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    人教版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修1UNIT3 FASCINATING PARKS课件

    这是一份人教版高考英语一轮复习选择性必修1UNIT3 FASCINATING PARKS课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了研考点 核心突破,目录索引 ,强基础 语基自测,测效果 课堂评价,练续写 锤炼技能,ban,accompany,sneeze,stretch,fountain等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    一、核心单词1.       vt.明令禁止;取缔 n.禁令2.       vt.陪同;陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏 3.       vi.打喷嚏 n.喷嚏;喷嚏声 4.       vi.延伸;延续 vi.& vt.伸展;舒展 5.       n.喷泉;人工喷泉;喷水池 6.       adj.有特定主题的 n.主题;主题思想7.       adj.极好的;极大的;难以置信的 
    8.       n.游荡;闲逛;流浪 vt.& vi.闲逛;漫游 vi.走失;离散;走神9.       vt.& vi.(      ,      )(使)摆动;摇摆;转弯;(使)突然转向 10.       n.蒸汽;水蒸气;蒸汽动力 vi.蒸发;散发蒸汽;冒水汽 11.       adj.壮丽的;雄伟的;极佳的;非常好的 12.       n.展览;陈列;展览品 vt.显示;陈列 13.       n.食欲;胃口;强烈欲望
    二、派生单词1.       adj.看得见的;可见的→       adj.看不见的→    n.视力;视觉 2.       vt.采用;采取;采纳 vt.& vi.领养→       adj.收养的;领养的→       n.收养;采用 3.       vt.祝福→       n.幸事;祝福 4.       n.禁止;阻止;禁令→       vt.(尤指以法令)禁止;阻止 5.       n.新闻记者;新闻工作者→       n.日志;杂志 
    6.       adj.值得做的;有益的→       vt.报答;酬劳;奖赏 7.       n.自行车;摩托车;循环 vi.骑自行车→       n.骑自行车的人 8.       vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉 n.吸引力;呼吁;上诉;请求→       adj.有吸引力的;恳求的 9.       adj.可爱的;讨人喜爱的→       vt.热爱;喜爱 10.       n.娱乐(活动);愉悦→       vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐→       adj.逗人笑的;有乐趣的→       adj.逗乐的;觉得好笑的
    11.       n.时尚;时兴;流行款式→       adj.时尚的 12.       adj.稀少的;珍贵的;(肉)半熟的→       adv.罕有;很少 13.       n.娱乐;招待;娱乐活动;文娱节目→       vt.招待;款待;使欢乐→       adj.使人愉快的;有趣的→      n.表演者;艺人 
    三、重点短语1.            在行进中;在移动中 2.             出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作 3.             依靠……生活;以吃……为生 4.             有吸引力;有感染力;呼吁;上诉;打动5.            达到(某数量、程度等);直到;不多于;(体力或智力上)能胜任 6.             颠倒;倒转;翻转 7.             拾起;捡起8.             对……熟悉  
    be familiar with
    四、典型句式1.现在分词短语作结果状语教材原句:Arund 9,000 years ag,this ice melted,leaving behind abut 100 glaciers. 2.完全倒装教材原句:Fllwing the reindeer were the Sami peple,wh made this territry their hme.
    3.“疑问词+-ever”引导的状语从句教材原句:Whichever and whatever yu like,there is an incredible theme park that will appeal t yu!  4.倍数表达法教材原句:This vast new park is nearly fur times larger than the ld wildlife park prtecting Siberian tigers in Nrtheast China.
