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    必修第二册 Unit 5 Music-2025年高考英语大一轮复习(课件+讲义+练习)

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    Unit 5 Music
    hip-hp n.嘻哈音乐;嘻哈文化techn n.泰克诺音乐(一种节奏快、通常无歌声相伴 的音乐)bagpipes n.[pl.]风笛stringed adj.有弦的
    stringed instrument弦乐器virtual chir虚拟合唱团studi n.演播室;(音乐的)录音棚;工作室cnductr n.(乐队、合唱团等的)指挥; (公共汽车的)售票员
    phenmenn (pl.phenmena) n.现象rap n.快速敲击;说唱音乐vi.& vt.敲击;(说唱歌中的)念白album n.相册;集邮簿;音乐专辑lean vt.(leant/leaned,leant/leaned)依靠;倾斜
    rhetrical adj.修辞的metaphr n.暗喻;隐喻persnificatin n.拟人;人格化;化身repetitin n.重复;重做
    simile n.明喻utline n.& vt.概述;概要
    classical adj.古典的;经典的sul n.灵魂;心灵virtual adj.很接近的;事实上的;虚拟的pprtunity n.机会;时机nt prep.(朝)向
    rdinary adj.普通的;平凡的award vt.授予n.奖品stage n.(发展或进展的)时期;阶段; (多指剧场中的)舞台altgether adv.(用以强调)全部;总共
    thus adv.如此;因此band n.乐队;带子nwadays adv.现在;目前previus adj.先前的;以往的impact n.巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力
    aim n.目的;目标vi.& vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准vt.目的是;旨在disease n.(疾)病ache vi.& n.疼痛mrever adv.而且;此外
    being n.身心;存在;生物smehw adv.以某种方式(或方法);不知怎么地
    energy n.能源;能量;精力→energetic adj.精力充沛的cmpsitin n.成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品→cmpse v.组成;作曲;撰写→cmpser n.作曲者,作曲家
    perfrm vi.& vt.表演;履行;执行→perfrmance n.表演;演技;表现→perfrmer n.表演者;演员
    enable vt.使能够;使可能→able adj.有能力的→ability n.能力→disable vt.使丧失能力;使残疾→disability n.残疾;缺陷→unable adj.不能的;没有能力的
    prve vt.证明;展现→prf n.证据riginal adj.原来的;独创的;原作的 n.原件;原作→riginally adv.最初;原来→rigin n.起源;出身
    gradual adj.逐渐的;渐进的→gradually adv.逐渐地capable adj.有能力的;有才能的→incapable adj.没有能力的→capacity n.容量;能力
    relief n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除; (不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱→relieve vt.减轻;缓解→relieved adj.感到宽慰的;放心的
    cure vt.治愈;治好(疾病);解决(问题)n.药物;治疗;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施→curable adj.可治愈的→incurable adj.不可治愈的
    unemplyed adj.失业的;待业的→emply vt.雇用;利用→emplyment n.就业;使用;雇用;工作→emplyer n.雇主→emplyee n.雇员
    rmantic adj.浪漫的 n.浪漫的人→rmance n.浪漫气氛;爱情故事;爱情equipment n.设备;装备→equip vt.装备;配备
    talent n.天才;天资;天赋→talented adj.有天赋的;天才的pian n.钢琴→pianist n.钢琴家
    assume vt.以为;假设→assumptin n.假设;推断→assuming cnj.假设;假定
    additin n.添加;加法;增加物→additinal adj.附加的;另外的→add vt.添加;增加treatment n.治疗;对待;处理→treat vt.治疗;对待;招待 n.乐趣;款待
    satisfactin n.满足;满意;欣慰→satisfy vt.使满意→satisfied adj.满意的→satisfying adj.令人满意的→satisfactry adj.令人满意的
    varius adj.各种不同的;各种各样的→variety n.多样性→vary v.变化reactin n.反应;回应→react vi.(对……)作出反应
    [拔高词汇] 背选修词汇
    exclaim /ɪk'skleɪm/ vi.& vt.惊叫;呼喊illusin /ɪ'luːʒn/ n.幻想;假象;错觉exalt /ɪɡ'zɔːlt/ vt.表扬;褒扬;提拔chilly /'tʃɪli/ adj.寒冷的;阴冷的;冷淡的
    arrgance /'ærəɡəns/ n.傲慢;自大→arrgant /'ærəɡənt/ adj.傲慢的;自大的terrific /tə'rɪfɪk/ adj.极好的;绝妙的;很大的prsperus /'prɒspərəs/ adj.繁荣的;成功的;兴旺的→prsper /'prɒspə(r)/ vi.繁荣;兴旺;成功
    stick with坚持;紧跟exclusive /ɪk'skluːsɪv/ adj.独有的;专有的;排外的n.独家新闻;独家报道cntrversial /ˌkɒntrə'vɜːʃl/ adj.引起争论的;有争议的
