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    命题:高二英语备课组 审核:高二英语备课组
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What will the wman prbably buy fr her apartment?
    A. A table. B. A sfa. C. Sme chairs.
    2. Hw des the music make the man feel?
    A. Tuched. B. Brave. C. Tugh.
    3. What is the man asking the wman t d?
    A. Imprve her service. B. Update their website. C. Answer a few questins nline.
    4. When will the man play badmintn?
    A. On Mnday afternn. B. On Tuesday mrning. C. On Tuesday afternn.
    5. What is the main tpic f the cnversatin?
    A. Future plans. B. Charity wrk. C. A graduatin ceremny.
    6. What’s the matter with the man?
    A. He lst his keys.
    B. He culdn’t find his way.
    C. He frgt the time f the exhibitin.
    7. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. On the street. B. In a museum. C. In a twn hall.
    8. What has Richard dne fr Liz?
    A. He has bked her a flight.
    B. He has driven her t the airprt.
    C. He has arranged a hliday fr her.
    9. What cncerns Richard abut flying?
    A. The safety f planes.
    B. The high cst f tickets.
    C. The effect n the envirnment.
    10. What des Liz prmise t d?
    A. Talk t her bsses abut nline meeting.
    B. Send the man a message after landing.
    C. Stp travelling by plane frm nw n.
    11. Which language learning app des the wman prefer?
    A. Babbel. B. Busuu. C. Duling.
    12. Why des the wman refuse t take a Japanese class?
    A. It’s nt enjyable.
    B. There aren’t any classes nearby.
    C. She desn’t have enugh mney t pay fr it.
    13. What is the reasn fr the wman t learn Japanese?
    A. T wrk in Japan.
    B. T make mre Japanese friends.
    C. T speak with her friend’s mther.
    14. Where d the plants in the man’s bathrm naturally grw?
    A. Near waterfalls. B. In jungles. C. In the desert.
    15. What is special abut the man’s favrite plant?
    A. It needs little water. B. It has white markings. C. It is pisnus t cats.
    16. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Brther and sister. C. Gardener and visitr.
    17. What is the wman’s main cncern in chsing her first plant?
    A. It must be cheap. B. It must be easy t care fr. C. It must be safe fr her pets.
    18. What was Abbie ding when she discvered the bttle?
    A. She was helping t clean up a beach.
    B. She was studying in the science club.
    C She was celebrating Father’s Day with her family.
    19. What’s in the bttle fund by Abbie?
    A. A drawing. B. A cntact frm. C. A scientific paper.
    20. Hw did the high schl students feel abut receiving the letter back?
    A. Happy. B. Curius. C. Surprised.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Lking fr a big-leafed huseplant that will make a statement in yur rm and decrate yurhme? If s, then yu’ve cme t the right place!
    Peace Lily
    Extremely easy t lk after, this ppular, flwering plant is very tlerant and undemanding. It is a belved huseplant fr its large, glssy val leaves and unusual white spn-shaped flwers. Typically blming in the spring, this lvely plant can effectively brighten up a living space.
    African Mask Plant
    This indr plant is a smaller plant with large dark green leaves that are shaped like a heart. Native t trpical (热带的) parts f Africa, it prefers high heat and high humidity. That can be smewhat a tricky task fr the average plant wner t achieve in their hme, wh is likely t have truble duplicating (复制) these steamy cnditins.
    Snake plant
    Cmmnly referred t as mther-in-law’s tngue, it is ne f the easiest huseplants t take care f. With tall, twisting swrd-shaped leaves that grw upright, it has air-purifying capabilities and can merrily grw in almst dark crners f the huse. But the plant is pisnus t dgs and cats, s it’s wise t keep this plant away frm them, if yur pets are plant chewers.
    Kentia Palm
    Caring fr the Kentia Palm plant is very straightfrward, which can be neglected fr weeks at a time. Quite enjying a bit f shade, it has big leaves that grw frm a narrw base and is great fr filling a crner withut taking up much flr-space. Place it in frnt f a blank wall, and its archingfrnds (大型复叶) will cast beautiful shadws.
    1. Which f the fllwing requires an experienced plant wner?
    A. Peace Lily.
    B. African Mask Plant.
    C. Snake plant.
    D. Kentia Palm.
    2. What d we knw abut the Snake Plant?
    A. It pses little danger t dgs and cats.
    B. It is better fr purifying air than thers.
    C. It gets its name frm a pisnus snake.
    D. It grws well in shady areas f the huse.
    3. What feature d the listed husehld plants share?
    A. Distinctive leaves.
    B. Flwering seasn.
    C. Grwth temperature.
    D. Striking size.
    An 89-year-ld man, Manfred Steiner, has reached a gal he spent 20 years wrking tward and nearly a lifetime thinking abut: earning his Ph. D. And nw he is a physicist
    Steiner values this degree because it is what he always wanted and because he vercame health prblems that culd have affected his studies. “But I made it, and this was the mst satisfactry pint in my life, t finish it,” he said.
    When he was yung, Steiner wanted t becme a physicist after reading abut Albert Einstein. But his mther and uncle persuaded him that studying medicine wuld be a better chice. He earned his medical degree in 1955 and mved t the US sn after.
    Steiner studied hematlgy(血液学)at Tufts University and bichemistry at the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy. He became a full prfessr and led the hematlgy department at Brwns’ medical schl frm 1985 t 1994. Steiner helped establish a research prgram in hematlgy at the University f Nrth Carlina. He directed that prgram until he retired frm medicine in 2000.
    Steiner fund medical research pleasing, but it was nt quite the same as his interest in physics. “It was smething like a wish that was never fulfilled, that always stuck in the back f my head,” he said. At age 70, he started taking undergraduate classes.
    Physics prfessr Brad Marstn was surprised when Steiner entered his quantum mechanics class. But he became Steiner’s adviser fr his dissertatin(学位论文)after realizing hw serius Steiner was abut the subject and hw hard he wrked. “He has written many papers in medical science, mre papers than I’ve written in physics,” Marstn said. “One thing that’s really true abut Manfred is that he perseveres.”
    After the university published a stry abut Steiner n its website, peple acrss the US cntacted him t ask fr advice n hw t g after their dreams later in life. His advice is: D what yu lve t d.
    4. Why did Steiner value his degree in physics?
    A. Because it slved his health prblems.B. Because it was his lng-pursued dream.
    C. Because it met his mther’s expectatin.D. Because it was inspired by Albert Einstein.
    5. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. Steiner’s cntributins t teaching.B. Steiner’s researches after retirement.
    C. Steiner’s achievements in hematlgy.D. Steiner’s perfrmances at Tufts University.
    6. What impressed Prfessr Marstn mst abut Steiner?
    A. His taking undergraduate classes at 70.B. His writing mre papers in physics.
    C. His sticking t becming a physicist.D. His being a rle mdel fr Americans.
    7. Which f the fllwing can best describe Steiner?
    A. Active and pen-minded.B. Enthusiastic and easy-ging.
    C. Intelligent and warm-hearted.D. Perseverant and hard-wrking.
    When I was five, I nce peeled ff the paper that envelped my crayns and snapped them in tw. My great enthusiasm was dampened t find just mre crayn inside. When I started writing wrds with pencils, I wuld twist them inside a sharpener t see if the pencil lead went all the way thrugh the bdy. Grwing up, I saw my televisin taken apart t reveal the inner wrkings that nly made sense when I did a degree in physics.
    Then I landed a career in engineering, spending six years as part f the team that designed the Shard, a famus building in Lndn. Actually, whether I knew it r nt, I was already n a missin t understand hw things are frmed.
    After explring the big, I decided t turn t the small. I realized whatever matter frms human-made bjects, cmplex devices are made up f fundamental building blcks, withut which ur cmplex machinery wuldn’t exist.
    It is this idea that inspired my bk where I select what I believe are seven cre elements that frm the basis f the wrld-the nail, the wheel, the spring, the magnet, the lens, the pump and the string. Tgether they cmpse a vast range f innvatins in terms f their underlying (潜在的) scientific principles and the fields f engineering they tuch. They’ve changed ur technlgy, and had a sweeping impact n ur histry, arts, culture, cmmunicatin, plitical and pwer structures, etc.
    The blender we use t make baby’s fd relies n gears (齿轮), which culdn’t exist withut the wheel. The speaker n the phne relies n a magnet. Even when we think f larger and mre cmplex bjects-diggers, skyscrapers, satellites-we cme back t the same seven fundatinal innvatins.
    S, lk arund yu, and ask questins abut what yu see: reignite(重燃) that childhd curisity. Hpefully, that will inspire yu t investigate and lead yu t a better understanding f the building blcks f ur wrld.
    8 Why des the authr mentin crayns in paragraph 1?
    A. T explain his chice f cllege majr.
    B. T demnstrate his fascinatin with tls.
    C. T highlight his disappintment at the discvery.
    D. T shw his early passin fr the insides f bjects.
    9. What made the authr’s bk pssible?
    A. His experience in designing buildings.
    B. His understanding f the rigin f things.
    C. His finding f the cmpnents f machinery.
    D His perspective n the peratin f the wrld.
    10. What d we knw abut the seven cre elements?
    A. They thrw light n scientific principles.
    B They have a prfund influence n sciety.
