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    这是一份精品解析:2024年四川省宜宾市中考英语真题(解析版),共20页。试卷主要包含了 答非选择题时,务必使用0等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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    第一部分 听(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)
    第一节 听下面5段对话,每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话读两遍。
    1 What des the girl want t be nw?
    A. An artist. B. A writer. C. A dctr.
    2. What did Sally d in her summer vacatin?
    A. She saw her grandpa. B. She visited Shanghai. C. She stayed at hme.
    3. What’s wrng with Mike?
    A. He has a tthache. B. He has a stmachache. C. He has a headache.
    4. Hw’s the weather nw?
    A. Ht. B. Cl. C. Rainy.
    5. Which festival des Jack like best?
    A. The Spring Festival.
    B. The Dragn Bat Festival.
    C. The Mid-Autumn Festival.
    第二节 听下面几段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    6. What’s the pssible relatinship between the tw speakers?
    A. Teacher and student. B. Brther and sister. C. Wife and husband.
    7. What will they buy at last?
    A. A pet cat. B. A sccer ball. C. A pair f sprts shes.
    8. Hw des David usually g t schl?
    A. By bus. B. By bike. C. On ft.
    9. Wh gave the bike t David?
    A. His aunt. B. His uncle. C. His father.
    10. Hw lng des it take Ann t walk t schl every day?
    A. 10 minutes. B. 20 minutes. C. 30 minutes.
    11. Hw ld is Mike?
    A. 16. B. 17. C. 18.
    12. What des Mike want t be fr the City Music Festival?
    A. A singer. B. A guide. C. An interviewer.
    13. What time will Mike have the interview tmrrw mrning?
    A. At 9. B. At 10. C. At 11.
    14. What did Jhn d last weekend?
    A. He played a basketball game.
    B. He watched a basketball game.
    C. He rganized a basketball game.
    15. Why des Jhn have t rest fr tw weeks?
    A. Because he hurt his leg. B. Because he hurt his arm. C. Because he hurt his back.
    16. Hw did Jhn’s team win the game?
    A. By fighting hard. B. By practicing a lt. C. By cheering fr teammates.
    17. What did Alice use t be like?
    A. Shy. B. Stupid. C. Outging.
    18. Why did Alice have few friends at first?
    A. Because she made fun f thers.
    B. Because she didn’t want any friends.
    C. Because she didn’t have enugh cnfidence.
    19. Which f the fllwing changed Alice?
    A. Her schl. B. Many friends. C. Emma’s invitatin.
    20. Hw can Alice play vlleyball in her schl nw?
    A. She is still weak in it. B. She is ne f the best. C. She is n a middle level.
    第二部分 读(共三节,满分70分)
    第一节 完形填空 (共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
    Recently, it has been reprted that a by fell dwn int a sewer (下水道), because he lst himself in his smart phne. When he realized his situatin, he tried hard t get ut f the sewer, ___1___ he failed. Later, with the help f the plice, he was finally ___2___. It sunds a little unbelievable, but when we lk at the peple arund, we can find mst f them are paying mre attentin ___3___ their phnes rather than face-t-face cmmunicatin. Many peple like t talk n the Internet, s they dn’t care the things in the real wrld. N matter what they are ding, such as ___4___ fr the bus r sitting at the table with their friends, smart phnes are always at their hands. Even thugh smart phnes play an imprtant rle in ur daily life, they shuld be used wisely. We can’t let the technlgy cntrl ___5___. We are the masters f ur wn lives!
    1. A. andB. butC. rD. s
    2. A. savedB. fundC. caughtD. stpped
    3. A. atB. nC. inD. t
    4. A. askingB. lkingC. waitingD. cheering
    5. A. myselfB. urselvesC. yurselfD. yurselves
    【答案】1. B 2. A 3. D 4. C 5. B
    and和;but但是;r或者;s所以。根据“he tried hard t get ut f the sewer, failed”可知,前后两句构成转折关系,用but连接,故选B。
    saved救;fund发现;caught抓住;stpped停止。根据“with the help f the plice, he was finally...”可知,他终于得救了,故选A。
    at在;n在……上面;in在……里面;t到。根据“we can find mst f them are paying mre phnes”可知,此处是pay attentin t“关注”,故选D。
    asking问;lking看;waiting等待;cheering使振奋。根据“such the bus”可知,是等公共汽车,wait fr“等待”,故选C。
    myself我自己;urselves我们自己;yurself你自己;yurselves你们自己。根据“We can’t let the technlgy cntrl...”可知,本句主语是we,所以用urselves,故选B。
    Once upn a time in a small village, there was a little by named Tmmy. Tmmy lved all ___6___, especially a tiny bird named Chirpy. Chirpy had beautiful feather (羽毛), and the sweetest sng yu ever ___7___.
