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    这是一份安徽省合肥六校联盟2023-2024学年高二英语上学期期中考试试题(Word版附解析),共14页。试卷主要包含了5分,满分7,What is Mr等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    (考试时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1.What is Hailee ging t d this afternn?
    A.Take part in an activity. B.Hang ut with Alex. C.Prepare fr an exam.
    2.Hw much shuld the man pay?
    A.$2.10. B.$2.30. C.$3.60.
    3.Wh is prbably the wman?
    A.A shp assistant. B.A custmer. C.A manager.
    4.What des Lily think f eating raw fd?
    A.Harmful. B.Healthy. C.Strange.
    5.Why des the wman mve huse?
    A.Fr friendly neighbrs. B.Fr a cnvenient lcatin.
    C.Fr a cmfrtable living envirnment.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6.Wh accmpanied the wman t the hspital?
    A.The man.B.Her sister. C.Her mther.
    7.What is the wman allergic t?
    8.What is Mr.Fster ding nw?
    A.Chairing a meeting. B.Having a meal. C.Meeting business partners.
    9.Why des the wman expect t meet Mr.Fster?
    A.T ask fr leave. B.T discuss a prject. C.T make a vacatin plan.
    10.At what time will the wman see Mr.Fster?
    A.1:00 p.m. B.1:30 p.m. C.2:30 p.m.
    11.What des the wman dislike abut the black pants?
    A.The material. B.The clr. C.The style.
    12.What clr pants des the wman buy?
    A.Blue.B.Brwn. C.Red.
    13.What is the riginal price f the wman's purchase?
    A.$10. B.$72. C.$80.
    14.Hw will the man imprve his paper?
    A.By deleting unnecessary sentences. B.By adding a cuple f pints.
    C.By crrecting grammar mistakes.
    15.When shuld the man submit his paper?
    A.Befre June 5th. B.Befre June 7th. C.Befre June 12th.
    16.What is the wman busy ding?
    A.Opening a tea huse. B.Organizing a party. C.Wrking n her paper.
    17.Hw des the speaker feel abut memry lss?
    A.It's cmmn. B.It's unimprtant. C.It's wrrying.
    18.What is the speaker's first suggestin?
    A.Having a gd sleep. B.Ding exercise. C.Attending scial events.
    19.Hw can peple stay mentally active?
    A.By recalling the past regularly. B.By taking the same rute when driving.
    C.By ding crsswrd puzzles.
    20.Hw many suggestins des the speaker give?
    A.Three. B.Fur. C.Five.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    Edinburgh summer festivals 2023
    The Edinburgh Festival Fringe
    Set up in 1947, the Edinburgh Festival Fringe is the wrld's largest perfrmance arts festival. Only the Olympic Games and the Wrld Cup sell mre tickets and it takes ver venues(场馆)all ver the city fr mst f August. The Edinburgh Festival Fringe Sciety publishes a free prgramme every year cntaining mst f the perfrmances which can be picked up in venues acrss Edinburgh befre and during the event.
    The Edinburgh Internatinal Festival
    First held in 1947, the Edinburgh Internatinal Festival has taken place every year since. It sees famus figures frm the fields f music and the perfrming arts invited t perfrm in the city. Traditinally the majrity f events are classical music cncerts, pera, theatre prductins, and dance perfrmances.
    The Edinburgh Internatinal Film Festival
    Established in 1947,the Edinburgh Internatinal Film Festival is the wrld's ldest uninterruptedly (不间断地) running film festival. Threatened by financial prblems last year, including the clsing f its Edinburgh Filmhuse hme, it is cming in 2023 as a dwnsized event shwing a selectin f films frm arund the wrld.
    The Edinburgh Internatinal Bk Festival
    First taking place in a single tent in 1983,the Edinburgh Internatinal Bk Festival was riginally held every tw years but became a yearly literary celebratin in 1997.It invites hundreds f authrs, jurnalists, pliticians and famus faces frm arund the wrld t cme t the city t speak abut bth their bks and thse f thers.
    21.Hw lng des the Edinburgh Festival Fringe last?
    A.Abut a week. B.Almst a mnth.
    C.Mre than 40 days. D.Arund half a year.
    22.What is special abut the Edinburgh Internatinal Film Festival?
    A.It kicked ff in an ld tent half a century ag.
    B.It is the wrld's largest perfrmance arts festival.
    C.It is the third largest event in terms f ticket sales.
    D.It has been cntinually held since it started.
    23.Which event used t take place every secnd year?
    A.The Edinburgh Festival Fringe.
    B.The Edinburgh Internatinal Festival.
