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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des Jim d?
    A. A teacher. B. An fficer. C. A student.
    2. What time did Suzy leave hme?
    A. 4:30. B. 5:00. C. 5:15.
    3. What is the man’s suggestin?
    A. Ging t the cncert.
    B. Ging t see a shw.
    C. Just walking arund.
    4. Hw lng has the rain lasted?
    A. 5 days. B. 6 days. C. 7 days.
    5. What pinin d they hld n their chemistry curse?
    A. It’s well rganized.
    B. It is satisfactry.
    C. It is unsatisfactry.
    6. Where des this cnversatin take place?
    A. In a library. B. In a schl. C. In a bkstre.
    7. Why is William Shakespeare mentined in the cnversatin?
    A. He gave gifts t millins f peple.
    B. He was a very wealthy man in his times.
    C. His signature is wrth a lt f mney.
    8. What are the man and wman lking fr?
    A. A cmfrtable htel.
    B. A mdern htel.
    C. An inexpensive htel.
    9. Whm did the man and wman ask fr help?
    A. A plicewman. B. A waitress. C. A passer-by.
    10. Where culd the man and wman find a htel they needed?
    A. In the next street.
    B. Next t a bank.
    C. Tw-minute drive t the west.
    11. Where did the cnversatin mst likely take place?
    A. In a street. B. In a restaurant. C. In a htel.
    12. What wuld the wman like t d this weekend?
    A. G climbing. B. G shpping. C. G fishing.
    13. What des the man plan t d n Saturday?
    A. Check his schedule.
    B. Stay at hme.
    C. Help his sister mve.
    14. Hw will the man get in tuch with the wman?
    A. By making a phne call t the wman’s huse.
    B. By making a phne call t the wman’s mther’s huse.
    C. By making a call t her cell phne.
    15. What is the wman ding?
    A. Listening t music.
    B. Seeing a film.
    C. Writing a letter.
    16. Hw lng will the wman stay in Japan?
    A. Fr a year. B. Fr a mnth. C. Fr tw years.
    17. What will the wman d befre she leaves fr Japan?
    A. Read mre Japanese nvels.
    B. Attend a language class.
    C. Apply fr a new prgram.
    Hw many news headlines are bradcast?
    A.4. B.5. C.6.
    What happened early n Saturday mrning?
    A.A Russian rcket was sent up.
    B.A tur bus slid ff a highway.
    C.Three aid wrkers were killed.
    20. Hw many peple were killed in the gas explsin?
    A.At least 4. B.Abut 30. C.Over 40.
    第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分50分)
    第一节 阅读理解(共15小题, 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
    Have yu ever experienced such an annying thing as it tk s lng t pen a web page? Yu're watching stps every few minutes, which ruined yur internet experience. But it culd be a thing f the past. On June 3, the Ministry f Industry and Infrmatin Technlgy annunced that China wuld issue licenses fr the cmmercializatin f 5G. It means majr telecm carriers will start t prvide 5G services.
    The "G" in "5G" refers t the generatin f mbile netwrk technlgies. 1G let us talk t each ther, 2G let us send messages, 3G gave us mbile data and the internet, and 4G made all f these things faster.
    Nw 5G prmises much faster data dwnlad and uplad speeds, and mre stable cnnectins. This means that yu will be able t dwnlad an entire HD mvie in secnds and nly experience a shrt delay between sending and receiving data. Fr example, when yu have a vide chant with yur friend, there is generally a 100 t 200 millisecnds (毫秒) delay with 4G, but 5G will reduce the delay t 1 millisecnd r less, which is almst real time.
    With a 5G netwrk, the shrt delay in infrmatin exchange will allw driverless cars t run mre safely, as they will be able t cmmunicate in real time and avid ptential dangers. Meanwhile, 5G enabled wearable devices will keep dctrs cnstantly updated n the health status f their patients and warn them immediately if there's smething wrng. Besides, VR games will becme mre ppular with 5G. The shrt delay f 5G will make the games feel even mre real.
    Thugh 5G will make ur lives mre cnvenient, it will nt be perfect. Fr ne thing, 5G will nt "travel" far. On 4 netwrks, yu can be 10 kilmeters away frm the nearest transmissin (传输) base and barely lse signal. But 5G will nly cver abut 300 meters, meaning we will need mre transmitters s that we can get signals. And in rder t use 5G, we will have t buy new specially, designed fr 5G that are currently expensive.
