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    1.全卷满分90分。考试时间为90分钟。试题包含选择题和非选择题。考生答题全部答在答题卡上, 答在本试卷上无效。
    2.请认真核对监考教师在答题卡上所粘贴条形码的姓名、考试证号是否与本人相符合,再将 自己的姓名、考试证号用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔填写在答题卡及本试卷上。
    3.答选择题必须用2B铅笔将答题卡上对应的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,请用橡皮擦干净后, 再选涂其他答案。答非选择题必须用0. 5毫米黑色墨水签字笔写在答题卡的指定位置,在其他位置答题一律无效。
    1.Frm the dialgue, what infrmatin can we get?
    A.Yu shuld tip everywhere in the USA.
    B.lf yu hire a tur guide in the USA, yu needn’t tip him
    C.lf the bill is 120 dllars. yu must give a tip f 25 dllars.
    D.When yu g t hspital, yu needn’t tip dctrs in the USA.
    2.The skirt lks nice__________ Rse because she lks very nice _______ red.
    A.n; inB.in; nC.fr; nD.t; in
    3.—Wuld yu like t play table tennis with me this afternn?
    —I'd like t. ________ I'm afraid I have n time.
    4.—Yu recmmend me t wear an range shirt tday, right?
    —Yes. ________ range can bring yu gd luck, it is gd fr yur interview.
    5.—D yu have any difficulty in English?
    —N, in fact I find ________.
    A.it very easy t learn EnglishB.it very easy learnt
    C.it’s very easy learningD.very easy t learn
    6.I dn’t knw ________ r nt she studies hard. ________ she des, she will get gd marks.
    A.if; IfB.whether; WhetherC.whether; IfD.if; Whether
    7.— A nice day, isn’t it? Which d yu prefer, fishing by the river ____ reading at hme?
    —Hmm…I d sme reading at hme.
    A.t; wuld ratherB.r; wuld ratherC.t; preferD.r; prefer
    8.As everybdy knws, learning a freign language ________ time and effrt.
    9.---Why dn’t yu get used t the life in Beijing?
    ---_______ the crwded traffic _________ the high living cst. The nly reasn is the badly plluted air.
    A.Nt nly; but alsB.Either; rC.Bth; andD.Neither; nr
    10.—What d yu think f Jane?
    —She’s a(n) ____ girl and always interested in anything new.
    11.Lucy turns ut t be the next chairpersn f the Students’ Unin. She never ________ althugh she is the tp student in ur schl.
    A.turns ffB.shws ffC.puts ffD.gives ff
    12.—I hear music and art will enter the Entrance Examinatin fr the high schl.
    —Yes. But dn’t wrry. Nthing will be difficult if mre attentin t them.
    A.will payB.will be paidC.is paidD.was paid
    13.—Attentin please. Yur prject ________ be finished by the end f this week.
    —But we are up t ur necks in wrk. ________ we finish it the next week?
    A.can; MayB.need; Can
    C.must; CanD.must; Need
    14.—What did yu learn in gegraphy class yesterday?
    —I learned that the sun ________ in the east.
    A.was risingB.risesC.rseD.is rising
    15.-Gd cks are all men
    - ___________. In my family, my mther cks better than my father.
    A.That's trueB.That's all rightC.That's nt the caseD.That's it
    Ye Lianping is a retired (退休的) English teacher in Anhui Prvince. But he desn’t stp teaching and has wrked as a vlunteer teacher in Buchen village fr ver 30 years. Fr Ye, teaching has 16 been part f his life.
    In 1928, Ye was brn in Qingda. When Ye was yung, his father wrked at the American Embassy (大使馆) in Nanjing, s he had a gd 17 t learn fluent (流利的) English frm the wrkers there. Later, he 18 an evening schl t teach peple t read. In 1978, he started t wrk as a middle schl teacher in Buchen village. Since then, teaching has taken up mst f his time. Ye retired at the age f 63, but his lve f teaching didn’t 19 . Ye ffered free English classes t children whse parents wrked in ther cities.
    Ye lives a 20 life with his wife in a small and ld huse. As he has n child f his wn, 21 the children are in need, they can eat and live in Ye’s huse fr free. T save mney fr children’s 22 , Ye never wastes mney, even a bttle f water. Hwever, he uses his mney t take his students t visit museums every summer vacatin. Fr Ye, teaching isn’t a tiring jb. Instead, he thinks it is imprtant. When he sees his students 23 with thers in English in public, he is filled with pride (骄傲) .