    C.The Edinburgh Internatinal Film Festival.
    D.The Edinburgh Internatinal Bk Festival.
    I was 6 years ld when my father tld me we were leaving the Big Apple Circus. Until that pint, I had spent mst f my life n the circus lt, playing with the ther circus kids. The circus, by its nature, is ne that has a lse structure. S the early years after my leaving the circus t sit in a classrm all day felt mre like a prisn.
    But years later, I fund areas that interested me. I tk the skills I had learned frm being nstage and applied them t bradcasting. And s when Bstn's news statin WBUR ffered me a jb ut f cllege, I jumped at the chance. Alng the way, I fund I really enjyed the wrk. I became WBUR's news reprter. The flexibility and adaptability I'd learned in the circus as a child helped me d my jb naturally and easily in a stressful situatin----whether it was a destructive trnad utside Bstn, r the Bstn Marathn bmbings f 2013.
    But then a serius infectius disease appeared. Suddenly, fr the first time in my adult life, I went fr a year withut ding any shws. But it became clear t me that perfrming was what I truly wanted. Fr me, the circus symblizes wh I am. And stages have always been where I've felt the mst free. Sme peple get nervus befre they g n stage, but by assuming (扮演) the character f Jacques ze Whipper and drawing a stupid mustache n my face, all my scial anxiety disappears.
    Circus perfrmances g beynd age, sciecnmic status(地位), and even language. It's the type f perfrmance where yu can g anywhere in the wrld t entertain anyne----help anyne frget their trubles fr 5,10,and even 30 minutes. And mst imprtantly, fr me, it means cming hme.
    24.Hw did the authr feel in the early years f schl?
    A.Curius. B.Unfree C.Lse. D.Impatient.
    25.What d we knw abut the authr's jb at WBUR?
    A.He did it fr his father. B.He did it against his will.
    C.He risked his neck ding it. D.He tk t it like a duck t water.
    26.What des the circus prbably mean t the authr?
    A.A means f living. B.A chance t g anywhere.
    C.A part f his identity. D.A way t frget his trubles.
    27.Why des the authr write the text?
    A.T express his lve fr circus perfrmances. B.T stress the value f perfrming.
    C.T share his persnal experiences in a circus. D.T discuss the prblem f chsing a jb.
    Recent vides claiming that a schl in Ganzhu, Jiangxi, serves pre-made meals t its students have sparked heated discussins acrss the cuntry. Peple dubt if pre-made meals, despite being cnvenient, are healthy and nutritius enugh fr grwing teenagers.
    Pre-made meals refer t half-finished r finished dishes that are already cked r prepared, accrding t the China Cuisine Assciatin. There are several types f pre-made fds, including ready-t-eat fd, such as canned (罐装的)fd r cked fd in packages, and ready-t-heat r ready-t-ck fd, which requires heating r cking befre being served.
    Many peple tend t think that ready-t-heat and ready-t-ck fds are less nutritius because they usually need t be kept in freezers r refrigeratrs.
    “Actually freezing des nt cause a lss f nutrients,” Liu Junya, a 33-year-ld dietitian in Beijing, tld Teens. “Nutrient lss typically ccurs during the heating r frying prcess.”
    Vitamins frm the B grup and vitamin C fund in meat and vegetables are heat-sensitive and can be lst during the prcess. By being heated r cked twice r mre, “pre-made fds can be less nutritius than freshly prepared and cked fds,” Liu said.
    Meanwhile, “many pre-made fd cmpanies priritize taste ver nutritin,” said Liu. This leads t higher levels f salt and sugar in the fd, which may lead t health prblems, such as high bld pressure r diabetes(糖尿病)in the lng term.
    Additives(添加剂) are als a majr cncern related t pre-made fd. In China, there are strict standards fr fd additives. Currently, China's fd industry has well-develped techniques t preserve pre-made fd withut the excessive use f additives. Sme fd can be sterilized(消毒)and then sealed(密封)after cking, fllwed by lw-temperature strage, allwing fr a lnger shelf life. Hwever, it's essential that custmers buy pre-made meals frm qualified fd cmpanies r supermarkets.
    It is hped that regulatins n pre-made meals can be strengthened t better ensure nutritin and hygiene(卫生).This way, “pre-made meals will be mre accepted by the public,” Liu said.
    28.What can we learn abut pre-made meals frm the article?
    A.They are typically cstly and flavrful. B.They are rich in sugar, salt and vitamins.
    C.They taste better than hmemade fd. D.They are already partially r fully cked.
