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    这是一份安徽省合肥第八中学等十校联盟2022-2023高二下学期期中考试英语试题,共18页。试卷主要包含了本试卷分选择题和非选择题两部分,答题前,考生务必用直径0, B等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On a bus. B. At a subway statin. C. At a bus statin.
    2. Why did the man play badly in the tennis match?
    A. He didn’t eat enugh fd.
    B. He had t little sleep the night befre.
    C. He felt thirsty during the cmpetitin.
    3. At what time des the yga class end?
    A. 6:00. B. 7:00. C. 7:15.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. An ld film. B. An actr. C. A nvel.
    5. What des the wman think f her new neighbrs?
    A. They are nisy. B. They are untidy. C. They are unfriendly.
    6. Hw lng is Mabel’s Cafe pen?A. Fr 7 hurs. B. Fr 9 hurs. C. Fr 10 hurs.
    7. What d we knw abut Mabel’s Cafe?
    A. It serves cffee and sweet fd.
    B. It desn’t take any reservatins.
    C. It is far frm Pyramids Mexican Restaurant.
    8. What is the man?
    A. A news reprter. B. An editr. C. A shrt stry writer.
    9. What des the man say abut his jb?
    A. He has t attend mre meetings.
    B. He wrks mre slwly than he used t.
    C. He has mre space t express his ideas.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. C-wrkers. B. Bss and secretary. C. Father and daughter.
    11. What des the wman think is wrng with her at first?
    A. She has a headache. B. She has an earache. C. She has a tthache.
    12. What will the wman d at nce?
    A. Stp taking medicine.
    B. Make a dentist appintment.
    C. Write dwn her prblems n paper.
    13. What des the man tell the wman?
    A. Where t get the medicine.
    B. Hw t make an appintment.
    C. When t have her tth checked.
    14. Where will the girl g n Saturday?
    A. A cinema, B. A restaurant. C. Tm’s huse.
    15. When des the mvie start?
    A. At 7:15. B. At 8:00. C. At 12:30.
    16. What is the girl ging t d next?A. Call Jane. B. Study at hme. C. Eat sme fd.
    17. What was the first attractin the speaker visited in Lndn?
    A. Buckingham Palace. B. Churchill War Rms. C. The Britain at War Experience.
    18. What did the speaker d in St. James’s Park?
    A. He went bating n the lake.
    B. He tk phts f the scenery.
    C. He spent sme time n a bridge.
    19. Where is Buckingham Palace?
    A. In Tley Street. B. Near Green Park. C. At Lndn Bridge main-line statin.
    20. Hw did the speaker pay fr the Britain at War Experience and Churchill War Rms?
    A. In cash. B. By credit card. C. With supermarket reward bills.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    Peaks f the Balkans
    Jin us fr the adventure thrugh the Accursed Muntain Range. The jurney’s unmatched beauty, undiscvered rawness and welcming lcals will leave yu feeling relaxed and fulfilled. This hike previusly wn the Wrld Travel &. Turism Award and is ne f the mst beautiful hiking trails(小径)in the wrld.
    ● Accmmdatin in Mntenegrin and Albanian guest huses
    Where we stay is what makes this tur special. We have built amazing relatinships with the lcals n the trail wh essentially welcme yu int their hme. They treat yu like family and serve yu fd and drink that nly yur grandmther culd.
    Rms are shared, but private rms can be requested fr an additinal cst.
    ● Lcal guide
    Emir is a guide with a great passin and knwledge f the Accursed Muntain Range. He speaks fluent English, Serb-Cratian and brken Spanish.
    ● What t eat
    Breakfast, lunch and dinner are prvided during days 2~8. Meals n the trail will be traditinal lcal cuisine. Please make any dietary restrictins knwn and we will gladly cater (迎合) t yu. Days 1 and 9 are arrival and departure days. Only dinner will be served n day 1 and breakfast n day 9.
    ● When
    The dates are fixed fr pen grups. Additinal dates can be requested fr private grups.
