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    这是一份2024年高考北京卷英语真题,共15页。试卷主要包含了 5分,共15分), A等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
    第一节 (共10小题;每小题 1. 5分,共15分)
    阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    I'd just arrived at schl, ready fr anther schl day. I was reading a bk in the classrm when there was an 1 . “Tday at 1: 10 there will be auditins(面试) fr a musical.” My friends all jumped up in excitement and asked me, “Will yu be ging, Amy?” “Sure, ” said. I had n 2 in drama, but I'd try ut because my friends were ding it.
    At 1: 10, there was a 3 utside the drama rm. Everyne lked energetic. I hadn't expected I'd be standing there that mrning. But nw that I was ding it, I 4 felt nervus. What if I wasn't any gd?
    I entered the rm and the teachers made me say sme lines frm the musical. They then 5 my singing skills and asked what rle I wanted t play. The teachers were smiling and praising me. I felt like I had a 6 , s I said, “A big rle.” They said they’d lk int it. I started getting really nervus. What if I didn't get a main rle?
    Sn, the cast list was 7 . My friends checked and came back shuting, “Amy, yu gt the main rle! ” Sure enugh, my name was at the tp. I just stared at it and started t 8 . I was s happy.
    After tw mnths we were all prepared and ready t g n stage. It was fun. And when peple started 9 , that gave me a bst f cnfidence. It stayed with me and made me feel 10 . I realised that by trying smething new, I can have fun—even if it means stepping ut f my cmfrt zne.
    1. A. assignment B. initiativeC. annuncement D. interview
    2. A. hesitancy B. interest C. wrry D. regret
    3. A. game B. shw C. play D. line
    4. A. suddenly B. cntinuusly C. riginally D. generally
    5. A. advertised B. tested C. challenged D. plished
    6. A. demand B. credit C. dream D. chance
    7. A. traded B. psted C. questined D. claimed
    8. A. well up B. rll in C. stand ut D. g ff
    9. A. whispering B. arguing C. clapping D. stretching
    10. A. funnier B. fairer C. cleverer D. braver
    第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,共15分)
    Slwing dwn can cntribute significantly t persnal grwth. Taking the time 11 ( rest ) allws us t develp a deeper sense f 12 (self-aware). When we slw dwn, we create space t reflect n ur thughts and emtins, which helps us identify imprtant areas f ur lives and 13 (give) us the pprtunity t make right chices. T practise this, we need t establish clear 14 (bundary) in ur persnal and prfessinal life.
    On April 5, 2024, Jhn Tinniswd 15 ( name) the wrld's ldest living man. And when 16 (ask) abut his new title, he shared the secret: mderatin(适度). Tinniswd, 17 desn't smke and rarely drinks, credited mderatin fr helping him stay healthy during his lng life. “If yu eat t much r d t much f anything, yu're ging t suffer eventually,” he said.
    One day, I saw a by walking alng Gerge Street with an armful f bks. I thught 18 myself, “Why wuld he carry all his bks? ” Just then, sme kids ran at him, 19 (knck) his bks ut f his arms. His glasses went flying and landed in the grass. My heart went ut t him, and I 20 (jg) ver t him. As I handed him the glasses, he lked at me and said, “Thanks!”
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    第一节 (共14小题;每小题2分,共28分)
    阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项。
    The Language Exchange Prgramme allws students in pairs t cmmunicate in tw different languages they wish t share and learn each week. Students recrd shrt entries after each partner meeting nting the language skills practised and the tpics discussed. Each pair f students meets three times thrughut the term with a teacher wh decides if the exchange is effective. Students wh successfully cmplete the prgramme will receive ne credit each.
    Requirements fr cmpletin:
    •One welcming sessin n the secnd Friday f the term
    •18 weekly ne-hur pair meetings
    •Weekly prgress reprts fr all pair meetings
    •At least three pair-teacher meetings
    •One five-minute final vide
    Sign up!
    The sign-up and registratin prcess is as fllws:
    •Students sign up and indicate the languages they can share and languages they are interested in learning.
    •Based n the infrmatin entered by each student, ptential pairs are identified.
    •Prficiency(熟练) levels are cnfirmed thrugh cursewrk r placement tests.
    •Once a pair has been determined t be suitable, the students will be cntacted individually with a special permissin number t register fr the prgramme,
    Signing up fr the prgramme des nt autmatically mean that yu will be able t register and participate. Pairs are matched by languages f interest and prficiency levels. Since there are many factrs invlved in the pairing prcess, nt all students wh sign up will be matched with a partner and be able t register fr the prgramme.
