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    It was a warm and sunny mrning at the Central Park Z. Mary and her classmates were chatting nisily with excitement as their schl bus entered the z parking lt. Tday, Mary’s class was ging n a field trip t the z t learn mre abut the animals and their natural habitats.
    “Befre yu leave the bus, please make sure yu have yur partner!” Mrs. Brwn annunced. T make sure n ne gt lst in the z, each student had a cmpanin. Mary’s cmpanin was named Jhn. Jhn lves animals and was als excited t g t the z. But smetimes, Jhn des nt fllw the rules and gets in truble. Mary hped that tday, Jhn wuld fllw the rules s they wuld nt get in truble.
    While the rest f the students gt ff the bus, Mary and Jhn quickly ran ff t explre. They fund the exhibits fr many different kinds f animals and learned a lt abut their natural habitats. They saw the elephants playing and they saw giraffes eating. They saw the plar bears sleeping and the mnkeys leaping. Mary asked Jhn:
    “Jhn, what is yur favrite animal?”
    “I think I like chimpanzees best. They have a lt f energy, just like me! What animal d yu like, Mary?”
    “I lve plar bears! I think their lifestyle in the Arctic is very interesting.”
    A few hurs later, Mary and Jhn started t feel hungry. They made their way back t the z entrance t eat lunch at the Rainfrest Café. The Rainfrest Café is bth Mary and Jhn’s favrite restaurant because there is an aquarium inside. The restaurant is als famus fr its chclate cake, which Mary rdered fr dessert after they had finished their lunch.
    As Mary was finishing her cake, Jhn excused himself t g t the restrm. Abut ten minutes later, an suddenly alarm began t g ff and a vice came ver the ludspeaker,
    “Attentin! Smene has pened the chimpanzee exhibit! Sme chimpanzees have escaped!”
    Peple were screaming and starting t run. Mary lked fr Jhn, but he was nwhere t be fund.
    Paragraph 1:
    As mre and mre peple ran ut f the z, Mary began t think
    Paragraph 2:
    As Mary raced up the path t the animal exhibits, she stpped
    A farmer grew sme vegetables in his garden. One day his wife was ill and he had n mney. He had t sell sme cabbages and carrts in the market. The next mrning he tk tw baskets f vegetables t twn. But it was raining hard that afternn and there were few peple in the street. When his vegetables were sld ut, it was dark. He bught sme medicine and hurried t his village. On his way hme he saw a persn lying n the snw. He placed his baskets n the grund and was ging t help the persn t get up. At that time he fund it was a dead man and there was much bld n his bdy. He was afraid that he ran away quickly, withut taking the baskets with him.
    The next afternn the farmer was sent t the plice statin. Having shwn the baskets, an fficer asked, “Are these yurs?” “Yes, sir.” the farmer answered timidly(胆怯地). “Have yu killed the man?” “N, n, sir.” the farmer said in a hurry. “When did yu see the dead man?” “Abut seven last evening.” “Did yu see wh killed the man?” “N, sir.” The fficer brught ut a knife and asked, “Have yu seen it yet?” “N, sir.” The fficer became angry and tld the plicemen t beat him up and sent him int prisn. The fficer wanted t trap the farmer int the cnfessin(供认), but the farmer didn’t admit he was the murderer.
    Paragraph 1:
    The fficer was s angry that he asked the pliceman t beat him up again.
    Paragraph 2:
    The farmer was lucky. A few days later
    It was raining pretty hard n Hallween, but that wasn’t ging t stp my little sister Kate and me frm trick-r-treating. We decided t start at Miss Parsn's huse. Miss Parsn was lved by us kids wh lived nearby because she ften shared her self-made ckies with us. We usually finished them in a secnd, especially when we were hungry after class. Smetimes, when we visited her r did smething fr her, she always gave us surprise.
    Kate and I wndered what kinds f treats she'd ffer. As we walked dwn the street, I held an umbrella, a bag fr candy, and my sister's hand. Jack--Lantems gave sft light alng the street. Spider webs hung in all the windws. Parents wh were dressed up like mnsters (怪物) std in drways. After we had walked a few blcks, we were wet frm head t tes, and I felt Kate was trembling with cld.
    There was a light n at Miss Parsn's huse, but there were n ghsts,小妖精), r Jack--Lantems. We climbed up the steps and saw Miss Parsn thrugh a windw. She was drinking a cup f ht tea.
    "Maybe she desn't celebrate Hallween," Kate said with a sigh, disappintedly.
    "Well, even if she desn't, she usually likes it when we visit her," I said and kncked n the dr.
    Miss Parsn seemed surprised when she pened it and saw ur dressing. " Is tday Hallween?" she asked. "I cmpletely frgt. I am s srry!"
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
    4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。
    Paragraph 1
    Miss Parsn rushed us int her huse.
    Paragraph 2
    The next mrning,a ht and sweet discussin abut Miss Parsn and Hallween spread amng us kids.
    52、A Mther's Lve
    My mm nly had ne eye. I hated her. She was such an embarrassment. She cked fr students and teachers t supprt the family.
    There was ne day during elementary schl (小学) when my mm came ver t say hell t me. I was s embarrassed.
    Hw culd she d this t me? I ignred her, threw her a hateful lk and ran ut. The next day at schl ne f my classmates said, "Yur mm nly has ne eye!"
    I wanted t bury myself. I als wanted my mm t just disappear. I cnfrnted (面对) her that day and said, "If yu're nly ging t make me a laughing stck, why dn't yu just die?"
    My mm did nt respnd. I didn't even stp t think fr a secnd abut what I had said, because I was full f anger. I tk n ntice f her feelings at all.
    I wanted t be ut f that huse, and have nthing t d with her. S I studied really hard, and gt a chance t g abrad fr further educatin.
    Then, I gt married. I bught a huse f my wn. I had kids f my wn. I was happy with my life, my kids and the cmfrts. Then ne day, my mther came t visit me. She hadn't seen me in years and she didn't even meet her grandchildren.
    When she std by the dr, my children laughed at her, and I shuted at her fr cming ver uninvited. I screamed at her, "Hw dare yu cme t my huse and scare my children! GET OUT OF HERE! NOW!!!"
    And t this, my mther quietly answered, "Oh, I'm s srry. I may have gtten the wrng address." and she was sn ut f sight.
    One day, a letter regarding a schl reunin (同学聚会) came t my huse. S I lied t my wife that I was ging n a business trip. After the reunin, I went t the ld huse just ut f curisity.
    My neighbrs said that she died. I did nt shed a single tear. They handed me a letter that she had wanted me t have.
    Paragraph 1:
    My dearest sn,
    I think f yu all the time and I'm srry that

