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    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What is the man ding?
    A. Asking the way. B. Giving directins. C. Crrecting the mistake.
    2. Where are the speakers?
    A. At a bus stp. B. At hme. C. At the airprt.
    3. Hw is weather tday?
    A. Rainy. B. Ht. C. Snwy.
    4. What did the speakers d last weekend?
    A. They studied at hme. B. They went hiking. C. They played tennis.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Bss and secretary. C. Waitress and custmer.
    6. What is Tm busy ding?
    A. Raising mney. B. Writing a lab reprt. C. Giving classes t children.
    7. Wh might be able t help Tm this week?
    A. Mike. B. Cathy. C. Jane.
    8. Wh will take Le t the festival?
    A. His brther. B. His cusin. C. His sister.
    9. Hw will Le g t the festival?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bicycle.
    10. What will Le take with him?
    A. Clthes. B. Drinks. C. Fd.
    11. What field has the wman been wrking in?
    A. Literature. B. Publishing. C. Educatin.
    12. What did the wman d every year?
    A. She published an article. B. She made the yearbk. C. She wrte a textbk.
    13. What des the wman think f the publishing wrk?
    A. Interesting. B. Bring. C. Tiring.
    14. What is matter with the by?
    A. He has spts n his neck. B. He feels cld. C. He has a fever.
    15. Hw des the by want the wman t help?
    A. By taking him t the dctr.
    B. By putting sme makeup n him.
    C. By telling the schl nurse abut the prblem.
    16. What may happen if the by has t stay hme?
    A. He wn't make the team.
    B. He can try ut fr the team later.
    C. He'll have t write a nte t the cach.
    17. Wh is the speaker?
    A. A guide. B. A teacher. C. A cach.
    18. When will the students leave fr the museum?
    A. 6:30. B. 7:45. C. 8:00.
    19 What will the students d at 1:15?
    A. See a film. B. Meet at a café. C. Visit a gallery.
    20. Where can the students find mre infrmatin?
    A. Frm teachers. B. Frm a website. C. Frm a bk.
    第二部分 阅读理解
    第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
    The museum first appeared in human civilizatin 2,500 years ag, which has been keeping reinventing itself t becme an interactive cultural center. Here are sme f the museums wrth visiting. It’s time t decide yur next travel destinatin.
    The Musée du Luvre, Paris, France
    It is the wrld’s largest art museum and a histrical landmark f Paris. Hused in the Luvre Palace, the museum has been extended many times since its pening in 1793. Its eye-catching glass pyramid in the main curtyard was designed by Ieh Ming Pei, a Chinese American architect, and it later became a symbl f the museum.
    Metrplitan Museum f Art, New Yrk, US
    Cmmnly knwn as the Met the museum is amng the must-visit attractins in New Yrk. It stands n the eastern edge f Central Park. The Met maintains extensive hldings f African, Asian, Oceanian, Byzantine and Islamic art. Every May, the museum hlds the luxurius, blckbuster Met Gala, grabbing glbal attentin like the Oscars.
    Natinal Museum f China, Beijing, China
    Near Tian’anmen Square in Beijing, it’s ne f the largest museums in the wrld and the secnd mst visited art museum in the wrld, just after the Luvre. Cvering a time span frm 1.7 millin years ag t the Qing Dynasty, the museum basts arund 1.05 millin items—and many cannt be fund in museums elsewhere.
    Vatican Museums, the Vatican City
    If yu are int Rman histry and Renaissance art, the Vatican Museums will be yur ideal destinatin. Alng the exhibitin rute, visitrs can enjy the marvelus Sistine Chapel decrated by Michelangel and the Stanze di Raffaell decrated by Raphael.
    1. What d we knw abut the Musée du Luvre?
    A. It is the ldest museum in the wrld.B. It was designed by Ieh Ming Pei.
    C. It has been rebuilt many times.D. It has an attractive glass pyramid.
    2. If yu are int African culture, which museum shuld yu visit?
    A. The Musée du Luvre.B. Natinal Museum f China.
    C. Metrplitan Museum f Art.D. Vatican Museums.
    3. What d Natinal Museum f China and Vatican Museums have in cmmn?
    A. Bth feature many ancient buildings.B. Bth appeal t histry fans.
    C. Bth have ver ne millin items.D. Bth ffer exhibitin rutes.
    I believe that we can use scial media fr a lt f great things and it’s imprtant especially fr business wners like me. Ever since I started my calligraphy business tw years ag, I’ve never spent a day withut ging n scial media, especially a kind f scial app n my phne, n which I prmted my prducts and services and gt in cntact with pssible custmers.
    Later I fund it gt in the way f mre imprtant things. I hate t say I was hked by it, but I was. Every time I turned n my phne, I wuld dive int it. Fr a lng time, I had been I ignring ther parts f my life, like my family, my friends and my happiness. One day, I was thinking that a break shuld have happened lng befre t me.
    Then I decided t remve the app ff my phne fr a mnth and nly use that n my cmputer t keep track f my business. I wanted a clean break t reflect and plan fr the future.
    I had believed that if I spent less time n the platfrm, I wuld miss ut much. Actually, I was s wrng. During this mnth ff, I realized there was much t enjy in life. I fund mre time t enjy my hbbies and cntacted my gd friends that I had lst tuch with, I was refilled with energy in all aspects f my life.
    This ne mnth ff the app n the phne was healthy fr me. If it were nt fr my business, I wuld like nt t have it n my phne. I dwnladed the app again n my phne, but nly used it t pst my wn cntent. I didn’t intend t paint scial media in a negative light, but nw I just dn’t think the way I was using it was healthy. It’s difficult t find balance, but I’m ging t try t d it anyway. I’m ging back, but it’s ging t be different.
    4. What did the authr mainly d n scial media?
    A. He cnnected with his friends.B. He wrked n business activities.
    C. He learned calligraphy n his wn.D. He shared advice abut keeping fit.
    5. What d the underlined wrds “hked by” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Oppsed t.B. Injured by.C. Addicted t.D. Frightened by.
    6. What did the authr learn after remving the scial app frm his cellphne?
    A. It was meaningless t share n scial media.
    B. There was lts f fun away frm scial media.
    C. The scial app cntributed little t his business.
    D. The scial app in the cmputer was mre practical.
    7. Why des the authr decide t g back t scial media?
    A. One mnth away frm scial media upsets him.
    B. He wants t seek mre hbbies n scial media.
    C. He has cnfidence in balancing scial media and life.
    D. His friends ask him t cmmunicate n scial media.
    Vanessa Burchill, a 12-year-ld Dartmuth, N. S. girl, is grwing and giving away hundreds f milkweed seedlings (马利筋草苗) s endangered mnarch butterflies have smewhere safe t land. Her plan t save the mnarch butterflies began abut three years ag when her aunt shwed her a chrysalis (茧) frm her garden. She watched in wnder as a butterfly appeared and made its wings dry.
    She’s nw given ut abut 1,000 milkweed seedlings t peple in Halifax thrugh her Dwntwn Dartmuth Mnarch Prject. Her first grup f milkweed this spring went in a matter f hurs.
    Mnarch butterflies can’t survive withut milkweed because it’s the nly plant where they can lay their eggs. Burchill grws swamp milkweed. It is far less unruly (难以控制的) than cmmn milkweed, its cusin. Cmmn milkweed is cnsidered a harmful weed in N.S. It is ften killed by peple with chemicals.
    This year, Burchill’s grwing seasn began in February with seeds frm the Mersey Tbeatic Research Institute.