    C. They mark an era f technlgical innvatin.
    D. They represent the advancement in engineering.
    11. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Small Things That CuntB. Big Dreams That Reward
    C. Ask the Right QuestinsD. Understand Cre Elements
    Humans, by nature, have always lived in grups and scial interactin is fundamental fr every part f ur health. Lack f it can lead t feelings f islatin and lneliness. A strng supprt netwrk and slid cmmunity bnds prmte ur emtinal and physical health, and are critical cmpnents f a balanced adult life. Hwever, just as with many ther aspects f ur lives, there seems t be a limit t hw large ur persnal netwrks can grw.
    Back in 1992, a British schlar named Rbin Dunbar came up with a hypthetical (假设的) number defining the maximum sum f meaningful human relatinships a persn can have. The number, which was later named after him, was discvered accidentally while he was studying the cleaning and brushing tendencies — a scial behavir —f nn-human primates (灵长类动物). Arund that time, researchers had discvered that the large brain f these primates was a result f their scially cmplex scieties. The relevance was that the larger the brain, the larger the animal's scial grup was likely t be. Scientists culd then theretically use an animal's brain size t calculate hw many members culd make up this grup. Dunbar applied this thery t humans, and the resulting number was rughly 150.
    Dunbar's Number, hwever, nly refers t the limit f meaningful cntacts within ur scial netwrk. It des nt accunt fr ther relatinships. Human scial relatinships tend t have numerus layers, and extend utward frm the individual in circles with the same centre. The innermst circle cntains five peple: ur lved nes. The next circle hlds f ur gd friends. The third circle is reserved fr peple we cnsider friends, and the furth is where the limit f 150 can be fund. Nwadays, with varius frms f electrnic cmmunicatin, such as websites fr scial netwrking and micrblgging peple find it very cnvenient t create nline cmmunities t share infrmatin, ideas, persnal messages, and ther cntents. Cnsequently, it is pssible fr a human t get int the fifth (500acquainitances) circle, an impressive breakthrugh that was difficult t achieve in the past.
    12. What can be learned abut Dunbar's Number in Paragraph 2?
    A. It is cnfirmed by the scial reality.
    B. It serves as an accurate measurement.
    C. It is backed by a certain theretical basis.
    D. It establishes links between health and netwrk.
    13. Which f the fllwing diagrams illustrates human scial relatinships?
    A. B.
    C. D.
    14. Why is it easy tday t g beynd the furth circle f human relatinships?
    A. Human brains are becming bigger and bigger.
    B. Scial media have cntributed t the phenmenn.
    C. Meaningful cntacts grw significantly with age.
    D. Peple are eager t imprve every aspect f their lives.
    15. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Grup Living: A Slutin t Health Prblems
    B. Dunbar's Thery: A Ladder t Career Success
    C. Scial Netwrk: A Sured f Endless Pleasure
    D. Dunbar's Number: A Measure f Scial Relatins
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    There are nly a few truly pleasant smells t wake up t in the mrning. It might be the arma f freshly baked bread, r the scent f yur freshly brushed teeth—but fr me, it’s the smell f freshly brewed cffee. ____16____
    If yu’re a big fan f cffee, yu’ll understand that pening a new packet f cffee releases an amazing smell—fresh, rasted cffee beans. Delicius! And if yu’ve gt a nse fr the stuff, yu’ll be able t identify the beans’ rigin - Clmbia, Vietnam r Brazil—the wrld’s biggest cffee prducer. Tim Hayward is a fd writer and cffee shp wner. ____17____ “When yu walk int the cffee shp in the mrning and that smell hits yu, yu’re getting physilgical(生理上的) respnses, ” he tld the BBC.
    I knw frm experience when I walk int a café fr my duble espress r flat white, my muth begins t water in anticipatin. ____18____
    Hwever, this feeling smetimes turns t disappintment when I actually start drinking my ht beverage—the taste just desn’t match the smell.. This is particularly the case when I rder a cffee t g in a tall paper cup and sip the liquid thrugh a hle in the lid. ____19____
    Tim Hayward describes this prcess as “weird” and “baffling”. He says, “Yu walk int the cffee shp, yu get the smell, but when yu actually take the drink ut, yu are drinking it frm smething that is designed t deliver the ht liquid directly past yur tngue, but prevent any smell cming up t yur nse.”
    ____20____ In 2011, it was estimated that 2.5 billin cffee cups were thrwn away each year in the UK, and that figure is likely t be higher nw. S maybe nw is the time t really wake up and smell the cffee by drinking frm a cup r mug in a café, chatting with friends and saving the planet.
    A. He believes the smell is abslutely vital.
    B. Cffee beans’ rigin makes all the difference.
    C. In a wrd, saving ur planet is n the tp f ur agenda.
    D. Yes, it’s cnvenient, but is it really the right way t appreciate it?
    E. As well as eliminating the smell, takeaway cffee cups create a lt f waste.
    F. Althugh it’s the caffeine hit I’m after, it’s the smell that makes me feel gd.
    G. Just a sniff f it makes me jump ut f bed and rush t the kitchen fr a cffee.
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共四节;满分55分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    “Fund smething!” Susan Baur, a swimmer, ducks int the water. She ___21___, hlding a pair f swimming gggles (护目镜). These are passed t a kayaker (皮划艇桨手), wh waves them ___22___, like a prize, befre thrwing them in a basket. When the team returns t ___23___, the wmen are smiling and cracking jkes abut the ___24___ and their pull.
    Since 2017, Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage (OLAUG), which accepts ___25___ lder wmen as members, has made it its missin t ___26___ trash frm pnds acrss Cape Cd.
    Many utsiders have expressed their ___27___ t OLAUG fr cleaning up the pnds; a number, hwever, have ___28___ why they refer t themselves as “ld ladies”. “Yu shuld call yurselves the Mermaids (美人鱼) Against Glitter Litter.” Others have said she shuld pen the grup t all ___29___, and even t men.
    ___30___ they admit that it wasn’t ___31___ a cnscius chice, they nw believe that the “ld lady” ___32___ is a crucial part f what the grup is abut. “Wmen ver 65 tend t feel the restrictin f aging,” Baur says. “Part f the gal f OLAUG is t ___33___ that lder wmen can d a lt mre than peple might think.”
    Criticism ___34___, the mst cmmn respnse is “I want t jin yu”. And after that first dive, the new applicatin excitement is ___35___ with a lt n the waiting list t be ne f them.
    21. A. surfacesB. surfsC. flwsD. bathes
    22. A. frwardB. backC. verheadD. dwnward
    23. A. brderB. hmeC. pndD. shre
    24. A. matchB. diveC. vyageD. drag
    25. A. preciselyB. abslutelyC. mainlyD. merely
    26. A. recverB. reuseC. remveD. release
    27. A. gratitudeB. cncernC. sympathyD. curisity
    28. A. cmmentedB. questinedC. prpsedD. suspected
    29. A. agesB. ranksC. sectinsD. genders
    30. A. AsB. AlthughC. SinceD. Unless
    31. A. ccasinallyB. eventuallyC. initiallyD. frequently
    32. A. prfileB. distinctinC. persnalityD. identity
    33. A. demnstrateB. implyC. warnD. declare
    34. A. altgetherB. beyndC. asideD. besides
    35. A. substantialB. infectiusC. fierceD. thrilling
    第二节 短文语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Early June in China is a crucial time fr families with high schl students, as it is the Gaka — the annual Chinese cllege entrance examinatin.
    Starting n June 7, the intense exam perid lasts fr tw t fur days, ____36____(depend) n the particular prvince. In 2023, 12.91 millin students tk part in the Gaka—980,000 mre than the year befre, and the mst in the histry f the Gaka.
    On Gaka days, ____37____ whle f sciety is mbilized (动员) t help students. There are usually several runds f security checks n the exam venues (场地). Emergency medical assistance needs ____38____(put) in place, and plice will be deplyed (调度) fr prtectin and traffic crdinatin arund the venues. Every year, there are stries f plicemen and taxi drivers ffering free ____39____(ride) t students running late fr their exams.
    In China the nine-year cmpulsry educatin ____40____(fund) by the gvernment. After thse nine years, Gaka allws the pprtunity t gain admissin int cllege r universities fr ____41____(high) educatin.
    The admissin rate via Gaka has increased frm 4 percent in 1977, ____42____ the exam was resumed (重新开始), t 85 percent in 2022. Hwever, as in ther exams arund the wrld, students are als cmpeting fr the limited seats at the best universities and clleges.
    ____43____ the marks f the exam are the nly standard f enrlling students, Gaka prvides the students with a fair chance f altering the curse f their lives, especially thse frm the underdevelped areas. Getting int an elite (最优秀的) university culd als mean better chances f emplyment and higher payment ____44____ graduatin. Mst f the Chinese parents invest heavily in the educatin f their children, and Gaka is the time t reap that harvest.
    Every year, during the days f the exam, Gaka-related tpics take Chinese scial media by strm. Fr thse wh have already passed the exam, it is a time f sending best wishes, reminders r _____45_____(simple) nstalgia (怀旧) twards yuth. The questins n the exam papers als appear amng the mst search hashtags (#号标签) f the day.
    But as the exams finish in mst regins by the end f June 8, mst students have nw started t enjy their summer vacatins — befre their final marks are unveiled.