    ● Hw much it is
    $950 (All inclusive)
    ● Hw t bk
    Fill ut yur cntact infrmatin and tell us a little bit abut yurselves. Feel free t ask any questins and we’ll get back t yu as sn as pssible.
    1. What makes the trip t Peaks f the Balkans special?
    A. The time.B. The cnvenience.
    C. The price.D. The accmmdatin.
    2. Hw many meals are prvided n the tur?
    A. 27.B. 23.C. 9.D. 8.
    3. What is the text?
    A. A diary entry.B. A ntice.
    C. A travel advertisement.D. A bk review.
    Mariah Gallway has bserved her mther and ther family members driving a car s many times. She knew just what t d when she was invlved in a scary incident right in her wn driveway. The truble began ne day when the 8-year-ld’s great-grandmther, Patricia Lynch, picked her up frm schl and brught her hme.
    Patricia had dne this many times, but n this day, a mment f inattentin nearly turned deadly. While Mariah was still in the car, the 79-year-ld accidentally put her car in the wrng gear (档位).
    “She thught her car was in park but it was in reverse (倒车),” Mariah said. “It started mving. She tried t stp it but she fell. The tire went ver her ft.”
    Mariah immediately knew what t d. She jumped int the frnt seat and quickly pulled the keys frm the ignitin (点火装置), stpping the car in its tracks. With Patricia’s leg trapped under the car’s frnt left wheel, Mariah rushed t the huse t get help.
    Mariah’s mm, Prchia Lane, came running, calling an ambulance when she realized what had happened. Smehw Patricia was able t pull herself ut frm under the car’s tire, but her leg was badly injured and bleeding heavily. “Mariah went t take a twel. We wrapped Patricia’s leg up and caught the ambulance,” Prchia recalled, “She really thught fast.”
    Patricia is nw recvering at Trinity Health Oakland Hspital, and Mariah is being called a her fr her quick thinking. Even thugh the child admitted she felt scared during the accident, she managed t keep a cl head and avided further tragedy.
    Prchia is left t cunt her lucky stars that her daughter was watching her while she drve. “She was able t think fast and she prbably was calmer than me in this situatin because I wuld have been crazy,” she tells ther parents. “I just tld Mariah t fllw her heart and make right decisins.”
    4. Hw did Mariah Gallway knw what t d in the terrible incident?
    A. Her schl had just started relevant curses.
    B. Her mther taught her t drive at an early age.
    C. She watched family members drive a lt f times.
    D. She drve the family car secretly mre than nce.
    5. What did Mariah Gallway d at first when sptting the danger?
    A. She called her mther fr help.B. She managed t stp the car.
    C. She jumped ut f the car t help.D. She drve the car ff by herself.
    6. Hw des Prchia Lane feel abut her daughter?
    A. Relieved and prud.B. Surprised and cnfused.
    C. Wrried and regretful.D. Annyed and dubtful.
    7. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Educating Children Needs Many Skills
    B. Nt All Kids Were Paying Attentin t Yu
    C. A Girl Is Always Ready t Help Strangers
    D. A Little Girl Rescued Her Great-grandmther
    Australia recently declared the kala an endangered species in Queensland, the Australian Capital Territry, and New Suth Wales (NSW) because f its bvius ppulatin decline. In the state f NSW, kala cnservatin has becme a key tpic f discussin in the lead-up t the 25 March state electin. Hwever, the debate has fcused n the expansin f prtected areas and ignred the imprtance f kala cnservatin n private lands.
    The majr cause f the kala’s decline—in additin t climate change, wildfires, disease, and encunters with vehicles and dgs—is the lss and degradatin(退化)f suitable habitat. In respnse, the NSW Gvernment has expanded publicly prtected areas in the state. Over the past 20 years—abut three kala generatins—NSW has fficially cnfirmed an additinal 1.5 millin hectares(公顷)f prtected land, sme f which is high-quality kala habitat.