    29.Accrding t Liu Junya,when des nutrient lss typically ccur in pre-made fds?
    A.During freezing. B.During cking.
    C.During packaging. D.During sterilizing.
    30.What is ne f the key recmmendatins fr cnsumers regarding pre-made meals?
    A.Buy frm reliable surces. B.Check the cking instructins.
    C.Keep pre-made meals frzen. D.Pay attentin t the additives used.
    31.What des Liu Junya think f pre-made meals?
    A.They are a cnvenient chice fr all. B.They are suitable fr daily cnsumptin.
    C.They can be nutritius if prperly regulated. D.They are best avided fr lng-term health.

    Ging frm being called a “stupid mlecule (分子)”t “the secret f life”, ur discvery and understanding f DNA has cme a lng way. This year marks the 70th anniversary f the discvery f the structure f DNA----the pivtal(关键的)year when the s-called “secret f life” was uncvered by tw scientists: James Watsn frm the US and Francis Crick frm the UK.
    Inherited characteristics like eye clr, nse shape and even intelligence----scientists fund the structure f the chemical which transmits these frm ne generatin t anther. “Discvering hw these ‘chemical’ cards are shuffled (洗牌) and paired will keep the scientists busy fr the next 50 years,” jurnalist Ritchie Calder cmmented in 1953 n the discvery. And it certainly has. The study f DNA has led t wrld-changing advances in many fields.
    “DNA makes time fluid (流动的),”said The Irish Times. It lets us redefine the future. Fr example, in medicine, DNA helps us identify “weak pints” in the human genme (基因组)that might be prne t disease. Thrugh a technique called gene therapy, a persn's genes can be mdified t treat r cure certain diseases. Anther example is agriculture, where wrk n plant DNA has allwed us t change the way we breed (培育)crps, pening the dr fr genetically mdified plants and advances in fd security.
    DNA can als shed light n the past. In frensic(法医的)science, DNA analysis has cme t serve as a vital frm f evidence in crime scenes, with “many millins having been prven guilty r inncent” thrugh its usage, said the website AZLife Sciences. And DNA in specimens(标本) like fssils and artifacts(文物) can give us vital infrmatin n humans and ther species.
    But what's next fr DNA research? Imprvements in technlgy are allwing us t utilize DNA in new ways. As the cst f DNA technlgies decreases and related machines becme mre efficient, it becmes mre accessible, reprted Wired magazine. In medicine, DNA plays a key rle in furthering the develpment f “persnalized medicine”----designing treatment plans based n the genmes and ther specific factrs f individual patients. As “natural supercmputers”, DNA can stre large amunts f data. S scientists are busy learning frm DNA t make ur cmputers stre mre data and wrk even faster.
    32. Why des the authr qute Ritchie Calder's remark in paragraph2?
    A.T help better understand DNA. B.T highlight scientists’ effrts.
    C.T stress the discvery's impact. D.T stress the imprtance f DNA technlgy.
    33.What are paragraphs3 and paragraph4 mainly abut?
    A.The diverse applicatins f DNA. B.The mysterius aspects f DNA.
    C.Challenges f DNA research. D.Ways t expand DNA research.
    34.What des the underlined wrd “utilize” in paragraph5 prbably mean?
    A. prtect B. use C. crrect D. prevent
    35.What culd DNA research help with in the future, accrding t the text?
    A.The replacement f medicines. B.The reductin f medical csts.
    C.The advancement f self-diagnsis. D.The imprvement f cmputer perfrmance.
    Yu've prbably heard cuntless times hw exercise is “gd fr yu”. But d yu knw that it can imprve yur md t? 36. __________.
    Exercising regularly can help prevent weight gain, type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and high bld pressure. Exercises like jumping r lifting weights can help keep yur bnes strng. Als, when yu exercise, yur bdy makes chemicals that help yu feel gd. Exercise lwers yur chances f depressin and decreases feelings f anxiety. 37. __________.
    Cnsidering all the health benefits f being physically active, it's easy t see why ding exercise is wise. And the great thing is that it's never t late t start. 38. ___________----like taking a shrt bike ride, walking the dg r raking(用耙子拢)leaves.
    Hwever, smetimes yu may find it hard t keep exercising regularly. One f the biggest reasns peple drp an exercise prgram is a lack f interest. If what yu're ding isn't fun, it's hard t keep it up.39. __________. If yu need a little mre mtivatin, take a class, jin a team r find an exercise buddy t help keep yu n track.
    40. ___________, even thse with disabilities r medical prblems. But if yu have a health prblem r ther cncerns, talk t yur dctr befre beginning an exercise plan.
