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    (120分钟 150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What d we knw abut Tm?
    A. He’s just finished a pian lessn.
    B. He lves playing the guitar.
    C. He plays drums in a band.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. At a café.B. At a university.C. At an animal shelter.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw can the man’s recipe be described?
    A. It’s a reward.B. It’s a success.C. It’s a prblem.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What d the speakers have in cmmn?
    A They are bth big readers.
    B. They are bth in the library.
    C. They bth have just finished a bk.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the wman’s duty in the event?
    A. T make fd.B. T play in the band.C. T give directins.
    6. Why was it difficult t rescue the cat?
    A. It was t scared t mve.B. It was hurt by the branches.C. It was in the tp f a tree.
    7. What did the man d t rescue the cat?
    A. He gt a neighbr t help him.B. He brrwed a ladder.C. He climbed the tree.
    8. What is the wman ding?
    A. Cnducting an interview.B. Reprting sme news.C. Organizing an event.
    9. What is Charles Martin’s family mainly wrried abut?
    A. That his health cnditin will becme wrse.
    B. That his duties at hme and schl will be affected.
    C. That his effrts in the cmmunity wn’t be recgnized.
    10. Hw des Charles Martin plan t remve his family’s cncerns?
    A. By talking t his teacher.
    B. By quitting the cmmunity prject.
    C. By invlving his family in cmmunity wrk.
    11. What are the speakers?
    A. A player and a cach.B. Ftball fans.C. TV sprts reprters.
    12. What causes the current situatin f the game accrding t the man?
    A. Bad defense.B. Pr passing.C. Certain players.
    13. What des the wman think will happen at the end f the game?
    A. The visiting team will win.
    B. The game will end in a draw.
    C. The hme team will win by tw gals.
    14. What is the main tpic f the cnversatin?
    A. The wrking life.B. Cllege experience.C. Hbbies.
    15. Hw lng has the man been at university?
    A. Abut fur mnths.B. Abut six mnths.C. Abut eight mnths.
    16. What is the biggest issue fr the man?
    A. The stress f exams.B. The shrtage f mney.C. The lads f assignments.
    17. When des the man find time t relax?
    A. On weekends.B. Right after exams.C. During the nights after wrk.
    18. Hw did the speaker becme a phtgrapher in demand?
    A. By teaching in wrkshps.B. By starting a business.C. By taking small jbs.
    19. What challenge did the speaker face?
    A. The stress f prducing perfect wrk.
    B. Decreased interest in phtgraphy.
    C. Cnstantly changing hbbies.
    20. What is included in the speaker’s future plans fr his career?
    A. Expanding the business.
    B. Taking phtgraphy trips abrad.
    C. Finding ut mre frms f phtgraphy.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Frequently Asked Questins abut Assessment
    Des it matter if my cursewrk is t lng r t shrt?
    The wrd cunt fr each piece f cursewrk shuld be prvided n the title page. IOE allws a 10% margin(差额)n the wrd limit set fr the cursewrk. Fr example, if the wrd limit is 5, 000 wrds, yu can submit an assessment f between 4, 500 and 5, 500 wrds. Nte that if yur wrk exceeds (超出)the 10% margin, it will autmatically fail.
    When is the deadline fr cursewrk assignments?
    Final deadlines fr cursewrk submissins are nrmally 2 calendar mths after the end f term in which the mdule runs. Cursewrk deadlines will be published n yur prgramme webpage at the start f the academic year. The deadline fr reprts is nrmally the first wrking day in September. Nte that yu MUST submit yur cursewrk by the deadline and that failure t d s in autmatic fail.
    When will I receive the grade and feedback fr my cursewrk?
    Yur cursewrk and reprt are independently marked by tw members f staff. Once the markers have agreed a grade, yu will be infrmed f yur results by the prgramme administratr. We aim t cmplete this prcess within 4 weeks f the submissin deadline. Feedback and grades are nt guaranteed within 4 weeks fr extended, delayed, r resubmitted cursewrk. In special circumstances, yu may apply fr additinal time t cmplete yur cursewrk but must submit the evidence prving yu are impacted by unfreseen factrs. The time shuld be nt later than tw weeks befre the riginal deadline.
    If yu are in any dubt abut the assessment, please cntact the prgramme administratr.
    21. What results in an autmatic fail?
    A. Exceeding the wrd limit.
    B. Nt prviding the wrd cunt.
    C. Missing the cursewrk deadline.
    D. Nt publishing the cursewrk.
    22. What can yu d if yu have dubts abut the feedback yu received?
    A. Cnsult the prgramme administratr.
    B. Submit evidence t supprt yur case.
    C. Revise yur cursewrk based n the feedback.
    D. Cntact the markers wh prvided the feedback.
    23. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A textbk.B. An exam paper.
    C. An academic article.D. A prgramme handbk.
    Anxiety has fllwed me arund like a lst dg lking fr a bne fr years nw. I feel it the mst strngly when I’m wrried abut my health r my daughter’s health. I feel an unusual sensatin and all f a sudden: panic! My wrries are nt limited t health cncerns thugh, and they g in the directin f anxiety abut the future f the wrld, wrries abut my finances, and fears that I’m nt gd enugh.
    Let me g back a few decades, back t when anxiety wasn’t part f my life. When I was a child, I lved art. I drew and I clred because that’s what I enjyed. I went t cllege t becme an art teacher. When I finished schl in May f 2001, I had a part-time design jb, and after the event f September 11th, 2001, I knew I needed t travel, t get ut f the safe life I was living in my hmetwn. That’s when my creative practices fell by the wayside.
    Luckily, after the birth f my daughter in 2014, the desire t create came back. At first, I was using a tiny crner f a bedrm in ur rental huse t paint. Eventually we bught a huse, and I had the space t spread ut, ready t paint whenever the urge struck. That’s when I started nticing smething imprtant: Painting stilled me in a way that nthing else did. It eased my fears and anxieties in a way ther practice (deep breathing, etc) did nt, at least nt as cnsistently. When anxius thughts start, I knw what t d. I head int my studi, grab sme materials, and start creating. Sn enugh, the wrries are gne and instead my mind is quiet.
    I think the reasn why painting is s helpful fr my anxiety is that, in rder fr me t be anxius, I have t be wrrying abut the future and what it hlds. When I’m ding an activity that requires my full cncentratin, I have t be in the mment. It desn’t matter if yu’re artistic. The nly thing that matters is finding a way t be here, in the nw, instead f in the unknwable future.
    24. Which wrd can best describe the writer in paragraph 1?
    A. Cautius.B. Insecure.C. Cnsiderate.D. Impatient.
    25. When did the writer give up n art temprarily?
    A. After her daughter was brn.B. When she studied in cllege.
    C When she was still a little child.D. After sme big event happened.
    26. Hw des painting relieve the writer’s anxiety?
    A. Painting makes her stay in a place.B. Clrs f painting calm her dwn.
    C. Painting is a very creative activity.D. Painting makes less rm fr wrries.
    27. What can we learn frm the stry?
    A. What is imprtant is t seize the mment.B. Anxiety may smetimes be beneficial t life.
    C. It is necessary t learn sme art in childhd.D. Painting is the best way t ease peple’s mind.
    In a wrld f music streaming services, access t almst any sng is just a few clicks away. Yet, the live perfrmance lives n. Peple still fill sweaty basements, muddy fields and gilded cncert halls t hear their favurite musicians play. And nw neurscientists might knw why—live music engages the brain’s emtin centres mre than its recrded cunterpart.
    Cncerts are immersive (沉浸式的) scial experiences in which peple listen t and feel the music tgether thrugh crescends, key changes and rhythmic drps. Mrever, they are dynamic — artists can adapt their playing accrding t the crwd’s reactin.
    It was this last difference that led neurscientists, based at the Universities f Zurich and Osl, t study the brain respnses f peple listening t music. In the “live” experiment, participants lay in an MRI scanner listening t the music thrugh earphnes, while a pianist was psitined utside the rm. The pianist was shwn the participant’s real-time brain activity as a frm f feedback. In the recrded cnditin, participants listened t pre-recrded versins f the same tunes.
    The scientists were interested in hw live music affected the areas f the brain respnsible fr prcessing emtins, particularly the amygdala, an area deep inside the brain. The results, just published in the jurnal PNAS, revealed that live music had a significantly greater emtinal impact. Whether the music cnveyed happiness r sadness, dynamic live perfrmances led t increased activity nt nly in the amygdala but als ther parts f the brain’s emtin prcessing netwrk. The researchers als fund that participants’ brain activity tracked the acustic (声学) features f the music, like temp and pitch, far mre clsely when it was played live.
