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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. When is the film n?
    A. At 6:00 p. m.. B. At 7:00 p. m.. C. At 8:00 p. m..
    2. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Having drinks. B. Placing an rder. C. Waiting in line.
    3. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a subway. B. On a bus. C. In the street.
    4. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. The way t reduce cars. B. The cause f air pllutin. C. The envirnmental effect f factries.
    5. What des the wman suggest ding first?
    A. Picking up the tys. B. Washing the dishes. C. Visiting sme friends.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
    6. What des the wman say abut the chef in the new restaurant?
    A. He wrked harder. B. He was yunger. C. He didn't understand the custmers.
    7. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Bk a table early. B. Chse anther restaurant. C. Call the chef sn.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8至 10题。
    8. What is the wman?
    A. An airprt emplyee. B. A travel agent. C. A plicewman.
    9. What des the wman ffer t d fr the man?
    A. Buy him a new suit. B. Fill ut the paperwrk. C. Pay him sme mney.
    10. Hw des the man sund in the end?
    A. Thankful. B. Angry. C. Anxius.
    听第8段材料,回答第11至 13题。
    11. What attracted the man's attentin?
    A. A dwn feather jacket. B. A leather jacket. C. A winter jacket.
    12. Hw des the wman think f the black leather jacket?
    A. T expensive. B. Nt fashinable. C. Quite wrthwhile.
    13. What des the wman prefer t d?
    A. Fcus n the material. B. Chse the quality first. C. Balance quality and price.
    听第9段材料, 回答第14 至 16题。
    14. What did sme f the wman's classmates d last night?
    A. They did a lt f hmewrk.
    B. They tk a difficult French exam.
    C. They enjyed themselves in the twn.
    15. What did the man's teacher advise him t d?
    A. Walk fr a while. B. G sightseeing. C. See a film.
    16. Why desn't the man want t eat in twn?
    A. Because he is running ut f time.
    B. Because he desn't like the fd there.
    C. Because he will have the meal in the hst family.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17至 20题。
    17. What is the main fcus f the tur?
    A. The city's histrical districts.
    B. The craft and prduce markets.
    C. The develpment f the architecture.
    18. What des the speaker remind turists t d?
    A. Buy sme art wrks. B. Wear cmfrtable shes. C. Learn abut the buildings.
    19. What was Old City Hall used fr?
    A. Gvernment. B. Trade. C. Entertainment.
    20. What is said abut the church?
    A. It dates back t mid-19th century.
    B. It lcated in the center f the city.
    C. It played a part in the funding f the city.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    The Best Art Exhibitins t See in Eurpe 2024
    2024 is an exciting year fr art. But what exactly is shwing and where can yu see it? Here are sme can’t-miss art exhibitins.
    Dan Flavin — Dedicatins in Lights
    Kunstaus Bregenz
    2 March-18 Aug. 2024
    The exhibitin f artist Dan Flavin fcuses n the sensry explratin f light and clr in a series f large-scale sculptures. Flded in light, viewers will see themselves becme part f the wrks. The spaces, alng with the bjects within it, are set in relatin t each ther and thus becme invlving experiences.
    Survival in the 21st Century
    17 March - 3 Nv. 2024
    “Survival in the 21st Century” deals with sme f humanity’s biggest issues: climate change, digital revlutin, glbal injustice etc.. Hw can we live differently, eat differently, and use technlgy differently? The exhibitin huse will becme a schl fr the new century, welcming the imprtant changes in educatin and learning.
    Centre Pmpidu
    27 May- 1 July 2024
    Cnstantin Brancusi’s art takes center stage with nearly 200 sculptures, phtgraphs, drawings, and films. This exhibitin shws us a special way f lking at artists frm the 20th century. It uses riginal sculptures that were brrwed frm famus museums arund the wrld t display grups f sculptures tgether, marking a significant event fr the museum’s cllectin.
    Art Basel
    Messe Basel
    13-16 June 2024
    Arguably the wrld’s mst famus art event, Art Basel 2024 will present art frm ver 250 selected galleries acrss the glbe, with wrks created by mre than 4,000 artists. With its significant influence n the art market, Art Basel sets new trends, impacts pricing, and shapes the glbal art landscape.
    1. Where can visitrs be part f the wrks?
    A. Kunsthaus Bregenz.B. Centre Pmpidu.
    C. Deichtrhallen.D. Messe Basel.
    2. Which exhibitin is available in September?
    A. Dan Flavin — Dedicatins in Lights.B. Brancusi.
    C. Survival in the 21st Century.D. Art Basel.
    3. What d Brancusi and Art Basel have in cmmn?
    A. They influence the art market glbally.B. They shw wrks frm the 20th century.
    C. They fcus n the wrks f a single artist.D. They brrw cllectins frm elsewhere.
    On a cludy Saturday mrning in July, a team f 15—all ver age 65, all wmen—hunts fr trash acrss Mares Pnd n Cape Cd, at depths f up t 8 feet.
    These are the Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage (OLAUG). Since 2017, the grup has made it its missin t remve trash frm pnds acrss Cape Cd.
    The grup’s existence is wed t Susan Baur, a retired psychlgist. A lifelng nature lver, she had begun swimming in pnds n the cape as a safer chice t the cean. Seeing the grwing garbage in the pnd, in 2017, she runded up tw friends and apprached a stranger with a kayak (皮艇), and tgether they cleared the litter frm a pnd. Sn thers jined them.
    While many utsiders have expressed their gratitude t OLAUG fr cleaning up the pnds, a number have questined why they refer t themselves as“ld ladies”. Althugh she admits that it wasn't initially a cnscius chice, she nw believes that the “ld lady” identity is an extremely imprtant part f what the grup is abut.
    “Over 65, if yu’re healthy enugh t d what we’re ding, it is the age f thankfulness,” Baur says. She ntes that “wmen ver 65 tend t feel the limitatin f aging. ”They lse pwer and scial standing, she says. Part f the gal f OLAUG is t shw that lder wmen, wrking as a team, can d a lt mre than peple might think.
    Criticism aside, the mst cmmn respnse is “I want t jin yu.” And after that first dive, the new members’excitement is easily seen.
    “They have just swum farther than they’ve ever swum. They've seen what they've never seen. And they’ve dne gd,” says Baur. “They cme back with their hearts beating.”
    4. What can we learn abut OLAUG?
    A. It is established by Baur’s friends.B. It ffers safer swimming pnds.
    C. It is supprted by retired psychlgists.D. It aims t remve trash frm pnds.
    5. What d Baur’s wrds in paragraph 5 suggest?
    A. Peple ver 65 are rarely healthy.
    B. Peple shuld be thankful fr ld age.
    C. Older wmen can still cntribute t the sciety.
    D. Older peple may lse chance t d what they like.
    6. What is the attitude f mst new members twards OLAUG?
    A. Favrable.B. Intlerant.C. Dubtful.D. Unclear.
    7. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. OLAUG: Making the Wrld a Cleaner Place
    B OLAUG: the Only Slutin t Underwater Trash
    C. Old Ladies: Diving Deep fr a Cleaner Cape Cd
    D. Old Ladies: Unsung Heres f Pnd Cnservatin
    If yu sit at yur cmputer all day and then lie n the sfa fr mre screen time in the evening, yur health can take a hit. Hwever, a bdy f evidence links inactive lifestyles t an increased risk f diabetes (糖尿病), memry lss and death frm heart disease. A new study finds yu can cut that risk with strikingly small amunts f activity.
