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    第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
    1. What des the wman suggest ding?
    A. Ging straight. B. Turning arund. C. Driving under the bridge.
    2. What might the man be?
    A. A TV actr. B. A singer. C. A mvie star.
    3. What type f recrd is Amy referring t?
    A. A game recrd. B. A sprts recrd. C. An educatinal recrd.
    4. What is the prbable relatinship between the speakers?
    A. Bss and secretary. B. Dctr and patient. C. Teacher and parent.
    5. Where des the cnversatin prbably take place?
    A. At a mvie theater. B. At a newspaper ffice. C. At a televisin statin.
    第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
    6. What will the wman study at university?
    A. Bilgy. B. Eclgy. C. Chemistry.
    7. Why did the man chse his majr?
    A. He wants t teach abut envirnment.试卷源自 每日更新,更低价下载,欢迎访问。B. He likes finding ut new things.
    C. He enjys being in a classrm.
    8. What clr shes des the man want?
    A. The black and red nes.
    B. The blue and white nes.
    C. The yellw and black nes.
    9. When will the man prbably get the shes?
    A. Tday. B. This Friday. C. Next Mnday.
    10. Hw des the wman sund at first?
    A. Cnfused. B. Excited. C. Bred.
    11. What is the man’s rle?
    A. A cmpany wner. B. A team leader. C. A department manager.
    12. What d the speakers finally agree n?
    A. Keeping the team tgether. B. Cmpeting fr a rle. C. Building a new team.
    13. Wh might the wman be?
    A. A staff member f a cllege. B. A reprter. C. A dctr.
    14. What happened t the man fur years ag?
    A. He was a student at Sinai Medical Cllege.
    B. He became the directr at Clumbia University.
    C. He shwed interest in wrking at Sinai Medical Cllege.
    15. Where will the man give a speech?
    A. In a hspital. B. In a lecture hall. C. In a televisin studi.
    16. What tpic will the man’s speech be abut?
    A. Cancer research.
    B. Medical careers.
    C. Eastern and Western medicine.
    17. Hw many apartment buildings will have businesses at the bttm?
    A. Three. B. Five. C. Seven.
    18. Why is the blue line clsed?
    A. It’s flded.
    B. It’s getting repaired.
    C. It’s in danger frm the cming strm.
    19. What is unusual abut the result f the vte?
    A. The tp player wn.
    B. One player wn the tp three.
    C. Three different players wn first place.
    20. When will the temperature drp?
    A. On Friday. B. On Saturday. C. On Sunday.
    第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
    The Bsna River is the third lngest river in Bsnia-Herzegvina, measuring 168 miles lng. The name Bsnia is even frm the Bsna River. Unlike ther big rivers in the wrld, there are n dams here. This is due t many prtests frm envirnmental grups wh believe the cnstructin will endanger lcal animals.
    Surce and Curse
    The river begins in Sarajev Cantn, flwing thrugh the Dbj Regin, then t Psavina Cantn. Its surce is the Bsna Spring lcated in the fthills f Munt Igman, just utside Sarajev. The waters f the spring are extremely pure and serve as the water supply. The area is a natinal park, ppular with bth lcals and turists as a spt fr a walk, pienie and super pht pprtunities.
    Fishing is very ppular in the Bsna River, largely due t its rich species f trut(鲟鱼). At the head f the river, ducks make a hme where the water is still. With plenty f fish, there are even brwn bears wandering the shres. A threatened species als makes its hme in parts f the river, making envirnmentally active grups mre against industrializing the river.
    The Bsna River is an imprtant waterway in the regin. During Wrld War II, the Bsna River became an efficient access pint t cities with a large industry. Zenica and Dbj are tw majr cities, with ppulatins f 115,000 and 77,000 respectively, that rest alng the Bsna River valley.