    Anyne can message her n Facebk t pick up a pt (盆) f milkweed fr free. Each pt has fur small plants that peple are encuraged t put in a sunny place in their gardens.
    “When the mnarchs finally appear frm the chrysalis they need t be able t dry ut their wings in the sun and when the plant desn’t have full sun they can’t d that,” Burchill said.
    Burchill has als started grwing a butterfly garden in the park acrss the street frm her huse with the help f parents and neighburs. “We’re very prud f her and she’s quite fcused,” said her dad Nick Burchill. “Hpefully, it will create a nice pathway fr mnarchs.”
    Burchill has nly seen a handful f mnarchs visit her yard and she’s still waiting t see a caterpillar n the milkweed. But she knws what she did is paying ff when she sees the endangered butterflies visiting gardens she helps grw.
    8. What encuraged Burchill t save the mnarch butterflies?
    A. Her mnarch prject.B. Her aunt’s suggestin.
    C. Her research n the butterflies.D. Her experience in her aunt’s garden.
    9. Why des Burchill plant swamp milkweed?
    A. It is becming endangered.
    B. It widely grws in her hmetwn.
    C. It is much safer than cmmn milkweed.
    D. It is recgnised by the N.S. gvernment.
    10. What is the attitude f Burchill’s father twards her actin?
    A. Uninterested.B. Supprtive.
    C. Dubtful.D. Wrried.
    11. Which f the fllwing can best describe Burchill?
    A. Kind and helpful.B. Brave and hnest.
    C. Strict and creative.D. Careful and easyging.
    Mvies and TV shws see dlphins as helpful, playful creatures. “The wrld lves a gd dlphin stry,” Blake Mrtn, a scientist wh studies animal behavir, tld TIME. “And I think ne reasn fr that is we see a lt f urselves reflected in their behavir.”
    Mrtn used scientific methds t test this. The result f this wrk is a new reprt shwing that humans and dlphins share certain persnality traits (个性特点).
    The study included 134 bttlense dlphins in eight cuntries. Each dlphin was bserved and rated by several peple, using a “dlphin persnality questinnaire (调查表).” The questinnaire had mre than 40 items. It included adjectives such as “playful” and “intelligent”. Scientists gave every dlphin a scre frm 1 t 5 fr each item, based n hw well it described the animal’s behavir.
    Frm these ratings, Mrtn and his team were able t find persnality traits that are cmmn in dlphins. The results shw that dlphins and humans have sme similar persnality traits. Mst bviusly, the tw species (物种) share traits related t curisity and sciability.
    Mrtn’s dlphin study and thers like it help us learn abut ther species. But they als help us learn abut urselves. “My kind f wrk cmes frm the spirit f trying t understand what made humans the way we are,” Mrtn says. “One way we can d that is t cmpare ur behavir t ther species.”
    Scientists arund the wrld are researching different animal species. Their research raises imprtant questins that future scientists will wrk t answer. “It’s all a big puzzle (迷宫),” Mrtn says. “It takes thusands f careful papers being printed befre yu start t see the puzzle cming tgether.” He cmpares scientific research t pintillism. That’s a painting style in which an artist makes a picture using lts f tiny dts (点). “If yu take a step back and lk at all thse little single pints f wrk,” Mrtn says, “yu’ll see a big picture cme int view.”
    12. What did Mrtn’s dlphin study find?
    A. Dlphins are mre ppular in TV shws than ther animals.
    B. Dlphins have persnality traits very similar t humans.
    C. Dlphins are helpful and playful creatures.
    D Dlphins are mre curius than humans.
    13. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The imprtance f studying dlphin behavir.
    B. Why Mrtn’s team created the questinnaire.
    C. Hw Mrtn’s team carried ut the study.
    D. The methds f bserving dlphins.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “that” in paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. Finding the similarities between dlphins and humans.
    B. Having a deeper understanding f humans.
    C Prtecting dlphins mre scientifically.
    D. Learning abut ther animals.
    15. What des Mrtn intend t tell us in the last paragraph?
    A. Prgress in science is made little by little.
    B. Scientific research shuld be taken seriusly.
    C. Art plays an imprtant rle in scientific research.
    D. Scientists arund the wrld shuld wrk tgether.
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Many are frtunate enugh t travel and see different cultures. Fr thse wh have nt yet seen ther cultures, here are five things yu can learn frm ther cultures.
    New language
    Althugh learning a new language has becme simpler thrugh apps r prgrams, nthing cmpares t learning a language in the place where it is spken. _____16_____ Cmmunicatins with thers in anther cuntry is als imprtant.
    Yu can read bks and even eat fd frm ther cuntries. But thse experience will never cmpare t the knwledge gained by being in anther cuntry._____17_____ If yu are unable t travel, pay attentin t cultural events that allw yu t increase yur knwledge.
    Unique (独特的) traditins
    _____18_____ A traditin in Mexic is Day f the Dead. The peple f Mexic believe that each year, the suls f the dead return t visit their lved nes and celebrate just as they did when they were alive.
    It can be hard t imagine what life wuld be like if we didn’t have the things we take fr granted (认为理所当然) every day, such as reliable transprtatin, clean water, educatin and a hme t live. Therefre, we shuld value what we have and that we are able t wrk t prvide fr urselves.
    We’re nt s different after all.
    If yu have traveled t anther cuntry the experience is prbably cmpletely new. But n matter hw much ur lifestyles may differ, we are all wrking tward similar gals in life. _____20_____ Next time yu travel t a new cuntry, discver nt nly the differences, but als the similarities.
    A. Value what yu have.
    B. Imagine what yur life will be.
    C. Thse gals include trying t get the mst ut f life.
    D. Each culture has its wn traditins that make it unique.
    E. Peple frm different backgrunds can ffer smething new.
    F. Always remember t put yurself in a new and unusual traditin.
    G. The nly true way is putting yurself in the culture f the language.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Katie Staglian was 9 years ld and she was in the third grade. At the beginning f the new term, she began a gardening prject as part f a schl ____21____. Her teacher tld her t plant vegetable seeds in her hme garden. Katie tk this wrk ____22____. She carefully planted the seeds and she felt ____23____ as she fund three tiny green cabbage leaves grw t becme a huge and 40-pund cabbage.
    Later as a(n) ____24____, Katie and ther students started planting vegetable gardens thrughut the cmmunity. They dnated (捐赠) their ____25____ t the lcal sup kitchen. Katie dreamed f ne day ____26____ her hbby int a harvest mvement where the vegetable gardens wuld help supprt sup kitchens and fd shelter rganizatins. She ____27____ ending fd insecurity (不安全) wrldwide by grwing ne vegetable garden.
    In 2010, the nly lcal sup kitchen in Katie’s cmmunity ____28____ because f mney. The clsure ____29____ her t turn her dream int a reality when she started Katie’s Krps. Thrugh the nn-prfit (非营利的) rganizatin, vlunteers _____30_____ meals using vegetables dnated by the gardens, and anyne in _____31_____ within the cmmunity was invited. In the beginning, Katie’s Krps hsted weekly cmmunity _____32_____ that prvided up t 200 meals at a time.
    The student-run gardens _____33_____ with Katie’s Krps nw include 100 gardens acrss the United State. Ttally, they have dnated 500,000 punds f fresh vegetables and have served mre than 40,000 meals t thse _____34_____ with fd insecurity.
    In additin, the Katie’s Krps utdr classrm prvides gardening classes and hands-n _____35_____ t children, adults and families. The rganizatin hpes t teach children hw t becme gd stewards (管家) f the Earth.