    Researcher Keith Diaz f Clumbia University Medical Center and his clleagues set ut t find ut what’s the least amunt f physical activity a persn must d t reduce the health risks f sitting. They invited vlunteers t cme t their lab and emulate a typical wrk day.
    “They’d cme in and sit fr eight hurs,” Diaz explains. The vlunteers were cnnected t cntinuus glucse (葡萄糖) mnitrs t measure bld sugar levels, and their bld pressure was measured, t. Then, the participants tk walking breaks f different lengths and frequency.
    The participants walked n an exercise machine at a leisurely pace — abut 1.9 miles per hur. “We were really struck by just hw pwerful the effects were,” Diaz says. Peple wh mved five minutes every half-hur experienced a nearly 60% reductin in pst-meal bld sugar rises. “I have never seen that kind f a drp in bld sugar, ther than with medicatin,” Diaz says.
    Mre than ne ut f every three adults in the U.S. has prediabetes, and nearly half f adults have high bld pressure. Bth cnditins increase the risk f heart disease which is the tp cause f death in the U.S.. S, Diaz says many peple can benefit frm small, frequent mvement breaks.
    Each week, adults are advised t get 150 minutes f mderate-intensity physical activity. It can be brken up int smaller parts, 30 minutes a day, five times a week fr example r even shrter breaks that are mre frequent. “I think it’s easier t find small amunts f time t get sme exercise,” Diaz says.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “emulate” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Describe.B. Imitate.
    C. Schedule.D. Cnsider.
    9. What d participants have t d?
    A. Measure their bld pressure with each ther.
    B. Take medicines t lwer bld sugar levels.
    C. Take breaks f different length while walking.
    D. Take irregular walking rests f varying duratin.
    10. What des Diaz suggest adults d?
    A. Schedule a daily 150-minute exercise.
    B. Engage in shrt regular exercise breaks.
    C. Aim fr ne lng exercise perid per week.
    D. Avid taking any breaks frm wrk fr exercise.
    11. In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Entertainment.B. Business.
    C. Educatin.D. Health.
    In recent years, sme researchers have been explring the pssibility f s-called “autmated valet parking”, a functin that wuld allw a car t drive itself frm the entrance f a parking t a free parking spt. While this autnmus driving applicatin gathered great research interest, its reliable realizatin has s far prved challenging.
    Researchers at Mach Drive in Shanghai recently develped OCEAN, an Openspace Cllisin-freE trAjectry plaNner fr the autnmus parking f vehicles. This planner was fund t significantly imprve the ability f cars t safely reach a parking spt, withut clliding (碰撞) with bjects n the way. It was designed t vercme the tw primary shrtcmings f appraches presented in previus studies tackling autnmus parking. The first f these is the inability t accurately predict cllisins, while the secnd invlves pr perfrmance in real-time tests.
    The OCEAN planner builds n a previusly intrduced apprach called Hybrid Optimizatin-based Cllisin Avidance (H-OBCA), dealing with its primary limitatins. Its imprved design ultimately imprves its ability t avid cllisins, alng with its stability and speed in real time. “T avid cllisins, we have redesigned a simpler mathematical mdel and fund a methd t deal with the prblem, making the slutin prcess faster and mre efficient,” Wang, Lu and their clleagues wrte in their paper.
    They tested their planner n hundreds f simulated (模拟的) scenes and cnducted real-wrld experiments in public parking areas. Their results were highly prmising, as OCEAN was fund t utperfrm a variety f methds fr autnmus parking applicatins.
    “Results shw that the prpsed methd has better system perfrmance cmpared with ther standards,” Wang, Lu and his clleagues explained in their paper. “Our methd makes it pssible t deply (部署) large-scale parking planner n lw cmputing pwer platfrms that require real-time perfrmance.”
    The planner develped by this team f researchers culd be imprved and tested in additinal real-wrld trials. In the future, it culd be deplyed by car-making firms, cntributing t the intrductin f autmated vehicle parking technlgies.
    12. What challenge des autmated parking face?
    A. Aviding cllisins with bstacles.B. Reaching a parking spt quickly.
    C. Increasing in research investment.D. Gathering interest in the research.
    13. What d we knw abut OCEAN?
    A It perfrms prly in real-time tests.B. It is based n a previus study.
    C. It fails t accurately predict cllisins.D. It is tested mainly in public parking areas.
    14. What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. The planner fails n real-time platfrms.
    B The current planner is nt perfect enugh.
    C. Parking planner is nly fr small-scale use.
    D. The planner has been deplyed n many platfrms.
    15. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The underlying lgic f the OCEAN planner.
    B. The pssible applicatin f the OCEAN planner.
    C. An imprved planner fr autnmus car parking.
    D. An intrductin t an autnmus driving technlgy.
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    Hw t Find Yur Dream Career?
    In a wrld where we all spend s much time wrking, the jb yu have plays a big rle in yur verall happiness. Here are sme steps yu can take t help yu discver yur dream career.
    ● Make a list f yur favrite activities
    ___16___, s yu can start by listing yur favrite activities. This may include hbbies r tasks yu enjy ding at wrk. By answering questins like “What if mney weren’t a prblem?”, yu can figure ut the mst satisfying aspects f yur career.
    Once yu’ve determined yur favrite activities, cnsider why yu like them. What d yu enjy abut them? Fr example, if yu enjy ding jigsaw puzzles (拼图游戏), yu may find that using prblem-slving skills t reach a lgical gal mtivates yu.
    ● Research rles that invlve thse interests
    Understanding what yu enjy can help yu find rles that include thse elements. ___18___. If yu feel mtivated by slving prblems at wrk, yu can find careers in many fields that fcus n slving prblems depending n yur interests and strengths.
    ● Pursue training and educatin
    After yu decide n a career that allws yu t d what yu enjy, research the educatin and training requirements fr the jb. ___19___, yu might explre different clleges and universities t find a prgram that wrks best fr yu. If yur chsen career requires relevant experience, yu can start with entry-level rles t gain experience fr yur dream jb.
    ___20___. Create a detailed resume and then search fr jb listings. Yu can als ask prfessinals if they can recmmend yu fr a psitin.
    A. If it requires a degree
    B. Cnsider the jigsaw puzzle example
    C. If yu want t meet jb requirements
    D. Determine what interests yu abut them
    E. Find careers that invlve slving prblems
    F. After that, yu can search fr pen psitins
    G. A dream career allws yu t fcus n yur passins
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    A few years ag, Ben Gmes received an upsetting call at wrk. The caller tld him that his 92-year-ld mther, Thmasinha, was being rushed t the hspital after she had been “___21___ by a car” in the street. He ___22___ t the hspital t see her.
    “I was ___23___ f what might have happened t her,” Gmes ___24___. “She is an ld lady, and quite weak.”
    Gmes sn learned the ___25___ f what had happened. Thmasinha smetimes gt ___26___ frm vlunteer drivers t a senir center. That day, her jacket crd (细绳) gt ___27___ in the dr as she gt ut f the car. The driver didn’t ___28___ and drve ff, dragging Thmasinha alng. Smebdy wh saw her ran acrss the street, gt in frnt f the car, and ___29___ the driver. At this pint she ____30____, and Gmes believes this is when she brke her hip (髋骨) — a serius ____31____ fr a wman in her 90s.