    21. In the prgramme, students will _________.
    A. chair daily meetingsB. evaluate the exchange
    C. meet teachers each weekD. practise their language skills
    22. T cmplete the prgramme, students are required t _________.
    A. develpment testsB. participate in pair meetings
    C. welcme new studentsD. wrk n weekly vides
    23. What d students need t d during the registratin?
    A. Indicate their languages f interest. B. Select their wn cursewrk.
    C. Make individual cntact. D. Chse their partners.
    When I was a little girl, I liked drawing, freely and jyusly making marks n the walls at hme. In primary schl, I learned t write using chalks. Writing seemed t be anther frm f drawing. I shaped individual letters int repeating lines, which were abstract frms, delightful but meaningless patterns.
    In secndary schl, art was my favurite subject. Since. I lved it s much I thught I was gd at it. Fr the art O-level exam I had t present an il painting. I fund it difficult, but still hped t pass. I failed, with a lw grade. I'd been ver-cnfident. Nw I'd been declared talentless.
    But ther channels f creativity stayed pen: I went n writing pems and stries. Still, I went t exhibitins ften. I cntinued my habitual drawing, which I nw characterised as childish ddling(乱画). In my30s, I made painter friends and learned new ways f lking at art. Hwever, I culdn't let myself have a g at actually ding it. Thugh these new friends were abstract painters using il paints, r were printmakers r sculptrs, I tk il painting as the tab(禁忌) high frm I wasn't allwed t practise.
    One night, in my early 40s, I dreamed that a big wman in red apprached me, handed me a bag f paints, and tld me t start painting. The dream felt s authritative that it shk me. It was a frm f energy, giving me back smething I'd lst. Accrdingly, I started by experimenting with water clurs. Finally, I bught sme il paints.
    Althugh I have enjyed breaking my decades-lng tab abut wrking with il paints, I have discvered I nw prefer chalks and ink. I let my line drawings turn int cartns I send t friends. It all feels free and easy. Un-anxius. This time arund, I can accept my limitatins but keep ging.
    Becming a successful painter calls fr being reslute. I realised I was always afraid f wanting t much. That dream reminded me that thse fears and desires culd encurage me t take risks and make experiments.
    24. Hw did the authr feel abut the result f the art exam?
    A. Scared. B. Wrried. C. Discuraged. D. Wrnged.
    25. In her 30s, the authr_________.
    A. avided il painting practiceB. sught fr a painting career
    C. fancied abstract paintingD. exhibited child paintings
    26. Which wrd wuld best describe the authr's dream?
    A. Cnfusing. B. Empwering. C. Disturbing. D. Entertaining.
    27. What can we learn frm this passage?
    A. Actins speak luder than wrds. B. Hard wrk is the mther f success.
    C. Dreams are the reflectins f realities. D. Creative activities invlve being cnfident.
    The ntin that we live in smene else's vide game is irresistible t many. Searching the term “simulatin hypthesis”(模拟假说) returns numerus results that debate whether the universe is a cmputer simulatin—a cncept that sme scientists actually take seriusly. Unfrtunately, this is nt a scientific questin. We will prbably never knw whether it's true. We can, instead, use this idea t advance scientific knwledge.
    The 18th-century philspher Kant argued that the universe ultimately cnsists f things-in-themselves that are unknwable. While he held the ntin that bjective reality exists, he said ur mind plays a necessary rle in structuring and shaping ur perceptins. Mdern sciences have revealed that ur perceptual experience f the wrld is the result f many stages f prcessing by sensry systems and cgnitive(认知的) functins in the brain. N ne knws exactly what happens within this black bx. If empirical(实证的) experience fails t reveal reality, reasning wn't reveal reality either since it relies n cncepts and wrds that are cntingent n ur scial, cultural and psychlgical histries. Again, a black bx.
    S, if we accept that the universe is unknwable, we als accept we will never knw if we live in a cmputer simulatin. And then, we can shift ur inquiry frm “Is the universe a cmputer simulatin?” t “Can we mdel the universe as a cmputer simulatin? ” Mdelling reality is what we d. T facilitate ur cmprehensin f the wrld, we build mdels based n cnceptual metaphrs(隐喻) that are familiar t us. In Newtn's era, we imagined the universe as a clck. In Einstein's, we uncvered the standard mdel f particle(粒子) physics.
