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    真题重组卷04(北京专用)- 冲刺2024年高考英语真题重组卷(北京专用)
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    真题重组卷04(北京专用)- 冲刺2024年高考英语真题重组卷(北京专用)

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    第一部分 知识运用(共两节,30分)
    (2023·北京房山·统考一模)I glanced t my left and right as I gt ready at the starting line. The sight f ther cmpetitrs wh had cnfident and fierce-lking faces gt me gse bumps and I was even mre 1 than befre.
    “On yur mark, get set... G!” shuted the race fficial. I pushed myself frward with all my 2 and started running as thugh a pride f man-eating lins were cming after me. As I ran, I culd see the ther cmpetitrs catching up with me. All f a sudden, I fell dwn n my knees. A hundred pairs f eyes bred int me, watching me 3 t get up. But n matter hw hard I tried, I just culd nt d it.
    “N, it cannt end like this. I have t 4 this race.” I thught t myself. Hwever, the pain frm my injury was s unbearable that I felt ttally 5 . I really wanted t give up.
    Out f despair, I gazed up at the finishing line. Just then, a kind cmpetitr 6 her hand t me.
    “Thank yu...” I whispered 7 as I grabbed her hand and she pulled me up.
    She lent me her shulder fr supprt, and I 8 frward. The crwd cheered at this brilliant display f 9 . Tgether, bth f us crssed the finishing line.
    Even thugh I never gt the chance t learn her name, I will always remember her as the ne wh stepped frward t help me when I was in 10 .
    Why d humans prefer sme smells ver thers? One thery, increasingly 11 (supprt) by experts, suggests that smell preferences are learned. It’s easy t explain hw we determine 12 smells are dangerus r nt: we learn. This has been adpted t ensure easier detectin f gas leaks. Gas naturally 13 (have) n recgnisable smell. Hwever, a strng smell is added s that we can raise the alarm when we detect the smell assciated with danger.
    A piece f stne 14 (find) n a Dutch beach suggests that ur extinct human relatives, knwn as Neanderthals, were cleverer than previusly thught. The Neanderthals 15 (live)alngside human ancestrs in Eurpe fr tens f thusands f years, befre dying ut abut 40, 000 years ag. They were much strnger than mdern humans, but it's lng been assumed that human ancestrs were 16 (smart)than the Neanderthals. Hwever, the stne tl made by Neanderthals suggests therwise.
    Nina has run marathns in 32 cuntries. All f her runs have a guiding purpse: t call attentin 17 glbal water issues. Nina recently finished her year-lng series f runs in Chicag, 18 thusands were attending a water cnference.She called fr actin 19 (address)the struggles f peple arund the wrld 20 (face) “t little water r t dirty water”. Her effrts have encuraged thers t take part by running thrugh a glbal campaign called“Run Blue”.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,38分)
    (2022·北京·高考真题)Peer ( 同伴 ) Assisted Study Sessins (PASS) is a peer-facilitated learning prgramme available t students enrlled ( 注册 ) in mst cre units f study in ur business schl.
    PASS invlves weekly sessins where yu wrk in grups t tackle specially prepared prblem sets, based arund a unit f study yu’re enrlled in.
    PASS desn’t re-teach r deliver new cntent. It’s an pprtunity t deepen yur understanding f the key pints frm lecture materials while yu are applying yur skills t slve prblems.
    Yu wrk interactively with yur peers. As a peer grup, yu decide what is cvered in each sessin. That way, PASS directly respnds t yur needs and feedback.
    Registratin in Term 2 will pen at 9 am, 21 September 2022.
    Waiting lists
    If a sessin is full, yu can register fr the waiting list. We will email yu if a place becmes available r if a new sessin is t be held.
    When yu are placed n a waiting list, we will email yu a number which tells yu where yu are n the list. If yu are clse t the frnt f the list, yu have a gd chance f gaining a place in the prgramme in the near future.
    If yu miss tw PASS sessins in a rw, yu will be deregistered and yur place will be given t smene n the waiting list. Make sure yu fill in the attendance sheet at each sessin t recrd yur attendance.
    Yu’ll be infrmed by email if yu are being deregistered as a result f missing sessins. If yu believe yu have received the email in errr, email the PASS ffice at passffice@umbs. edu..