    第三节 单句填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    46. Despite facing many challenges, she managed t live up t her parents’ __________ (expect) by graduating with hnrs.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    47. Since teenagers are faced with a variety f stressrs that can cntribute t feelings f stress and anxiety during their adlescence, it’s vital that their diet __________ (vary), balanced and tailred t their individual needs. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    48. With many wild animals gradually dying ut, the present situatin deserves_________(pay) attentin t. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    49. A tiny mnkey was left mmentarily dazed (神智不清的) after __________ (strike) by a mtrcycle while crssing the rad. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    50. Unlike mst f the Netherlands, Hilversum is actually in a hilly area with the sil mstly _____(cnsist) f sand. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    51. We will talk abut a particular type f cmfrt fd ________ pwer mainly lies in the assciatins it calls t mind. (用适当的词填空)
    52. Different peple, based n their persnalities, preferences and persnal histries f listening t particular music, will have different experiences when __________ (expse) t a particular piece f music. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    53. The big fire is said __________ (cnsume) the htel by the time the firefighters arrived. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    54. The bill he __________ (ppse) since he tk ffice was eventually passed, resulting in mre yung men being recruited int the army. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    55. Was it the yung man’s casual attitude in the interview __________ cst him the jb? (用适当的词填空)
    56. The latest album frm the band __________ (feature) their new single has met with a mixed receptin frm fans. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    57. Hwsn starred as Heathcliff in a film __________ (adapt) f Wuthering Heights released in 2011. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    58. As they gasped and felt the freedm f pen air, a glrius ray f sunshine brightened their faces, as if __________ (praise) the heric act f these selfless and curageus sldiers. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    59. The realizatins I had in that prcess helped me gain insights __________ medicine and science and ultimately gt me ready t integrate (融入) self-care int my daily life. (用适当的词填空)
    60. The results f such investigatins as have been made s far, are __________ (cntradict). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    第四节 完成句子(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    61. With __________ (求知若渴), he has thrwn himself int the research n AI in the recent few years. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    62. It is nt memry but creativity __________ (对……必不可少) the lifelng develpment f teenagers. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    63. I ften __________ (不慌不忙地享用) breakfast while listening t music, which guarantees a gd md fr the day. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    64. Despite the lss f hearing, his utstanding cntributin t classical music __________ (充分说明) his great talent. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    65. The Chinese knt, which __________ (经受住了时间的考验), prves t be an inseparable part f Chinese culture. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    66. He devted himself t the cause f charity, and his selfless effrts were __________ (值得认可). (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    67. It __________ (我突然想到) that I culd imprve the situatin by turning t the prfessr fr help. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    68. __________ (悲痛欲绝), Le lay in bed, unable t accept the fact that his best friend had left him. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    69. __________ (适应新环境) is n easy task. Yu need t step ut f yur cmfrt zne. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    70. The audience __________ (爆发出热情的欢呼) when the musician stepped nt the stage. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    第四部分 应用文写作(满分15分)
    71. 假定你是李华,你所在的学校摄影社团上周五去公园采风。请给你的英国好友Chris写一封邮件分享你的这次经历,内容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua无锡市第一中学2023-2024学年度第二学期期末试卷
    命题:高二英语备课组 审核:高二英语备课组
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
    1. What will the wman prbably buy fr her apartment?
    A. A table. B. A sfa. C. Sme chairs.
    2. Hw des the music make the man feel?
    A. Tuched. B. Brave. C. Tugh.
    3. What is the man asking the wman t d?
    A. Imprve her service. B. Update their website. C. Answer a few questins nline.
    4. When will the man play badmintn?
    A. On Mnday afternn. B. On Tuesday mrning. C. On Tuesday afternn.
    5. What is the main tpic f the cnversatin?
    A. Future plans. B. Charity wrk. C. A graduatin ceremny.
    6. What’s the matter with the man?
    A. He lst his keys.
    B. He culdn’t find his way.
    C. He frgt the time f the exhibitin.
    7. Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. On the street. B. In a museum. C. In a twn hall.
    8. What has Richard dne fr Liz?
    A. He has bked her a flight.
    B He has driven her t the airprt.
    C. He has arranged a hliday fr her.
    9. What cncerns Richard abut flying?
    A. The safety f planes.
    B. The high cst f tickets.
    C. The effect n the envirnment.
    10. What des Liz prmise t d?
    A. Talk t her bsses abut nline meeting.
    B. Send the man a message after landing.
    C. Stp travelling by plane frm nw n.
    11. Which language learning app des the wman prefer?
    A Babbel. B. Busuu. C. Duling.
    12. Why des the wman refuse t take a Japanese class?
    A. It’s nt enjyable.
    B. There aren’t any classes nearby.
    C. She desn’t have enugh mney t pay fr it.
    13. What is the reasn fr the wman t learn Japanese?
    A. T wrk in Japan.
    B. T make mre Japanese friends.
    C. T speak with her friend’s mther.
    14. Where d the plants in the man’s bathrm naturally grw?
    A. Near waterfalls. B. In jungles. C. In the desert.
    15. What is special abut the man’s favrite plant?
    A. It needs little water. B. It has white markings. C. It is pisnus t cats.
    16. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Friends. B. Brther and sister. C. Gardener and visitr.
    17. What is the wman’s main cncern in chsing her first plant?
    A. It must be cheap. B. It must be easy t care fr. C. It must be safe fr her pets.
    18. What was Abbie ding when she discvered the bttle?
    A. She was helping t clean up a beach.
    B. She was studying in the science club.
    C. She was celebrating Father’s Day with her family.
    19. What’s in the bttle fund by Abbie?
    A. A drawing. B. A cntact frm. C. A scientific paper.
    20. Hw did the high schl students feel abut receiving the letter back?
    A. Happy. B. Curius. C. Surprised.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 阅读理解(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    Lking fr a big-leafed huseplant that will make a statement in yur rm and decrate yurhme? If s, then yu’ve cme t the right place!
    Peace Lily
    Extremely easy t lk after, this ppular, flwering plant is very tlerant and undemanding. It is a belved huseplant fr its large, glssy val leaves and unusual white spn-shaped flwers. Typically blming in the spring, this lvely plant can effectively brighten up a living space.
    African Mask Plant
    This indr plant is a smaller plant with large dark green leaves that are shaped like a heart. Native t trpical (热带的) parts f Africa, it prefers high heat and high humidity. That can be smewhat a tricky task fr the average plant wner t achieve in their hme, wh is likely t have truble duplicating (复制) these steamy cnditins.
    Snake plant
    Cmmnly referred t as mther-in-law’s tngue, it is ne f the easiest huseplants t take care f. With tall, twisting swrd-shaped leaves that grw upright, it has air-purifying capabilities and can merrily grw in almst dark crners f the huse. But the plant is pisnus t dgs and cats, s it’s wise t keep this plant away frm them, if yur pets are plant chewers.
    Kentia Palm
    Caring fr the Kentia Palm plant is very straightfrward, which can be neglected fr weeks at a time. Quite enjying a bit f shade, it has big leaves that grw frm a narrw base and is great fr filling a crner withut taking up much flr-space. Place it in frnt f a blank wall, and its archingfrnds (大型复叶) will cast beautiful shadws.
    1. Which f the fllwing requires an experienced plant wner?
    A. Peace Lily.
    B. African Mask Plant.
    C. Snake plant.
    D. Kentia Palm.
    2. What d we knw abut the Snake Plant?
    A. It pses little danger t dgs and cats.
    B. It is better fr purifying air than thers.
    C. It gets its name frm a pisnus snake.
    D. It grws well in shady areas f the huse.
    3. What feature d the listed husehld plants share?
    A. Distinctive leaves.
    B Flwering seasn.
    C. Grwth temperature.
    D. Striking size.
    【答案】1. B 2. D 3. A
    推理判断题。根据African Mask Plant部分中的“That can be smewhat a tricky task fr the average plant wner t achieve in their hme, wh is likely t have truble duplicating (复制) these steamy cnditins.(这对于一般的植物主人来说是一个棘手的任务,因为它们可能很难复制这些潮湿的环境)”可推知,African Mask Plant需要有经验的主人,故选B。
    细节理解题。根据Snake plant部分中的“With tall, twisting swrd-shaped leaves that grw upright, it has air-purifying capabilities and can merrily grw in almst dark crners f the huse. (高大的,曲的剑形叶子直立生长,它有空气净化能力,并愉快地生长在房子的几乎黑暗的角落)”可知,Snake Plant在房子的阴凉处生长得很好。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第一段中“Lking fr a big-leafed huseplant that will make a statement in yur rm and decrate yurhme? (寻找一种大叶子的室内植物,可以在你的房间里发表声明,装饰你的家?)”,Peace Lily部分中的“glssy val leaves(大而光滑的椭圆形叶子)”,African Mask Plant部分中的“This indr plant is a smaller plant with large dark green leaves that are shaped like a heart.(这种室内植物是一种较小的植物,大叶子呈心形,呈深绿色)”,Snake plant部分中的“With tall, twisting swrd-shaped leaves(长着高大弯曲的剑形叶子)”和Kentia Palm部分中的“it has big archingfrnds (大型复叶) will cast beautiful shadws.(它有大叶子……它拱形的叶子会投下美丽的影子)”可知,这几种植物的共同点是都是大叶子植物,即有独特的叶子,故选A。
    An 89-year-ld man, Manfred Steiner, has reached a gal he spent 20 years wrking tward and nearly a lifetime thinking abut: earning his Ph. D. And nw he is a physicist
    Steiner values this degree because it is what he always wanted and because he vercame health prblems that culd have affected his studies. “But I made it, and this was the mst satisfactry pint in my life, t finish it,” he said.
