular all over the country. Now many kids learn to make it in schools or even shopping 6.________. To make Chinese clay art, the clay is shaped by hand into things, such as cute children or 7.________ characters from a Chinese fairy tale or historical story. 8.________ the things get dry in the air, they are fired at a very high heat and then polished and painted. It takes several weeks to 9.________ everything. Although they look so small, they look very real. 10.________ small pieces of clay art show the love that all Chinese people have for life and beauty.

    专项训练一 方框选词填空
    类型1 10选10
    Passage 1
    1. skills 【解析】句意:如果你使用好的电话 ,打电话的人会开心。结合下文语境可知此处指打电话时的技能,分析句子结构可知,此处应填名词作宾语,且结合备选词汇可知skill符合此处语境。根据语境可知此处应填skill的复数形式。故填skills。
    2. again 【解析】句意:如果没有,他们也许不会想要和你或者你的公司 打交道。分析句子结构可知此处应填副词修饰动词want,结合语境和备选词汇可知again符合此处语境。故填again。
    3. This 【解析】句意: 会让打电话的人知道你是专业的。分析句子结构可知此处缺少主语,应填名词或者代词。结合语境和备选词汇可知this符合此处语境,指代上一句中接电话时要正式地介绍自己的名字和公司的名字。故填This。注意句首单词首字母需要大写。
    4. to smile 【解析】句意:在说话时,你也应该记得 ,并使用友好的语调。空格处的成分作宾语。结合语境和备选词汇可知smile符合此处语境,表示在接电话时要微笑让对方觉得你有礼貌。分析句子结构可知此处考查“remember to do sth.”,表示“记得去做某事”。故填to smile。
    5. said 【解析】句意:例如,如果你没有听到打电话的人 什么,说“对不起,您能再说一次吗?”比简单地说“什么?”有礼貌得多。分析句子结构可知空格处需填动词作谓语。结合语境和备选词汇可知say符合此处语境,表示没有听清楚对方所说的内容。对方所说的话为发生在过去的动作,应用一般过去时。故填said。
    6. than 【解析】句意:例如,如果你没有听到打电话的人说什么,说“对不起,您能再说一次吗?” 简单地说“什么”有礼貌地多。分析句子结构,由much more polite可知此处考查比较级。结合语境和备选词汇可知than符合此处语境,连接比较的两个对象。故填than。
    7. available 【解析】句意:如果这个人 ,说你会让这个人和他们通电话。分析句子结构可知,此处需填形容词作表语。根据下文“If they are unavailable”可知此处指他们有空的话。故填available。
    8. explain 【解析】句意:如果他们没有时间, 他们在哪里,然后带口信。根据上面的动词“say”可知此处应用动词原形,结合语境和备选词汇可知explain符合此处语境。故填explain。
    9. information 【解析】句意:在任何一个情境中,你也需要得到一些关于打电话人的 ,比如他们的名字或公司。空处需填名词作中心词。由“their name or company”可知你应该得到他们的信息。information为不可数名词,故填原形即可。
    10. politely 【解析】句意:确保你得到所有你需要的,最重要的是, 询问。分析句子结构可知空处应填副词修饰动词ask,结合语境和备选词汇可知polite符合此处语境,表示有礼貌地询问信息。故填politely。
    Passage 2
    1. waiting 【解析】句意:当我正在 绿灯时,我看见一位老人向我走来。由句意可知,我在等绿灯的时候老人向我走来,备选词汇stop符合语境,由句中was可知此处时态为过去进行时,应填动词的现在分词形式。故填waiting。
    2. stopped 【解析】句意:他 了我,我觉得有一点紧张。由句意可知,此处表示老人拦住了我,备选词汇wait符合语境,由句中felt可知,此处时态为一般过去时,应填动词的过去式。故填stopped。
    3. slowly 【解析】句意:这位老人 说:“打扰了,你可以帮助我吗?”由句意可知,此处表示老人慢慢地说,备选词汇slow符合语境,此处修饰动词said,应使用slow的副词形式。故填slowly。
    4. take 【解析】句意:你可以 钱从她那儿买一个吗?由句意可知,此处表示老人希望作者拿着自己的钱去买烤红薯,备选词汇take符合语境,情态动词后用动词原形。故填take。
    5. meters 【解析】句意:他指着一个50 外角落里正在卖什么东西的老妇人。由句意可知,老妇人是在50米外,备选词汇meter符合语境,由空前fifty可知,此处应使用名词复数形式,同时注意meter有两种拼写方式。故填meters。
    6. yourself 【解析】句意:但是你为什么不过去 买呢?由句意可知,作者问老人为什么不自己去买,所给单词your符合语境,表示某人自己应用反身代词表示。故填yourself。
    7. first 【解析】句意:那位老妇人是我的妻子,今天是她 天卖烤红薯。由句意可知,此处表示今天老妇人第一天出来卖烤红薯,备选词汇one符合语境,“第一”应用序数词表示。故填first。