    Paragraph 2:
    Yu see, when yu were very little,
    With all my lve t yu.
    Yur mther
    Ali and his yunger sister, Zahra, lived with their parents in a pr neighbrhd. Their mther was very sick and their father was struggling t find a jb, and they had nly a little mney with which t buy fd. As they had nt paid the rent fr several mnths, the landlrd was breathing dwn their necks(盯着他们).
    One day, Ali tk Zahra's shes t a she repairman t be fixed, but he lst them n the way hme. It wasn't until he gt hme that he realized he had lst the shes. He was afraid that his parents wuld be angry and disappinted, s he begged his sister t keep it secret. Zahra agreed and the tw decided t share Ali's running shes. Zahra's schl hurs were in the mrning, s she wuld wear them first. After schl, she wuld rush back and give them t Ali. He culd then run t his schl, which began in the afternn. Althugh he ran as fast as he culd, Ali ften arrived late and was warned by the schl.
    Ali heard abut a lng distance race that was held fr the bys in the city. When he learned that the third prize was a new pair f shes, he decided t take part. He ran hme excitedly and prmised his sister that he wuld win her the new shes.
    The day f race arrived. Ali had a strng start, but halfway thrugh the race he began t get tired and his legs began t ache. Getting mre and mre exhausted he thught nly f Zahra and his prmise t her. Dreaming f the new shes he wuld win fr his sister gave him strength, and he stayed right behind the tw fastest runners, determined t finish third. Suddenly, as the finish line drew near, anther runner cllided(碰撞) with Ali frm behind and he crashed t the grund.
    Paragraph 1:
    Ali lked up and saw the ther bys rushing ahead.
    Paragraph 2:
    Filled with pleasure, Ali walked hme quickly.
    54、 阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行读后续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。
    I truly learned what a best friend is in my first year in high schl. Kate and I were gd friends and we were inseparable (分不开的). We spent every day tgether and always had a gd time.
    Then basketball seasn started and we were n the same team. After a few games, hwever, Kate gt mved up t the Rse Cup full-time. I wuldn't admit it then, but as a matter f fact I envied (嫉妒) her much. Having different practice times, we began t see less f each ther and talked less. Sn I was tld by thers that she was talking behind my back.
    One night, I called Kate t tell her abut my new haircut. T my great surprise, the next day at schl she tld everyne that I cpied her style because she had tld me she wanted t get hers cut like this. As a result, I was angry and quite disappinted with her. At nn she handed me a letter and walked away instead f talking with me. I culdn't accept the cruel wrds n the paper. In great anger, I wrte right back t her. Over the next week, we exchanged mre hurtful letters. I cried myself t sleep every night, believing ur friendship was ver.
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    Paragraph 1:
    One night my mum tk me t Kate's hme.
    Paragraph 2:
    It has been five mnths since we brke up with each ther.
    The event that stands ut in Tm’s memry happened ne mrning when Tm was nly ten years ld. He was at hme with his elder sister Jane. Tm was ding his hmewrk when he heard raised vices. At first he thught nthing f it since custmers in the mtrcycle shp directly belw their flat ften became lud, but he sn realized this time it was different.
    "Quick! Quick! Remve the mtrcycles frm the shp." smene yelled. Then a thick burning smell filled the air. When Tm pened the frnt dr f their flat t investigate, a thick clud f smke greeted him. The mtrcycle shp had caught fire and peple were running and crying.
    Jane, wh had been playing the vilin in her rm, hurried t the living rm. They rushed ut f the dr and alng the crridr(走廊) thrugh the smke.
    They were heading twards the stairway at the far end f the crridr when Jane stpped in her track. She turned arund and headed back the way they came. Tm had n idea what she was ding, but he fllwed her.
    Jane had suddenly remembered the lady in her 70s wh lived next dr t them, wh they called Makcik, Malay fr auntie. Jane began banging n Makcik’s dr, but gt n answer. As the smke thickened arund them, Tm culd see many f their neighbrs—sme still in their pyjamas (睡衣;宽长裤) — running fr safety. The thught f fear crssed his mind.
    "She might have run fr safety like everyne else!" Tm cried. Hwever, Jane refused t give up. "I knw Makcik’s still inside." She said she was familiar with Makcik’s daily rutine and was certain she wuld still be sleeping. She punded the dr. "G dwnstairs. G nw! G!"
    注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;
    3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;
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    Tm nticed the flame was reaching up.