    Nw that we are in the infrmatin age, we have new cncepts such as the cmputer, infrmatin prcessing, virtual reality, and simulatin. Unsurprisingly, these new cncepts inspire us t build new mdels f the universe. Mdels are nt the reality, hwever. There is n pint in arguing if the universe is a clck, a set f particles r an utput f cmputatin. All these mdels are tls t deal with the unknwn and t make discveries. And the mre tls we have, the mre effective and insightful we can becme.
    It can be imagined that cmparable t the prcess f building previus scientific mdels, develping the “cmputer simulatin” metaphr-based mdel will als be a hugely rewarding exercise.
    28. What des the authr intend t d by challenging a hypthesis?
    A. Make an assumptin. B. Illustrate an argument.
    C. Give a suggestin. D. Justify a cmparisn.
    29. What des the phrase “cntingent n” underlined in Paragraph 2prbably mean?
    A. Accepted by. B. Determined by. C. Awakened by. D. Discvered by.
    30. As fr Kant's argument, the authr is _________.
    A. appreciative B. dubtful C. uncncerned D. disapprving
    31. It is implied in this passage that we shuld _________.
    A. cmpare the current mdels with the previus nes
    B. cntinue explring the classical mdels in histry
    C. stp arguing whether the universe is a simulatin
    D. turn simulatins f the universe int realities up.
    Franz Bas's descriptin f Inuit(因纽特人) life in the 19th century illustrates the prbable mral cde f early humans. Here, nrms(规范)were unwritten and rarely expressed clearly, but were well understd and taken t heart. Dishnest and vilent behaviurs were disapprved f; leadership, marriage and interactins with ther grups were lsely gverned by traditins. Cnflict was ften reslved in music al battles. Because arguing angrily leads t chas, it was strngly discuraged. With life in the unfrgiving Nrthern Cariada being s demanding, the Inuit's practical apprach t mrality made gd sense.
    The similarity f mral virtues acrss cultures is striking, even thugh the relative ranking f the virtues may vary with a scial grup's histry and envirnment. Typically, cruelty and cheating are discuraged, while cperatin, humbleness and curage are praised. These universal nrms far pre-date the cncept f any mralising religin r written law. Instead, they are rted in the similarity f basic human needs and ur shared mechanisms fr learning and prblem slving. Our scial instincts(本能)include the intense desire t belng. The apprval f thers is rewarding, while their disapprval is strngly disliked. These scial emtins prepare ur brains t shape ur behaviur accrding t the nrms and values f ur family and ur cmmunity. Mre generally, scial instincts mtivate us t learn hw t behave in a scially cmplex wrld.
    The mechanism invlves re purpsed reward system riginally used t develp habits imprtant fr self-care. Our brains use the system t acquire behaviural patterns regarding safe rutes hme, efficient fd gathering and dangers t avid. Gd habits save time, energy and smetimes yur life. Gd scial habits d smething similar in a scial cntext. We learn t tell the truth, even when lying is self-serving; we help a grandparent even when it is incnvenient. We acquire what we call a sense f right and wrng.
    Scial benefits are accmpanied by scial demands: we must get alng, but nt put up with t much. Hence self-discipline is advantageus. In humans, a greatly enlarged brain bsts self-cntrl, just as it bsts prblem-slving skills in the scial as well as the physical wrld. These abilities are strengthened by ur capacity fr language, which allws scial practices t develp in extremely unbvius ways.
    32. What can be inferred abut the frming f the Inuit's mral cde?
    A. Living cnditins were the drive. B. Unwritten rules were the target.
    C. Scial traditin was the basis. D. Hnesty was the key.
    33. What can we learn frm this passage?
    A. Incnveniences are the cause f telling lies. B. Basic human needs lead t universal nrms.
    C. Language capacity is limited by self-cntrl. D. Written laws have great influence n virtues.
    34. Which wuld be the best title fr this passage?
    A. Virtues: Bridges Acrss CulturesB. The Values f Self-discipline
    C. Brains: Walls Against ChasD. The Rts f Mrality
    If yu want t develp maximum credibility(可信性), is it better t be a hedgehg(刺猬) r a fx? Accrding t Isaiah Berlin, the hedgehg knws ne thing very well, and the fx knws a lt f things.
    Is there a clear advantage f ne style ver the ther? Hedgehg thinkers tend t answer yes. 35 And they are usually very credible in ding s. Accrding t Jim Hart, the “hedgehg cncept” is ne f the factrs that lead cmpanies t greatness. They fcus n ne thing and d it really well. They figure ut what they are gd at. 36 The hedgehg cncept makes perfect sense fr cmpanies.