    One day. Chirpy was caught by a bush (灌木). ___8___ she waved her wings hard, she culdn’t escape. She culd nly ___9___ fr help. Luckily, Tmmy heard her cry and came running t help her. He ___10___ mved her tiny feet frm the bush and held her gently. Chirpy felt safe with Tmmy and ___11___ back t her tree happily, singing a thankful sng.
    Their friendship didn’t stp here. Frm that day n, Chirp y ften stayed at Tmmy’s windw and sang fr him. Tmmy and Chirpy ___12___ up tgether, playing and laughing. As Tmmy became a yung man, he ften shared his ___13___ with Chirpy. He wished t prtect animals and their hmes all his life. Actually, he was ding it all the time.
    The villagers were mved by Tmmy’s lve fr animals. They decided t plant mre trees and stp hunting. Finally, their village became a happy ___14___ fr bth humans and animals.
    The ___15___ stry shws us that lve and care can build a bridge between humans and animals. We can create a wrld where everyne can live as gd neighbrs.
    6. A. animalsB. villagersC. neighbrsD. plants
    7. A. wrteB. rderedC. sangD. heard
    8. A. IfB. BecauseC. AlthughD. Until
    9. A. cryB. sitC. standD. g
    10. A. highlyB. carefullyC. strnglyD. clsely
    11. A. ranB. jumpedC. flewD. walked
    12. A. grewB. cameC. brkeD. gt
    13. A. tysB. regretsC. sngsD. dreams
    14. A. huseB. hmeC. zD. schl
    15. A. bringB. relaxingC. tuchingD. disappinting
    【答案】6. A 7. D 8. C 9. A 10. B 11. C 12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C
    animals动物;villagers村民;neighbrs邻居;plants植物。根据“Tmmy lved all..., especially a tiny bird named Chirpy”可知,汤米喜欢所有的动物,故选A。
    wrte写;rdered命令;sang唱歌;heard听见。根据“Chirpy had beautiful feather (羽毛), and the sweetest sng yu ever...”可知,唧唧唱着你从未听过的最甜美的歌,故选D。
    If如果;Because因为;Althugh虽然;Until直到。根据“ waved her wings hard, she culdn’t escape.”可知,前后两句构成让步关系,用Althugh引导让步状语从句,故选C。
    cry哭;sit坐;stand站立;g去。根据“Tmmy heard her cry”可知,唧唧大声呼救,故选A。
    highly高度地;carefully仔细地;strngly强烈地;clsely亲密地。根据“ her tiny feet frm the bush and held her gently.”可知,此处应与gently语意相近,所以汤米小心翼翼地,故选B。
    ran跑;jumped跳;flew飞;walked走路。根据“Chirpy felt safe with Tmmy t her tree happily”可知,唧唧飞回了她的树,故选C。
    grew成长;came来;brke打破;gt得到。根据后句“As Tmmy became a yung man”可知,他们一起长大,故选A。
    tys玩具;regrets遗憾;sngs歌曲;dreams梦想。根据“He wished t prtect animals and their hmes all his life.”可知,这是汤米的梦想,故选D。
    huse房子;hme家园;z动物园;schl学校。根据“their village became a bth humans and animals”可知,他们的村庄成为人类和动物的幸福家园,故选B。
    bring无聊的;relaxing令人放松的;tuching感人的;disappinting令人失望的。根据“ shws us that lve and care can build a bridge between humans and animals.”可知,这是一个感人的故事,故选C。
    第二节 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
    In China, Sichuan is a very interesting place in many ways. Here are sme f the things that make Sichuan special.