    When he was yung, Steiner wanted t becme a physicist after reading abut Albert Einstein. But his mther and uncle persuaded him that studying medicine wuld be a better chice. He earned his medical degree in 1955 and mved t the US sn after.
    Steiner studied hematlgy(血液学)at Tufts University and bichemistry at the Massachusetts Institute f Technlgy. He became a full prfessr and led the hematlgy department at Brwns’ medical schl frm 1985 t 1994. Steiner helped establish a research prgram in hematlgy at the University f Nrth Carlina. He directed that prgram until he retired frm medicine in 2000.
    Steiner fund medical research pleasing, but it was nt quite the same as his interest in physics. “It was smething like a wish that was never fulfilled, that always stuck in the back f my head,” he said. At age 70, he started taking undergraduate classes.
    Physics prfessr Brad Marstn was surprised when Steiner entered his quantum mechanics class. But he became Steiner’s adviser fr his dissertatin(学位论文)after realizing hw serius Steiner was abut the subject and hw hard he wrked. “He has written many papers in medical science, mre papers than I’ve written in physics,” Marstn said. “One thing that’s really true abut Manfred is that he perseveres.”
    After the university published a stry abut Steiner n its website, peple acrss the US cntacted him t ask fr advice n hw t g after their dreams later in life. His advice is: D what yu lve t d.
    4. Why did Steiner value his degree in physics?
    A. Because it slved his health prblems.B. Because it was his lng-pursued dream.
    C. Because it met his mther’s expectatin.D. Because it was inspired by Albert Einstein.
    5. What is paragraph 4 mainly abut?
    A. Steiner’s cntributins t teaching.B. Steiner’s researches after retirement.
    C. Steiner’s achievements in hematlgy.D. Steiner’s perfrmances at Tufts University.
    6. What impressed Prfessr Marstn mst abut Steiner?
    A. His taking undergraduate classes at 70.B. His writing mre papers in physics.
    C. His sticking t becming a physicist.D. His being a rle mdel fr Americans.
    7. Which f the fllwing can best describe Steiner?
    A. Active and pen-minded.B. Enthusiastic and easy-ging.
    C. Intelligent and warm-hearted.D. Perseverant and hard-wrking.
    【答案】4. B 5. C 6. C 7. D
    细节理解题。根据第二段“Steiner values this degree because it is what he always wanted and because he vercame health prblems that culd have affected his studies.(Steiner重视这个学位是因为那是他梦寐以求的,而且克服了本可能影响他学习的健康问题)”可知,他重视物理上的这个学位是因为那时他长期追求的梦想。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第四段“He became a full prfessr and led the hematlgy department at Brwns’ medical schl frm 1985 t 1994. Steiner helped establish a research prgram in hematlgy at the University f Nrth Carlina. (他成为一名全职教授,从1985年到1994年在布朗医学院带领血液学部门。在北卡罗莱纳州大学,他帮助建立了一个血液学方面的研究项目)”可知,第四段主要讲Steiner在血液学上的成就。故选C。
    细节理解题。 根据倒数第二段“But he became Steiner’s adviser fr his dissertatin(学位论文)after realizing hw serius Steiner was abut the subject and hw hard he wrked. (但是,当他意识到斯坦纳对这个问题是多么认真、多么努力地工作之后,他就成为了斯坦纳的论文导师)”可知,Steiner给教授Marstn留下深刻印象的是他坚持成为物理学家的努力。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第一段“An 89-year-ld man, Manfred Steiner, has reached a gal he spent 20 years wrking tward and nearly a lifetime thinking abut: earning his Ph. D. And nw he is a physicist(89岁的老人Manfred Steiner在用了20年的时间获得了博士学位,现在是一名物理学家) 根据倒数第二段“But he became Steiner’s adviser fr his dissertatin(学位论文)after realizing hw serius Steiner was abut the subject and hw hard he wrked. One thing that’s really true abut Manfred is that he perseveres.(但是,当他意识到斯坦纳对这个问题是多么认真、多么努力地工作之后,他就成为了斯坦纳的论文导师。曼弗雷德真正的特点是坚持不懈。)”可知他是一位有毅力,勤奋的人。故选D。
    When I was five, I nce peeled ff the paper that envelped my crayns and snapped them in tw. My great enthusiasm was dampened t find just mre crayn inside. When I started writing wrds with pencils, I wuld twist them inside a sharpener t see if the pencil lead went all the way thrugh the bdy. Grwing up, I saw my televisin taken apart t reveal the inner wrkings that nly made sense when I did a degree in physics.
    Then I landed a career in engineering, spending six years as part f the team that designed the Shard, a famus building in Lndn. Actually, whether I knew it r nt, I was already n a missin t understand hw things are frmed.
    After explring the big, I decided t turn t the small. I realized whatever matter frms human-made bjects, cmplex devices are made up f fundamental building blcks, withut which ur cmplex machinery wuldn’t exist.
    It is this idea that inspired my bk where I select what I believe are seven cre elements that frm the basis f the wrld-the nail, the wheel, the spring, the magnet, the lens, the pump and the string. Tgether they cmpse a vast range f innvatins in terms f their underlying (潜在的) scientific principles and the fields f engineering they tuch. They’ve changed ur technlgy, and had a sweeping impact n ur histry, arts, culture, cmmunicatin, plitical and pwer structures, etc.
    The blender we use t make baby’s fd relies n gears (齿轮), which culdn’t exist withut the wheel. The speaker n the phne relies n a magnet. Even when we think f larger and mre cmplex bjects-diggers, skyscrapers, satellites-we cme back t the same seven fundatinal innvatins.
    S, lk arund yu, and ask questins abut what yu see: reignite(重燃) that childhd curisity. Hpefully, that will inspire yu t investigate and lead yu t a better understanding f the building blcks f ur wrld.
    8. Why des the authr mentin crayns in paragraph 1?
    A. T explain his chice f cllege majr.
    B. T demnstrate his fascinatin with tls.
    C. T highlight his disappintment at the discvery.
    D. T shw his early passin fr the insides f bjects.
    9. What made the authr’s bk pssible?
    A His experience in designing buildings.
    B. His understanding f the rigin f things.
    C. His finding f the cmpnents f machinery.
    D. His perspective n the peratin f the wrld.
    10. What d we knw abut the seven cre elements?
    A. They thrw light n scientific principles.
    B. They have a prfund influence n sciety.
    C. They mark an era f technlgical innvatin.
    D. They represent the advancement in engineering.
    11. What can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Small Things That CuntB. Big Dreams That Reward
    C. Ask the Right QuestinsD. Understand Cre Elements
    【答案】8. D 9. C 10. B 11. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段“When I was five, I nce peeled ff the paper that envelped my crayns and snapped them in tw. My great enthusiasm was dampened t find just mre crayn inside. When I started writing wrds with pencils, I wuld twist them inside a sharpener t see if the pencil lead went all the way thrugh the bdy. Grwing up, I saw my televisin taken apart t reveal the inner wrkings that nly made sense when I did a degree in physics.(我五岁的时候,有一次我把包着蜡笔的纸撕下来,把它们掰成两半。我发现里面只有更多的蜡笔,我的热情被浇灭了。当我开始用铅笔写字时,我会把它们拧在卷笔刀里,看看铅笔芯是否一直穿过身体。在我的成长过程中,我看到我的电视被拆开,以揭示只有当我获得物理学学位时才有意义的内部运作。)”可知,这一段提到作者小时候把包着蜡笔的纸撕下来、用卷笔刀削铅笔、拆电视机等都是想说明作者从小就对事物的内部感兴趣。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“I realized whatever matter frms human-made bjects, cmplex devices are made up f fundamental building blcks, withut which ur cmplex machinery wuldn’t exist. (我意识到,无论物质形成什么样的人造物体,复杂的设备都是由基本的构建块组成的,没有这些构建块,我们复杂的机器就不存在。)”和第四段“It is this idea that inspired my bk where I select what I believe are seven cre elements that frm the basis f the wrld-the nail, the wheel, the spring, the magnet, the lens, the pump and the string.(正是这个想法启发了我的书,我选择了我认为构成世界基础的七个核心元素——钉子、轮子、弹簧、磁铁、镜头、泵和绳子。)”可知,是作者对机械部件的发现促使他写书。故选C。
    推理判断题。根据第四段“It is this idea that inspired my bk where I select what I believe are seven cre elements that frm the basis f the wrld-the nail, the wheel, the spring, the magnet, the lens, the pump and the string. Tgether they cmpse a vast range f innvatins in terms f their underlying (潜在的) scientific principles and the fields f engineering they tuch. They’ve changed ur technlgy, and had a sweeping impact n ur histry, arts, culture, cmmunicatin, plitical and pwer structures, etc. (正是这个想法启发了我的书,我选择了我认为构成世界基础的七个核心元素——钉子、轮子、弹簧、磁铁、镜头、泵和绳子。就其基本科学原理和所涉及的工程领域而言,它们共同构成了一系列创新。它们改变了我们的技术,对我们的历史、艺术、文化、沟通、政治和权力结构等产生了广泛影响。)”可知,作者认为这七个核心元素对我们整个社会都有广泛的影响。故选B。
    主旨大意题。根据第三段“I realized whatever matter frms human-made bjects, cmplex devices are made up f fundamental building blcks, withut which ur cmplex machinery wuldn’t exist. (我意识到,无论物质形成什么样的人造物体,复杂的设备都是由基本的构建块组成的,没有这些构建块,我们复杂的机器就不存在。)”,第五段“The blender we use t make baby’s fd relies n gears (齿轮), which culdn’t exist withut the wheel. The speaker n the phne relies n a magnet. Even when we think f larger and mre cmplex bjects-diggers, skyscrapers, satellites-we cme back t the same seven fundatinal innvatins. (我们用来制作婴儿食品的搅拌机依赖于齿轮,没有轮子就不可能存在。手机上的扬声器依靠磁铁。即使当我们想到更大、更复杂的物体——挖掘机、摩天大楼、卫星——我们也会回到同样的七项基本创新。)”和最后一段“S, lk arund yu, and ask questins abut what yu see: reignite(重燃) that childhd curisity. Hpefully, that will inspire yu t investigate and lead yu t a better understanding f the building blcks f ur wrld. (所以,环顾四周,问问你所看到的:重新点燃童年的好奇心。希望这将激励你进行调查,并引导你更好地了解我们世界的组成部分。)”可知,这篇文章主要讲述作者从小就对事物的内部感兴趣,他发现一切事物都是由七个核心小元素组成的,即:小东西也很重要。故选A。
    Humans, by nature, have always lived in grups and scial interactin is fundamental fr every part f ur health. Lack f it can lead t feelings f islatin and lneliness. A strng supprt netwrk and slid cmmunity bnds prmte ur emtinal and physical health, and are critical cmpnents f a balanced adult life. Hwever, just as with many ther aspects f ur lives, there seems t be a limit t hw large ur persnal netwrks can grw.
