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    第I卷 选择题 (共95分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Wh is Jnathan prbably talking t?
    A. His bss. B. His wife.C. His dctr.
    2. What des the man mean?
    A. He desn’t like the shirt. B. The shirt might be tight. C. The receipt gt missing.
    3. What is the wman ding nw?
    A. Eating in a cafe. B. Cking her lunch. C. Studying fr an exam.
    4. Where des the cnversatin take place?
    A. In a htel. B. In a schl.C. In a meeting rm.
    5. What des the man think f the art exhibitin?
    A. Quite amazing. B. Rather bring. C. Prly rganized.
    6. What is the relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Classmates. B. Teacher and student. C. Manager and secretary.
    7. What des the wman suggest adding t the presentatin?
    A. Mre facts. B. Mre figures. C. Mre pictures.
    8. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. Their hbbies. B. An activity hliday. C. The teamwrk spirit.
    9. What did the wman get a prize fr?
    A. Climbing. B. Sailing. C. Walking.
    10. When did David cme back last night?
    A. At 6:00 pm. B. At 7:00 pm. C. At 8:30 pm.
    11. Why did David g ut last night?
    A. T have sme discussins. B. T read in a library. C. T watch a mvie.
    12. What des David suggest the wman d?
    A. Apply t wrk fr the club.
    B. Cntact Lucy fr mre infrmatin.
    C. Learn mre abut the neighbrhd.
    13. What is the aim f the campaign?
    A. T remind peple f Earth Day.
    B. T encurage peple t reduce garbage.
    C. T warn peple f the bad effects f pllutin.
    14. What will be the task n the secnd day?
    A. Planting trees. B. Designing psters. C. Cllecting garbage.
    15. What des the man expect the teachers t d?
    A. Paint paper. B. Stp driving cars. C. Decrate classrms.
    16. Hw des Sara find the man’s ideas?
    A. Ridiculus. B. Cnfusing. C. Wnderful.
    17. Where did the tur start?
    A. Frm Germany. B. Frm Amsterdam. C. Frm Switzerland.
    18. What special attractin des the speaker recmmend?
    A. The art museums. B. The Eiffel Twer. C. The Mntparnasse Twer.
    19. Why des the speaker like Line 63?
    A. It ffers gd views. B. It cvers mre territry. C. It’s the cheapest travel means.
    20. What des the speaker say abut the subway system in Paris?
    A. It is excellent.B. It ffers free cffee. C. It is easy t get lst.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分30分)
    4 Mst walkable cities in Eurpe
    Seville, Spain
    Seville in Spain takes the tp spt as Eurpe’s mst walkable city, ffering the shrtest walking rute between the tp fur turist attractins. Visitrs can explre the impressive Plaza de Espana public square, befre wandering ver t the UNESCO-listed palace f Real Alcazar and Seville Cathedral. After that, it’s nly a shrt trip n ft t visit the beautiful Barri Santa Cruz neighburhd.
    Venice, Italy
    Venice is well-knwn as a heaven fr pedestrians(行人), s it’s n surprise it ranks as the secnd best lcatin fr walkable city breaks. There are endless alleyways t explre, as well as plenty f beautiful bridges ver the crisscrssing canals that the city is famus fr. Just under half an hur f walking here will take yu n a tur f the impressive Grand Canal, Dge’s Palace, St Mark’s Square, Basilica and bell twer, all in nly 1.3 miles.
    Prt, Prtugal
    Nestled alng Prtugal’s picturesque cast, Prt cmes in third with its tp attractins all cvered by a 30-minute walking rute. Meander alng the Dm Luís I Bridge ver the Dur River, head t the Clérigs Church Bell Twer and enjy a riverfrnt walking place alng the Cais da Ribeira. The Stck Exchange Palace is als just a shrt walk away.
    Flrence, Italy
    Flrence, Italy, secures its place as the furth mst walkable city in Eurpe thanks t its stunning attractins that can be seamlessly explred n ft. A 1.6 mile rute cvers the awe-inspiring Piazzale Michelangel; the famus Uffizi Gallery; the Piazza del Dum where yu will be amazed at the magnificent Flrence Cathedral; and the Galleria dell’ Accademia, hme t Michelangel’s masterpiece, the statue f David.