    While the study didn’t fully recreate the live cncert experience, the findings suggest that artists’ ability t adjust their perfrmance in real time cntributes t the emtinal resnance (共鸣) f live music. Sme musical acts nw attempt t recreate live cncerts, such as ABBA Vyage, an immersive pre-recrded VR cncert, but withut artists’ capacity t read audience’s md and respnd accrdingly, it will never quite match the real thing.
    28. Why d peple attend live shws despite music streaming services?
    A. Because they prefer being with friends at a cncert.
    B. Because they enjy the prcess f finding ppular music.
    C. Because they intend t meet their favrite musicians in persn.
    D. Because they value the emtinal cnnectin live music brings.
    29. The rle f the pianist play in the “live” experiment is t _______.
    A bserve the participants’ brain activity as feedback
    B. cmpare the effectiveness f live perfrmances and recrded nes
    C. prvide live accmpaniment t participants inside the MRI scanner
    D. demnstrate their ability t read and respnd t the audience’s md
    30. What did the study published in PNAS find abut the impact f live music n the brain?
    A. Live music affected nly the amygdala f the brain.
    B. The brain respnded mre intensely t acustic features f live music.
    C. Live music had a reduced emtinal impact cmpared t recrded music.
    D. The participants’ brain activity was especially sensitive t dynamic music.
    31. What des the authr suggest by mentining ABBA Vyage in the last paragraph?
    A. It fails t create a perfect perfrming atmsphere.
    B It matches the sund quality f live perfrmances.
    C. It greatly stirs up the audience’s emtinal respnse.
    D. It lacks artists’ respnse based n audience’s feedback.
    It’s cmmnly acknwledged that ur lives are ruled by algrithms (算法), but have we really cllectively understd hw they have transfrmed ur culture and persnality?
    In Filterwrld: Hw algrithms flattened culture, Kyle Chayka argues cnvincingly that the rise f algrithm-driven feeds, used everywhere nline frm Instagram t Sptify, has led t a mre unifrm culture. Our tastes and desires increasingly dn’t belng t us, but t algrithms that are designed t keep peple engaged at all csts. If the cllectin f ur tastes truly shapes ur entire persnality, then this lss is mre psychlgically damaging than it first appears. Aimlessly scrlling (滚屏) thrugh Netflix r TikTk may seem harmless, but ver days, mnths r years, we lse tuch with what we like and enjy.
    Taste-making algrithms are inescapable. Chayka shws this by wrking thrugh all crners f life: what we wear(TikTk), where we eat(Ggle Maps), music we listen t(Sptify), even wh we date r marry(Tinder). This universe f algrithm-driven decisins has sciety-wide implicatins: “It extends t influence ur physical spaces, ur cities, and the rutes we mve thrugh…flattening them in turn.” N ne gets ut f the Filterwrld untuched.
    If yu’re lucky enugh nt t need any srt f algrithm-based system fr yur wrk, then yu have the ptin t step back frm algrithms fr a while. But if yur friend suggests a film recmmended n X/Twitter r yu feel the need t buy thse shes suddenly everyne has started wearing after scial media advertisements, what are yu t d? It all feels fruitless.
    This Filterwrld may be inescapable, but there is hpe. Yu can start by engaging mre with the media yu d chse t cnsume. This culd mean reading up abut a film yu watched r paying artists yu like directly. Even the thughtful act f recmmending an album (专辑) t a friend is mre rewarding than a randm TikTk feed. As Chayka says, resistance t algrithms “requires an act f willpwer, a chice t mve thrugh the wrld in a different way.”
    32. What is Kyle Chayka’s pinin n algrithms?
    A. They imprve ur tastes.B. They make ur culture mre alike.
    C. They help t identify ur persnality.D. They cntribute t psychlgical prblems.
    33. What des the underlined part in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. The sciety with advanced technlgy.B. The wrld withut scial media platfrms.
    C. The netwrk f algrithm-driven decisins.D. The cmmunity free frm algrithmic influence.
    34. Which f the fllwing is a way t resist the impact f algrithms?
    A. Limiting the use f scial media platfrms.B. Making chices based n friends’ suggestins.
    C. Getting mre invlved with the selected media.D. Discnnecting frm scial media advertisements.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Algrithms: Cultural TakeverB. The Secret f Algrithms
    C. Scial Media: Cultural MessengerD. The Rise f Digital Platfrms
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分,共12.5分)
    The slutin t any despair might be hpe, experts say. It’s believing in a brighter future and acting twards it. ____36____ Here are strategies that can help cultivate hpe. As Hellman, an assistant prfessr f psychlgy at Sufflk University in Bstn, pints ut, “Hpe begets hpe, and it has such a significant prtective factr.”
    ____37____ Make it a pint t always be wrking tward at least ne gal that’s meaningful, Hellman advises. In ther wrds, it shuldn’t be smething yu have t d but smething yu want t d. “Gals can be anything that’s imprtant t us,” he says.
    Brainstrm slutins. If yu’ve set a gal that’s meaningful t yu, but yu can’t figure ut a way t achieve it, yu’ll prbably feel pretty hpeless. Peple wh are high in hpe, meanwhile, tend t generate lts f ways. ____38____ If yu’re struggling t make a plan, Hellman suggests sitting dwn with a pen and paper and giving yurself an hur t brainstrm slutins.
    Seek ut success stries. It’s said that peple cultivate hpe by seeking supprt frm their parents and specific teachers. But they als gt a lt ut f learning abut ther peple wh have dne well fr themselves. Hellman says, “____39____”
    Tap int yur imaginatin. Hellman thinks f imaginatin as “the instrument f hpe”. Let’s say yu set a gal fr the week. Spend a few minutes reflecting n r talking abut what wuld happen if yu achieved it. “Hw des it impact yu, r hw wuld it benefit thers?” he says. “____40____ And when yu can see yurself in the future, that is the very essence f hpe.”
    A. D smething meaningful.
    B. It can be taught and nurtured.
    C. Think in a gal-riented way.
    D. With these gd examples, peple are bund t be successful.
    E. S, if ne desn’t wrk ut, they have an alternative at the ready.
    F. By seeing ther peple succeed, they feel like they culd succeed.
    G. Yu and I have this wnderful capacity t play a mvie in ur head.
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    Outside Brian Petersn’s apartment, a hmeless man was ften yelling n the street crner. Petersn wuld smetimes passed by, but they never ___41___.
    One day, Petersn was reading a bk abut the pwer f lve in actin, when his quiet was again disturbed by the man. Inspired by the bk, Petersn made a(n) ___42___ decisin t g utside and intrduce himself. He learned that the man, Matt Faris, had cme t pursue a music career, but sn fell n hard times and ___43___ living n the street.
    “It was ___44___ that I saw beauty n the face f a man wh hadn’t shaved in prbably a year,” Petersn recalled later in an interview. “And I even ffered t paint his prtrait, even thugh I hadn’t picked up a(n) ___45___ in years.”
    Petersn’s cnnectin with Faris led him t ___46___ a nnprfit which fcused n befriending and painting prtraits f the hmeless. He usually chses ___47___ inspired by the mdel’s life stry. He shwed ne man ___48___ his battle with alchlism, fr example, by changing the clrs frm a sad blue t a jyful red.
    Each prtrait, signed by bth ___49___ and artist, is fr sell. Half f the incme is put int a “lve ___50___” fr the mdel. He aims t help the hmeless ___51___ immediate necessities and get back n their feet. Faris used the funds frm his prtrait t recrd a(n) ___52___, fulfilling his musical dreams.
    But there’s mre t the prtraits than the ___53___ brught t smene dwn-and-ut. The buyers tend t ___54___ the subject in the painting, finding similarities and ften friendship with smene they might have ___55___ verlked.
    41. A. spkeB. quarreledC. quitD. met
    42. A. finalB. tughC. unexpectedD. quick
    43. A. gt dwn tB. ended upC. gt away withD. gave up
    44. A. strangeB. wnderfulC. awfulD. awkward
    45. A. skillB. penC. bkD. paintbrush
    46. A. inspireB. fundC. cnsultD. cntact
    47. A. paintingsB. scenesC. clrsD. characters
    48. A. fightingB. winningC. lsingD. facing
    49. A. subjectB. painterC. custmerD. seller
    50. A. messageB. affairC. expressinD. accunt
    51. A. secureB. seekC. dnateD. share
    52. A. stryB. filmC. experienceD. album
    53. A. prfitB. benefitC. mneyD. attentin
    54. A. inquire abutB. cnnect withC. get alng withD. cme acrss
    55. A. finallyB. definitelyC. therwiseD. seldm
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Jiangsu, knwn fr its unique blend f innvatin and preservatin, is a true treasure. I was _____56_____ (incredible) frtunate t jurney thrugh the cities f Suzhu and Nanjing, bth f which left me fascinated with their true impressiveness and eagerly _____57_____ (lng) t explre further.