    “I’m s incredibly grateful that I was nt ____32____ by the sight that I s feared when I went t the hspital. It’s just t ____33____ fr me t think f,” Gmes said. “Wrds like ‘thank yu’ des nt ____34____ express deep appreciatin,” he added. “But I dn’t knw if I’d have ____35____ wrds t say than ‘Thank yu fr what yu did fr my mther.’”
    21. A. crashedB. attractedC. killedD. dragged
    22. A. returnedB. racedC. reprtedD. applied
    23. A. cntentB. cnsciusC. scaredD. infrmed
    24. A. recalledB. arguedC. declaredD. insisted
    25 A. limitsB. detailsC. cnsequencesD. benefits
    26. A. presentsB. instructinsC. callsD. rides
    27. A. leftB. caughtC. fixedD. damaged
    28. A. nticeB. careC. listenD. respnd
    29. A. grabbedB. thankedC. stppedD. recgnized
    30. A. hesitatedB. sighedC. stdD. fell
    31. A. injuryB. mistakeC. illnessD. difficulty
    32. A. frightenedB. shckedC. greetedD. mved
    33. A. terribleB. wnderfulC. cnfusingD. cmplex
    34. A. freelyB. merelyC. necessarilyD. prperly
    35. A. lngerB. betterC. fewerD. truer
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    In recent years, Tanghu Lake in Wuhan, has becme a new breeding (繁殖的) grund fr jacana, a rare water bird, ___36___ (fllw) lcal gvernment effrts t imprve the ec lgy f pnds and lakes in the city.
    “Ten years ag, jacanas were ___37___ (hard) seen in Wuhan. With the deepening f eclgical envirnment prtectin in recent years, the number f places ___38___ they can be bserved in Wuhan is increasing,” said YanJun, president f the Wuhan Bird-Watching Assciatin.
    The birds fly t Wuhan in May and ___39___ (they) breeding perid is frm June t August. After the baby birds learn ___40___ (fly) in September they mve suth. Hwever, the return f the bird, which is ___41___ secnd-class natinal prtectin, has presented a challenge this year.
    As part f effrts t keep the lakes clean, water plants ___42___ (remve) frm the lakes every year. The annual clearance is a necessity as t many plants n the water’s surface can blck sunlight ___43___ (need) by underwater micrrganisms and lead t an imbalance in the ecsystem. Hwever, sme f the plants due t be remved this year cntain jacana ___44___ (nest) as the breeding seasn falls at the same time as the annual clearance f the water plants.
    The bird-watching assciatin has reprted ___45___ situatin t the Wuhan Frestry and Parks Bureau.
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华, 你校将举办一场关于“唐诗鉴赏” (Appreciatin f Tang Petry)的讲座。外教Thmpsn对中国古诗词非常感兴趣,请用英语写一封邮件,邀请他参加。内容包括:
    Dear Thmpsn,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    In high schl, I was the kind f student wh preferred t remain unnticed, hiding in the shadws f my luder and mre utging classmates. Singing was a secret jy that I held clse t my heart, but the fear f being judged and laughed at kept me frm ever sharing it penly.
    One unexpected day, during a schl-wide meeting, a ppular sng filled the air, and I fund myself singing alng absentmindedly. Little did I knw that my music teacher, Miss Jhnsn, had verheard my unguarded mment.
    Days later, after the final bell rang, Miss Jhnsn apprached me with a kind smile.“ I heard yu singing during the meeting,” she said, her vice filled with surprise. “Yu have a beautiful vice. Have yu ever cnsidered participating in the schl’s singing cmpetitin?”
    My heart sank. I shk my head, my vice barely nticeable as I whispered, “I’m t shy. I culdn’t d that.”
    Miss Jhnsn’s eyes twinkled with understanding.“ Shyness is just a wall yu’ve built arund yurself,” she said gently. “But with practice and curage, yu can break thrugh it. I see ptential in yu, and I believe in yu.”
    Her wrds tuched me deeply, and fr the first time, I felt a little brave. I decided t take her ad vice and start practicing. I sang in my rm, alne, with the dr clsed, every day after schl. I faced the mirrr, pretending there was an audience befre me, and I sang with all my heart. My vice was initially lw and uncertain, but with every passing day, it grew strnger and mre cnfident.
    Miss Jhnsn cntinued t encurage me, reminding me that talent was meant t be shared. She said, “Yur vice is a gift , and the wrld deserves t hear it. Dn’t let shyness rb yu f that pprtunity.”
    Inspired by her wrds, I gathered all my curage and signed up fr the singing cmpetitin.
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The day f the singing cmpetitin finally arrived.
    As the last music nte disappeared, the audience erupted in applause.
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    做题时,请先将答案标在试卷上。录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题卡上。第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    例: Hw much is the shirt?
    A. £19.15. B. £9.18. C. £9.15.
    答案是 C。
    1. When is the film n?
    A. At 6:00 p. m.. B. At 7:00 p. m.. C. At 8:00 p. m..
    2. What are the speakers ding?
    A. Having drinks. B. Placing an rder. C. Waiting in line.
    3. Where are the speakers?
    A. In a subway. B. On a bus. C. In the street.
    4. What is the cnversatin mainly abut?
    A. The way t reduce cars. B. The cause f air pllutin. C. The envirnmental effect f factries.
    5. What des the wman suggest ding first?
    A. Picking up the tys. B. Washing the dishes. C. Visiting sme friends.
    第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
    听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5 秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
    听第6段材料, 回答第6、7题。
    6. What des the wman say abut the chef in the new restaurant?
    A. He wrked harder. B. He was yunger. C. He didn't understand the custmers.
    7. What des the wman advise the man t d?
    A. Bk a table early. B. Chse anther restaurant. C. Call the chef sn.
    听第7段材料, 回答第8至 10题。
    8. What is the wman?
    A. An airprt emplyee. B. A travel agent. C. A plicewman.
    9. What des the wman ffer t d fr the man?
    A. Buy him a new suit. B. Fill ut the paperwrk. C. Pay him sme mney.
    10. Hw des the man sund in the end?
    A. Thankful. B. Angry. C. Anxius.
    听第8段材料,回答第11至 13题。
    11. What attracted the man's attentin?
    A. A dwn feather jacket. B. A leather jacket. C. A winter jacket.
    12. Hw des the wman think f the black leather jacket?
    A. T expensive. B. Nt fashinable. C. Quite wrthwhile.
    13. What des the wman prefer t d?
    A. Fcus n the material. B. Chse the quality first. C. Balance quality and price.
    听第9段材料, 回答第14 至 16题。
    14. What did sme f the wman's classmates d last night?
    A. They did a lt f hmewrk.
    B. They tk a difficult French exam.
    C. They enjyed themselves in the twn.
    15. What did the man's teacher advise him t d?
    A. Walk fr a while. B. G sightseeing. C. See a film.
    16. Why desn't the man want t eat in twn?
    A. Because he is running ut f time.
    B. Because he desn't like the fd there.
    C. Because he will have the meal in the hst family.
    听第10段材料, 回答第17至 20题。
    17. What is the main fcus f the tur?
    A. The city's histrical districts.
    B. The craft and prduce markets.
    C. The develpment f the architecture.
    18. What des the speaker remind turists t d?
    A Buy sme art wrks. B. Wear cmfrtable shes. C. Learn abut the buildings.