    1. What might have prevented the dam cnstructin n the Bsna River?
    A. High cst.B. Public bjectin.
    C. River rapids.D. Peple’s lifestyles.
    2. What can we learn abut the Bsna Spring frm Paragraph 2?
    A. It is the largest in Bsnia.B. It prvides drinkable water.
    C. It cvers the whle natin.D. It is lcated in Dbj Regin.
    3. Why is fishing ppular in the Bsna River?
    A. It is hme t a rare species.B. Peple can see mre wildlife.
    C. There are many kinds f trut.D. The surrundings are attractive.
    【答案】1. B 2. B 3. C
    细节理解题。根据第一段中的“Unlike ther big rivers in the wrld, there are n dams here. This is due t many prtests frm envirnmental grups wh believe the cnstructin will endanger lcal animals.(与世界上其他大河不同,这里没有水坝。这是由于环保组织的多次抗议,他们认为该建筑将危及当地动物。)”可知,博斯纳河没有建造水坝,是因为有公众的反对。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The waters f the spring are extremely pure and serve as the water supply.(该泉的水域非常纯净,是水源。)”可知,博斯纳泉提供可饮用的水。故选B。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“Fishing is very ppular in the Bsna River, largely due t its rich species f trut(鲟鱼).(在博斯纳河捕鱼是非常受欢迎的,主要是因为那里有丰富的鲟鱼种类。)”可知,因为博斯纳河有许多种类的鲟鱼,所以捕鱼很受欢迎。故选C。
    Thugh nly just 21 when diagnsed with the disease ALS, Hawking was perhaps the mst famus scientist in the wrld when he died in 2018 at age 76. His 1988 bk, A Brief Histry f Time, sld ten millin cpies and made him an unlikely superstar even t peple wh sweated thrugh high schl science.
    Humr was always a big part f Hawking’s effrt t bring physics t the masses. In his 2010 bk, The Grand Design, fr instance, he recunts hw, in 1277, the Cathlic Church declared scientific laws such as gravity t be wrng, since they seemed against Gd's idea. “Interestingly,” the text adds jkingly, “Ppe Jhn was killed by the effects f the law f gravity a few mnths later when the rf f his palace fell in n him.”
    “He lved adventure and fun,” says Mldinw, wh nce tk Hawking n a punt-bat trip dwn the fiver Cam in Cambridge, England, despite the bvius danger f the bat turning ver. “Yu knw abut when he went n the Vmit Cmet? It’s a plane that flies in a parablic path s yu are weightless, like yu are in space. A lt f peple vmit, but he lved that srt f thing.” And he was 65 at the time.
    Hawking’s greatest hit, humr-wise, was prbably the ccktail party he threw in 2009. It was a “ welcme receptin fr future time travelers,” he said, s naturally, he sent ut the invitatins the day after the party. N ne shwed up yet. “Maybe ne day smene living in the future will find the infrmatin and use a wrmhle time machine t cme back t my party, prving that time travel will ne day be pssible,” Hawking explained. And if that happens, dn’t be surprised if Hawking is there t. After all, he never missed a chance t have fun.
    4. What des the text mainly tell us abut Hawking?
    A. He related physics t humr clsely.B. He made great cntributins t physics
    C. He went thrugh many funny experiences.D. He was ptimistic abut the future f science.
    5. What can learn abut Ppe Jhn?
    A. He was nt in favr f Gd.B. He was a scientist like Hawking.
    C. He was ppsed t the law f gravity.D. He was killed due t the discvery f gravity.
    6. What drve Hawking t g n the Vmit Cmet?
    A. His fndness f adventure.B. The invitatin frm his friend.
    C. The requirements f his wrk.D. His desire fr recvery frm ALS.
    7. What can be inferred frm the last paragraph?
    A. The ccktail party was a great success.
    B. The pssibility f time travel was nt prved.
    C. Hawking was a man wh enjyed hlding parties.
    D. The wrmhle time machine was used at that time.
    【答案】4. A 5. C 6. A 7. B
    主旨大意题。根据第二段中“Humr was always a big part f Hawking’s effrt t bring physics t the masses.”可知霍金一直努力用幽默的方式让人们理解物理。结合下文的解释说明可推断,这篇文章主要告诉我们,霍金把物理学和幽默紧密地联系在一起。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据第二段中“In his 2010 bk, The Grand Design, fr instance, he recunts hw, in 1277, the Cathlic Church declared scientific laws such as gravity t be wrng, since they seemed against Gd's idea. ‘Interestingly,’ the text adds jkingly, ‘Ppe Jhn was killed by the effects f the law f gravity a few mnths later when the rf f his palace fell in n him.’”可知,在他2010年出版的The Grand Design一书中,他叙述了天主教会如何在1277年宣布万有引力等科学定律是错误的,因为它们似乎违背了上帝的旨意。“有趣的是,”文中开玩笑地补充道,“几个月后,教皇Ppe Jhn被万有引力定律的影响所杀死,当时他的宫殿的屋顶塌了下来。”由此可推知,Ppe Jhn反对万有引力定律。故选C。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中“He lved adventure and fun(他喜欢冒险和乐趣)”以及后文“A lt f peple vmit, but he lved that srt f thing.(很多人都会呕吐,但他就是喜欢那一种东西)”由此可知,霍金喜欢冒险驱使霍金登上Vmit Cmet。故选A。
    推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Maybe ne day smene living in the future will find the infrmatin and use a wrmhle time machine t cme back t my party, prving that time travel will ne day be pssible”可知也许有一天,未来的人会找到信息,用虫洞时间机器回到我的聚会上,证明有一天时间旅行会成为可能的。由此可推知,时间旅行的可能性没有被证明。故选B。
    The prcess f aging is f particular cncern fr Americans. This cncern is nt nly related t the likelihd f increasing yur chances f cming dwn with diseases such as heart disease and diabetes(糖尿病), but mre imprtantly, t the lss f yur eyesight. As we age the chance that we will develp age-related visin cnditins and disrders increases.