    21.What is the functin f the first paragraph?
    A.T prvide a backgrund f the tpic. B.T ffer basic knwledge f the tpic.
    C.T use an example t supprt the tpic. D.T draw readers' attentin t the tpic.
    22.Accrding t the passage, what is likely t happen t ur life with 5G?
    A.Dctrs can treat mre patients.
    B.N drivers are needed in the near future.
    C.Many advanced technlgies will be further imprved.
    D.Children will hate playing VR games in the real wrld.
    23.What can he fund when 5G is cmpared with 4G?
    A.4G cver smaller areas. B.4G needs mre transmitters.
    C.5G signals can travel farther. D.5G csts higher in early stage.
    Which f the fllwing statements is nt true?
    On 5G netwrk, the distance between transmissin bases will be lnger than n 4G netwrk.
    We can dwnlad mvies and sngs at a faster speed n 5G netwrk.
    3G enables us t talk t each ther and gives us mbile data.
    Dctrs can keep mre updated data with their patients with 5G technlgy.
    25.What is the text mainly abut?
    A.The develpment f 5G. B.Challenges that 5G will face.
    C.Benefits that peple will get frm 5G. D.The difference that 5G will make t ur lives.
    LONDON, England — Lndn, England’s famus “Big Ben” bell will be silenced fr fur lng years. The keeper f the Great Clck annunced this news Mnday. The 158-year-ld British clck will be getting sme repairs.
    Lndners were nt happy. On scial media like Twitter, many said the hurly rings f Big Ben are very imprtant. “A silent Big Ben will be super strange,” tweeted Rb, a histry student at King’s Cllege wh can hear the rings frm his rm. He called them the “sund f Lndn.”
    “It will be very sad, but it needs t be dne,” said Kirsten Hurrell. The 71-year-ld runs a busy newsstand facing the clck twer. “Quite hnestly, we live with it and half the time we dn’t hear it,” she said abut the bell. “But we will miss it when we suddenly find it’s nt there anymre.”
    A selfie (自 拍 照 )with the Great Clck n the tp f Elizabeth Twer n the Thames River is almst required. The clck twer stands at ne end f the Palace f Westminster, which hlds England’s gvernment, knwn as Parliament. It is als ne f the mst visited sites in Lndn and Big Ben is the star.
    The bell was created by the Whitechapel Bell Fundry in 1859. It was the largest at the time f its first perfrmance. In all these years, Big Ben went thrugh gd times and bad, which includes Germany’s eight-mnth bmbing f Lndn in Wrld War II.
    The hur bell has been silenced befre, thugh. Big Ben cracked after its first few weeks. The striking hammer was t heavy. Wrkers changed a lighter hammer and Big Ben rang again three years later. Experts say the crack causes the unique but imperfect sund.
    The bell was als silent during the funerals (葬礼) f Winstn Churchill and Margaret Thatcher.
    During the repair, ne side f the fur clck faces will remain visible. An electric mtr will turn the clck hands. Peple in Lndn can cntinue t set their watches t the clck.
    The clck keeper annunced the clck wuld nt be cmpletely silenced during the repairs and wuld strike the hur fr imprtant natinal events, fr example New Year’s Eve.
    What is the main idea f the text?
    A.Big Ben is the mst imprtant site in Lndn.
    B.The famus 158-year-ld clck will get repairs.
    C.Big Ben went thrugh gd times and bad times.
    D.Lndners weren’t happy abut the silence f the bell.
    27. Why were Lndners nt happy abut the news?
    A.It’ll cst a lt f mney t repair Big Ben. B.Peple will nt hear the rings any lnger.
    C.They wn’t get used t the missing f the rings. D.The rings are the mst imprtant thing in their life.
    28. Which statement describes the relatinship turists have with Big Ben?
    A.Turists visit Big Ben mre than many ther places.
    B.Turists plan n aviding Big Ben when it stps ringing.
    C.Turists t Lndn knw abut Big Ben but rarely visit it.
    D.Turists t Lndn have little knwledge abut Big Ben.