    Ⅰ.用所给单词的适当形式填空1.       (accmpany) her daughter n the pian,when she was available,was a gd pprtunity t display her talent fr I came acrss him,he          (wander) aimlessly in the street. 3.It's annunced that there is ging t be a lecture      (theme)“Hw t learn effectively”.  
    was wandering
    4.Jacksn brke the rules and          (ban) frm taking part in the next three matches. 5.As an ancient cuntry,China's histry      (stretch) ver five thusand years. 6.Then he “magically” makes it appear whle again by       (display) anther bject that has nt been cut r burned. 7.The dr       (swing) pen,disclsing a lng dark passage. 8.Keep smiling,and life will be even             (splendid)!
    mre splendid
    Ⅱ.用所给词的适当形式填空1.Much t ur       ,ur English teacher always       us with his       stries and jkes.(entertain) 2.There are many       facilities in the      park and children are all      in the park.(amuse) 3.Hence,the       activity will      us with many benefits.(reward) 4.The film described hw a girl adapted t her new life after she was     by an American cuple.S she was an    daughter.(adpt)
    5.I was       with a happy childhd and it was a       fr me.(bless) 6.The river has becme nticeably cleaner since a      n thrwing plastic bags int it was intrduced.Let's all act tgether t      this kind f bad behaviur.(prhibit) 7.Lng skirts were ut f     . That is t say,they were nt       .(fashin) 
    8.The bks written by the writer are      .S they       t many teenagers.(appeal) 9.The       animals spend 99 percent f their time fraging in the frest and      venture alng the shre.(rare)
    Ⅲ.用左栏所给短语的正确形式填空1.The pr family          the land,with the father struggling t make ends meet. 2.I can take          fur peple in my car. 3.The Greens          early in the mrning and arrived at their destinatin befre nn. 
    4.He walked ver t an pen trash bin,turned the cntainer      ,and dumped the cntents inside. 5.The grup f wild hrses are             ,s it's difficult fr us t take phts f them.
    Ⅳ.微写作1.中国运动员在东京奥运会上获得了许多枚奖牌,使整个国家兴奋不已。Chinese athletes wn many medals in Tky Olympic Games,                 . 2.以下是我们在日常生活中应该做的事情。                        in ur daily rutine. 
    making the whle cuntry excited
    The fllwing are what we shuld d
    3.无论将来会发生什么,我仍然可以保持乐观,为自己的梦想不懈奋斗。                   ,I still can remain ptimistic and strive fr my wn dream persistently thrugh thick and thin. 4.现在全运会的运动员人数是十年前的两倍。Nwadays the number f the athletes in the Natinal Games is ___________________ ten years ag.
    twice as large
    Whatever will happen in the future
    1.ban vt.明令禁止;取缔 n.禁令
    [练会]单句语法填空①It came as a shck t us that he was banned      driving fr six mnths.(读后续写之情感描写)②I d hpe that there shuld be a ban        tbacc advertising.  ③The gvernment put a ban       the sale f that drug.  
    [写美]一句多译·背诵④为了创建更干净的自习室环境,禁止每个人乱扔垃圾。→T create cleaner surrundings in the self-study rm,                      .(ban) →T create cleaner surrundings in the self-study rm,                         .(frbid) 
    everyne is banned frm littering everywhere
    everyne is frbidden frm littering/t litter everywhere
    归纳 (ding) sth 禁止……(做)某事a ban n...关于……的禁令put/place a ban n...禁止……点津近义短语:prhibit/frbid sb frm ding sth 禁止某人做某事。frbid sb t d sth 禁止某人做某事佳句The driver shuld be banned frm driving if he is fund t break the traffic rules.司机一旦被发现违反交通规则,应该被禁止驾驶。
    2.accmpany vt.陪伴;伴随;(尤指用钢琴)为……伴奏→cmpanin n.同伴;伙伴
    [练会]单句语法填空①I dn't think it's necessary fr parents t accmpany their children cllege. ②While she was singing n the stage,her mther was accmpanying her_____the pian. ③The perfrmance is scheduled t take place frm 14:00 t 17:00, ___________ (accmpany) live bradcast n the Internet at the same time. 
    [写美]句式升级/微写作·背诵④Nbdy kept her cmpany during the festival.The ld lady felt lnely.→                during the festival,the ld lady felt lnely.(with复合结构) ⑤我写信是想告诉你我们最近关于父母是否应该陪伴学习的讨论。(应用文之短文投稿)I'm writing t tell yu abut the discussin we recently had abut ________ _____________________________ in studying.