    19. What was Old City Hall used fr?
    A. Gvernment. B. Trade. C. Entertainment.
    20. What is said abut the church?
    A. It dates back t mid-19th century.
    B. It lcated in the center f the city.
    C. It played a part in the funding f the city.
    第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    The Best Art Exhibitins t See in Eurpe 2024
    2024 is an exciting year fr art. But what exactly is shwing, and where can yu see it? Here are sme can’t-miss art exhibitins.
    Dan Flavin — Dedicatins in Lights
    Kunstaus Bregenz
    2 March-18 Aug. 2024
    The exhibitin f artist Dan Flavin fcuses n the sensry explratin f light and clr in a series f large-scale sculptures. Flded in light, viewers will see themselves becme part f the wrks. The spaces, alng with the bjects within it, are set in relatin t each ther and thus becme invlving experiences.
    Survival in the 21st Century
    17 March - 3 Nv. 2024
    “Survival in the 21st Century” deals with sme f humanity’s biggest issues: climate change, digital revlutin, glbal injustice etc.. Hw can we live differently, eat differently, and use technlgy differently? The exhibitin huse will becme a schl fr the new century, welcming the imprtant changes in educatin and learning.
    Centre Pmpidu
    27 May- 1 July 2024
    Cnstantin Brancusi’s art takes center stage with nearly 200 sculptures, phtgraphs, drawings, and films. This exhibitin shws us a special way f lking at artists frm the 20th century. It uses riginal sculptures that were brrwed frm famus museums arund the wrld t display grups f sculptures tgether, marking a significant event fr the museum’s cllectin.
    Art Basel
    Messe Basel
    13-16 June 2024
    Arguably the wrld’s mst famus art event, Art Basel 2024 will present art frm ver 250 selected galleries acrss the glbe, with wrks created by mre than 4,000 artists. With its significant influence n the art market, Art Basel sets new trends, impacts pricing, and shapes the glbal art landscape.
    1. Where can visitrs be part f the wrks?
    A. Kunsthaus Bregenz.B. Centre Pmpidu.
    C. Deichtrhallen.D. Messe Basel.
    2. Which exhibitin is available in September?
    A. Dan Flavin — Dedicatins in Lights.B. Brancusi.
    C. Survival in the 21st Century.D. Art Basel.
    3. What d Brancusi and Art Basel have in cmmn?
    A. They influence the art market glbally.B. They shw wrks frm the 20th century.
    C They fcus n the wrks f a single artist.D. They brrw cllectins frm elsewhere.
    【答案】1. A 2. C 3. A
    细节理解题。由Dan Flavin — Dedicatins in Lights中“The exhibitin f artist Dan Flavin fcuses n the sensry explratin f light and clr in a series f large-scale sculptures. Flded in light, viewers will see themselves becme part f the wrks.(艺术家Dan Flavin的展览专注于在一系列大型雕塑中对光和颜色的感官探索。在光线的照射下,观众会看到自己成为作品的一部分)”可知,在Kunsthaus Bregenz中,游客能成为作品的一部分。故选A项。
    细节理解题。由Survival in the 21st Century中“17 March - 3 Nv. 2024(2024年3月17日至11月3日)”可知,在Survival in the 21st Century中,展览9月也会举行。故选C项。
    推理判断题。由Brancusi中“This exhibitin shws us a special way f lking at artists frm the 20th century. It uses riginal sculptures that were brrwed frm famus museums arund the wrld t display grups f sculptures tgether, marking a significant event fr the museum’s cllectin.(这次展览向我们展示了一种看待20世纪艺术家的特殊方式。它使用从世界各地著名博物馆借来的原始雕塑,将一组组雕塑一起展出,这标志着博物馆收藏的一个重要事件)”和Art Basel中“With its significant influence n the art market, Art Basel sets new trends, impacts pricing, and shapes the glbal art landscape.(Basel艺术展对艺术市场产生了重大影响,引领了新的趋势,影响了定价,并塑造了全球艺术格局)”可推知,Brancusi和Art Basel都影响着全球艺术市场。故选A项。
    On a cludy Saturday mrning in July, a team f 15—all ver age 65, all wmen—hunts fr trash acrss Mares Pnd n Cape Cd, at depths f up t 8 feet.
    These are the Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage (OLAUG). Since 2017, the grup has made it its missin t remve trash frm pnds acrss Cape Cd.
    The grup’s existence is wed t Susan Baur, a retired psychlgist. A lifelng nature lver, she had begun swimming in pnds n the cape as a safer chice t the cean. Seeing the grwing garbage in the pnd, in 2017, she runded up tw friends and apprached a stranger with a kayak (皮艇), and tgether they cleared the litter frm a pnd. Sn thers jined them.
    While many utsiders have expressed their gratitude t OLAUG fr cleaning up the pnds, a number have questined why they refer t themselves as“ld ladies”. Althugh she admits that it wasn't initially a cnscius chice, she nw believes that the “ld lady” identity is an extremely imprtant part f what the grup is abut.
    “Over 65, if yu’re healthy enugh t d what we’re ding, it is the age f thankfulness,” Baur says. She ntes that “wmen ver 65 tend t feel the limitatin f aging. ”They lse pwer and scial standing, she says. Part f the gal f OLAUG is t shw that lder wmen, wrking as a team, can d a lt mre than peple might think.
    Criticism aside, the mst cmmn respnse is “I want t jin yu.” And after that first dive, the new members’excitement is easily seen.
    “They have just swum farther than they’ve ever swum. They've seen what they've never seen. And they’ve dne gd,” says Baur. “They cme back with their hearts beating.”
    4. What can we learn abut OLAUG?
    A. It is established by Baur’s friends.B. It ffers safer swimming pnds.
    C. It is supprted by retired psychlgists.D. It aims t remve trash frm pnds.
    5. What d Baur’s wrds in paragraph 5 suggest?
    A. Peple ver 65 are rarely healthy.
    B. Peple shuld be thankful fr ld age.
    C. Older wmen can still cntribute t the sciety.
    D. Older peple may lse chance t d what they like.
    6. What is the attitude f mst new members twards OLAUG?
    A. Favrable.B. Intlerant.C. Dubtful.D. Unclear.
    7. Which f the fllwing is a suitable title fr the text?
    A. OLAUG: Making the Wrld a Cleaner Place
    B. OLAUG: the Only Slutin t Underwater Trash
    C. Old Ladies: Diving Deep fr a Cleaner Cape Cd
    D. Old Ladies: Unsung Heres f Pnd Cnservatin
    【答案】4. D 5. C 6. A 7. C
    【导语】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage (OLAUG)以清除Cape Cd池塘中的垃圾作为其使命。
    细节理解题。由文章第二段“Since 2017, the grup has made it its missin t remve trash frm pnds acrss Cape Cd.b(自2017年以来,该组织将清除Cape Cd池塘中的垃圾作为其使命。)”可知, OLAUG旨在清除池塘中的垃圾。故选D项。
    推理判断题。由第五段中“Over 65, if yu’re healthy enugh t d what we’re ding, it is the age f thankfulness, (65岁以上,如果你足够健康,可以做我们正在做的事情,那就是感恩年龄,)”以及“Part f thegal f OLAUG is t shw that lder wmen, wrking as a team, can d a lt mre than peple might think. (OLAUG的部分目标是表明,作为一个团队,老年女性可以做比人们想象的多得多的事情。)”可知,Baur认为老年妇女仍然可以为社会做出贡献。故选C项。
    推理判断题。由文章第六段“And after that first dive, the new members’excitement is easily seen. (在第一次跳水之后,新队员们的兴奋之情显而易见。)”可知,新成员对OLAUG是支持的。故选A项。
    主旨大意题。由文章第一段“On a cludy Saturday mrning in July, a team f 15—all ver age 65, all wmen—hunts fr trash acrss Mares Pnd n Cape Cd, at depths f up t 8 feet. (7月的一个多云的周六早上,一支由15人组成的队伍——年龄都在65岁以上,都是女性——在Cape Cd的Mares Pnd深处8英尺的地方搜寻垃圾。)”以及下文可知,文章主要介绍Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage (OLAUG)以清除Cape Cd池塘中的垃圾作为其使命。所以C项Old Ladies: Diving Deep fr a Cleaner Cape Cd(老太太们:为了更干净的Cape Cd而深潜)符合语境。故选C项。
    If yu sit at yur cmputer all day and then lie n the sfa fr mre screen time in the evening, yur health can take a hit. Hwever, a bdy f evidence links inactive lifestyles t an increased risk f diabetes (糖尿病), memry lss and death frm heart disease. A new study finds yu can cut that risk with strikingly small amunts f activity.