    29. Hw many times has Big Ben been silenced in histry, accrding t the text?
    A. 1 B. 2 C. 3 D. 4
    30. When will be the Big Ben ringing again?
    A. 1859 B. 2017 C.2020 D.2021
    During this shpping seasn, salesmen will cme up with different strategies t get yur business. Many prduct cmpanies use specific clrs t cause psitive emtins and cmpete fr a sale. Hwever, sight is nt the nly sensry (感官的) retail that cmpanies use. Sunds and smells can als influence cnsumers' purchasing (购买)decisins.
    Nbel Prize-winning research shws that ur sense f smell has great pwer t cause an emtinal respnse. A study published earlier this year cmpared purchasing in a French flwer shp when the smell f lavender (薰衣草) was given ff and when it wasn't. It fund that the smell increased the number f cnsumers' purchasing items and the amunt f their purchases. An earlier study using Nike shes fund that cnsumers desired the shes mre, and were willing t pay mre, when the rm had a mixed smell f flwers. Realizing the subcnscius impact f smell, many stres apply artificial scents (气味) thrugh their heating and air-cnditining vents (通风口) r place scent machines abve their drs. Fr instance, a ccnut scent might make that bikini mre appealing as yu lng fr a vacatin.
    Ever felt frenzied due t a stre's fast-paced music? Or calmed by a piece f light music? A retailer's chice f music can have a big impact n cnsumers' mds. One study fund that when subjected t lud music, cnsumers will spend less time in a stre. But interestingly, the researchers did nt find a difference in sales r custmers' satisfactin. Anther interesting finding frm a recent study was that custmers actually shp lnger when expsed t unfamiliar music. Just as department stres use different scents in certain departments, many use different music in sme areas t appeal t varying cnsumers.
    Well, yu culd always leave the stre and take a break, but the fd curt prbably isn't yur best chices as brands like Cinnabn and Panera Bread als use scents as part f their custmers' experience. Online retailers (零售商) use a variety f ther strategies t get yur business, but yu can always neglect thse and enjy the familiar scents f hme.
    The passage is mainly abut ________.
    A. cnsumers' favrite sunds and smells while shpping
    B. shpping malls' strategies fr satisfying cnsumers
    C. sme special services frm super shpping malls
    D. tw factrs affecting cnsumers' shpping decisins
    32. What can be inferred frm Paragraph 2?
    A. Decrating stres with flwers becmes a fashin.
    B. Shps with special smells can attract mre cnsumers.
    C. Smells can actually help businessmen gain mre prfits.
    D. The prducts with a kind f special smell are mre ppular.
    33. Hw des music have an effect n cnsumers?
    A. It cntrls cnsumers' desire fr shpping.
    B. It influences hw lng cnsumers stay in a shp.
    C. It gives cnsumers the satisfactin f enjying shpping.
    D. Whether cnsumers are willing t buy things depends n it.
    34. Which f the fllwing can replace the underlined wrd “frenzied” in Paragraph 3?
    A. Satisfied. B. Depressed. C. Surprised. D. Excited.
    35. What des the writer try t express in the last paragraph?
    A. Online shpping is becming mre and mre ppular nwadays.
    B. Peple shuld spend mre time at hme with family members.
    C. Peple can chse t get rid f salesmen's prmtin strategies.
    D. Smells and sunds are imprtant fr cnsumers' shpping experience.
    A study plan is an effective way t help yu get thrugh yur cllege educatin in an rganized way. Each student will develp a different study plan. ____36_____ When creating yur persnalized (个性化的) study plan, yu will need t d sme self-evaluatin f yur current schedule and time management. Fllw the step-by-step instructins belw will help yu.
    Create a time chart f yur current activities.
    Creating a time chart will allw yu t see hw yu spend yur time frm day t day. Fr a ne-week perid, take ntes abut yur daily activities. Recrd things like when yu are at wrk, schl, r hme with family. ____37_____.
    Develp a schedule.
    Nw that yu have determined available days and times fr studying, make a mark in yur calendar. Use detailed ntes t blck ut (概略画出) times n yur calendar s that yu are reminded every time yu lk at it. ____38_____Seeing it written dwn can make it seem mre imprtant, like a dctr's appintment yu can't miss.