    8. sold 【解析】句意:她告诉我只剩下一个烤红薯了,直到所有烤红薯 ,她才会回家。由句意可知,直到所有烤红薯都被卖完,老妇人才会回家,备选词汇sell符合语境。分析句子结构可知,此处主语与谓语动词之间为动宾关系,应用被动语态。故填sold。
    9. wife's 【解析】句意:那时我明白了,为什么这位老人让我去买他的 烤红薯。由句意可知,烤红薯是老人的妻子的,备选词汇 wife符合语境,此处修饰空后名词,应用名词所有格。故填wife's。
    10. could 【解析】句意:我向这位老人挥手告别,我 看见他站在那里,脸上带着感激的微笑。由句意可知,此处表示能够看到老人面带微笑站在那里,备选词汇can符合语境。由句中waved可知,此处时态为一般过去时。故填could。
    Passage 3
    1. fun 【解析】句意:从你脸上的微笑我能看出你有多么的 。分析句子结构可知,空处后为宾语从句,结合备选词汇可知,fun符合语境,与从句中的having构成短语have fun,玩得开心。故填fun。
    2. hardly 【解析】句意:我还记得你 骑儿童三轮自行车的时候。分析句子结构可知,空处需填一个副词,结合备选词汇可知,hardly几乎不,符合语境。故填hardly。
    3. come 【解析】句意:你已经 重大进展。分析句子结构可知,空处需填一个动词,come a long way取得很大进展,是固定短语,本句为现在完成时,come的过去分词还是come。故填come。
    4. advice 【解析】句意:现在这里有一些 。分析句子结构可知,空处需填名词;根据语境可知,本段是写信人提出的建议,advice为不可数名词,单复数同形。故填advice。
    5. fall off 【解析】句意:但是你有时会 那辆自行车。分析句子结构可知,空处需填动词(短语),根据空后的that bike并结合备选词汇可知,fall off从……掉下,符合语境,空处前为情态动词will,空处要用动词原形。故填fall off。
    6. yourself 【解析】句意:所以请给 一个头盔。分析句子结构可知,空处需填表示人的名词或代词,作间接宾语;结合备选词汇可知,yourself符合语境。故填yourself。
    7. from 【解析】句意:头盔可以帮助你避免头部受伤。分析句子结构可知,空处需填介词,结合备选词汇可知,from符合语境,protect ... from ...保护……免遭……。故填from。
    8. important 【解析】句意:你骑车时戴着头盔就像开坐车时系着安全带一样 !分析句子结构可知,空处需填形容词,结合备选词汇可知,important符合语境,as ... as表示同级比较,中间用形容词或副词原级。故填important。
    9. not 【解析】句意:现在,我 试着成为一个专横的无所不知的人。根据下一句可知,瓦拉不想成为专横的人,结合备选词汇可知,not符合语境。故填not。
    10. to visit 【解析】句意:当你今年夏天来 的时候,带上你的自行车和头盔。根据句意并结合备选词汇可知,visit符合语境,此处作目的状语,要用动词不定式。故填to visit。
    Passage 4
    1. probably 【解析】句意:当然,你 不是一个魔术师。分析句子结构可知,空处缺少副词,结合备选词汇可知,probably符合语境。故填probably。
    2. come 【解析】句意:但是Speeder会使你的梦想 真。根据语境可知,此处指“使你梦想成真”,come true实现,故come符合语境;make sb. do sth.使某人做某事。故填come。
    3. it 【解析】句意:美国一家公司制造了 。分析句子结构可知,空处需填代词,指代这辆摩托车,结合备选词汇可知,it符合语境,动词后用宾格形式。故填it。
    4. first 【解析】句意:这家公司把它称为世界上 飞行摩托车。根据语境可知,此处指“世界上首辆飞行摩托车”,结合备选词汇可知,first符合语境。故填first。
    5. and 【解析】句意:Speeder在任何地方都可以起飞 降落。分析句子结构可知,空处需填连词,结合备选词汇可知,and符合语境。故填and。
    6. meters 【解析】句意:它的飞行速度可以达到每小时240公里,在空中的飞行高度是4500 。根据空前的4,500可知,此处需填表示高度的量词,结合备选词汇可知,meter符合语境,且用其复数形式。故填meters。
    7. fly 【解析】句意:为了达到这个速度,Speeder主要使用柴油来 。分析句子结构可知,此处的动词不定式作状语,故空处要填动词原形,结合备选词汇可知,fly符合语境。故填fly。
    8. how 【解析】句意:这家公司在 为未来的Speeder使用清洁能源方面做了更多的研究。分析句子结构可知,on后为“疑问词 + 动词不定式短语”作宾语,结合备选词汇可知,how表示方式,符合语境。故填how。
    9. less 【解析】句意:Speeder驾驶员的体重必须 109公斤,此处指“体重低于109公斤”,less than 少于。故填less。
    10. for 【解析】句意:如果驾驶员太重, 摩托车起飞将很难。根据语境可知,motorcycle是动词不定式的逻辑主语,此处为“it+be+形容词+for...+to do sth.”结构。故填for。
    Passage 5
    1. lying 【解析】句意:一个阳光明媚的下午,一只小鹿和一只老一点儿的鹿正 森林里的一棵树下。本句缺少谓语,空前有系动词were,所以此处填现在分词构成过去进行时。根据语境及备选词汇可知是正躺在树下。故填lying。
    2. heard 【解析】句意:突然在远处,他们 一些狗叫声。本句缺少谓语,而且描述过去发生的动作,所以用一般过去时。根据sounds及备选词汇可知是听到狗叫声。故填heard。
    3. scared 【解析】句意:他感到紧张和 。空前是感官动词felt,所以此处填形容词与nervous并列。根据语境及备选词汇可知是感到紧张和害怕。故填scared。
    4. kill 【解析】句意:狂叫的狗非常凶猛,他们会 我们。空前是情态动词will,所以此处填动词原形。根据语境及备选词汇可知狗会杀死鹿。故填kill。