    Therefre, many peple believe that it’s very hard, if nt impssible, t imprve yur visin naturally as yu get lder due t cncerns that the visual system begins t deterirate at that stage f life. These peple als believe they’re stuck with their glasses r cntacts fr life. S the questin is: can aging prevent yu frm imprving yur visin naturally?
    The answer t that questin is n. While aging is inevitable(无法避免的),when it cmes t imprving, prtecting and preserving yur precius eyesight, there are things yu can d t reduce r slw the negative effects f aging n the visual system. Fr instance, yu can take preventive steps in terms f nutritin and eye exercises that can reduce the negative effects f aging n the eyes.
    These simple-and-easy-t-perfrm techniques make the visual system strnger therefre helping yu t imprve yur visin. They als imprve the fcusing pwer f the eyes thrugh visin training eye exercise techniques. Additinally, eye exercises can imprve bld flw and circulatin t the visual system therefre imprving yur eyesight. The questin is: can these eye exercises help imprve visin even in lder peple? Well, the answer t this questin is yes.
    Accrding t a scientific research study perfrmed by the Natinal Institute n Aging, elderly adults can quickly imprve their visin with a branch f eye exercises called Perceptual Training. Perceptual Training relates t the ability t imprve varius visual skills by expsing a persn repeatedly t activities invlving all kinds f stimuli(刺激物). This imprves the way the brain prcesses visual infrmatin by strengthening the cnnectin between the brain and eyes.
    8. What can be inferred frm the first paragraph?
    A. Aging can cause varius visin diseases.
    B. The elders tend t d little t prtect their eyes.
    C. Aging ppulatin is a serius prblem in the US.
    D. Heart disease is the main cause f ld peple’s death.
    9. What is the misunderstanding abut eyesight accrding t the text?
    A. The elders’ eyesight can actually return t nrmal.
    B. Wearing glasses is a gd way t imprve eyesight.
    C. The elders’ eyesight is difficult t imprve naturally.
    D. Preventive measures can reduce the risk f develping eyesight prblems.
    10. What des the underlined wrd “deterirate” in paragraph 2 mean?
    A. Becme wrse.B. Becme strnger.
    C. Becme simpler.D. Becme mre sensitive.
    11. What des the study tell us in the last paragraph?
    A Hw ld peple shuld d eye exercises.
    B. Hw the brain prcesses visual infrmatin.
    C. The visin prblem is given great attentin.
    D. Eye exercises can imprve visin in elderly adults.
    【答案】8. A 9. C 10. A 11. D
    推理判断题。根据第一段的“As we age the chance that we will develp age-related visin cnditins and disrders increases.(随着年龄的增长,我们患上与年龄有关的视力疾病和障碍的几率会增加)”推知,年龄的增加会带来和老龄化相关的视力疾病。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第二段的“Therefre, many peple believe that it’s very hard, if nt impssible, t imprve yur visin naturally as yu get lder (因此,许多人认为,随着年龄的增长,自然地改善视力即使不是不可能,也是非常困难的)”和“S the questin is: can aging prevent yu frm imprving yur visin naturally?(所以问题是:衰老会阻止你自然地改善视力吗?)”,以及第三段的“The answer t that questin is n. (答案是否定的)”可知,许多人认为老人的视力难以自然改善,其实不然。故选C。
    词句猜测题。根据下文“These peple als believe they’re stuck with their glasses r cntacts fr life.(这些人还认为,他们会永远戴着眼镜或隐形眼镜)”可知,戴眼镜或隐形眼镜说明视力不好。由此推测,划线词所在句子“as yu get lder due t cncerns that the visual system begins t deterirate at that stage f life. ”意为“随着年龄的增长,由于担心视觉系统在生命的那个阶段开始变差”,即deterirate意为“变差”。故选A。
    细节理解题。根据第五段的“Accrding t a scientific research study perfrmed by the Natinal Institute n Aging, elderly adults can quickly imprve their visin with a branch f eye exercises called Perceptual Training.(根据美国国家老龄化研究所进行的一项科学研究,老年人可以通过一种称为知觉训练的眼部锻炼来快速改善视力)”可知,该研究告诉我们眼部锻炼可以改善老人的视力。故选D。
    A new algrithm(演算法)raises parking rates in busy neighbrhds and lwers them elsewhere,guaranteeing free parking spts regardless f lcatin,Christpher Intagliata reprts.