    In 2012, Ye dnated a lt f mney t Ye Lianping Schlarship Fund. Deeply 24 by his stry, mre and mre peple have cme t supprt him in recent years. Althugh Ye is ver 90 years ld, he hpes he can race 25 time t spend as much time as pssible n educatin. “My time is limited and I hpe t spend the rest f my life n the pdium (讲台). I want t stay with my students,” said Ye.
    18.A.gt upB.came upC.set upD.made up
    三、阅读理解(共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    请认真阅读下列材料, 从材料后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答 题卡上将该项涂黑。
    26.What will the babysitter d accrding t the advertisement?
    A.Wrk in the mrningB.Take care f a 5-year-ld girl
    C.Never wrk at weekendsD.Lk after the baby at the master’s hme
    27.If the babysitter wrks fr a week, hw much will he get at mst?
    28.The abve advertisement is mst prbably taken frm a (an)________.
    A.game websiteB.daily newspaper
    C.travel guidebkD.science magazine
    It was still light ut, and Dad wasn’t hme yet. He wrked all day cleaning pls. My brther and I spent as much f the day as we culd n the basketball. Hlding a ball and sending it int the air and waiting fr it t drp int the basket felt like magic—all the prblems f the wrld seemed t g away. Dad nce tld me he felt pretty much the same way abut cleaning pls. It was like being a magician, he said, turning the water frm cludy t clear.
    Dad came hme and std a mment by the side f the car, and fr a mment he clsed his eyes. “Many peple culdn’t affrd t clean their pls anymre because f lsing their jbs.” Dad said.
    “Want t sht (投篮) a few balls, Dad?” I asked, knwing hw much he lved basketball.
    “Sure,” he said, pening his eyes and smiling. “Why nt?”
    My brther passed the ball t him, and Dad caught it as if catching a ball was as natural t him as breathing.
    Dad used t play basketball in high schl, but that was a lng time ag. I lve watching Dad sht.
    Each f his shts is perfect s that the ball drps cleanly thrugh the rim (篮筐). It is ne f my favrite sunds.
    After Dad warmed up and said he was ready t start. Dad held the ball in bth hands between his knees, bent (弯曲) his legs, and lked up at the basket. It lked like he was a chicken getting ready t lay an egg. By sme miracle (奇迹) the basketball drpped straight int the basket.
    “What a sht!” Dad shuted. “Lks like I’ve still gt the tuch!” He did a little victry dance, and he smiled in a way that I’d never seen him smile in a lng time.
    As it gt darker, each f us tk shts n the curt (球场). “What abut anther game?” my brther asked, even thugh it was almst t dark t see the ball.
    “Maybe tmrrw,” Dad answered. “I think yur mm is waiting.”
    I knew hw rare it wuld be fr Dad t find time t play with my brther and me lately. I wished we culd d this mre ften. The time he spent shting baskets with us cheered him up. When he was happy it felt like everything fitted int place, including the basketball, which drpped thrugh the net withut even tuching the rim.
    29.Accrding t the passage, which wrds can best describe the father?
    A.Cnfident and brave.B.Cnfident but serius.
    C.Hard-wrking but bring.D.Hard-wrking and hpeful.
    30.What can we infer frm this passage?
    A.Dad lst his jb like ther peple.B.I ften played basketball at schl.
    C.I learned hw t play basketball frm Dad.D.Dad wasn’t in high spirit when he gt hme.
    31.Which is the best title fr this stry?
    A.A Basketball Match B.Father and Sns C.Shting with DadD.Miracle n the Cur
    The pem “Grass n the Ancient Plain in Farewell t a Friend” is a famus pem by Bai Juyi f the Tang Dynasty. Thrugh the descriptin f the weeds (野草) n the ancient plain, the pem expresses the feeling f farewell t a friend. His friendship is like the vergrwn grass n the ancient plain. It can be seen as an de (颂歌) t weeds and life. The first fur lines fcus n the beauty f the life f the weeds thrugh time, while the secnd fur lines fcus n their beauty f ne time. The pem “Wild fire can’t burn them up again; They rise when vernal breezes blw.” shws a kind f “difficulty” and has been recited fr thusands f years.
    This pem is the authr’s practice wrk fr the examinatin. Accrding t the recrd, the authr entered the capital fr the first time. When he visited the famus peple Gu Kuang, he shwed this pem. At first, Gu Kuang lked at the yung man and said, “Living is nt easy with rice prices here staying high.” Althugh he was jking abut Bai Juyi’s name, he als meant smething mre: the capital was nt a gd place t make a living. Hwever, after reading the tw lines f “wildfire can’t burned”, he can’t help appreciating (欣赏) it and said: “Living can be easy with great sight (洞察力).” And it was widely praised. It can be seen that this pem was thught highly f at that time.
