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    Thanks t artificial intelligence, educatin is mre accessible and efficient than ever. T give yu an verview f the industry, we rund up sme AI technlgy applied in educatin.
    Duling prvides listening, reading and speaking exercises in dzens f glbal languages, all the while prviding aspects f gamificatin t keep users cming back. By applying AI, Duling’s lessns are paced and leveled specifically fr each student accrding t their perfrmance. It als uses data and machine learning t make curse imprvements, taking int cnsideratin the differences f varius languages.
    Amira Learning
    Amira Learning is a virtual learning applicatin created t accelerate yung students’ reading cmprehensin. Using AI technlgy Amira has students read stries alud and can assess ral reading fluency as well as identify areas fr imprvement. Fr teachers and parents, Amira als prvides services such as student prgress reprts and dyslexia (阅读障碍) risk screening.
    Blippar’s prducts cmbine cmputer visin intelligence technlgy and augmented reality t enhance the way students learn in the classrm. The interactive materials bring subjects like gegraphy, bilgy and physics t a visual space. Fr example, instead f reading abut a vlcanic eruptin, the system shws students a virtual 3D mdel f the eruptin prcess.
    Nuance makes speech-t-text sftware used by students and faculty t transcribe (转成) up t 160 wrds per minute. The technlgy is especially helpful fr students wh struggle with writing r have limited mbility. It als enhances spelling ability and wrd identificatin. Instructrs use the sftware t dictate lectures fr later use r quicken repetitive tasks like dcument and email creatin.
    1.Which platfrm uses gamificatin t engage users in language learning?
    A. Amira Learning.B. Blippar.
    C. Nuance.D. Duling.
    2.What is the primary fcus f Amira Learning?
    A. Speech-t-text sftware.
    B. Reading cmprehensin.
    C. Cmputer visin intelligence technlgy.
    D. Persnalized language learning with gamificatin.
    3.What d Blippar and Nuance have in cmmn?
    A. They fcus n language learning.
    B. They specialize in science subjects.
    C. They use technlgy t aid learning.
    D. They ffer cmputer prgramming curses.
    We went deep int the earth thrugh dark, narrw caves. When I gt used t the light, I std amazed.
    A vast lake r even an cean, spread far beynd where the eye culd see. The shre was lined with shining sand, being sftly lapped by waves. It was cvered with small shells nce inhabited by the first living beings. Arund this sea std a huge rck wall being wrn away by the endless actin f the waves.
    I culd see far ver this great sea because it was being lit up by a strange light. Nt sunlight, f curse, as we were deep belw the surface. Under the “sky”, if it culd be called s, being made f rck, were als vast cluds. The light gave n heat, s the place felt rather glmy (幽暗的). We were shut up inside a vast cave which must have been several miles high.
    My imaginatin was pwerless befre such wnders. I felt like I was n sme distant planet, and was bth amazed and rather scared. Hwever, I was energetic by the breezy salty air supplying mre xygen t my lungs. After many days in much narrwer spaces, it was a great relief.
    We began t walk fllwing the shre. Sn in frnt f us appeared a tall, dense frest, cmpsed f trees frmed like umbrellas. “Mushrms!” said my uncle. And he was right! There were mushrms in their thusands, and each at least thirty feet high.
    “Nw lk under yur feet!” cried my uncle and I nticed many bnes being crushed under ur feet as we walked. Might sme mnsters still ram (漫步) thrugh these glmy frests? I anxiusly surveyed the landscape, but we were the nly living creatures here. Thankfully!
    Eventually we returned t the cave we had entered frm, and I fell asleep with strange thughts.
    — Jurney t the centre f the earth
    4.What des the underlined wrd “lapped” in Paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Caught in.B. Sught fr.C. Sheltered frm.D. Beaten against.
    5.Which wrds can best describe the scene in the authr’s eyes?
    A. Huge, strange and amazing.B. Sunny, windy and wnderful.
    C. Salty, narrw and cmfrting.D. Cludy, glmy and embarrassing.
    6.What was fund n the shre?