    21. Hw lng is prbably the walking rute in Seville?
    A. 1.1 miles.B. 1.3 meters.C. 1.6 meters.D. 1.8 meters.
    22. Which city is prbably lcated near the sea?
    A. Seville.B. Venice.C. Prt.D. Flrence.
    23. What is the writing purpse f the text?
    A. T cmpare the fur cities. B. T shw the benefits f walking.
    C. T stress the imprtance f traveling.D. T attract visitrs t walk in these cities.
    Having wrked fr mre than a decade in finance in the il industry in Canada, Tri Fahey fund herself wanting mre frm life. But it wasn't thrugh desperatin that her circumstances changed: “I didn't get fed up and strm ff, nthing like that; it was curisity abut ther interests and wanting t experience smething new.”
    Fahey left her jb and cmpleted an MBA befre setting up a mve t New Yrk t begin a degree. Hwever, the pprtunity f an pen year between the MBA and the degree came up, and as a keen turing cyclist, Fahey realised that a much dreamed-abut adventure was nw becming a pssibility: "The ride in Africa had been n my fantasy list. It was a mment when I realised that I culd d anything, s I shuld."
    Fahey rde acrss Africa, a 7,500-mile trip that tk fur mnths. The whle experience had a life-changing impact. Fahey said: “Bicycles prvide a literal freedm. Yu dn't allw yurself t feel like that in everyday life because there are s many distractins. But when yu' re ut n the bike and there's nthing else, yu' re really free t experience what life is.”
    Pst-degree, Fahey wrked n prjects with the UNDP(United Natins Develpment Prject) in Mntenegr with the aim f bringing investment t rural cmmunities.
    It was while wrking n these prjects that the seeds were swn fr the next new investment. “It was thrugh my trip acrss Africa that I discvered pannier and rack systems incnvenient and I was never ging t use them again.” Little did she knw this wuld lead her t start up her wn cmpany.
    In 2013, Apidura was brn, prducing strage slutins fr peple lking t travel the wrld by bike, race acrss cntinents and carry all they need t d s. It's nw a successful glbal brand, but Fahey remains reflective abut what else the cmpany can d fr peple.
    24. Why did Fahey leave her jb in Canada?
    A. She was bred with the jb.
    B. She was disappinted with life.
    C. She wanted t add new dimensins t her life.
    D. She fund it hard t adjust t the circumstances.
    25. Which can best describe Fahey's ride experience in Africa?
    A. Demanding.B. Liberating.C. Eventful.D. Dangerus.
    26. Why did Fahey launch Apidura?
    A. T encurage bicycle traveling.B. T make her investment prfitable.
    C. T help cyclists carry traveling stuff.D. T increase the pleasure f riding bikes.
    27. What is the passage mainly abut?
    A. A tugh path t fame.B. An adventure acrss Africa.
    C. The benefits f green travelling.D. The stry behind the birth f Apidura.
    Is it true that ur brain alne is respnsible fr human cgnitin (认知)? What abut ur bdy? Is it pssible fr thught and behaviur t riginate frm smewhere ther than ur brain? Psychlgists wh study Embdied Cgnitin (EC) ask similar questins. The EC thery suggests ur bdy is als respnsible fr thinking r prblem-slving. Mre precisely, the mind shapes the bdy and the bdy shapes the mind in equal measure.
    If yu think abut it fr a mment, it makes ttal sense. When yu smell smething gd r hear amusing sunds, certain emtins are awakened. Think abut hw newbrns use their senses t understand the wrld arund them. They dn’t have emtins s much as needs — they dn’t feel sad, they’re just hungry and need fd. Even unbrn babies can feel their mthers’ heartbeats and this has a calming effect. In the real wrld, they cry when they’re cld and then get hugged. That way, they start t assciate being warm with being lved.