    Back in 1992, a British schlar named Rbin Dunbar came up with a hypthetical (假设的) number defining the maximum sum f meaningful human relatinships a persn can have. The number, which was later named after him, was discvered accidentally while he was studying the cleaning and brushing tendencies — a scial behavir —f nn-human primates (灵长类动物). Arund that time, researchers had discvered that the large brain f these primates was a result f their scially cmplex scieties. The relevance was that the larger the brain, the larger the animal's scial grup was likely t be. Scientists culd then theretically use an animal's brain size t calculate hw many members culd make up this grup. Dunbar applied this thery t humans, and the resulting number was rughly 150.
    Dunbar's Number, hwever, nly refers t the limit f meaningful cntacts within ur scial netwrk. It des nt accunt fr ther relatinships. Human scial relatinships tend t have numerus layers, and extend utward frm the individual in circles with the same centre. The innermst circle cntains five peple: ur lved nes. The next circle hlds f ur gd friends. The third circle is reserved fr peple we cnsider friends, and the furth is where the limit f 150 can be fund. Nwadays, with varius frms f electrnic cmmunicatin, such as websites fr scial netwrking and micrblgging peple find it very cnvenient t create nline cmmunities t share infrmatin, ideas, persnal messages, and ther cntents. Cnsequently, it is pssible fr a human t get int the fifth (500acquainitances) circle, an impressive breakthrugh that was difficult t achieve in the past.
    12. What can be learned abut Dunbar's Number in Paragraph 2?
    A. It is cnfirmed by the scial reality.
    B. It serves as an accurate measurement.
    C. It is backed by a certain theretical basis.
    D. It establishes links between health and netwrk.
    13. Which f the fllwing diagrams illustrates human scial relatinships?
    A. B.
    C. D.
    14. Why is it easy tday t g beynd the furth circle f human relatinships?
    A. Human brains are becming bigger and bigger.
    B. Scial media have cntributed t the phenmenn.
    C. Meaningful cntacts grw significantly with age.
    D. Peple are eager t imprve every aspect f their lives.
    15. What can be a suitable title fr the text?
    A. Grup Living: A Slutin t Health Prblems
    B. Dunbar's Thery: A Ladder t Career Success
    C. Scial Netwrk: A Sured f Endless Pleasure
    D. Dunbar's Number: A Measure f Scial Relatins
    【答案】12. C 13. D 14. B 15. D
    推理判断题。从第二段第二句开始“The number, which was later named after him, was discvered accidentally while he was studying the cleaning and brushing tendencies — a scial behavir —f nn-human primates (灵长类动物). Arund that time, researchers had discvered that the large brain f these primates was a result f their scially cmplex scieties. The relevance was that the larger the brain, the larger the animal's scial grup was likely t be. Scientists culd then theretically use an animal’s brain size t calculate hw many members culd make up this grup.(这个数,后来以他的名字命名为邓巴数,是意外地发现的,当时他正在研究非人类的灵长类动物的一个社会行为——清洁和梳毛的倾向。大约在那个时候,研究人员就已发现,这些灵长类动物的大大的大脑是它们复杂社会的结果。与此相关的是,大脑越大,动物的社会群体可能就越大。从理论上讲,科学家们可以利用动物大脑的大小来计算出这个群体可以由多少成员组成。邓巴将这一理论应用于人类,结果是大约150人)”可知,科学家们建立了“利用动物大脑的大小来计算出这个群体可以由多少成员组成”的理论,换言之,“个体的大脑的大小决定了该个体的朋友圈的总人数”。邓巴数告诉我们:按照人类的大脑大小,一个人可以与大约150个人建立稳定人际关系,这个结论是以前面提到的理论为基础得来的。故选C项。
    细节理解题。从第三段“Human scial relatinships tend t have numerus layers, and extend utward frm the individual in circles with the same centre. The innermst circle cntains five peple: ur lved nes. The next circle hlds f ur gd friends. The third circle is reserved fr peple we cnsider friends, and the furth is where the limit f 150 can be fund.(人类的社会关系往往有许多层次,并从个体向外延伸,形成一个以同一中心为中心的圆圈。最里面的圈子包括五个人:我们的爱人。下一圈是我们的好朋友。第三个圈是为我们认为是朋友的人预留的,第四个圈是可以找到150人的限制的所在)”和本段最后一句“Cnsequently, it is pssible fr a human t get int the fifth (500acquainitances) circle, an impressive breakthrugh that was difficult t achieve in the past (因此,一个人有可能进入第五圈(500个熟人),这是一个令人印象深刻的突破,在过去很难实现)”可知,人类的社会关系以至多5个同心圆的方式呈现。故选D项。
    细节理解题。从第三段“The third circle is reserved fr peple we cnsider friends, and the furth is where the limit f 150 can be fund. Nwadays, with varius frms f electrnic cmmunicatin, such as websites fr scial netwrking and micrblgging peple find it very cnvenient t create nline cmmunities t share infrmatin, ideas, persnal messages, and ther cntents.(第三个圈是为我们认为是朋友的人预留的,第四个圈是可以找到150人的限制的所在。如今,随着各种形式的电子交流,如社交网站和微博,人们发现创建在线社区来分享信息、想法、个人信息和其他内容非常方便。因此,一个人有可能进入第五圈(500熟人),这是一个令人印象深刻的突破,在过去很难实现)”可知,便捷的社交媒体使个体超越人际关系的第四个圈子成为可能。故选B项。
    主旨大意题。本文主要介绍了邓巴数(Dunbar’s Number),由第二段第一句“Back in 1992, a British schlar named Rbin Dunbar came up with a hypthetical (假设的) number defining the maximum sum f meaningful human relatinships a persn can have.The number, which was later named after him, was discvered accidentally while he was studying the cleaning and brushing tendencies — a scial behavir —f nn-human primates (灵长类动物). (早在1992年,一个名叫罗宾·邓巴的英国学者就提出了一个假设的数字用来定义一个人可以拥有的有意义的人际关系的最大总和。这个数,后来以他的名字命名为邓巴数,是意外地发现的,当时他正在研究非人类的灵长类动物的一个社会行为——清洁和刷毛的倾向)”可知,邓巴数定义一个人的朋友圈的总人数,体现出这个人的社会关系网的大小。D项“Dunbar’s Number: A Measure f Scial Relatins (邓巴数,一个社会关系的衡量标准)”,做本文标题最为贴切。故选D项。
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    There are nly a few truly pleasant smells t wake up t in the mrning. It might be the arma f freshly baked bread, r the scent f yur freshly brushed teeth—but fr me, it’s the smell f freshly brewed cffee. ____16____
    If yu’re a big fan f cffee, yu’ll understand that pening a new packet f cffee releases an amazing smell—fresh, rasted cffee beans. Delicius! And if yu’ve gt a nse fr the stuff, yu’ll be able t identify the beans’ rigin - Clmbia, Vietnam r Brazil—the wrld’s biggest cffee prducer. Tim Hayward is a fd writer and cffee shp wner. ____17____ “When yu walk int the cffee shp in the mrning and that smell hits yu, yu’re getting physilgical(生理上的) respnses, ” he tld the BBC.
    I knw frm experience when I walk int a café fr my duble espress r flat white, my muth begins t water in anticipatin. ____18____
    Hwever, this feeling smetimes turns t disappintment when I actually start drinking my ht beverage—the taste just desn’t match the smell.. This is particularly the case when I rder a cffee t g in a tall paper cup and sip the liquid thrugh a hle in the lid. ____19____
    Tim Hayward describes this prcess as “weird” and “baffling”. He says, “Yu walk int the cffee shp, yu get the smell, but when yu actually take the drink ut, yu are drinking it frm smething that is designed t deliver the ht liquid directly past yur tngue, but prevent any smell cming up t yur nse.”