    Paragraph 2:
    Luckily, sme neighbrs passing by stpped and ffered help.

    Jenny was a pretty eight-year-ld girl.
    One day when she and her mther were checking ut at the grcery stre, Jenny saw a plastic pearl necklace, by which she was ttally defeated. Hw eagerly she wanted it! But when he saw the price, her heart sank a little. She gathered up her curage and asked her mther if she wuld buy it fr her, her mther said, “Well, it is a pretty necklace, but it csts an awful lt f mney. I can buy yu the necklace, but when we get hme we shuld make up a list f husewrk that yu can d t pay fr the necklace.” Jenny agreed immediately, feeling a burst f jy. S her mther bught the pearl necklace fr her. Jenny wrked n her husewrk determinedly and earnestly every day. Sn Jenny had paid ff the pearls.
    Jenny had a very lving daddy. When Jenny went t bed, he wuld read Jenny her favrite stry. One night when he finished the stry, he said, “Jenny, d yu lve me?” “Oh yes, Daddy, yu knw I lve yu,” the little girl said delightedly, with a brad smile n her face. “Well, then, give me yur pearls.” Hearing that, Jenny frze there, an anxius expressin twisting her face. “Oh! Daddy, nt my pearls! But yu can have Rsy, my favrite dll. Remember her? Yu gave her t me last year fr my birthday. Okay?” “Oh n, darling, that's kay.” Her father brushed her cheek with a kiss, gently and calmly. “Gd night, little ne.”
    A week later, her father nce again asked Jenny after her stry, “D yu lve me?” “Oh yes, Daddy, yu knw I lve yu.” the little girl murmured sftly, trying t escape frm her father’s eyes. “Well, then, give me yur pearls.” “Oh, Daddy, nt my pearls! But yu can have Ribbns, my ty hrse. D yu remember her? She's my favrite.” The little girl begged. “N, that's kay,” her father said, smiling bradly and sweetly and brushed her cheek again with a kiss. “Gd bless yu, little ne. Sweet dreams.”
    Several days later, when Jenny's father came in t read her a stry, Jenny
    Hlding the plastic pearl his daughter ffered, the father dragged ut a blue bx.
    57、 阅读下面短文, 根据所给情节进行续写, 使之构成一个完整的故事。
    Jenny was the nly child in her hme. She had a quarrel with her mther that afternn and she ran ut f the huse angrily. She culdn't help weeping srrwfully when she thught f the sclding frm her mther.
    Having wandered aimlessly in the street fr hurs, she felt a little hungry and wished fr smething t eat, but it was nt even pssible fr her, since she had nthing with her. She std beside a stand fr a while, watching the middle-aged seller busy ding his business. Hwever, with n mney in hand, she sighed and had t leave.
    The seller behind the stand nticed the yung girl and asked, "Hey, girl, yu want t have the ndles?"
    "Oh, yes… but I dn't have mney n me…" she replied.
    "That's nthing. I'll treat yu tday," said the man. "Cme in."
    The seller brught her a bwl f ndles, whse smell was s attractive. As she was eating, Jenny cried silently.
    "What is it?" asked the man kindly.
    "Nthing, actually I was just tuched by yur kindness!" said Jenny as she wiped her tears. "Even a stranger n the street will give me a bwl f ndles, while my mther, drve me ut f the huse. She shwed n care fr me. She is s merciless cmpared t a stranger!"
    Hearing the wrds, the seller smiled, "Girl, d yu really think s? I nly gave yu a bwl f ndles and yu thanked me a lt. But it is yur mther wh has raised yu since yu were a baby. Can yu number the times she cked fr yu? Have yu expressed yur gratitude t her?"
    Jenny sat there, speechless and numb with shck; she remembered mther's familiar face and weathered hands. "Why did I nt think f that? A bwl f ndles frm a stranger made me feel indebted, but I have never thanked my mum fr what she has dne fr me."
    On the way hme, Jenny made up her mind t make an aplgy t her mther fr her rudeness as sn as she arrived hme.
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    Appraching the drway, Jenny lk a deep breath.
    Paragraph 2:
    A gentle tuch n her hair called her mind back
    Eric was wrking in a selling business. He had been n the rad visiting peple fr mre than a mnth withut ging hme. He culdn’t wait t get back t see his wife and children. It was cming up n Mther’s Day, and he usually tried t make it “back hme”, but this year he was just t busy and t tired. The day when he was driving in a small twn, he saw a flwer shp. He said t himself, “I knw what I will d, I’ll send my mther sme rses.”
    He stpped and went int the flwer shp and saw a yung man talking t the girl in it. “Hw many rses can I get fr five dllars, Ms.?” the by asked. The girl was trying t explain that rses were expensive. Maybe the yung man wuld be happy with smething else.