    32.Which f the fllwing rhymes with “plain”?
    33.What did the writer want t express with the weeds n the ancient plain?
    A.The feeling f farewell t a friend.B.The hard life in the capital.
    C.A kind f difficulty.D.The beauty f the life f the weeds.
    34.What des underlined wrd “srrw” in the pem mean?
    35.Accrding t the passage, which f the fllwing is true?
    A.Bai Juyi wrte the pem fr his friend Gu Kuang.
    B.Gu Kuang appreciated the language in the pem.
    C.Gu Kuang liked jking abut thers’ names.
    D.Gu Kuang didn’t think Bai Juyi culd make a living in the capital.
    A mbile phne is used by almst everyne tday. Hwever, many peple cannt get rid f (摆脱) mbile phnes because phnes have becme part f daily life.
    As the addictin (瘾) t the smartphne has becme a serius prblem, it causes many prblems in life. Mst phne users lk dwn at their phnes fr a lng time. When hunching (弓背) r bending their neck, they put serius pressure (压力) n the neck and backbne. And this will cause a sre back r a neck ache. Accrding t studies, as high as 45% f the yung peple frm age 16 t 24 these days suffer back pain because f the heavy usage f smartphnes. Als, trying t fcus n and lk at the screen f the phne fr a lng time will discmfrt eyes and may cause lss f visin (视力) . Besides, if smene brings the phne t sleep with, he r she will uncnsciusly (无意地) spend mre time n the phne than sleep. It’s true that phnes make life mre cnvenient, but that desn’t mean they can take cntrl f life.
    T get rid f phnes, yu can create a phne-free time. Fr example, turn ff yur phne r stp it frm the Internet after 8:00 P. M. At that time, yu can spend time n anything but phne s that yu wn’t check n yur phne. Just like smking, phne addictin is a habit. Yu must replace the habit with anther if yu want t change it. S find a few things t d whenever yu are nt using yur phne, such as reading a bk r exercising.
    Of curse, it’s nt easy t get rid f a habit and the beginning is the mst challenging. That’s why having a strng idea really makes a big difference. Remember, d nt let yur phne becme yur _________ and yu becme its servant (仆人) .
    36.Which ne can shw the number f the yung peple aged 16-24 wh have a sre back?
    (stand fr the number)
    37.Which wrd can be the mst suitable in the blank “_________”?
    38.Which is the right rder accrding t the passage?
    ①The ways t get rid f phne addictin.
    ②The imprtance f a strng mind.
    ③The cause f cell phne addictin.
    ④The prblems caused by cell phne addictin.
    39.Hw des the writer explain the ways t get rid f phne addictin?
    A.By telling a stry.B.By listing sme numbers.
    C.By cmparing tw facts.D.By giving an example.
    40.What’s the purpse f the passage?
    A.The writer wants t tell students nt t use cell phnes.
    B.The writer wants phne-users nt t be addicted t phnes.
    C.The writer wants t tell us the imprtance f smart phnes.
    D.The writer wants t tell us the bad effects caused by game addictin.
    41.As lng as yu are happy, it desn’t (重要) what yu will d.
    42.When students are in Grade 9, they feel mre (压力)than befre.
    43.Everybdy sat (沉默) at the meeting, nt saying a wrd.
    44.Have yu (处理)with thse students’ prblems?
    45.In English learning, (发音) crrectly is as imprtant as crrect spelling.
    46.Many peple think yellw is the clur f (wise).
    47.Wh vlunteered t paint thse (Germany) huses?
    48.When yu feel tired, Mrs. Rainbw suggests (use) red.
    49.When the firemen fund him after the earthquake, he remained (wake).
    50.I bught the huse (simple) because it was large.
    This netwrk prgramme based n clud prvides a great deal f 51 infrmatin. There are many things t d. Fr example, yu can use it t travel nline. When seeing the wnderful wrks f art, yu will be surprised like the freign visitrs wh 52 can’t believe their eyes. If yu have difficulty 53 yur prblem in yur daily life, there are als ways yu can find. S dn’t 54 , try the prgramme whenever yu need. Yu will find it easy t live a better life, just like playing a game, “A by ges int 55 when his father lks fr him”.
    五、阅读填空(共20小题;每小题1分, 满分20分)
    In ur life, there are many chices which may be the turning pint in ur lifetime. S we must make them c 56 . Let’s see hw Mike and Kirsty make their wn chices.