    fall in lve with爱上absrbed in sth/sb 被……吸引住;专心致志set sth up安装好(设备或机器)try ut参加……选拔(或试演)in additin (t sb/sth) 除……以外(还)
    frm (then) n从(那)时起get thrugh (设法)处理;完成tuch ne’s heart/sul 触动某人的心灵enable sb t d sth 使某人能够做某事have an impact n...对……有影响
    Imagine having the pprtunity t sing tgether with hundreds f ther peple while yu are at hme alne.(while引导的时间状语从句)想象一下,独自在家时,你有机会可以与数百人一起引吭高歌。
    Mved by this music,he said,“It was like seeing clr fr the first time.”(过去分词短语作原因状语)他被这段音乐打动了,他说:“那种(兴奋的)感觉就如同是第一次看见色彩一样。”Music is the medicine f the mind.(暗喻)音乐是心灵的良药。
    It spke wrds f encuragement t the deepest part f my being.(拟人)它(音乐)使我的内心深受鼓舞。During thse times,music can help yu in the same way that it helped me.(way作先行词的定语从句)在那时,音乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。
    Given my inexperience,I chse a fairly simple cmpsitin.(独立成分作状语)考虑到我缺乏经验,我选择了一部相当简单的作品。
    1.studi n._______________________ __________________3.phenmenn (pl.phenmena) n.___________________vi.& vt._______________________
    5.album n.& vt.___________
    1. adj.古典的;经典的2. n.灵魂;心灵3. n.机会;时机4. adj.普通的;平凡的5. vt.授予n.奖品6. n.(发展或进展的)时期;阶段;(多指剧场中的)舞台
    7. adv.(用以强调)全部;总共8. adj.先前的;以往的9. n.巨大影响;强大作用;冲击力10. n.目的;目标vi.& vt.力求达到;力争做到;瞄准vt.目的是;旨在
    1. n.成分;(音乐、艺术、诗歌的)作品→ v.组成;作曲;撰写→ n.作曲者,作曲家2. vt.证明;展现→ n.证据
    3. adj.有能力的;有才能的→ adj.没有能力的→ n.容量;能力4. n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除; (不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱→ vt.减轻;缓解→ adj.感到宽慰的;放心的
    5. adj.浪漫的 n.浪漫的人→ n.浪漫气氛;爱情故事;爱情6. n.钢琴→ n.钢琴家7. vt.以为;假设→ n.假设;推断→ cnj.假设;假定
    8. n.添加;加法;增加物→ adj.附加的;另外的→ vt.添加;增加9. adj.各种不同的;各种各样的→ n.多样性→ v.变化10. n.反应;回应→ vi.(对……)作出反应
    1.exclaim vi.& n.___________→arrgant adj._____________________
    1. 爱上2. 安装好(设备或机器)3. 触动某人的心灵4. 从(那)时起5. 使某人能够做某事
    fall in lve with
    tuch ne’s heart/sul
    frm (then) n
    enable sb t d sth
    1.Bys f five t eight years ld are very and they seem t have limitless .(energy)2.The s well that we all applauded his .(perfrm)3.The persn has a lt f truble with his life due t his .Hwever,his new facility him t walk freely.(able)
    4. the bk described the f hip-hp;hwever,he canceled it frm the .(rigin)5.Sme peple thught his disease was s severe that it was ,while thers thught it .At last,an ld specialist fund a _____fr it and him f the disease.(cure)6.Mr Jhnsn is and has n incme nw.Hw he wishes an culd him!(emply)
    7.The patient is under medical nw and is being with a new drug.(treat)8.T my ,I gt a result f the exam,which made my mther quite .(satisfy)9.My brther nt nly has a fr music,but als is in painting.(talent)10.Our classrm is with the mst advanced .(equip)
    1. reading fr knwledge,we read fr fun and inspiratin.2.I tried phning her ffice,but I didn’t succeed in deeply wrk,he always frgets all abut eating r sleeping.