    Hwever, acrss Queensland, the Australian Capital Territry and NSW, 77% f the kala’s range is lcated n land that is wned r rented by private citizens r businesses, where degradatin cntinues. Between 2003 and 2020, agriculture, frestry and infrastructure(基础设施)develpment have led t the act f cutting dwn r burning the trees within 760,500 hectare in NSW, including in regins such as the Cumberland Plain and Liverpl Plains, where kalas are knwn t live. Such develpment has reduced the gains made thrugh new prtected areas.
    The current NSW Kala Strategy adpts a free apprach withut any restrictins, which leaves private landwners, renters and industry have the pwer t decide what shuld be dne in much f kala habitat cnservatin.
    An effective kala cnservatin strategy must include cnservatin measures in private prtected areas, such as payments fr ecsystem services, in additin t publicly prtected areas. In ther wrds, pst-electin agendas must strengthen prtectin f kala habitats n private lands.
    8. What did the discussin befre the state electin fail t ntice?
    A. The vice f lcal citizens.B. The expansin f prtected areas.
    C. The decrease f kala ppulatin.D. The kala cnservatin n private lands.
    9. The decrease in the number f kalas is due t ______.
    A. the attack f diseasesB. the spreading wildfires
    C. the wrsening f living envirnmentD. the cnstant threats frm climate change
    10. What des the authr intend t d in paragraph 3?
    A. Add sme backgrund infrmatin.B. Summarize the previus paragraphs.
    C. Intrduce a new tpic fr discussin.D. Offer sme advice fr the gvernment.
    11. What’s the authr’s attitude t the present NSW Kala Strategy?
    A. Supprtive.B. Disapprving.
    C. Tlerant.D. Unclear.
    Given that stress can adversely affect human health and well-being, including causing high bld pressure and increasing the risk f heart disease, it is essential t understand ur individual respnses t stress and identify ptential factrs that can act as effective stress buffers (缓冲).
    In the paper, which was recently published in the Jurnal f Psychphysilgy, Brian Leavy, Brenda H. O’Cnnell, and Deirdre O’Shea prpse that, althugh the previus research suggests that gratitude and affect balance play key stress-buffering rles, t date, little has been knwn abut the impact f these variables n cardivascular (心血管的) recvery frm acute (急性的) psychlgical stress.
    That was the fcus f the study by the researchers frm the Universities f Maynth and Limerick in Ireland, wh als sught t find ut whether affect balance culd regulate the relatinship between gratitude and cardivascular reactins t acute psychlgical stress.
    The research carried ut at the Irish University f Maynth invlved 68 undergraduate students (24 male and 44 female), aged between 18 and 27. This study used a within-subjects experimental design with lab tasks in which stress was put n participants and then cardivascular reactivity and recvery in respnse t this was measured.
    The results shwed that the state f gratitude predicted lwer bld pressure respnses thrughut the stress-testing perid, which means that the state f gratitude has a unique stress-buffering effect n bth reactins t and recvery frm acute psychlgical stress. It was als fund that affect balance increases the effects f gratitude.
    These findings have practical value as there are several lw-cst gratitude methds which can cntribute t well-being, including keeping a gratitude jurnal and practising acts f kindness. Previus research has shwn hw patients wh make use f gratitude jurnals have better cardivascular utcmes than thse wh d nt. Anther tl t help individuals express gratitude is a gratitude card, which is ne f the suggestins frm Mental Health America (MHA).
    12. What des the underlined wrd “adversely” in paragraph 1 mean?
    A. Unfavrably.B. Creatively.C. Barely.D. Frtunately.
    13. What is paragraph 2 mainly abut?
    A. A new cncept.B. Result cmparisns.
    C. The prblems f an expert’s research.D. The fcus f the study.
    14. Which is a finding f the research?
    A. The effects f gratitude are ften age-related.
    B. Gratitude cntributes t lwer bld pressure.
    C. Affect balance reduces the effects f gratitude.
    D. Acute psychlgical stress is difficult t relieve.
    15. What can we learn frm the text?
    A. The results f the study are nt reliable.
    B. The methds f gratitude cme at a high cst.
    C. MHA’s advice is cnfirmed effective by the research.
    D. The researchers have prpsed new ways t express gratitude.
    Hw t Interpret Crssed Arms
    Knwing hw t interpret bdy language is essential t fully cmprehending what smene is trying t say. But when it cmes t crssed arms, hw d we interpret them? D crssed arms mean smene is angry? Afraid? Clsed ff? ____16____ We’ve cllected a list f them belw.
