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    人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section B图文ppt课件

    这是一份人教新目标 (Go for it) 版八年级下册Section B图文ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了Lead-in, 醒着的,Homework等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    T read and understand the material n pandas2. T learn t scan the passage t get specific infrmatin3. T knw the imprtance f saving endangered animals4. T learn new wrds: bamb, endangered, research, keeper, awake, excitement, walk int,fall ver ,r s, illness, wild, gvernment.
    Read the new wrds as lud as yu can in grups f six.
    bambendangeredresearchkeeperawakeexcitementwalk intfall ver
    n. 竹子adj. 濒危的n.&v. 研究;调查n. 饲养员;保管人adj. 醒着n. 激动;兴奋走路时撞着绊倒
    Wrds Review
    excite+ ment(名词后缀)
    r sillnesswildgvernment
    大约n. 疾病;病adj. 野生的n. 政府;内阁
    ill + ness(名词后缀)
    gvern+ ment(名词后缀)
    The giant panda is knwn as the natinal treasure f China.大熊猫被称为中国的“国宝”。
    What d yu knw abut pandas?
    living envirnment
    Talk abut pandas in yur class. Use these wrds t help yu.
    big bamb z ppular cute black and white Sichuan famus endangered beautiful frest prtect
    Wrk in grups f six. Take turns t tell a stry abut pandas. Each student in yur grup picks tw wrds r phrases frm the list t make sentences abut pandas in yur stry-telling.
    Nw let’s read the article t get mre infrmatin abut pandas. Then finish the fllwing tasks.
    Reading the article t find ut what these numbers mean: 10, 12, 300, 2,000.
    10 — Adult pandas eat 10 kils f bamb daily.
    300 — Abut 300 pandas live in zs r research centers in China r ther cuntries.
    2000 — Scientists say there are fewer than 2,000 pandas living in the frests.
    12 — Adult pandas spend mre than 12 hurs a day eating.
    Scanning (扫读):即直接搜寻数字,然后阅读数字前后的内容,确定数字表达的信息
    Wrk in pairs. Tell yur parter what the numbers mean with cmplete sentences.
    What is Lin Wei’s jb?2. What d the baby pandas have fr breakfast?
    Read the article again and underline the answers in the text.
    He is a panda keeper.
    Baby pandas drink milk fr breakfast.
    3. Why are pandas endangered?
    Pandas are endangered because they d nt have many babies, and the babies ften die frm illnesses and d nt live very lng. As the frests get smaller and ther human activities cause mre prblems, pandas cannt find enugh t eat and they are having fewer babies.
    4. What des the educatin prgram in Chengdu d?5. Why are scientists ding research?
    They send peple t schls t tell children abut the imprtance f saving pandas and ther endangered wild animals.
    They hpe t better understand the habits f pandas.
    Cmplete the sentences using wrds frm the passage.
    The panda _______ at the Chengdu Research Base are awake early in the mrning t ________ breakfast fr the baby pandas.In ______, pandas have becme s ___________ that they are nw a symbl f China.
    3. Adult pandas d nt have babies very _____, and sme f the babies nly live fr a shrt time because f _________.4. A special prgram in Chengdu teaches ________ abut why pandas are ___________.5. The Chinese gvernment is helping t _______ the pandas. Scientists als want t better ____________ the habits f pandas.
    Read the passage again and fill in the blanks.
    Baby pandas
    Number f pandas
    Ways t prtect pandas
    Only ______________________
    Babies ften die frm ________
    10 __________________ a day
    Fewer than 2000 __________________
    300 _______________________
    Teach _______. Tell them abut the __________ f saving pandas.
    Scientists are ding research ____________________________.
    ne every tw years
    kils f bamb
    in the frest
    in zs r research centers
    Try t retell the stry accrding t the clumn.
    t better understand the habits f pandas
    What ther ways d yu think children can help t save the pandas?
    1. D nt bther the pandas and let them live peacefully in the wild.2. Vlunteer t d sme wrk helping t prtect the pandas.3. T d sme advertisement abut prtecting the pandas.
    Fr example:
    Wrk in grups f six.
    Language pints
    Wrk in pairs t remember the underlined wrds and phrases.
    useful wrds and phrases
    成都研究基地 2. 醒着3. 兴奋的跑过去 4. 走路时撞到一位老人5. 绊倒 6. …….的一个象征7. 大约100公斤 8. 死于某种原因9. 拯救动物的重要性10. 努力做
    Chengdu Research Base
    run ver with excitement
    walk int an ld man
    ne hundred kils r s
    the imprtance f saving animals
    try hard t d sth.
    wake up/wake sb. up:_____________ be awake:______________
    1.翻译下列对话并说出红色字体单词的意思。Mum: Jim,please help me wake yur sister up.Jim: Wake her up?She wke up ne hur ag.Mum: Is she asleep nw?Jim: N,she is still awake.