    S next time yu hear abut Sichuan, think abut pandas, spicy fd, pretty scenery and ld interesting places. Sichuan is a lvely place with many amazing stries and cultural treasures t share!
    16. Hw many kinds f special things are mentined in the passage?
    A. Tw.B. Three.C. Fur.D. Five.
    17. Why d peple like t see pandas?
    A. Because they are giant.B. Because they like eating bamb.
    C. Because they live in nature parks.D. Because they’re cute with black and white fur.
    18. What makes yur tngue feel like it’s dancing with a little electricity?
    A. Fresh bamb.B. Sichuan pepper.C. Friendly peple.D. Pretty places.
    19. Hw d turists like Jiuzhaigu?
    A. Shining.B. Amazing.C. Crwded.D. Ancient.
    20. What can help water the plants and farms in the passage?
    A. Sichuan ht pt.B. Jiuzhaigu.
    C. Du Fu Thatched Cttage.D. The Dujiangyan Irrigatin System.
    【答案】16. C 17. D 18. B 19. B 20. D
    细节理解题。根据“They are cute with black and white fur (皮毛), s peple all ver the wrld like t g t Sichuan t see them in nature parks.”可知,熊猫长着黑白相间的皮毛,很可爱,所以全世界的人都喜欢去四川的自然公园看它们。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“The reasn is the Sichuan pepper, a special kind f pepper that makes yur tngue (舌头) feel like it’s dancing with a little electricity.”可知,四川胡椒让你的舌头感觉像是在和一点电流跳舞。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据“Turists say when they visit this place, it’s just like walking in a huge painting.”可知,游客们说,当他们参观这个地方时,就像走在一幅巨大的画中。所以游客认为九寨沟很令人惊异,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“The Dujiangyan Irrigatin System is a great water prject. It was built lng time ag and it still helps t water the plants and farms nw.”可知,都江堰灌溉系统帮助浇灌植物和农场。故选D。
    Have yu ever watched the mvie Pegasus 2? It’s a cmedy and it’s really exciting. The main character is Zhang Chi. He was nce a great racer, but unluckily, he failed in a race and gt hurt. Later, he taught peple hw t drive at a driving schl. Althugh he lived a simple life, he still lved speed. When an ld car factry wner ffered t help pay fr him t enter the Bayanbulak Rally (巴音布鲁克拉力赛), Zhang said yes at nce.
    With the help f his tw friends, Zhang frmed a team. The team als had a yung and skilled racer and a student wh really wanted t learn and race. They faced many prblems and slved them tgether by wrking hard. During the race, all the cmpetitrs were fast and wanted t win, but Zhang and his teammates were the best. They raced nt just fr the prize, but als fr the fun f cmpeting and the friendship they had. Either way, they knew they were special. Finally, Zhang and his team wn the race with their great effrts.
    The mvie shws that with skills, curage and wrking tgether, dreams will cme true. Fr a race team, teamwrk is the key t success. The stry inspires us t cntinue ur dreams, n matter hw hard they seem.