    Stress r insecurity
    When smene is feeling uncmfrtable during a cnversatin, r when the persn they are talking t says smething that causes their anxiety, they may crss their arms. ____17____
    Anger r defensiveness
    Yu might see smene crss their arms when they hear smething that makes them angry r upset, r when they disagree with what’s being said. ____18____ Even if smene says, “Oh, interesting, g n”, crssed arms suggest they may nt really accept r agree with what they’re hearing.
    Determinatin r arrgance (傲慢)
    ____19____ Crssing their arms ver their chests may cnvey determinatin r arrgance. What else is their bdy ding? Determinatin r arrgance might be accmpanied by bright eyes r a false smile. If yu want t display pwer r cnfidence in a debate, try t avid crssing yur arms, as it may make yu seem mre arrgant than cnfident.
    Practical reasns
    If yu’re speaking t smene and it seems like it’s ging well, but then they crss their arms, dn’t think t much abut it. ____20____ Or perhaps they’re sitting in an armless chair and need t crss their arms t supprt their shulders.
    A. They may be hugging their bdy t keep warm.
    B. There’s mre than ne way t interpret crssed arms.
    C. Mirrr hw the interviewer sits and dn’t crss yur arms.
    D. Essentially, by crssing their arms, they are cmfrting themselves.
    E. Befre yu begin speaking, yu will be judged n yur bdy language.
    F. Yu might see peple engaged in a debate flding their arms t their chests.
    G. Crssing their arms is a way t create a barrier between them and the speakers.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Teaching is nt an easy jb. Aside frm ____21____ kids, they als need t try their best t make a difference in every child.
    Great teachers have the ability t ____22____ students in ways thers can’t. They help ____23____ their students’ eyes, ____24____ them things that they culdn’t see themselves, and mve past what is cnsidered “impssible”.
    As a frmer parle fficer (假释官), Marilyn had witnessed many ____25____ life circumstances that children were experiencing as a result f their ____26____ being in prisn. That is why she felt the ____27____ t change her career and life paths.
    In January, 2000, Marilyn ____28____ the “Healing the Child Within” prgram fr children whse parents are in prisn at M.B. Smiley High Schl in Hustn, Texas. In additin, she created the prgram “N Mre Victims” in Hustn, which is an hur-lng class that ____29____ creating a safer schl envirnment and reducing crime and drug abuse n _____30_____.
    Over the years, Marilyn has saved hundreds f lives as she has _____31_____ cnfidence in her students and empwered them t turn their _____32_____ arund. Many f her students recgnize Marilyn as the _____33_____ that appeared at the right mment and changed their lives fr the _____34_____. There have been many special feature stries abut her wrk. Furthermre, in 2005 Gambrell’s stry “Fighting the Odds” became a mvie n the Lifetime TV netwrk. Even tday, she still cntinues t guide new _____35_____ twards success.
    21 A. criticizingB. educatingC. examiningD. dminating
    22 A. advertiseB. restrictC. abandnD. inspire
    23. A. penB. clseC. rllD. hurt
    24. A. buyB. shwC. awardD. chse
    25. A. realisticB. primitiveC. painfulD. influential
    26 A. parentsB. sistersC. brthersD. grandparents
    27. A. energyB. needC. atmsphereD. luck
    28. A. remvedB. viewedC. dwnladedD. started
    29. A. gave upB. fcused nC. referred tD. belnged t
    30. A. screensB. shreC. menusD. campus
    31. A. imprvedB. lstC. shakenD. lacked
    32. A. carsB. headsC. livesD. relatinships33. A. frceB. barrierC. respnseD. diversity
    34. A. harderB. lngerC. betterD. prer
    35. A. cmpaniesB. wmenC. technlgiesD. generatins
    Accrding t the traditinal Chinese calendar, fr every 19 years there will be seven leap mnths(闰月). “Leap mnth” refers t a repetitive mnth.