    A.Sprts and activities that encurage flexibility are easy t find
    B.Exercise benefits every part f the bdy, including the mind
    C.But there are many different sprts and activities yu can try and see which ne inspires yu
    D.Strengthening the heart, muscles and bnes isn't the nly imprtant gal f exercise
    E.Even small things can cunt as exercise
    F.Everyne can benefit frm mving mre and sitting less
    G.Plus,exercise can give yu a sense f accmplishment after yu achieve a gal
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    One day, Jack and his father went ut t hunt in the wilderness. The unbelievable happened while he was checking the 41 he put in place. It caught smething 42 than he expected, a huge wlf !
    Jack was in a 43 situatin. He did nt want t leave the wlf n its wn. The animal culd die frm bleeding. The wlf hwled (怒号)and Jack felt nearly as 44 and terrified as the wlf itself ! He needed t reach a(n) 45 .
    Jack began t take actin. He carried a wden bard and 46 fr the wlf. 47 , the bard culd 48 the wlf if it attacked. His father was there with a gun 49 the wlf decided t attack. They prepared themselves fr all 50 .
    There was a helpful hle n the bard. Their plan was t put that ver the paw(爪子)f the wlf. Jack then perated the bard and then lwered it ver its paw. The hle fitted perfectly ver the paw. The wlf was 51 and ready t attack. Wuld it 52 that Jack was trying t help?
    With nly the bard 53 them, Jack used his free hand and 54 the trap. Finally, he managed t free the wlf's paw! The wlf stayed fr a mment and then walked away.
    What a 55 !
    41. A. bards B. guns C. hles D. traps
    42. A. strnger B. wilder C. cleverer D. bigger
    43. A. difficult B. jyful C. regretful D. grateful
    44. A. cautius B. curius C. anxius D. desperate
    45. A. destinatin B. decisin C.agreement D. harmny
    46. A. lked B. headed C. arranged D. allwed
    47. A. Generally B. Basically C. Definitely D. Hpefully
    48. A. blck B. assist C. attack D. rescue
    49. A. in case B. even if C. as if D. in rder that
    50. A. chices B. chances C. pssibilities D. respnsibilities
    51. A. energetic B. aggressive C. exciting D. cnfused
    52. A. figure ut B. pint ut C. let ut D. watch ut
    53. A. detecting B. disturbing C. distinguishing D. separating
    54. A. brke B. ccupied C. released D. explred
    55. A. belief B. relief C. magic D. chance
    As the temperature cntinues t drp,the glden autumn seems t be cming t an end, indicating the 56 (arrive) f the Cld Dew perid. Cld Dew, knwn as “Hanlu” in Chinese, 57 (fall) n Octber 8 and ends n Octber 23 this year.
    During Cld Dew, temperatures drp 58 (significant) and the sun cannt reach the deep waters thrughly. Therefre, fish swim in shallw waters, 59 the water temperature is relatively high, making Cld Dew the best seasn t cast a net r thrw a line.
    Chrysanthemums(菊花) are the symblic flwer f Cld Dew. 60 ( prevent) autumn dryness, many regins in China have the custm f drinking chrysanthemum wine. In ancient times, drinking wine made with chrysanthemums 61 (think) t allw peple lng-lasting yuth.
    Other traditins t mark the seasn include hiking and climbing. With maple (枫树) leaves 62 (turn) red, the splendur f clr welcmes nature lvers. On the day f the Duble Ninth Festival, which ften is arund Cld Dew, peple ften climb hills with crnels(茱萸), 63 kind f plant. This custm, dating 64 the Eastern Han Dynasty ( AD 25-220), aims t drive bad things away.
    Cld Dew allws us t say gdbye t glden autumn and als gives us a chance t knw 65 (much)abut the culture behind the slar terms.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    1. 写信目的;
    2. 你的优势;
    3. 期盼回复。
    (“一带一路”国际合作高峰论坛 the Belt and Rad Frum fr Internatinal Cperatin)
    1. 词数 80 左右;
    2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    I'm Li Hua, a student frm Xinhua Senir High Schl.__________________________________________
    Sincerely yurs,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    I always prided myself n my sharp tngue and witty (妙趣横生的) retrts (反驳),whether in class debates r casual arguments. S when it came time t represent my schl in the natinal debate series, I was naturally very cnfident. But this challenge wuld turn ut t be ne f my life's mst imprtant lessns.