    A. A high and thick frest cmpsed f tree-shaped umbrellas.
    B. Lts f bnes belnging t mnsters that might have disappeared.
    C. Thusands f mushrms measuring n mre than thirty feet high.
    D. A cuple f raming creatures living in the glmy and distant planet.
    7.What can be inferred frm the text?
    A. The authr kept awake in the cave they had entered frm.
    B. The authr thught it strange that he fell asleep in such a cave.
    C. The authr enjyed the experience thugh he felt scared smetimes.
    D. The authr encuntered with a mnster befre he returned t the cave.
    Humans wrk hard t avid viruses. Sick peple are islated, diseased animals are killed and fields f infected crps are fired up. Reviving (复活) an ancient virus wuld surely be a disaster.
    But a new study led by Fiddamanfrm Oxfrd, challenges this cnventinal wisdm. It shws hw the revival f an ancient virus can unlck the secrets f its evlutin.
    The virus in the study is Marek’s disease virus(MDV), killing mre than 90% f chickens. Yet when it was discvered in 1907, MDV rarely caused death.
    Dr Fiddaman wndered whether its new-fund virulence (毒性) was a result f large structural changes. T find ut, he and his clleagues gt their hands n nearly 1,000 chicken bnes frm ancient times acrss Eurpe and Asia, sme f them up t 2000 years ld. Sectins f DNA frm these remains were mapped nt the nes f tday’s virus.
    As the authrs pieced tgether the sets f genes f ancient MDV, hwever, they nticed that the genes were arranged identically t thse in mdern species. It suggests that the increased virulence resulted nt frm large structural changes, but frm pint mutatins (突变). In particular, changes had ccurred in the arrangement f a gene called MEQ, which has an essential rle in tumur (肿瘤) frmatin.
    This discvery suggests that the ancient MDV may nt have been able t cause tumurs. T test this assumptin, Dr Fiddaman fllwed up with a daring experiment. He made the ancient frm f the MEQ gene and sht it int living chicken cells. It did nt turn n any f the genes assciated with tumur frmatin. In cmparisn, a mdern MEQ gene quickly shwed its tendency t cause tumurs.
    By cmbining ancient and mdern genetic bilgy, the methds pineered in the paper reveal hw, and mre imprtantly why, any virus mutates. That culd help scientists tackle ther viruses that pull n the purse-strings f farmers—by designing new vaccines (疫苗), fr instance—r even t wrk ut hw t prevent anther glbal pandemic.
    8.What des the underlined phrase “were mapped nt” mean in paragraph 4?
    A. were restricted tB. were ppsed t
    C. were cmpared withD. were filled with
    9.What caused the virulence change f MDV?
    A. Pint mutatins in MEQ.B. The ccurrence f a new gene.
    C. The reprductin f the ancient MDV.D. Large structural changes in mdern species.
    10.Hw did Dr Fiddaman test the assumptin?
    A. By investigating a typical case.B. By cnducting a field survey.
    C. By studying the related theries .D. By ding a cmparative experiment.
    11.What can we infer frm the last paragraph?
    A. Viruses weaken gradually when they mutate.
    B. The finding thrws light n handling ther viruses.
    C. A glbal pandemic requires a wrld effrt t end it.
    D. Farmers will face mre cmplex challenges than befre.
    In the summer f 2021, an unseasnal event tk place. Mre than 100 miles f Flrida’s cast arund Tampa Bay became an xygen-depleted (缺氧的) zne cntaining dead fish alng the nearby shreline.
    Much f the cnversatin arund ur climate crisis highlights the emissin f greenhuse gases and their effect n warming, sea-level rise and cean acidificatin (海洋酸化). We hear little abut the effect f climate change n xygen levels, particularly in ceans and lakes. But water withut adequate xygen cannt supprt life. Fr the three billin peple wh depend n castal fisheries fr incme, declining cean xygen levels are devastating.