    Mike’s parents didn’t get a gd educatin. He was the f 57 persn in his family t g t university, and when he left schl, he fund a jb in a bank in Lndn. At first Mike e 58 it, and after ten years he had a gd place and gt well paid but he hated it. He needed a jb which was w 59 ding, s he decided t becme a teacher. Nw he is taking a teacher training curse and next week he will start teaching practice. Then he’s ging t lk fr a lng-term jb. Mike hpes he can make a d 60 t the yung peple he’ll teach. He thinks it’s the right c 61 fr him!
    Kirsty left schl at 16 and learned abut fd at her parents’ health fd shp. Kirsty was allergic (过敏的) t m 62 and nuts, and she culdn’t find any n-milk ice cream she culd eat. S she b 63 a cheap ice cream machine and made her wn ice cream in her kitchen. Her family and friends all lved it, and she decided t s 64 a business. Because f the cheap and healthy meal, it sn became a big s 65 . Nw yu can buy her ice cream in mst UK supermarkets, and sn she’s taking it t the USA.
    What d yu learn frm their stries? What chice will yu make in the future?
    Nbdy likes making mistakes. But, n ne is perfect. If yu can learn frm mistakes crrectly, they can mve yu frward. Therefre, we shuld find ut hw yu can learn frm them.
    If yu have made mistakes that harm ther peple, it is imprtant t ffer a sincere aplgy (道歉) in persn. A gd aplgy will likely make the ther persn understand yu. If yu refuse t aplgize, the persn hurt by yu will hld it against yu.
    If yu g thrugh life afraid t make a mistake, yu will spend mst f yur life ding nthing. Peple usually make mistakes. There is n harm in making mistakes, and it is a necessary part f ging frward. The mre duties yu take, the mre likely yu will make mistakes.
    Unluckily, it is ur natural instinct (本能) t justify(为……辩解) ur actins. When yu make a mistake, yu will first blame (责备) smene else. When mistakes are made, the bss is unlikely t be interested in yur wrds. Smetimes it is best t say, very simply—yes, I made a mistake.
    Mistakes happen fr different reasns. T avid repeating them, yu need t find the main reasn. Fr example, yu may have made a mistake by saying sme unkind wrds. If yu make mistakes because yu are tired, try t get mre sleep; if yu are stressed, lk at ways t relax and keep away frm the stress f wrk.
    Yu shuld avid feeling guilty abut making mistakes, but at the same time, yu shuld make a decisin t learn frm them. If yu repeat the same mistakes, it shws yu aren’t making prgress and they cause repeating truble. Often mistakes are caused by bad habits. T avid making the same mistakes, yu need t break these bad habits. The sner, the better.
    76.假如你是Millie,你要写一封推荐信给班主任Mr. Wang,告诉他你想推荐Sandy做你们班的班长。请根据下列信息,写完这封信。
    1. 词数100左右;
    2. 根据要点适当发挥2到3句,注意句意连贯。
    Dear Mr. Wang,
    I’m writing t recmmend Sandy t be ur mnitr. I think she has many strng qualities fr this psitin. Sandy is ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    I hpe that yu can agree with me.
    Yurs sincerely,
    A: In the USA, it is gd t tip in htels, restaurants, taxis, and f curse, yur tur guide.
    B: Hw much d I give?
    A: Abut 10%-15%.
    Babysitter WantedD yu like children? D yu have free time in the afternn? We need a babysitter fr ur sn. He is five years ld. Hurs are 3:00 p.m. t 6:00 p.m. frm Mnday t Friday. Smetimes yu have t wrk n the weekend. Pay is $10 each hur.
    Fr the jb, yu will: Watch my sn.
    Read t him. Play with him.
    Yu will wrk at ur huse. We live in Furth Rad, near Fashin Clthes Stre. Please call Heather n 0423-498892.
    Grass n the Ancient Plain (草原) in Farewell (告别) t a Friend By Bai Juyi
    Wild grasses spread ver ancient plain;
    With spring and fall they cme and g.
    Wild fire can’t burn them up again;
    They rise when vernal breezes blw.
    Their fragrance verruns the way;
    Their green invades the ruined twn.
    T see my friend g far away;
    My srrw grws like grass vergrwn.
    hide, lse heart, value, slve, simple, deal
    Hw t learn frm mistakes
    Say srry 66 .
    A sincere face-t-face aplgy helps him 67 yu.
    Dn’t be a perfectinist (完美主义者).
    It is 68 that peple make mistakes. A persn wh takes mre duties will make 69 mistakes.
    Dn’t 70 time trying t justify mistakes.