    The run-up t the finals was a breeze fr my team. We were all gd speakers wh had the benefit f an experienced teacher wh trained us well. But in the team, I was undubtedly the mst utstanding speaker. In each f the runds that I debated in, I had always been selected as the best speaker. This meant that my cnfidence was at an all-time high by the time we fund urselves with ne week left t train befre the finals. I had n reasn t even think that I wuld nt be vted the verall best speaker fr the debate series.
    But then I began t grw arrgant. I lked dwn n my teammates’ pathetic retrts and pr debating style. I thught myself a natural debater being pulled dwn by their bad perfrmance. In respnse, I became slppy (不认真的). I even began missing practices, much t the panic f my teammates and the frustratin (沮丧) f my teacher. They culd nly hpe I'd pull thrugh in the end as I prved irreplaceable.
    The day f the finals came. I was nearly skipping t the venue, ready t finally shw ff my debating prwess (杰出的技能). But the reality was nt smething I culd have ever imagined. Due t my repeated absences, ur teamwrk was s bad that even ur schl supprters were shamed int silence. There was a rift (分歧)in the team. When it was my turn t cnclude as speaker, an expectant hush(寂静)fell ver the hall. I was the ne meant t win the prized title f Overall Best Speaker.
    1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
    As I launched int my speech, everything suddenly went very wrng._________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    Suddenly, a teammate grabbed my hand. _________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
    第一部分 听力(听力原文附文末)
    1—5 CAACB 6—10 BABAC 11—15 ABCAC 16—20 BABCC
    A篇: 21. B 22. D 23. D
    21.B 细节理解题。根据The Edinburgh Festival Fringe部分中“it takes ver venues (场馆) all ver the city fr mst f August.”可知,爱丁堡边缘艺术节持续将近一个月。故选B项。
    22.D 细节理解题。根据The Edinburgh Internatinal Film Festival部分中“Established in 1947,the Edinburgh Internatinal Film Festival is the wrld's ldest uninterruptedly running film festival.)”可知,爱丁堡国际电影节始于1947年,是世界上最古老的连续举办的电影节。故选D项。
    23.D 细节理解题。根据The Edinburgh Internatinal Bk Festival部分中“ Edinburgh Internatinal Bk Festival was riginally held every tw years but became a yearly literary celebratin in1997.”可知,爱丁堡国际图书节过去每两年举行一次。故选D项。
    B篇: 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A
    24.B 细节理解题。根据第一段中的“The circus,by its nature,is ne that has a lse structure. S the early years after my leaving the circus t sit in a classrm all day felt mre like a prisn.”可知,离开马戏团后,前几年的学校生活对作者来说是不自由的。故选B项。
    25.D 推理判断题。根据第二段中的“I tk the skills I had learned frm being nstage and applied them t bradcasting ... I fund I really enjyed the wrk ... The flexibility and adaptability I'd learned in the circus as a child helped me d my jb naturally and easily in a stressful situatin ”可知,因为有儿时在马戏团获得的灵活性和适应能力,作者做起这份工作来是得心应手、如鱼得水的。故选D项。
    26.C 推理判断题。第二段提到作者小时候在马戏团获得的技能让他成年后做工作时如鱼得水,再根据倒数第二段中的“it became clear t me that perfrming was what I truly wanted. Fr me,the circus symblizes wh I am.”和最后一段中的“And mst imprtantly, fr me, it means cming hme.”可知,马戏表演已经刻在了作者的骨子里,是作者的一部分了。故选 C项。
    27.A 写作意图题。通读文章内容可知,本文作者主要通过记叙自己的经历表达了对马戏表演的热爱。故选 A项。

    C篇: 28. D 29. B 30. A 31. C
    28.D 细节理解题。根据文章第二段可知,预制餐指的是已经烹饪或准备好的半成品或成品菜肴,故选D项。