    As cean and atmspheric scientists fcus n climate, we believe that ceanic xygen levels are the next big victim f glbal warming. T stp the situatin frm wrsening, we need t expand ur attentin t include the dangerus state f ceanic xygen levels — the life-supprt system f ur planet. We need t accelerate cean-based climate slutins that bst xygen. Examples include nature-based slutins such as thse discussed at the 2021 United Natins Climate Change Cnference (COP26) held in Glasgw.
    Enhanced mnitring f xygen and the establishment f an xygen-accunting system are a must. Putting xygen int the climate stry mtivates us t d the wrk t understand the deep systemic changes happening in ur cmplex atmspheric and ceanic systems. We celebrated the return f humpback whales in recent years t an increasingly clean New Yrk Harbr and Hudsn River. Hwever, dead fish blcked the Hudsn in the summer as warmer waters carried less xygen.
    Ecsystem changes cnnected t physical and chemical system-level data may pint the way t new appraches t climate slutins. It includes an enhanced understanding f the life-supprt system f ur planet. Rughly 40 percent f the wrld’s peple depend n the cean fr their livelihds. If we d nt save marine life frm xygen starvatin, we starve urselves.
    12.What is the result f less cean xygen accrding t the text?
    A. A rise in the castal fisheries.B. The warming f the atmsphere.
    C. The emissin f greenhuse gases.D. An increase in deaths f sea animals.
    13.What can we infer frm Paragraph 3?
    A. Attentin t ceans is necessary.B. Glbal warming effects are serius.
    C. Oceanic xygen levels are dangerus.D. Ways t bst ceanic xygen are urgent.
    14.Why des the authr mentin humpback whales in Paragraph 4?
    A. T bring in an xygen-accunting system in climate.
    B. T explain the urgency f xygen levels in atmsphere.
    C. T call fr mre attentin t xygen starvatin in waters.
    D. T shw the achievements in reducing air pllutin.
    15.Which f the fllwing can be the best title fr the text?
    A. Save Marine Life.B. Make Oceans Safe.
    C. Let Oceans Breathe.D. Keep Marine System.
    16.Hw similar are language and music?
    Language is part f ur daily lives, n matter where we live in the wrld. ① Bth language and music play a huge rle in ur culture and here are sme f their similarities.
    Bth language and music have a writing system.
    In English we recrd language using the alphabet, which is a cllectin f letters. Similarly, we use ntes (音符) t keep a recrd f music. Musicians read ntes and create meaning in the frm f music. ② By writing pieces f text r music, we are able t share experiences thrugh time. We can read the ideas r hear the cmpsitin (作品) f smene wh lived hundreds f years ag.

    Yu can make a gd guess at where smene is frm by listening t the language he uses. In the same way, we knw that styles f music are different arund the wrld, giving us the pprtunity t explre many different cultures thrugh their music and prviding us with music fr every situatin.
    Bth share emtin.
    ④ Of curse yu may be able t see it in my face, but yu will knw fr sure thrugh my wrds. Similarly, music can sund angry, sad r happy. Music can shw yu exactly hw the cmpser was r is feeling, and allws us t share that emtin. When yu feel happy, yu might want t sing and dance t a happy sng t celebrate yur happiness. ⑤ I think we have all used music t express r prcess ur emtins, ften cmbining it with language in the frm f sng lyrics (歌词).
    A. Bth are expressive.
    B. Similarly, music is part f many peple's lives.
    C. S just as yu read English, yu can read music.
    D. We use language t express ur thughts.
    E. In cntrast, yu prbably als listen t sad music when yu are feeling dwn.
    F. Hw d yu knw that I am angry?
    G. Bth vary with culture.
    Lee Chng Wei, the 38-year-ld Malaysian badmintn legend, praised Lin Dan as the greatest badmintn player ever in a recent Facebk Live Sessin (实况转播) n April 16. When he was 1 “wh is the greatest badmintn player f all time ” by Malaysia’s frmer Deputy Sprts Minister Steven Sim during a recent Facebk Live sessin, Lee 2 , “Yu have t say it’s Lin Dan. He’s a legend. His 3 speak fr themselves. We have t shw ur admiratin fr him.”