    21. A. gameB. taskC. tripD. rule
    22. A. dubtfullyB. helplesslyC. quietlyD. seriusly
    23. A. amazedB. relaxedC. annyedD. anxius
    24. A. attitudeB. hpeC. hbbyD. fashin
    25. A. timeB. prductsC. mneyD. thughts
    26. A. knckingB. preventingC. dividingD. develping
    27. A. imaginedB. rememberedC. preventedD. frgt
    28. A. tk ffB. mved nC. shut dwnD. wrked ut
    29. A. chseB. drveC. rderedD. warned
    30. A. sldB. threwC. cleanedD. prepared
    31. A. needB. actinC. searchD. line
    32. A. interviewsB. cncertsC. dinnersD. perfrmances
    33. A. disagreedB. cnnectedC. discussedD. separated
    34. A. strugglingB. escapingC. feedingD. exchanging
    35. A. stressB. priceC. husewrkD. knwledge
    The 13th Tali Cup was held in Beijing last August and featured 200 prgrammes ____36____(divide) int six sectins accrding t style, including classical Chinese dance, Chinese flkdance, ballet and cntemprary (现代的) dance. Students ____37____(represent) 64 schls frm 27 cities and prvinces participated, making it the largest event in the cup’s histry.
    Accrding t Xu Rui, president f the Beijing Dance Academy, 15 perfrmances will be held in 11 cities between May and Nvember. Students frm ver 10 art schls ____38____ participated in the 13th Tali Cup, including thse frm the Beijing Dance Academy, the Central Academy f Drama, the Nanjing University f the Arts and Hangzhu Nrmal University, will take part ____39____ the tur.
    Befre each perfrmance, the ____40____(winner) f majr awards in previus editins, amng them star dancers like Wang Yabin, Hua Xiayi and Wang Zihan, will intrduce ____41____ histry f the Tali Cup and the pieces t be staged.
    “In the past 40 years, the cmpetitin ____42____(be) a key platfrm (平台) fr yung dancers ____43____(shw) their skill and be seen by a wider audience. Many yung Chinese dancers sht t stardm after winning the cmpetitin, and have becme tp dancer-chregraphers (舞蹈编导) tday. They have taken leading rles in dance prductins in theatres, and have created their wn wrk, prmting the ____44____(develp) f the dance scene in China by grwing a large fan base fr the art,_____45_____(especial) amng the yung,” says Xu.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是班长李华,你们的外教老师 Mrs Claire 即将回国,请你代表你们班给她写封感谢信,并赠送一份有中国文化特色的礼物。内容包括:
    Dear Mrs Claire,
    Li Hua
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “I will never frget yu,” Meryl said t his pet dg with tears rlling dwn his cheek (脸颊). With his head leaning t ne side, Thne watched his master, “Wf, wf! Wf, wf!” He wagged his tail back and frth, seeming t understand what Meryl was talking abut.
    “I can’t take care f myself anymre, let alne take care f yu,” Meryl cleared his thrat. “Sn, I’ll mve t an ld peple’s hme, and I’m srry t say that yu can’t cme alng. They dn’t allw dgs there, yu knw.” “Dn’t wrry, my friend. I’ll find a nice new hme fr yu. I’ve knwn the wners f the new hme, and they like dgs very much,” Meryl added. “With yur gd lks, we’ll have n truble at all. Anyne will be prud t wn such a fine dg.”
    Thne wagged his tail really hard and walked prudly up and dwn the kitchen flr. Fr a mment, the familiar delicius fd gave him a feeling f happiness. But then a sense f fear struck again. Thne’s tail hung between his legs and he std very still.
    “Cme here.” With great difficulty, Meryl knelt dwn n the flr and lvingly pulled Thne clse t him. He tied a ribbn (丝带) arund the dg’s neck with a huge red bw, and then he attached a nte t it, which said “Happy New Year! My name is Thne. Fr breakfast, I like bacn and eggs — even crn will d. Fr dinner, I prefer mashed ptates and sme meat. That’s all. I eat just tw meals a day. In return, I will be yur mst lyal friend.”
    “Wf, wf! Wf, wf!” Thne was cnfused and his eyes begged. The ld Meryl blew his nse int his handkerchief nce mre. Later, hanging n t a chair, he pulled himself up frm the flr. He buttned his vercat, reached fr the dg’s leash (皮带) and sftly said, “Cme here, my friend.” He pened the dr against a wave f cld air and stepped utside, pulling the dg behind.
    As they were walking in the empty street, dusk was beginning t fall.
    After a very lng time, they stpped befre a large huse with tall trees in its frnt.
    Thrugh teary eyes, the ld Meryl watched frm behind the tree as the by’s mther tk the nte.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    例:Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    1. What is the man ding?
    A. Asking the way. B. Giving directins. C. Crrecting the mistake.
    2. Where are the speakers?
    A. At a bus stp. B. At hme. C. At the airprt.
    3. Hw is weather tday?
    A. Rainy. B. Ht. C. Snwy.
    4. What did the speakers d last weekend?
    A. They studied at hme. B. They went hiking. C. They played tennis.
    5. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Bss and secretary. C. Waitress and custmer.
    6. What is Tm busy ding?
    A. Raising mney. B. Writing a lab reprt. C. Giving classes t children.
    7. Wh might be able t help Tm this week?
    A. Mike. B. Cathy. C. Jane.
    8. Wh will take Le t the festival?
    A. His brther. B. His cusin. C. His sister.
    9. Hw will Le g t the festival?
    A. By car. B. By bus. C. By bicycle.
    10. What will Le take with him?
    A. Clthes. B. Drinks. C. Fd.
    11. What field has the wman been wrking in?
    A. Literature. B. Publishing. C. Educatin.
    12. What did the wman d every year?
    A. She published an article. B. She made the yearbk. C. She wrte a textbk.
    13. What des the wman think f the publishing wrk?
    A. Interesting. B. Bring. C. Tiring.
    14. What is matter with the by?
    A. He has spts n his neck. B. He feels cld. C. He has a fever.
    15. Hw des the by want the wman t help?
    A. By taking him t the dctr.
    B. By putting sme makeup n him.
    C. By telling the schl nurse abut the prblem.
    16. What may happen if the by has t stay hme?
    A. He wn't make the team.
    B. He can try ut fr the team later.
    C. He'll have t write a nte t the cach.
    17. Wh is the speaker?
    A. A guide. B. A teacher. C. A cach.
    18. When will the students leave fr the museum?
    A. 6:30. B. 7:45. C. 8:00.
    19 What will the students d at 1:15?
    A. See a film. B. Meet at a café. C. Visit a gallery.
    20. Where can the students find mre infrmatin?
    A. Frm teachers. B. Frm a website. C. Frm a bk.
    第二部分 阅读理解
    第一节 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。(共5小题;每小题3分,满分15分)
    The museum first appeared in human civilizatin 2,500 years ag, which has been keeping reinventing itself t becme an interactive cultural center. Here are sme f the museums wrth visiting. It’s time t decide yur next travel destinatin.
    The Musée du Luvre, Paris, France
    It is the wrld’s largest art museum and a histrical landmark f Paris. Hused in the Luvre Palace, the museum has been extended many times since its pening in 1793. Its eye-catching glass pyramid in the main curtyard was designed by Ieh Ming Pei, a Chinese American architect, and it later became a symbl f the museum.