    If yu drive in a city,yu’ve n dubt experienced the headache f circling blck after blck,cruising fr parking.But scientists wh study that phenmenn have a slutin t free up mre spts:“Yu make them mre expensive,s peple have t decide whether t park farther away and Pay less,r clser and pay mre.”Itzhak Benensn,a system scientist at Tel Aviv University.
    San Francisc has pilted a prgram that raises parking rates based n demand—and it's been shwn t reduce cruising.But the sensrs required fr thse systems can cst millins f dllars t install and perate,Benensn says.S instead,writing in IEEE Intelligent Transprtatin Systems Magazine,he and his clleague Nir Fulman describe an algrithm that can determine smart pricing,withut the use f sensrs.
    They tested it n the Israeli city f Bat Yam,near Tel Aviv.First,they divide the city int znes.They estimate the parking demand in each zne,by calculating the number f apartments and ffices there.Then they take accunt f parking supply in the area,alng with hw wealthy ptential parkers might be.Using that data,the algrithm suggested pricing fr each zne that wuld guarantee a 90-percent ccupancy rate f parking spts city-wide.Meaning 10 percent f spts were always available t drivers willing t pay the price,regardless f neighbrhd.
    Of curse,nt everyne will agree that raising parking prices will reduce the press f parking.Last time Benensn prpsed hiking rates fr city residents?“I gt abut 100 reactins n the web and 99 f them that said they have never heard such a stupid statement frm the prfessrs,and I shuld be punished and fired.”
    Eventually,he says,it'll be up t cities themselves t estimate their residents’plitical appetites fr an easier parking spt.
    12. What des the underlined wrd“them”in paragraph 1 refer t?
    A. Parking spts.B. Parking rates.
    C. Busy neighbrhds.D. New algrithms.
    13. Hw des the new algrithm wrk?
    A. Adpting different parking rates.
    B. Cunting the apartments and ffices.
    C. Making farther parking spts mre expensive.
    D. Setting the price f parking spts with sensrs.
    14. Which is the prcess f carrying ut the smart pricing?
    ①Chsing a target city.
    ②Cunting the parking demand.
    ③Dividing the city int znes.
    ④Suggesting pricing fr each zne.
    ⑤Cnsidering the parking supply.
    A. ②⑤④③①B. ①③②⑤④
    C. ②⑤①③④D. ①③④②⑤
    15. What will the public think f Benensn’s smart pricing?
    A. Supprting.B. Disapprving.C. Optimistic.D. Cntrversial.
    【答案】12. B 13. A 14. B 15. D
    【分析】本文是一篇说明文,介绍了特拉维夫大学的系统科学家Itzhak Benensn提出了一种新的停车费算法,通过提高繁忙街区的停车费而降低其他地方的停车费来缓解停车压力,但公众认为这种算法是有争议的。
    代词指代题。根据画线词前的“A new algrithm(演算法)raises parking rates in busy neighbrhds and lwers”可知,一种新的算法提高了繁忙街区的停车费,而降低了其他地方的停车费,画线词指代的就是前面提到的停车费,故B项正确。
    细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Yu make them mre expensive,s peple have t decide whether t park farther away and Pay less,r clser and pay mre.”可知,新的算法提高繁忙街区的停车费,而降低其他地方的停车费,这样人们想少要花停车费就会把车停在远一点的地方,也就是新的算法对繁忙街区和别的地方采取不同的收费标准,故A项正确。
    细节理解题。根据第三段中的“They tested it n the Israeli city f Bat Yam,near Tel Aviv.First,they divide the city int znes.They estimate the parking demand in each zne,by calculating the number f apartments and ffices there.Then they take accunt f parking supply in the area,alng with hw wealthy ptential parkers might be.Using that data,the algrithm suggested pricing fr each zne that wuld guarantee a 90-percent ccupancy rate f parking spts city-wide.”可知,首先,他们选定了一个城市、把城市分成几个区域,通过计算每个区域的公寓和办公室的数量来估计每个区域的停车需求,然后,他们考虑了该地区的停车供应以及潜在停车者的富裕程度,最后利用这些数据,该算法为每个区域定价,故B项正确。
    推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“Of curse,nt everyne will agree that raising parking prices will reduce the press f parking.”可知,不是每个人都认为提高停车费会减少停车压力,也就是说公众认为这种算法是有争议的,故D项正确。
    【点睛】关于大众态度的推理判断题要特别注意文章中能体现大众态度的句子是完全否定还是不完全否定,例如本篇第4题,根据倒数第二段中的“Of curse,nt everyne will agree that raising parking prices will reduce the press f parking.”可知,不是每个人都认为提高停车费会减少停车压力,也就是说公众认为这种算法是有争议的。
    第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
    Lking fr a rewarding vlunteering activity? Get utdrs and glean (拾落穗)! Picking fresh, healthy prduce that is dnated t fd banks is a win-win activity. ___16___
    Gleaning is nt a new cncept. In 18th-century England, there was a law that prvided unharvested crps shuld be given away t the pr. These days, there is a lt f prduce that sits in the fields after harvest. ___17___ They will usually plant t much r will leave the prduce that lks imperfect. Unfrtunately, much f this prduce wuld g unused in the field.