    Lin Dan was brn in Lngyan, Fuijian n Octber 14, 1983. He began t play badmintn at the age f five. He entered the 4 schl f Fujian in 1992 and jined the 5 team in 2000 t play badmintn fr China. Li Chng Wei was brn in Malaysia n Octber 21,1982, the 6 f whse ancestrs (祖先) is Fujian.
    The tw badmintn titans (巨人) treat each ther as pwerful rivals (对手) n the curt, but are 7 ff the curt. They met in 2000 and 8 each ther fr the first time in the Thmas Cup Badmintn Asia Preliminaries in 2004.Between their 40 matches frm 2004 t2018,Lin has walked away triumphant (胜利的) 28 times, 9 Lee beat the difficulties and 10 12 times.
    Thrughut the years, fans have 11 their friendly pst—match hugs. Their mutual (互相的) encuragement has been an inspiratinal 12 f sprtsmanship. 13 that, Lee even attended Lin’s wedding in 2012.
    The tw-decade lng friendship has been such a 14 example f crss—cultural exchange that Lee was even 15 with the China—Malaysia Star f Friendship award.
    17.A. askedB. tldC. warnedD. reminded
    18.A. cncludedB. questinedC. whisperedD. replied
    19.A. titlesB. clthesC. stylesD. habits
    20.A. artB. turismC. businessD. sprts
    21.A. urbanB. suburbanC. natinalD. lcal
    22.A. grassB. landC. brderD. center
    23.A. cachesB. playmatesC. friendsD. neighbrs
    24.A. lked afterB. std frC. tk nD. cmpeted against
    25.A. befreB. afterC. untilD. while
    26.A. wnB. ranC. failedD. tried
    27.A. intrducedB. explainedC. witnessedD. described
    28.A. requestB. symblC. planD. law
    29.A. In place fB. Except frC. In case fD. In additin t
    30.A. remarkableB. simpleC. strangeD. crrect
    31.A. impressedB. armedC. hnredD. supplied
    32.Shrt-frm vides, which gained ppularity n the Chinese platfrm Duyin, have given rise t a new trend in entertainment: ultra-shrt (超短) dramas. ① (tailr) t ur fast-paced lifestyles, ultra-shrt dramas are far mre likely t attract peple t try them ut than traditinal televisin series. In the past, cmmitting ② a shw meant investing upwards f 40 minutes, but with ultra-shrt dramas, nly a few minutes is enugh fr ③ taste.
    Despite the initial success f ultra-shrt dramas, Chinese authrities ④ (tighten) regulatins and intensifying mnitring n them. Currently, mst f these ultra-shrt dramas revlve arund clichéd (陈词滥调的) rmantic plts, ften ⑤ (feature) a wealthy individual getting tgether with a pr persn. This narrative trend bears the ptential ⑥ (shape) yung minds’ perceptins f reality and their appraches t real-life challenges.
    What’s equally cncerning is ⑦ ultra-shrt dramas are designed t catch the viewers’ attentin with bite-sized runtimes. In a wrld dminated by smartphnes, ⑧ attentin spans are already declining, frequent ⑨ (expse) t ultra-shrt vides can nly wrsen the issue.
    It’s natural fr us t seek entertainment. But it’s als wrth pausing t cnsider the cnsequences ⑩ diving int ultra-shrt dramas.
    33.假如你是李华,你市电视台正面向留学生开展主题为“Feel f China”的短视频(shrt vide)征集活动。请给你的留学生朋友Chris写一封邮件,鼓励他参加,内容包括:
    Dear Chris,
    Hw are yu ding?