    “N. I have t have rses,” he said, “my mm was badly sick last year and I didn’t get t spend much time with her. I want t get smething special. It has t be red rses, because that is her favrite.” He was stubbrn.
    The girl in the shp lked up at Eric and was just shaking her head. Smething inside f Eric was tuched by the by’s vice. He wanted t get thse rses s badly. Eric had been blessed(幸运的) in his business, and he lked at the girl and silently said that he wuld pay fr the by’s rses.
    The girl lked at the yung man and said, “OK, I will give yu a dzen red rses fr yur dllars.” The yung man almst jumped int the air. He tk the flwers and ran dwn the stre. It was wrth mre than fifty dllars just t see that kind f excitement.
    Eric rdered his wn flwers and asked the girl t have it delivered t his mther. After that, with relief he drve dwn the rad. Nt lng after his driving, he saw the by walking t a graveyard(墓地).
    Paragraph 1:
    Eric stpped his car and fllwed the yung man.
    Paragraph 2:
    Eric went int the car in tears.
    When I was eleven years ld, I had a big accident. I get scared even nw when I think abut that time. I went skating near my huse, There were many peple, and I saw them falling n the ice.
    It was my first time t g ice skating, s I was nervus. I was wndering hw t skate. I went with a friend wh was very skillful. He spent sme time teaching me hw t skate, but I didn't learn much. He left me and skated all arund. As sn as he left, I fell dwn. I envied the ther peple because they culd skate very well.
    I was bred because I kept falling s I tk ff my skates and just walked arund n the ice in my shes. It was cld and my hands were frzen.
    Suddenly, I stepped n smething that was nt hard. What was it? It was a weak place in the ice. When I stepped there, I sank under the ice. I thught that I was ging t die, but I did my best t grab smething t get ut frm under the ice. I tried t grab the edge f the ice. But it was very difficult fr an eleven-year-ld child.
    It seemed like a very lng time, like a year. Then,frtunately, smene helped me. He grabbed my arms and pulled me up. S, I lived and I'm still alive tday.
    I thanked him. At that time, my friend came back. I was annyed at him because he was suppsed t take care f me, but he didn't. He was embarrassed. When I tk a taxi hme, the taxi driver was surprised and asked what happened. I didn't want t say anything because I was tried and scared. Even nw, whenever I think abut that time, I feel uncmfrtable. I dn't want t g skating again even nw.
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    Paragraph 1
    It was lng befre I went skating nce again,
    Paragraph 2
    Hwever, ever since then I haven't fund any time t g skating,…
    60、阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一 个完整的故事。
    When she was 22 years ld, Pat Jnes decided t travel arund the wrld and see as many freign places as she culd when she was yung. When she finished cllege at hme in Britain, Pat chse t visit Latin America first. She managed t get a jb as an English teacher in a secndary schl in Blivia. Pat spke a little Spanish, s she was able t cmmunicate with her students even thugh they did nt knw much English.
    A sentence she had nce read smewhere stuck in her mind : If yu dream in a freign language, it means that yu have really mastered it. Pat repeated this sentence t her students and she hped that smeday she wuld dream in
    Spanish and they wuld dream in English.
    One day, Tim, ne f the wrst students in her class, came up t her and explained in Spanish that he had nt dne his hmewrk. He said that he had gne t bed early, but slept badly. Pat was quite angry with him, fr she did nt think that his explanatin had anything t d with his hmewrk. But Tim tld her that he dreamed all night and his dream was in English.
    “In English!” Pat thught. She was greatly surprised, since Tim was such a bad student. She was als jealus (嫉妒的). Her dreams were still nt in Spanish,but she decided t encurage her student and asked him t tell her abut his dream.
    “All the peple in my dream spke English,” Tim said. “And all the signs were in English. All the newspapers, magazines and TV prgrams were in English,t.”
    “ But that’s wnderful!” said Pat. “What did all the peple say t yu?” she asked.
    “I’m srry, Miss Jnes. That’s why I slept s badly all night. I didn’t understand a wrd they said. It is a nightmare (噩梦)!” Tim answered.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键 词语。
    Paragraph 1 :
    After hearing the by's wrds, Pat
    Paragraph 2 :
    In rder t encurage her students t speak English, Pat