    Understandably, therists have been arguing fr years and still disagree n whether the brain is the nerve centre that perates the rest f the bdy. Older Western philsphers and mainstream language researchers believe this is fact, while EC therises that the brain and bdy are wrking tgether as an rganic supercmputer, prcessing everything and frming yur reactins.
    Further studies have backed up the mind-bdy interactin. In ne experiment, test subjects were asked t judge peple after being handed a ht r a cld drink. They all made warm evaluatins when their fingertips perceived warmth rather than clness. And it wrks the ther way t. In anther study, subjects’ fingertip temperatures were measured after being “included” in r “rejected” frm a grup task. Thse wh were included felt physically warmer.
    Fr further prf, we can lk at the metaphrs (比喻) that we use withut even thinking. A kind and sympathetic persn is frequently referred t as ne with a sft heart and smene wh is very strng and calm in difficult situatins is ften described as slid as a rck. And this kind f metaphrical use is cmmn acrss languages.
    Nw that yu have the knwledge f mind-bdy interactin, why nt use it? If yu’re having a bad day, a warm cup f tea will give yu a flash f pleasure. If yu knw yu’re physically cld, warm up befre making any interpersnal decisins.
    28. Accrding t the authr, what is the significance f EC?
    A. It brings us clser t the truth in human cgnitin.
    B. It ffers a clearer picture f the shape f human brain.
    C. It reveals the majr rle f the mind in human cgnitin.
    D. It facilitates ur understanding f the rigin f psychlgy.
    29. Where des the newbrns’ understanding f their surrundings start frm?
    A. Their persnal lks.B. Their mental needs.
    C. Their inner emtins.D. Their physical feelings.
    30. What des the authr intend t prve by citing the metaphrs in Paragraph 5?
    A. Human speech is alive with metaphrs.
    B. Human senses have effects n thinking.
    C. Human language is shaped by visual images.
    D. Human emtins are ften cmpared t natural materials.
    31. What is the authr’s purpse in writing the last paragraph?
    A. T deepen the readers’ understanding f EC.
    B. T encurage the reader t put EC int practice.
    C. T guide the reader nt the path t career success.
    D. T share with the reader ways t release their emtins.
    Asterids (小行星) are believed t have frmed early in ur slar system’s histry — abut 4.5 billin years ag----when a clud f gas and dust called the slar nebula (太阳星云) cllapsed and frmed ur sun and the planets. By visiting these near Earth bjects t study the material that came frm the slar nebula, we can lk fr answers t sme f humankind’s mst arresting questins, such as: Hw did the slar system frm and where did the Earth’s water and ther rganic materials such as carbn cme frm? In additin t unlcking clues abut ur slar system, asterids may prvide clues abut ur Earth. By understanding mre abut asterids, we may learn mre abut past Earth impacts and pssibly find ways t reduce the threat f future impacts.
    If we dn’t want t g the way f the dinsaurs smeday, we need t prtect urselves against the threat f being hit by a big asterid. Accrding t NASA, typically abut nce every 10,000 years, a rck y r irn asterid the size f a ftball field culd crash int ur planet and pssibly cause tidal waves big enugh t fld castal areas.
    But what we really have t fear is asterids abut 328 feet acrss r bigger. Such an impact wuld cause a firestrm and fill the atmsphere with sun-blcking dust, which wuld wipe ut frests and farm fields and starve the human and animal life that it didn’t immediately kill.
    That’s why it’s vital t develp a way t neutralize such a threat t Earth. NASA’s Duble Asterid Redirectin Test, launched in late Nvember 2021, was the first missin t demnstrate a technlgy called asterid redirectin by manmade impactr. A rbtic spacecraft will be crashed int an asterid named Didyms, in an effrt t shw that it’s pssible t slightly change the path f an asterid. That wuld enable NASA t redirect ptential threats t miss Earth.