    2.Chse the right answers
    fall ver :向前摔倒、跌倒。不接宾语fall dwn:滑倒、倒下。后接宾语时应加上介词frm.fall ff :跌落,从……掉下来。后直接接宾语I saw the little girl fall ver.The girl is falling ff the bike =The girl is falling dwn frm the bike.
    Tm _______ frm his bike dwn B.fell ver C.fell ff
    根据提示,填写单词。1.The bys were running with______ (excite)2.I didn’t sleep well last night.I was still_______(wake) until 3 ’ ____________ (政府) decides t build a remaining father died frm a strange ______(ill).5. We shuld try ur best t prtect the ___________ (濒危的) animals.6. She pretended t _________ (跌倒). 7. We stayed fr an hur ______ (大约).
    Can yu guess what the animal is?
    They are huge animals.They live in the sea.They can sing sngs.They can jump high ut f water.They are very clever and als very friendly.What are they?
    What d yu knw abut whales?
    Please lk at the pictures belw:
    The whales are in danger nw.What shuld we d t prtect them?
    Read the wrds and phrases abut whales. Put them in the crrect place in the chart.
    *Sme kinds have teeth
    *In the sea
    *Small fish and ther sea life
    *Jump high ut f the water
    1. Humans catch whales fr meat, fat and il
    2.Water pllutin
    3.Whale parts sld t make things like candles and sap
    1. Rules n whale prtectin2. Learn mre abut whales3. Stp putting rubbish int the sea
    4. Sing sngs (t make peple mre aware f the imprtance f prtecting whales)
    Write a paragraph abut whales and why they need t be prtected. Use the infrmatin in 3a. Then make a pster.
    Whales are… They live in…They eat… They can…One interesting fact is … Anther interesting fact is …Sme kinds f whales are in danger because…We shuld prtect whales frm …I think peple shuld/shuldn’t …
    Sample writing:
    Whales are huge animals. They live in the sea and eat small fish and ther sea life. One interesting fact is whales can jump high ut f water. Sme kinds f whales are in danger because humans catch them fr meat, fat, and il, and use whale parts t make candles and sap.
    Whales are als in danger frm water pllutin. We shuld prtect whales by making rules n whale prtectin and by nt putting rubbish int the sea. I think peple shuld learn mre abut whales.
    *be/ stay/ keep/ lie + awake: “醒着” *反义词:asleep: “睡着”
    1. At 9:00 a.m., they find that mst f the babies are already awake and hungry.
    她过去常常夜里躺在床上合不上眼,发愁怎样付账单。She used t lie awake at night wrrying abut hw t pay the bills.
    Language pints
    她是最后一个醒着的人。She was the last persn awake.他是当时唯一醒着的男孩。He was the nly by awake at that time.
    fully/wide awake “完全醒来;十分清醒” (注意:awake不与very搭配使用)
    等我们到达我的住所时,他已经完全清醒过来了。He was wide awake by the time we reached my flat.她站起身,但还没有完全清醒。She rse, still nt quite fully awake.
    1) 10 kils f bamb: “10公斤竹子”*该结构是不可数名词量的表达法: “数词+单位名词+f+名词” (其中单位名词可以是单数,也可是复数)2) spend … (in) ding sth. “花费……做某事”
    2. Adult pandas spend mre than 12 hurs a day eating abut 10 kils f bamb.
    造这座桥花了他们两年时间。They spent tw years (in) building this bridge.
    excitement: 不可数名词,“激动,兴奋”1) excite: 动词, “使激动,使兴奋”2) walk int: “(走路时意外)撞上”3) fall ver: “绊倒,跌倒,倒下”
    3. …they run ver t them with excitement and sme f the yung pandas even walk int their friends and fall ver!……它们兴奋地跑过来,有些甚至撞到同伴还摔倒了。
    他激动地哭喊着。He cried in excitement. 下楼时一定要注意,否则你可能会撞着别人。D be careful when yu g dwnstairs, r yu may walk int ther peple.暴风雨之后,许多树木都倒了。Many trees fell ver after the rainstrm.
    living in the frest:V-ing短语修饰前面的名词pandas,作其后置定语
    4. Scientist say there are nw fewer than 2000 pandas living in the frests. 科学家们说现在只有不到2000只大熊猫生活在森林里。
    现在操场上有十多个正在打篮球的男生。There are mre than 10 bys playing basketball n the playgrund nw.
    1) *anther: “另一,又一” anther + 基数词 + 名词 = 基数词 + ther + 名词2) *r s: “大约”,相当于abut/arund 数词/表时间的名词+ r s =abut/arund + 数词/表时间的名词
    5. Anther 300 r s live in zs r research centers in China and ther cuntries.另外还有300只左右生活在中国和其他国家的动物园或研究中心里。
    我们在那又待了三天。We stayed there fr anther three days.= We stayed there fr three ther days. 修这条路花费了他们大约三年时间。It tk them three years r s t build this rad. = It tk them abut/arund three years t build this rad.