    Researcher Keith Diaz f Clumbia University Medical Center and his clleagues set ut t find ut what’s the least amunt f physical activity a persn must d t reduce the health risks f sitting. They invited vlunteers t cme t their lab and emulate a typical wrk day.
    “They’d cme in and sit fr eight hurs,” Diaz explains. The vlunteers were cnnected t cntinuus glucse (葡萄糖) mnitrs t measure bld sugar levels, and their bld pressure was measured, t. Then, the participants tk walking breaks f different lengths and frequency.
    The participants walked n an exercise machine at a leisurely pace — abut 1.9 miles per hur. “We were really struck by just hw pwerful the effects were,” Diaz says. Peple wh mved five minutes every half-hur experienced a nearly 60% reductin in pst-meal bld sugar rises. “I have never seen that kind f a drp in bld sugar, ther than with medicatin,” Diaz says.
    Mre than ne ut f every three adults in the U.S. has prediabetes, and nearly half f adults have high bld pressure. Bth cnditins increase the risk f heart disease which is the tp cause f death in the U.S.. S, Diaz says many peple can benefit frm small, frequent mvement breaks.
    Each week, adults are advised t get 150 minutes f mderate-intensity physical activity. It can be brken up int smaller parts, 30 minutes a day, five times a week fr example r even shrter breaks that are mre frequent. “I think it’s easier t find small amunts f time t get sme exercise,” Diaz says.
    8. What des the underlined wrd “emulate” in paragraph 2 refer t?
    A. Describe.B. Imitate.
    C. Schedule.D. Cnsider.
    9. What d participants have t d?
    A. Measure their bld pressure with each ther.
    B. Take medicines t lwer bld sugar levels.
    C. Take breaks f different length while walking.
    D. Take irregular walking rests f varying duratin.
    10. What des Diaz suggest adults d?
    A. Schedule a daily 150-minute exercise.
    B. Engage in shrt regular exercise breaks.
    C. Aim fr ne lng exercise perid per week.
    D. Avid taking any breaks frm wrk fr exercise.
    11. In which sectin f a newspaper may this text appear?
    A. Entertainment.B. Business.
    C. Educatin.D. Health.
    【答案】8. B 9. D 10. B 11. D
    词句猜测题。由文章第二段“They invited vlunteers t cme t their lab and emulate a typical wrk day.(他们邀请志愿者来到他们的实验室,emulate 一个典型的工作日。)”以及第三段“They’d cme in and sit fr eight hurs(他们会进来坐八个小时)”可知,这里指邀请志愿者来“模仿”一个工作日。所以猜测emulate表“模仿”的意思。故选B项。
    细节理解题。由文章第三段“Then, the participants tk walking breaks f different lengths and frequency.(然后,参与者进行不同长度和频率步行休息。)”可知,参与者必须不定期地进行不同时间的步行休息。故选D项。
    推理判断题。由文章最后一段“Each week, adults are advised t get 150 minutes f mderate-intensity physical activity. It can be brken up int smaller parts, 30 minutes a day, five times a week fr example r even shrter breaks that are mre frequent.‘I think it's easier t find small amunts f time t get sme exercise,’ Diaz says.(建议成年人每周进行150分钟中等强度的体育活动。它可以分成更小的部分,例如每天30分钟,每周5次,甚至更频繁的更短的休息时间。Diaz说:‘我认为找少量时间锻炼会更容易。’)”可知,Diaz建议成人定期进行短暂的运动休息。故选B项。
    推理判断题。通读全文,尤其文章第二段中“Researcher Keith Diaz f Clumbia University Medical Center and his clleagues set ut t find ut what’s the least amunt f physical activity a persn must d t reduce the health risks f sitting.(哥伦比亚大学医学中心的研究人员Keith Diaz和他的同事们开始研究一个人为了减少久坐的健康风险而必须进行的最少的体育活动。)”可知,文章主要讲坚持运动休息从而减少疾病,所以应出现在报纸的“健康”专栏。故选D项。
    In recent years, sme researchers have been explring the pssibility f s-called “autmated valet parking”, a functin that wuld allw a car t drive itself frm the entrance f a parking t a free parking spt. While this autnmus driving applicatin gathered great research interest, its reliable realizatin has s far prved challenging.
    Researchers at Mach Drive in Shanghai recently develped OCEAN, an Openspace Cllisin-freE trAjectry plaNner fr the autnmus parking f vehicles. This planner was fund t significantly imprve the ability f cars t safely reach a parking spt, withut clliding (碰撞) with bjects n the way. It was designed t vercme the tw primary shrtcmings f appraches presented in previus studies tackling autnmus parking. The first f these is the inability t accurately predict cllisins, while the secnd invlves pr perfrmance in real-time tests.
    The OCEAN planner builds n a previusly intrduced apprach called Hybrid Optimizatin-based Cllisin Avidance (H-OBCA), dealing with its primary limitatins. Its imprved design ultimately imprves its ability t avid cllisins, alng with its stability and speed in real time. “T avid cllisins, we have redesigned a simpler mathematical mdel and fund a methd t deal with the prblem, making the slutin prcess faster and mre efficient,” Wang, Lu and their clleagues wrte in their paper.
    They tested their planner n hundreds f simulated (模拟的) scenes and cnducted real-wrld experiments in public parking areas. Their results were highly prmising, as OCEAN was fund t utperfrm a variety f methds fr autnmus parking applicatins.
    “Results shw that the prpsed methd has better system perfrmance cmpared with ther standards,” Wang, Lu and his clleagues explained in their paper. “Our methd makes it pssible t deply (部署) large-scale parking planner n lw cmputing pwer platfrms that require real-time perfrmance.”
    The planner develped by this team f researchers culd be imprved and tested in additinal real-wrld trials. In the future, it culd be deplyed by car-making firms, cntributing t the intrductin f autmated vehicle parking technlgies.