    Gleaning ffers farm-fresh, healthy fd fr peple cncerned abut fd security. That is where gleaners cme in. Gleaning addresses farm waste and fd pverty by prviding free healthy fd straight frm farm t table. And tday, with a cst f living crisis, there are mre hungry peple. ___18___ In 2017, there were five gleaning grups in the UK, while tday there are 25.
    Hlly, head f the Crnwall Gleaning Grup, said that her vlunteers send arund 300 bxes a week t fd banks and cmmunity kitchens in her area. ___19___ “Any time I g gleaning, I am lifted up. Fr the vlunteers, it’s s gd fr mental health, getting utside and ding smething practical that’s gd fr the planet,” Hlly said.
    ___20___ T make this happen, mre grups need t be established with farmers and mre peple need t vlunteer their time t help. This frm f helping may sn becme cmmn. It is rewarding fr vlunteers wh harvest in the fields and it als ffers fresh and nutritius fd t thse wh need it the mst.
    A. They find the wrk very delightful.
    B. Luckily, interest in gleaning is grwing.
    C. Hpes are that awareness will cntinue t grw.
    D. And it is als gaining ppularity acrss the glbe.
    E. T assist the hungry peple, mre crps will be grwn.
    F. This is due t verprductin n the part f the farmers.
    G. Frm farm t table, gleaning is ften a wrthless experience.
    【答案】16. D 17. F 18. B 19. A 20. C
    空前说“Get utdrs and glean (拾落穗)! Picking fresh, healthy prduce that is dnated t fd banks is a win-win activity.(到户外去拾落穗!挑选新鲜、健康的农产品捐赠给食品银行是一项双赢的活动。)”,空格应该继续对这项活动进行说明或评论,D选项“And it is als gaining ppularity acrss the glbe.(而且它在全球范围内也越来越受欢迎。)”中的it指的就是空前所说的“Picking fresh, healthy prduce”,且说明了它受欢迎的程度,因此承接上文,符合语境,故选D。
    空前说“These days, there is a lt f prduce that sits in the fields after harvest.(如今,收获后的田地里有很多农产品。)”,空格处应该解释为什么会这样,空后说“They will usually plant t much r will leave the prduce that lks imperfect.(他们通常会种植太多,或者留下看起来不完美的产品。)”说明造成收获后的田地里有很多农产品的原因是农民种太多了,F选项“This is due t verprductin n the part f the farmers.(这是由于农民生产过剩造成的。)”说明空前所说的情况是因为农民生产过剩,其中“verprductin”和空后的“plant t much”相一致,因此承上启下,符合语境,故选F。
    空后说“In 2017, there were five gleaning grups in the UK, while tday there are 25.(2017年,英国有5个拾落穗组织,而今天有25个。)”,这说明人们对拾落穗的兴趣在增加,B选项“Luckily, interest in gleaning is grwing.(幸运的是,人们对拾落穗的兴趣正在增长。)”说明了人们对拾落穗的兴趣在增加,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选B。
    空后说“Any time I g gleaning, I am lifted up. Fr the vlunteers, it’s s gd fr mental health, getting utside and ding smething practical that’s gd fr the planet(每次我去拾落穗,我都很高兴。对于志愿者来说,这对心理健康很有好处,出去做一些对地球有益的实际事情)”,这说明参加拾落穗的人觉得这个活动可以让他们很高兴,A选项“They find the wrk very delightful.(他们觉得这份工作很令人愉快。)”说明参加拾落穗的人很高兴,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选A。
    空后说“T make this happen, mre grups need t be established with farmers and mre peple need t vlunteer their time t help.(为了实现这一目标,需要与农民建立更多的团体,需要更多的人自愿献出时间来提供帮助。)”,空格处应该提到某个目标,需要更多的人自愿献出时间来提供帮助,这说明目标是增加人们拾落穗的意识,C选项“Hpes are that awareness will cntinue t grw.(希望人们的意识会继续增长。)”表明了使人们的意识继续增长这一目标,因此引起下文,符合语境,故选C。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    I am a university prfessr. Last year, I tk a(n) ____21____ step: I decided t sign up fr an nline curse t learn Arabic, a very difficult language.