    Metrplitan Museum f Art New Yrk, US
    Cmmnly knwn as the Met, the museum is amng the must-visit attractins in New Yrk. It stands n the eastern edge f Central Park. The Met maintains extensive hldings f African, Asian, Oceanian, Byzantine and Islamic art. Every May, the museum hlds the luxurius, blckbuster Met Gala, grabbing glbal attentin like the Oscars.
    Natinal Museum f China, Beijing, China
    Near Tian’anmen Square in Beijing, it’s ne f the largest museums in the wrld and the secnd mst visited art museum in the wrld, just after the Luvre. Cvering a time span frm 1.7 millin years ag t the Qing Dynasty, the museum basts arund 1.05 millin items—and many cannt be fund in museums elsewhere.
    Vatican Museums, the Vatican City
    If yu are int Rman histry and Renaissance art, the Vatican Museums will be yur ideal destinatin. Alng the exhibitin rute, visitrs can enjy the marvelus Sistine Chapel decrated by Michelangel and the Stanze di Raffaell decrated by Raphael.
    1. What d we knw abut the Musée du Luvre?
    A. It is the ldest museum in the wrld.B. It was designed by Ieh Ming Pei.
    C. It has been rebuilt many times.D. It has an attractive glass pyramid.
    2. If yu are int African culture, which museum shuld yu visit?
    A. The Musée du Luvre.B. Natinal Museum f China.
    C. Metrplitan Museum f Art.D. Vatican Museums.
    3. What d Natinal Museum f China and Vatican Museums have in cmmn?
    A. Bth feature many ancient buildings.B. Bth appeal t histry fans.
    C. Bth have ver ne millin items.D. Bth ffer exhibitin rutes.
    【答案】1. D 2. C 3. B
    细节理解题。根据文章The Musée du Luvre, Paris, France部分中的“Its eye-catching glass pyramid in the main curtyard was designed by Ieh Ming Pei, a Chinese American architect, and it later became a symbl f the museum.(其主要庭院中引人注目的玻璃金字塔由美籍华人建筑师贝聿铭设计,后来成为博物馆的象征。)”可知,卢浮宫美术馆的庭院中有个引人注目的玻璃金字塔。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据文章Metrplitan Museum f Art, New Yrk, US部分中的“The Met maintains extensive hldings f African, Asian, Oceanian, Byzantine and Islamic art. (大都会博物馆收藏了大量非洲、亚洲、大洋洲、拜占庭和伊斯兰艺术作品。)”可知,大都会博物馆收藏了非洲的艺术作品,由此可知,如果你对非洲的文化感兴趣,可以去大都会博物馆。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据文章Natinal Museum f China, Beijing, China部分中的“Cvering a time span frm 1.7 millin years ag t the Qing Dynasty, the museum basts arund 1.05 millin items—and many cannt be fund in museums elsewhere.(从170万年前到清朝,故宫拥有约105万件藏品,其中许多在其他博物馆是找不到的。)”以及Vatican Museums, the Vatican City部分中的“If yu are int Rman histry and Renaissance art, the Vatican Museums will be yur ideal destinatin.(如果你对罗马历史和文艺复兴艺术感兴趣,梵蒂冈博物馆将是你理想的目的地。)”可知,这两家博物馆的共同之处就是藏品历史悠久,因此会很受历史迷的欢迎。故选B。
    I believe that we can use scial media fr a lt f great things and it’s imprtant especially fr business wners like me. Ever since I started my calligraphy business tw years ag I’ve never spent a day withut ging n scial media, especially a kind f scial app n my phne, n which I prmted my prducts and services and gt in cntact with pssible custmers.
    Later I fund it gt in the way f mre imprtant things. I hate t say I was hked by it, but I was. Every time I turned n my phne, I wuld dive int it. Fr a lng time, I had been I ignring ther parts f my life, like my family, my friends and my happiness. One day, I was thinking that a break shuld have happened lng befre t me.
    Then I decided t remve the app ff my phne fr a mnth and nly use that n my cmputer t keep track f my business. I wanted a clean break t reflect and plan fr the future.
    I had believed that if I spent less time n the platfrm, I wuld miss ut much. Actually, I was s wrng. During this mnth ff, I realized there was much t enjy in life. I fund mre time t enjy my hbbies and cntacted my gd friends that I had lst tuch with, I was refilled with energy in all aspects f my life.
    This ne mnth ff the app n the phne was healthy fr me. If it were nt fr my business, I wuld like nt t have it n my phne. I dwnladed the app again n my phne, but nly used it t pst my wn cntent. I didn’t intend t paint scial media in a negative light, but nw I just dn’t think the way I was using it was healthy. It’s difficult t find balance, but I’m ging t try t d it anyway. I’m ging back, but it’s ging t be different.
    4. What did the authr mainly d n scial media?
    A. He cnnected with his friends.B. He wrked n business activities.
    C. He learned calligraphy n his wn.D. He shared advice abut keeping fit.
    5. What d the underlined wrds “hked by” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Oppsed t.B. Injured by.C. Addicted t.D. Frightened by.
    6. What did the authr learn after remving the scial app frm his cellphne?
    A. It was meaningless t share n scial media.
    B. There was lts f fun away frm scial media.
    C. The scial app cntributed little t his business.
    D. The scial app in the cmputer was mre practical.
    7. Why des the authr decide t g back t scial media?
    A. One mnth away frm scial media upsets him.
    B. He wants t seek mre hbbies n scial media.
    C. He has cnfidence in balancing scial media and life.
    D. His friends ask him t cmmunicate n scial media.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. B 7. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Ever since I started my calligraphy business tw years ag, I’ve never spent a day withut ging n scial media, especially a kind f scial app n my phne, n which I prmted my prducts and services and gt in cntact with pssible custmers.(自从我两年前开始我的书法生意以来,我从来没有一天不使用社交媒体,特别是我手机上的一种社交应用程序,我通过它推销我的产品和服务,并与潜在客户取得联系。)”可知,作者主要在社交媒体上从事商业活动。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据画线短语下文“Every time I turned n my phne, I wuld dive int it. Fr a lng time, I had been I ignring ther parts f my life, like my family, my friends and my happiness.(每次我打开手机,就会一头扎进去。很长一段时间,我忽视了生活中的其他方面,比如我的家庭,我的朋友和我的幸福。)”可推知,作者沉迷于手机,即上瘾了,由此可知,画线短语hked by与C项“Addicted t.(上瘾了)”意思一样,故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第四段中“During this mnth ff, I realized there was much t enjy in life. I fund mre time t enjy my hbbies and cntacted my gd friends that I had lst tuch with, I was refilled with energy in all aspects f my life.( 在这个月的休息期间,我意识到生活中有很多值得享受的东西。我找到了更多的时间来享受我的爱好,并联系我之前失去联系的好朋友,我生活的各个方面重新充满了能量。)”可知,作者从他的手机上删除了社交应用程序后,意识到社交媒体之外还有很多乐趣。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“If it were nt fr my business, I wuld like nt t have it n my phne. I dwnladed the app again n my phne, but nly used it t pst my wn cntent.(如果不是为了我的生意,我不想把它安装在我的手机里。我再次在手机上下载了这个应用程序,但只用它来发布我自己的内容。)”和 “It’s difficult t find balance, but I’m ging t try t d it anyway. I’m ging back, but it’s ging t be different.(很难找到平衡,但我还是要试着去做。我要重新使用社交软件,但一切将会不同。)”可推知,作者决定重新使用社交媒体,因为他有信心平衡社交媒体和生活。故选C。
    Vanessa Burchill, a 12-year-ld Dartmuth, N. S. girl, is grwing and giving away hundreds f milkweed seedlings (马利筋草苗) s endangered mnarch butterflies have smewhere safe t land. Her plan t save the mnarch butterflies began abut three years ag when her aunt shwed her a chrysalis (茧) frm her garden. She watched in wnder as a butterfly appeared and made its wings dry.