    Determine yur study gals.
    At the beginning f each week, determine why yu need t study and what yu plan t accmplish in each class. D yu want t raise yur average in a particular class in rder t maintain a certain GPA (平均分)? ____39_____ Fr example, if yu are studying fr an imprtant mid-term exam, change yur study plan tw weeks befre the test t include reviews f ld tests and ntes in yur sessins (课程).
    A study plan wrks best if it is fllwed n a cnsistent (一致的) basis. Yu shuld try t develp a study plan that yu can fllw fr the length f each term f cllege. Since mst students enrll in different classes each term, yu will have t reevaluate yur plan and fine- tune it each term.
    A. Stick t yur schedule.
    B. Even nte when yu eat and sleep.
    C. Are yu preparing fr a big exam?
    D. There is n crrect study plan fr everyne.
    E. It is best t have a schedule written dwn s yu wn't frget.
    F. S be sure t analyze what yu plan t get ut f each study sessin.
    G. Hwever, it is helpful t write dwn which subject yu plan t study.
    It was a Saturday, and the sun was scrching (灼热的). I___41___up and dwn the bus stp anxiusly and impatiently, waiting fr the bus t g t my English class.
    "Excuse me, what time is it?” said a vice in my ear. When I lked back ver my___42___ , I was greeted by a ragged (衣衫褴褛的) man wh lked like a migrant peasant wrker. He was almst the same age as my elder brther, but his hair was___43___and his wrking clthes were___44___ and ld. A terrible smell made me take tw steps back ___45___him. Disgusted and puzzled, I gave him a blank ___46___and answered his questin unwillingly.
    "Thank yu! I'm just afraid f being late fr wrk," he ___47___in a whisper, giving a nervus giggle (咯咯笑). I remained silent, ndding my head ___48___.
    The bus finally reached the stp, and I___49___ the bus. I reached int my___50___,and t my surprise, it was cmpletely empty! I was s embarrassed that I just___51___, my face___52___shame. At that mment, a dark-clred arm reached ut and put tw cins int the cin bx. "The mney is fr bth f us!" a familiar ___53___ rang in my ear. I raised my head and realized it was him!
    My previus behavir ___54___my mind, making me dizzy. "Thank yu," I murmured, regretful and ___55___.On hearing my wrds, he smiled, revealing his perfect white teeth. “Yu are welcme! Yu helped me, t.”
    I was tuched, ___56___the nly thing I culd d was lk steadily at his___57___.I nticed the calluses (老茧) and ___58___n them, which tld the stry f his struggles and hardships as a___59___. Althugh his hard wrk will ruin his ___60___, it'll never ruin his warm heart and kind sul.
    41. A. jumpedB. racedC. flewD. walked
    42. A. shulderB. busC. carD. brain
    43. A. messyB. straightC. blackD. lse
    44. A. fashinableB. uniqueC. trnD. tidy
    45. A. frB. frmC. twardD. with
    46. A. stareB. agreementC. guideD. understanding
    47. A. rderedB. suggestedC. cmplainedD. explained
    48. A. determinedlyB. slightlyC. vilentlyD. excitedly
    49. A. stppedB. directedC. bardedD. recgnized
    50. A. bttleB. drawerC. chairD. pcket
    51. A. regrettedB. frzeC. liedD. smiled
    52. A. burning withB. taking upC. ging frD. running int
    53. A. sngB. laughterC. viceD. shut
    54. A. held upB. wre utC. lked intD. passed thrugh
    55. A. appreciativeB. generusC. carelessD. respnsible
    56. A. ifB. thughC. butD. r
    57. A. armsB. eyesC. legsD. hands
    58. A. pwerB. strengthC. rughnessD. thickness
    59. A. leaderB. wrkerC. custmerD. beggar
    60. A. characterB. appearanceC. trustD. life
    第二节 短文语法填空 (共 10 小题;每小题 1.5 分,满分 15 分)
    阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。
    I like barding schl because nt nly can I learn t be (61)________ (dependent) by arranging my study and campus life n my wn, but I will als becme mentally mature mre (62)________(quick) by getting alng with my rmmates and peers.