    Li Hua
    34.Every Octber, my neighbr Ollie and I wuld enter the Hallween cstume cntest (服装比赛) in ur neighbrhd park.And each year the theme was different, such as “Superheres” r “Far m Animals”.But this year’s theme was nt s specific.It was just “Be Creative”.
    Walking hme alng the rad lined with tall trees, the tw f us had a heated discussin abut what “Be Creative” meant.We lked back n the themes we had really enjyed.Fr “Superheres”, we made cstumes f Super-Frce Flying Eagle.And fr “Farm Animals”, we were dressed as a cw and a hrse.Ollie even put a pair f wings fr the hrse, saying that he’d lve t see a “flying hrse” eating grass with a cw n the farm.
    “Nw that’s the creative spirit we need fr this challenge!” I said.“Maybe, since we dn’t knw exactly what we want t be yet, we shuld start by chsing sme cl cstume-making materials.”
    Just at that mment, a falling glden leaf happened t have landed n Ollie’s shulder.“I’ve gt it!” Ollie said jyfully, picking up sme fallen leaves frm the grund.“We can make cstumes ut f leaves and pretend t be trees.I can ensure, n ne will be a tree as great as me.”
    “Oh, that’s wnderful!” I said.“I like yur creative idea and I have just gt a perfect way t be anther tree.”
    We filled up tw bags with different kinds f leaves: Ollie’s grandma, Abuela, an experienced tailr (裁缝), helped us with tns f excellent cstume-making supplies and we started t wrk.When we were dne, we each tried n the self-designed cstumes and they were really wnderful.On the mrning f the cntest, we gt up early and spent hurs making preparatins.We arrived at the park early and waited fr ur turn nervusly and eagerly.
    The big time came fr us t g nt the stage.
    35.She was s __________ (启发) by the peple she met nline that she decided t start an IT club t teach lder peple hw t use cmputers and the Internet. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    36.Almst everywhere yu g in the UK, yu will be surrunded by __________ (证据) f fur different grups f peple wh tk ver at different times thrughut histry. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    37.T ur surprise sme treasures ___________ (属于) t China shuld be shwn in British Museum. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    38.It’s a mdern hspital with all its __________ (设备) f high quality. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    39.I ______ (绝对地,完全地) enjyed the archery, t, but the hrse races were my favurite part. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    40.Kevin ______ (抱怨) that the fd was terrible. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    41.The incident sparked ff a whle __________ (系列) f events that nbdy had freseen. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    42.I have a heated _________ (争论;争吵) with my friend. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    43.He has been _____________ (监测) the plluted river. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    44.Sme traditinal custms shuld be ________ (维持,保持) ther than admire freign festivals blindly. (根据汉语提示单词拼写)