    absrbed in,try ut,get thrugh,have an impact n,in additin t
    In additin t
    getting thrugh
    4.It is the first time that I the bxing class and unexpectedly,I like is nt surprising that hw the emplyees dress up culd __________ the crprate image.
    have tried ut
    1.当我在骑马时,一只小兔子突然蹦了出来。(while引导的时间状语从句)Suddenly a little rabbit jumped ut .2.由于受到班主任的鼓舞,我决定坚持我的梦想直到实现它。(过去分词短语作原因状语) ,I am determined t stick t my dream until I achieve it.
    while I was riding my hrse
    Inspired by my head teacher
    3.众所周知,眼睛是心灵的窗口。(暗喻)It is well knwn that .4.我特别喜欢他教我们的方式。(way作先行词的定语从句)I especially like .5.鉴于他的极佳表现,我要给予他奖励。(独立成分作状语) ,I will give him a reward.
    the eye is the windw t the heart
    the way (that/in which) he teaches us
    Given his excellent perfrmance
    Jill,an rdinary-lking girl,has a talent 1. music and her aim is t be a master in music,but when she was 20 years ld,a serius disease made her ache all ver.Frm then n,she went thrugh 2. (variety) f treatments,but nne culd cure her disease.Additinally,she lst the pprtunity 3. (get) nt the stage with her band.The disease als had an impact n her appearance.She tried ut fr sme perfrmances, 4. the reactin frm audience was terrible,thugh she was a capable cmpser and a gd perfrmer.
    5. (gradual),she became absrbed in watching her previus albums,6. (assume) that she had been fine.Her parents were wrried abut the phenmenn and thus,they tried t help her ut smehw.One day they sent ne f her 7. (rigin) cmpsitins t a virtual chir.The cnductr 8. was in charge fell in lve with the energy in her music.Instead f telling a rmantic stry,her music can tuch peple’s sul,bring peple relief and cause a sense f 9. (satisfy).
    Nwadays they have designed a special studi fr her and set up advanced equipment.This enables her t prve her talents and t win 10. award.Mrever,her parents’ supprt is the rck she can lean n t becme strng and t get thrugh hard times.
    ·win/receive/get an award fr sth 因……而得奖 take up an award接受奖项·award sth t sb =award sb sth 授予/判给某人某物 award sb fr sth 因为某事而奖励某人
    (1)I ften dream f perfrming n a wnderful stage and winning an award my perfrmance.
    (2)得知您被授予一等奖,我写信向您表示衷心的祝贺。(应用文写作之祝贺信) ,I am writing t express my heartfelt cngratulatins t yu.(3)我很荣幸能在今天的颁奖典礼上发表演讲,看到这么多才华横溢的演员赢得他们梦寐以求的奖项,我也感动得流下了眼泪。 and seeing s many talented perfrmers ,I am als mved t tears.