    Ending1 (Jhn did it)
    Para1. As mre and mre peple ran ut f the z, Mary began t think where Jhn culd be. With a mixture f fear and anxiety, Mary started leaving the restaurant t search fr her partner. As she lked arund the z grunds, it ccurred t her that Jhn had tld her that chimpanzees were his favrite animals. Jhn wuldn’t have left the restaurant t release the chimpanzees, wuld he? Oh n! Mary was sure she knew where Jhn had gne.
    Para2. As Mary raced up the path t the animal exhibits, she stpped because she saw Jhn with tw chimpanzees held in his arms. He ffered a small, guilty smile. “I didn’t mean t let them escape,” he said. “I just wanted t set them free s that they culd play utside fr a little while!” he cntinued with excitement. “I tk the key frm a zkeeper wh wasn’t lking. But then, the exhibit lck brke and…” Behind Mary, Mrs. Brwn had begun t walk up the path and saw Jhn hlding the animals. It was clear frm her serius expressin that he was in big truble.

    Paragraph 1
    The fficer was s angry that he asked the pliceman t beat him up again. The farmer was very afraid, he thught he wuld be sentenced t death by killing peple, but he didn’t, he was inncent. He must tell peple the truth, but n ne culd hear his vice. he hped that smene culd cme and save him.
    Paragraph 2
    The farmer was lucky .A few days later, a yung man came t the plice statin with a lt f jurnalists, saying that he saw the murderer. It was the plice fficer wh killed the man n the snw! He saw the plice ffice used a knife killing the man late in the evening. he was s frightened and ran away. But the yung man thught the farmer was inncent. S he tk the great curage t expse the real criminal. After the investigatin, the yung man was right. The plice fficer was sent int prisn and the pliceman wh beat up the farmer was fired, and the brave yung man was regarded as the her by the villagers.
    解析: 略

    答案:One pssible versin:
    Paragraph 1
    Miss Parsn rushed us int her huse. “It’s cld ut here," she said. My sister's face was shining frm the rain and Miss Parsn dried her cheeks. “Thank yu,” Kate said. “Trick r treat?”
    “Oh, right! Treats,” said Miss Parsn in surprise. Then she disappeared fr a mment and came back with a big smile n her face. "Open thse bags wide, "she said. She drpped tw bxes f cca int ur bags. Winter is just arund the crner,” she said. “Sme ht cca will keep yu warm.”
    “Thank yu,” we bth said. “Happy Hallween!”
    Paragraph 2
    The next mrning, a ht and sweet discussin abut Miss Parsn and Hallween spread amng us kids. We tld Mm abut hw Miss Parsn had frgtten Hallween and abut what she had given t us and the ther kids. "It sunds as if nbdy was very upset, even thugh she frgt Hallween, said Mm. “N, we were happy,” I said. “Althugh she didn’t give us candy, it was kind f fun fr us all t get smething different fr a change. I hpe it will becme a Hallween traditin t give ut unusual treats.”
    解析: 略

    Paragraph 1:
    My dearest sn,
    I think f yu all the time and I'm srry that I came t yur huse and scared yur children. I had never thught my visit wuld bring s much unhappiness t yu. Hwever, I was really s happy when I heard yu were cming fr the reunin. I missed yu day and night. But I may nt be able t even get ut f bed t see yu. I'm terribly srry that I was a cnstant embarrassment t yu when yu were grwing up.
    Paragraph 2:
    Yu see, when yu were very little, yu gt int a terrible accident, as a result f which yu lst ne f yur precius eyes. As a mther, I culdn't stand watching yu having t grw up with just ne eye. It was t much fr yu—a yung sul t endure such a cruel fact and a pssible future full f challenges. S I gave yu mine. I was s prud f my sn wh was seeing a whle new wrld fr me, in my place, with that eye.
    With all my lve t yu.
    Yur mther