    My teacher was a patient and ____22____ man frm Cair, wh had been teaching here fr years. He culd ____23____ my awkwardness in class and wuld find ways t help me feel mre cmfrtable. “Yu are intelligent tday,” my teacher wuld ften say when I ____24____ well in class. When I heard these wrds fr the first time, I was filled with ____25____. A few wrds frm an authrity ____26____ had made my day. His praise truly ____27____ my cnfidence and I became mre psitive abut my Arabic learning.
    That was when I ____28____ hw little I had praised my wn students. T much praise, I had thught, made students t ____29____, and even lazy. Nw, as a student, I saw things _____30_____. I had a change f heart. If I — a university prfessr with a PhD — felt _____31_____ with a few wrds f encuragement, imagine what _____32_____ my wrds culd have n my students, sensitive yung peple wh were lking t carve ut a career in a _____33_____ envirnment?
    S nw I praise as ften and as sincerely as I can, knwing that even _____34_____ wrds can mean a lt. They can save smene frm a bad day, as my teacher’s _____35_____ have dne fr me.
    21. A. embarrassingB. braveC. cnfusingD. unique
    22. A. understandingB. mdestC. humrusD. hnest
    23. A. nticeB. rememberC. explainD. deny
    24 A. carvedB. pretendedC. perfrmedD. taught
    25. A. fearB. painC. jyD. wisdm
    26. A. textB. figureC. sayingD. rganizatin
    27. A. checkedB. bstedC. weakenedD. shk
    28. A. wnderedB. frgtC. realizedD. ignred
    29. A. nervusB. prudC. heavyD. creative
    30. A. nrmallyB. deliberatelyC. anxiuslyD. differently
    31. A. inspiredB. amusedC. astnishedD. puzzled
    32. A. reflectinB. pressureC. dependenceD. impact
    33. A. peacefulB. cmfrtableC. traditinalD. stressful
    34. A. simpleB. accurateC. fancyD. familiar
    35. A. decisinsB. prmisesC. wrdsD. rders
    【答案】21. B 22. A 23. A 24. C 25. C 26. B 27. B 28. C 29. B 30. D 31. A 32. D 33. D 34. A 35. C
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:去年,我迈出了勇敢的一步:我决定报名参加一个在线课程来学习阿拉伯语,这是一门非常困难的语言。A. embarrassing令人尴尬的;B. brave勇敢的;C. cnfusing令人困惑的;D. unique独特的。根据下文“I decided t sign up fr an nline curse t learn Arabic, a very difficult language.”可知,作者报名参加一个在线课程来学习阿拉伯语,这是一门非常困难的语言,由此推知,作者迈出了勇敢的一步。故选B项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我的老师是一位耐心而善解人意的人,他来自开罗,在这里教书多年。A. understanding善解人意的;B. mdest谦逊的;C. humrus幽默的;D. hnest诚实的。根据下文“and wuld find ways t help me feel mre cmfrtable.”可知,想办法帮助我感觉更舒服,由此推知,作者老师是一位耐心而善解人意的人。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他能注意到我在课堂上的尴尬,并会想办法帮助我感觉更舒服。A. ntice注意到;B. remember记得;C. explain解释;D. deny否定。根据句意以及该句中的“my awkwardness in class”可知,在课堂上的尴尬,由此可知,此处为表示作者老师能注意到作者在课堂上的尴尬。故选A项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:“你今天很聪明,”当我在课堂上表现出色时,老师经常会说。A. carved雕刻;B. pretended假装;C. perfrmed表现;D. taught教。根据上文““Yu are intelligent tday,””可知,此处是老师对作者说的话,由此推知,此处为当作者在课堂上表现出色时,老师就会说表扬的话。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:当我第一次听到这些话时,我充满了喜悦。A. fear害怕;B. pain痛苦;C. jy喜悦;D. wisdm智慧。根据上文提到老师对作者说表扬话以及下文“A few wrds frm an authrity ____6____ had made my day.”可推知,此处为当作者听到老师表扬的话,充满了喜悦。故选C项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:一位权威人士的几句话使我很高兴。A. text文本; B. figure人物;C. saying谚语,格言;D. rganizatin组织。根据句意以及该句中的“frm an authrity”可推知,此处为权威人士的几句话使作者很高兴。authrity figure“权威人物”。 故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:他的表扬确实增强了我的信心,我对我的阿拉伯语学习变得更加积极。A. checked检查;B. bsted增强;C. weakened弱化;D. shk摇动。根据“and I became mre psitive abut my Arabic learning.”可知,作者对阿拉伯语学习变得更加积极,由此推知,此处为老师的表扬确实增强了作者的信心。故选B项。