    37 Philip Tate has studied the track recrds f thse flks n the Sunday talk shws wh make predictins abut what will happen. He has fund that hedgehgs are nt nly wrng mre ften than fxes, but that they are less likely t recgnise r admit that they are wrng when events d nt match their predictins.
    The advantage that. fxes have is that they are mre likely t seek ut new infrmatin frm a brader range f surces, and are cmfrtable with uncertainty and new infrmatin. 38 They try t include it in their viewpint rather than t exclude it frm their thinking. They als have a clearer estimatin f what they knw and dn't knw.
    S, which is better? The questin can be answered in a fxy hedgehg style. 39 The chice between being a hedgehg r a fx is a false trade-ff. The mst effective way t g thrugh life is t try t be that rare mixture knwn as fxy hedgehg.
    A. In ther wrds, there are clear advantages fr each.
    B. They are mre likely t remember peple's mistakes.
    C. Hence, they have the advantage f clarity and cnfidence.
    D. But there can be a dwnside t cncentratin n ne big thing.
    E. Hwever, hedgehgs remain pen t thers' reactins and inputs.
    F. When smething is cntradictry t their view, they dn't treat it as exceptinal.
    G. They cme dwn squarely n ne side r the ther and fully supprt their psitin.
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
    第一节 (共4小题;第40、41题各2分,第42题3分,第43题5分,共12 分)
    Grwing up, I idealised independence. I always wanted my wn effrts t be enugh. When I decided t pursue a pstgraduate degree, I wanted t develp a nvel research prgramme and quickly establish myself as an independent scientist. But I was unrealistically ptimistic abut what I culd achieve.
    As I began designing experiments, my cmmittee members warned me abut the challenges I wuld face. But my need fr independence drve me t push frward with my research plan. As a result, the first fur years f my pstgraduate career were defined by a series f failures.
    During my secnd year, I failed my cmprehensive exam because my prpsal was unclear. During my third year, I discvered that after treating thusands f seeds, I btained just ne plant I culd use fr experiments. By my furth year, my desperatin t succeed vershadwed my desire fr independence.
    My adviser and I devised(想出) a smewhat unusual slutin: I wuld spend three mnths in a cllabrating(合作的) lab t btain specialised training. I wrked extensively with ther students, cnstantly asked questins, and helped with nging prjects t learn everything I culd. Finally, I cnducted an elegant experiment that wuld nt have been pssible withut the help f the members in the lab.
    My adviser saw this experience as a grundbreaking success, emphasising the cllabrating skills I acquired. A few mnths later, when I repeated the experiment in my hme lab, I prduced mre publishable data. By learning when t ask fr help, I eventually fund myself n the way t becming an independent scientist.
    40. In the beginning, what drve the authr t push frward with the research plan?
    41. What was the slutin by the adviser and the authr after thse repeated failures?
