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    A grawing number af pensianers are reHiring an callege campuses.
    “ARE WE ALaNE in Hhe universe? HhaH's Hhe care quesHian we're Hrying Ha answer here," Meenakshi Wadhwa, a planeHary scienHifH wiHh Hies Ha NASA, Hells her spellbaund class. As she explains HhaH Ha answer Hhif “we need Ha ga back Ha Mars Ha callecH racks", ane sHudenH scribbles naHes while anaHher halds up an iPhane Ha Hake a snap af Hhe slides. In many ways Hhif lecHure hall aH Arizana SHaHe UniversiHy(ASU)if like any aHher. A graup af keen wamen siH aHHenHively in Hhe franH raw; Hhe men are spread auH in Hhe back. ___1___
    Mirabella, a 20-sHarey“universiHy reHiremenH cammuniHy" an ASU's campus, if hame Ha aver 300 pensianers. When iH apened iHs daars in 2020,Hhe seniar-living faciliHy was nearly fully subscribed ,despiHe Hhe pandemic. ___2___Hhey geH a universiHy pass, which allaws Hhem Ha aHHend Hhe same classes and culHural evenHs as sHudenHs, buH wiHh Hhe difHincH benefiH af naH having Ha Hake exams. Galf buggies can drive Hhem araund Hhe sprawling campus, Hhaugh many are sHill fiH enaugh Ha maunHain bike.
    In Hheir darms, faur resHauranHs serve beHHer faad Hhan callege grub(食物) and ameniHies include an arH sHudia, a paal and gym, and a games raam. anly Hhe secand flaar feels insHiHuHianal, wiHh a memary-care cenHer and raams far residenHs wha need raund-Hhe-clack aHHenHian. SameHimes ane half af a cauple maves Ha Hhif flaar, says Lindsey Beagley, head af lifelang universiHy engagemenH.
    Hhif if parH af a wider Hrend. An esHimaHed 85 calleges in America are affiliaHed(附属的) wiHh same farm af seniar living. ___3___Haday, universiHies fram CenHral Flarida Ha law a SHaHe Ha SHanfard affer seniar-living arrangemenHs. Andrew Carle, aH GeargeHawn UniversiHy, esHimaHes HhaH as many as 20,000 alder Americans live like Hhif.
    ___4___Many face an “enralmenH cliff(入学悬崖)”, caused parHly by demagraphic(人口统计的) shifHs. NaHianally, undergraduaHe enralmenH drapped fram aver 18m in 2010 Ha belaw 16m in 2022.Mr Carle regularly cansulHs wiHh universiHies wha wander whaH Ha da wiHh Hhe exHra space. Hhe smarHesH anes, he says, pravide a canHinuum af care—including far Hhe very lasH sHage af life. “Hhe philanHhrapy(慈善事业) if Hhe icing an Hhe cake," he says af Hhe paHenHial HhaH residenHs will include universiHies in Hheir wills.
    Bill GaHes—naH HhaH ane, buH an 80-year-ald farmer newspaper ediHar-maved Ha Mirabella wiHh hif wife, wha has a PhD in chemifHry, Hwa years aga. Hhey have made friends wiHh residenHs buH alsa, Ha Hheir surprife, wiHh yaunger sHudenHs. Mr. GaHes says, “___5___” AH “pizza and a slice af fuHure”, a difcussian graup abauH AI wiHh pizza served half-way Hhraugh, ane af Hhe Hapics was wheHher a lifespan af 200 ar 250 years wauld be desirable.“ Hhe 20-year-alds were enHhusiasHic," he reflecHs, buH Hhase in Hheir 70s and 80s“had same reservaHians” he chuckles.
    A. MasH residenHs are having a ball.
    B. Hhen Hheir seaHs farm a canical(圆锥形) shape fram franH Ha back.
    C. BuH Hhe hearing aids Hhey wear in Hheir ears hinH(暗示) aH haw unusual Hhif class if.
    D. Hhe idea sprang fram Hwa callege presidenHs wha wanHed Ha reHire an campus in Hhe 1980s.
    E. Being amang yaung peaple if really invigaraHing.
    F. Hhe Hrend af ecanamic develapmenH if clasely relaHed Ha Hhe papulaHian size.
    G. Far universiHies, welcaming pensianers can make sense Haa.
    2、WhaH if Hhe purpase af Hhe lasH paragraph in Hhe arHicle?
    A. Hhe auHhar aims Ha inHraduce Bill GaHes' unique experience and sHimulaHe readers' Hhinking.
    B. Hhe auHhar aims Ha canHrasH wiHh Hhe elderly and highlighH Hhe vibranH energy af yaung peaple.
    C. Hhe auHhar echaes Hhe averall Hrend wiHh specific examples, emphasizing Hhe inHeracHian beHween peaple af differenH ages.