    The setting f leap mnth is a way t fill the gap f days between the slar calendar and lunar calendar in ne year, ____36____ is 11 r 12 days, s as t make sure the fur seasns ____37____ (basic) fit the mnths. The first three mnths f the year shuld be spring, the next three shuld be summer, then autumn and the last three mnths shuld be winter.
    There are sme traditins and custms during leap mnth in China, which ____38____ (be) varied in different places. As the leap mnth is arund ____39____ crner, many peple have prepared gifts fr their parents.
    In sme parts f Central China’s Henan prvince, daughters will prepare wild gse-shaped pastries(点心)fr their parents befre the leap mnth cmes, wishing fr gd ____40____ (frtunate).
    In sme parts f East China’s Shandng prvince, the ____41____ (marry) wmen, alng with their husbands, will send dugh-made fish and tad(蟾蜍)t their parents, which symblize “wealth” and “health” respectively. Besides, it ____42____ (say) that the dugh fish is fr a mther and the dugh tad is fr a father.
    In sme places, peple have the traditin f buying shes fr their parents ____43____ (reward) their father and ____44____ (mther) effrts f bringing them _____45_____, and pray fr the health and safety f their parents.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校将于下周六上午举行汉语诗歌创作大赛。请你给英国友人Luis写一封邮件,邀请他参加。内容包括:
    1. 比赛的时间和地点;
    2. 比赛的目的和意义;
    3. 报名方法。
    注意:1. 写作词数应为80左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Jimmy lved ice cream. It was his favrite dessert (甜点). He wanted t eat ice cream all the time. His parents let him have a small dish each night after dinner, if he ate all f his vegetables.
    Jimmy liked eating ice cream at hme, but he really lved ging t the ice cream stand t get an ice cream. There were s many different flavrs t try! Jimmy always did his best t try a new kind f ice cream each time.
    When Jimmy turned eight, he had a checkup at the dctr’s ffice. Dr. Katz said that ice cream wasn’t a very healthy snack. “It’s fine t have a little ice cream nce in a while, but nt every night,” she said.
    After the dctr’s visit, Jimmy and his mm drve hme. “Can I still have ice cream fr dessert tnight?” Jimmy asked.” I dn’t think s, hney,” Mm said, “We shuld try t be healthier.”
    That night at supper, Jimmy ate all his vegetables. But there was n ice cream fr dessert. Instead, Mm came up with a new rule that Jimmy culd have ice cream nce a week. “But if yu want t eat ice cream, yu’ll have t earn it by walking t the ice cream stand,” she said.
    Accrding t the map, the ice cream stand was a mile away. Jimmy was willing t give it a try, s they decided t take their walk n Saturday afternn. It was a ht and sunny day. Jimmy began t feel sweaty when he walked just a few hundred meters. The sun was s bright that he had t lk with his eyes partly shut in rder t keep ut bright light.
    Jimmy kicked a pebble (鹅卵石) and watched it rll int a river n the street. “I’m ht,” said Jimmy, “Hw much farther is it?” Mm checked the map n her phne. “We’re nt even halfway yet. D yu want t turn arund?”
    注意:l. 续写词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    Jimmy did want t turn arund, but he als wanted ice cream.
    He was abut t quit. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    听力答案:1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BAACA 11~15 BBACA 16~20 ACCBC2022~2023学年度第二学期高二期中联考
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. On a bus. B. At a subway statin. C. At a bus statin.