    29.B 细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Nutrient lss typically ccurs during the heating r frying (油炸) prcess.”和第五段“By being heated r cked twice r mre, ‘pre-made fds can be less nutritius than freshly prepared and cked fds’”可知,营养流失通常发生在烹饪过程中,故选B项。
    30.A 推理判断题。根据文章倒数第二段“Hwever,it's essential that custmers buy pre-made meals frm qualified fd cmpanies r supermarkets.”可知,消费者应该从合格的食品公司或超市购买预制餐,即从可靠的来源购买,故选A项。
    31.C 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段可知,如果监管得当,预制餐可以富含营养,故选C项。
    D篇: 32. C 33. A 34. B 35. D
    32.C 推理判断题。根据文章第二段可知,引用Ritchie Calder的评论,是为了强调DNA的发现对科学的影响和重要性,故选C项。
    33.A 主旨要意题。通读文章第三和四段可知,这两段主要讨论了DNA在医学、农业和法医科学等领域的应用,故选A项。
    34.B 词义猜测题。 utilize 有“利用,使用”之意,根据改词下文语境DNA plays a key rle in furthering the develpment f“persnalized medicine”和DNA can stre large amunts f data. S scientists are busy learning frm DNA t make ur cmputers stre mre data and wrk even faster.可知,我们可以将DNA用于个性化医学和计算机方面,故选B项。
    35.D 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“As‘natural supercmputers’, DNA can stre large amunts f data. S scientists are busy learning frm DNA t make ur cmputers stre mre data and wrk even faster.”可知,科学家正致力于研究如何利用DNA来使计算机存储更多数据并提升其运行速度,故选D项。
    36-40 B G E C F
    36.B 由本段可知,锻炼不仅对身体有好处,对于人的心理也有好处,B选项为本段的总结,故选B。
    37.G 第二段谈论了锻炼对人身体的好处,包括预防疾病、增强体魄、减少抑郁焦虑等,承接锻炼对人心理的积极影响可知选G,锻炼可以给予人成就感。
    38.E 由“... like taking a shrt bike ride, walking the dg r raking leaves.”一句列举了一系列运动量不大的行动可知,小事也可以算作锻炼,故选E。
    39.C 本段主要谈论了人的兴趣、动机在坚持锻炼上的重要性。选项中C项谈论了运动中有不同的活动可以激励人们,符合段落主旨,故选C。
    40.F 最后一段总结全文,再次点明运动的好处,根据设空处后半句“even thse with disabilities r medical prblems”可以推知,作者在这里应该是强调运动对每个人都有好处,即使是对残障人士或有疾病的人也是有好处的,故选F。
    第一节 41-45 DDACB 46-50 BDAAC 51-55 BADCB
    41.D 考查名词词义辨析。A.bards木板;B.guns枪;C.hles洞口;D.traps(捕捉动物的)陷阱,夹。根据下文“It caught smething 42 than he expected,a huge wlf!”可知,Jack放置了捕兽夹。故选D。
    42.D 考查形容词词义辨析。A.strnger更强壮的;B.wilder更疯狂的;C.cleverer更聪明的;D. bigger更大的。根据下文“than he expected, a huge wlf”可知,抓住的猎物比Jack想象的大。故选D。
    43.A 考查形容词词义辨析。 A.difficult困难的;B.jyful偷快的;C.regretful后悔的;D.grateful感激的。根据下文“He did nt want t leave the wlf n its wn. The animal culd die frm bleeding.”可推断Jack处境困难。故选A。
    44.C 考查形容词词义辨析。 A.cautius小心的;B.curius好奇的;C.anxius焦虑的;D.desperate绝望的。根据上文“The wlf hwled (怒号)”和下文“terrified as the wlf itself”可知,这只狼在怒号,很焦虑,Jack感觉和这只狼一样焦虑。故选C。
    45.B 考查名词词义辨析。 A.destinatin目的地; B.decisin决定; C.agreement同意;D.harmny和谐。根据下文“Jack began t take actin.”可知,Jack需要赶快做决定。故选B。
    46.B 考查动词词义辨析。A.lked看;B.headed前往;C.arranged安排;D.allwed允许。根据下文“the bard culd 48 the wlf if it attacked”可知,Jack拿着一块木板,靠近狼。故选B。
    47.D 考查副词词义辨析。A.Generally一般地;B.Basically根本上;C.Definitely明确地;D.Hpefully充满希望地。根据上文“He carried a wden bard”和下文“if it attacked”可知,Jack希望如果狼攻击他,这块板子可以抵挡一下。故选D。
    48.A 考查动词词义辨析。句意同上。A.blck 抵档;B. assist帮助;C. attack攻击;D. rescue援救。根据下文“if it attacked”可知,Jack希望如果狼攻击他,这块板子可以抵挡一下。故选A项。
    49.A 考查连词词义辨析。A.in case以防;B.even if即使;C.as if好像;D.in rder that目的是。根据上下文可知,父亲拿着枪站在一边,是防备狼的攻击。故选A。
    50.C 考查名词词义辨析。A.chices选择;B.chances机会;C.pssibilities可能性;D. respnsibilities责任。根据上文“They prepared themselves fr”可知,Jack父子为所有的可能性做好了准备。故选C。
    51.B 考查形容词词义辨析。A.energetic精力充沛的;B.aggressive好斗的;C.exciting令人激动的;D.cnfused困惑的。根据下文“ready t attack”可知,这只狼攻击性很强。故选B。
    52.A 考查动词短语词义辨析。A.figure ut弄明白;B. pint ut指出;C.let ut发出;D.watch ut小心。根据上文的“ready t attack”和下文“Jack was trying t help”可知,此处说的是狼是否明白Jack是在帮助它?故选A。
    53.D 考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们中只有一个板子阻隔着,Jack用他空出来的手松开了扑兽夹。A.detecting查明;B.disturbing打扰;C.distinguishing区分,辨别;D.separating分开。根据上文“Jack then perated the bard and then lwered it ver its paw.”可知,Jack和狼被一块木板分开。故选D。