    5. stronger 【解析】句意:我们比他们大和 。根据than可知此处填形容词比较级。根据语境及备选词汇可知鹿比狗大而且强壮。故填stronger。
    6. courage 【解析】句意:那只老鹿钦佩小鹿的 ,但是他不相信小鹿。空前是定冠词the,所以此处填名词。根据上文的bravely及备选词汇可知是钦佩他的勇气。故填courage。
    7. against 【解析】句意:他决定与狗较量一番。fight against,与……对抗,为固定搭配。故填against。
    8. him 【解析】句意:当狗跑向 时,他低下他的角,想要把他们赶走。空前是介词to,所以此处填名词或代词作宾语。根据语境及备选词汇可知此处代指那只小鹿。故填him。
    9. fight 【解析】句意:但他没有赢得那场争斗,因为有太多狗了。空前是定冠词the,所以此处填名词。根据语境及备选词汇可知表示赢得争斗。故填fight。
    10. silly 【解析】句意:当我们身处危险之时,不要像那只 小鹿一样。此处应该填形容词作定语,修饰名词deer。根据语境及备选词汇可知那只小鹿很愚蠢。故填silly。
    Passage 6
    【主旨大意】本文是一篇议论文。开始介绍了抖音已经成为大多数人们喜欢的app, 之后介绍了玩抖音的好处与坏处,最后作者给出了自己的意见。
    1. appeared 【解析】句意:抖音最初于2016年 。根据句意及备选词汇可知此处应填动词appear,其次,由“in 2016”可知此处应用一般过去时。故填 appeared。
    2. especially 【解析】句意:现在,它是许多人最喜欢的app, 年轻人。根据句意并结合备选词汇可知此处应用副词especially。故填especially。
    3. share 【解析】句意:有了抖音,人们可以录视频,编辑并且将它们 在网络上。分析句子结构和句意,可知此处应填动词share,结合前面的can可知此处用动词原形。故填share。
    4. and 【解析】句意:抖音既容易又有趣。分析句子结构并结合备选词汇可知此处用连词and。故填and。
    5. looking 【解析】句意:除此之外,一种打发时间很好的方式是通过 那些搞笑的视频。由介词by可知空格处后应用动名词形式。结合备选词汇可知此处指的是“look through 浏览”。故填looking。
    6. sides 【解析】句意:所有事情都有两 。根据two 可知应用名词复数形式。结合备选词汇可知填sides。
    7. on 【解析】句意:一方面,人们长时间用这款软件不利于他们的身体健康。由“spend...on...”可知此处填on。
    8. other 【解析】句意: ,用户也可以在这款软件上找到一些不好的东西。根据“on the one hand..., on the other hand”可知此处填other。
    9. before 【解析】句意:在我看来抖音应该在视频上传 进行检查,这样可以为用户营造一个健康的环境。根据句意并结合备选词汇可知此处填before。
    10. good 【解析】句意:抖音对青少年没有 。根据句意并结合备选词汇可知此处考查短语“be good for对……有好处”,可知此处填good。
    Passage 7
    1. danger 【解析】句意:然而,全世界的珊瑚礁正处于 中。此处要填名词或代词作介词in的宾语。根据语境及备选词汇可知此处使用in danger,表示处于危险中。故填danger。
    2. from 【解析】句意:泰国将关闭它的其中一片海滩来保护珊瑚 游客商业活动的伤害。根据语境及备选词汇可知此处考查protect...from...,表示保护……使免受……。故填from。
    3. millions 【解析】句意:这片海滩非常有名以至于 的游客把它列在他们的愿望清单之上。根据语境及备选词汇可知此处考查millions of,上千万的。故填millions。
    4. much 【解析】句意:这对珊瑚礁造成了 的伤害。此处填形容词作定语,修饰不可数名词harm。根据语境及备选词汇可知应该是造成了很多的伤害。故填much。
    5. back 【解析】句意:这片海滩将在六月到九月被关闭来让珊瑚活过来。根据语境及备选词汇可知考查come back,回来。故填back。
    6. killed 【解析】句意:专家说泰国珊瑚礁的百分之八十已经被 。空前是系动词be,所以此处填过去分词构成被动语态。根据语境及备选词汇可知应该是珊瑚礁被毁坏,也就是被杀死。故填killed。
    7. cause 【解析】句意:太多的游客给这些海滩 大量的污染。本句缺少谓语,而且描述客观事实,所以为一般现在时。根据语境及备选词汇可知应该是引起、造成了污染。故填cause。
    8. best 【解析】句意:他认为 的选择就是永久地关闭那些海滩。此处填形容词作定语,修饰名词choice。又因为空前是定冠词the,所以填最高级。根据语境及备选词汇可知是最好的选择。故填best。
    9. government 【解析】句意:我希望 可以采取措施保护珊瑚礁。此处是填名词或代词作主语。根据语境及备选词汇可知是政府采取措施。故填government。
    10. try 【解析】句意:同时,我也希望我们所有人应该 我们最大的努力来保护我们周围的环境。空前是情态动词should,所以此处填动词原形。根据语境及备选词汇可知此处考查try one's best,尽某人最大努力。故填try。
    Passage 8
    1. receives 【解析】句意:每年它会 超过七十五万名参观者。根据句意可知此处表示“接待”,选词receive。根据句中的时间状语every year确定要用一般现在时。主语是it,故动词用第三人称单数形式。故填receives。
    2. longest 【解析】句意:人们喜欢去这个地方,尤其是在六月份,因为他们想要在一年中白昼最 的这一天观看日出。联系句中的“especially in June”以及该石柱所处的地理位置可推断出六月份北半球白昼最长,根据句中的“of the year”可知此处用形容词最高级longest,意为“最长的”。故填longest。