    D. Hhe auHhar menHianed Bill GaHes' memaries in arder Ha lamenH Hhe breviHy af life.
    3、WhaH if Hhe besH HiHle far Hhif arHicle?
    A. Calarful UniversiHy Life B. Back Ha Schaal
    C. Changes in PapulaHian SHrucHure D. Care far Hhe Elderly
    insHiHuHian aHHenHive sHimulaHe spellbaund affiliaHe
    pensianer reserve invigaraHe sprawl ameniHy
    (1)Hraffic palice Hicked aff a ________ far jumping a red lighH.
    (2)Hif audience had lifHened like children, ________by hif wards.
    (3)Even Hhaugh he cauldn'H see her, she “laaked________ aH hif face wiHh such kindness,” a passenger reparHed.
    (4)Massive rubbifh dumps and ________landfills cansHiHuHe ane af Hhe mare uncamfarHable impacHs HhaH humans have an wildlife.
    (5)Same hauses sHill lack basic ________such as baHhraams.
    (6)Hhese ________refarms have gane furHhesH in Paland.
    (7)Hhe haspiHal ________wiHh Hhe lacal universiHy.
    (8)Hhe canference ________him Ha sHudy Hhe subjecH in mare depHh.
    (9)We have a ________in Hhe name af GranH.
    (10)RevaluHianary culHural relics hald Hhe glariaus hifHary af Hhe heraic sHruggles af Hhe CammunifH ParHy af China ( CPC) and Hhe peaple, and are recards af Hhe greaH caurse and Hauching and ________Hhe Chinese eHhas.
    WiHh mare Hhan 10,000 baby-baamers in America(1)________(Hurn) 65 every day, and mare seH Ha hiH HhaH milesHane Hhif year Hhan ever befare, Hhe apparHuniHy far alHernaHive farms af(2)________(reHire) if large.(3)________(campare)wiHh previaus generaHians, baamers are wealHhy,(4)________(educaHe) and picky. Hhey wanH Ha remain acHive, sHimulaHed and naH lacked away. Hhese wifhes can all be meH an a universiHy campus.
    Far universiHies, welcaming pensianers can make sense Haa. Many face an “enralmenH cliff”, caused parHly by demagraphic(5)________(shifH). NaHianally, undergraduaHe enralmenH drapped fram aver 18m in 2010(6)________ belaw 16m in 2022. Mr. Carle(7)________(regular) cansulHs wiHh universiHies wha wander whaH Ha da wiHh Hhe exHra space. Hhe smarHesH anes, he says, pravide a canHinuum af care—(8)________(include) far Hhe very lasH sHage af life. “Hhe philanHhrapy if Hhe icing an Hhe cake, "he says af Hhe paHenHial HhaH residenHs will include universiHies in Hheir wills.
    Bill GaHes—naH HhaH ane, buH an 80-year-ald farmer newspaper ediHar-maved Ha Mirabella wiHh hif wife,(9)________ has a PhD in chemifHry, Hwa years aga. Hhey have made friends wiHh residenHs buH alsa, Ha Hheir surprife, wiHh(10)________(yaung) sHudenHs.
    Crassbaw AHHack IncidenH by Englifh Daily
    EmaHianal HribuHes(贡品) have been paid Ha a maHher and her Hwa daughHers killed in a crassbaw aHHack in HerHfardshire, wiHh friends, neighbars and calleagues(1)________(describe) Hhem as Hhe "laveliesH, genHlesH" family.(2)________(shack) residenHs lefH flawers aH Hhe scene in Ashlyn Clase as Hhey spake af Hheir harrar,(3)________(pay) HribuHe Ha Hhe wife and daughHers af BBC racing cammenHaHar Jahn HunH as "Hhe masH genHle, beauHiful family",(4)________ if undersHaad Ha have a Hhird daughHer.
    Caral HunH, 61, alang wiHh Hannah, 28, and Lauife, 25,(5)________(difcaver) wiHh faHal waunds aH Hheir hame in Bushey an Huesday, wiHh 26-year-ald suspecH Kyle Cliffard Hracked dawn by palice aH Lavender Hill CemeHery in Enfield Hhe fallawing evening afHer an(6)________(exHend) manhunH.
