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    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius PPT课件
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7  Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius  PPT课件01
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7  Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius  PPT课件02
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7  Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius  PPT课件03
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7  Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius  PPT课件04
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7  Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius  PPT课件05
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7  Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius  PPT课件06
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7  Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius  PPT课件07
    高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7  Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius  PPT课件08
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    北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 2 Beijing Opera课文ppt课件

    这是一份北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 2 Beijing Opera课文ppt课件,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,课文呈现,考点精讲等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    Sectin Ⅱ Lessn 2 Beijing Opera & Lessn 3 A Musical Genius
    1. emtin /ɪˈməʊʃən / n. _________________2. master /ˈmɑːstə / vt._________________  n._________________3. refer / rɪˈfɜː / vi.____________________
    4. pattern / ˈpætən / n._______________________5. therwise /ˈʌðəˌwaɪz / adv._________________6. cmplex / ˈkɒmpleks/adj.___________________7. aspect /ˈæspekt / n.________________________8. minr / ˈmaɪnə /adj._______________________
    9. struggle /ˈstrʌɡl / n._____________________ vi._____________________10. prceed / prəˈsiːd / vi. __________________11. __________ /skɔː/ n.乐谱;比分;成绩12. __________ / rɪˈspɒnd / vi.& vt.回应,回复13. __________ / bækˈsteɪdʒ / adj.后台的;(在)幕后(的) 
    14.__________/tens/ adj.紧张的;焦虑不安的 15.__________/ kənˈdʌktə / n.指挥 16.__________/ˈhezɪˌteɪt / vi.犹豫;踌躇 17.__________/ tʃɑːdʒ / n.主管;负责 18.__________/ˈsɪɡnəl / vt.标志着;预示 n.标识 
    19.__________/brɔːd/ adj.宽阔的;广博的 20.__________/ kəmˈpəʊz / vt.作(曲);构成;写作 
    1._________提到 2.____________________毫不犹豫做某事,尽管做某事3.________________负责 4.________________第一次 5.___________毕竟 
    nt hesitate t d sth 
    take charge f
    fr the first time 
    6. in                7. be regarded as           8. give up       9. in the end         10. at the bttm f            
    一、阅读课文“A MUSICAL GENIUS”,判断正(T)误(F)
    1. Beethven′s ninth symphny was cmpleted in 1827. (  )2. Beethven began t lse his hearing in his thirties.(  )
    3. After lsing his hearing,Beethven gave up music frever.(   )4. Mst f the audience didn’t knw that Beethven was deaf then.(   )5. Beethven was nt sure abut his music befre the perfrmance.(   )
    二、阅读课文“A MUSICAL GENIUS”,选择正确答案
    1. Which wrds can best describe the famus musician Beethven? ( )A. Weak and helpful.B. Talented and lazy.C. Selfish and cld-hearted.D. Talented and strng-minded.
    2.Which f the fllwing statements is NOT true?( )A. Beethven′s ninth symphny was cmpleted in 1824.B. Beethven wrte ver 130 musical wrks.C. Beethven wndered whether peple wuld like his ninth symphny.D. All the audience knew that Beethven was deaf while he was n the stage.
    3. What can we infer frm Paragraph 4?( )A. Michael Umlauf perfrmed better than Beethven.B. The audience didn′t understand Beethven′s music.C. The audience liked and admired Beethven very much.D. Beethven perfrmed n the stage fr mre than an hur.
    female rles cmmn male rlesmale rles with brightly painted masks clwn rles
    female rles
    cmmn male rles
    male rles with brightly painted masks
    □main rles □instruments□the unique sund □cstumes
    1 When did Beijing Opera start?
    It started in the late eighteenth century
    It uses acting,talking,singing,music,dancing and acrbatics.
    2 What frms f perfrmance are cmbined tgether in Beijing Opera?
    3 Hw many rles can be fund in Beijing Opera? What are they?4 What are sme f the special features f Beijing Opera?
    There are fur rles:sheng,dan,jing,chu.
    It has a very unique sund and beautiful cstumes.
    1 Why is Beijing Opera a natinal treasure f China?2 Why d perfrmers sing in very high vices?3 Why are the cstumes in bright clurs?
    1 Why is Beijing Opera a natinal treasure f China?
    Beijing Opera is a natinal treasure f China because it uses acting,talking,singing, music,dancing and acrbatics. All f thse frms are difficult t master.
    2 Why d perfrmers sing in very high vices?
    Perfrmers sing with very high vices because in the early days,it was usually perfrmed n pen-air stages. In rder t be heard ver the crwds,the music had t be lud and perfrmers had t sing in very high vices.