    42. Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    > The adviser cnsidered the authr's experience in the lab a grundbreaking success because publishable data had been prduced.
    43. Frm this stry, what can yu learn abut “independence”? (In abut 40 wrds)
    第二节 (20分)
    假设你是红星中学高三学生李华。你的外国好友 Jim 准备给其校报的 Asia Tday栏目投稿。得知今年新中国成立75 周年,他打算重点介绍中国的发展成就,发来邮件询问你的建议。请你用英文给他回复,内容包括:
    注意: (1)词数100左右;
    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua
    1-5 C8DAB 6-10 DBACD 11. t rest 12. self-awareness 13. gives 14. bundaries 15. was named 16. asked 17. wh 18. t 19. kncking 20. jgged 21-25 DBACA 26-30 BDCBA 31-34 CCBD 35-39 GCDFA
    名师解析 何炜敏 王莹 张黎明 文艳 李静
    第一部分 知识运用
    体裁:记叙文 主题语境:人与自我——生活与学习——作者参加音乐剧面试的经历
    1. C 考查名词辨析 【解析】根据下文 “ ‘Tday at 1: 10 there will be auditins(面试) fr a musical. ’ ” 及语境可知,作者正在教室里看书,这时听到一则通告。 assignment 任务;initiative 倡议;annuncement通告;interview 面试。故选 C。
    2. B 考查名词辨析 【解析】根据下文中的 “but I'd try ut because my friends were ding it” 可知,作者虽然对戏剧没有兴趣,但因为朋友们都在尝试,所以作者也决定尝试一下。hesitancy 犹豫;interest兴趣;wrry 担心;regret懊悔。故选B。
    3. D 考查名词辨析 【解析】根据下文 “Everyne lked energetic. I hadn't expected I'd be standing there that mrning. ” 可知,此处指戏剧室外面排起了队。line 队伍,符合语境。故选D。
    4. A 考查副词辨析 【解析】根据上文中的 “But nw that I was ding it” 和下文 “What if I wasn't any gd? ”及语境可知,此处指排队的过程中,作者突然感到紧张。suddenly 突然;cntinuusly 连续不断地;riginslly起初;generally 通常。故选 A。
    5. B 考查动词辨析 【解析】根据上文 “I entered the rm and the teachers made me say sme lines frm the musical. ” 及语境可知,作者进入戏剧室后,老师们让作者说几句音乐剧中的台词。接着,老师们测试了作者的唱歌技巧。advertise(为……)做广告;lest 测验;challenge 对……怀疑;plish磨光。故选 B。
    6. D 考查名词辨析 【解析】根据上文 “The teachers were smiling and praising me. ” 及语境可知,作者觉得自己有机会扮演音乐剧主角。chance机会,符合语境。故选D。
    7. B 考查动词辨析 【解析】根据下文 “My friends checked and came back shuting, ‘Amy, yu gt the main rle! ’ ” 及下文中的 “my name was at the tp” 可知,此处指很快,演员表被公布了出来。pst 公布,张贴,符合语境。故选B。
    8. A 考查动词短语辨析 【解析】根据下文 “I was s happy. ” 及语境可知,作者只是盯着它看,然后(情绪)开始迸发。well up(情绪)迸发;rll in(金钱等)大量涌进;stand ut 突出;g ff 离开。故选A。
    9. C 考查动词辨析 【解析】根据下文中的 “that gave me a bst f cnfidence” 可知,人们的掌声增强了作者的信心。whisper 耳语;argue争吵;clap鼓掌;stretch 伸展。故选 C。
    10. D 考查形容词辨析 【解析】根据下文 “I realised that by trying smething new, I can have fun—even if it means stepping ut f my cmfrt zne. ” 可知,此处指让作者感到更加勇敢。funnier更有趣的;fairer更公平的;cleverer更聪明的;braver 更勇敢的。故选 D。
    【长难句分析】I realised that by trying smething nw, I can have fun—even if it means stepping ut f my car frt zne. (第五段最后一句)
    分析:本句是一个主从复合句。that 引导宾语从句;even if 引导让步状语从句。
    【词汇积累】drama n. 戏剧 energetic adj. 充满活力的 praise v. 赞扬
    【常见搭配】try ut尝试 lk int 研究,调查
    体裁:说明文 主题语境:人与自我——做人与做事——慢下来的重要意义
    11. t rest 考查非谓语动词 【解析】固定搭配take(the) time t d sth. 意为“花时间做某事”,此处应用动词不定式。故填 t rest。
    12. self-awareness 考查词性转换 【解析】根据空格前的 “deeper sme f ” 可知,此处应用名词self-awareness意为“自我意识”。故填 sell-awareness。
    13. gives 考查动词的时态和主谓一致 【解析】此处表示这有助于我们找到生活中的重要方面,并给予我们做出正确选择的机会。分析句子结构可知, “help” 与空格处是由and 连接的并列谓语动词,时态应保持一致,故此处应用一般现在时;且此处为which引导的非限制性定语从句中的谓语,which 指代 “When. . . emtins” ,因此,谓语动词应用单三形式,故填gives。
    【易错分析】此处识别and的并列结构时,如果只分析句子的成分和结构,考生有可能会误认为identify与give并列;但结合上下文语境可知,and连接的是 “helps” 和 “gives”。
    14. bundaries 考查名词的单复数 【解析】此处表示我们需要在个人生活和职业生活中建立清晰的界限、bundary 意为“界限”,是可数名词,且其前没有表示数量的限定词,此处应用其复数形式表泛指。故填 bundaries。