    21. What kind f mvie is Pegasus 2?
    A. A cmedy.B. A cartn.C. An actin mvie.D. A scary mvie.
    22. What was Zhang’s jb after failing as a racer?
    A. A bus driver.B. A taxi driver.C. A driving teacher.D. A factry bss.
    23. Why did Zhang’s team think they were special?
    A. Because they tried their best.
    B. Because they raced fr the prize.
    C. Because they just wanted t cmplete the race.
    D. Because they enjyed the race and valued their friendship.
    24. Frm the passage, what is the mst imprtant fr a race team t win?
    A. Fun.B. Luck.C. Teamwrk.D. Curage.
    25. What is the Chinese meaning f the underlined wrd “inspires”?
    A. 激励B. 产生C. 联想D. 利用
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. C 25. A
    细节理解题。根据“It’s a cmedy and it’s really exciting.”可知,这是部喜剧。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据“Later, he taught peple hw t drive at a driving schl”可知,在赛车失败后,张的工作是驾校的教练,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据“They raced nt just fr the prize, but als fr the fun f cmpeting and the friendship they had”可知,因为他们比赛不仅仅是为了奖品,也是为了比赛的乐趣和他们之间的友谊。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Fr a race team, teamwrk is the key t success. ”可知,对于一个赛车队来说,获胜最重要的是团队合作,故选C。
    词义猜测题。根据“us t cntinue ur dreams, n matter hw hard they seem.”可知,这个故事鼓励我们继续我们的梦想,无论它们看起来多么艰难。inspire表示“激励”,故选A。
    In a heartwarming stry, Mr. Sun frm Fushun, Lianing prvince, made a vide using AI technlgy t make his grandma happy. He used a special cmputer technlgy t make himself lk and sund like his dad, wh had been dead. It tk him almst half a mnth t finish it. Then he sent the vide t his 91-year-ld grandma. Sun had lts f feelings while making the vide. He felt a lt f sadness thinking abut his dad and hw much he missed him.
    Sun’s dad died in 2023 because f a serius disease. Sun’s grandma didn’t knw abut it because her family wrried it wuld make her t sad. They tld her that her sn was still in hspital far away. Hwever, the grandma missed her sn a lt and wanted t talk t him.
    Sun gt a creative idea frm mvies. He decided t use a cmputer prgram t make a vide where he lked like his dad. He even had his hair cut t lk mre like his dad. With the cmputer prgram, he changed his face int his father’s in the vide and said, “Mm, it’s Jihai, yur sn. I’m ding well in Beijing.” The vide wasn’t very clear, but the grandma believed it was really her sn.
    In fact, Sun made the vide t help himself say gdbye t his dad as well and t start a new page in his life. Althugh it’s hard, Sun wants t be strng like his dad and take care f his family. Nw, Sun is taking care f his grandma like his dad wuld have.
    26. What did Mr. Sun use t make the vide?
    A. Sme stries.B. AI technlgy.C. Sme mvies.D. His family phts.
    27. Hw lng did Mr. Sun spend making the vide?
    A. Half an hur.B. Tw days.C. Almst a week.D. Almst half a mnth.
    28. Why did Sun’s grandma knw nthing abut her sn’s death?
    A. Because she was t ld t remember her sn.
    B. Because her family wanted her t start a new page.
    C. Because she was very busy lking after her family.
    D. Because her family wrried it wuld bring her much sadness.
    29. What’s Sun’s pssible pinin abut AI technlgy?
    A. It’s helpful.B. It’s terrible.C. It’s wrrying.D. It’s unknwn.
    30. Which can be the best title fr the passage?
    A. The Imprtance f AIB. Mther’s Great Lve
    C. A Heartwarming StryD. Ways f Saying Gdbye
    【答案】26. B 27. D 28. D 29. A 30. C
    细节理解题。根据“Mr. Sun frm Fushun, Lianing prvince, made a vide using AI technlgy t make his grandma happy”可知,孙先生用人工智能技术制作了一段视频。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据“It tk him almst half a mnth t finish it.”可知,他花了将近半个月的时间才完成。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据“Sun’s grandma didn’t knw abut it because her family wrried it wuld make her t sad. They tld her that her sn was still in hspital far away.”可知,因为她的家人担心这会让她太伤心,所以没有告诉奶奶她的儿子去世了。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据“In fact, Sun made the vide t help himself say gdbye t his dad as well and t start a new page in his life.”可知,AI技术做的视频帮助到奶奶,帮助自己告别父亲,开启人生新的一页,所以他会认为这很有用。故选A。
    最佳标题题。根据“In a heartwarming stry, Mr. Sun frm Fushun, Lianing prvince, made a vide using AI technlgy t make his grandma happy.”及全文可知,本文介绍孙先生利用AI换脸技术制作了一段来自他已故父亲的视频信息,以此来安慰他的奶奶,这是一个非常感人的故事。故选C。
    第三节 阅读填空(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
    Why are gd eating habits imprtant? Yur bdy is like a super-strng, super-speedy machine, and the fd yu eat is what keeps yu ging. ___31___ Eating the right fd helps yur bdy run smthly and stay strng.