    解析:细节理解题。根据Duling段落的第一句“Duling prvides listening, reading and Speaking exercises in dzens f glbal languages. All the while prviding aspects f gamificatin t keep users cming back.”可知Duling提供数一种全球语言的听力、阅读和口语练习,同时提供游戏化元素,以吸引用户回来,故选D项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Amira Learning段落的第一“Amira Learning is a virtual learning applicatin created t accelerate yung students reading cmprehensin.”可知Amira Learning关注的重点是阅读理解,故选B项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据Blippar段落的第一句“Blippar's prducts cmbine cmputer visin
    intelligence technlgy and augmented reality t enhance the way students learn in the classrm.”可知 Blippar利用计算机视觉智能技术和增强现实技术来改善课堂学习。根据Nuance段落的第一句“Nuance makes speech-t-text sftware used by students and faculty t transcribe(转成) up t 160 wrds per minute.”可知Nuance提供语音转文字软件来帮助学生和教职工学习。Blippar和Nuance都使用技术来提高学习故选C项。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段第一句“A vast lake r even an cean, spread far beynd where the eye culd see.”可知,(洞里有)一眼望不到边的湖水;第三段第三句“Under the 'sky’,if it culd be called s, being made f rck,were als vast cluds.”可知,(洞顶)漂浮着巨大的云朵,所以说空间巨大。根据第四段第_句“I felt like I was n sme distant planet, and was bth amazed and rather scared.(我感觉我在某个遥远的星球上,我感觉既惊喜又害怕)”可知,所以陌生又令人惊喜。
    解析:细节理解题。根据第五段第二句“Sn in frnt f us appeared a tall, dense frest, cmpsed f tree frmed like umbrellas."可知,作者发现了一片伞状的树,而不是树的伞,所以A错。根据第五段最后一句"There were mushrms in their thusands, and each at least thirty feet high,”可知,这些蘑菇至少30英尺高而不是不高于30英尺,所以C错。根据第六段内容,作者发现了脚下野兽的骨头,但是并没有活着的生物,所以B对,D错。
    解析:推理判断题。纵观全文,叔侄俩通过一个狭窄、黑暗的洞下降到地心,发现一望无际的水域、巨型蘑菇林、野兽残骸等,然后返回洞中休息,其过程既惊悚刺激,又兴奋新奇。又根据第四段前两句“My imaginatin was pwerless befre such wnders. I felt like I was n sme distant planet, and was bth amazed and rather scared.”可知,作者认为眼前的奇迹超出想象,既惊喜又害怕,所以C项符合题意
    解析:细节理解题。根据第二段中“In the summer f 202l, an unseasnal event tk place Mre than 100 miles f Flrida's cast arund Tampa Bay became an xygen-depleted (缺氧的)zne cntaining dead fish alng the nearby shreline.(2021年夏天,发生了一件非季节性事件佛罗里达州坦帕湾周围100多英里的海岸线变成了一个缺氧区,附近的海岸线上有死鱼。)可知,海洋氧气减少会导致海洋生物死亡数量的增加。故选D项。
    解析:推理判断题,根据第三段中“As cean and atmspheric scientists fcus n climate, we believe that ceanic xygen levels are the next big victim f glbal warming. T stp the situatin frm wrsening. we need t expand ur attentin t include the dangerus state f ceanic xygen levels -the life-supprt system f ur planet. We need t accelerate cean-based climate slutins that bst xygen.(随着海洋和大气科学家关注气候,我们相信海洋氧气水平是全球变暖的下一个大受害者。为了阻止情况恶化,我们需要扩大我们的注意力,包括海洋氧气水平的危险状态--我们星球的生命维持系统。我们需要加快以海洋为基础的增加氧气的气候解决方案)”可知,研究提高海洋氧气含量的解决方案迫在眉睫。故选D项
    解析:推理判断题。根据第四段中“We celebrated the return f humpback whales in recent years t an increasingly clean New Yrk Harbr and Hudsn River, Hwever, dead fish blcked the Hudsn in the summer as warmer waters carried less xygen.(近年来,我们庆祝座头鲸回归日益清洁的纽约港和哈德逊河。然而,在夏季,由于温暖的海水携带的氧气较少,死鱼阻塞了哈德逊河)”可知,文中先介绍哈德逊河座头鲸的回归,再指出由于水中氧气含量的减少,大量的死鱼阻塞了哈德逊河。作者暗示虽然座头鲸回归,但也可能因为水中氧气含量的不足而死亡作者借此呼吁人们更多关注水中缺氧问题。故选C项