    1) die frm/f + 死亡原因: “死于……”2) ill (adj. 生病的) + ness (名词后缀)→illness “疾病,病”(因病而导致的不健康状态) *adj. + ness →n. : 表示性质,状态 kind →kindness (仁慈) happy →happiness (幸福)
    6. The babies ften die frm illnesses and d nt live very lng. 熊猫宝宝常死于疾病,也活不了多久。
    他因病不能来。He can’t cme because f illness. 老张上周因病去世了。Mr. Zhang died frm illness last week.
    注: 另附wrd文档。 点击此处链接
    I. 根据提示,填写单词。 I knw yu’re really ______ (醒着的), yu’re just having a jke with me.2. We shuld try ur best t ______ (保护) endangered animals. 3. Mst f the giant pandas live in the ___________ (西南部的) hills f China.
    4. The news caused great e_________ (激动) amng her friends. 5. A h ____ (巨大的) fire was blazing in the fireplace.6. We shuld try ur best t prtect the ___________ (濒危的) animals.7. She pretended t _________ (跌倒). 8. We stayed fr an hur ______ (大约).
    II. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. Lk! Tm is staying in bed ______ (wake).2. The number f pandas is _____ (tw) as many as befre.3. Lins spend at least 8 hurs _______ (sleep) during the daytime.
    III. 翻译下列句子。 他太高兴了,不小心撞到了老师身上跌倒了。我们应该花些时间做个详细的计划去保护濒危动物。
    He was s excited that he walked int his teacher and fell ver.
    We shuld spend sme time making a detailed plan t prtect the endangered animals.
    1. be / stay / keep / lie + awake2. shake sb. awake3. awake作定语时要后置4. fully awake / wide awake 完全醒来;十分清醒5. 数词+单位名词+f+名词6. spend … (in) ding sth. 花费……做某事
    Nw 2 minutes t test yur spelling.
    Spelling Bee
    1. English-Chinese bamb, keeper, illness, artwrk, gvernment, whale, il, prtectin2. Chinese-English 濒危的;研究;醒着;激动;走路时撞着;绊倒;遗留的;大约;野生的;巨大的
    When finishing, exchange yur papers t see wh des the best.
    1. Write a passage abut what peple can d t prtect the endangered animals.
    2. Finish the exercises in Learning English.3. Preview 3a-3b n P55-56.
    1.This class we have learnedt scan the passage t get specific infrmatin2. We have learned t knw the imprtance f saving endangered animals3.We have learned new wrds: bamb, endangered,research, keeper, awake, excitement,walk int,fall ver,r s, illness, wild, gvernment.
    Listen and answer the fllwing questins.
    D pandas have many babies?2. Why d the panda babies ften die?3. Can yu pint ut ne way t help save pandas?
    Pandas d nt have many babies, maybe nly ne every tw years.
    Because f illnesses.
    Teaching children abut the imprtance f saving pandas is ne way t help save pandas.
    Skimming and scanning
    Skimming and scanning are tw fast reading skills t help t brwse text and extract the key pints. The skills require practice, but nce yu have gt the hang f them yu’ll find yu can get thrugh a substantial amunt f reading in quite a shrt time. These reading methds make it easier fr yu t grasp large amunts f material, especially when yu're previewing. They are als useful when yu dn't need t knw every wrd.
    运用扫读(scanning)迅速浏览从第三句开始的后面部分,搜寻作者对开头两句的支持句(supprting sentences),并同时注意文章中间是否有转折词(transitin),因为这些词常常会把文章的思路逆转或加入其它重要的信息。当读到段落的最后一句时,我们又要使用略读,这时必须再次放慢速度(slw dwn yur pace)直到完全消化作者对段落的小结(cnclusin),因为该小结有可能与主题句截然相反或引导读者进入下一个段落。
    略读(skimming)只看文章标题、下标题以及每个部分或者段落第一行,关注文章中反复出现的关键词。 略读时,要用充足的时间读懂段落的第一句和第二句,因为第一句往往是该段的主题句(tpic sentence),而第二句往往是对前句的延伸(extensin)或进一步的解释(explanatin)。
    There is a family f pandas living in a frest.
    The father and mther are black and white.
    The baby panda is pink but it is very cute.
    The pandas eat a lt f bamb every day.
    Reading the Title and First SentencesThe title can be helpful fr yu t understand a text. It is als a gd idea t read the first sentence f each paragraph befre yu read the whle text.
    Reading strategy
    certain infrmatin
    titles and headings
    the first and last sentences f paragraphs
    the first and last paragraphs
    pictures and charts
    Scan the text frkey wrds and phrases, dates, etc.
    D nt need tread the whle text.
    Reading Tips
    阅读时,可根据阅读任务的不同,综合运用略读(skimming)与扫读(scanning) 。提高快速阅读水平。
    Check the hmewrk.
    2. Preview 3a-3b n P55-56.

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