    When a mistake is 71 , yu’d better admit it rather than blame it n smene else.
    Understand 72 the mistake happened.
    Yu may say sme unkind wrds t ther peple. Find the main 73 and try t avid the same mistake.
    Avid 74 the same mistakes.
    75 yur bad habits as sn as pssible.
    【详解】句意:从对话中,我们能得到什么信息?A:在美国,在酒店、餐馆、出租车,当然还有你的导游给小费是很好的。B:我给多少小费?A:大约10% -15% 。
    考查情景交际。根据短对话可知,主要交谈的是在美国,给酒店、餐馆、出租车,还有你的导游大约10% -15%的小费是很好的。所以A选项“你应该在美国的任何地方给小费。”符合语境。故选A。
    【详解】句意:罗斯穿这条裙子看起来很好看,因为她穿红色很好看。衣服穿在某人的身上,一般用介词n。穿什么颜色的衣服用介词in。故选 A。
    考查并列连词。s 所以;r 或者,否则;but 但是;and 并且,和。空格前“我愿意”和空格后“恐怕我没有时间”是转折关系,用but。故选C。
    考查连词辨析。As因为;When当……时;If如果;While然而。根据“range can bring yu gd luck, it is gd fr yur interview.”可知,前后两个句子之间是因果关系,所以题空处应填从属连词as。故选A。
    考查it作形式宾语。根据“I find…”可知,此处是it作形式宾语,真正的宾语是动词不定式。故选A。
    考查从句。if作“是否”时,引导名词性从句;表示“如果”时,引导条件状语从句;whether表示“是否”,引导名词性从句。 nt“不管,是否”,故第一空用whether。第二空根据“she des, she will...”,可知时态遵循“主将从现”原则,故此处“if”表示“如果”,引导的条件状语从句。故选C。
    考查固定短语。prefer的意思是“更喜欢”;wuld rather的意思是“宁愿,宁可”;根据“Which d yu prefer, fishing by the river ____ reading at hme?” 第一个句子是一个选择疑问句,问的是喜欢这两者中的哪一个,也就是更喜欢哪一个,所以要用连词r,故排除A和C;第二空,结合句意可知,此空的意思是“宁愿,宁可”,应填wuld rather,故排除D,故选B。
    考查动词辨析。requires需要;reduces减少;reprts报告;repeats重复。根据“learning a freign and effrt.”可知,学习外语需要时间和努力,故选A。
    【详解】句意:——你为什么不习惯北京的生活?——既不是因为拥挤的交通,也不是因为高昂的生活费用。唯一的原因是污染严重的空气。考查连词辨析。Nt nly…but als…不但……而且……;Either…r…要么……要么;Bth…and…(……和……)都;Neither…nr…既不……也不……。根据句意判断:—你为什么不习惯北京的生活?—既非交通拥挤也非生活消费高。唯一原因就是严重污染的空气。故选D。
    【详解】句意:——你认为Jane怎么样?——她是一个好奇的女孩,总是对任何新的事物感兴趣。A. mdest谦虚的;B. curius好奇的;C. energetic精力充沛的;D. rganized组织的。根据题意,故选B。
    考查动词短语。turns ff关闭;shws ff炫耀;puts ff推迟;gives ff发出(光等)。根据“She never ... althugh she is the tp student in ur schl”可知,应是她很优秀但从不炫耀,故选B。
    考查动词辨析。can可以,能够;may可以;need需要;must必须。根据“Attentin please.”可知,此处表示“必须在本周末前完成”,用must;再根据“But we are up t ur necks in wrk.”可知,太忙了,因此空二表示“可不可以在下周完成”,用Can。故选C。
    【详解】句意:-好厨师都是男人。事实并非如此。在我的家庭里,我妈妈比我爸爸做得好。A. That's true是真的; B. That's all right没关系;C. That's nt the case不是这样、事实并非如此;D. That's it就是这样。依据In my family, my mther cks better than my father.在我的家庭里,我妈妈比我爸爸做得好吃可知。是对Gd cks are all men-好厨师都是男人这句话的否定。C. That's nt the case不是这样、事实并非如此,故选C。
    16.A 17.D 18.C 19.D 20.C 21.B 22.C 23.B 24.A 25.A
    always一直;never从不;hardly几乎不;seldm很少。根据“Ye Lianping is a retired (退休的) English teacher in Anhui Prvince. But he desn’t stp teaching and has wrked as a vlunteer teacher in Buchen village fr ver 30 years.”可知,教书一直是他生命中的一部分。故选A。
    change改变;challenge挑战;charecter角色;chance机会。根据前文“When Ye was yung, his father wrked at the American Embassy(大使馆) in Nanjing,”可知,父亲在美国大使馆上班为他学习英语提供了机会。故选D。
    gt up起床;came up走近;set up创建;made up编造。根据schl可知,是创建夜校。故选C。
    cntinue继续;spread传播;increase增加;end结束。根据后文“Ye ffered free English classes t children whse parents wrked in ther cities.”可知,叶虽然退休了,但教书的热情没有结束。故选D。