    With nbdy accmpanying her
    ur parents shuld accmpany us
    归纳(1)accmpany sb=keep sb cmpany陪伴某人accmpany sb t sp陪伴/陪同某人到某地(2)accmpany sb at/n sth用某物为某人伴奏be accmpanied by由……伴奏/伴随佳句The bys were struck with fear as the wind blew the trees n their side accmpanied by heavy rain.(读后续写之融情于景)风猛刮着身边的树,伴随着大雨,男孩们吓坏了。
    3.adpt v.采用;采取;采纳;收养→adptin n.收养;采用;通过→adpted adj.领养的;收养的
    [练会]单句语法填空①Please send yur cntributins t the ffice.If nt        (adpt),cntributins will be returned t authrs within a mnth.(应用文之通知) ②Many animal welfare rganisatins prvide care and       (adpt) services fr hmeless animals. 
    [写美]微写作·背诵③采用以下科学的学习方法,你会取得很大进步。(应用文之建议信)                    ,and yu will make great prgress.
    Adpt the fllwing scientific learning methds
    归纳adpt ne's advice/suggestins 采纳某人的建议adpt a methd/measure 采用一种方法/采取措施佳句He adpted an air f indifference.S Mary felt a wave f anger sweep ver her.(读后续写之神态+情感描写)他摆出一副满不在乎的样子。因此玛丽气坏了。
    4.set ut出发;启程;(怀着目标)开始工作
    [练会]短语填空①Yu are sure t be appealed t by the nvel the mment yu__________ reading it.②The jurnalist          sme time each day t write,even if it is nly five minutes. ③Mrever,with the stadium          ,varius sprts events are able t be held.
    [写美]一句多译·背诵④教职工和全体学生以极大的热情开始植树。(应用文之活动介绍)→The teaching staff and all the students             trees with great enthusiasm. →The teaching staff and all the students              trees with great enthusiasm.
    set ut t plant
    set abut planting
    归纳set aside留出;把……放置一旁;不理会;取消set ff出发;引起;使爆炸set up建立;准备;安排set abut ding sth 着手做某事set ut t d sth 着手做某事set dwn写下;记下佳句I strngly recmmend setting dwn the key pints in class in case yu frget them.(应用文之建议信)我强烈建议你在课堂上记下要点,以防忘记。
    5.appeal vi.有吸引力;呼吁;恳求;上诉 n.吸引力;呼吁;上诉;请求→appealing adj.有吸引力的;恳求的[练会]单句语法填空①The by,weeping,appealed t the dctr          (save) his little sister.(读后续写之情感描写) ②The authr makes    appeal t us t be mre kind t animals. ③      (appeal) as the ad is,the prduct desn't wrk s well as it advertises.
    [写美]微写作/一句多译·背诵④我写信是为了呼吁大家积极参与建设一所更加美丽的学校。(应用文之倡议书)I am writing t___________________________________________________building a mre beautiful schl. ⑤吸引游客来到这个城市的不仅仅是今年的世界杯赛,还有那迷人的风景。(应用文之推荐信)→                          is nt nly this year's Wrld Cup,but als its fascinating scenery. →It is nt nly this year's Wrld Cup,but als its fascinating scenery                          .
    appeal t/make an appeal t everyne t take an active part in
    What appeals t turists t the city
    that appeals t turists t the city
    归纳(1)appeal t sb 对某人有吸引力appeal t sb fr sth为某事向某人呼吁或请求appeal t sb t d sth恳求/呼吁某人做某事(2)make an appeal t sb fr sth为某事向某人呼吁或请求make an appeal t sb t d sth恳求/呼吁某人做某事佳句Last Sunday saw an exciting crss-cuntry running race,which appealed t bth students and teachers f ur schl.(应用文之活动介绍)上周日,举行了一场激动人心的越野赛跑,比赛吸引了我校全体师生。
    6.amuse vt.(提供)消遣;(使)娱乐→amused adj.觉得好笑的;逗乐的→amusing adj.好笑的→amusement n.愉悦;娱乐[练会]单句语法填空①He has a unique teaching methd t keep us       (amuse) and interested,which is highly appreciated by us.(应用文之人物介绍) ②We were amused          (learn) that he had made a flish mistake. ③Much t my       (amuse),a theme park has been built in ur neighbrhd.