    She’s nw given ut abut 1,000 milkweed seedlings t peple in Halifax thrugh her Dwntwn Dartmuth Mnarch Prject. Her first grup f milkweed this spring went in a matter f hurs.
    Mnarch butterflies can’t survive withut milkweed because it’s the nly plant where they can lay their eggs. Burchill grws swamp milkweed. It is far less unruly (难以控制的) than cmmn milkweed, its cusin. Cmmn milkweed is cnsidered a harmful weed in N.S. It is ften killed by peple with chemicals.
    This year, Burchill’s grwing seasn began in February with seeds frm the Mersey Tbeatic Research Institute.
    Anyne can message her n Facebk t pick up a pt (盆) f milkweed fr free. Each pt has fur small plants that peple are encuraged t put in a sunny place in their gardens.
    “When the mnarchs finally appear frm the chrysalis they need t be able t dry ut their wings in the sun and when the plant desn’t have full sun they can’t d that,” Burchill said.
    Burchill has als started grwing a butterfly garden in the park acrss the street frm her huse with the help f parents and neighburs. “We’re very prud f her and she’s quite fcused,” said her dad Nick Burchill. “Hpefully, it will create a nice pathway fr mnarchs.”
    Burchill has nly seen a handful f mnarchs visit her yard and she’s still waiting t see a caterpillar n the milkweed. But she knws what she did is paying ff when she sees the endangered butterflies visiting gardens she helps grw.
    8. What encuraged Burchill t save the mnarch butterflies?
    A. Her mnarch prject.B. Her aunt’s suggestin.
    C. Her research n the butterflies.D. Her experience in her aunt’s garden.
    9. Why des Burchill plant swamp milkweed?
    A. It is becming endangered.
    B. It widely grws in her hmetwn.
    C. It is much safer than cmmn milkweed.
    D. It is recgnised by the N.S. gvernment.
    10. What is the attitude f Burchill’s father twards her actin?
    A. Uninterested.B. Supprtive.
    C. Dubtful.D. Wrried.
    11. Which f the fllwing can best describe Burchill?
    A. Kind and helpful.B. Brave and hnest.
    C. Strict and creative.D. Careful and easyging.
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A
    【导语】这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了12岁的女孩Vanessa Burchill正在种植并送出数百株马利筋,这样濒临灭绝的帝王蝶就有了安全的降落之地。文章还介绍了她拯救帝王蝶的经过以及取得的成就。
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Her plan t save the mnarch butterflies began abut three years ag when her aunt shwed her a chrysalis frm her garden. She watched in wnder as a butterfly appeared and made its wings dry.(她拯救帝王蝶的计划始于大约三年前,当时她的姑姑给她看了花园里的一只蝶蛹。她惊奇地看到一只蝴蝶出现了,它擦干了翅膀)”可知,在姑姑花园的经历促使Burchill去拯救帝王蝶。故选D。
    推理判断题。根据第三段“Burchill grws wetland milkweed. It is far less cntrllable than cmmn milkweed, its cusin. Cmmn milkweed is cnsidered a harmful weed in U.S. It is ften killed by peple with chemicals.(Burchill种植湿地马利筋。它远不如普通的马利筋(马利筋的表亲)可控。普通马利筋在美国被认为是一种有害的杂草,它经常被人用化学物质杀死)”可知,Burchill要种植湿地马利筋是因为它比普通马利筋安全得多。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中““We’re very prud f her and she’s quite fcused,” said her dad, Nick Burchill. ‘‘Hpefully, it will create a nice pathway fr mnarchs.”(“我们为她感到骄傲,她很专注,”她父亲Nick Burchill说。“希望这将为帝王蝶创造一条良好的道路。”) ”可推知,Burchill的父亲对她的行为持支持态度。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“She watched in wnder as a butterfly appeared and made its wings dry.(她惊奇地看到一只蝴蝶出现了,它擦干了翅膀)”说明Burchill很善良。文章第五段讲到“Anyne can message her n Facebk t pick up a pt (盆) f milkweed fr free. Each pt has fur small plants that peple are encuraged t put in a sunny place in their gardens. (任何人都可以在脸书上给她发信息免费获得一盆马利筋草。每个花盆有四种小植物,鼓励人们把它们放在花园里阳光充足的地方。)”可知,Burchill乐于助人。因此Burchill善良且乐于助人。故选A。
    Mvies and TV shws see dlphins as helpful, playful creatures. “The wrld lves a gd dlphin stry,” Blake Mrtn, a scientist wh studies animal behavir, tld TIME. “And I think ne reasn fr that is we see a lt f urselves reflected in their behavir.”
    Mrtn used scientific methds t test this. The result f this wrk is a new reprt shwing that humans and dlphins share certain persnality traits (个性特点).
    The study included 134 bttlense dlphins in eight cuntries. Each dlphin was bserved and rated by several peple, using a “dlphin persnality questinnaire (调查表).” The questinnaire had mre than 40 items. It included adjectives such as “playful” and “intelligent”. Scientists gave every dlphin a scre frm 1 t 5 fr each item, based n hw well it described the animal’s behavir.
    Frm these ratings, Mrtn and his team were able t find persnality traits that are cmmn in dlphins. The results shw that dlphins and humans have sme similar persnality traits. Mst bviusly, the tw species (物种) share traits related t curisity and sciability.
    Mrtn’s dlphin study and thers like it help us learn abut ther species. But they als help us learn abut urselves. “My kind f wrk cmes frm the spirit f trying t understand what made humans the way we are,” Mrtn says. “One way we can d that is t cmpare ur behavir t ther species.”
    Scientists arund the wrld are researching different animal species. Their research raises imprtant questins that future scientists will wrk t answer. “It’s all a big puzzle (迷宫),” Mrtn says. “It takes thusands f careful papers being printed befre yu start t see the puzzle cming tgether.” He cmpares scientific research t pintillism. That’s a painting style in which an artist makes a picture using lts f tiny dts (点). “If yu take a step back and lk at all thse little single pints f wrk,” Mrtn says, “yu’ll see a big picture cme int view.”