    wealthy富裕的;rmantic浪漫的;simple简单的;secret秘密的。根据后文“in a small and ld huse”可知,他们过着简单的生活。故选C。
    suggestin建议;intrductin介绍;educatin教育;instructin说明。根据后文“Hwever, he uses his mney t take his students t visit museums every summer vacatin.”可知,此处是说为孩子们的教育省钱。故选C。
    mix混合;cmmunicate交流;agree同意;cmplain抱怨。根据后文“in English in public”可知,是用英语交流。故选B。
    against对抗;beynd超过;between在……之间;acrss穿过。根据后文“spend as much time as pssible n educatin.”可知,此处说的是对抗时间。故选A。
    26.D 27.A 28.B
    26.细节理解题。根据“Fr the jb, yu will: Watch my sn. Read t him. Play with him. Yu will wrk at ur huse.”可知,保姆需要在雇主家里照顾孩子。故选D。
    27.推理判断题。根据“Hurs are 3:00 p.m. t 6:00 p.m. frm Mnday t Friday. Smetimes yu have t wrk n the weekend. Pay is $10 each hur.”可知,保姆每周至少工作5天,每天3小时,每小时10美元,因此每周至少收入150美元。如果周末也工作,最多可以工作7天,每天3小时,每小时10美元,因此每周最多收入210美元。故选A。
    29.D 30.D 31.C
    29.推理判断题。根据“It was still light ut, and Dad wasn’t hme yet. He wrked all day cleaning pls.”可知,父亲是努力工作的;根据“Dad came hme and std a mment by the side f the car, and fr a mment he clsed his eyes. ‘Many peple culdn’t affrd t clean their pls anymre because f lsing their jbs.’ Dad said”及“‘Sure,’ he said, pening his eyes and smiling. ‘Why nt?’”可推知,父亲在面对许多人因为失业而无法负担清洁游泳池的费用的事情后仍然乐观地接受作者的邀请一起去打篮球,这表明他是一个充满希望的人。故选D。
    30.推理判断题。根据“Dad came hme and std a mment by the side f the car, and fr a mment he clsed his eyes. ‘Many peple culdn’t affrd t clean their pls anymre because f lsing their jbs.’ Dad said”可推知,父亲回到家时心情不太好。故选D。
    31.最佳标题题。根据“I knew hw rare it wuld be fr Dad t find time t play with my brther and me lately. I wished we culd d this mre ften. The time he spent shting baskets with us cheered him up. When he was happy it felt like everything fitted int place, including the basketball, which drpped thrugh the net withut even tuching the rim.”及全文可知,本文主要介绍了爸爸工作辛苦,作者通过与爸爸一起打篮球让他开心的故事。因此最佳标题为“和爸爸一起投篮”。故选C。
    32.B 33.A 34.C 35.B
    32.推理判断题。根据“Wild grasses spread ver ancient plain”和“Wild fire can’t burn them up again”结合这是一首诗可知,plain和again很押韵,故选B。
    33.细节理解题。根据“Thrugh the descriptin f the weeds (野草) n the ancient plain, the pem expresses the feeling f farewell t a friend.”可知,诗人想用古代平原上的杂草来表达告别朋友的感觉。故选A。
    34.词义猜测题。根据“T see my friend g far away”可知,和朋友告别的场景应该是悲伤的,故选C。
    35.细节理解题。根据“Hwever, after reading the tw lines f ‘wildfire can’t burned’, he can’t help appreciating (欣赏) it and said: ‘Living can be easy with great sight (洞察力).’”可知,Gu Kuang欣赏这首诗中的语言。故选B。
    36.B 37.A 38.C 39.D 40.B
    36.细节理解题。根据“Accrding t studies, as high as 45% f the yung peple frm age 16 t 24 these days suffer back pain because f the heavy usage f smartphnes.”可知,45%的年轻人(年龄段从16到24)有着背痛。故选B。
    37.推理判断题。根据“yu becme its servant”可知,你会成为仆人。前文所说的手机就成为“主人”master。故选A。