    Give yu energy
    The fd yu eat gives yu energy t run, jump and play. Prteins (蛋白质) are a gd chice. ___32___
    Help yu grw.
    Are yu trying t get taller and strnger? Eating things such as chicken, fish and beans des gd t yur grwth.
    Sme fds are like tiny dctrs. Fruits and vegetables, such as apples and carrts, have an active influence n yur bdy if smething ges wrng, like when yu have a little cld.
    Keep yu slim.
    Smetimes peple eat t much sugar r fatty fds, and it’s like putting t much weight in yur backpack. ___34___ Eating a gd mix f fds can help yu stay light.
    Hw can yu start eating better? Firstly, eat all kinds f fds. ___35___ Dn’t be t picky (挑食). Next, have three meals a day. Yu are suppsed t have each meal n time. Lastly, drink water. As a garden needs watering, yur bdy needs water t.
    A. Make yu healthy.
    B. Exercise every day.
    C. Each kind is gd fr yur health.
    D. It gets heavy and makes yu tired.
    E. It’s just like putting the right il in yur car.
    F. Eggs and milk prvide pwer fr every mvement yu make.
    【答案】31. E 32. F 33. A 34. D 35. C
    根据“Yur bdy is like a super-strng, super-speedy machine, and the fd yu eat is what keeps yu ging.”可知,此处将身体和机器作比较,选项E “这就像给你的车加对油一样。”符合语境,故选E。
    根据“prteins (蛋白质) are a gd chice.”可知,此处提到蛋白质,鸡蛋和牛奶都富含蛋白质,选项F “鸡蛋和牛奶为你的每一个动作提供能量。”符合语境,故选F。
    根据“Sme fds are like tiny dctrs.”可知,有些食物就像小医生,可以帮你健康,选项A“让你健康。”符合语境,故选A。
    根据“Smetimes peple eat t much sugar r fatty fds, and it’s like putting t much weight in yur backpack.”可知,吃太多的糖或高脂肪的食物就像在你的背包里放了太多的重量,选项D“它变得很重,让你很累。”符合语境,故选D。
    根据“Firstly, eat all kinds f fds. ... Dn’t be t picky (挑食).”可知,此处建议吃各种各样的食物,不要挑食,选项C “每一种都对你的健康有益。”符合语境,故选C。
    第三部分 写(共四节,满分50分)
    第一节 单词填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    36. I am lking f________ t hearing frm yu.
    【详解】句意:我期待着你的消息。lk frward t“期待”,固定短语,故填(f)rward。
    37. China is a large cuntry with a lng h________.
    【详解】句意:中国是一个有着悠久历史的大国。根据“China is a large cuntry with a lng h...”可知,中国是一个有着悠久历史的大国,histry“历史”,不定冠词a后跟可数名词单数形式。故填(h)istry。
    38. Please tell me the t________. Dn’t lie t me again.
    【详解】句意:请告诉我真相。别再骗我了。根据“Dn’t lie t me again.”可知,是指说出真相,应用短语tell the truth。故填(t)ruth。
    39. Tny can see things mre clearly nw with this pair f g________.
    【详解】句意:戴上这副眼镜,托尼看东西看得更清楚了。根据“Tny can see things mre clearly nw with this pair f g...”可知,戴上眼镜,看东西更清楚,glasses“眼镜”符合语境。故填(g)lasses。
    40. Kids shuld spend mre time exercising i________ f playing with mbile phnes.
    【详解】句意:孩子们应该花更多的时间锻炼,而不是玩手机。根据“Kids shuld spend mre time exercising i... f playing with mbile phnes.”可知,应该多锻炼而不是玩手机,instead f“而不是”符合语境,故填(i)nstead。
    41. The pictures always ________ /rɪˈmaɪnd/ me f my hme far away.
    42. Learning is a lifelng ________ /′dʒə:nɪ/. Yu shuld never stp it.
    43. Make sure yu ________ (洗) yur hands befre having dinner.
    44. Tm and I hld the ________ (相同的) pinin. I ttally agree with him.
    45. It can be ________ (危险的) fr the peple t give fd t wild animals.
    【详解】句意:给野生动物喂食对人们来说是危险的。dangerus “危险的”,在句中作表语,故填dangerus。
    第二节 语法填空(共10小题,每小题1分,满分10分)
    In China, when yu want t travel n a high-speed train, yu can nw chse a quiet car. The big train cmpany in China has started this n sme train lines, ___46___ the nes frm Beijing t Shanghai, Beijing t Guangzhu, and Chengdu t Chngqing.