    12. What did Mrtn’s dlphin study find?
    A. Dlphins are mre ppular in TV shws than ther animals.
    B. Dlphins have persnality traits very similar t humans.
    C. Dlphins are helpful and playful creatures.
    D. Dlphins are mre curius than humans.
    13. What is paragraph 3 mainly abut?
    A. The imprtance f studying dlphin behavir.
    B. Why Mrtn’s team created the questinnaire.
    C. Hw Mrtn’s team carried ut the study.
    D. The methds f bserving dlphins.
    14. What des the underlined wrd “that” in paragraph 5 refer t?
    A. Finding the similarities between dlphins and humans.
    B. Having a deeper understanding f humans.
    C. Prtecting dlphins mre scientifically.
    D. Learning abut ther animals.
    15. What des Mrtn intend t tell us in the last paragraph?
    A. Prgress in science is made little by little.
    B. Scientific research shuld be taken seriusly.
    C. Art plays an imprtant rle in scientific research.
    D. Scientists arund the wrld shuld wrk tgether.
    【答案】12. B 13. C 14. B 15. A
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“And I think ne reasn fr that is we see a lt f urselves reflected in their behavir.(我认为其中一个原因是我们看到很多我们自己的行为反映在它们的行为中。)”和第二段“Mrtn used scientific methds t test this. The result f this wrk is a new reprt shwing that humans and dlphins share certain persnality traits (个性特点).( 莫顿用科学的方法来测试这个。这项工作的结果是一个新的报告显示,人类和海豚共享某些个性特征)”可知,Mrtn的研究表明,海豚与人与人有着相似的个性特点。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“The study included 134 bttlense dlphins in eight cuntries. Each dlphin was bserved and rated by several peple, using a “dlphin persnality questinnaire (调查表).” The questinnaire had mre than 40 items. It included adjectives such as “playful” and “intelligent”. Scientists gave every dlphin a scre frm 1 t 5 fr each item, based n hw well it described the animal’s behavir.(这项研究包括8个国家134只宽吻海豚。每只海豚都由几个人进行观察和评分,使用的是“海豚性格问卷”问卷共有40多个项目。它包括“好玩”和“聪明”等形容词。科学家们给每只海豚的每个项目打分从1分到5分,这是基于它对动物行为的描述程度。)”可知,第三段主要介绍了Mrtn及其成员是如何开展这一海豚研究的,故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据第五段中的““My kind f wrk cmes frm the spirit f trying t understand what made humans the way we are,” Mrtn says. “One way we can d that is t cmpare ur behavir t ther species.”( 莫顿说:“我的工作来自于一种精神,那就是试图理解是什么造就了人类。”“我们可以做到这一点的方法之一就是将我们的行为与其他物种进行比较。”)”可知,Mrtn开展海豚研究的目的是想更加深入地了解人类自己,由此可推知,that代指上文提到的“更加深入地了解人类”,故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中““It takes thusands f careful papers being printed befre yu start t see the puzzle cming tgether.” He cmpares scientific research t pintillism. That’s a painting style in which an artist makes a picture using lts f tiny dts ( 点). “If yu take a step back and lk at all thse little single pints f wrk,” Mrtn says, “yu’ll see a big picture cme int view.”(“在你开始看到拼图之前,你需要印刷成千上万张精心制作的纸张。”他把科学研究比作点彩画。这是一种绘画风格,画家用很多小点来画画。莫顿说:“如果你退后一步,看看所有这些单一的小工作点,你会看到一幅大图进入视野。”)”可知,Mrtn将科学研究比作点彩画,在点彩画中是一个一个的笔点构成了整幅画面,Mrtn认为科学研究也是如此,科学的进步也是通过科学家们一点一滴的辛勤研究取得的,故选A。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Many are frtunate enugh t travel and see different cultures. Fr thse wh have nt yet seen ther cultures, here are five things yu can learn frm ther cultures.
    New language
    Althugh learning a new language has becme simpler thrugh apps r prgrams, nthing cmpares t learning a language in the place where it is spken. _____16_____ Cmmunicatins with thers in anther cuntry is als imprtant.
    Yu can read bks and even eat fd frm ther cuntries. But thse experience will never cmpare t the knwledge gained by being in anther cuntry._____17_____ If yu are unable t travel, pay attentin t cultural events that allw yu t increase yur knwledge.
    Unique (独特的) traditins
    _____18_____ A traditin in Mexic is Day f the Dead. The peple f Mexic believe that each year, the suls f the dead return t visit their lved nes and celebrate just as they did when they were alive.
    It can be hard t imagine what life wuld be like if we didn’t have the things we take fr granted (认为理所当然) every day, such as reliable transprtatin, clean water, educatin and a hme t live. Therefre, we shuld value what we have and that we are able t wrk t prvide fr urselves.
    We’re nt s different after all.
    If yu have traveled t anther cuntry, the experience is prbably cmpletely new. But n matter hw much ur lifestyles may differ, we are all wrking tward similar gals in life. _____20_____ Next time yu travel t a new cuntry, discver nt nly the differences, but als the similarities.
    A. Value what yu have.
    B. Imagine what yur life will be.
    C. Thse gals include trying t get the mst ut f life.
    D. Each culture has its wn traditins that make it unique.
    E. Peple frm different backgrunds can ffer smething new.
    F. Always remember t put yurself in a new and unusual traditin.
    G. The nly true way is putting yurself in the culture f the language.
    【答案】16. G 17. E 18. D 19. A 20. C
    根据上文中的“Althugh learning a new language has becme simpler thrugh apps r prgrams, nthing cmpares t learning a language in the place where it is spken.(虽然通过应用程序或程序学习一门新语言变得更简单,但没有什么比在使用该语言的地方学习一门语言更好的了)”说明学习语言的最佳方式是到讲这种语言的国家学习;G项:The nly true way is putting yurself in the culture f the language.(唯一正确的方法是将自己置身于语言的文化中。) 承接上文,对上文进行总结。故选G。
    根据上句“Yu can read bks and even eat fd frm ther cuntries. But thse experience will never cmpare t the knwledge gained by being in anther cuntry. (你可以读书,甚至吃来自其他国家的食物。但这些经验永远无法与在另一个国家获得的知识相比)”可知,作者鼓励人们到新的国家获取知识。E项:Peple frm different backgrunds can ffer smething new.(来自不同背景的人可以提供一些新的东西)。承接上句,说明到新的国家可以学习一些新的东西。故选E。
    本段的小标题是“Unique (独特的) traditins”根据下文“A traditin in Mexic is Day f the Dead.(墨西哥的传统是亡灵节)”列举了墨西哥亡灵节,这说明每种文化都有独特的风格。D项:Each culture has its wn traditins that make it unique(每种文化都有自己独特的传统)。故选D。
    设空处是一个小标题。下文“It can be hard t imagine what life wuld be like if we didn’t have the things we take fr granted (认为理所当然) every day, such as reliable transprtatin, clean water, educatin and a hme t live. (很难想象,如果我们没有每天都认为理所当然的东西,比如可靠的交通工具、干净的水、教育和居住的家,生活会是什么样子。)”可知,主要讲述了很难想象生活中没有了我们认为充理所应当有的东西时会是什么样子。因此我们应该珍惜我们所拥有的。A项:Value what yu have.(珍惜你所拥有的)合乎题意。故选A。
    上一句中的“But n matter hw much ur lifestyles may differ, we are all wrking tward similar gals in life. (但无论我们的生活方式有多大不同,我们都在朝着相似的目标努力)”说明人们努力追寻生活中相似的目标。C项:Thse gals include trying t get the mst ut f life.(这些目标包括努力从生活中获得最大的收获)中的Thse gals正是指“similar gals”。故选C。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    Katie Staglian was 9 years ld and she was in the third grade. At the beginning f the new term, she began a gardening prject as part f a schl ____21____. Her teacher tld her t plant vegetable seeds in her hme garden. Katie tk this wrk ____22____. She carefully planted the seeds and she felt ____23____ as she fund three tiny green cabbage leaves grw t becme a huge and 40-pund cabbage.
    Later, as a(n) ____24____, Katie and ther students started planting vegetable gardens thrughut the cmmunity. They dnated (捐赠) their ____25____ t the lcal sup kitchen. Katie dreamed f ne day ____26____ her hbby int a harvest mvement where the vegetable gardens wuld help supprt sup kitchens and fd shelter rganizatins. She ____27____ ending fd insecurity (不安全) wrldwide by grwing ne vegetable garden.