    One day, my rmmates Lisa and Andrea said t me, “Yu knw, Mary, the nly reasn Sarah starts n the basketball team is(63) ________ the cach likes her.”(64)________ hearing this, Sarah’s heart sank. She did nt attack them back. Instead, she tld them the (65)________ (true) directly and that they had hurt her. Lisa felt (66)________ (shame) fr spreading rumur and Andrea was speechless. It was Sarah’s prper (67)________ (behave) that prevented her frm being harmed,(68)________ might therwise turn int a drm cnflict. They bth (69)________ (aplgize) t Sarah and they became friends again. Frm the stry, I firmly believe that nly with wisdm, tlerance and a gd sense, will we effectively avid cnflicts with peers and thus create a peaceful and (70) ________ (value) relatinship in schl.
    第三节 用所给词的适当形式填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
    71.Generatins f excellent scientists have made great a___________ in human histry in spite f hardship and difficulties.
    72. When we fcus n ur s___________ rather than weaknesses, we will be better able t rise up t upcming challenges.
    73.She is very f____________ with everything abut this city because this is the place where she was brn.
    74.They hld a meeting n whether t adpt a different a___________ t dealing with the prblem.
    75.These sldier have received special training s that they can a___________ t any difficult cnditins.
    76. Skipping meals _____________(频繁地)will d great harm t yur health because yu are nt prvided with the nutritin yu need.
    77. The judges highly ____________(推荐)this film since it was ne f best wrks featuring racial equality in recent years.
    78. The student has many psitive ____________(个性)that make him very ppular at schl.
    79. Zhng Nanshan was ______________(授予)the Medal f the Republic fr his utstanding cntributin t China’s medical cause.
    80. It is ____________(典型的)f Trump t bast abut what he has achieved in the past fur years while ignring the currrent epidemic that is killing millins f Americans.
    第四节 根据要求翻译句子(共5题;每小题2分,满分10分)
    81.这一措施短期内可能不会有明显的的效果,但长远来看会有积极的结果。(in the shrt/lng term)
    82.除了一些基本的事实外,你还需要了解历史背后的原因。(in additin t)
    老师们非常重视提升学生的适应新环境的能力。(, adapt t)
    第四部分 书面表达(满分15分)
    1.词数 100 左右;
    高一英语试卷 答案 2021.1
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1-5 CABAC6-10 CCCBC11-15 BACBB 16-20 ABBAC
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    21-25 DCDAD26-30 BCACD 31-35 DCBDC
    第二节 七选五(共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    36-40 DBECA
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共四节,满分55分)
    41-45 DAACB 46-50 ADBCD 51-55 BACDA 56-60 CDCBB
    61. independent 62. quickly63. that64. On 65. truth
    66. ashamed 67. behaviur68. which69. aplgized70. valuable
    71. achievements 72. strengths73. familiar 74. apprach 75. adapt
    76. frequently 77. recmmend 78. persnalities 79. awarded 80. typical
    81. The measure may nt have a clear/bvius effect in the shrt term, but will/shuld have psitive results in the lng term.
    82. In additin t sme basic facts, yu shuld als knw the reasns/causes behind the histry.
    83. He is regarded as ne f the mst successful writers in the wrld.
    84. Teachers attach great imprtance t imprving students’ ability t adapt t the new envirnment.
    85. Despite ptential risks, dctrs and nurses tried their best t save the lives f patients.
    第四部分 书面表达(满分15分)
    One pssible versin:
    “Stay at hme and watch TV r g t the cinema and watch mvies?”This is a ht tpic discussed recently in my class. There are mainly tw different pinins.
    Sme are in favur f watching TV. While watching TV, we stay with ur family, which is a gd way f entertainment t enhance ur family cnnectin. What’s mre, channels can be flexibly selected. We can enjy urselves accrding t ur wn taste.
    But at present, the quality f TV prgrammemes varies frm gd t bad. Besides, many TV series take t much time. S sme prefer t g t the cinema, because mvies are ften prduced with higher standards, and gd mvies have a great impact n peple.

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    2022-2023学年江苏省无锡市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含解析): 这是一份2022-2023学年江苏省无锡市高一(下)期末英语试卷(含解析),共26页。试卷主要包含了阅读理解,阅读七选五,完形填空,单句语法填空,语法填空,句子翻译,书面表达等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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