    12. What challenge des autmated parking face?
    A. Aviding cllisins with bstacles.B. Reaching a parking spt quickly.
    C. Increasing in research investment.D. Gathering interest in the research.
    13. What d we knw abut OCEAN?
    A. It perfrms prly in real-time tests.B. It is based n a previus study.
    C. It fails t accurately predict cllisins.D. It is tested mainly in public parking areas.
    14. What can be inferred frm the last tw paragraphs?
    A. The planner fails n real-time platfrms.
    B. The current planner is nt perfect enugh.
    C. Parking planner is nly fr small-scale use.
    D. The planner has been deplyed n many platfrms.
    15. What is the text mainly abut?
    A. The underlying lgic f the OCEAN planner.
    B. The pssible applicatin f the OCEAN planner.
    C. An imprved planner fr autnmus car parking.
    D. An intrductin t an autnmus driving technlgy.
    【答案】12. A 13. B 14. B 15. C
    【导语】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章报道了上海Mach Drive的研究人员开发了名为OCEAN的自动泊车轨迹规划器,能有效提高汽车安全到达停车位的能力,避免碰撞。经模拟和实地测试,该方法性能优于其他自主泊车方法,未来有望用于汽车制造商的自动泊车技术。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中“It was designed t vercme the tw primary shrtcmings f appraches presented in previus studies tackling autnmus parking. The first f these is the inability t accurately predict cllisins, while the secnd invlves pr perfrmance in real-time tests.”(它旨在克服先前研究中提出的自动泊车方法的两个主要缺点。首先是无法准确预测碰撞,其次是实时测试性能较差。)可知,自动泊车面临的主要挑战是无法准确预测碰撞和在实时测试中表现不佳,即自动泊车无法准确预测碰撞,很难避免与障碍物碰撞。由此推知,A项“避免与障碍物碰撞”是自动驾驶面临的挑战。故选A项。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“The OCEAN planner builds n a previusly intrduced apprach called Hybrid Optimizatin-based Cllisin Avidance (H-OBCA) ”(OCEAN规划器是在之前引入的一种方法的基础上建立的,这种方法叫做基于混合优化的碰撞避免(H-OBCA)。)可知,OCEAN是基于之前的研究建立的。故选B项。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Our methd makes it pssible t deply (部署) large-scale parking planner n lw cmputing pwer platfrms that require real-time perfrmance.”(我们的方法使得在需要实时性能的低计算能力平台上部署大规模停车规划器成为可能。)和最后一段“The planner develped by this team f researchers culd be imprved and tested in additinal real-wrld trials.”(这组研究人员开发的规划器可以在更多的现实世界试验中进行改进和测试。)可知,最后两段主要介绍了OCEAN规划器未来的应用前景,专门提到它还需要在更多的现实世界试验中进行改进和测试。由此推知,目前的规划器还不够完美,需要进一步的改进和测试。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。根据第二段中“Researchers at Mach Drive in Shanghai recently develped OCEAN, an Openspace Cllisin-freE trAjectry plaNner fr the autnmus parking f vehicles.”(上海Mach Drive的研究人员最近开发了OCEAN,这是一个用于车辆自主停车的开放空间无碰撞轨迹规划器。)和后文对OCEAN规划器的详细描述和测试结果可知,本文主要介绍了一个用于自动驾驶汽车泊车的改进规划器。因此,C项“一个用于自动驾驶汽车泊车的改进规划器”能很好概括本文主要内容。故选C项。
    第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
    Hw t Find Yur Dream Career?
    In a wrld where we all spend s much time wrking, the jb yu have plays a big rle in yur verall happiness. Here are sme steps yu can take t help yu discver yur dream career.
    ● Make a list f yur favrite activities
    ___16___ s yu can start by listing yur favrite activities. This may include hbbies r tasks yu enjy ding at wrk. By answering questins like “What if mney weren’t a prblem?”, yu can figure ut the mst satisfying aspects f yur career.
    Once yu’ve determined yur favrite activities, cnsider why yu like them. What d yu enjy abut them? Fr example, if yu enjy ding jigsaw puzzles (拼图游戏), yu may find that using prblem-slving skills t reach a lgical gal mtivates yu.
    ● Research rles that invlve thse interests
    Understanding what yu enjy can help yu find rles that include thse elements. ___18___. If yu feel mtivated by slving prblems at wrk, yu can find careers in many fields that fcus n slving prblems depending n yur interests and strengths.
    ● Pursue training and educatin
    After yu decide n a career that allws yu t d what yu enjy, research the educatin and training requirements fr the jb. ___19___, yu might explre different clleges and universities t find a prgram that wrks best fr yu. If yur chsen career requires relevant experience, yu can start with entry-level rles t gain experience fr yur dream jb.
    ___20___. Create a detailed resume and then search fr jb listings. Yu can als ask prfessinals if they can recmmend yu fr a psitin.
    A. If it requires a degree
    B Cnsider the jigsaw puzzle example
    C. If yu want t meet jb requirements
    D. Determine what interests yu abut them
    E. Find careers that invlve slving prblems
    F. After that, yu can search fr pen psitins
    G. A dream career allws yu t fcus n yur passins
    【答案】16. G 17. D 18. B 19. A 20. F
    根据下文“s yu can start by listing yur favrite activities. (所以你可以从列出你最喜欢的活动开始)”中连词s可知,设空句与下文之间是因果关系。下文讲“从列出你最喜欢的活动开始”,与G项“A dream career allws yu t fcus n yur passins (一个梦想的职业可以让你专注于你的激情)”构成因果关系,因为梦想的职业,即最喜欢做的事情,可以让我们更有激情,更专注,所以寻找梦想职业,第一步是要先列出自己最喜欢的活动,同时,句中“A dream career”与下文“yur favrite activities”相照应。故选G项。
    设空处是第二个步骤的小标题。根据下文“Once yu’ve determined yur favrite activities, cnsider why yu like them. (一旦你确定了你最喜欢的活动,考虑一下你为什么喜欢它们。)”可知,这一步是要思考为什么喜欢这些活动,也就是要确定你对它们的兴趣所在。D项“确定你对它们感兴趣的地方”正好概括了这一步的内容。故选D项。
    第三段中提出要找到自己的兴趣所在,并用拼图游戏进行了举例说明:喜欢拼图游戏说明我们喜欢“解决问题”。结合本段设空句下文“If yu feel mtivated by slving prblems at wrk (如果你觉得在工作中解决问题是一种动力)”可知,这里提到了第三段中的“解决问题”,所以本段借用了第三段中拼图游戏的例子,即“Cnsider the jigsaw puzzle example (考虑一下拼图游戏的例子)”。故选B项。
    上文“research the educatin and training requirements fr the jb (研究工作的教育和培训要求)”提到要弄清楚工作对的教育和培训方面的要求,下文“yu might explre different clleges and universities t find a prgram that wrks best fr yu (你可以研究不同的学院和大学,找到一个最适合你的课程)”提出到学院和大学去寻找合适的课程。A选项“如果需要学位”承上启下,说明如果选择的职业需要学位,你应该去不同的学院和大学探索适合你的课程,上下文语意连贯。故选A项。
    设空句是末段首句,在上文介绍了寻找梦想职业的四个步骤之后,F项“After that, yu can search fr pen psitins (之后,你就可以搜索空缺职位了)”说明接下应该做的事:搜索职位,上下文语意连贯。故选F项。
    第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    A few years ag, Ben Gmes received an upsetting call at wrk. The caller tld him that his 92-year-ld mther, Thmasinha, was being rushed t the hspital after she had been “___21___ by a car” in the street. He ___22___ t the hspital t see her.
    “I was ___23___ f what might have happened t her,” Gmes ___24___. “She is an ld lady, and quite weak.”