    My first stp was Suzhu. _____58_____ (engage) myself in the lcal industrial atmsphere, I specially chse a htel in the “industrial park”, _____59_____ the cexistence f advanced manufacturing and natural beauty was mst evident, as it was situated n the edge f a _____60_____ (scene) lake, embraced by a vibrant landscape. As I adventured int the heart f the city, the Old Twn’s ancient waterways led me n an _____61_____ (explre) f histry, and the classical gardens ffered a glimpse int a stried past. Hwever, what truly amazed me was the “energy f Suzhu” represented by its peple wh have enrmus respect fr their city’s time-hnred histry as well as _____62_____ innvative eye n the future.
    Actually, the mindset f mdernizatin with deep respect fr the past isn’t nly unique t Suzhu _____63_____ an indicative factr f Nanjing. High-rises decrate the city’s skyline, creating a distinct cntrast _____64_____ the ancient neighbrhds, temples, and buildings that ______65______ (ccupy) previusly by peple.
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 假设你是郑州外国语学校高三学生李华,临近毕业,你们班的英语老师请每位同学给新高一学弟学妹写封英文邮件,邮件内容包括:
    1. 你的建议;
    2. 你的祝愿。
    Dear fellw students,
    Li Hua
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Have yu ever been s depressed that yu can’t sleep? Yu als can’t eat. Yu can’t read. Yu have n friends t call up and nthing is gd n TV. S yu sigh, press yur face dwn harder int yur pillw, and shed a few tears.
    This was my life tw years ag. I had just turned 14 but already fund life a struggle. As I lay in my bed ne Saturday, Mm peeked (瞄) int my rm t make her regular “Is Emily still alive” check. I knew that if I spent mre time like this, she wuld begin dusting me. After suggesting a few things fr me t d that I immediately rejected, Mm made her mve, “Emily! Get dressed! I’m taking the dg ut fr a walk, and yu’re cming with me!” “Why?” I prtested. “Because it’ll make yu feel better.”
    The thught f mving was unbearable. I felt as if all f my bdy parts were weighed dwn by tns f bricks I culdn’t remember the last time I had gne utside. Smehw I fund the strength t slip n a pair f jeans and a black sweatshirt. Mm was waiting at the dr, leash (狗绳) in hand and dg at her side.
    Then, we stepped utside. It was a warm March day and it had been a lng time since the warmth f the sun had tuched my cheeks. Mm led the dg and me dwn sme dirt paths, thrugh a big field and reached Halsey Pnd. But the signs f spring had yet t appear and the scene was rather clrless thrughut the entire jurney.
    “I’m tired! It’s bring, Mm! When can we g hme?” “Nt yet,” she’d say. Mm stpped t say hi t every jgger, dg walker, runner, and bicyclist wh passed us. Smetimes she wuld get int a cnversatin. They wuld talk abut weather, dgs, and all small talk tpics. She seemed happy, and was literally glwing (容光焕发). After walking fr what seemed an age, Mm finally said it was time t g back.
    Paragraph 1: When I gt hme, a new feeling seemed t be awakened.
    Paragraph 2: A new Saturday fund me asking Mm if I culd take the dg ut.
    (120分钟 150分)
    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What d we knw abut Tm?
    A. He’s just finished a pian lessn.
    B. He lves playing the guitar.
    C. He plays drums in a band.
    【原文】W: Hi there, Tm. I’ve just finished my pian lessn. Have yu been practicing yur guitar lately?
    M: Yeah. I’ve been learning sme new sngs. I lve the feeling when I finally get a sng right.
    W: We nly need smene n drums and we culd frm a band.
    2. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Where are the speakers prbably?
    A. At a café.B. At a university.C. At an animal shelter.
    【原文】M: Hi, Gina. Is that yu? What brings yu here?
    W: Oh, hi, Kevin. I’m adpting this cute little dg here. She’s s friendly and well-behaved.
    M: We haven’t met since university. What abut a chat at the café nearby? My wrk is almst finished.
    3. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    Hw can the man’s recipe be described?
    A. It’s a reward.B. It’s a success.C. It’s a prblem.
    【原文】W: I tried that new recipe yu shared — the chclate chip ckies. They were a hit with my family.
    M: I’m glad yu liked them. I’ve shared that recipe with s many peple and they all say the same thing. Baking can be s rewarding.
    W: It certainly can.
    4. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What d the speakers have in cmmn?
    A. They are bth big readers.
    B. They are bth in the library.
    C. They bth have just finished a bk.
    【原文】M: I’m reading an amazing bk. I gt it frm the library. It’s a real page-turner.
    W: Which ne is it? I’m lking fr smething new t read. I’ve just finished my latest bk.
    M: The Night Circus by Erin Mrgenstern. Yu’ll lve it.
    5. 【此处可播放相关音频,请去附件查看】
    What is the wman’s duty in the event?
    A. T make fd.B. T play in the band.C. T give directins.
    【原文】W: Did yu hear abut the charity event at the village hall next weekend?
    M: Yeah, I saw the flyers (传单). There’s ging t be a band and fd. Are yu ging?
    W: Abslutely. I’m vlunteering there t shw peple the way. It’s fr a great cause.
    6. Why was it difficult t rescue the cat?
    A. It was t scared t mve.B. It was hurt by the branches.C. It was in the tp f a tree.
    7. What did the man d t rescue the cat?
    A. He gt a neighbr t help him.B. He brrwed a ladder.C. He climbed the tree.
    【答案】6. A 7. B
    【原文】M: Hey, yu wn’t believe what happened earlier tday. I had t rescue a cat that was stuck in a tree.
    W: Oh, really? Tell me all abut it.
    M: It was quite a challenge. The pr thing was terrified and wuldn’t cme dwn. I had t get a ladder frm my neighbr but, even then, it tk sme time t get the cat t trust me. Finally, after a bit f patience, I managed t reach it and bring it dwn safely.
    W: That’s s kind f yu. It sunds like quite an adventure.
    M: It was. I’m just glad I culd help the pr creature.
    8. What is the wman ding?
    A. Cnducting an interview.B. Reprting sme news.C. Organizing an event.
    9. What is Charles Martin’s family mainly wrried abut?
    A. That his health cnditin will becme wrse.
    B. That his duties at hme and schl will be affected.
    C. That his effrts in the cmmunity wn’t be recgnized.
    10. Hw des Charles Martin plan t remve his family’s cncerns?
    A. By talking t his teacher.
    B. By quitting the cmmunity prject.
    C. By invlving his family in cmmunity wrk.
    【答案】8. A 9. B 10. C
    【原文】W: Charles Martin, thank yu fr jining us tday. Culd yu tell us abut yur recent prject?
    M: Of curse. I’ve been wrking n a new envirnmental prgram in ur cmmunity. We’ve been rganizing clean-up events and planting trees t reduce pllutin.
    W: That deserves praise. Hw des yur family feel abut the time yu’re devting t it?
    M: Well, it’s been challenging. My family has been supprtive, but I can sense their cncerns.
    W: I see. What are their majr cncerns?
    M: They wrry that I might nt have enugh time fr study r that I’ll neglect my respnsibilities at hme.
    W: That’s understandable. Hw d yu plan t address these cncerns while cntinuing yur imprtant wrk?
    M: It’s a balancing act fr sure. I’m making an effrt t invlve them in sme f the cmmunity activities, s it becmes a family effrt. And I’ve been wrking n better time management.
    11. What are the speakers?
    A. A player and a cach.B. Ftball fans.C. TV sprts reprters.
    12. What causes the current situatin f the game accrding t the man?
    A. Bad defense.B. Pr passing.C. Certain players.
    13. What des the wman think will happen at the end f the game?
    A. The visiting team will win.
    B. The game will end in a draw.
    C. The hme team will win by tw gals.
    【答案】11. B 12. C 13. C
    【原文】M: Srry I tk s lng. I culdn’t find ur seats anywhere — these cheering sectins in this stadium are crazy right nw!
    W: It’s a very clse match. We’ve nly gt 20 minutes left. Hw d yu think the game will end?
    M: I dn’t knw, Eva. We’ve bught tickets and watched West Ham United F.C. play at hme dzens f times. These games are hard t predict.
    W: I knw. But lk at all f us fans tgether, cheering n ur team frm the stands. We can cheer ur team t victry.
    M: I hpe s. It’s still a draw nw. But if the cach desn’t switch sme players n the field, we’ll definitely lse.
    W: Have sme faith!
    M: Well, as lng as we keep up ur excellent defense and passing, we’ll stp the visiting team frm winning.