    54.C 考查动词词义辨析。A.brke打破;B.ccupied占据;C.released松开;释放;D.explred探索。根据下文“Finally,he managed t free the wlf's paw!”可知,Jack松开了捕兽夹。故选C。
    55.B 考查名词词义辨析。A.belief信念;B.relief轻松,解脱;C.magic魔术;D.chance机会。根据上文“The wlf stayed fr a mment and then walked away.”可知,猎物成功地被放归山林,真是松了口气!故选B。

    56.arrival 考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空处作宾语,应用 arrive 的名词形式。
    57.falls 考查时态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中与“ends” 并列作谓语。
    58.significantly 考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知,空处作状语修饰动词 “drp”,应用 significant 的副词形式。
    59.where 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,该从句修饰先行词 “shallw waters ”而空处在该从句中作地点状语。故填 where。
    60.T prevent 考查非谓语动词。分析句子可知,空处作目的状语,应用动词不定式。故填 T prevent。
    61.was thught 考查时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构可知,空处在句中作谓语。think 与主语 drinking wine made with chrysanthemums 之间是动宾关系,句子用被动语态。根据时间状语 In ancient times可知,句子应用一般过去时。主语为现在分词短语,be动词应用 was。故填 was thught。
    62.turning 考查非谓语动词。此处为" With +宾语+宾语补足语"形式的复合结构,宾语 leaves 与空处之间是主谓关系,所以空处应填现在分词形式作宾语补足语。
    63.a 考查冠词。此处表示泛指,意为"一种植物",空处应用不定冠词,且 kind 是以辅音音素开头的单词。
    64.frm 考查介词。 date frm 为固定搭配,意为"追溯到"。故填 frm。
    65.mre 考查比较级。句意:寒露使我们有机会更多地了解节气背后的文化。表示"更多地",应用比较级。故填 mre 。
    第四部分 写作
    第一节 One pssible versin:
    Dear Sir r Madam,
    I'm Li Hua,a student frm Xinhua Senir High Schl. As the Belt and Rad Frum fr Internatinal Cperatin is cming, I'd like t be a vlunteer.
    All ur citizens are lking frward t this special event. First f all,I prmise I will, with great passin, try my best t serve ur distinguished guests frm hme and abrad plitely. Besides, I have a gd understanding f Chinese histry and especially traditinal culture, which enables me t spread ur splendid culture. What's mre, I'm gd at English and Chinese, which will play an imprtant rle in cmmunicatin during the frum.
    T sum up,I believe I can be a qualified vlunteer. I will try my best if I'm accepted.
    Sincerely yurs,
    Li Hua
    第二节 One pssible versin:
    As I launched int my speech, everything suddenly went very wrng. I was hesitant in my explanatins, realizing t late that I sunded incherent; my speech did nt fllw lgically frm my team’s ther pints. The puzzled lks n the judges’ faces almst drve me t tears. I realized my vercnfidence nly t late. After I spke my piece, the tears finally brke their banks and burned n my cheeks. I knew that we had lst the title.
    Suddenly, a teammate grabbed my hand. She cmfrted me, saying that it was alright. Tw ther teammates came ver t hug me. I cntinued sbbing the wrd “srry” t them, feeling even wrse nw as they repaid my irrespnsibility with kindness. When we were called t receive the prize fr first runner-up, we went up tgether as a team and bravely lifted the award. I finally realized what it was like t be part f a team. On that day, I learned that n man is an island.
    Text 1
    W:Hw abut ging t the library this afternn, Alex?
    M: I'm srry, Hailee. I have t take part in an imprtant activity.
    W:Well, I'll g alne. I have an exam tmrrw. I think the library is a gd place t review.
    Text 2
    M: Hw much are these?
    W: Let me see. Tw pens are $1.50 and a ntebk is 80 cents. Yu need t pay S2.30.
    M: Wait a minute. Isn't the price f the ntebk 60 cents?
    W: Oh, I'm srry. Yu're right.