    Paragraph 1:
    Ali lked up and saw the ther bys rushing ahead. Refusing t give up at this pint, he jumped t his feet and ran as fast as he culd. He dashed acrss the finishing line and wn the furth prize. Thinking he wuld let her sister dwn, Ali culdn't help sbbing. Just then he suddenly heard the annuncement frm the bradcast that he wn the third prize as the runner wh cllided with Ali was disqualified fr breaking the rule. Hlding the shes clse t his chest during the award ceremny, Ali felt verjyed and relieved as he eventually wn the shes fr his sister.
    Paragraph 2:
    Filled with pleasure, Ali walked hme quickly. He culd nt wait t see his sister and share the gd news. On his arrival, Ali fund Zahra was waiting utside. Nervus and anxius, Zahra wndered whether her brther had brught her what she was expecting. "Zahra, see what I have gt fr yu." Ali said excitedly, taking the prize ut f his bag with his trembling hands. The instant Zahra saw the shes, her face lit up. S thrilled was she that she threw herself at Ali. "Thank yu! Ali." Tears f jy welled up in their eyes as the brther and the sister hugged tightly tgether.

    答案:Paragraph 1:
    One night my mum tk me t Kate's hme. Our mums lked at each ther, nervus and wrried. Kate's mum asked us questins but we bth remained silent. I stared at the flr, angry and sad. Finally, I let everything ut with tears in my eyes. The huge burden in my mind was slwly lifted as we each talked abut hw we were feeling these days. T my relief, it was all ut. Suddenly, t my great surprise, Kate rse frm her seat, crssed the rm and hugged me with tears. Then I culd hardly hld back my tears and hugged her back.
    Paragraph 2:
    It has been five mnths since we brke up with each ther. Last weekend we played tgether again, laughed a lt and had a gd time. It makes me delighted that we are nt nly learning t care abut each ther mre but als treasure ur friendship. Nw I knw whenever I am asked abut my friends in high schl, Kate will be my best friend frever.
    解析: 略

    Paragraph 1:
    Tm nticed the flame was reaching up. Frzen with fear, he std rted t the spt. He cmprehended the gravity f the situatin and held Jane’s hand tightly. By then, bth f them were cughing and their eyes were stinging. Time seemed t stand still, thugh they were prbably there fr nly tw r three minutes. Tm begged Jane t run fr safety as quickly as pssible. Jane tried t shield her nse frm the chking smke and shk her head. She kept punding against the dr. Tm burst ut crying.
    Paragraph 2:
    Luckily, sme neighbrs passing by stpped and ffered help. A sense f strength immediately replaced the munting fear and anxiety in Jane’s mind. She tld them Ms. Makcik must be still in the rm. They frced the dr pen with all their might. Sure enugh, Makcik was lying in bed, uncnscius. She was carried dwnstairs and then rushed t the hspital, where she finally came t herself. Peple in the neighbrhd felt relieved and Jane and Tm’s jy was immense.
    解析: 略

    Several days later, when Jenny’s father came in t read her a stry, Jenny was waiting anxiusly fr him n the bed. When listening t the stry, Jenny was ttally absent- minded, with her hands hlding the necklace tightly and firmly. When the stry came t an end, unexpectedly, Jenny ffered her belved necklace t her father, with her fingers trembling autmatically. N ne knew what the necklace meant t her. She whispered t her father, sftly and gently, “ Daddy, yu knw I lve yu mre than the necklace.” Then, the necklace slid int her father’s hands determinedly.
    Hlding the plastic pearl his daughter ffered, his father dragged ut a blue bx. Much t Jenny’s amazement, a beautiful real pearl necklace lay peacefully in the bx, which set her heart racing. Jenny frze there, a thrilled expressin twisting her face. Befre Jenney was able t say smething, her father brushed a warm kiss n her face and gathered her int his arms. Hlding the genuine necklace in her hand, Jenny lifted her lip, tears beginning t blur her visin.