    21.In PASS, students ________.
    A.attend new lecturesB.decide their wn schedules
    C.prepare prblem sets in grupsD.use their skills t slve prblems
    22.What can students d if a sessin is full?
    A.Fill in the attendance sheet.B.Sign up fr the waiting list.
    C.Reprt their needs and feedback.D.Email the ffice their numbers n the list.
    23.Students will be deregistered if ________.
    A.they send emails in errrB.they fail t wrk interactively
    C.they give their places t thersD.they miss tw sessins in a rw
    (2019·北京·高考真题)Alice Mre is a teenager entrepreneur(创业者), wh in May 2015 set up her business AilieCandy. By the time she was 13, her cmpany was wrth millins f dllars with the inventin f a super-sweet treat that culd save kids’ teeth, instead f destrying them.
    It all began when Mre visited a bank with her dad. On the uting, she was ffered a candy bar. Hwever, her dad reminded her that sugary treats were bad fr her teeth. But Mre was sick f missing ut n candies. S she desired t get rund the warning, “Why can’t I make a healthy candy that’s gd fr my teeth s that my parents can’t say n t it?” With that in mind, Mre asked her dad if she culd start her wn candy cmpany. He recmmended that she d sme research and talk t dentists abut what a healthier candy wuld cntain.
    With her dad’s permissin, she spent the next tw years researching nline and cnducting trials t get a recipe that was bth tasty and tth-friendly. She als apprached dentists t learn mre abut teeth cleaning. Cnsequently, she succeeded in making a kind f candy nly using natural sweeteners, which can reduce ral bacteria.
    Mre then used her savings t get her business ff the grund. Afterwards, she and her father secured their first business meeting with a supermarket wner, wh finally agreed t sell Mre’s prduct—CanCandy.
    As CanCandy’s success grws, s des Mre’s credibility as a yung entrepreneur. Mre is enthusiastic abut the candy she created, and she’s als psitive abut what the future might bring. She hpes that every kid can have a clean muth and a brad smile.
    Meanwhile, with her parents’ help, Mre is generally able t live a nrmal teenage life. Althugh she funded her cmpany early n in life, she wasn’t driven primarily by prfit. Mre wants t use her unique talent t help thers find their smiles. She dnates 10% f AilicCandy’s prfits t Big Smiles. With her talent and determinatin, it appears that the sky culd be the limit fr Alice Mre.
    24.Hw did Mre react t her dad’s warning?
    A.She argued with him.B.She tried t find a way ut.
    C.She paid n attentin.D.She chse t cnsult dentists.
    25.What is special abut CanCandy?
    A.It is beneficial t dental health.B.It is free f sweeteners.
    C.It is sweeter than ther candies.D.It is prduced t a dentists’ recipe.
    26.What des Mre expect frm her business?
    A.T earn mre mney.B.T help thers find smiles.
    C.T make herself stand ut.D.T beat ther candy cmpanies.
    27.What can we learn frm Alice Mre’s stry?
    A.Fame is a great thirst f the yung.
    B.A yuth is t be regarded with respect.
    C.Psitive thinking and actin result in success.
    D.Success means getting persnal desires satisfied
    (2021·北京·高考真题)Hundreds f scientists, writers and academics sunded a warning t humanity in an pen letter published last December: Plicymakers and the rest f us must engage penly with the risk f glbal cllapse. Researchers in many areas have prjected the widespread cllapse as “a credible scenari(情景) this century”.
    A survey f scientists fund that extreme weather events, fd insecurity, and freshwater shrtages might create glbal cllapse. Of curse, if yu are a nn-human species, cllapse is well underway.
    The call fr public engagement with the unthinkable is especially germane in this mment f still-uncntrlled pandemic and ecnmic crises in the wrld's mst technlgically advanced natins. Nt very lng ag, it was als unthinkable that a virus wuld shut dwn natins and that safety nets wuld be prven s disastrusly lacking in flexibility.