    [写美]微写作·背诵④我妈妈被如此有趣的情景逗乐了,她愉快地开玩笑道:“不要在大南瓜里用光了氧气。”但是她的话并没有逗乐我,相反,我很生气。My mm______________________________________________________, jking_____________________________,“Dn't use up all yur xygen in the huge pumpkin.” But I ________________________________and n the cntrary,I was very angry.
    in/with amusement
    was amused by/at/with such an amusing scene
    didn’t amuse myself with her wrds
    归纳(1)amuse neself (by ding sth)(通过做某事)自娱自乐(2)be amused at/by/with sth 以某事为乐;被……逗笑be amused t d sth做某事取乐(3)(much) t ne's amusement令某人(非常)高兴的是in/with amusement愉快地佳句Amused by his amusing stry,all f us burst int laughter.(读后续写之情感描写)我们被他那有趣的故事逗乐了,都大笑起来。
    ★补遗缺 微点练全Ⅰ.一词多义wanderA.v.漫游;闲逛 B.vi.走失;离散 C.vi.走神 D.n.游荡;闲逛
    ①(2023浙江1月卷)A few weeks later,I went t the farm again.Having finished visiting my friend,I wandered alne alng the path,kicking pebbles.   ②The child wandered ff and gt lst,which made her parents very wrried.   ③She drve with her mind wandering,which caused an accident.   ④I went t the park and had a wander arund.   
    倍数表达法[教材原句] This vast new park is nearly fur times larger than the ld wildlife park prtecting Siberian tigers in Nrtheast China.这个辽阔的新公园几乎比保护中国东北地区的东北虎的老野生动物园大四倍
    [练会]单句语法填空①When yu study the lcal map,yu'll find this twn is       (tw) the size f that ne. ②My schl has expanded int a big ne,which is three times     (big) than the previus ne. ③The utput f this year is three times       it was in 2015. 
    [写美]一句多译·背诵④正在建的新体育馆是操场的三倍大。→The new stadium being built will be               the playgrund.(than) →The new stadium being built will be               the playgrund.(as) →The new stadium being built will be               the playgrund.(size)
    three times the size f
    tw times bigger than
    three times as big as
    归纳四种常见表示“倍数”的句型:(1)A+谓语+倍数+as+adj./adv.的原级+as+B(2)A+谓语+倍数+adj./adv.的比较级+than+B(3)A+谓语+倍数+the+名词(size/length/width/height/depth...) +f+B(4)A+谓语+倍数+what从句,表“A是……的多少倍”
    佳句Much t his surprise,he invited nly ten friends t his party,but twice as many came.(读后续写之情感描写)令他吃惊的是,他只邀请了十个朋友来参加他的聚会,而来的人却多了一倍。
    Ⅰ.单句语法填空——分层级强化高频考点A组 基础必练
    1.The gvernment appealed t the Internatinal Red Crss      (help) the peple suffering frm this kind f critical cancer. 2.Nevertheless,t guarantee security,children,when       (accmpany) by their parents,are allwed t enter the stadium. 
    3.They banned students      switching n the light in the labratry withut permissin. 4.We set ut          (detect) the reasn fr the accident,but in vain. 5.It's up       the travel cmpanies t ffer custmers warnings f any pssible dangers. 
    B组 高考链接6.(2023全国乙卷)Learning abut the requirements f each plant can be very       (reward). 7.(2023新高考全国Ⅰ卷)N matter where I buy them,thugh,ne steamer basket is       (rare) enugh,yet tw seems greedy,and s I am always left wanting mre next time. 8.(2022全国甲卷)St David's Hall is the award winning Natinal Cncert Hall f Wales standing at the very heart f Cardiff's       (entertain) centre. 
    9.(2022全国乙卷)A dctr tells me peple wh live the lngest are dancers and      (cycle). 10.(2021全国甲卷)The       (adre) female calf is the secnd black rhin brn this year at the reserve,but it is t early t tell if the calves will make gd candidates t be returned t prtected areas f the wild. 