    3. tried 【解析】句意:许多年来,历史学家认为巨石柱是古代的领导人 与神明交流的庙堂。try to do sth.意为“努力做某事”。根据句中的was可知此处用一般过去时。故填tried。
    4. centuries 【解析】句意:然而历史学家Paul Stoker认为这不可能是真的,因为巨石柱被建造于很多 之前。根据句意可知此处与时间有关,故用名词century,意为“世纪”。many修饰可数名词复数,故填centuries。
    5. put 【解析】句意:这些巨石被以某种特定的方式 在一起。根据句意及备选词汇可知“put放置”符合句意。空格前为“were”,主语为“The large stones”,应用一般过去时的被动语态。故填put。
    6. directly 【解析】句意:在仲夏的上午,阳光 照在石头的中心。分析句子结构可知此处应用副词修饰shines,根据句意及备选词汇可知direct的副词形式directly符合语境,意为“笔直地”。故填directly。
    7. prevent 【解析】句意:他们认为这些巨石可以 疾病,使人们保持健康。根据下文的“keep people healthy”可知用prevent,意为“预防”。情态动词can后跟动词原形。故填prevent。
    8. from 【解析】句意:当你走在那里,你可以感受到 脚部的能量,向上传遍你的全身。根据句意可知此处表示从你的脚部,用介词from。故填from。
    9. what 【解析】句意:没有人能够搞清楚巨石柱是用来 ,但是大多数人同意这些石头摆放的位置一定有一种特殊的目的。分析句子结构可知此处用what引导宾语从句,在从句中what作介词for的宾语,表示“为了什么”。故填what。
    10. or 【解析】句意:一些人认为它可能是墓地, 是缅怀祖先的地方。根据句意可知此处表示选择,应用连词or,意为“或者”。故填or。
    Passage 9
    1. worked 【解析】句意:她曾经在一家大公司 。根据句意可知此处应填工作,分析句子结构,空格前有once,应用work的过去式,故填 worked。
    2. comfortable 【解析】句意:她和她的朋友住在一间 公寓里并且开车上班。联系上下文,可知此处应填舒适的,故填comfortable。
    3. places 【解析】句意:她去过很多 旅游,但是她很少乘坐飞机。此处应填地方,分析句子结构,前有many, 故填place的复数形式places。
    4. program 【解析】句意:有一天,戴安娜看到一个关于ORBIS的电视 。此处应为电视节目,故填program。
    5. with 【解析】句意:她想要帮助 眼部疾病的穷人……分析句子结构,此处缺少介词,with 可表示患有……疾病,故填with。
    6. nurse 【解析】句意:所以她下定决心要通过训练成为一名 并在工作之余学习课程。根据语境,可知此处应为护士,空前有a,故填nurse。
    7. over 【解析】句意:她每年需要旅行 300天。根据句意可知此处应为超过300天, 故填over。
    8. travel(l)ing 【解析】句意:她已经习惯了乘坐飞机 。此处应填旅行,分析句子结构,get used to 后接doing,故填travel(l)ing。
    9. her 【解析】句意:戴安娜享受 工作。根据句意此处应填她的,故填she 的所有格her。
    10. but 【解析】句意:她不像原来那样有钱, 她认为她的生活变得更有意义了。联系上下文可知此处表示转折,故填but。
    Passage 10
    1. taught 【解析】句意:这个十四岁的美国女孩在她母亲第一次 她如何烤制和装饰蛋糕的时候就非常喜欢它。分析句子结构可知空处需用动词作谓语,后跟how从句,根据语境及备选词汇可知用teach;陈述过去事实,用一般过去时。故填taught。
    2. in 【解析】句意:她的父母发现她有制作蛋糕的天赋。be talented in对……有天赋,固定搭配。故填in。
    3. really 【解析】句意:我之前 从来没有做过类似的事情。分析句子结构可知空处需用副词修饰谓语动词。根据语境及备选词汇可知real符合语境。此处用其副词形式。故填really。
    4. second 【解析】句意:制作了姐姐的生日蛋糕后,凯瑟琳试着为自己做了 个。根据语境凯瑟琳做了第二个蛋糕,用two的序数词。故填second。
    5. her 【解析】句意:凯瑟琳几年前就一直考虑开办 自己的一家公司,但是她没有收到人们的预订,直到她将自己的蛋糕设计图片放在Facebook上。one's own某人自己的,固定搭配,根据语境可知应用人称代词she的形容词性物主代词her指代凯瑟琳。故填her。
    6. paid 【解析】句意:这是她的第一个 蛋糕。 由上文“somebody saw Catherine's cake designs and called to order a cake for $15.”可知那是她的第一个付费蛋糕。根据备选词汇可知应用pay的过去分词paid作定语。故填paid。
    7. successful 【解析】句意:这件事证明这是一次 经历。空处需用形容词作定语;根据语境及备选词汇可知应用success的形容词形式successful。故填successful。
    8. since 【解析】句意: 她开始,她已经制作了大概三十五个蛋糕,包括生日蛋糕和婚礼蛋糕。分析句子结构可知空处应用连词来连接;根据备选词汇可知since 符合。故填since。
    9. drawing 【解析】句意:她制作蛋糕不用先 草稿。空处需用动词与sketch搭配;根据备选项可知draw符合语境。介词后接宾语,用动名词形式。故填drawing。
    10. customers 【解析】句意:凯瑟琳的 很惊讶她能在这么小的年纪就做出如此令人印象深刻的设计。空处缺少主语,根据语境及备选词汇可知用customer;根据were可知应用名词customer的复数形式customers。