    Gmes sn learned the ___25___ f what had happened. Thmasinha smetimes gt ___26___ frm vlunteer drivers t a senir center. That day, her jacket crd (细绳) gt ___27___ in the dr as she gt ut f the car. The driver didn’t ___28___ and drve ff, dragging Thmasinha alng. Smebdy wh saw her ran acrss the street, gt in frnt f the car, and ___29___ the driver. At this pint she ____30____, and Gmes believes this is when she brke her hip (髋骨) — a serius ____31____ fr a wman in her 90s.
    “I’m s incredibly grateful that I was nt ____32____ by the sight that I s feared when I went t the hspital. It’s just t ____33____ fr me t think f,” Gmes said. “Wrds like ‘thank yu’ des nt ____34____ express deep appreciatin,” he added. “But I dn’t knw if I’d have ____35____ wrds t say than ‘Thank yu fr what yu did fr my mther.’”
    21. A. crashedB. attractedC. killedD. dragged
    22. A. returnedB. racedC. reprtedD. applied
    23. A. cntentB. cnsciusC. scaredD. infrmed
    24. A. recalledB. arguedC. declaredD. insisted
    25. A. limitsB. detailsC. cnsequencesD. benefits
    26. A. presentsB. instructinsC. callsD. rides
    27. A. leftB. caughtC. fixedD. damaged
    28. A. nticeB. careC. listenD. respnd
    29. A. grabbedB. thankedC. stppedD. recgnized
    30. A. hesitatedB. sighedC. stdD. fell
    31. A. injuryB. mistakeC. illnessD. difficulty
    32. A. frightenedB. shckedC. greetedD. mved
    33. A. terribleB. wnderfulC. cnfusingD. cmplex
    34. A. freelyB. merelyC. necessarilyD. prperly
    35. A. lngerB. betterC. fewerD. truer
    【答案】21. D 22. B 23. C 24. A 25. B 26. D 27. B 28. A 29. C 30. D 31. A 32. A 33. A 34. D 35. B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:打电话的人告诉他,他92岁的母亲Thmasinha在街上被车“拖行”后正被紧急送往医院。A. crashed碰撞;B. attracted吸引;C. killed杀死;D. dragged拖拽。根据后文“The driver didn’t 8 and drve ff, dragging Thmasinha alng.”可知,Thmasinha是被车拖拽前行。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他全速赶往医院去看她。A. returned返回;B. raced全速进行;C. reprted报道;D. applied申请。根据前文“his 92-year-ld mther, Thmasinha was being rushed t the hspital”可知,母亲进了医院,所以Ben Gmes全速赶往医院。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:“我很害怕她可能发生了什么事,”Gmes回忆道。A. cntent满足的;B. cnscius意识到的;C. scared害怕的;D. infrmed消息灵通的。根据第一段中“his 92-year-ld mther, Thmasinha was being rushed t the hspital”和后文“She is an ld lady, and quite weak.”可知,母亲年龄很大了,身体很弱,现在又被车拖着走,Gmes很害怕母亲会出事。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:参见上题解析。A. recalled回忆;B. argued争论;C. declared宣称;D. insisted坚持。根据第一段中“A few years ag”和设空处前后直接引语可推知,Gmes在回忆当时的情况。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Gmes很快就了解了发生的事情的细节。A. limits限制;B. details细节;C. cnsequences后果;D. benefits益处。根据下文“Thmasinha smetimes gt 6 frm vlunteer drivers t a senir center. That day, her jacket crd (细绳) gt 7 in the dr as she gt ut f the car. The driver didn’t 8 and drve ff, dragging Thmasinha ”可知,Gmes了解了母亲出事的具体细节。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:Thmasinha有时会搭便车去老年人中心。A. presents礼物;B. instructins指示;C. calls电话;D. rides免费搭车。根据下文“frm vlunteer drivers t a senir center”可知,Thmasinha有时会搭乘志愿司机的便车去老年人中心;get rides“搭便车”。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:那天,当她下车时,她的夹克衫绳子被门夹住了。A. left离开;B. caught钩住;C. fixed修理;D. damaged损害。根据下文“in the dr”和“The driver didn’t 8 and drve ff, dragging Thmasinha alng”可知,夹克衫绳子被门夹住了,Thmasinha无法摆脱,只能被拖着跑。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:司机没有注意到,开车走了,拖着Thmasinha一起走。A. ntice注意到;B. care关心;C. listen听;D. respnd回应。根据下文“dragging Thmasinha alng”可推知,司机没有注意到Thmasinha的夹克衫绳子被门夹住,所以拖着她一起走。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:一个看见她的人跑过马路,挡在车前,拦住了司机。A. grabbed抓住;B. thanked感谢;C. stpped阻拦;D. recgnized认出。根据上文“gt in frnt f the car”可知,有人到车前面拦住了司机。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:就在这时,她摔倒了,Gmes认为这是她摔断臀部的时候——对于一个90多岁的女人来说,这是一次严重的伤害。A. hesitated犹豫;B. sighed叹气;C. std站立;D. fell摔倒。根据下文“Gmes believes this is when she brke her hip”可知,Thmasinha在车停下来的时候摔倒了,摔断了髋骨。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:参见上题解析。A. injury伤害;B. mistake错误;C. illness疾病;D. difficulty困难。根据是文“brke her hip”和下文“fr a wman in her 90s”可知,对于90多岁的女性来说,摔断髋骨是一种严重的伤害。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“我非常感激,当我去医院时,我并没有看到我所害怕的那一幕。那对我来说太可怕了,”Gmes说。A. frightened使害怕;B. shcked使震惊;C. greeted问候;D. mved移动,感动。根据下文“by the sight that I s feared”可知,Gmes没有在医院看到令自己害怕的场景,没有被吓到。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:参见上题解析。A. terrible可怕的;B. wnderful精彩的;C. cnfusing令人困惑的;D. cmplex复杂的。根据前文“I was 3 f what might have happened t her”和“the sight that I s feared”可知,Gmes在去医院的路上非常担心母亲的状况,害怕看到可怕的结果,那样的场景对Gmes来说太可怕了。故选A项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:“像‘谢谢’这样的话并不能恰当地表达深深的感激之情,”他补充道。A. freely自由地;B. merely仅仅;C. necessarily必要地;D. prperly适当地,得当地。根据上文“s incredibly grateful”和下文“deep appreciatin”可知,Gmes认为“谢谢”这样的词不能“恰当地”表达自己的感激之情。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但我不知道除了“谢谢你对我母亲所做的一切”之外,我还有什么更好的话可说。A. lnger更长的;B. better更好的;C. fewer更少的;D. truer更真实的。根据上文“I dn’t knw”和下文“than ‘Thank yu fr what yu did fr my mther.’”可知,Gmes除了说“谢谢你对我母亲所做的一切”之外,不知道还有什么“更好的”话要说。故选B项。
    第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
    In recent years, Tanghu Lake in Wuhan, has becme a new breeding (繁殖的) grund fr jacana, a rare water bird, ___36___ (fllw) lcal gvernment effrts t imprve the ec lgy f pnds and lakes in the city.
    “Ten years ag, jacanas were ___37___ (hard) seen in Wuhan. With the deepening f eclgical envirnment prtectin in recent years, the number f places ___38___ they can be bserved in Wuhan is increasing,” said YanJun, president f the Wuhan Bird-Watching Assciatin.
    The birds fly t Wuhan in May and ___39___ (they) breeding perid is frm June t August. After the baby birds learn ___40___ (fly) in September they mve suth. Hwever, the return f the bird, which is ___41___ secnd-class natinal prtectin, has presented a challenge this year.