    Yu can chse a quiet car when yu buy yur train ticket n the website 12306.cn ___47___ can ffer train tickets. Yu can ask fr a quiet seat in the ___48___ (tw) class (等级). On the 12306 phne app, if a train has a quiet car, yu ___49___ (find) a “quiet” sign.
    After yu buy yur ticket, yu will receive ___50___ message telling yu nt t make any nise in the quiet car. Yu shuld use headphnes when ___51___ (listen) t music and g utside the quiet car if yu talk n the phne. Parents must make sure their ___52___ (child) behave well s that they wn’t cause any truble fr thers. The cnductrs (列车员) will speak mre ___53___ (sft). They als knw when each persn will get ff the train and can tell ___54___ (they) quietly.
    If yu wuld like ___55___ (buy) sme fd, yu can scan (扫描) a special cde n the arm f yur seat. Fllw the steps t rder, and the salespersn will bring it t yu.
    Nw, yu can enjy a nice and quiet train trip!
    【答案】46. including
    47. that##which
    48. secnd 49. will find 50. a
    51. listening
    52. children
    53. sftly 54. them
    55. t buy
    句意:中国最大的铁路公司已经在一些线路上推出了这项服务,包括北京至上海、北京至广州和成都至重庆的线路。根据“The big train cmpany in China has started this n sme train lines, nes frm Beijing t Shanghai, Beijing t Guangzhu, and Chengdu t Chngqing.”可知,此处举例推出这项服务的线路包括哪些,介词including“包括”符合语境。故填including。
    句意:在12306手机应用程序上,如果火车上有安静车厢,你会发现一个“安静”的标志。此处是if引导的条件状语从句,动作未发生,满足“主将从现”原则,主句用一般将来时。故填will find。
    句意:如果你想买一些食物,你可以扫描座位扶手上的特殊码。wuld like t d sth“想要做某事”,动词不定式作宾语。故填t buy。
    第三节 信息归纳(共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
    One f the greatest sprtsmen in China is the ping-png player Rng Gutuan. He was the first ne t win the Wrld Table Tennis Champinship fr China and is cnsidered as the mst imprtant ne in starting the glden era f Chinese table tennis. He was brn n August 10th, 1937, int a fisherman family in Guangdng.
    Rng shwed great interest and talent in table tennis frm a yung age. At 15, he was chsen int the natinal team, where his skills were imprved. His backhand lp sht became his signature (标志性的) mve.
    Rng wn the first prize f the men’s singles at the 25th Wrld Table Tennis Champinships in 1959. It marked China’s first wrld champin in a new era.
    Rng shwed utstanding sprts spirit, never giving up even in the face f great difficulties. His lve fr the game and his high-level skills have deeply mved the Chinese. The wnderful life stry and spirit f Rng Gutuan cntinue t live n in the Chinese table tennis teams and all the ther Chinese sprts.
    Rng’s ways f training and practical skills have been passed dwn frm the ld ping-png players t the yung, leading China t lts f hnrs and glry in table tennis. His success als brught China ppularity in table tennis. He has always been the idl (偶像) f Chinese sprtsmen.