    ____20____ In 2011, it was estimated that 2.5 billin cffee cups were thrwn away each year in the UK, and that figure is likely t be higher nw. S maybe nw is the time t really wake up and smell the cffee by drinking frm a cup r mug in a café, chatting with friends and saving the planet.
    A. He believes the smell is abslutely vital.
    B. Cffee beans’ rigin makes all the difference.
    C. In a wrd, saving ur planet is n the tp f ur agenda.
    D. Yes, it’s cnvenient, but is it really the right way t appreciate it?
    E. As well as eliminating the smell, takeaway cffee cups create a lt f waste.
    F. Althugh it’s the caffeine hit I’m after, it’s the smell that makes me feel gd.
    G. Just a sniff f it makes me jump ut f bed and rush t the kitchen fr a cffee.
    【答案】16. G 17. A 18. F 19. D 20. E
    上文“There are nly a few truly pleasant smells t wake up t in the mrning. (早晨醒来时真正令人愉快气味只有几种。)”可知,作者提出“令人愉快的气味”这一概念,下文“but fr me, it’s the smell f freshly brewed cffee. (但对我来说,它是刚煮好的咖啡的香味。)”可以推出,后文是想说咖啡的香味对作者的影响。G项“只要闻一下它的味道,我就会从床上跳起来,冲到厨房去喝咖啡。”与前后文有顺承递进关系。故选G项。
    上文“Tim Hayward is a fd writer and cffee shp wner. (蒂姆·海沃德是一位美食作家和咖啡店老板。)”介绍被采访者身份信息,下文“When yu walk int the cffee shp in the mrning and that smell hits yu, yu’re getting physilgical respnses,” he tld the BBC. (他在接受BBC采访时表示:“当你早上走进咖啡店,闻到咖啡的香味时,你会产生生理反应。)”可以推出,空处需要填的是蒂姆·海沃德对于咖啡香气的观点——非常重要,因为闻到了咖啡香味甚至会产生生理反应。A项“他认为气味是绝对重要的。”符合文意,且选项中的“He”对应前文Tim Hayward。故选A项。
    上文“I knw frm experience when I walk int a café fr my duble espress r flat white, my muth begins t water in anticipatin. (根据我的经验,当我走进咖啡厅去点双份浓缩咖啡或馥芮白的时候,我就会因为期待而开始流口水。)”可知,作者“根据自己的经验”指的是会因为咖啡的香味走进一家咖啡店,并且作者一般会点一些重咖啡因的无糖咖啡,并且会因为闻到了气味而感到期待。F项“虽然我追求的是咖啡因,但让我感觉良好的是它的味道。”对前文有总结作用。故选F项。
    上文“This is particularly the case when I rder a cffee t g in a tall paper cup and sip the liquid thrugh a hle in the lid. (当我点了一杯装在高纸杯里的咖啡,然后通过杯盖上的一个洞喝咖啡时,这种情况尤其明显。)”可知,作者发现用咖啡杯喝咖啡最容易感到失望,下文“Tim Hayward describes this prcess as “weird” and “baffling”.(蒂姆•海沃德将这一过程描述为“怪异”和“令人困惑”。) ”和“yu are drinking it frm smething that is designed t deliver the ht liquid directly past yur tngue, but prevent any smell cming up t yur nse.” (你喝的是某种设计好的东西,它能让热液体直接经过你的舌头,但防止任何气味进入你的鼻子。”)”用蒂姆·海沃德解释了作者发现的这一现象。由此可以推出,空处需要填一句话将上下文段联系在一起。D项“是的,这很方便,但这真的是欣赏咖啡的正确方式吗?”符合文意,选项中“it”指的是用咖啡杯喝咖啡很方便。故选D项。
    上文“yu are drinking it frm smething that is designed t deliver the ht liquid directly past yur tngue, but prevent any smell cming up t yur nse.” (你喝的是某种设计好的东西,它能让热液体直接经过你的舌头,但防止任何气味进入你的鼻子。”)”可知,咖啡杯会过滤掉咖啡的香气,下文“In 2011, it was estimated that 2.5 billin cffee cups were thrwn away each year in the UK, and that figure is likely t be higher nw. S maybe nw is the time t really wake up and smell the cffee by drinking frm a cup r mug in a café, chatting with friends and saving the planet. (据估计,英国每年有二十五亿个咖啡杯被扔掉,而现在这个数字可能更高。所以,也许现在是时候真正清醒过来,在咖啡厅里用杯子或马克杯喝咖啡,和朋友聊天,拯救地球。)”讲的是咖啡杯对环境造成的影响。故空处需要承上启下。E项“外带咖啡杯除了会减去咖啡的味道之外,还会造成大量浪费。”对前文有总结作用,对后文有启下作用。故选E项。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共四节;满分55分)
    第一节 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    “Fund smething!” Susan Baur, a swimmer, ducks int the water. She ___21___, hlding a pair f swimming gggles (护目镜). These are passed t a kayaker (皮划艇桨手), wh waves them ___22___, like a prize, befre thrwing them in a basket. When the team returns t ___23___, the wmen are smiling and cracking jkes abut the ___24___ and their pull.
    Since 2017, Old Ladies Against Underwater Garbage (OLAUG), which accepts ___25___ lder wmen as members, has made it its missin t ___26___ trash frm pnds acrss Cape Cd.
    Many utsiders have expressed their ___27___ t OLAUG fr cleaning up the pnds; a number, hwever, have ___28___ why they refer t themselves as “ld ladies”. “Yu shuld call yurselves the Mermaids (美人鱼) Against Glitter Litter.” Others have said she shuld pen the grup t all ___29___, and even t men.
    ___30___ they admit that it wasn’t ___31___ a cnscius chice, they nw believe that the “ld lady” ___32___ is a crucial part f what the grup is abut. “Wmen ver 65 tend t feel the restrictin f aging,” Baur says. “Part f the gal f OLAUG is t ___33___ that lder wmen can d a lt mre than peple might think.”
    Criticism ___34___, the mst cmmn respnse is “I want t jin yu”. And after that first dive, the new applicatin excitement is ___35___ with a lt n the waiting list t be ne f them.
    21. A. surfacesB. surfsC. flwsD. bathes
    22. A. frwardB. backC. verheadD. dwnward
    23. A. brderB. hmeC. pndD. shre
    24. A. matchB. diveC. vyageD. drag
    25. A. preciselyB. abslutelyC. mainlyD. merely
    26. A. recverB. reuseC. remveD. release
    27. A. gratitudeB. cncernC. sympathyD. curisity
    28. A. cmmentedB. questinedC. prpsedD. suspected
    29. A. agesB. ranksC. sectinsD. genders
    30. A. AsB. AlthughC. SinceD. Unless
    31. A. ccasinallyB. eventuallyC. initiallyD. frequently
    32. A. prfileB. distinctinC. persnalityD. identity
    33. A. demnstrateB. implyC. warnD. declare
    34. A. altgetherB. beyndC. asideD. besides
    35. A. substantialB. infectiusC. fierceD. thrilling
    【答案】21. A 22. C 23. D 24. B 25. D 26. C 27. A 28. B 29. A 30. B 31. C 32. D 33. A 34. C 35. B
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:她潜入水中,然后浮出水面,手里拿着一副游泳护目镜。A. surfaces 浮出水面;B. surfs 冲浪;C. flws 流动;D. bathes 洗澡。根据前文的“Susan Baur, a swimmer, ducks int the water”和后文“hlding a pair f swimming gggles (护目镜)”可知,Susan Baur 是一名游泳者,之前潜入水中,因此此处应是浮出水面。故选A。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:皮划艇运动员会将这些球传给皮划艇运动员,皮划艇运动员将球像奖品一样在头顶挥动,然后将球扔进篮子里。A. frward 向前;B. back 回;C. verhead 在头顶上;D. dwnward 向下。根据前文的“wh waves them”可知,此处描述的是皮划艇桨手接收到护目镜后的动作,他应该是在头顶挥动展示,即向其他队员或观众展示。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当团队回到岸边时,女士们面带微笑,开着关于潜水和她们收获的玩笑。A. brder 边界;B. hme 家;C. pnd 池塘;D. shre 岸边。根据前文的“When the team returns t”可知,团队进行的是水中的清理活动,完成任务后应回到岸边。故选D。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当团队回到岸边时,女士们面带微笑,开着关于潜水和她们收获的玩笑。A. match 比赛;B. dive 潜水;C. vyage 航行;D. drag 拖拽。根据前文的““Fund smething!” Susan Baur, a swimmer, ducks int the water.”可知,她们进行的是水下垃圾清理活动,因此应是潜水。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:自2017年以来,只接受老年女性会员的“反对水下垃圾的老妇人”(OLAUG)就把清除科德角池塘里的垃圾作为自己的使命。A. precisely 精确地;B. abslutely 绝对地;C. mainly 主要地;D. merely 仅仅。根据后文的“lder wmen as members”和“Others have said she shuld pen the grup t all 9 , and even t men.”可知,有人表示,这个组织应该向所有年龄段的人开放,甚至包括男性。可推出OLAUG是一个只由老年女性组成的组织。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:自2017年以来,只接受老年女性会员的“反对水下垃圾的老妇人”(OLAUG)就把清除科德角池塘里的垃圾作为自己的使命。A. recver 恢复;B. reuse 重新使用;C. remve 移除;D. release 释放。根据后文的“trash frm pnds acrss Cape Cd”可知,OLAUG的使命是清理水下垃圾,因此是“移除”池塘中的垃圾。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:许多外界人士对OLAUG表示感谢,感谢他们清理了池塘;然而,也有人质疑他们为什么称自己为“老妇人”。A. gratitude 感激;B. cncern 关心;C. sympathy 同情;D. curisity 好奇。根据后文的“t OLAUG fr cleaning up the pnds”可知,OLAUG的工作有益于环境,因此人们对其表示感激。故选A。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多外界人士对OLAUG表示感谢,感谢他们清理了池塘;然而,也有人质疑他们为什么称自己为“老妇人”。A. cmmented 评论;B. questined 质疑;C. prpsed 提议;D. suspected 怀疑。根据后文的“why they refer t themselves as “ld ladies””可知,根据下文的疑问内容,这里是指外界对她们自称“老妇人”提出疑问。故选B。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:其他人则表示,她应该向所有年龄段的人开放这个团体,甚至包括男性。A. ages 年龄;B. ranks 等级;C. sectins 部分;D. genders 性别。根据前文的“Others have said she shuld pen the grup t all”和后文“and even t men.”可知,这里讨论的是团体成员的年龄限制问题,有人表示,这个组织应该向所有年龄段的人开放。故选A。