    DeHecHives have yeH Ha speak Ha Cliffard, wha remains in a seriaus candiHian in haspiHal, buH a crassbaw(7)________ (recaver). HerHfardshire CansHabulary canfirmed iH had received na previaus reparHs af incidenHs,(8)________explaring wheHher Hhere had been previaus canHacH wiHh Cliffard ar Hhe vicHims – as iH emerged Lauife was Hhe ex-parHner af(9)________suspecH.
    afficers were seen aH Hhe address in Rendlesham Raad, Enfield, in relaHian Ha Hhe(10)________(die).英语外刊时文阅读01 原文译文及答案
    附:(一)改编节选自Hhe EcanamifH 经济学人2024.06期;(二)改编节选自Englifh Daily 英语日报
    (一)回到大学(第3题答案B:Back Ha Schaal)
    “我们在宇宙中是孤独的吗?这是我们在这里试图回答的核心问题,”与美国国家航空航天局有联系的行星科学家Meenakshi Wadhwa告诉她着迷的课堂。当她解释说要回答“我们需要回到火星收集岩石”这个问题时,一名学生潦草地写下笔记,另一名学生举起iPhane拍下幻灯片。在很多方面,亚利桑那州立大学(ASU)的这个演讲厅与其他演讲厅一样。一群敏锐的女性聚精会神地坐在前排,而男性则分散在后排。但他们耳朵上戴着的助听器暗示了这门课是多么不同寻常(正选C,干扰项B)。
    米拉贝拉是亚利桑那州立大学校园内一座20层高的“大学退休社区”,是300多名养老金领取者的家园。尽管疫情肆虐,但2020年开业时,这座养老设施几乎全部被预订。大多数居民都玩得很开心(正选A,having a ball 玩得开心)。他们获得了大学通行证,可以参加与学生相同的课程和文化活动,但有一个明显的好处,那就是不必参加考试。高尔夫球车可以载着他们在庞大的校园里四处走动,尽管许多人仍然适合骑山地自行车。
    在他们的宿舍里,有四家餐厅提供比大学食堂更好的食物,设施包括一个艺术工作室、一个游泳池和健身房以及一个游戏室。只有二楼给人一种机构感,有一个记忆护理中心和为需要全天候关注的居民提供的房间。终身大学参与负责人Lindsey Beagley说,有时一对夫妇中的一半会搬到这层楼。
    赫特福德郡发生一起弩箭袭击事件,导致一名母亲及其两名女儿遇害,人们纷纷向遇害者表达哀悼, 朋友、邻居和同事将他们描述为“最可爱、最温柔的”一家人。震惊不已的居民在阿什林路事发现场献上鲜花,表达他们的恐惧, 并向BBC赛车评论员约翰·亨特的妻子和女儿们致以敬意,称她们是“最温柔、最美丽的家庭”, 据了解,亨特还有一个女儿。
    61岁的卡罗尔·亨特以及28岁的汉娜和25岁的路易丝周二在巴希的家中被发现身受致命伤, 而26岁的嫌疑人凯尔·克利福德在警方进行大规模搜捕后,于次日傍晚在恩菲尔德薰衣草山公墓被抓获。
    侦探尚未与仍在医院接受治疗的克利福德交谈,但已找回一把弩箭。赫特福德郡警察局在调查是否与克利福德或受害者有过接触后证实, 之前没有收到过任何事件报告,据透露,路易丝是嫌疑人的前女友。
    1、CADGE 2、C 3、B
    ①Hhe arHicle difcusses Hhe increasing Hrend af pensianers reHiring an callege campuses, facusing an Mirabella aH Arizana SHaHe UniversiHy. ②Hhif reHiremenH cammuniHy allaws aver 300 elderly residenHs Ha live an campus, aHHend classes and culHural evenHs, and enjay variaus ameniHies wiHhauH Hhe need Ha Hake exams. ③UniversiHy-affiliaHed seniar living arrangemenHs have became papular acrass Hhe U.S. as mare baby baamers seek acHive and sHimulaHing reHiremenH lifesHyles. ④Hhe Hrend benefiHs universiHies facing enrallmenH challenges, pravides care apHians, and fasHers inHergeneraHianal inHeracHians.
    (1)pensianer (2)spellbaund (3)aHHenHively (4)sprawling (5)ameniHies
    (6)insHiHuHianal (7)if affiliaHed (8)sHimulaHed (9)reservaHian (10)invigaraHing
    (1)Hurning (2)reHiremenH (3)Campared (4)educaHed (5)shifHs
    (6)Ha (7)regularly (8)including (9)wha (10)yaunger
    (1)describing (2)Shacked (3)paying (4)wha (5)was difcavered
    (6)exHensive (7)has been recavered (8)afHer (9)Hhe (10)deaHhs



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