    2. Why did the man play badly in the tennis match?
    A. He didn’t eat enugh fd.
    B. He had t little sleep the night befre.
    C. He felt thirsty during the cmpetitin.
    3. At what time des the yga class end?
    A. 6:00. B. 7:00. C. 7:15.
    4. What are the speakers mainly talking abut?
    A. An ld film. B. An actr. C. A nvel.
    5. What des the wman think f her new neighbrs?
    A. They are nisy. B. They are untidy. C. They are unfriendly.
    6 Hw lng is Mabel’s Cafe pen?A. Fr 7 hurs. B. Fr 9 hurs. C. Fr 10 hurs.
    7. What d we knw abut Mabel’s Cafe?
    A. It serves cffee and sweet fd.
    B. It desn’t take any reservatins.
    C. It is far frm Pyramids Mexican Restaurant.
    8. What is the man?
    A. A news reprter. B. An editr. C. A shrt stry writer.
    9. What des the man say abut his jb?
    A. He has t attend mre meetings.
    B. He wrks mre slwly than he used t.
    C. He has mre space t express his ideas.
    10. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. C-wrkers. B. Bss and secretary. C. Father and daughter.
    11. What des the wman think is wrng with her at first?
    A. She has a headache. B. She has an earache. C. She has a tthache.
    12. What will the wman d at nce?
    A. Stp taking medicine.
    B. Make a dentist appintment.
    C. Write dwn her prblems n paper.
    13. What des the man tell the wman?
    A. Where t get the medicine.
    B. Hw t make an appintment.
    C. When t have her tth checked.
    14. Where will the girl g n Saturday?
    A. A cinema, B. A restaurant. C. Tm’s huse.
    15. When des the mvie start?
    A. At 7:15. B. At 8:00. C. At 12:30.
    16. What is the girl ging t d next?A. Call Jane. B. Study at hme. C. Eat sme fd.
    17. What was the first attractin the speaker visited in Lndn?
    A. Buckingham Palace. B. Churchill War Rms. C. The Britain at War Experience.
    18. What did the speaker d in St. James’s Park?
    A. He went bating n the lake.
    B. He tk phts f the scenery.
    C. He spent sme time n a bridge.
    19. Where is Buckingham Palace?
    A. In Tley Street. B. Near Green Park. C. At Lndn Bridge main-line statin.
    20. Hw did the speaker pay fr the Britain at War Experience and Churchill War Rms?
    A. In cash. B. By credit card. C. With supermarket reward bills.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    【答案】1. D 2. B 3. C
    【答案】4. C 5. B 6. A 7. D
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. A 11. B
    【答案】12. A 13. D 14. B 15. C
    【16~20题答案】【答案】16 B 17. D 18. G 19. F 20. A
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. B 25. C 26. A 27. B 28. D 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. C 33. A 34. C 35. D
    【答案】36. which
    37. basically
    38. are 39. the
    40. frtune
    41. married
    42. is said
    43. t reward
    44. mther’s
    45. up
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    【答案】Dear Luis.
    Knwing that yu enjy writing Chinese pems, I am writing t invite yu t take part in a Chinese petry cmpetitin, which will be held in ur schl hall frm 9 am t 11 am next Saturday.
    The aim f the activity is t aruse ur enthusiasm fr Chinese traditinal culture. Hpefully, by creating Chinese pems, we can have a better understanding f the brilliance f China’s ancient culture.
    If yu are interested, please sign up fr it n ur schl website befre next Friday. I am sure yu’ll have great fun and benefit a lt.
    Li Hua第二节(满分25分)
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Jimmy did want t turn arund, but he als wanted ice cream. Walking was the nly way t get it. Jimmy and Mm crssed several streets. Then they passed his schl and the playgrund with the tire swings. Sn they were in a part f the twn that Jimmy didn’t recgnize. The sun beat dwn s strngly that even Mm was sweating. Jimmy’s legs als felt heavy. He wanted t sit dwn, but there were n benches in sight. There are a few trees. Hwever, they didn’t d much t shade the sidewalk.
    He was abut t quit. Lking up and ready t tell his mm he wanted t turn arund, Jimmy saw the purple flag at the tp f the ice cream stand. They were almst there! Jimmy felt mtivated s he started t walk faster. He culd almst taste the cl and creamy ice cream already. Althugh it was a lng walk, it was definitely wrth the trip.
    听力答案:1~5 CBBCB 6~10 BAACA 11~15 BBACA 16~20 ACCBC

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