    In 2010, the nly lcal sup kitchen in Katie’s cmmunity ____28____ because f mney. The clsure ____29____ her t turn her dream int a reality when she started Katie’s Krps. Thrugh the nn-prfit (非营利的) rganizatin, vlunteers _____30_____ meals using vegetables dnated by the gardens, and anyne in _____31_____ within the cmmunity was invited. In the beginning, Katie’s Krps hsted weekly cmmunity _____32_____ that prvided up t 200 meals at a time.
    The student-run gardens _____33_____ with Katie’s Krps nw include 100 gardens acrss the United State. Ttally, they have dnated 500,000 punds f fresh vegetables and have served mre than 40,000 meals t thse _____34_____ with fd insecurity.
    In additin, the Katie’s Krps utdr classrm prvides gardening classes and hands-n _____35_____ t children, adults and families. The rganizatin hpes t teach children hw t becme gd stewards (管家) f the Earth.
    21. A. gameB. taskC. tripD. rule
    22. A. dubtfullyB. helplesslyC. quietlyD. seriusly
    23. A. amazedB. relaxedC. annyedD. anxius
    24. A. attitudeB. hpeC. hbbyD. fashin
    25. A. timeB. prductsC. mneyD. thughts
    26. A. knckingB. preventingC. dividingD. develping
    27. A. imaginedB. rememberedC. preventedD. frgt
    28. A. tk ffB. mved nC. shut dwnD. wrked ut
    29. A. chseB. drveC. rderedD. warned
    30. A. sldB. threwC. cleanedD. prepared
    31. A. needB. actinC. searchD. line
    32. A. interviewsB. cncertsC. dinnersD. perfrmances
    33. A. disagreedB. cnnectedC. discussedD. separated
    34. A. strugglingB. escapingC. feedingD. exchanging
    35. A. stressB. priceC. husewrkD. knwledge
    【答案】21. B 22. D 23. A 24. C 25. B 26. D 27. A 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. A 35. D
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:在新学期开始时,她开始了一个园艺项目,作为学校任务的一部分。A. game游戏;B. task任务;C. trip旅行;D. rule规则。根据下文“Her teacher tld her t plant vegetable seeds in her hme garden”可知,这是老师布置的任务。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:凯蒂认真地对待这项任务。A. dubtfully怀疑地;B. helplessly无助地;C. quietly安静地;D. seriusly认真地。根据下文“She carefully planted the seeds”可知,Katie是非常认真地对待这项任务。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她小心翼翼地种下种子,当她发现三片小小的绿色卷心菜叶子长成一棵40磅重的大卷心菜时,她感觉非常惊讶。A. amazed惊讶的;B. relaxed放松的;C. annyed惹恼的;D. anxius焦虑的。根据下文“three tiny green cabbage leaves grw t becme a huge and 40-pund cabbage”可知,小菜叶子变成大白菜是令人惊讶的。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:后来,作为一种爱好,和其他学生开始在整个社区种植菜园。A. attitude态度;B. hpe希望;C. hbby爱好;D. fashin时尚。根据下文“Katie dreamed f ne day ____6____ her hbby int a harvest mvement where the vegetable gardens wuld help supprt sup kitchens and fd shelter rganizatins.”可知,Katie把种蔬菜当成了爱好。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他们把产品捐给了当地的施舍处。A. time时间;B. prducts产品;C. mney钱;D. thughts思想。根据下文“Katie dreamed f ne day ____6____ her hbby int a harvest mvement where the vegetable gardens wuld help supprt sup kitchens and fd shelter rganizatins.”可知,是把收获的蔬菜捐给了当地的施舍处。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:Katie梦想有一天能把她的爱好变成一场丰收运动,菜园会帮助支持施粥所和食物收容所组织。A. kncking敲门;B. preventing防止;C. dividing划分;D. develping发展。根据下文“int a harvest mvement where the vegetable gardens wuld help supprt sup kitchens and fd shelter rganizatins”可知,Katie种菜不仅仅是一个爱好,而是要把它发展成一项运动,故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她设想通过种植一个菜园来结束世界范围内的粮食不安全。A. imagined想象;B. remembered记住;C. prevented预防;D. frgt忘记。根据下文“by grwing ne vegetable garden”可知,吃自己种的蔬菜地安全的,因而就没有粮食不安全的问题了,这是一个世界范围内大问题,Katie现在还是孩子,只能想象一下解决粮食安全问题。故选A项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:2010年,凯蒂所在社区的唯一一家施舍处,因为钱的原因而倒闭了。A. tk ff脱下,起飞;B. mved n移动;C. shut dwn关闭;D. wrked ut解决。根据下文“because f mney. The clsure ____9____ her t turn her dream int a reality when she started Katie’s Krps.”可知,因为缺钱,施舍处只能倒闭。注意提示词“clsure”。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:当她创办Katie的Krps时,施舍处的倒闭驱使她将梦想变成了现实。A. chse选择;B. drve驱动,驾驶;C. rdered命令;D. warned警告。根据下文“Thrugh the nn-prfit (非营利的) rganizatin, vlunteers ____10____ meals using vegetables dnated by the gardens, and anyne in ____11____ within the cmmunity was invited.”可知,施舍处倒闭后,才举办每周的社区聚会,免费提供膳食。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:通过非盈利组织,志愿者用菜园捐赠的蔬菜准备了饭,社区里的所有有需要的人都被邀请了。A. sld卖出;B. threw投掷;C. cleaned清洁;D. prepared准备。根据下文“meals using vegetables dnated by the gardens”可知,用捐赠的蔬菜准备饭菜。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意同上题。A. need需要;B. actin动作;C. search搜索;D. line线。根据常识可知,施舍饭菜是给那些有需要的人。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一开始,凯蒂的Krps每周举办社区聚餐,每次提供多达200份膳食。A. interviews采访;B. cncerts音乐会;C. dinners晚餐;D. perfrmances表演。根据下文“that prvided up t 200 meals at a time”可知,是提供的是餐食。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:与Katie的Krps相连的学生经营的菜园在美国各地有100个。A. disagreed不同意;B. cnnected连接;C. discussed讨论;D. separated分开。根据上文“Thrugh the nn-prfit (非营利的) rganizatin, vlunteers____10__ meals using vegetables dnated by the gardens”可知,Katie的Krps和菜园是相联系的。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们总共捐赠了50万磅新鲜蔬菜,并为那些缺乏食物保障的人提供了4万多顿饭。A. struggling挣扎;B. escaping逃逸;C. feeding喂食;D. exchanging交换。根据下文“fd insecurity”可知,是与缺乏食物保障作斗争。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:此外,凯蒂的Krps室外教室为儿童、成人和家庭提供园艺课程和动手操作知识。A. stress强调,应力;B. price价格;C. husewrk家务;D. knwledge知识。根据下文“The rganizatin hpes t teach children hw t becme gd stewards (管家) f the Earth.”可知,这传授的知识。故选D项。
    The 13th Tali Cup was held in Beijing last August and featured 200 prgrammes ____36____(divide) int six sectins accrding t style, including classical Chinese dance, Chinese flkdance, ballet and cntemprary (现代的) dance. Students ____37____(represent) 64 schls frm 27 cities and prvinces participated, making it the largest event in the cup’s histry.
    Accrding t Xu Rui, president f the Beijing Dance Academy, 15 perfrmances will be held in 11 cities between May and Nvember. Students frm ver 10 art schls ____38____ participated in the 13th Tali Cup, including thse frm the Beijing Dance Academy, the Central Academy f Drama, the Nanjing University f the Arts and Hangzhu Nrmal University, will take part ____39____ the tur.