    Passage 11
    1. until 【解析】句意:他们 比赛快要开始才来。空处需用连词连接两个分句;根据语境及备选词汇可知,空处表达“直到”。故填until。
    2. worse 【解析】句意:他们看起来比我们原以为的 。空处需用形容词作looked的表语;结合后一句的“They wore dirty T­shirts and blue jeans”可知,他们看起来比作者想象的要糟糕,选词bad;再根据than可知用比较级形式。故填worse。
    3. like 【解析】句意:他们穿着脏脏的T恤和牛仔裤,看起来 农场男孩。根据语境可知,此处指看起来像,look like。故填like。
    4. felt 【解析】句意:我们 我们不需要任何练习,就能和这样的篮球队比赛。空处需用动词作谓语,空后为其宾语从句;结合句意及备选词汇可知用feel,且此处讲述过去发生的事情,需用一般过去时。故填felt。
    5. any 【解析】句意:太晚了,他们没有 时间来训练。空处需用形容词作定语,修饰空后的名词;根据语境可知,他们没有一些时间来练习,且本句为否定句。故填any。
    6. boys 【解析】句意:我们中的一个 拿到了球,他试图传给另外一个人。此处为固定结构:one of+可数名词复数;根据语境可知,此处指我们的男孩中的一个。故填boys。
    7. quickly 【解析】句意:但是,不知从哪儿来的穿着T恤的男孩抢到了球,并且 又漂亮地投入他们的篮筐,得到了两分。根据空后的beautifully可知,此处用副词作状语;结合语境及备选词汇可知,男孩的动作是迅速又漂亮。故填quickly。
    8. surprise 【解析】句意:令我们 的是,他们马上又得了两分。to one's surprise令某人惊讶的是,为固定短语。故填surprise。
    9. Of 【解析】句意: ,我们知道,不管是多好的队伍,总会有比他们更加优秀的团队。此处考查of course当然。故填Of。注意句首单词首字母大写。
    10. important 【解析】句意:但是,我们这次学到的最 的教训是:人不可貌相。空处需用形容词作定语修饰空后的名词,再结合语境及备选词汇可知,此处表示最重要的。故填important。
    Passage 12
    1. eighth 【解析】句意:在我 生日时爸爸给我买了一个小提琴作为礼物。结合句意以及备选词汇可知,这里是指在我八岁生日时,生日要用序数词。故填eighth。
    2. to take 【解析】句意:我只想玩游戏,但是爸爸要求我每天 小提琴课。take lessons 上课。结合句意以及备选词汇可知,这里是指去上小提琴课。“ask sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事”是固定搭配。故填to take。
    3. opened 【解析】句意:一天,我在角落找到一个箱子,当我 它的时候,我看见了一个漂亮的手风琴。根据句意可知是打开这个箱子,结合found是过去式可知此处也要填过去式。故填opened。
    4. father's 【解析】句意:它是你 。妈妈说:“他的父母给他买的,但是他为了家庭而忙于农场工作以至于没有去学。”结合后文“I thought of father's accordion”可知是爸爸的手风琴。故填father's。
    5. playing 【解析】句意:我必须练习 小提琴一天一个小时……。结合搭配play the violin 拉小提琴和practice doing sth. 练习做某事,可知填playing。
    6. hearts 【解析】句意:他回答说,因为你可以给人们带来快乐,你可以感动他们的 。结合句意和备选词汇可知,你可以感动他们的心,their是复数,故填hearts。
    7. speechless 【解析】句意:我想起了爸爸的手风琴,感到 。feel是感官动词,后跟形容词,结合备选词汇可知,作者此时无以言表,故填speechless。
    8. married 【解析】句意:当我长大,我 并且和我的家人搬进了一座新房子。结合句意可知,先结婚才能和家人搬进一座新房子。get married 结婚,是固定搭配。故填married。
    9. them 【解析】句意:我开始弹一些简单的歌。我很惊讶我还能记得 。根据句意可知,我还能记得这些简单的歌,remember为动词后缺宾语,应用代词宾格,结合备选词汇可知填them。
    10. finally 【解析】句意:我 知道为什么爸爸告诉我要努力练习。结合语境可知,我最后终于知道为什么爸爸告诉我要努力练习小提琴了。句子不缺成分,应填副词。结合备选词汇可知填finally。
    Passage 13
    1. once 【解析】句意:毛主席 说:“一个人做一件好事并不难,难的是一辈子做好事。”分析句子结构可知此处应填副词修饰动词said,结合句意及备选词汇可知one的副词形式once符合语境。故填once。
    2. until 【解析】句意:他 10岁才去上学。分析句子结构可知此处应填连词,结合句意及备选词汇可知until符合语境。not...until直到……才,为固定搭配。故填until。
    3. worker 【解析】句意:18岁的时候,他成为了一名钢铁 。分析句子结构可知此处应填名词,结合句意及备选词汇可知work的名词形式worker符合语境,空前有a,此处名词用单数。故填worker。
    4. thanks 【解析】句意:当他收到 的时候,他总是说……。分析句子结构可知此处应填名词,结合前文帮助人做好事以及后文的回答及备选词汇可知thank的名词复数thanks符合语境。故填thanks。
    5. to give 【解析】句意:……这里应该有人站出来 他们帮助。分析句子结构可知此处应填动词不定式作目的状语,give sb. a hand给予某人帮助。故填to give。
    6. has been 【解析】句意:自从1963年起,3月5日是学习雷锋日。分析句子结构可知此处缺少谓语动词,结合句意及备选词汇可知be符合语境,根据时间状语since 1963可知此处用现在完成时,主语是单数,助动词用has。故填has been。