    Learning that yu were awarded first prize
    I am hnred t deliver a speech at tday’s awards ceremny
    win their dream awards
    ·in/with relief欣慰地,释然地;松了口气 t ne’s relief(=t the relief f sb)让某人宽慰的是·relieve sb f...将某人从……中解脱出来;帮助某人减轻(负担)
    n.(焦虑、痛苦的)减轻或消除;减轻痛苦的事物;(不快过后的)宽慰、轻松或解脱;救济 (relieve v.减轻,缓解 relieved adj.感到宽慰的;放心的)
    (1)It is yur cnsiderate cmfrt and generus help that relieved us ____the tense depressin.
    (2)令我们松了一口气的是,直升机在那只熊把围栏拆掉之前到达了。 ,the helicpter arrived befre the bear tre dwn the fence.(3)得知走丢的孩子们安然无恙地回到了家,所有在场的人都松了口气。Knwing the missing children returned hme safe and sund,__________ .
    T ur relief/T the relief f us
    present breathed a sigh f relief/sighed with/in relief
    ·a cure fr...……的治疗方法;治愈……的方法·cure sb f sth 治愈某人的某种疾病;矫正/改正某人的不良行为·under treatment 治疗中
    n.药物;治疗;痊愈;治疗方法;(解决问题、改善糟糕情况的)措施 vt.治愈;解决(问题);治好(疾病);纠正/去除(弊端等)(treat v.治疗;对待;招待 n.乐趣,款待 treatment n.治疗;处理;对待)
    (1)Music has a magic pwer t bring relief and satisfactin,and thus it can be a cure sme diseases.
    (2)我最尊敬的人是我的英语老师,他耐心地帮助我矫正了不良的学习习惯。 (2020·全国Ⅰ,书面表达)The persn I respect mst is my English teacher wh _________________ .(3)自从他被诊断出患有这种疾病以来,他一直在接受治疗,但似乎没有什么能治愈这种罕见的疾病,这让他陷入了深深的绝望。Ever since he was diagnsed with the disease,______________________ ,but nthing seems t ,which puts him deep in despair.
    patiently helped t
    cure me f my bad learning habits
    he has been under
    cure him f the rare disease
    ·with the aim f有……的目的·aim at瞄准;力求达到…… aim sth at sb/sth 用某物朝向/瞄准某人或某物 aim t aimed at ding...旨在……;目的是…… be aimed at目的是;旨在
    n.目的;目标 vi.& vt.瞄准;力求达到;力争做到 vt.目的是;旨在(aimless adj.无目的的)
    (1)Our schl perfrmed a survey amng all the students,aiming (find) ut their pinins abut setting up an English Crner.
    (2)我抓住一块石头,把它瞄准狼,试图把狼吓走。(读后续写之动作链描写)I seized a stne and ,attempting t scare the wlf away.(3)我写信的目的是向您表示衷心的感谢。(应用文写作之感谢信)I am writing .(4)为了丰富学生的学校生活,上周末我们学校举办了一个主题为“了解我们周围的植物”的活动。 (2023·浙江1月·应用文写作) ,an activity with the theme “Getting t Knw the Plants Arund Us” was held in ur schl last weekend.(过去分词作状语)
    aimed it at the wlf
    with the aim f expressing my heartfelt gratitude t yu
    Aimed at enriching the students’ schl life
    n.满足;满意;欣慰(satisfy vt.使满意;满足 satisfied adj.满意的 satisfactry adj.令人满意的 satisfying adj.令人满意的)
    (1)T my (satisfy),my sn finally fund a _____________ (satisfy) jb.My sn was satisfied (wrk) in the factry.