    Befre each perfrmance, the ____40____(winner) f majr awards in previus editins, amng them star dancers like Wang Yabin, Hua Xiayi and Wang Zihan, will intrduce ____41____ histry f the Tali Cup and the pieces t be staged.
    “In the past 40 years, the cmpetitin ____42____(be) a key platfrm (平台) fr yung dancers ____43____(shw) their skill and be seen by a wider audience. Many yung Chinese dancers sht t stardm after winning the cmpetitin, and have becme tp dancer-chregraphers (舞蹈编导) tday. They have taken leading rles in dance prductins in theatres, and have created their wn wrk, prmting the ____44____(develp) f the dance scene in China by grwing a large fan base fr the art,_____45_____(especial) amng the yung,” says Xu.
    【答案】36. divided
    37. representing
    38. wh##that
    39. in 40. winners
    41. the 42. has been
    43. t shw
    44. develpment
    45. especially
    考查介词。句意:参加第十三届桃李杯的来自北京舞蹈学院、中央戏剧学院、南京艺术大学、杭州师范大学等十多所艺术院校的学生将参加此次巡演。固定短语take part in“参加”。故填in。
    考查名词复数。句意:每次演出前,包括王亚斌、华晓怡、王子涵等舞蹈明星在内的历届主要奖项得主将介绍桃李杯的历史和即将上演的作品。winner是可数名词,结合后面“amng them star dancers like Wang Yabin, Hua Xiayi and Wang Zihan”可知,数量大于一,应用复数名词。故填winners。
    考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:在过去的40年里,这项比赛一直是年轻舞者展示自己技能和被更多观众看到的关键平台。此处为谓语动词的填入,根据In the past 40 years可知,此处应用现在完成时,主语the cmpetitin为单数名词,助动词使用has。故填has been。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在过去的40年里,这项比赛一直是年轻舞者展示自己技能和被更多观众看到的关键平台。此处为动词不定式t d,作后置定语,修饰platfrm,a platfrm t d…“一个……的平台”。故填t shw。
    考查副词。句意:他们在剧院的舞蹈作品中担任主角,并创作了自己的作品,通过培养大量的艺术粉丝群,特别是在年轻人中,促进了中国舞蹈舞台的发展。此处修饰后面的介词短语amng the yung,应用副词especially“特别”,作状语。故填especially。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    46. 假定你是班长李华,你们的外教老师 Mrs Claire 即将回国,请你代表你们班给她写封感谢信,并赠送一份有中国文化特色的礼物。内容包括:
    Dear Mrs Claire,
    Li Hua
    Dear Mrs Claire,
    On this special ccasin, I feel much hnred t represent the class t express ur sincere gratitude t yur excellent wrk. Thanks t yur generus help, we’ve becme mre interested and dne better in English, which will be f great imprtance t ur further study.
    Here’s a pen cntainer, a suvenir that we’ve specially prepared fr yu. Hpefully, yu’ll like it. This pen cntainer is made f bamb, which is evergreen and hllw inside. In Chinese culture, it’s a symbl f being yung and mdest.
    Nw, I’d als like t wish yu a pleasant jurney hme!
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。要求考生对于外教老师 Mrs Claire 即将回国这一情况,代表班级给她写封感谢信,并赠送一份有中国文化特色的礼物。
    荣幸的:hnred→ privileged
    感激:gratitude→ appreciatin
    出色的:excellent→ utstanding
    希望:wish→ hpe
    原句:Thanks t yur generus help, we’ve becme mre interested and dne better in English, which will be f great imprtance t ur further study.
    合并句:It is because f yur generus help that we’ve becme mre interested and dne better in English, which will be f great imprtance t ur further study.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Thanks t yur generus help, we’ve becme mre interested and dne better in English, which will be f great imprtance t ur further study. (运用了which引导的非限制性定语从句)
    【高分句型2】Here’s a pen cntainer, a suvenir that we’ve specially prepared fr yu.(运用了that引导的限制性定语从句)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    “I will never frget yu,” Meryl said t his pet dg with tears rlling dwn his cheek (脸颊). With his head leaning t ne side, Thne watched his master, “Wf, wf! Wf, wf!” He wagged his tail back and frth, seeming t understand what Meryl was talking abut.
    “I can’t take care f myself anymre, let alne take care f yu,” Meryl cleared his thrat. “Sn, I’ll mve t an ld peple’s hme, and I’m srry t say that yu can’t cme alng. They dn’t allw dgs there, yu knw.” “Dn’t wrry, my friend. I’ll find a nice new hme fr yu. I’ve knwn the wners f the new hme, and they like dgs very much,” Meryl added. “With yur gd lks, we’ll have n truble at all. Anyne will be prud t wn such a fine dg.”
    Thne wagged his tail really hard and walked prudly up and dwn the kitchen flr. Fr a mment, the familiar delicius fd gave him a feeling f happiness. But then a sense f fear struck again. Thne’s tail hung between his legs and he std very still.
    “Cme here.” With great difficulty, Meryl knelt dwn n the flr and lvingly pulled Thne clse t him. He tied a ribbn (丝带) arund the dg’s neck with a huge red bw, and then he attached a nte t it, which said “Happy New Year! My name is Thne. Fr breakfast, I like bacn and eggs — even crn will d. Fr dinner, I prefer mashed ptates and sme meat. That’s all. I eat just tw meals a day. In return, I will be yur mst lyal friend.”
    “Wf, wf! Wf, wf!” Thne was cnfused and his eyes begged. The ld Meryl blew his nse int his handkerchief nce mre. Later, hanging n t a chair, he pulled himself up frm the flr. He buttned his vercat, reached fr the dg’s leash (皮带) and sftly said, “Cme here, my friend.” He pened the dr against a wave f cld air and stepped utside, pulling the dg behind.
    As they were walking in the empty street, dusk was beginning t fall.
    After a very lng time, they stpped befre a large huse with tall trees in its frnt.
    Thrugh teary eyes, the ld Meryl watched frm behind the tree as the by’s mther tk the nte.
    【答案】After a very lng time, they stpped befre a large huse with tall trees in its frnt. An idea came t Meryl. He gave up the riginal plan and tied Thne t the tree, giving him the usual delicius fd. The mment Thne was busy enjying his dinner, Meryl ran away, hid behind a tree and lked at him with watery eyes. Minutes later, Thne lked back but culdn’t find his wner “Wf, wf! Wf, wf!” Then the dr pened and a yung lady came ut with a little by fllwing her.
    Thrugh teary eyes, the ld Meryl watched frm behind the tree as the by’s mther tk the nte. After reading the nte, the lady raised and lked arund but culdn’t find anyne, s she gently tk Thne int her huse as if saying smething kind t him. Seeing this, the ld Meryl wiped his eyes with the cld sleeve f his cat with a big smile. Then he disappeared int the night, whispering, “Gdbye, my dear friend. This will be a nice hme fr yu.”
    ①突然想起:cme t/ccur t
    ②放弃:give up /abandn
    ③看见:spt/catch sight f
    ①体贴的:kind /cnsiderate
    ②好心的:nice/ kind-hearted
    【点睛】[高分句型1]The mment Thne was busy enjying his dinner, Meryl ran away, hid behind a tree and lked at him with watery eyes.(运用了The mment引导的时间状语从句)
    [高分句型2]Seeing this, the ld Meryl wiped his eyes with the cld sleeve f his cat with a big smile.(运用了现在分词短语作状语)

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