    W: Our team’s mvement is excellent, and we’ll get at least tw mre gals in the net by the game’s end. Yu’ll see!
    M: I hpe yu’re right!
    14. What is the main tpic f the cnversatin?
    A. The wrking life.B. Cllege experience.C. Hbbies.
    15. Hw lng has the man been at university?
    A. Abut fur mnths.B. Abut six mnths.C. Abut eight mnths.
    16. What is the biggest issue fr the man?
    A. The stress f exams.B. The shrtage f mney.C. The lads f assignments.
    17. When des the man find time t relax?
    A. On weekends.B. Right after exams.C. During the nights after wrk.
    【答案】14. B 15. A 16. B 17. A
    【原文】W: Hey there. Hw’s life at university treating yu? Yu’ve been there since September and it’s the end f December nw.
    M: Oh, it’s been quite an experience. I’m really enjying it.
    W: It’s great t hear yu’re enjying it. What’s been the mst enjyable part s far?
    M: Well, I’ve made sme fantastic friends here. I’ve met peple frm all walks f life. And I’ve even jined a club fr utdr enthusiasts. It’s been a lt f fun explring the nearby hiking trails and spending weekends camping.
    W: Sunds great. But I can imagine it’s nt all plain sailing. Any challenges yu’ve had t face?
    M: Oh yes. Managing lads f assignments and exams can be quite stressful. And the mst serius prblem is the financial issue. My part-time jb barely cvers all my expenses, s budgeting has been a real struggle.
    W: I can see hw that can be tugh. Where d yu usually study?
    M: I mstly study in the university library. It’s a quiet and well-equipped place, perfect fr fcusing.
    W: When d yu usually find time t relax?
    M: Hnestly, mst f my free time is taken up by my part-time jb r studying. I try t catch sme relaxatin time at the weekend by hanging ut with friends r ging fr a lng walk in the nearby park.
    18. Hw did the speaker becme a phtgrapher in demand?
    A. By teaching in wrkshps.B. By starting a business.C. By taking small jbs.
    19. What challenge did the speaker face?
    A. The stress f prducing perfect wrk.
    B. Decreased interest in phtgraphy.
    C. Cnstantly changing hbbies.
    20. What is included in the speaker’s future plans fr his career?
    A. Expanding the business.
    B. Taking phtgraphy trips abrad.
    C. Finding ut mre frms f phtgraphy.
    【答案】18. C 19. A 20. C
    【原文】It’s quite incredible hw a simple hbby can turn int a fulfilling and successful career. I want t share my jurney with yu, starting frm my lve fr phtgraphy. I used t take pictures f landscapes and peple during my free time. It was my way f capturing life’s beautiful mments and expressing my creativity. Little did I expect that this passin wuld lead t a career. Over time, I imprved my skills by experimenting with varius techniques and attending phtgraphy wrkshps. Friends and family began t ntice my talent and asked me t phtgraph their events. This was the turning pint. I started ding small jbs like capturing(拍摄) weddings, parties, and special mments. Wrd f muth quickly spread, and sn, I was in demand as a phtgrapher. As my client base expanded, s did my cnfidence and ambitin. I realized I culd turn my hbby int a full-time career. Hwever, this jurney had its challenges. The pressure f delivering perfect phts, the irregular incme, and the cmpetitin in the phtgraphy wrld tested my patience. Nw, I’ve established my wn phtgraphy business, specializing in prtrait(肖像) phtgraphy. I’ve traveled t beautiful places, met wnderful peple, and captured cuntless unfrgettable mments. My future plans include explring new types f phtgraphy, teaching ambitius phtgraphers, and cntinuing t find new ways t tell dmestic stries thrugh my camera.
    第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
    阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
    Frequently Asked Questins abut Assessment
    Des it matter if my cursewrk is t lng r t shrt?
    The wrd cunt fr each piece f cursewrk shuld be prvided n the title page. IOE allws a 10% margin(差额)n the wrd limit set fr the cursewrk. Fr example, if the wrd limit is 5, 000 wrds, yu can submit an assessment f between 4, 500 and 5, 500 wrds. Nte that if yur wrk exceeds (超出)the 10% margin, it will autmatically fail.
    When is the deadline fr cursewrk assignments?
    Final deadlines fr cursewrk submissins are nrmally 2 calendar mths after the end f term in which the mdule runs. Cursewrk deadlines will be published n yur prgramme webpage at the start f the academic year. The deadline fr reprts is nrmally the first wrking day in September. Nte that yu MUST submit yur cursewrk by the deadline and that failure t d s in autmatic fail.
    When will I receive the grade and feedback fr my cursewrk?
    Yur cursewrk and reprt are independently marked by tw members f staff. Once the markers have agreed a grade, yu will be infrmed f yur results by the prgramme administratr. We aim t cmplete this prcess within 4 weeks f the submissin deadline. Feedback and grades are nt guaranteed within 4 weeks fr extended, delayed, r resubmitted cursewrk. In special circumstances, yu may apply fr additinal time t cmplete yur cursewrk but must submit the evidence prving yu are impacted by unfreseen factrs. The time shuld be nt later than tw weeks befre the riginal deadline.
    If yu are in any dubt abut the assessment, please cntact the prgramme administratr.
    21. What results in an autmatic fail?
    A. Exceeding the wrd limit.
    B. Nt prviding the wrd cunt.
    C. Missing the cursewrk deadline.
    D. Nt publishing the cursewrk.
    22. What can yu d if yu have dubts abut the feedback yu received?
    A. Cnsult the prgramme administratr.
    B. Submit evidence t supprt yur case.
    C. Revise yur cursewrk based n the feedback.
    D. Cntact the markers wh prvided the feedback.
    23. Where is this text prbably taken frm?
    A. A textbk.B. An exam paper.
    C. An academic article.D. A prgramme handbk.
    【答案】21. C 22. A 23. D
    【详解】1.细节理解题。根据第一段“Nte that if yur wrk exceeds the 10% margin, it will autmatically fail.(请注意,如果您的字数超过10%的余量,它将自动失败)”以及第二段“Nte that yu MUST submit yur cursewrk by the deadline and that failure t d s results in an autmatic fail.(请注意,你必须在截止日期前提交课程作业,否则将自动不及格)”可知自动不及格的情况有两种,论文字数超出规定字数的10%和未在规定时间上传作业。A中只写到超过字数限制,而不是超过限制10%。故选C。
    2.细节理解题。根据文章最后一段“If yu are in any dubt abut the assessment, please cntact the prgram me administratr.(如果您对评估有任何疑问,请联系项目管理员)”可知,如果对课程作业评估有质疑,可以联系该研究课程的管理员。故选A。
    3.推理判断题。根据文章标题“Frequently Asked Questins abut Assessment(有关评估核定的常见问题)”并结合全文可知,这篇文章集中回答了一个研究课程关于成绩评估的三个常见问题,可见这篇文章主要在介绍与研究课程相关的基本信息,所以应该来自于某个研究课程的课程指南。故选D。
    Anxiety has fllwed me arund like a lst dg lking fr a bne fr years nw. I feel it the mst strngly when I’m wrried abut my health r my daughter’s health. I feel an unusual sensatin and all f a sudden: panic! My wrries are nt limited t health cncerns thugh, and they g in the directin f anxiety abut the future f the wrld, wrries abut my finances, and fears that I’m nt gd enugh.
    Let me g back a few decades, back t when anxiety wasn’t part f my life. When I was a child, I lved art. I drew and I clred because that’s what I enjyed. I went t cllege t becme an art teacher. When I finished schl in May f 2001, I had a part-time design jb, and after the event f September 11th, 2001, I knew I needed t travel, t get ut f the safe life I was living in my hmetwn. That’s when my creative practices fell by the wayside.
    Luckily, after the birth f my daughter in 2014, the desire t create came back. At first, I was using a tiny crner f a bedrm in ur rental huse t paint. Eventually we bught a huse, and I had the space t spread ut, ready t paint whenever the urge struck. That’s when I started nticing smething imprtant: Painting stilled me in a way that nthing else did. It eased my fears and anxieties in a way ther practice (deep breathing, etc) did nt, at least nt as cnsistently. When anxius thughts start, I knw what t d. I head int my studi, grab sme materials, and start creating. Sn enugh, the wrries are gne and instead my mind is quiet.
    I think the reasn why painting is s helpful fr my anxiety is that, in rder fr me t be anxius, I have t be wrrying abut the future and what it hlds. When I’m ding an activity that requires my full cncentratin, I have t be in the mment. It desn’t matter if yu’re artistic. The nly thing that matters is finding a way t be here, in the nw, instead f in the unknwable future.