    The internatinal schlars’ warning letter desn't say exactly what cllapse will lk like r when it might happen. Cllapselgy, the study f cllapse, is mre cncerned with identifying trends and with them the dangers f everyday civilizatin. Amng the signatries(签署者) f the warning was Bb Jhnsn, the riginatr f the “eclgical ftprint” cncept, which measures the ttal amunt f envirnmental input needed t maintain a given lifestyle. With the current ftprint f humanity, “it seems that glbal cllapse is certain t happen in sme frm, pssibly within a decade, certainly within this century,” Jhnsn said in an email.
    “Only if we discuss the cnsequences f ur biphysical limits,” the December warning letter says, “can we have the hpe t reduce their speed, severity and harm”. And yet messengers f the cming disturbance are likely t be ignred. We all want t hpe things will turn ut fine. As a pet wrte,
    Man is a victim f dpe(麻醉品)
    In the incurable frm f hpe.
    The hundreds f schlars wh signed the letter are intent(执着) n quieting hpe that ignres preparedness. “Let's lk directly int the issue f cllapse,” they say, “and deal with the terrible pssibilities f what we see there t make the best f a trubling future.”
    28.What des the underlined wrd “germane” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    29.As fr the public awareness f glbal cllapse, the authr is________.
    30.What can we learn frm this passage?
    A.The signatries may change the biphysical limits.
    B.The authr agrees with the message f the pem.
    C.The issue f cllapse is being priritized.
    D.The glbal cllapse is well underway.
    (2019·北京·高考真题)By the end f the century, if nt sner, the wrld’s ceans will be bluer and greener thanks t a warming climate, accrding t a new study.
    At the heart f the phenmenn lie tiny marine micrrganisms(海洋微生物) called phytplanktn. Because f the way light reflects ff the rganisms, these phytplanktn create clurful patterns at the cean surface. Ocean clur varies frm green t blue, depending n the type and cncentratin f phytplanktn. Climate change will fuel the grwth f phytplanktn in sme areas, while reducing it in ther spts, leading t changes in the cean’s appearance.
    Phytplanktn live at the cean surface, where they pull carbn dixide(二氧化碳) int the cean while giving ff xygen. When these rganisms die, they bury carbn in the deep cean, an imprtant prcess that helps t regulate the glbal climate. But phytplanktn are vulnerable t the cean’s warming trend. Warming changes key characteristics f the cean and can affect phytplanktn grwth, since they need nt nly sunlight and carbn dixide t grw, but als nutrients.
    Stephanie Dutkiewicz, a scientist in MIT’s Center fr Glbal Change Science, built a climate mdel that prjects changes t the ceans thrughut the century. In a wrld that warms up by 3℃, it fund that multiple changes t the clur f the ceans wuld ccur. The mdel prjects that currently blue areas with little phytplanktn culd becme even bluer. But in sme waters, such as thse f the Arctic, a warming will make cnditins riper fr phytplanktn, and these areas will turn greener. “Nt nly are the quantities f phytplanktn in the cean changing. ” she said, “but the type f phytplanktn is changing.”
    And why des that matter? Phytplanktn are the base f the fd web. If certain kinds begin t disappear frm the cean, Dutkiewicz said, “it will change the type f fish that will be able t survive.” Thse kinds f changes culd affect the fd chain.
    Whatever clur changes the cean experiences in the cming decades will prbably be t gradual and unnticeable, but they culd mean significant changes. “It’ll be a while befre we can statistically shw that the changes are happening because f climate change,” Dutkiewicz said, “but the change in the clur f the cean will be ne f the early warning signals that we really have changed ur planet.”
    31.What are the first tw paragraphs mainly abut?
    A.The varius patterns at the cean surface.
    B.The cause f the changes in cean clur.
    C.The way light reflects ff marine rganisms.
    D.The effrts t fuel the grwth f phytplanktn.
    32.What des the underlined wrd “vulnerable” in Paragraph 3 prbably mean?
    33.What can we learn frm the passage?
    A.Phytplanktn play a declining rle in the marine ecsystem.
    B.Dutkiewicz’s mdel aims t prject phytplanktn changes.
    C.Phytplanktn have been used t cntrl glbal climate.