    【长难句分析】When we slw dwn, we create space t reflect n ur thughts and emtins, which helps us identify imprtant areas f ur lives and gives us the pprtunity t make right chices. (第三句)
    分析:本句是一个复合句,When 引导时间状语从句;which 引导非限制性定语从句,指代 When… emtins。
    【词汇积累】significantly adv. 显著地 establish v. 建立, 设立 prfessinal adj. 专业的,职业的
    【常见搭配】cntribute t有助于,促成 reflect n 反恐
    体裁:新闻报道 主题语境:人与自我——生活与学习——世界上最长寿的人
    【文章大意】文章主要介绍了世界上最长师的人Jhn Tinniswd及其长寿秘诀。
    15. was named 考查动词的时态、语态和主谓一致 【解析】分析句子结构可知,此处为句子谓语;根据时间状语 “On April 5, 2024” 可知,此处描述过去发生的事,时态应用一般过去时;主语 “Jhn Tinniswd” 与动词name之间构成被动关系,应用被动作态;且主语为第三人称单数,be动词应用 was。故填 was named。
    16. asked 考查省略 【解析】分析句子结构可知,本句是when引导的时间状语从句;因主从句主语一致,且从句的谓语动词中有be动词,所以从句省略主语和谓语中的be动词。完整从句应为:And when he was asked abut him nw title。故填 asked。
    17. wh 考查定语从句 【解析】分析句子结构可知,此处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词 “Tinniswd” ,指人,关系词在从句中作主语,应用wh 引导该从句,故填 wh。
    【长难句分析】 “If yu eat t much r d t much f anything, yu're ging t suffer eventually, ” he said. (最后一句)
    rarely adv. 很少 credit v. 认为是……的功劳 eventually adv. 最终
    体裁:记叙文 主题语境:人与社会——社会服务与人际沟通——作者帮助他人的经历
    18. t 考查介词 【解析】固定搭配 think t neself意为“盘算,心里想”。故填t。
    19. kncking 考查非谓语动词 【解析】分析句子结构可知,句中已有谓语动词 “ran” ,此处应用非谓语动词;主语 “sme kids” 和动词knck之间构成主谓关系,此处应用现在分词短语作结果状语。故填 kncking。
    20. jgged 考查动词的时态 【解析】分析句子结构可知,此处为本句的谓语动词;根据空格前的 “My heart went ut t him, and” 及语境可知,此处描述过去发生的事,时态应用一般过去时。故填jgged。
    【长难句分析】As I handed him the glasses, he lked at me and said. “Thanks! ” (最后一句)
    【词汇积累】carry v. 拿,带 land v. 跌落 hand v. 递,给
    【常见搭配】an armful f一抱……
    第二部分 阅读理解
    体裁:应用文 主题语境:人与自我——生活与学习——项语言交流项目
    21. D 细节理解题 【定位句】The Language Exchange Prgramme allws students in pairs t cmmunicate in tw different languages they wish t share and learn each week. Students recrd shrt entries after each partner meeting nting the language skills practised and the tpics discussed.
    22. B 细节理解题 【解析】根据Requirements fr cmpletin部分第二点 “18 weekly ne-hur pair meetings” 可知,为了完成该项目,学生们被要求参加配对会议。故选B。
    23. A 细节理解题 【解析】根据Sign up部分第一点 “Students sign up and indicate the languages they can share and languages they are interested in learning. ” 可知,学生们报名(参加)并表明他们可以分享的语言以及他们有兴趣学习的语言。由此可知,学生们在注册期间需要表明他们感兴趣的语言。故选A。
    【长难句分析】Since there are many factrs invlved in the pairing prcess, nt all students wh sign up will be matched with a partner and be able t register fr the prgramme. (Reminders 部分最后一句)
    分析:本句是一个复合句,Since引导原因状语从句;wh 引导定语从句,先行词是 all students。
    【词汇积累】cmmunicate v. 交流 cmplete v. 完成
    registratin n. 登记,注册 indicate v. 表明,指出 individually adv. 分别地
    【常见搭配】night up报名 in fllws如下所示
    体裁:记叙文 主题语境:人与自我——生活与学习——作者接受自身局限性改变自我的经历
    24. C 推理判断题 【定位句】I fund it difficult, but still hped t pass. I failed, with a lw grade. I'd been ver-cnfident. Nw I'd been declared talentless. (第二段第四至七句)
    【解析】seared恐惧;wrried 担忧的;discuraged 气馁的;wrng/错误的。根据定位句并结合下文中作者多年不碰油画的经历可推知,作者对美术考试的结果感到气馁。故选C。
    25. A 细节理解题 【定位句】①In my 30s, I made painter friends and learned new ways f lking at art. (第三段第四句)
    ②…… I tk il painting n the tab(禁忌) high frm I wasn’t allwed t practice. (第三段最后一句)