    24. Which wrd can best describe the writer in paragraph 1?
    A. Cautius.B. Insecure.C. Cnsiderate.D. Impatient.
    25. When did the writer give up n art temprarily?
    A. After her daughter was brn.B. When she studied in cllege.
    C. When she was still a little child.D. After sme big event happened.
    26. Hw des painting relieve the writer’s anxiety?
    A. Painting makes her stay in a place.B. Clrs f painting calm her dwn.
    C. Painting is a very creative activity.D. Painting makes less rm fr wrries.
    27. What can we learn frm the stry?
    A. What is imprtant is t seize the mment.B. Anxiety may smetimes be beneficial t life.
    C. It is necessary t learn sme art in childhd.D. Painting is the best way t ease peple’s mind.
    【答案】24. B 25. D 26. D 27. A
    推理判断题。根据第一段“Anxiety has fllwed me arund like a lst dg lking fr a bne fr years nw. I feel it the mst strngly when I’m wrried abut my health r my daughter’s health. I feel an unusual sensatin and all f a sudden panic! My wrries are nt limited t health cncerns thugh, and they g in the directin f anxiety abut the future f the wrld, wrries abut my finances, and fears that I’m nt gd enugh.(多年来,焦虑就像一只迷路的狗在找骨头一样跟着我。当我担心我的健康或我女儿的健康时,我感觉最强烈。我有一种不寻常的感觉,然后突然恐慌起来!不过,我的担忧并不局限于健康问题,它们还包括对世界未来的焦虑、对自己财务状况的担忧,以及对自己不够优秀的恐惧)”可推知,作者没有安全感。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段“When I finished schl in May f 2001, I had a part-time design jb, and after the event f September 11th, 2001, I knew I needed t travel, t get ut f the safe life I was living in my hmetwn. That’s when my creative practices fell by the wayside. (当我在2001年5月毕业的时候,我有一份兼职的设计工作,在2001年9月11日的事件之后,我知道我需要旅行,离开我在家乡的安全生活。就在那时,我的创作实践戛然而止)”可知,作者在一些重大事件发生之后暂时放弃了艺术。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“That’s when I started nticing smething imprtant: Painting stilled me in a way that nthing else did. It eased my fears and anxieties in a way ther practice (deep breathing, etc) did nt, at least nt as cnsistently. When anxius thughts start, I knw what t d. I head int my studi, grab sme materials, and start creating. Sn enugh, the wrries are gne and instead my mind is quiet. (就在那时,我开始注意到一件重要的事情:绘画以一种其他任何东西都无法做到的方式让我平静下来。它缓解了我的恐惧和焦虑,这是其他练习(深呼吸等)所没有的,至少没有那么持续。当焦虑的想法开始时,我知道该怎么做。我走进我的工作室,抓起一些材料,开始创作。很快,烦恼消失了,取而代之的是我的头脑很安静)”可知,绘画让担忧的空闲少了,从而缓解了作者的焦虑。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“The nly thing that matters is finding a way t be here, in the nw, instead f in the unknwable future.(唯一重要的是找到一种方法,活在当下,而不是不可知的未来)”可知,故事告诉我们重要的是要抓住当下。故选A。
    In a wrld f music streaming services, access t almst any sng is just a few clicks away. Yet, the live perfrmance lives n. Peple still fill sweaty basements, muddy fields and gilded cncert halls t hear their favurite musicians play. And nw neurscientists might knw why—live music engages the brain’s emtin centres mre than its recrded cunterpart.
    Cncerts are immersive (沉浸式的) scial experiences in which peple listen t and feel the music tgether thrugh crescends, key changes and rhythmic drps. Mrever, they are dynamic — artists can adapt their playing accrding t the crwd’s reactin.
    It was this last difference that led neurscientists, based at the Universities f Zurich and Osl, t study the brain respnses f peple listening t music. In the “live” experiment, participants lay in an MRI scanner listening t the music thrugh earphnes, while a pianist was psitined utside the rm. The pianist was shwn the participant’s real-time brain activity as a frm f feedback. In the recrded cnditin, participants listened t pre-recrded versins f the same tunes.
    The scientists were interested in hw live music affected the areas f the brain respnsible fr prcessing emtins, particularly the amygdala, an area deep inside the brain. The results, just published in the jurnal PNAS, revealed that live music had a significantly greater emtinal impact. Whether the music cnveyed happiness r sadness, dynamic live perfrmances led t increased activity nt nly in the amygdala but als ther parts f the brain’s emtin prcessing netwrk. The researchers als fund that participants’ brain activity tracked the acustic (声学的) features f the music, like temp and pitch, far mre clsely when it was played live.
    While the study didn’t fully recreate the live cncert experience, the findings suggest that artists’ ability t adjust their perfrmance in real time cntributes t the emtinal resnance (共鸣) f live music. Sme musical acts nw attempt t recreate live cncerts, such as ABBA Vyage, an immersive pre-recrded VR cncert, but withut artists’ capacity t read audience’s md and respnd accrdingly, it will never quite match the real thing.
    28. Why d peple attend live shws despite music streaming services?
    A. Because they prefer being with friends at a cncert.
    B. Because they enjy the prcess f finding ppular music.
    C. Because they intend t meet their favrite musicians in persn.
    D. Because they value the emtinal cnnectin live music brings.
    29. The rle f the pianist play in the “live” experiment is t _______.
    A. bserve the participants’ brain activity as feedback
    B. cmpare the effectiveness f live perfrmances and recrded nes
    C. prvide live accmpaniment t participants inside the MRI scanner
    D. demnstrate their ability t read and respnd t the audience’s md
    30. What did the study published in PNAS find abut the impact f live music n the brain?
    A. Live music affected nly the amygdala f the brain.
    B. The brain respnded mre intensely t acustic features f live music.
    C. Live music had a reduced emtinal impact cmpared t recrded music.
    D. The participants’ brain activity was especially sensitive t dynamic music.
    31. What des the authr suggest by mentining ABBA Vyage in the last paragraph?
    A. It fails t create a perfect perfrming atmsphere.
    B. It matches the sund quality f live perfrmances.
    C. It greatly stirs up the audience’s emtinal respnse.
    D. It lacks artists’ respnse based n audience’s feedback.
    【答案】28. D 29. C 30. B 31. D
    细节理解题。根据第一段“Peple still fill sweaty basements, muddy fields and gilded cncert halls t hear their favurite musicians play. And nw neurscientists might knw why—live music engages the brain’s emtin centres mre than its recrded cunterpart.(人们仍然挤在闷热的地下室、泥泞的田野和镀金的音乐厅里听他们最喜欢的音乐家演奏。现在神经科学家可能知道了原因——现场音乐比录音音乐更能调动大脑的情绪中枢)”可知,尽管有音乐流媒体服务,人们还参加现场演出是因为他们重视现场音乐带来的情感联系。故选D。
    细节理解题。根据第三段“In the “live” experiment, participants lay in an MRI scanner listening t the music thrugh earphnes, while a pianist was psitined utside the rm. The pianist was shwn the participant’s real-time brain activity as a frm f feedback.In the recrded cnditin, participants listened t pre-recrded versins f the same tunes.(在“现场”实验中,参与者躺在核磁共振扫描仪中,戴着耳机听音乐,而钢琴家则被安排在房间外面。作为一种反馈,钢琴家被展示了参与者的实时大脑活动。在录音条件下,参与者听预先录制的相同曲调)”可知,钢琴家在“现场”实验中扮演的角色是为MRI扫描仪内的参与者提供现场伴奏。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“The results, just published in the jurnal PNAS, revealed that live music had a significantly greater emtinal impact.(刚刚发表在《美国科学院院刊》上的研究结果显示,现场音乐对情绪的影响要大得多)”可知,关于现场音乐对大脑的影响,发表在PNAS上的研究发现大脑对现场音乐的声学特征反应更强烈。故选B。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段“Sme musical acts nw attempt t recreate live cncerts, such as ABBA Vyage, an immersive pre-recrded VR cncert, but withut artists’ capacity t read audience’s md and respnd accrdingly, it will never quite match the real thing.(现在,一些音乐表演试图重现现场音乐会,比如ABBA Vyage,这是一场身临其境的预先录制的VR音乐会,但如果艺术家没有能力读懂观众的情绪并做出相应的反应,它就永远无法与真实的音乐会媲美)”可知,作者在最后一段提到ABBA Vyage意思是缺乏艺术家基于观众反馈的回应。故选D。
    It’s cmmnly acknwledged that ur lives are ruled by algrithms (算法), but have we really cllectively understd hw they have transfrmed ur culture and persnality?