    ·with satisfactin满意地 t ne’s satisfactin令某人满意的是·be satisfied with sth/sb 对某事/某人感到满意 be satisfied t d sth 对做某事感到满意
    (2)Judging frm his expressin,we realized that ur perfrmance was far frm .(satisfy)(3)最终,我的努力得到了回报——我获得了A,这给了我极大的满足感。Finally,my hard wrk paid ff—I was awarded an A,______________ .(4)你们的旅行社曾作出“保证满意”的承诺,可是事实上没有一个游客对你们的服务满意。(应用文写作之投诉信)Yur travel agency had prmised “Satisfactin Guaranteed”,but as a matter f fact,nne f the turists yur service.
    which gave me
    a great sense f satisfactin
    was satisfied with
    get dwn t ding sth 开始着手做某事get used t (ding) sth 习惯于做某事get alng (well/badly)with 和……相处(得好/坏);进展(得好/坏)get ver克服(困难);从……中恢复过来get acrss(使)被理解;把……讲清楚
    用get的相关短语填空Learning that yu have difficulty (1) yur new schl life,I am writing with the aim f ffering yu sme tips.Firstly,why nt (2) taking part in sme interest grups s that yu can find friends with similar interest?In additin,yu can turn t the schl adviser wh can help (3) yur hardships.Last but nt least,if yu cmmunicate with yur classmates sincerely,yu will (4) yur meaning .In brief,fllw the abve suggestins,and thus,yu can (5) yur classmates as sn as pssible.(应用文写作之建议信)
    getting used t
    get ver/get thrugh
    get alng well with
    Music is the medicine f the mind.音乐是心灵的良药。(暗喻)It spke wrds f encuragement t the deepest part f my being.它(音乐)使我的内心深受鼓舞。(拟人)
    先欣赏(1)(暗喻)我如鲠在喉,泪水模糊了我的眼眶。(情感描写)I felt a lump in my thrat,tears cluding my eyes.(2)(暗喻)小男孩狼吞虎咽。(动作描写)The little by wlfed dwn the fd.(3)(暗喻、拟人)羽毛般的雪花在夜空中飞舞,构成一幅美丽的图画。(景物描写)The feathery snwflakes danced in the night air,making a beautiful picture.(4)(拟人)我气得说不出话来。(情感描写)Anger chked my wrds.
    再运用(5)(暗喻)爱是太阳,把冬天从人的脸上驱走。(读后续写之升华句) that drives winter frm the human face.(6)(暗喻)生活是一条未被涉足的河流,充满各种曲折。(读后续写之升华句) ,full f twists and turns.(7)(拟人)夜空中星星向我眨眼。(景物描写) in the night sky.
    Lve is the sun
    Life is an unexplred river
    Stars winked at me
    ·way后面的定语从句不缺主语和宾语时,定语从句用in which或that引导, 也可省略关系词。·当the/a way后面的定语从句缺少主语或宾语时,关系词用that或which, 作宾语时可省略关系词。
    During thse times,music can help yu in the same way that it helped me.在那时,音乐可以帮助你,就像它曾经帮助我一样。
    (1)我几乎要崩溃了,这时我爸爸想出一个我们能够返回叔叔的农舍的好方法。I was almst n the edge f breaking dwn when my dad came up with a gd way .(2)事实上,有很多方法对我们的英语学习大有裨益,但重要的是找到一种最适合我们的方法。 (2022·全国乙,书面表达)As a matter f fact,there are a wide range f ways __________________ ur English learning,but what is imprtant is t find ne that suits us best.
    (that/in which) we culd return t my uncle’s farmhuse
    that/which are f
    great benefit t
    (1)Hney,yu must appreciate that I have my duty t perfrm,just as yu have yur duty.(2)T perfrm these tasks,drnes fr rail dn’t need t be flying verhead. (2022·全国乙)
    (3)The children wh played with puzzles perfrmed better than thse wh did nt,n tasks that assessed their ability t rtate(旋转) and translate shapes. (2020·全国Ⅱ)(4)This actr ften has the first tw tricks planned befre perfrming,and then ges fr whatever. (2020·江苏)
    2.get thrugh
    (1)What puzzles me is that I dn’t knw hw t get thrugh my wrk. (2)Using a different apprach helps me get thrugh tugh times.(3)If ne man guards the pass,ten thusand peple are unable t get thrugh.(4)Having dialed the number several times,the pet still culdn’t get thrugh.