    考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然她他们承认这最初并不是一个有意识的选择,但她们现在认为,“老妇人”的身份是该团体核心的一部分。A. As 随着;B. Althugh 尽管;C. Since 自从;D. Unless 除非。根据后文的“they admit that it wasn’t 11 a cnscius chice, they nw believe that the “ld lady” 12 is a crucial part f what the grup is abut.”可知,尽管最初不是有意为之,但现在他们认同这一称呼的意义,前后句意存在转折让步关系,应用althugh“虽然”引导让步状语从句。故选B。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:虽然她他们承认这最初并不是一个有意识的选择,但她们现在认为,“老妇人”的身份是该团体核心的一部分。A. ccasinally 偶尔;B. eventually 最终;C. initially 最初;D. frequently 频繁地。根据前后文的“a cnscius chice, they nw believe that the “ld lady” 12 is a crucial part f what the grup is abut.”可知,她们现在认为,“老妇人”的身份是该团体核心的一部分,这里强调的是开始时的情况,最初并不是一个有意识的选择。故选C。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽然她他们承认这最初并不是一个有意识的选择,但她们现在认为,“老妇人”的身份是该团体核心的一部分。A. prfile 侧面;轮廓;B. distinctin 差异;C. persnality 个性;D. identity 身份。根据后文的“is a crucial part f what the grup is abut.”可知,这里指的是将“老妇人”作为团体成员的一种身份认同,“老妇人”的身份是该团体核心的一部分。故选D。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:OLAUG目标的一部分是展示老年女性可以做的事情远比人们想象的要多。A. demnstrate 展示;B. imply 暗示;C. warn 警告;D. declare宣布。根据后文的“that lder wmen can d a lt mre than peple might think.”可知,该组织目标的一部分是通过行动展示老年女性的能力。故选A。
    考查介词词义辨析。句意:批评放在一边,最常见的回应是“我想加入你们”。A. altgether 完全地;B. beynd 超过;C. aside 在旁边;D. besides 除了。根据前文的“Criticism”和后文“the mst cmmn respnse is “I want t jin yu””可知,这里是指把批评意见放到一边,强调的是积极的反应。故选C。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在第一次潜水之后,新申请者的兴奋之情很有感染力,很多人都在等待名单上,希望能成为其中一员。A. substantial 实质性的;B. infectius 有感染力的;C. fierce 凶猛的;D. thrilling 刺激的。根据前文的“the new applicatin excitement is”和后文“with a lt n the waiting list t be ne f them”可知,此处形容新成员的兴奋情绪具有感染性,吸引更多人想加入。故选B。
    第二节 短文语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Early June in China is a crucial time fr families with high schl students, as it is the Gaka — the annual Chinese cllege entrance examinatin.
    Starting n June 7, the intense exam perid lasts fr tw t fur days, ____36____(depend) n the particular prvince. In 2023, 12.91 millin students tk part in the Gaka—980,000 mre than the year befre, and the mst in the histry f the Gaka.
    On Gaka days, ____37____ whle f sciety is mbilized (动员) t help students. There are usually several runds f security checks n the exam venues (场地). Emergency medical assistance needs ____38____(put) in place, and plice will be deplyed (调度) fr prtectin and traffic crdinatin arund the venues. Every year, there are stries f plicemen and taxi drivers ffering free ____39____(ride) t students running late fr their exams.
    In China, the nine-year cmpulsry educatin ____40____(fund) by the gvernment. After thse nine years, Gaka allws the pprtunity t gain admissin int cllege r universities fr ____41____(high) educatin.
    The admissin rate via Gaka has increased frm 4 percent in 1977, ____42____ the exam was resumed (重新开始), t 85 percent in 2022. Hwever, as in ther exams arund the wrld, students are als cmpeting fr the limited seats at the best universities and clleges.
    ____43____ the marks f the exam are the nly standard f enrlling students, Gaka prvides the students with a fair chance f altering the curse f their lives, especially thse frm the underdevelped areas. Getting int an elite (最优秀的) university culd als mean better chances f emplyment and higher payment ____44____ graduatin. Mst f the Chinese parents invest heavily in the educatin f their children, and Gaka is the time t reap that harvest.
    Every year, during the days f the exam, Gaka-related tpics take Chinese scial media by strm. Fr thse wh have already passed the exam, it is a time f sending best wishes, reminders r _____45_____(simple) nstalgia (怀旧) twards yuth. The questins n the exam papers als appear amng the mst search hashtags (#号标签) f the day.
    But as the exams finish in mst regins by the end f June 8, mst students have nw started t enjy their summer vacatins — befre their final marks are unveiled.
    【答案】36. depending
    37. the 38. t be put
    39. rides 40. is funded
    41. higher 42. when
    43. Since 44. after
    45. simply
    考查非谓语动词。句意:从6月7日开始,紧张的考试持续2到4天,根据特定省份而定。此处为非谓语,动词depend和其逻辑主语the intense exam perid之间是主动关系,用现在分词作状语。故填depending。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:紧急医疗援助需要到位,警察将在场馆周围部署保护和交通协调。need t d sth.“需要做某事”是固定句式,动词put和主语之间是被动关系,用不定式的被动式作宾语。故填t be put。
    考查时态和语态。句意:在中国,九年制义务教育由政府出资。动词fund和主语之间是被动关系,描述现实状语,用一般现在时的被动语态。主语为单数,主谓一致,故填is funded。
    第三节 单句填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
    46. Despite facing many challenges, she managed t live up t her parents’ __________ (expect) by graduating with hnrs.(所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查名词。句意:尽管面临许多挑战,她还是以优异的成绩毕业,不辜负父母的期望。设空处需要名词expectatin用作介词t的宾语,构成固定短语live up t ne’s expectatin“不辜负某人的期望”,空格前有定语parents’,表示“父母的期望”,用复数形式。故填expectatins。
    47. Since teenagers are faced with a variety f stressrs that can cntribute t feelings f stress and anxiety during their adlescence, it’s vital that their diet __________ (vary), balanced and tailred t their individual needs. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】shuld be varied##be varied
    【详解】考查虚拟语气。句意:由于青少年在青春期面临着各种压力源,这些压力源会导致压力和焦虑,因此他们的饮食应该多样化、平衡并根据个人需求进行调整,这一点至关重要。本句是固定句型It’s vital that+从句,设空处是从句的谓语部分,从句的谓语动词应使用虚拟语气,即shuld加上动词原形,其中shuld可以省略,主语their diet和动词vary是被动关系,应用被动语态。故填shuld be varied或be varied。
    48. With many wild animals gradually dying ut, the present situatin deserves_________(pay) attentin t. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】paying##t be paid
    【详解】考查固定短语。句意:随着许多野生动物逐渐灭绝,现状值得关注。分析句子可知,句中涉及固定短语“deserve ding sth.”,意为“值得做某事”,有被动含义,或用“deserve t be dne”,“pay”的动名词形式为“paying”,过去分词为“paid”,故空格处可填“paying”或“t be paid”。故填paying/t be paid。
    49. A tiny mnkey was left mmentarily dazed (神智不清的) after __________ (strike) by a mtrcycle while crssing the rad. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】being struck
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:一只小猴子在过马路时被一辆摩托车撞了,暂时失去了知觉。设空处用作介词after的宾语,表示“被撞到”应使用动名词的被动式。故填being struck。
    50. Unlike mst f the Netherlands, Hilversum is actually in a hilly area with the sil mstly _____(cnsist) f sand. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:与荷兰的大部分地区不同,希尔弗瑟姆实际上是一个丘陵地区,土壤主要由沙子组成。分析句子结构可知,空格处是with复合结构,sil和cnsist f之间是主谓关系,因此空格处用现在分词表主动,故填cnsisting。
    51. We will talk abut a particular type f cmfrt fd ________ pwer mainly lies in the assciatins it calls t mind. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查定语从句。句意:我们将讨论一种特殊类型的安慰食品,它的力量主要在于它能唤起人们的记忆。此处是限定性定语从句,先行词是 a particular type f cmfrt fd ,空处是引导词,在从句中作定语,表示“它的”,用whse;故填whse。
    52. Different peple, based n their persnalities, preferences and persnal histries f listening t particular music, will have different experiences when __________ (expse) t a particular piece f music. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【详解】考查状语从句的省略。句意:不同的人,根据他们的个性、偏好和听特定音乐的个人历史,当接触到特定的音乐片段时,会有不同的体验。分析句子可知,这里考查状语从句的省略,从句补充完整应是when they are expsed t a particular piece f music,当状语从句的主语和主句主语一致且从句含有be动词时,可省略从句的主语和be动词。故填expsed。