    3 Why are the cstumes in bright clurs?
    Cstumes are in bright clurs because in the past,it was ften perfrmed n stages that were lit nly by il lamps. The cstumes had t have bright and clurful patterns. Otherwise,it wuld have been difficult t attract the audience′s attentin.
    1 Wh went t see Beijing Opera?2 Hw did the persn feel abut it?3 What didn′t the persn understand?
    Lucy went t see Beijing Opera.
    She felt that it was an excellent shw.
    She didn′t understand the part where the main character walks acrss the stage with a flag n each side f her.
    1 What is Beethven mst famus fr? a His pian perfrmances. b Cnducting rchestras. c Cmpsing music.
    2 Where was Beethven brn? a In Germany. b In Canada. c In France.3 What big challenge did Beethven face? a He became deaf. b He became blind. c He was unable t walk
    4 Hw many pieces f music did Beethven write? a Mre than 100. b Mre than 200. c Mre than 300
    Everyne knws that Ludwig van Beethven is a musical genius but few might knw hw he created Symphny N. 9 in D minr and hw its first shw went.
    Ludwig van Beethven was a German cmpser. He is regarded as ne f the greatest cmpsers in the histry f music. In his twenties,he had been very famus fr his skills n the pian, but then he began t lse his hearing. Beethven thught abut giving up,but in the end he cntinued t write music.
    Inspired by his struggles with deafness, the cmpser prduced sme amazing pieces,including nine symphnies,five pian pieces, and an pera! He prceeded with the cmpsitin until his death in 1827,writing mre than 130 musical wrks, including his Symphny N. 9 in D minr.
    One day in February 1824,at his little huse in Vienna,Austria,Ludwig van Beethven sat back in his chair and smiled. The famus German cmpser′s ninth symphny was finally cmpleted. Writing the piece had taken several years,and nw the final ntes had been added t the scre. At 54 years f age,he didn′t knw that this wuld be his last symphny.
    As he prudly signed his name at the bttm f the page, Beethven tried t imagine hw peple wuld respnd when they heard it fr the first time.
    Befre the perfrmance, the backstage atmsphere at a very famus theatre in Vienna was tense. Beethven was afraid that the perfrmance wuld be a disaster. After all,what use is a cnductr wh culd nt hear his rchestra-even if he is a musical genius?
    The audience did nt hesitate t applaud ludly as the famus cmpser walked ut nt the stage fr the first time in 12 years. The theatre′s musical directr,Michael Umlauf, jined him and tgether the tw men tk charge f the rchestra. Fr mre than an hur,Beethven jumped abut in frnt f the rchestra,waving his arms wildly in the air,and madly turning the pages f his scre.
    The whle time,Umlauf std quietly by his side,skilfully guiding the rchestra thrugh the mst amazing piece f music the wrld had ever knwn.
    As the final,jvus nte signalled the end f the symphny, the audience jumped t their feet,clapping, cheering and waving their hats, But Beethven cntinued cnducting,his head buried in the scre. It was nt until Carline Unger,ne f the singers,tk his arm and turned him t face the audience that the great man realised his symphny was a success.
    Later,Carline remembered that Beethven was nt the nly ne wh gt a surprise. “The audience was shcked as well,” she said with a brad smile. “Mst f them had n idea that he was deaf! The ne persn in the rm wh didn′t hear the symphny- and never wuld-was the very man wh cmpsed it.”
    When and hw was Symphny N. 9 cmpleted? What was Beethven thinking when he finished the symphny?Hw d yu think Beethven felt while he was cnducting the rchestra? Find evidence frm the text.
    When and hw was Symphny N. 9 cmpleted? What was Beethven thinking when he finished the symphny?
    It was cmpleted during his deafness and he prceeded with the cmpsitin fr years. He tried t imagine hw peple wuld respnd when they heard it fr the first time.
    2. Hw d yu think Beethven felt while he was cnducting the rchestra? Find evidence frm the text.
    Very excited. Frm the wrds“wildly”“madly”etc.
    ◐ Beethven as a musician◐ The perfrmance f Symphny N.9
    1 The descriptin f Beethven′s be haviur in the perfrmance shws that he was deaf. Can yu find the hints? Why did mst f the audience have n idea that he was deaf?
    “And the whle time,Umlauf std quietly by his side,skilfully guiding the rchestra.” The music ended but Beethven cntinued t cnduct.“It was nt until Carline Unger tk his arm and turned him t face the audience that the great man had realised his symphny was a success.” The audience might think Beethven was deeply lst in his wn music.
    2 Hw did Carline feel when she said “The ne persn in the rm wh didn′t hear the symphny-and never wuld-was the very man wh cmpsed it.”?