    In Filterwrld: Hw algrithms flattened culture, Kyle Chayka argues cnvincingly that the rise f algrithm-driven feeds, used everywhere nline frm Instagram t Sptify, has led t a mre unifrm culture. Our tastes and desires increasingly dn’t belng t us, but t algrithms that are designed t keep peple engaged at all csts. If the cllectin f ur tastes truly shapes ur entire persnality, then this lss is mre psychlgically damaging than it first appears. Aimlessly scrlling (滚屏) thrugh Netflix r TikTk may seem harmless, but ver days, mnths r years, we lse tuch with what we like and enjy.
    Taste-making algrithms are inescapable. Chayka shws this by wrking thrugh all crners f life: what we wear(TikTk), where we eat(Ggle Maps), music we listen t(Sptify), even wh we date r marry(Tinder). This universe f algrithm-driven decisins has sciety-wide implicatins: “It extends t influence ur physical spaces, ur cities, and the rutes we mve thrugh…flattening them in turn.” N ne gets ut f the Filterwrld untuched.
    If yu’re lucky enugh nt t need any srt f algrithm-based system fr yur wrk, then yu have the ptin t step back frm algrithms fr a while. But if yur friend suggests a film recmmended n X/Twitter r yu feel the need t buy thse shes suddenly everyne has started wearing after scial media advertisements, what are yu t d? It all feels fruitless.
    This Filterwrld may be inescapable, but there is hpe. Yu can start by engaging mre with the media yu d chse t cnsume. This culd mean reading up abut a film yu watched r paying artists yu like directly. Even the thughtful act f recmmending an album (专辑) t a friend is mre rewarding than a randm TikTk feed. As Chayka says, resistance t algrithms “requires an act f willpwer, a chice t mve thrugh the wrld in a different way.”
    32. What is Kyle Chayka’s pinin n algrithms?
    A. They imprve ur tastes.B. They make ur culture mre alike.
    C. They help t identify ur persnality.D. They cntribute t psychlgical prblems.
    33. What des the underlined part in paragraph 3 refer t?
    A. The sciety with advanced technlgy.B. The wrld withut scial media platfrms.
    C. The netwrk f algrithm-driven decisins.D. The cmmunity free frm algrithmic influence.
    34. Which f the fllwing is a way t resist the impact f algrithms?
    A. Limiting the use f scial media platfrms.B. Making chices based n friends’ suggestins.
    C. Getting mre invlved with the selected media.D. Discnnecting frm scial media advertisements.
    35. What is the best title fr the text?
    A. Algrithms: Cultural TakeverB. The Secret f Algrithms
    C. Scial Media: Cultural MessengerD. The Rise f Digital Platfrms
    【答案】32. B 33. C 34. C 35. A
    细节理解题。根据第二段“In Filterwrld: Hw algrithms flattened culture, Kyle Chayka argues cnvincingly that the rise f algrithm-driven feeds, used everywhere nline frm Instagram t Sptify, has led t a mre unifrm culture. Our tastes and desires increasingly dn’t belng t us, but t algrithms that are designed t keep peple engaged at all csts. (在《过滤器世界:算法如何使文化扁平化》一书中,Kyle Chayka令人信服地指出,从Instagram到Sptify,算法驱动的信息流在网上无处不在,它的兴起导致了一种更加统一的文化。我们的品味和欲望越来越不属于我们自己,而是属于那些旨在不惜一切代价让人们参与其中的算法。)”可知,Kyle Chayka对算法的看法是它们使我们的文化更加相似。故选B。
    词句猜测题。根据划线词上文“This universe f algrithm-driven decisins has sciety-wide implicatins: “It extends t influence ur physical spaces, ur cities, and the rutes we mve thrugh…flattening them in turn.” (这种由算法驱动的决策对整个社会都有影响:“它延伸到影响我们的物理空间、城市和我们走过的路线……反过来使它们扁平化。”)”可知,算法驱动的决策网络影响到了我们生活的各个方面,没有人能不受影响地从算法驱动的决策网络走出来。故划线部分指的是“算法驱动的决策网络”。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据最后一段“This Filterwrld may be inescapable, but there is hpe. Yu can start by engaging mre with the media yu d chse t cnsume. (这个“过滤世界”可能是不可避免的,但还是有希望的。你可以从更多地参与你选择消费的媒体开始。)”可知,更多地参与选定的媒体是抵抗算法影响的方法。故选C。
    主旨大意题。根据第一段“It’s cmmnly acknwledged that ur lives are ruled by algrithms (算法), but have we really cllectively understd hw they have transfrmed ur culture and persnality? (人们普遍认为,我们的生活是由算法控制的,但我们真的理解了它们是如何改变我们的文化和个性的吗?)”结合文章主要说明了人们的生活普遍受到了算法的影响,算法使我们的文化更加相似,对此提出了一些避免文化被算法趋同的建议。可知,A选项“算法:文化接管”最符合文章标题。故选A。
    第二节(共5小题; 每小题2.5分,共12.5分)
    The slutin t any despair might be hpe, experts say. It’s believing in a brighter future and acting twards it. ____36____ Here are strategies that can help cultivate hpe. As Hellman, an assistant prfessr f psychlgy at Sufflk University in Bstn, pints ut, “Hpe begets hpe, and it has such a significant prtective factr.”
    ____37____ Make it a pint t always be wrking tward at least ne gal that’s meaningful, Hellman advises. In ther wrds, it shuldn’t be smething yu have t d but smething yu want t d. “Gals can be anything that’s imprtant t us,” he says.
    Brainstrm slutins. If yu’ve set a gal that’s meaningful t yu, but yu can’t figure ut a way t achieve it, yu’ll prbably feel pretty hpeless. Peple wh are high in hpe, meanwhile, tend t generate lts f ways. ____38____ If yu’re struggling t make a plan, Hellman suggests sitting dwn with a pen and paper and giving yurself an hur t brainstrm slutins.
    Seek ut success stries. It’s said that peple cultivate hpe by seeking supprt frm their parents and specific teachers. But they als gt a lt ut f learning abut ther peple wh have dne well fr themselves. Hellman says, “____39____”
    Tap int yur imaginatin. Hellman thinks f imaginatin as “the instrument f hpe”. Let’s say yu set a gal fr the week. Spend a few minutes reflecting n r talking abut what wuld happen if yu achieved it. “Hw des it impact yu, r hw wuld it benefit thers?” he says. “____40____ And when yu can see yurself in the future, that is the very essence f hpe.”
    A. D smething meaningful.
    B. It can be taught and nurtured.
    C. Think in a gal-riented way.
    D. With these gd examples, peple are bund t be successful.
    E. S, if ne desn’t wrk ut, they have an alternative at the ready.
    F. By seeing ther peple succeed, they feel like they culd succeed.
    G. Yu and I have this wnderful capacity t play a mvie in ur head.
    【答案】36. B 37. C 38. E 39. F 40. G
    根据上文“The slutin t any despair might be hpe, experts say. It’s believing in a brighter future and acting twards it. (专家表示,任何绝望的解决方案可能都是希望。它是相信一个更光明的未来,并为之行动。)”以及后文“Here are strategies that can help cultivate hpe. (这里有一些策略可以帮助培养希望。)”可知,本句主要启示后文,指出希望可以被培养,B选项中It对应上文hpe。故B选项“它可以被教导和培养。”符合语境,故选B。
    根据后文“Make it a pint t always be wrking tward at least ne gal that’s meaningful, Hellman advises. In ther wrds, it shuldn’t be smething yu have t d but smething yu want t d. “Gals can be anything that’s imprtant t us,” he says. (海尔曼建议,一定要朝着至少一个有意义的目标努力。换句话说,它不应该是你必须做的事情,而是你想做的事情。“目标可以是任何对我们来说重要的东西,”他说。)”可知,本段的主旨是通过制定目标来采取行动,故C选项“以目标为导向的方式思考。”符合语境,故选C。
    根据上文“Brainstrm slutins. If yu’ve set a gal that’s meaningful t yu, but yu can’t figure ut a way t achieve it, yu’ll prbably feel pretty hpeless. Peple wh are high in hpe, meanwhile, tend t generate lts f ways. (头脑风暴的解决方案。如果你设定了一个对你来说很有意义的目标,但你却找不到实现它的方法,你可能会感到非常绝望。与此同时,满怀希望的人往往会想出很多办法。)”可知,本句承接上文,构成因果关系,指出想多很多办法的结果。故E选项“所以,如果一个不成功,他们有另一个选择。”符合语境,故选E。
    根据上文“Seek ut success stries. It’s said that peple cultivate hpe by seeking supprt frm their parents and specific teachers. But they als gt a lt ut f learning abut ther peple wh have dne well fr themselves. Hellman says, (寻找成功的故事。据说人们通过向父母和特定老师寻求支持来培养希望。但他们也从了解其他为自己做得很好的人中学到了很多。海尔曼说,)”可知,本句主要引用Hellman关于寻找成功事迹的言论和论点,故F选项“看到别人成功,他们觉得自己也能成功。”符合语境,故选F。
    根据上文“Tap int yur imaginatin. Hellman thinks f imaginatin as “the instrument f hpe”. Let’s say yu set a gal fr the week. Spend a few minutes reflecting n r talking abut what wuld happen if yu achieved it. “Hw des it impact yu, r hw wuld it benefit thers?” he says. (发挥你的想象力。海尔曼认为想象力是“希望的工具”。假设你为这一周设定了一个目标。花几分钟思考或谈论一下如果你实现了目标会发生什么。“它如何影响你,或者它将如何使他人受益?”他说。)”以及后文“And when yu can see yurself in the future, that is the very essence f hpe. (当你能看到未来的自己,这就是希望的本质。)”可知,本段的主旨是在大脑中发挥想象力,从而获得希望。故G选项“你和我都有在脑海中播放电影的奇妙能力。”符合语境,故选G。
    第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
    第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分, 满分15分)
    Outside Brian Petersn’s apartment a hmeless man was ften yelling n the street crner. Petersn wuld smetimes passed by, but they never ___41___.