    M: Excuse me, I'm trying t buy sme face masks. But they are nt where they used t be.
    W: Well, ur manager asked us t mve them t the first flr, because sme custmers cmplained that it was t much truble t climb stairs t buy face masks. M: A wise decisin.
    Text 4
    M: Did yu have a gd time in Japan, Lily?
    W: Yes, I have visited many beautiful places and met many interesting peple, but I still culdn't understand why
    they eat raw fd.
    Text 5
    M:I heard that yu are mving t a new place. Why?
    W: T be hnest, I really dn't want t leave the cmfrtable envirnment and friendly neighbrs here. But it takes me a lng time t take the subway here t wrk, and my new place is within easy walking distance f my ffice.
    Text 6
    M: Are yu nt feeling well? I heard that yu tk time ff yesterday t g t the hspital.
    W: Yes, I have an allergic reactin. I was ging t ask yu t accmpany me t the hspital. But my mm asked
    my sister t g with me.
    M: What did the dctr say? Are yu allergic t seafd?
    W: N. I thught I was allergic t manges, but I never thught the dctr wuld say I was allergic t dust!
    M: That's really nt very cmmn. Yu must take care f yurself in the future.
    Text 7
    W:Is Mr. Fster available nw? I'd like t see him nw.
    M: I dn't think it's a gd time. He's been in a meeting all mrning t discuss a new prject. He is in the middle f a business lunch nw. What's ging n if I may ask?
    W:Hmm... I'm in pr health, s I want t take a lng vacatin.
    M:Oh, I'm srry t hear that.
    W: It desn't matter. Can I meet him in ne hur?
    M: It's 1:30 p.m. nw. I think that's kay. W:OK. Thanks.
    M: Gd mrning, madam. May I help yu?
    W:Gd mrning. I want t buy a pair f pants.
    M: Hw abut this black pair? I think they g well with yur blue bluse.
    W:Oh, but the material is nt gd.
    M:What abut this brwn pair?
    W:I enjy this kind f material. Let me have a try.
    M: Ww! Yu really lk pretty in them.
    W:The pants seem t be my size, and I like the clr, t. But there is a red stain here.
    M: I'm terribly srry, madam. But it's the last pair.
    W: Then can I have sme discunt?
    M: Yes, but just a little. I just put it n the shelf this mrning. I can take ff ten percent. Yu nly need t pay $72.
    W:Okay, I'll take it.
    Text 9
    W: Why d we meet here, Bruce?
    M: This teahuse is quiet. Here's yur tea. I knw yu're gd at writing papers. I wuld appreciate it if yu culd take a lk at my paper.
    W:N prblem.Give me sme time... All right. In general, the pints in yur paper are very riginal and the grammar is crrectly used. Hwever, I think there are sme useless sentences in the bdy part, which made yur paper t lng.
    M:Thanks a lt. I'll revise it accrding t what yu said.
    W:Yu're welcme. When d yu have t hand it in?
    M:In a week.
    W: Well, tday is June 5th. I think seven days is enugh.
    M: Yeah. By the way, what have yu been ding recently?
    W:I've been preparing fr my party. M:Gd.
    Text 10
    M: Can't find yur car keys? Frget yur grcery list? Can't remember the name f the persnal trainer yu liked
    at the gym? Yu’re nt alne. There’s n need t wrry.
    Everyne frgets things ccasinally. Still, memry lss is nthing t take lightly.
    Althugh there are n guarantees when it cmes t preventing memry lss, certain activities might help.
    Cnsider the fllwing simple ways t sharpen yur memry.
    Include Physical Activity in Yur Daily Rutine
    Physical activity increases bld flw t yur whle bdy, including yur brain. This might help keep yur memry sharp.
    Stay Mentally Active
    Just as physical activity helps keep yur bdy in shape, mentally stimulating activities help keep yur brain in shape---and might keep memry lss at bay. D crsswrd puzzles. Take alternate rutes when driving. Vlunteer at a lcal schl r cmmunity rganizatin.
    Scialize Regularly
    Scial interactin helps ward ff depressin and stress. Lk fr pprtunities t get tgether with lved nes, friends and thers---especially if yu live alne.
    Sleep Well
    Sleep plays an imprtant rle in helping yu cnslidate yur memries, s yu can recall them dwn the rad. Make getting enugh sleep a pririty.
    Eat a Healthy Diet
    A healthy diet might be as gd fr yur brain as it is fr yur heart. Eat fruits, vegetables and whle grains. What yu drink cunts, t. T much alchl can lead t cnfusin and memry lss.

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