    解析:主旨大意题。通读全文,结合第一段中“But water withut adequate xygen cannt supprt life. Fr the three billin peple wh depend n castal fisheries fr incme, declining cean xygen levels are devastating. (但是没有足够氧气的水是无法维持生命的。对于依靠沿海渔业获取收入的 30亿人来说,海洋含氧量的下降是毁灭性的)”、第三段中“we need t expand ur attentin t include the dangerus state f ceanic xygen levels — the life-supprt system f ur planet. We need t accelerate cean-based climate slutins that bst xygen. Examples include nature-based slutins such as thse discussed at the 2021 United Natins Climate Change Cnference (COP26) held in Glasgw.我们需要加快以海洋为基础的增加氧气的气候解决方案。例如,在格拉斯哥举行的2021年联合国气候变化大会(COP26)上讨论的基于自然的解决方案)”和最后一段中“If we d nt save marine life frm xygen starvatin, we starve urselves.(如果我们不把海洋生物从缺中拯救出来,我们就会饿死自己)”可推知,文章介绍了海洋氧气含量的不足会导致大量海洋生物的死亡,并呼吁人们采取措施,故“Let Oceans Breathe(让海洋呼吸)”是文章最佳标题故选C项。
    解析:①B联系下文题。根据后文Bth language and music play a huge rle in ur culture and here are sme f their similarities.(可知语言和音乐在我们的文化中扮演着重要的角色,下文介绍了一些相似之处。)
    ②C理解判断题。根据前文Musicians read ntes and create meaning in the frm f music(音乐家以音乐的形式阅读笔记和创造意义。)
    ③G标题归纳题。根据后文Yu can make a gd guess at where smene is frm by listening t the language he uses. In the same way, we knw that styles f music are different arund the wrld, giving us the pprtunity t explre many different cultures thrugh their music and prviding us with music fr every situatin. (你可以通过听他们使用的语言来猜测某人来自哪里。同样,我们知道世界各地的音乐风格不同,这让我们有机会通过他们的音乐探索各种不同的文化,并为我们提供各种情况下的音
    ④F联系下文题。根据后文Of curse yu may be able t see it in my face, but yu will knaw fr sure thrugh my wrds. Similarly, music can sund angry, sad r happy.(当然,你或许可以从我的脸色看出,但从我的话语中你肯定可以得知。同样,音乐中也可以听出生气、悲伤或是快乐。)
    ⑤E语境衔接题。根据前文When yu feel happy, yu might want t sing and dance t a happy sng t celebrate yur happiness.(当你感到快乐的时候,你可能想唱一首快乐的歌来庆祝你的幸福。)
    32.答案:①Tailred②t③a④are tightening⑤featuring⑥t shape⑦that⑧where⑨expsure⑩befre##f
    Dear Chris,
    Hw are yu ding? T help freign students embrace culture, ur city TV statin is rganizing a shrt vide slicitatin activity themed “Feel f China”. I think yu shuld sign up fr it.
    All freign students are welcme t share the unexpected adventures r amazing mments dcumented in China thrugh the lens within 5 minutes. It set n limits n tpics r styles, allwing participants t have free
    access t whatever they find fascinating and impressive abut China. The deadline fr the submissin is March 24th, 2024.
    Lking frward t seeing yur vide n TV.
    Li Hua
    The big time came fr us t g nt the stage. With butterflies in ur stmachs, we walked twards the center f the stage. The audience gave us encuraging applause, which made us calm dwn. We tk a deep breath and began ur perfrmance. Mving gracefully like tw real trees, we swung and bent in harmny with each ther. Our funny interactin made the audience burst int laughter. S creative were ur cstumes that we left a deep impressin n everyne present. Secnds after ur perfrmance, all the audience rse with thunderus cheers. We wn the first place fr ur creativity. We laughed heartily. This impressive cntest wuld stick in ur memries.
    “完全地”表达为副词 abslutely或cmpletely 或 entirely 或 ttally,作状语。故填 abslutely / cmpletely / entirely / ttally.
    解析:考查名词。句意:这一事件引发了一系列谁也没有预见到的事件。根据提示的汉语,表示“系列”应为series,a series f意为“一些列的”修饰名词events。故填series。
    解析:考查动词时态。句意:他一直在监测那条被污染的河流。设空处为谓语动词,和前面的has been构成现在完成进行时,根据汉语提示,故填mnitring
    解析:考查被动语态。句意:一些传统习俗应该保持,而不是盲目地崇拜外国节日。根据汉语提示“维持,保持”可知,此处为动词maintain,custms和maintain为被动关系,需用被动语态,已有“shuld be”,空处需填过去分词。故填maintained。

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