    One day, Petersn was reading a bk abut the pwer f lve in actin, when his quiet was again disturbed by the man. Inspired by the bk, Petersn made a(n) ___42___ decisin t g utside and intrduce himself. He learned that the man, Matt Faris, had cme t pursue a music career, but sn fell n hard times and ___43___ living n the street.
    “It was ___44___ that I saw beauty n the face f a man wh hadn’t shaved in prbably a year,” Petersn recalled later in an interview. “And I even ffered t paint his prtrait, even thugh I hadn’t picked up a(n) ___45___ in years.”
    Petersn’s cnnectin with Faris led him t ___46___ a nnprfit which fcused n befriending and painting prtraits f the hmeless. He usually chses ___47___ inspired by the mdel’s life stry. He shwed ne man ___48___ his battle with alchlism, fr example, by changing the clrs frm a sad blue t a jyful red.
    Each prtrait, signed by bth ___49___ and artist, is fr sell. Half f the incme is put int a “lve ___50___” fr the mdel. He aims t help the hmeless ___51___ immediate necessities and get back n their feet. Faris used the funds frm his prtrait t recrd a(n) ___52___, fulfilling his musical dreams.
    But there’s mre t the prtraits than the ___53___ brught t smene dwn-and-ut. The buyers tend t ___54___ the subject in the painting, finding similarities and ften friendship with smene they might have ___55___ verlked.
    41. A. spkeB. quarreledC. quitD. met
    42. A. finalB. tughC. unexpectedD. quick
    43. A. gt dwn tB. ended upC. gt away withD. gave up
    44. A. strangeB. wnderfulC. awfulD. awkward
    45. A. skillB. penC. bkD. paintbrush
    46. A. inspireB. fundC. cnsultD. cntact
    47. A. paintingsB. scenesC. clrsD. characters
    48. A. fightingB. winningC. lsingD. facing
    49. A. subjectB. painterC. custmerD. seller
    50. A. messageB. affairC. expressinD. accunt
    51. A. secureB. seekC. dnateD. share
    52. A. stryB. filmC. experienceD. album
    53. A. prfitB. benefitC. mneyD. attentin
    54. A. inquire abutB. cnnect withC. get alng withD. cme acrss
    55. A. finallyB. definitelyC. therwiseD. seldm
    【答案】41. A 42. C 43. B 44. A 45. D 46. B 47. C 48. B 49. A 50. D 51. A 52. D 53. C 54. B 55. C
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:彼得森有时会经过,但他们从不说话。A. spke说话;B. quarreled吵架;C. quit 退出;D. met满足。根据后文的“Petersn made a(n) 2 decisin t g utside and intrduce himself”可知,布莱恩·彼得森到外面做自我介绍,说明以前没有交流过。故选A项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:受这本书的启发,彼得森做了一个意想不到的决定:到外面做自我介绍。A. final最终的;B. tugh艰难的;C. unexpected出乎意料的;D. quick快的。根据前文的“Outside Brian Petersn’s apartment, a hmeless man was ften yelling n the street crner. Petersn wuld smetimes passed by, but they never 1.”可知,这是一个无家可归的人,而且经常在街角大喊大叫,所以彼得森到外面做自我介绍的决定是意想不到的。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:他了解到,这个名叫马特·法里斯的人来这里是为了追求音乐事业,但很快就陷入了困境,最终流落街头。A. gt dwn t静下心;B. ended up结束;C. gt away with侥幸逃脱;D. gave up放弃。根据前文的“had cme t pursue a music career”和后文的“living n the street”可知,起初马特·法里斯来追求音乐事业,最终却流落街头。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:彼得森后来在一次采访中回忆说:“很奇怪,我在一个大概一年没刮胡子的男人脸上看到了美。”A. strange奇怪的;B. wnderful美妙的;C. awful 可怕的;D. awkward令人尴尬的。根据后文的“I saw beauty n the face f a man wh hadn’t shaved in prbably a year”可知,在一个大概一年没刮胡子的男人脸上看到了美,这件事是奇怪的。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:我甚至主动提出为他画像,尽管我已经很多年没有拿起画笔了。A. skill技能;B. pen笔;C. bk书;D. paintbrush画笔。根据前文的“And I even ffered t paint his prtrait”可知,彼得森主动提出为他画像,画像需要用笔,故他拿起的是笔。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:彼得森与法里斯的关系让他建立了一个非营利组织,专注于帮助无家可归者,并为他们画肖像。A. inspire启发;B. fund建立;C. cnsult 咨询;D. cntact联系。根据后文的“a nnprfit which fcused n befriending and painting prtraits f the hmeless.”可知,他建立了一个非营利组织。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:他通常会根据模特的生活故事来选择颜色。A. paintings绘画;B. scenes场景;C. clrs颜色;D. characters字符。根据后文的“He shwed ne man 8 his battle with alchlism, fr example, by changing the clrs frm a sad blue t a jyful red.”可知,他根据模特的生活故事来选择颜色。故选C项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:例如,他展示了一个男人战胜酗酒的过程,他把颜色从悲伤的蓝色变成了快乐的红色。A. fighting打架;B. winning赢得;C. lsing失去;D. facing面对。根据后文的“his battle with alchlism, fr example, by changing the clrs frm a sad blue t a jyful red”可知,颜色从悲伤的蓝色变成了快乐的红色,故这个男人战胜了酗酒。故选B项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:每幅肖像都有表现对象和艺术家的签名,可供出售。A. subject表现对象;B. painter画家;C. custmer客户;D. seller卖者。根据前文的“Each prtrait, signed by”和后文的“The buyers tend t 14 the subject in the painting”可知,每幅肖像都有表现对象的签名。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:收入的一半会存入模特的“爱心账户”。A. message消息;B. affair事务;C. expressin表达;D. accunt账户。根据前文的“Half f the incme is put int”和常识可知,收入会存入账户。故选D项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的目标是帮助无家可归的人获得即时的必需品,并重新站起来。A. secure获得,取得;B. seek寻找;C. dnate捐赠;D. share分享。根据前文的“He aims t help the hmeless”和后文的“immediate necessities”可知,无家可归的人需要获得即时的必需品。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:法里斯用他的肖像所得的钱录制了一张专辑,实现了他的音乐梦想。A. stry故事;B. film电影;C. experience经验;D. album专辑。根据后文的“fulfilling his musical dreams.”可知,实现了他的音乐梦想,故他录制的是一张专辑。故选D项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:但这些肖像画不仅仅是为了给一个穷困潦倒的人钱。A. prfit利润;B. benefit益处;C. mney钱;D. attentin注意。根据前文的“Half f the incme is put int a “lve10” fr the mdel.”可知,彼得森通过肖像画挣钱,然后给穷困潦倒的人钱。故选C项。
    考查动词短语辨析。句意:买家倾向于与画中的表现对象产生联系,找到相似之处,往往与他们原本可能忽视的人建立友谊。A. inquire abut询问;B. cnnect with与……联系;C. get alng with进展;D. cme acrss碰上。根据后文的“finding similarities and ften friendship with smene they might have15verlked.”可知,他们建立了友谊,故他们有联系。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:买家倾向于与画中主题产生联系,找到相似之处,往往与他们原本可能忽视的人建立友谊。A. finally最后;B. definitely肯定是;C. therwise否则;D. seldm不常。根据前文的“The buyers tend t 14 the subject in the painting, finding similarities and ften friendship with smene they might have”可知,没有这些画,这种友谊是不存在的,可能是被忽视的。故选C项。
    第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
    Jiangsu, knwn fr its unique blend f innvatin and preservatin, is a true treasure. I was _____56_____ (incredible) frtunate t jurney thrugh the cities f Suzhu and Nanjing, bth f which left me fascinated with their true impressiveness and eagerly _____57_____ (lng) t explre further.