    38.细节理解题。根据“Hwever, many peple cannt get rid f mbile phnes because phnes have becme part f daily life.”可知,首先介绍了手机瘾产生的原因,排除AB选项,由“As the addictin (瘾) t the smartphne has becme a serius prblem, it causes many prblems in life. ”可知接着介绍了手机瘾产生的影响,然后根据“T get rid f phnes, yu can create a phne-free time”可知,介绍了如何消除手机瘾,故排除D。故选C。
    39.细节理解题。根据“Fr example, turn ff yur phne r stp it frm the Internet after 8:00 P.M.”可知,此处是在举例子。故选D。
    42.stressed/stressed ut
    【详解】句意:当学生们在九年级时,他们感到比以前更有压力。根据成分分析可知,此空应填形容词作系动词feel的表语;再结合主语they和中文提示可知,此空应填形容词“stressed/stressed ut(焦虑的,有压力的)”来修饰人。故填stressed/stressed ut。
    【详解】句意:你处理过那些学生的问题吗?“处理”deal with;根据“Have yu … with thse students’ prblems?”可知,时态为现在完成时,结构为:have/has+过去分词,故此处要用deal的过去分词形式dealt。故填dealt。
    【详解】句意:谁自愿粉刷那些德国人的房子?结合提示词和语境可知,此处表达的应是“德国人的房子”,所以此空应填“Germany(德国)”对应的表示人的名词“German(德国人)”的所有格;结合语境和复数形式 “huses”可推知,那些房子应是属于不同的德国人的,所以此空的German应用其复数形式Germans,而以-s结尾的名词的所有格直接在其后接-’。故填Germans’。
    【详解】句意:当你感到疲倦时,Mrs. Rainbw建议使用红色。suggest ding sth.“建议做某事”,use是动词,使用,此处用动名词,故填using。
    51.valuable 52.simply 53.slving 54.lse heart 55.hiding
    51.句意:这个基于云的网络计划提供了大量有价值的信息。根据“a great deal ”以及所给词可知是大量有价值的信息,修饰名词用形容词valuable“有价值的”。故填valuable。
    52.句意:当看到精彩的艺术品时,你会像外国游客一样惊讶,他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛。根据“can’t believe their eyes”以及所给词可知他们简直不敢相信自己的眼睛,修饰动词用副词simply“简直”。故填simply。
    53.句意:如果你在日常生活中难以解决问题,你也可以找到一些方法。根据“yur prblem”可知是解决问题,slve“解决”,have difficutly ding sth.“做某事有困难”。故填slving。
    54.句意:所以不要灰心,只要你需要随时试试这个程序。根据“try the prgramme whenever yu need”以及所给词可知不要灰心,可以试试这个程序,lse heart“灰心”,dn’t后加动词原形。故填lse heart。
    55.句意:一个男孩在父亲寻找他的时候躲藏起来。根据“when his father lks fr him”以及所给词可知当男孩藏起来的时候,他爸爸在找他,hide“躲藏”,介词int后加动名词。故填hiding。
    56.(c)arefully 57.(f)irst 58.(e)njyed 59.(w)rth 60.(d)ifference 61.(c)hice 62.(m)ilk 63.(b)ught 64.(s)tart 65.(s)uccess
    56.句意:所以我们必须小心地做选择。根据前文“there are many chices which may be the turning pint in ur lifetime”可知,有很多选择可能是我们一生的转折点,所以要谨慎小心地做出选择。故填(c)arefully。
    57.句意:他是家里第一个上大学的人。根据前文“Mike’s parents didn’t get a gd educatin.”可知,Mike的父母没有受过良好教育,所以引出下一句,Mike是家里第一个上过大学的人。故填(f)irst。
    58.句意:起初Mike很喜欢这份工作,十年后他有了个好职位,收入也不错,但他讨厌这份工作。“at first”和“after ten years”形成对比,十年后他讨厌这份工作,起初他是喜欢这份工作的。该句用一般过去时,enjy也要用过去式。故填(e)njyed。
    59.句意:他需要一份值得做的工作,所以他决定当一名教师。be wrth ding意为“值得做”。故填(w)rth。
    60.句意:Mike希望他能对他将要教的年轻人产生影响。make a difference t意为“对……产生影响”。故填(d)ifference。
    61.句意:他认为这对他来说是正确的选择!根据全文中心思想以及“Let’s see hw Mike and Kirsty make their wn chices.”可知,这是Mike做出正确选择的例子。故填(c)hice。
    62.句意:Kirsty对牛奶和坚果过敏。根据下文“she culdn’t find any n-milk ice cream she culd eat”可知,她找不到能吃的不含牛奶的冰激淋,可知她对牛奶过敏。故填(m)ilk。
    63.句意:于是她买了一台便宜的冰淇淋机,在自己的厨房里做冰淇淋。根据“made her wn ice cream in her kitchen”可知,她有台冰激淋机,结合cheap一词,可知她买了一台。该句用一般过去时,buy也要用过去式。故填(b)ught。
    64.句意:她的家人和朋友都很喜欢,于是她决定创业。根据下文可知,她生意做得很成功,所以此处她开始做生意。start a business是常见搭配,意为“开始做生意,创业”。故填(s)tart。
    65.句意:因为便宜又健康,它很快就大获成功。根据下文“Nw yu can buy her ice cream in mst UK supermarkets, and sn she’s taking it t the USA.”可知,她的生意几乎遍布英国,拓展到美国,所以很成功。a big success意为“一个巨大的成功”。故填(s)uccess。