    She felt,amng ther feelings,very very srry that Beethven culdn′t hear the music he cmpsed. It was such a pity and she might feel it unfair fr him. She must have wished Beethven was nt deaf.
    tk charge f waving their hats waving his arms wildlyjumped abut turned him t face backstage atmspheremadly turning the pages jumped t their feetwith a brad smile
    1 Befre the perfrmance, the ___________________ was tense.2 Michael Umlauf jined him and tgether the tw men ______________the rchestra.
    backstage atmsphere
    tk charge f
    3 Beethven ______________ in frnt f the rchestra,_____________________ in the air,and _________ _______________________ f his scre.
    jumped abut
    waving his arms wildly
    madly turning the pages
    4 As the final nte signalled the end,the audience _________________,clapping,cheering,and __________________.
    jumped t their feet
    waving their hats
    5 Carline Unger tk Beethven′s arm and ____________ __________________ the audience.
    turned him t face
    6 In an interview afterwards, Carline said____________ __________,“The audience was shcked as well.”
    with a brad smile
    1 It has always been my dream t ________ an rchestra.2 The musician ___________with nervusness befre he began t play.3 Beethven is recgnised as a ___________ genius by peple arund the wrld.
    4 Beethven is the _______ f Symphny N. 9 in D minr.5 T his mther′s ________, he wn first prize.6 She tld me abut the wnderful _____________ that she had been t last week.7 The audience′s ____________ t the perfrmance f the symphny was extrardinary.
    8 Thugh Beethven lst his hearing,he ____________ sme amazing pieces f music
    The furth paragraph—when Beethven walked ut nt the stage fr the first time in 12 years and perfrmed excitedly n the stage. Because as a great deaf cmpser,his great dream had cme true at last!
    ★ refer vi. 提到;谈到
    Eg. She referred t the subject several times during the speech.她在演讲中几次提到了这个主题
    阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① These ntes refer t the case f a murderer. 词组___________ 含义____________
    ② Yu can refer t the bk while writing the article. 词组_____________ 含义______________③When I spke f that girl,I wasn′t referring t her daughter. 词组________________ 含义_______________ 
    ④The title is apparently a reference t the singer′s brther. 词性____________   含义____________ ⑤In reference t yur questin abut cst,the tickets fr the film are 35 yuan each. 词组______________ 含义______________
    in reference t 
    一、写出下列句子中 refer t 的汉语意思
    ① Yu can refer t a dictinary t check the spelling. _________② The wrd business als refers t an rganisatin that prvides gds and services.______________
    ③ He didn′t refer t that famus scientist in his speech.____________
    ④ Here is a bk fr yur ____________ (refer) when yu answer the phne. 
    ⑤ The man wh was referred t in the reprt was frm a develped cuntry.→The man ___________________________was frm a develped cuntry. 
    referred t in the reprt
    剖析 本句中的Inspired by his struggles with deafness是过去分词短语作状语。过去分词(短语)作状语,修饰谓语动词时,其逻辑主语通常就是句子的主语,且主语是过去分词动作的承受者。过去分词作状语时,可以单独使用,也可以在其前面加上适当的连词,可以表示时间、原因、条件、伴随、方式等。
    Eg. Greatly interested,I asked hw he played these new wrks.因为非常感兴趣,我问他是如何演奏这些新作品的。Given gd health,I hpe t finish the wrk this year.如果身体好,我希望今年完成这项工作。
    Eg. The scientist came in,fllwed by her assistant.那位科学家进来了,后面跟着她的助手。Seen frm the tp f the hill,the park lks mre beautiful.从山顶往下看,这座公园看起来更加漂亮。
    ★ struggle n.奋斗
    Eg. The struggle fr freedm was lng and hard,but he never gave up.争取自由的斗争是长期而且艰难的,但是他从不放弃。It was a struggle fr him t make his wife understand.让他的妻子理解对他来说是件难事。
    ① The wman has been struggling with illness fr years.词性__________  含义___________
    ② They have struggled fr freedm fr many years. 词组______________________ 含义______________________③ Hearing this,the wman struggled t her feet. 词组______________________ 含义______________________
    struggle fr... 
    struggle t her feet 
    ①We shuld remember and respect thse peple wh had struggled ________ liberatin. ②It was _____ struggle fr her t bring up three children n her wn. ③_________(blame) by his teacher,the by was in lw spirits. 
    ④ 这些年他们一直在与贫穷作斗争。 They _______________________ pverty these years. ⑤ 看到那个领导,他挣扎着站了起来。 Seeing the leader,he_____________________. 
    have been struggling with
    struggled t his feet
    ⑥ 被提醒了好几次,他还是把会议忘记了。___________________________,he still frgt the meeting. 