    Ⅱ.语篇填空——语境中应用单元要点Recently,1.       (accmpany) by my parents and several 2.       (jurnalist),I traveled t Shangri-la,a city in Yunan Prvince,which appeals 3.       huge numbers f turists.We first went t the Ptats Natinal Park,which 4.       (stretch) acrss vast frests,wetlands,lakes,meadws,and several villages.On tp f its 5.       (incredible) beautiful scenery,the park is als famus fr its rich bilgical diversity.At Shudu Lake,we saw hrses,cws,and yaks enjying the sunlight and 6.      (eat) grass cntentedly.As a nature lver like me,yu can imagine hw blessed I felt 7.        (see) the sight.
    Fr thse 8.   live in cities as we d,nthing is 9.    (reward) than breathing the fresh air and 10.      (wander) under this brad sky in nature.
    mre rewarding
    Ⅲ.话题微写作——场景中提升写作技能(黑体部分用本单元词汇表达)应用文——旅游第一步 单句写作1.最近,我陪父母坐火车从北京出发到拉萨游玩。(accmpany)Recently,I                       n a train trip frm Beijing t Lhasa. 2.旅程长达40个小时,其余的路程都是沿着世界上最高的路——青藏铁路走的。(up t)The trip tk              and the rest f it was alng the Qinghai-Xizang Railway,the highest rad in the wrld. 
    accmpanied my parents and set ut
    up t 40 hurs
    3.一路上许多极佳的景点,包括青海湖和唐古拉山等一一展现在我们眼前,让我们惊叹不已。(rute,superb,stretch,ahead)           ,we were amazed at many superb turist attractins             ,including Qinghai Lake and Munt Tanggula. 4.我望向窗外,发现高原地区极具吸引力。(incredibly,appealing)Lking ut f the windw,I _______________________________________________. 
    Alng the rute
    stretching ahead f us
    fund the regins f the plateau incredibly
    5.出了车站,我们终于开心地漫步在拉萨这座古老而辉煌的城市。(have fun ding,wander,splendid)Leaving the statin,we finally             arund Lhasa,                  . 6.这是一次多么棒的旅行啊!             (it was)!
    the ancient and splendid city
    had fun wandering
    What an awesme jurney
    第二步 句式升级7.用分词短语作状语改写句1第三步 连句成篇(注意使用恰当的衔接词)
    Recently,accmpanying my parents,I set ut n a train trip frm Beijing t Lhasa.
    Recently,accmpanying my parents,I set ut n a train trip frm Beijing t Lhasa. The trip tk up t 40 hurs and the rest f it was alng the Qinghai-Xizang Railway,the highest rad in the wrld.Alng the rute,we were amazed at many superb turist attractins stretching ahead f us,including Qinghai Lake and Munt Tanggula.Lking ut f the windw,I fund the regins f the plateau incredibly appealing.Leaving the statin,we finally had fun wandering arund Lhasa,the ancient and splendid city. What an awesme jurney (it was)!