    考查动词词义辨析。句意:这时我才意识到,我很少表扬自己的学生。A. wndered想知道;B. frgt忘记;C. realized意识到;D. ignred忽视。根据句意以及该句中的“hw little I had praised my wn students.”可推知,此处为作者意识到很少表扬自己的学生。故选C项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我曾经想过,太多的表扬会让学生们过于骄傲,甚至变得懒惰。A. nervus紧张的;B. prud骄傲的;C. heavy严重的;D. creative有创造力的。根据句意以及下文“and even lazy.”可推知,此处为表示作者认为太多的表扬会让学生们过于骄傲,甚至变得懒惰。故选B项。
    考查副词词义辨析。句意:现在,作为一名学生,我的看法不同了。A. nrmally正常地;B. deliberately故意地;C. anxiusly焦虑地;D. differently不同地。根据下文“I had a change f heart.”可知,作者改变主意了,由此可知,此处为作者现在的看法和以前不同了。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果我,一个拥有博士学位的大学教授——因为几句鼓励的话而受到鼓舞,想象一下我的话会对我的学生——那些在紧张的环境中寻求开拓事业的敏感年轻人——产生什么影响? A. inspired受到鼓舞的;B. amused觉得好笑的;C. astnished惊讶的;D. puzzled吃惊的。根据句意以及该句中的“with a few wrds f encuragement,”可推知,此处为作者因为几句鼓励的话而受到鼓舞。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:如果我,一个拥有博士学位的大学教授——因为几句鼓励的话而受到鼓舞,想象一下我的话会对我的学生——那些在紧张的环境中寻求开拓事业的敏感年轻人——产生什么影响?A. reflectin反射;B. pressure压力;C. dependence依靠;D. impact影响。根据句意以及该句中的“my wrds culd have n my students”可推知,此处为作者的话对学生产生的影响。have impact n“对……产生影响”。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果我,一个拥有博士学位的大学教授——因为几句鼓励的话而受到鼓舞,想象一下我的话会对我的学生——那些在紧张的环境中寻求开拓事业的敏感年轻人——产生什么影响?A. peaceful安静的;B. cmfrtable舒服的;C. traditinal传统的;D. stressful有压力的。根据上下文语境以及该句中的“sensitive yung peple wh were lking t carve ut a career”可推知,此处为作者的话对那些在紧张的环境中寻求开拓事业的敏感年轻人产生的影响。故选D项。
    考查形容词词义辨析。句意:所以现在我尽可能多地真诚地赞美别人,因为我知道,即使是简单的话语也能意味深长。A. simple简单的;B. accurate正确的;C. fancy花俏的;D. familiar熟悉的。根据上文“S nw I praise as ften and as sincerely as I can”以及该句中的“wrds can mean a lt”可推知,此处为作者知道,即使是简单的话语也能意味深长。故选A项。
    考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们可以把人从糟糕的一天中拯救出来,就像我老师的话对我所做的那样。A. decisins决定;B. prmises承诺;C. wrds话语;D. rders命令。通读全文,以及上文的老师对作者说的话““Yu are intelligent tday””可知,文章一直以作者老师的话让作者备受鼓舞为线索,而展开叙述的。故选C项。
    第三部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分30分)
    Lng ag in Ancient China, there was a mythical figure ___36___ (knw) as Shennng. Nt nly did Shennng bring agriculture and the use f herbal medicine t China, but he als invented ___37___ (agriculture) tls and techniques, and the Chinese calendar with its 24 slar terms.
    It is said that the hme twn f Shennng was a frest in Hubei Prvince, which tday is called “Shennngjia”. This beautiful and diverse regin cvers ___38___ area f 3,253 square kilmeters f nrth-west Hubei Prvince. It gives shelter t ver 1000 species f medicinal plants, many f ___39___ are rare and unique t Shennngjia. Here muntain slpes ___40___ (cver) with trees and sme f them grw up t 40 meters tall. In summer, pink and vilet flwers lend splashes f clr. These are sme f ___41___ (it) mst breathtaking landscapes. The magnificent Shennng Peak rises t 3,105 meters abve sea level.
    Banbiyan is famus fr its stne frest, as well as its bamb frests and grasslands that fld with ___42___ (flwer). The stne frests f Fengjingya stand ___43___ a backgrund f green muntains that reaches as far as the eye can see. When it rains, the tps f these muntains lk like islands ___44___ (flat) n a sea f cluds. Cme t Shennngjia ___45___ (enjy) its beauty and the legend.