    My first stp was Suzhu. _____58_____ (engage) myself in the lcal industrial atmsphere, I specially chse a htel in the “industrial park”, _____59_____ the cexistence f advanced manufacturing and natural beauty was mst evident, as it was situated n the edge f a _____60_____ (scene) lake, embraced by a vibrant landscape. As I adventured int the heart f the city, the Old Twn’s ancient waterways led me n an _____61_____ (explre) f histry, and the classical gardens ffered a glimpse int a stried past. Hwever, what truly amazed me was the “energy f Suzhu” represented by its peple wh have enrmus respect fr their city’s time-hnred histry as well as _____62_____ innvative eye n the future.
    Actually, the mindset f mdernizatin with deep respect fr the past isn’t nly unique t Suzhu _____63_____ an indicative factr f Nanjing. High-rises decrate the city’s skyline, creating a distinct cntrast _____64_____ the ancient neighbrhds, temples, and buildings that ______65______ (ccupy) previusly by peple.
    【答案】56. incredibly
    57. lnging
    58. T engage
    59. where 60. scenic
    61. explratin
    62. an 63. but
    64. t##with
    65. were ccupied
    考查非谓语动词。句意:为了融入当地的工业氛围,我选择了一家位于“工业园区”的酒店,在这里,先进的制造业与自然美景的共存最为明显,因为它坐落在风景秀丽的湖边,周围环绕着充满活力的景观。根据句意可知,此处应用动词不定式作目的状语,表示“为了”。句首字母大写,故填T engage。
    考查定语从句。句意:为了融入当地的工业氛围,我选择了一家位于“工业园区”的酒店,在这里,先进的制造业与自然美景的共存最为明显,因为它坐落在风景秀丽的湖边,周围环绕着充满活力的景观。分析可知,此处引导限制性定语从句,先行词为the“industrial park”,根据句意,应用关系副词where引导从句,作地点状语。故填where。
    考查名词。句意:当我大胆探索进入城市中心时,老城区古老的水道带领我探索历史,古典花园让我得以一瞥历史悠久的过去。根据前文n an可知,此处应用其名词单数作介词宾语。故填explratin。
    考查介词。句意:高层建筑装饰着城市的天际线,与以前被人类占据的古老社区、寺庙和建筑形成鲜明的对比。cntrast t/with“与……形成鲜明对比”是固定搭配,故填t/with。
    考查时态语态和主谓一致。句意:高层建筑装饰着城市的天际线,与以前被人类占据的古老社区、寺庙和建筑形成鲜明的对比。动词ccupy和主语之间是被动关系,根据句意可知,此处描述过去发生的事情,用一般过去时的被动语态。定语从句中主语that指代先行词the ancient neighbrhds, temples, and buildings,是复数,主谓一致,故填were ccupied。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    66. 假设你是郑州外国语学校高三学生李华,临近毕业,你们班的英语老师请每位同学给新高一学弟学妹写封英文邮件,邮件内容包括:
    1. 你的建议;
    2. 你的祝愿。
    Dear fellw students,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear fellw students,
    Cngratulatins n becming a part f ur wnderful schl cmmunity. At the request f ur English teacher, I’m reaching ut t ffer yu sme advice n navigating yur time here.
    First, treasure every mment spent with yur teachers and classmates. Yur time here will pass quickly, s seize the pprtunity t frge meaningful and lasting cnnectins. Secndly, let g f yur past achievements r failures. Instead, fcus n the tasks at hand. It is the dedicatin and effrt yu invest nw that will shape yur future. Finally, explre what truly sparks yur passin. Take English learning fr instance. Whether it’s watching mvies r reading nvels, try t find what genuinely mtivates yu.
    Wishing yu all a fulfilling and rewarding jurney ahead filled with jy, grwth, and success.
    Li Hua
    抓住:seize → grasp/catch hld f
    专注于:fcus n→cncentrate n
    以……为例:take sth. fr instance→take sth. fr example
    原句:Whether it’s watching mvies r reading nvels, try t find what genuinely mtivates yu.
    拓展句:Whether it’s watching mvies r reading nvels, try t find smething that genuinely mtivates yu.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】It is the dedicatin and effrt yu invest nw that will shape yur future.(运用了强调句型:It is/was+被强调部分+that+其他部分)
    【高分句型2】Finally, explre what truly sparks yur passin.(运用了what引导的宾语从句)
    第二节 (满分25分)
    67. 阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    Have yu ever been s depressed that yu can’t sleep? Yu als can’t eat. Yu can’t read. Yu have n friends t call up and nthing is gd n TV. S yu sigh, press yur face dwn harder int yur pillw, and shed a few tears.
    This was my life tw years ag. I had just turned 14 but already fund life a struggle. As I lay in my bed ne Saturday, Mm peeked (瞄) int my rm t make her regular “Is Emily still alive” check. I knew that if I spent mre time like this, she wuld begin dusting me. After suggesting a few things fr me t d that I immediately rejected, Mm made her mve, “Emily! Get dressed! I’m taking the dg ut fr a walk, and yu’re cming with me!” “Why?” I prtested. “Because it’ll make yu feel better.”
    The thught f mving was unbearable. I felt as if all f my bdy parts were weighed dwn by tns f bricks I culdn’t remember the last time I had gne utside. Smehw I fund the strength t slip n a pair f jeans and a black sweatshirt. Mm was waiting at the dr, leash (狗绳) in hand and dg at her side.
    Then, we stepped utside. It was a warm March day and it had been a lng time since the warmth f the sun had tuched my cheeks. Mm led the dg and me dwn sme dirt paths, thrugh a big field and reached Halsey Pnd. But the signs f spring had yet t appear and the scene was rather clrless thrughut the entire jurney.
    “I’m tired! It’s bring, Mm! When can we g hme?” “Nt yet,” she’d say. Mm stpped t say hi t every jgger, dg walker, runner, and bicyclist wh passed us. Smetimes she wuld get int a cnversatin. They wuld talk abut weather, dgs, and all small talk tpics. She seemed happy, and was literally glwing (容光焕发). After walking fr what seemed an age, Mm finally said it was time t g back.
    Paragraph 1: When I gt hme, a new feeling seemed t be awakened.
    Paragraph 2: A new Saturday fund me asking Mm if I culd take the dg ut.
    【答案】Paragraph 1:
    When I gt hme, a new feeling seemed t be awakened. The heaviness that had weighed me dwn befre seemed t have lifted, if nly slightly. The simple act f being utside, feeling the warmth f the sun, and hearing the chirping f birds had sparked smething inside me. It was a glimmer f hpe, a tiny ray f light in the darkness f my depressin. I realized that maybe, just maybe, there was still smething wrth living fr.
    Paragraph 2:
    A new Saturday fund me asking Mm if I culd take the dg ut. This time, it was me wh suggested the walk. As we strlled thrugh the familiar paths, I nticed the subtle changes in the scenery. The trees were starting t bud, flwers were beginning t blm, and the pnd was alive with the sunds f frgs and insects. It was as if nature itself was cming alive, mirrring the newfund sense f life stirring within me. With each step, I felt a little lighter, a little mre alive. And as we returned hme, I realized that smetimes, the simplest mments can have the mst prfund impact n ur lives.
    ①注意到:ntice/take ntice f/spt
    ②意识到:realize/be aware f
    ③返回:return/get back
    【点睛】[高分句型1] I realized that maybe, just maybe, there was still smething wrth living fr.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    [高分句型2] And as we returned hme, I realized that smetimes, the simplest mments can have the mst prfund impact n ur lives. (运用了as引导时间状语从句)

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    2024河南省顶级名校高三下学期考前全真模拟考试(一)英语含答案: 这是一份2024河南省顶级名校高三下学期考前全真模拟考试(一)英语含答案,共13页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 7, 15, Why did Mrs, Hw did Mrs等内容,欢迎下载使用。

    河南省顶级名校2024届高三下学期考前全真模拟考试(一)英语试卷(Word版附答案): 这是一份河南省顶级名校2024届高三下学期考前全真模拟考试(一)英语试卷(Word版附答案),共13页。试卷主要包含了5 分,满分 7, 15, Why did Mrs, Hw did Mrs等内容,欢迎下载使用。






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