    7. deep 【解析】句意:现在,术语“活雷锋”已经是那些……任何对国家有着 爱的人……分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词修饰名词love,结合句意及备选词汇可知deep符合语境。故填deep。
    8. or 【解析】句意:…… 任何总是准备帮助他人的人。分析句子结构可知此处应填连词,结合句意可知前后连接的词存在选择关系,结合备选词汇可知or符合语境。故填or。
    9. people's 【解析】句意:雷锋精神永远活在 心中。分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词性质的词,结合句意及备选词汇可知people的所有格形式people's符合语境。故填people's。
    10. whole 【解析】句意:雷锋精神将永远被 民族铭记。分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词,结合句意及备选词汇可知whole符合语境。故填whole。
    类型2 12选10
    Passage 1
    1. during 【解析】句意:他不得不 假期搬家,离开他的朋友和他的树屋。分析句子结构可知空处应填介词。结合空后的the holiday及备选词汇可知“during 在……期间”符合语境。故填during。
    2. taking/to take 【解析】句意:他也喜欢 他的朋友去那里。分析句子结构可知空处应填非谓语动词。结合语境及备选词汇可知“take 带”符合语境。like doing/to do sth. 喜欢做某事。故填taking/ to take。
    3. hours 【解析】句意:他们会在那儿玩 。分析句子结构可知空处应填名词作for的宾语。结合语境及备选词汇可知“hour 小时”符合语境,空前无冠词或其他修饰语,空处应填可数名词复数。故填hours。
    4. because 【解析】句意:扎克,但我们必须搬家, 你父亲已经换工作了。分析句子结构可知空处应填连词连接两个分句。分析句子可知前后句是因果关系。故填because。
    5. there 【解析】句意:他已经 等我们了。分析句子可知,句子结构完整,空处应填副词。结合语境及备选词汇可知“there 在那里”符合语境。故填there。
    6. bigger 【解析】句意:你会有一个 得多的卧室,而且你会在新学校结识新朋友。分析句子结构可知空处应填形容词作定语,修饰bedroom。结合语境及备选词汇可知“big 大的”符合语境。much后接形容词比较级。故填bigger。
    7. promised 【解析】句意:他妈妈 :“你会有一个更大的卧室,而且你会在新学校结识新朋友。”分析句子结构可知空处应填动词作谓语。结合语境及备选词汇可知“promise 承诺”符合语境。此处介绍过去发生的事情,应用一般过去时。故填promised。
    8. boy's 【解析】句意:突然,扎克听到了一个 声音。分析句子结构可知空处应填形容词性质的词作定语修饰voice。结合下文及备选词汇可知此处表示“扎克听到了一个男孩的声音”,表示“……的”,应用名词所有格。故填boy's。
    9. door 【解析】句意:“……我叫乔伊,我住在 。我可以看一下你的树屋吗?”next是形容词,后接名词。结合语境及备选词汇可知“door 门”符合语境,next door 隔壁。故填door。
    10. like 【解析】句意:我想最终我将会 这里的!分析句子结构可知空处应填动词作谓语。结合语境及备选词汇可知“like 喜欢”符合语境。be going to do sth. 即将做某事。故填like。
    Passage 2
    1. was taken 【解析】句意为:一天,为了在钢琴方面有所进步,一个男孩被他的母亲 听Paderewski的音乐会。分析句子结构可知,空格处与“a boy”之间为逻辑上的动宾关系,应用被动语态。根据语境可知指“被带去”,选词take。又因为讲述过去的事情,用一般过去时。故填was taken。
    2. his 【解析】句意为:他们坐下后,母亲看到了一个朋友,走上前跟朋友打招呼,把男孩一个人留在了 座位上。根据句意猜测,此处应该是指男孩自己的座位,应用形容词性物主代词。故填his。
    3. which 【解析】句意为:小男孩抓住机会去探索音乐厅的奇妙之处,站了起来,最后穿过一扇门,门上写着“禁止入内”。分析句子结构可知,该句为定语从句,先行词为“a door”。故填which。
    4. returned 【解析】句意为:当母亲 座位上时,她发现孩子不见了。根据语境可知指“回来”,选词return。因为过去的事情,应用一般过去时。故填returned。
    5. Without 【解析】句意为: 知道他在哪里,男孩正在学着弹《一闪一闪亮晶晶》。分析句子结构可知,空格处填介词。根据语境可知指“不知道他在哪里”,without更符合句意。注意句首单词首字母大写。故填Without。
    6. quickly 【解析】句意为:就在这时,这位优秀的钢琴大师出现了, 走向钢琴。分析句子结构可知,空格处应该填副词,修饰动词move。而根据语境可知指“快速地走向钢琴”,选词quick。故填quickly。
    7. most exciting 【解析】句意为:那天晚上,它成了整个音乐会 部分之一。分析句子结构可知,空格处填形容词。根据“one of the”可知填形容词最高级。根据语境可知指“最让人兴奋的部分之一”,选词exciting。故填most exciting。
    8. difference 【解析】句意为:她相信这样的经历会给她儿子的生活带来很大的 。分析句子结构可知,空格处填名词。根据句意此处表示“这样的经历会带来巨大影响”,选词different。故填difference。
    9. results 【解析】句意为:我们尽了最大的努力,但 并不完全像我们所期望的那样顺利。分析句子结构可知,空格处填名词。根据上下文推断,此处句意表示“结果不如期望的那样顺利”,选词result。 result是可数名词,因此此处填result的复数形式results。