    66.truly/sincerely 67.understand 68.usual/natural 69.mre 70.spend/waste 71.made 72.why 73.reasn 74.repeating/making 75.Break/Change
    66.根据“If yu have made mistakes that harm ther peple, it is imprtant t ffer a sincere aplgy (道歉) in persn. ”可知,真诚地向他人道歉,修饰动词say要用副词truly/sincerely表示“真诚地”,故填truly/sincerely。
    67.根据“A gd aplgy will likely make the ther persn understand yu. ”可知,一个好的道歉可能会让对方理解你,help sb d sth“帮助某人做某事”,故填understand。
    68.根据“Nbdy likes making mistakes. But, n ne is perfect.”及“Peple usually make mistakes.”可知,人们犯错误是很自然的/很正常的事情。natural“自然的”,usual“惯常的”,故填usual/natural。
    69.根据“The mre duties yu take, the mre likely yu will make mistakes.”可知,你承担的责任越多,你犯的错误就越多,故填mre。
    70.根据“Unluckily, it is ur natural instinct (本能) t justify(为……辩解) ur actins…When mistakes are made, the bss is unlikely t be interested in yur wrds. Smetimes it is best t say, very simply—yes, I made a mistake”可知,犯错误时不要浪费/花时间去为错误辩解,spend“花费”,waste“浪费”,Dn’t后接动词原形,故填spend/waste。
    71.根据“When yu make a mistake, yu will first blame (责备) smene else. When mistakes are made, the bss is unlikely t be interested in yur wrds. Smetimes it is best t say, very simply—yes, I made a mistake”可知,当犯错误的时候,最好是承担下来,而不是推卸到别人身上,make a mistake“犯错误”,根据“a mistake is”可知,此空应填过去分词与is构成一般现在时被动语态,故填made。
    72.根据“T avid repeating them, yu need t find the main reasn.”可知,为了避免犯同样的错误,你需要去了解为什么会犯这个错误,故填why。
    73.根据“T avid repeating them, yu need t find the main reasn.”可知,为了避免重复,你需要找到主要原因,故填reasn。
    74.根据“If yu repeat the same mistakes, it shws yu aren’t making prgress and they cause repeating truble.”可知,要避免犯同样的错误,如果你重复同样的错误,这表明你没有取得进步,他们会导致重复的麻烦,也就是避免重复/犯同样的错误,repeat“重复,make mistakes“犯错误”,avid ding sth“避免做某事”,故填repeating/making。
    75.根据“T avid making the same mistakes, yu need t break these bad habits. The sner, the better.”可知,你应该最快地改掉你的坏习惯,break“使……放弃习惯”,change“改变”,此处是祈使句的肯定形式,此空应填动词原形,故填Break/Change。
    Dear Mr. Wang,
    I’m writing t recmmend Sandy t be ur mnitr. I think she has many strng qualities fr this psitin.
    Sandy is clever. She can d all the things well. She is hard-wrking, and always des extra wrk fr ur class. Sandy is rganized. She never frgets the things she needs t d. She is cnfident and is never afraid f making a speech in frnt f many peple. Sandy likes reading because she can learn a lt frm bks. She lves yellw. She thinks yellw is the clur f wisdm. It can cheer us up when we hpe fr success.
    I hpe that yu can agree with me.
    Yurs sincerely,
    ①be afraid f ding害怕做某事
    ②make a speech做演讲
    ③cheer sb. up使某人振作起来
    ④agree with sb,同意某人
    ①I think she has many strng qualities fr this psitin.(“I think”后是宾语从句)
    ②Sandy likes reading because she can learn a lt frm bks.(“because”引导的原因状语从句)

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