    Paragraph 1:
    Appraching the drway, Jenny tk a deep breath. When she kncked at the dr, she fund the dr was lcked and her mther was nt in. Tired and sad, she sat dwn in frnt f the huse. "Where culd my mther be?" she wndered. "Was she still angry with me?" Again, the scene f the quarrel appeared in her mind. She remembered her rudeness t her mther. Realizing that all the sclding frm her mther was due t the fact that her mther really cared a lt abut her, she felt rather ashamed, and tears began t rll dwn her cheeks.
    Paragraph 2:
    A gentle tuch n her hair called her mind back. She raised her head and saw the familiar face f her mther. "Here yu cme! I’ve been lking fr yu," she said, tired and relieved. Jenny culdn't help thrwing herself int her mther's arms. "Mum, I'm s srry and thank yu fr all yu have dne fr me." She expressed her sincere aplgy and great gratitude. Hearing this, her mther smiled patting her back gently.
    解析: 略

    答案:pssible versin:
    Eric stpped his car and fllwed the yung man. The yung man went up t a small mnument, and knelt dwn. He carefully put the flwers befre it and began t sb. “Dear mm, I lve yu. But hw I regret I didn’t tell it when yu were with me. I knew yu lved rses, but why didn’t I send the flwers t yu when I culd still see yu and talk with yu? Nw, yu have gne t anther wrld. Hw I regret I didn’t tell yu I lve yu s much!”
    Eric went int the car in tears. His mther’s hme wasn’t far frm here, but he hadn’t seen her fr t lng a time. He didn’t have a talk with her fr t lng a time and say hw much he lved her fr s lng a time. He turned the car and drve twards the rad quickly t the flwer shp. He asked the girl t give back the flwers because he wanted t send them persnally t his mm.

    Paragraph 1
    It was lng befre I went skating nce again, accmpanied by ne f my friends. This time I was careful and cautius, and my friend tk special care f me. I was s frtunate this time that I managed nt t fall dwn. Gradually I learned t skate well and became skillful. I felt very cnfident and n lnger scared.
    Paragraph 2
    Hwever, ever since then I haven't fund any time t g skating, it was nt because I d nt like skating, but because I am t busy wrking. I've learned a lt frm these tw skating experiences. We all have mments f desperatin. But if we can face them bravely, that's when we find ut hw strng we really are. Whatever yu d, yu must have the patience t d it as well as the skill. Remember: never get cnceited because f victry r lse heart in case f failure.
    Paragraph 1:
    It was lng befre I went skating nce again, and that was when we graduated frm the university. Our mnitr advised us all t g skating and I decided t fllw his advice althugh I still felt a tittle scared Sn we were active n the ice. One f my rmmates was very skillful and she patiently explained t me hw t start .Step by step, I was able t standup n the ice myself and headed ut a tittle, nt s steadily and I felt dwn many tunes. I was grateful t her fr I managed t skate that day, thugh I culdn't be tike thers, wh culd skate well.I had a nice time that day!
    Paragraph 2:
    Hwever, ever since then I haven't fund any time t g skating,because immediately I dived int the applying fr the suitable jbs. And then, frtunately I met my hney and gt married. As was expected, ne baby came int the wrld and was nw smiling t me every day. As fr the skating, maybe I culd be n the ice again when my baby is grwn up and asks me ne hundred times!
    4.文章使用到的短语或词汇:g skating去滑冰;fall dwn摔倒;skate well滑的好;take special care f 特殊照顾某人;scared害怕。

    答案:One pssible versin:
    After hearing the by's wrds, Pat felt srry fr his terrible experience and said at least that was a gd beginning. She still believed in the sentence stuck in her mind, s the English teacher made a deal with her students. Thugh she had nly a limited knwledge f Spanish, she decided she shuld use the language mre ften while her students shuld use English the same way.
    In rder t encurage her students t speak English y Pat als asked her students t tell their dreams in English while she did it in Spanish. It wrked. Several students tk turns t tell their dreams in fluent English. Amazingly, sme students culd finally dream in English, which made Pat almst jump with jy the mment she heard what her students said. She was nt jealus this time. One pssible explanatin fr this is that “ practice makes perfect”.
    解析: 略

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