    【答案】56. First
    57. imprved
    58. Achievement
    59. gave up
    60. ppular
    根据“He was the first ne t win the Wrld Table Tennis Champinship fr China”可知,容国团是中国第一个获得世乒赛冠军的人,标题中需要大写首字母。故填First。
    根据“At 15, he was chsen int the natinal team, where his skills were imprved.”可知,15岁时,他被选入国家队,在那里他的技术得到了提高。imprve“提高”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填imprved。
    根据“Rng wn the first prize f the men’s singles at the 25th Wrld Table Tennis Champinships in 1959. It marked China’s first wrld champin in a new era.”可知,1959年容国团是第25届世乒赛男单冠军,这标志着中国在新时代获得了第一个世界冠军,这是他的成就。achievement“成就”,此处需要大写首字母。故填Achievement。
    根据“Rng shwed utstanding sprts spirit, never giving up even in the face f great difficulties.”可知,容国团表现出了杰出的体育精神,即使面对巨大的困难也从不放弃。give up“放弃”,时态是一般过去时,动词用过去式。故填gave up。
    根据“His success als brught China ppularity in table tennis.”可知,他的成功也为中国乒乓球运动带来了人气,make sth+adj,ppular“流行的”符合语境。故填ppular。
    第四节 书面表达(满分20分)
    61. 假如你是光明中学的李华,准备参加学校举办的以“感恩” 为主题的英语演讲比赛。请你以“A Special Birthday Gift”为题,用英语写一篇演讲稿,讲述你在父(母)亲或其他长辈生日那天,送上的一份特殊生日礼物:家务劳动。
    1. 做家务的理由;
    2. 做家务的过程(扫地、擦家具、收拾房间等);
    3. 你的感受。
    1. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;
    2. 不能出现真实姓名和校名;
    3. 词数100左右。开头已为你写好,但不计入总词数。
    4. 参考词汇:wipe the furniture 擦家具
    A Special Birthday Gift
    Hell, everyne! My name is Li Hua. Tday, I’m very glad t have the chance t take part in this English speech cntest.
    Thank yu fr yur listening!
    A Special Birthday Gift
    Hell, everyne! My name is Li Hua. Tday, I’m very glad t have the chance t take part in this English speech cntest. My special birthday gift fr my parents is ding husewrk.
    I have been busy with my study and seldm helped my parents with the husewrk. Feeling srry fr them I began t think abut what t d t help.
    Last Saturday was my mther’s birthday and my parents went ut t see a film. It ccurred t me that I culd give the rms a thrugh cleaning. Firstly, I cllected all the bks, newspapers and ther things scattered in the rms and put them in place. Then, I wiped the furniture. After that, I swept and mpped the flr.
    At that mment, my parents came back and were quite surprised t see all the rms tidy. My mther gave me a hug and I culd see her tears in her eyes. Tired as I was, I felt s happy!
    Thank yu fr yur listening!
    ③提示:要求以“A Special Birthday Gift”为题,根据提示内容进行写作,适当添加细节,并突出写作重点。
    ①be busy with 忙于
    ②think abut 考虑
    ③ place 放好
    ①It ccurred t me that I culd give the rms a thrugh cleaning.(It固定句型)
    ②Tired as I was, I felt s happy!(倒装句)Sichuan is hme t giant pandas. Bamb is their favrite fd. They are cute with black and white fur (皮毛), s peple all ver the wrld like t g t Sichuan t see them in nature parks. They are s amazing that they becme a symbl f China.
    Everyne in China knws Sichuan fd is super spicy! The reasn is the Sichuan pepper, a special kind f pepper that makes yur tngue (舌头) feel like it’s dancing with a little electricity. Try Sichuan ht pt r map tfu t taste it!
    In Sichuan, there’s a dream place everyne wants t visit—Jiuzhaigu. The plants there are quite green, the water is very clear and the air is rather fresh. Turists say when they visit this place, it’s just like walking in a huge painting. Yu can enjy the beautiful views and feel clse t nature.
    Sichuan is filled with ancient places that are very ld and interesting. The Dujiangyan Irrigatin System is a great water prject. It was built lng time ag and it still helps t water the plants and farms nw. Besides, Du Fu Thatched Cttage (杜甫草堂) is als wrth visiting in Chengdu.
    Rng Gutuan: The ____56____ Chinese t Win the Wrld Table Tennis Champinship.
    Early Life
    He was chsen int the natinal team at 15. There he ____57____ his skills. His backhand lp sht became his signature mve.
    He wn the men’s singles at the 25th Wrld Table Tennis Champinships in 1959.
    Sprts Spirit
    When he faced great difficulties, he never ___59___.
    He was nce the key t the develpment f Chinese table tennis. His success als made table tennis ____60____ in China. He has always been the idl f Chinese sprtsmen.

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