    32. What is the first paragraph mainly abut?
    A. Why asterids are t be explred.B. Hw slar system came int being.
    C. Hw lng asterids have existed.D. When asterids will impact Earth.
    33. Why des the authr mentin dinsaurs in paragraph 2?
    A. T make the text mre interesting.B. T intrduce the tpic f the text.
    C. T grab readers’ attentin t asterids.D. T shw the disaster frm an asterid impact.
    34. Which can best replace “neutralize” underlined in paragraph 4?
    A. strengthenB. avidC. beautifyD. realize
    35. What can we knw abut asterids?
    A. Dinsaurs may live n sme f them.B. They were frmed earlier than Earth.
    C. Explring them helps us knw Earth.D. NASA’s Duble Asterid Redirectin Test failed.
    第二节 七选五 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    When yu’re meeting smene new, cncentrate yur full attentin n him. 36 Instead, lk the persn in the eye, shake hands, and listen carefully t his whle name as it’s said.
    Speak the name back t the persn in the frm f a questin. “Hi, I’m Katherine. I’m srry, did yu say Dn r Dm?” Or “Rbert, is it? Nice t meet yu. I’m Katherine.” 37 Thus, by repeating the name this way, yu’re increasing yur chances f remembering it. T up the dds even mre, try wrking in anther questin if pssible: “Are yu Stephen with a ‘ph’ r a ‘v’?” “ that shrt fr Tyler?”
    38 If yur new acquaintance ges by Bill, make quick mental assciatins with famus peple named Bill, relatives named Bill, r any ther kind f bill. Creating mental cnnectins and supprting them with a statement said alud further cements the name in yur memry.
    After repeating the name and then cmmenting n it, use it nce r twice mre in cnversatin. D this either by addressing the persn directly r referring t him while speaking t smene else (“Hey, Jim! Bill and I were just talking abut that new Brad Pitt mvie!”) 39 Be careful nt t veruse the name, thugh, since that can cme ff as awkward r insincere.
    Using a persn’s name is a key t pening drs fr yu and t maintaining an initial rapprt(和谐的关系) that culd make this persn a new friend fr life r a lifelng business partner. 40
    Yu can write dwn the name when it is necessary.
    When the cnversatin ends, use the persn’s name again.
    The brain respnds mre actively when a questin is answered.
    Whenever yu are intrduced t smene, keep yur mind n it.
    Dn’t race ahead in yur mind t cme up with smething t say.
    Next, tell yurself smething abut the name t ensure that it sticks.
    Make the decisin t start remembering peple’s names frm tday!
    第三部分 语言运用(满分15分)(共一节,15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Within tw years f first shwing signs f memry lss, Peter Marshall had t give up wrk as early nset Alzheimer’s began t take hld.
    His wife Lisa started a blg called “Oh Hell Alzheimer’s” t help her cpe with the prgressive __41__ f her husband's fading memry. I get 42 every day frm peple saying, ‘Thank yu --nw I dn’t feel s alne’,” she said.
    As the disease 43 , Peter’s memry 44 faded and he began t refer t Lisa as his “favurite persn”. Then, ne day last year, they were watching a wedding 45 n televisin when Peter suddenly lked at his wife and said, “Let’s d it!” “Well, OK, we shuld get married then,” she tld him.
    The next day, 46 , Peter appeared t have frgtten all abut it. Still, with the 20th 47 f their wedding appraching this year, the idea seemed t make sense t Lisa in the face f her husband’s rapid 48 . Sarah, Lisa’s daughter frm a marriage befre she met Peter, helped rganize the event. “I knew that my stepdad, wh I am very clse with, was there thrugh sme f the 49 times f my life.”
    When Lisa jined her husband t 50 vws fr the secnd time, his delight was clear fr all t see. “It was just magical — straight ut f a 51 .” she said.
    The music 52 the theme f the day: a saxphnist played Unfrgettable as Lisa walked dwn the aisle.
    “There wasn’t a dry eye, and I was 53 .” Lisa said. “I hadn’t seen Peter that happy in a lng time.” As they danced while guests 54 . Lisa said her husband 55 a few wrds in her ear. “Thank yu fr staying,” he said.