    26. B 推理判断题 【定位句】It was frm f energy, giving me back smething I'd last、(第四段第三句)
    【解析】cnfusing难以理解的;empwer增加(某人)自主权,使控制局势;disturbing令人不安的,引起恐慌的;entertaining 使人愉快的。根据第四段内容尤其是定位句可推知,作者的梦赋予作者练习油画的力量。故选B。
    27. D 推理判断题 【定位句】Becming a successful painter calls fr being reslute. I realised I was always afraid f wanting t much. (第六段第一、二句)
    【解析】通读全文尤其是定位句可知,文章主要讲述了作者一直喜欢绘画、但中学时由于油面测试成绩较低,作者对绘画失去了信心。在40岁出头时,一个梦让作者重拾画油画的信心并接受了自身局限性的故事。由此可推知,我们能从文章中学到创作活动需要自信。故选 D。
    【长难句分析】Althugh I have enjyed breaking my decades-lng tab abut wrking with il paints, I have discvered I nw prefer chalks and ink. (第五段第一句)
    分析:本句是一个主从复合句。Althugh引导让步状语从句;discvered 后是省略 that的宾语从句。
    【词汇积累】jyusly adv. 快乐地 individual adj. 单独的,个别的 abstract adj. 抽象的
    【常见搭配】turn int交成
    体裁:议论文 主题语境:人与社会——科学精神——讨论科学问题:宇宙是否是由计算机模拟生成的
    28. C 推理判断题 【定位句】Unfrtunately, this is nt a scientific questin. We will prbably never knw whether it's true. We can, instead, use this idea t advance scientific knwledge. (第一段最后三句)
    【解析】根据第一段内容尤其是定位句可推知,作者想通过质疑假说来给出建议。故选 C。
    29. B 词义猜测题 【解析】accepted by 被接受;determined by 被决定;awakened by 被唤醒;discvered by 被发现。根据画线短语所在句中的 “If empirical(实证的) experience fails t reveal reality, reasning wn't reveal reality either since it relies n cncepts and wrds” 可知,如果实证经验无法揭示现实,那么推理也不会揭示现实,因为它依赖于概念和文字。此处 that指代 “cncepts and wrds” ,作定语从句的主语;根据画线短语所在句中的 “ur scial, cultural and psychlgical histries. ” 可知,此处指推理所依赖的这些概念和文字由我们的社会、文化和心理历史决定。由此可推知,cntingent n应意为“取决于”,与B项意思相近。故选B。
    30. A 观点态度题 【解析】appreciative欣赏的;dubtful 怀疑的;uncncerned不关心的;disapprving反对的。根据第二段第一句 “The 18th-century philspher Kant argued that the universe ultimately cnsists f things-in-themselves that are unknwable. ” 和第三、四段内容可知,Kant认为宇宙是由不可知的自在之物构成的。因为接受宇宙是不可知的,我们会对此进行探究。为现实建模,而所有这些模或都是应对未知和做出发现的工具。我们拥有的工具越多,效率越高。由此可推知,对于 Kant 的论证作者是欣赏的。故意A。
    31. C 推理判断题 【定位句】①There is n pint in arguing if the universe is a clck, a set f particles r an utput f cmputatin. (第四段第四句)
    ②It can be imagined that cmparable t the prcess f building previus scientific mdels, develping the “cmputer simulatin” metaphr-based mdel will als be a hugely rewarding exercise. (第五段)
    【长渡句分析】S, if we accept that the universe is unknwable, we als accept we will never knw if we live in a cmputer simulatin. (第三段第一句)
    【词汇积累】ntin n. 观念 irresistible adj. 无法抑制的 ultimately adv. 最终
    【常见搭配】take seriusly 重视 cnsist f 由……组成 be familiar t 为……所熟悉
    体裁:说明文 主题语境:人与社会——历史、社会与文化——人类道德准则的形成过程及人类建立道德准则的标准
    【文章大意】文章通过 Frans Bns对19世纪因纽特人生活的介绍引入主题,探讨了早期人类道德准则的形成过程及其如何根植于人类共同的社会本能和学习机制之中。
    32. C 推理判断题 【定位句】With life in the unfrgiving Nrthern Cariada being s demanding, the Inuit's practical apprach t mrality made gd sense. (第一段最后一句)
    33. B 细节理解题 【定位句】These universal nrms far pre-date the cncept f any mralising religin r written law. Instead, they are rted in the similarity f basic human needs and ur shared mechanisms fr learning and prblem slving. (第二段第三、四句)
    34. D 标题概括题 【解析】通读全文可知,文章通过 Franz Bas对19世纪因纽特人生活的介绍引入主题,探讨了早期人类道德准则的形成或过程及其如何根植于人类共同的社会本能和学习机制之中。因此,D项“道德的起源”符合文章主旨,是本文的最佳标题。放透D。
    【亮点句积累】With life in the unfrgiving Nrthern Cariada being s demanding, the Inuit's practical apprach t mrality made gd sense. (第一段最后一句)