    D.Oceans with mre phytplanktn may appear greener.
    34.What is the main purpse f the passage?
    A.T assess the cnsequences f cean clur changes.
    B.T analyse the cmpsitin f the cean fd chain.
    C.T explain the effects f climate change n ceans.
    D.T intrduce a new methd t study phytplanktn.
    (2022·北京·高考真题)Health and fitness help a persn live a gd and healthy life. Often due t varius pressures, we tend t ignre ur health. 35 It is the fitness level f ur bdy that helps us fight these diseases.
    36 We need t be fit t have a healthy bdy. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted twards maintaining the fitness f ur bdy. Health is the state f ur bdy at a given time. We may nt have any disease but still have a weak bdy, which is ready t be targeted by viruses. 37 This des nt definitely mean that we are nt healthy. It means the fitness level is nt in accrdance with ur age and the climatic cnditins we live in.
    It is imprtant fr everyne t devte sme time t health and fitness. 38 Fr instance, we must exercise daily regardless f ur age and wrking style. There are different levels f exercises fr different age grups and we must d them accrding t ur wn health and age.
    Additinally, it is imprtant t relax ur bdy. We shuld have at least six t eight hurs f sleep every day. It helps in imprving ur immune (免疫) system and prtects us against diseases. 39 This, in turn, gives us new gals f health and fitness.
    A.Fitness levels decide the quality f life.
    B.Health and fitness are interrelated t each ther.
    C.It als helps in keeping us calm and relaxes ur mind.
    D.Fr instance, we may have a tendency t catch a cld easily.
    E.If we keep ur bdy fit, we can enjy life in a better manner.
    F.There are sme activities which everyne shuld d in ur life.
    G.This makes ur bdy suffer and we will catch ther diseases.
    第三部分 书面表达(共两节,32分)
    Habit frmatin is the prcess by which behaviurs becme autmatic. Peple develp cuntless habits as they explre the wrld, whether they are aware f them r nt. Understanding hw habits take shape may be helpful in changing bad habits.
    Habits are built thrugh learning and repetitin. A persn is thught t develp a habit in the curse f pursuing gals by beginning t assciate certain cues(刺激) with behaviural respnses that help meet the gal. Over time, thughts f the behaviur and ultimately the behaviur itself are likely t be triggered(触发) by these cues.
    A “habit lp(环)” is a way f describing several related elements that prduce habits. These elements are called the cue, the rutine, and the reward. Fr example, stress culd serve as a cue that ne respnds t by eating, which prduces the reward﹣the reductin f stress. While a rutine invlves repeated behaviur, it’s nt necessarily perfrmed in respnse t a deep﹣rted urge, as a habit is.
    Old habits can be difficult t shake, and healthy habits are ften harder t develp. But thrugh repetitin, it’s pssible t frm new habits. The amunt f time needed t build a habit will depend n multiple factrs, including the individual and the intended behaviur. While yu are able t pickup a new habit in a few weeks, it takes many mnths t build a healthy habit. Take sme time t think abut what leads t bad habits and re﹣evaluate what yu get ut f them (r dn’t). Cnsider and keep in mind why yu want t make a change, including hw the change reflects yur values.
    40.Hw are habits built?

    41.In what way is a rutine different frm a habit?

    42.Please decide which part is false in the fllwing statement, then underline it and explain why.
    Picking up a new habit takes a few week, while building a healthy habit takes a shrter time.

    43.What benefit(s) have yu gt frm ne f yur gd habits?(In abut 40 wrds)

    Dear Jim,
    Li Hua

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    真题重组卷05(北京专用)- 冲刺2024年高考英语真题重组卷(北京专用): 这是一份真题重组卷05(北京专用)- 冲刺2024年高考英语真题重组卷(北京专用),文件包含真题重组卷05北京专用原卷版docx、真题重组卷05北京专用解析版docx、真题重组卷05北京专用参考答案docx等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。

    真题重组卷03(北京专用)- 冲刺2024年高考英语真题重组卷(北京专用): 这是一份真题重组卷03(北京专用)- 冲刺2024年高考英语真题重组卷(北京专用),文件包含真题重组卷03北京专用原卷版docx、真题重组卷03北京专用解析版docx、真题重组卷03北京专用参考答案docx等3份试卷配套教学资源,其中试卷共30页, 欢迎下载使用。






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