    (十)情感描写之“感激与感动” Ⅰ.语块必记1.shed tears f gratitude 流下感激的泪水2.accept my sincere appreciatin 接受我真诚的感激3.shw ne's gratitude 表达感激4.be deeply tuched by 被……深深感动5.appreciate timely help 感激及时的帮助6.be mved t tears 感动得落泪7.with a lump in ne's thrat 哽咽
    8.we sb a lt/a great deal 非常感激某人9.have a deep gratitude twards 对……深怀感激10.be deeply mved/tuched by 被……深深感动
    Ⅱ.佳句背诵1.直陈式表述我们可以直接用sb be grateful/thankful的“主系表”句式和 sb 的“主谓宾”句式或含名词gratitude等的句式表达主人翁感激的心情。人们提倡有爱就直接说出来,所以,在读后续写中直接表述感激的句式很多。Thank yu very much/a lt.非常感谢/多谢。I'd like t express my gratitude.我想表达我的感激之情。The sessin ver,my grandmther tk Chiye's hand and thanked her fr helping her.疗程结束后,我的祖母拉着千叶的手,感谢她的帮助。
    Mercy was s lucky;my parents didn't punish it as it was expected.默茜是如此的幸运;我的父母没有像预期的那样惩罚它。On the cntrary,they were s grateful that they laughed ff the ruined presents.相反,他们非常感激,对毁坏的礼物一笑置之。
    2.描述性表述为了表示感激人们会主动与帮助者握手、拥抱。受帮助者摆脱困境时会热泪盈眶。因此我们可以从侧面描写角色的感激之情。It's very kind f yu t help me.你能帮助我真是太好了。Seeing the scene I burst int tears.看到这一幕,我突然哭了起来。
    Please cme here.I have t shake yur hands.请过来。我必须和你握手。If the wrld had a few mre kind peple,it wuld be a much better place t live in.如果这个世界多一些善良的人,这将是一个更好的生活的地方。
    3.比喻性表述在写作中我们可以将帮助我们的人比喻成angel,stream等,带有like或as的是明喻,不带like或as的是暗喻或借喻。Yu are my angel wh saved me.你是我的天使,你拯救了我。It was yu wh drew a clear stream fr me and made my prspects full f vitality.是您为我引来了一股清流,使我的前途充满了生机。Yur friendship is like a lamp in my life;it lights my heart and makes my life glrius.你的友谊就像我生命中的一盏灯;它照亮了我的心,使我的生活绚丽。
    4.夸张性表述我们也可以动用我们的想象力,将感激的心情想象成有形事物进行描述,并加以放大。I we my lng life t all f yur careful and patient care.我的长寿全归功于你细心和耐心的照顾。Yur help wuld be timely assistance,and let me shed tears f gratitude!您的帮助将是及时的援助,让我流下感激的泪水!
    5.拟人式表述我们也可以将感激的心情想象成一个人或是有生命的动物来描述它的言行。The rad ges as far as pssible.As lng as it keeps mving,there are cuntless scenery.这条路越走越远。只要不停地走,就有无数的风景。Nature sends flwers as a gift t mankind,and Gd gives me yur friendship as a gift.大自然把鲜花作为礼物送给人类,上帝把你的友谊作为礼物送给我。
    6.反语式表述我们可以用双重否定的句式来表达感激的心情,比直接的表述更具有感染力。I cannt thank yu enugh.我对你感激不尽。A little gift is nt enugh t shw my gratitude.一件小礼物不足以表达我的感激之情。N wrds can express my gratitude and n gifts can stand fr yur lve and supprt fr me.没有任何言语可以表达我的感激之情,没有任何礼物可以代表你对我的爱和支持。
    实战演练1.按要求用表示“感激与感动”的表达完成下列各句。①彼得差点撞上一辆过路的汽车,这时一位路人把他推到了安全的地方。Peter                a passer-b②他眼里含着感激的泪水,哽咽着,不停地说:“太感谢你了!”                               ________________________________________________________________________________,he culdn't stp saying,“Thank yu s much!”(with复合结构) 
    was nearly kncking int a passing car when
    With grateful tears/tears f gratitude hanging in/welling up in his eyes and a lump in his thrat
    ③但路人只是笑了笑。彼得在寒冷的天气里,感到一阵暖意,他开始相信处处有善良。But the passer-by just smiled. _________________________________________________________,and he began t believe there was kindness in every crner.(无灵主语句) ④看到陌生人之间这般彼此关照,实在令人感动。                 hw much strangers culd care fr each ther.(形容词)
    A feeling f warmth swept/flded ver
    Peter n the cld day
    It was very mving/tuching t see
    ⑤人群深受感动,喝彩鼓掌。          ,the crwd cheered and clapped.(非谓语动词作状语) ⑥知道事情的经过后,彼得的母亲流下喜悦和感激的泪水。Learning what had happened,Peter'smther          .(神态+情感词汇)
    Tuched/Mved deeply 
    shed tears f jy and gratitude

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