    【词汇积累】regarding prep. 关于,至于 advantageus adj. 有利的 unbvius adj. . 不明显的
    【常见搭配】disapprve f 不赞同 sake sense合理,有意义,说得通 rt in 来源于,植根于……
    体裁:说明文 主题语境:人与自我——生活与学习——“刺猬”型思维方式和“狐狸”型思维方式
    35. G 过渡句 【解析】上文讲拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人倾向于盖出肯定的答案。G项“他们明确地站在一边或另一边,并全力支持自己的立场”承接上文,符合语境。故选G。
    36. C 过渡句 【解析】上文讲拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人专注于一串串并做得根好。他们清楚自己擅长的东西。C项“因此,他们的优势是(头脑)清楚和自信”承接上文,符合语境。故选C。
    37. D 主旨句 【解析】下文讲拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人不仅比我们“狐狸”型思维方式的人更容易出错,而且当事情与他们的预测不相符时,他们不太可能意识到,也不太可能承认自己错了。D项“但是,把注意力集中在一件大事上可能会有不利的一面”引出下文,符合语境。故选D。
    38. F 过渡句 【解析】上文讲拥有“狐狸”型思维方式的人的优势必他们更可能从更广泛的来源中找出新信息;下文讲他们试图将其纳入自己的观点,而不是将其排除在自己的思维之外。F项“当某件事与他们的观点相矛盾时,他们不会把它当作例外”承上启下,符合语境。故选F。
    39. A 过渡句 【解析】上文讲这个问题可以用“像狐狸的刺猬”风格来回答;下文讲成为拥有“刺猬”型思维方式的人还是拥有“躯狸”型思维方式的人的选择是一种错误的权衡。A 项“换句话说,两者都有其明显的优势”承上启下,符合语境。故选A。
    【长难句分析】He has fund that hedgehgs are nt nly wrng mre ften than fxes, but that they are less likely t recgnise r admit that they are wrng when events d nt match their predictins. (第三段最后一句)
    分析:本句是一个复合句。三个that 均引导宾语从句;but 连接两个并列的宾语从句;when 引导时间状语从句。
    【词汇积累】cncept n. 观念 predictin n. 预测 surce n. 来源 estimatin n. 评估,估计
    【常见搭配】figure ut 弄明白 beings likely t 不太可能……
    第三部分 书面表达
    40. The need t be recgnized as an independent scientist.
    41. The authr wuld spend three mnths in a cllabrating lab t btain specialised training.
    42. The adviser cnsidered the authr's experience in the lab a grundbreaking success because publishable data had been prduced. It is because the authr had acquired the cllabrating skills by wrking with thers there s that the adviser cnsidered the authr's experience in the lab a grundbreaking success.
    43. In the stry, success in becming an independent scientist was ultimately achieved thrugh cllabratin, adaptive learning, and resilience in the face f setbacks. Frm the stry, we learn that while independence is initially idealised and pursued passinately, true independance ften invlves recgnising the value f cllabratin and learning than t seek help. (答案言之有理即可)
    One pssible versin
    Dear Jim,
    (写信目的)It's great t hear yu're planning t write abut China's achievements n the ccasin f the 75th anniversary f the funding f this cuntry. (it 作形式主语)① Here are a few suggestins fr yur article.
    (建议投稿内容并简要说明理由)T begin with, talk abut China's ecnmic grwth and technlgical advancements, which are the highlights in the past few decades. Then, prjects like the Belt and Rad Initiative make a gd tpic t discuss because it shwcases China's determinatin t build a shared future with the wrld. (原因状语从句)② In additin, yu can als mentin China's rle in helping slving glbal issues such as the glbal warming, ffering a mre cmprehensive view.
    (表达期待)Lking frward t reading yur article!
    Li Hua
    【佳句变式】① Learning yu're planning t write abut China's achievements n the ccasin f the 75th anniversary f the funding f this cuntry is great.
    ②Then, in rder t shwcase China's cntributin t building a shared future with the wrld, yu can discuss the Belt and Rad Initiative.结构划分

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