    10. to achieve 【解析】句意为:下次你开始 重要的事情的时候,仔细听。set out to do sth.为固定搭配,意为“开始做某事”。根据语境可知指“开始实现”,选词achieve。故填to achieve。
    Passage 3
    1. Britain 【解析】句意: 让我们看看在 我们笑什么。分析句子结构可知此处填名词,根据前文的“Is it true that we British people have a different sense of humor from people in other countries?”及下文的内容可知此处讲述在英国我们笑什么,选词British,此处指在英国,应用名词形式。故填Britain。
    2. powerful 【解析】句意: 对我们英国人来说, 且重要的人经常引发笑声。分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词和important并列修饰people,根据后文的“It's not just politicians(政客)”及第三段中的“We laugh at the power”可知此处表示有权力或有势力的人,选词power,此处应填power的形容词形式powerful。故填powerful。
    3. themselves 【解析】句意: 让我们发笑的不只是政客,还有那些工作就是告诉别人该做什么的人以及那些 看得很重的人。分析句子结构可知空处所填词作宾语,根据语境可知此处指把他们自己看得太重要的人,选词they,应用反身代词。故填themselves。
    4. badly 【解析】句意: 我们嘲笑权力,可恨的是,我们也嘲笑任何受到 对待的人。分析句子结构可知此处应填副词修饰treated,根据句意及转折连词“but”可知空格前后内容存在转折关系,结合备选词汇和空后内容可知bad的副词形式badly符合语境。故填badly。
    5. funnier 【解析】句意: 我们知道他们不会赢,但是有时候如果他们确实赢了的话,这更 。分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词作表语,根据前文“We laugh at the power...”及“We know they cannot win”可知此处指如果他们赢了的话,就更有意思了,选词fun,应用其形容词形式funny,空前有even,应用比较级。故填funnier.
    6. winning 【解析】句意: 我们的小丑通常是愚蠢的人做愚蠢的事,而在美国,他们通常是聪明的人做聪明的事并最终 。分析句子结构可知此处应填动名词与doing一起作伴随状语,根据前文的“they cannot win”可知,愚蠢的人不太能够成功,与之相对应这里应该是表达聪明的人能够赢,选词win,应用win的现在分词形式。故填winning。
    7. hopeless 【解析】句意: 当别人感到 时我们却大笑的这个事实是了解英式幽默最奇怪的事情之一。分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词作表语,根据后文“We do have a strong sense of irony(反讽).”可知此处应填入一个具有消极意义的形容词,结合备选词汇可知hope的形容词形式hopeless符合语境,表示绝望的。故填hopeless。
    8. pleasant 【解析】句意: 在经历一些糟糕的经历后,我们也许会说,“不是非常 。”分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词作表语,根据后文的“It's a bit windy today.”“There is a tiny problem”以及“We don't like to express strong feelings, but just ‘keep calm and carry on'.”可知英国人在遇到麻烦时,仍然用很委婉的语气来表达,结合备选词汇和空前的“Not”可知pleasure符合语境,应用其形容词形式pleasant。故填pleasant。
    9. totally 【解析】句意: 或者当一些事情 错误的时候,我们会说“有一个小问题”。分析句子结构可知此处应填副词,结合句意及备选词汇可知此处total的副词修饰wrong,表示完全错了。故填totally。
    10. to understand 【解析】句意: 另一件让人难以 英式幽默的事情是当我们说一些有趣的事情时,我们并不总是笑,甚至连微笑都没有。根据句意并分析句子结构可知此处应填动词不定式,代指前面的it,根据句意及备选词汇可知understand符合语境。故填to understand。
    Passage 4
    1. back 【解析】句意:当他正走 家时,一只脏狗跟着他。结合选项可知back项符合此处语境,go back 回家,此处表示他正回家时。故填back。
    2. hurt 【解析】句意:在他发现小狗 严重后,他让它跟他回家。结合选项可知hurt符合此处语境,表示小狗受伤严重。故填hurt。
    3. kind 【解析】句意:小男孩的妈妈教他 和友好。分析句子结构可知此处应填形容词与friendly并列,结合选项可知kind符合此处语境,表示妈妈教他要善良友好。故填kind。
    4. whether 【解析】句意:然而,当男孩问他的妈妈他 能让狗进入房子时,她犹豫了。分析句子结构可知此句为宾语从句,需填从属连词连接主从句。结合选项可知whether符合此处语境,表示他问妈妈是否能让狗进入房子。故填whether。
    5. what 【解析】句意:可怜的小狗似乎明白了她说的 。结合选项可知what符合此处语境,表示小狗明白她说了什么。故填what。
    6. eyes 【解析】句意:当他看见小狗的大 悲伤地望着他时,他几乎哭了。分析句子结构可知此处需填名词,结合选项可知eyes符合此处语境,表示小狗的大眼睛。故填eyes。