    53. The big fire is said __________ (cnsume) the htel by the time the firefighters arrived. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】t have cnsumed
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:据说消防队员到达时大火已经烧毁了酒店。此处用于固定句型sb. /sth.be said t d sth.“据说某人/某物做某事”,设空处需要不定式,又后面的时间状语by the time the firefighters arrived可知,应使用不定式的完成式。故填t have cnsumed。
    54. The bill he __________ (ppse) since he tk ffice was eventually passed, resulting in mre yung men being recruited int the army. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    【答案】had ppsed
    【详解】考查动词时态。句意:他上任以来一直反对的法案最终获得通过,导致更多年轻人被招募入伍。分析句子可知,设空处是句子的谓语部分,根据时间状语since he tk ffice可知,应使用完成时,根据主句的谓语动词was,可知,此处表示过去的过去,应使用过去完成时。故填had ppsed。
    55. Was it the yung man’s casual attitude in the interview __________ cst him the jb? (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查固定句型。句意:是那个年轻人面试时漫不经心的态度让他失去了这份工作吗?强调句的基本结构是“It is/was + 被强调部分 + that/wh + 其他部分”。在此句中,被强调的部分是“the yung man’s casual attitude in the interview”。故填that。
    56. The latest album frm the band __________ (feature) their new single has met with a mixed receptin frm fans. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    57. Hwsn starred as Heathcliff in a film __________ (adapt) f Wuthering Heights released in 2011. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    58. As they gasped and felt the freedm f pen air, a glrius ray f sunshine brightened their faces, as if __________ (praise) the heric act f these selfless and curageus sldiers. (所给词的适当形式填空)
    59. The realizatins I had in that prcess helped me gain insights __________ medicine and science and ultimately gt me ready t integrate (融入) self-care int my daily life. (用适当的词填空)
    【详解】考查介词。句意:在这个过程中,我的认识帮助我深入了解了医学和科学,并最终让我准备好将自我保健融入日常生活。gain insights int为固定搭配,表示“深入了解……”,符合题意。故填int。
    60. The results f such investigatins as have been made s far, are __________ (cntradict). (所给词的适当形式填空)
    第四节 完成句子(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    61. With __________ (求知若渴), he has thrwn himself int the research n AI in the recent few years. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】thirst fr knwledge
    【详解】考查名词和短语。句意:怀着对知识的渴望,他近几年来一直致力于人工智能的研究。空格处用作介词With的宾语,应使用名词或者名词短语,表示“渴”的英语是名词thirst,不可数名词;表示“知识”的英语是名词knwledge,不可数,“求知若渴”可以使用名词短语thirst fr knwledge。故填thirst fr knwledge。
    62. It is nt memry but creativity __________ (对……必不可少) the lifelng develpment f teenagers. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】that is essential t
    【详解】考查形容词、主谓一致以及强调句。句意:对青少年的终身发展至关重要的不是记忆,而是创造力。本句使用了强调句,强调了句子的主语,空格处缺少的是that+句子系表部分,“对……必不可少”的英语是be essential t,主语部分是nt memry but creativity,应遵循就近一致原则,be动词使用is。故填that is essential t。
    63. I ften __________ (不慌不忙地享用) breakfast while listening t music, which guarantees a gd md fr the day. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】leisurely enjy
    【详解】考查动词时态和副词。句意:我经常一边听音乐一边不慌不忙地享用早餐,这保证了一天的好心情。“享用”enjy,根据句中guarantees可知,句子使用一般现在时,主语是I,谓语动词使用原形形式,“不慌不忙地”leisurely,副词作状语修饰动词enjy。故填leisurely enjy。
    64. Despite the lss f hearing, his utstanding cntributin t classical music __________ (充分说明) his great talent. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】speaks vlumes abut
    【详解】考查动词短语。句意:尽管失去了听力,但他对古典音乐的杰出贡献充分说明了他的才华。根据汉语提示可知,speak vlumes abut“充分说明”,句子是描述一个事实,应用一般现在时,主语cntributin表示单数意义,谓语动词用单数,故填speaks vlumes abut。
    65. The Chinese knt, which __________ (经受住了时间的考验), prves t be an inseparable part f Chinese culture. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】has std the test f time
    【详解】考查动词短语以及时态。句意:经得起时间考验的中国结,被证明是中国文化不可分割的一部分。“经受住了时间的考验”的英语表达是stand the test f time,根据句意,中国结在经受住了时间的考验,对现在的影响是:中国结成为中国文化不可分割的一部分,因此,定语从句应使用现在完成时,先行词The Chinese knt是第三人称单数形式,助动词应使用has。故填has std the test f time。
    66. He devted himself t the cause f charity, and his selfless effrts were __________ (值得认可). (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】wrth recgnitin
    【详解】考查介词和名词。句意:他献身于慈善事业,他的无私努力值得认可。根据汉语提示“值得”的英语是介词wrth,此处构成固定短语“be wrth +名词”,“认可”的英语是名词recgnitin,可以用作不可数名词,作宾语。故填wrth recgnitin。
    67. It __________ (我突然想到) that I culd imprve the situatin by turning t the prfessr fr help. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】ccurred t me
    【详解】考查固定句型和时态。句意:我突然想到,向教授寻求帮助可以改善这种情况。根据汉语提示“我突然想到”,以及句子结构可知,此处构成固定句型It ccurred t sb that+从句“某人突然想到……”,根据句意应使用一般过去时,故填ccurred t me。
    68. __________ (悲痛欲绝), Le lay in bed, unable t accept the fact that his best friend had left him. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】Extremely grieved
    【详解】考查形容词。句意:利奥躺在床上,悲痛欲绝,无法接受他最好的朋友已经离开他的事实。根据汉语提示“悲痛的”是形容词grieved,“悲痛欲绝”表示极度悲痛,可以使用副词extremely来修饰形容词grieved用作句子的伴随状语,位于句首首字母大写。故填Extremely grieved。
    69. __________ (适应新环境) is n easy task. Yu need t step ut f yur cmfrt zne. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】Adapting t new surrundings
    【详解】考查非谓语动词。句意:适应新环境不是一件容易的事。你需要走出你的舒适区。表示“适应新环境”用adapt t new surrundings,设空处使用动名词作主语;同时该空置于句首,开头单词首字母大写。故填Adapting t new surrundings.
    70. The audience __________ (爆发出热情的欢呼) when the musician stepped nt the stage. (根据汉语提示完成句子)
    【答案】burst int enthusiastic cheers
    【详解】考查动词、形容词和名词以及时态。句意:当音乐家走上舞台时,观众爆发出热烈的欢呼声。汉语提示“爆发出”的英语是动词短语burst int,“热情的”是形容词enthusiastic,“欢呼”的英语是名词cheer,表示“欢呼声;喝彩声”是可数名词,此处应使用复数形式;空格处用作句子的谓语部分,根据时间状语从句谓语stepped可知,应使用一般过去时。故填burst int enthusiastic cheers。
    第四部分 应用文写作(满分15分)
    71. 假定你是李华,你所在的学校摄影社团上周五去公园采风。请给你的英国好友Chris写一封邮件分享你的这次经历,内容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    Li Hua
    Dear Chris,
    I wanted t share with yu my recent experience with the phtgraphy club frm my schl. Last Friday, we went t the park fr a pht sht and it was truly an amazing experience.
    Our theme fr the day was “nature and its beauty”. I captured varius shts f the stunning landscapes, vibrant flwers, and serene pnds. One f my favrite phts is a clse-up f a butterfly perched n a petal, with its delicate wings spreading wide against the vibrant backgrund.
    It was a great pprtunity fr me t cnnect with nature and express my creativity. I feel truly grateful t be part f this phtgraphy club and I can’t wait fr ur next adventure.
    Li Hua
    拍摄:capture → sht
    机会:pprtunity→ chance
    原句:I wanted t share with yu my recent experience with the phtgraphy club frm my schl.
    拓展句:I wanted t share with yu my recent experience with the phtgraphy club frm my schl, which was mre than meaningful and wnderful.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】One f my favrite phts is a clse-up f a butterfly perched n a petal, with its delicate wings spreading wide against the vibrant backgrund.(运用了with的复合结构)
    【高分句型2】It was a great pprtunity fr me t cnnect with nature and express my creativity.(运用了it作形式主语,不定式结构为真正的主语)

    江苏省无锡市梁溪区无锡市运河实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题: 这是一份江苏省无锡市梁溪区无锡市运河实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题,文件包含江苏省无锡市梁溪区无锡市运河实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题教师版docx、江苏省无锡市梁溪区无锡市运河实验中学2023-2024学年高二下学期5月月考英语试题学生版docx等2份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共34页, 欢迎下载使用。

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