    3.快速阅读下列句子并猜测句中加颜色词汇的汉语意思(1)The curse is designed t help students with clur and cmpsitin.(2)Argentina came t a virtual standstill while the game was being played.(3)The fficial cnfirmed that the paintings were riginals and wrth as much as $50 millin. (2020·全国Ⅱ)(4)Fr all f Bellevue’s success,adaptive signals are nt a cure-all fr jammed radways. (2020·浙江)
    1.The little girl was at a stage she culd speak individual wrds,but nt full sentences.2.I ensure that lve frm the students will cure him his hmesickness.3. (absrb) in writing a pem,the pet didn’t realize night was king launched several battles,aiming (cnquer) the cunty which tried t break away frm his cntrl.
    5. (assume) I have an pprtunity t travel t a nearby cuntry,I must keep my eyes pen fr the by has gne thrugh several (treat),which have striking mment Chinese Petry Cmpetitin was aired,it stirred up a strng (react) my (satisfy),the bss f the pub was very generus and treated me t a beer free f charge.
    9.The pet keeps a balanced diet and takes exercise regularly s as t keep fit and (energy).10. (surrund) by ld cypress trees,the Kng Family Mansin gives us a sense f histry.
    1.我很荣幸能在这里发表演讲,分享我对音乐的看法,激励更多的人享受音乐、享受生活。(定语从句;be aimed at)______________________________________________________________2.音乐作为一种世界性语言,在我的生活中扮演着重要的角色,并对我产生了巨大的影响。(have an impact n)______________________________________________________________3.对我来说,音乐是心灵的良药,它可以让我放松,带我去我的梦想之地。(比喻修辞;定语从句)______________________________________________________________
    4.说到我最喜欢的音乐类型,那一定是古典音乐,因为它是如此纯净和令人惊叹,让我想起了所有美好的事物。(When it cmes t...;现在分词短语作伴随状语)_____________________________________________________________5.我对音乐如此着迷,以至于我参加了几场音乐表演并赢得了许多奖项。(倒装句式;absrbed in;award)_____________________________________________________________
    Bys and girls,Gd mrning! I am Li Hua.I am hnred t deliver a speech here which is aimed at sharing my views n music and inspiring mre peple t enjy music and enjy life.Music,as a universal language,plays an imprtant rle in my life and has a great impact n me.Fr me,music is the medicine f the mind,which can keep me relaxed and take me t my dream land.
    When it cmes t my favrite type f music,it must be the classical music,fr it is s pure and amazing,reminding me f all beautiful things.S absrbed in music am I that I have taken part in several music perfrmances and wn many awards.This is my stry with music.I sincerely hpe everyne can benefit frm music in the way that it has dne t me.That’s all.Thank yu!
    音乐会表演① (分词作状语),Emily finally appeared n the stage.She was greeted with dubtful eyes and even sneering.But as cl as a cucumber,she began t sing her heart ut.When she finished her sng,there was a mment f silence and then thunderus applause brke ut.② (独立主格),Emily knew she made it.Mrs Butter ③_______________________ .
    Having gne thrugh s much tugh training
    Tears f happiness flwing dwn her cheeks
    was s mved that she
    stepped n the stage and gave her a tight hug
    She kissed her n the cheek,④_________________________________(独立主格).⑤ ,Emily did present a perfect perfrmance with her cnfidence and their hard wrk finally paid ff,⑥ (定语从句).
    their eyes brimming with warm tears
    T Mrs Butter’s relief
    which made her mre than satisfied

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