    7. stay 【解析】句意:她没有将可怜饥饿的小狗赶走,而是让它 在院子里。分析句子结构可知此处需填动词,且根据短语“let sb do sth”可知此处应填动词原形。结合选项可知stay符合此处语境。故填stay。
    8. food 【解析】句意:小男孩给小狗一些 ,水和可以睡在上面的干净的干草。结合选项可知food符合此处语境,表示小男孩给了小狗一些食物。故填food。
    9. better 【解析】句意:几天后,在男孩和妈妈的帮助下小狗 。结合语境可知小狗身体变好了,结合选项可知better符合此处语境。故填better。
    10. of 【解析】句意:因为他们的善良,小狗最终找到了一个家。结合语境可知此处考查固定短语“because of”表示“因为”。故填of。
    Passage 5
    1. in 【解析】句意:我看着你,并且在你的眼睛 我看到了我自己。结合语境,此处应该是表达“在你的眼睛里”。故填in。
    2. slowly 【解析】句意:然而,看到这种信心正在 消失,我也感到不安……。分析句子结构及句意可知,此处要填入一个副词修饰行为动词“disappear”。结合备选项,副词“slowly慢慢地”符合语境。故填slowly。
    3. facing 【解析】句意:……你正在 许多困难的事情。分析句子结构,此处要填入一个动词的现在分词形式构成现在进行时。结合备选项,动词“facing面临”符合句意。故填facing。
    4. best 【解析】句意:我想让你知道自信是你身上 东西之一。分析句子结构,在定冠词“the”之后,名词“things”之前要填入一个形容词的最高级形式。结合备选项,形容词“best最好的”符合句意。故填best。
    5. not 【解析】句意:然而,现在你 是足够的自信, 因为你开始不喜欢自己的身体。根据句意分析,这里应该是表达否定意义。而此处的谓语动词“are”为be动词,所以可直接在后面加not进行否定。结合备选项,故填not。
    6. happiness 【解析】句意:我认为对我来说最 的时刻之一就是当你出生时医生说“祝贺你,你又生了一个男宝宝,”并不是因为你是一个男孩儿,而是因为你是健康的。分析句子结构,此处介词“of”后要填入一个名词表所属关系。结合备选项,名词“happiness快乐”符合语境。故填happiness。
    7. now 【解析】句意: 你还太年轻,不能理解这件事——没人意识到普通生活的重要性……。根据句子结构及句意理解,此处句子完整,所以要填入一个副词作状语。结合备选项,副词“now现在”符合语境。故填now。
    8. until 【解析】句意:…… 人们脱离了正常的生活,他们才会意识到普通生活的重要性。根据句子结构及句意理解,此处要填入一个表假设性的连词连接句子。结合备选项,连词“until直到……才”符合句意。故填until。
    9. want 【解析】句意:我 给你的是快乐:理解你不是完美的,这是好的,因为我们没有人是完美的 。分析句子结构,这里要填入一个动词原形作谓语。结合备选项,动词“want想要”符合句意。故填want。
    10. high 【解析】句意:保持自信,保持你的头 ,我的小男孩——你成长得太快了。根据句子结构及句意理解,此处系动词“keep”后要填入一个形容词作表语。结合备选项,形容词“high高的”符合语境。故填high。
    Passage 6
    1. express 【解析】句意为:它是一种 人们的希望和情感的方式。分析句子结构,此处要填入一个动词原形构成不定式作定语。结合备选词,动词“express表达”符合句意。故填express。
    2. history 【解析】句意为:它有超过1500年的 。分析句子结构,不定冠词“a”后要填入一个单数名词。分析句意,此处应该是表达超过1500年的历史。结合备选词,故填history。
    3. connected 【解析】句意为:在中国文化中,通常使用红纸是因为它和幸福 。根据句子结构及句意分析,这里要填入一个动词过去分词构成被动语态。be connected with“与……相联系”符合句意,故填connected。
    4. common 【解析】句意为:最 的图像是花,动物,喜字和福字。分析句子结构,此处要填入一个形容词与前面的“most”构成比较级修饰名词“pictures”。结合备选词,形容词“common普遍的”符合句意。故填common。
    5. as 【解析】句意为: 好运的象征,它们被张贴在窗户上、门上和墙上。分析句意,此处应该是表达“作为好运的象征”。结合备选词,故填as。
    6. centres 【解析】句意为:现在很多孩子在学校甚至购物 学习制作它。分析句子可知这里为并列句,所以此处要填入一个表示地点的名词与前面的“schools”相对应。结合备选词,名词“centre中心”符合句意,并用其复数形式。故填centres。
    7. lively 【解析】句意为:为了制作中国陶土艺术,黏土被用手塑造成一些事物,例如可爱的孩子或来自中国童话或历史故事中 人物。分析句子结构,此处为并列句,所以要填入一个具有积极意义的形容词与前面的形容词“cute”相对应。结合备选词,形容词“lively生动的”符合句意。故填lively。
    8. After 【解析】句意为:在这些陶土在空气中变干 ,它们被高温烘烤,然后打磨和上色。根据句子结构及句意分析,此处要填入一个连词连接句子。分析句意,这里应该是说待这些陶土变干之后。结合备选词可知after符合句意,且句首字母要大写。故填After。
    9. complete 【解析】句意为: 每件事花费几周。由It takes/took sometime to do sth.可知应用动词不定式,结合备选词,动词“complete完成”符合句意。故填complete。
    10. These 【解析】句意为: 小的陶土艺术品展示了所有中国人对于生活和美好的热爱。根据句子结构及句意分析,此处要填入一个形容词修饰名词“piece of clay art”。结合备选词,形容词“these这些”符合句意。句首单词首字母大写。故填These。


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