    As part f effrts t keep the lakes clean, water plants ___42___ (remve) frm the lakes every year. The annual clearance is a necessity as t many plants n the water’s surface can blck sunlight ___43___ (need) by underwater micrrganisms and lead t an imbalance in the ecsystem. Hwever, sme f the plants due t be remved this year cntain jacana ___44___ (nest) as the breeding seasn falls at the same time as the annual clearance f the water plants.
    The bird-watching assciatin has reprted ___45___ situatin t the Wuhan Frestry and Parks Bureau.
    【答案】36. fllwing
    37. hardly 38. where
    39. their 40. t fly
    41. under 42. are remved
    43. needed 44. nests
    45. the
    考查非谓语。句意:近年来,随着当地政府努力改善武汉市池塘和湖泊的生态状况,武汉的汤湖已成为珍禽水雉的新繁殖地。这里考查非谓语,Tanghu Lake in Wuhan与fllw为主动关系,再由句意可知,这里应用现在分词作状语。故填fllwing。
    考查非谓语。句意:9月,幼鸟学会飞行后,它们向南移动。这里考查learn t d表“学做某事”,为固定搭配。故填t fly。
    考查介词。句意:然而,这受国家二级保护的鸟今年的回归带来了挑战。这里考查under prtectin表“受到保护”,为固定搭配。故填under。
    考查时态语态。句意:作为保持湖泊清洁努力的一部分,每年都会从湖泊中清除水生植物。这里考查谓语动词,water plants与remve为被动关系,再由every year可知,这里时态应用一般现在时。故填are remved。
    考查非谓语。句意:每年的清除是必要的,因为水面上过多的植物会阻挡水下微生物所需的阳光,并导致生态系统失衡。这里考查非谓语,sunlight 与need为被动关系,再由句意可知,这里应用过去分析作后置定语。故填needed。
    第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分 40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华, 你校将举办一场关于“唐诗鉴赏” (Appreciatin f Tang Petry)的讲座。外教Thmpsn对中国古诗词非常感兴趣,请用英语写一封邮件,邀请他参加。内容包括:
    Dear Thmpsn,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Thmpsn,
    I hpe this message finds yu well. I am writing t invite yu t a lecture n “Appreciatin f Tang Petry” at ur schl. The lecture will take place in the schl auditrium n Friday, April 15th, frm 2:00 pm t 4:00 pm.
    The purpse f this lecture is t intrduce and explre the beauty and depth f Tang petry. We will explre the petic devices, themes, and histrical cntexts that make these pems timeless.
    Given yur keen interest in classical Chinese petry, I believe this wuld be a fantastic pprtunity fr yu. Yur presence and insights wuld greatly enrich the discussin.
    Lking frward t yur participatin.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。学校将举办一场关于“唐诗鉴赏”(Appreciatin f Tang Petry)的讲座,要求考生给外教Thmpsn写一封邮件,邀请他参加。
    希望:hpe → wish
    目标: purpse → gal/aim
    机会:pprtunity → chance
    出席:presence → attendance
    原句:I am writing t invite yu t a lecture n “Appreciatin f Tang Petry” at ur schl.
    拓展句:I am writing t invite yu t a lecture whse theme is “Appreciatin f Tang Petry” at ur schl.
    【点睛】[高分句型1] We will explre the petic devices, themes, and histrical cntexts that make these pems timeless. (运用了关系代词that引导的限制性定语从句)
    [高分句型2] I hpe this message finds yu well.(运用了省略连词that的宾语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    In high schl, I was the kind f student wh preferred t remain unnticed, hiding in the shadws f my luder and mre utging classmates. Singing was a secret jy that I held clse t my heart, but the fear f being judged and laughed at kept me frm ever sharing it penly.
    One unexpected day, during a schl-wide meeting, a ppular sng filled the air, and I fund myself singing alng absentmindedly. Little did I knw that my music teacher, Miss Jhnsn, had verheard my unguarded mment.
    Days later, after the final bell rang, Miss Jhnsn apprached me with a kind smile.“ I heard yu singing during the meeting,” she said, her vice filled with surprise. “Yu have a beautiful vice. Have yu ever cnsidered participating in the schl’s singing cmpetitin?”
    My heart sank. I shk my head, my vice barely nticeable as I whispered, “I’m t shy. I culdn’t d that.”
    Miss Jhnsn’s eyes twinkled with understanding.“ Shyness is just a wall yu’ve built arund yurself,” she said gently. “But with practice and curage, yu can break thrugh it. I see ptential in yu, and I believe in yu.”
    Her wrds tuched me deeply, and fr the first time, I felt a little brave. I decided t take her ad vice and start practicing. I sang in my rm, alne, with the dr clsed, every day after schl. I faced the mirrr, pretending there was an audience befre me, and I sang with all my heart. My vice was initially lw and uncertain, but with every passing day, it grew strnger and mre cnfident.
    Miss Jhnsn cntinued t encurage me, reminding me that talent was meant t be shared. She said, “Yur vice is a gift , and the wrld deserves t hear it. Dn’t let shyness rb yu f that pprtunity.”
    Inspired by her wrds, I gathered all my curage and signed up fr the singing cmpetitin.
    1. 续写词数应为150 左右;
    2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
    The day f the singing cmpetitin finally arrived.
    As the last music nte disappeared, the audience erupted in applause.
    【答案】 The day f the singing cmpetitin finally arrived. My heart punded in my chest like a drumrll as I std behind the curtain, waiting fr my turn. I culd feel beads f sweat frming n my frehead, but I remembered Miss Jhnsn’s wrds: “Shyness is just a wall.” Taking a deep breath, I stepped nt the stage, illuminated by the sft glw f the lights. My vice trembled at first, but then it fund its strength, filling the auditrium with every nte.
    As the last music nte disappeared, the audience erupted in applause. It was a mment I had never dared t dream f — standing under the sptlight, receiving recgnitin fr smething I nce kept hidden. Tears pricked at the crners f my eyes as I realized that Miss Jhnsn was right; shyness was indeed a barrier, but it was ne that culd be vercme. With a newfund cnfidence, I smiled, knwing that I had nt nly shared my gift but als brken free frm the chains f my wn fear.
    【导语】本文以人物为线索展开,讲述“我”性格内向,喜欢隐藏在人群中,私下里热爱唱歌却因害怕被嘲笑而不敢分享。一次偶然的机会,音乐老师Miss Jhnsn听到“我”哼歌,鼓励“我”参加学校歌唱比赛。在她的理解和鼓励下,“我”开始练习,逐渐克服害羞,鼓起勇气报名参赛。
    【详解】1. 段落续写:
    2. 续写线索:感到紧张心跳加快——克服障碍开始表演——表演成功获得掌声——挣脱枷锁找回自信
    3. 词汇激活
    ①走上舞台:step nt the stage/walk nt the stage
    【点睛】【高分句型1】My heart punded in my chest like a drumrll as I std behind the curtain, waiting fr my turn. (运用了as引导时间状语从句和现在分词作伴随状语)
    【高分句型2】As the last music nte disappeared, the audience erupted in applause. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)
    【高分句型3】With a newfund cnfidence, I smiled, knwing that I had nt nly shared my gift but als brken free frm the chains f my wn fear. (运用了现在分词作伴随状语和连接词that引导的宾语从句)

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