    41. A. dilemmaB. prblemC. challengeD. truble
    42. A. messagesB. lettersC. mailsD. cmments
    43. A. appearedB. wrsenedC. emergedD. strengthened
    44. A. frmallyB. eventuallyC. desperatelyD. instantly
    45. A. sceneB. eventC. situatinD. spt
    46. A. butB. insteadC. hweverD. therefre
    47. A. yearB. ceremnyC. celebratinD. anniversary
    48. A. declineB. reductinC. drpD. disappearance
    49. A. happiestB. saddestC. tughestD. brightest
    50. A. speakB. exchangeC. swearD. express
    51. A. fairytaleB. stryC. dramaD. shw
    52. A. playedB. reflectedC. equaledD. matched
    53. A. in the skyB. ver the mnC. ver the skyD. in the air
    54. A. lked atB. mved arundC. lked nD. cheered up
    55. A. tldB. utteredC. cnveyedD. whispered
    第 Ⅱ 卷 非选择题(共55分)
    The animated film Chang An has becme___56____surprise hit, earning an impressive 600 millin yuan at the bx ffice f the Chinese mainland within just ten days f its release, It has appealed t audiences f all ages, wh ___57___(enthusiastic) recite petry alngside the characters n screen, taking them n a fantastic jurney. This film nt nly identifies with the Chinese peple but als allws the wrld ____58___(explre) the rich traditin f Tang petry and the "Chinese Petry Universe. "The stry centers arund the deep friendship between pet Ga Shi and the rmantic pet Li Bai 59 (ffer) a brief lk int the glrius histry f the Tang era, ___60__ is knwn fr its ecnmic prsperity and cultural advancement. The 48 Tang pems in the mvie present view f the mst excellent pets f that time as well as their plitical ambitins and ideals. These pems transprt audiences ___61___ sandy deserts t mist-filled regins alng the Yangtze River.
    Chang An is undubtedly a masterpiece that shws the unique ____62____(characteristic) f Chinese culture t the wrld. In China, pets and their pems ____63____(cnsider) natinal treasures. These pems describe nt nly the histrical changes f a dynasty, but als ____64___ (peple) understanding f the wrld. The film has raised the audiences' ___65____(aware) and enhanced their lve and belief in Chinese culture.
    第二节 应用文写作(满分15分)
    你校英文报正面向全校学生征集“快乐周末(Happy Weekend)”活动方案。请你写一篇短文投稿,内容包括:
    3.注意:写作的词数应为 80 左右;
    My Plans fr the Happy Weekend

    第三节 读后续写(满分25分)
    A shp wner placed a sign abve his dr that said: “Puppies Fr Sale.”
    Signs like this always have a way f attracting yung children, and t n surprise, a by saw the sign and apprached the wner, “Hw much are yu ging t sell the puppies fr?” he asked. The stre wner replied, “Anywhere frm $30 t $50.” The little by pulled ut sme change frm his pcket. “I have $2.37,” he said. “Can I please lk at them?”
    The shp wner smiled and whistled. Out came Lady, wh ran dwn the aisle f his shp fllwed by five teeny, tiny balls f fur. One puppy was lagging(走得慢) cnsiderably behind. Immediately the little by singled ut the lagging puppy and said, “What’s wrng with that little dg?”
    The shp wner explained that the veterinarian had examined the little puppy and had discvered it didn’t have a hip scket. It wuld always be lame(瘸的). The little by became excited. “That is the puppy that I want t buy.” The shp wner said, “N, yu dn’t want t buy that little dg. If yu really want him, I’ll just give him t yu.”
    The little by gt quite upset. He lked straight int the stre wner’s eyes, pinting his finger, and said, “I dn’t want yu t give him t me. That little dg is wrth every bit as much as all the ther dgs and I’ll pay full price. In fact, I’ll give yu $2.37 nw, and 50 cents a mnth until I have him paid fr.” The shp wner said, “Yu really dn’t want t buy this little dg. He is never ging t be able t run and jump and play with yu like the ther puppies.”
    1. 续写词数应为 150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题纸的相应位置作答。
    Paragraph 1: “Well, I dn’t walk s well myself.” said the little by. _______________________

    Paragraph 2: The little by tk the little lame dg hme happily. _________________________


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