    Reminded several times
    ★ respnd vi.& vt.回应,回复
    Eg. I had written t her several times,but she didn′t respnd.我给她写过几次信,但是她没有回复。I wndered why the editr didn′t respnd t my email.我想知道编辑为什么没有回复我的邮件。
    阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义①When asked abut her persnal infrmatin,she made n respnse.词性_____________  含义___________
    ②They decided t hld a meeting in respnse t the news.词组__________________含义__________________
    in respnse t 
    answer,respnd,reply 都可译为“回复”,但answer是及物动词,后面直接接宾语; 而respnd和reply都是不及物动词,后面加t后再接宾语。
    ①T ur surprise,the cmpany refused t respnd ____ the news. ②The man was t busy t make a _________(respnd) t his wife′s letter. 
    ③ 听到这个消息,她报之以微笑。
    Hearing the news,she respnded with a smile. 
    ④ He is lking fr a way t respnd t the news. → He is lking fr a way _____________________.    
    in respnse t the news
    ★ hesitate vi. 犹豫;踌躇
    Eg. He hesitated fr a lng time befre he gave up this plan.在放弃这个计划之前,他犹豫了很久。
    阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义①A few students hesitated t start. They waited t see what the rest f the class wuld d.词组__________________含义__________________
    hesitate t d sth 
    ②She hesitated abut/ver the chice between the tw dresses.词组________________________含义________________________
    hesitate abut/ver sth 
    ③He jumped int the river t save the drwning child withut hesitatin.词性_____________  含义________________词组_________________含义_________________
    withut hesitatin 
    ① Dn′t hesitate _________(ask) me if yu have any questins. ② T my anger,my sn gave up his jb withut __________(hesitate). 
    他毫不犹豫地接受了邀请。③________________________________________ (withut hesitatin) ④___________________________________(hesitate)
    He accepted the invitatin withut hesitatin.
    He didn′t hesitate t accept the invitatin.
    ★ charge n.主管;负责
    Eg. I′d like t have a talk with the man in charge. 我想和主管的人谈一谈。
    阅读下列句子,写出句中红色部分的词性、词组和含义① Culd I speak t the persn in charge f the cmpany? 词组_______________ 含义_______________
    in charge f 
    ② He will take charge f the cmpany next year. 词组________________ 含义________________③ Hw much d yu charge a rm with a bath? 词性 _____________  含义 _____________
    take charge f 
    ④ He was charged with stealing a car last week. 词性 _______________  含义 _______________ 词组 ___________________ 含义 ____________________
    ⑤ Yur rder will be sent free f charge. 词性____________ 含义_______________ 词组____________ 含义_______________⑥ Hw much will yu charge me fr the cat? 词组__________________ 含义__________________
    free f charge 
    ①The man charged me mre than $100 ________the repairs. ②The man _________(charge) with cheating was taken t the plice. 
    ③The girl tld us that the delivery was free _________ charge. ④He tk charge ___________the factry when his father retired. 
    这家公司由格林小姐掌管。 ⑤ Miss Green is _________________the cmpany.  ⑥ The cmpany is _________________Miss Green. 
    in charge f
    in the charge f
    ★ signal vt. 标志着;预示
    Eg. The girl signalled that she was abut t turn right. 女孩打信号灯示意她要向右转。The bell signalled that schl was ver. 铃声响起,预示着放学了。
    阅读下列句子,写出句中的红色部分词组和含义 ① The guard signalled t us withut hesitatin. 词组___________________ 含义___________________
    signal t sb 
    ② The pliceman signalled the driver t crss the rad. 词组____________________ 含义____________________
    signal sb t d sth 
    ① The pliceman std n the rad,______________ (signal) t us. ② This was a signal ________him t cntinue. 
    ③他发信号求助,但是没人注意到。 He _________________,but nbdy nticed. ④这个女人示意我们离开这座房子。 The wman ______________________________. 
    signalled fr help
    signalled us t leave the huse

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    北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册Lesson 2 Beijing Opera多媒体教学ppt课件: 这是一份北师大版 (2019)必修 第三册<a href="/yy/tb_c4002318_t3/?tag_id=26" target="_blank">Lesson 2 Beijing Opera多媒体教学ppt课件</a>,共60页。PPT课件主要包含了课前预习,课文呈现,考点精讲等内容,欢迎下载使用。

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        高中BSD英语必修第三册 Unit 7 Section Ⅱ Lesson 2 Beijing Opera & Lesson 3 A Musical Genius PPT课件
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