    【答案】36. knwn
    37. agricultural
    38. an 39. which
    40. are cvered
    41. its 42. flwers
    43. against
    44. flating
    45. t enjy
    考查非谓语动词。句意:在很久以前的中国古代,有一个神话人物叫神农。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配:be knwn as意为“被称为……”,所以此处应用过去分词knwn作后置定语,修饰名词figure。故填knwn。
    考查冠词。句意:这个美丽多样地区位于湖北省西北部,面积为3253平方公里。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配:an area f意为“一块……的面积”。故填an。
    考查定语从句关系词。句意:这里有1000多种药用植物,其中许多是神农架特有的稀有植物。分析句子结构可知,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词是medicinal plants,指物,在从句中作宾语,应该用which引导。故填which。
    考查动词时态和语态。句意:这里的山坡上覆盖着树木,有些树木可以长到40米高。分析句子结构可知,此处缺少and前面的句子的谓语动词,所以cver作本句谓语,主语是muntain slpes,两者间是被动关系,应该用被动语态,描述的是客观事实,用一般现在时,主语是复数。故填are cvered。
    考查名词的数。句意:板壁岩以石林、竹林和鲜花盛开的草地而闻名。分析句子结构可知,空前是介词,所以空处应填名词,flwer意为“花朵”为可数名词,根据前文的frests and grasslands可知用复数形式。故填flwers。
    考查介词。句意:风景垭的石林衬托着一望无际的青山。分析句子结构可知,此处考查固定搭配:stand against a backgrund f意为“站在……的背景下”。故填against。
    考查非谓语动词。句意:来神农架欣赏它的美丽和传说吧。分析句子结构可知,本句已有谓语动词cme,所以enjy用非谓语动词形式,根据句意,此处是表目的,所以此处应该用不定式形式。故填t enjy。
    第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
    第一节 (满分15分)
    46. 假定你是李华,你校下月将组织高二学生参观中国航空工业历史博物馆(Chinese aviatin histry museum),请你写一封邮件,邀请英国朋友Gerget参加,内容包括:
    Dear Gerget,
    Li Hua
    【答案】Dear Gerget,
    It is a great privilege fr me t invite yu t take part in the visit t Chinese aviatin histry museum. The relevant cntents are as fllws.
    As is scheduled, we will gather at the schl gate at 8 a.m. n the first Sunday f next mnth by schl bus. Nt nly can we visit all kinds f aircraft mdels but als learn abut the develpment f China’s space industry. As fr matters needing attentin, it is demanded that n pictures shuld be taken and we’d better nt make lud nise.
    Hpe yu wn’t miss the jyful activity. Yur attendance is greatly expected.
    Li Hua
    【导语】本篇书面表达属于应用文。假定你是李华,你校下月将组织高二学生参观中国航空工业历史博物馆(Chinese aviatin histry museum),请你写一封邮件,邀请英国朋友Gerget参观中国航空工业历史博物馆,内容包括:1.集合地点、出发时间、出行方式;2.参观内容;3.参观时的注意事项。
    【详解】1. 词汇积累
    参加:take part in→participate in
    各种各样的:all kinds f→varieties f
    2. 句式拓展
    原句:It is a great privilege fr me t invite yu t take part in the visit t Chinese aviatin histry museum.
    拓展句:It is a great privilege fr me t invite yu t take part in the visit that is abut Chinese aviatin histry museum.
    【点睛】【高分句型1】Nt nly can we visit all kinds f aircraft mdels but als learn abut the develpment f China’s space industry. (运用了部分倒装)
    【高分句型2】As fr matters needing attentin, it is demanded that n pictures shuld be taken and we’d better nt make lud nise. (运用了that引导的主语从句)
    第二节 读后续写(满分25分)
    47. 阅读下面短文,根据其内容和所给段落的开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。
    My life is a juggling act. I’m a single mther f tw sns. I’ve gt a busy wrk schedule and limited resurces. But there is ne thing I dn’t wrry abut: when I cme hme at night, dinner is already started. A typical weeknight at my huse lks like this:
    My yungest child is snapping (咬) the ends ff the green beans. My eldest is mixing his secret salad dressing. The babysitter is wrking n the shpping list fr tmrrw’s dinner-the kids want t make rasted ndles. I thrw n an aprn, send the babysitter hme and jin my kids in the dinner preparatins.
    Sunds t far-fetched fr yur hme? It desn’t have t be. If my family can d it. Any family can. Our meals weren’t always such happy grup effrts. Seven years ag, my life was ruined by divrce, leaving me with a six-mnth-ld baby and a very angry seven-year-ld. I had n family nearby and very little mney. The burden f rebuilding my career as a fd writer and publicist while single-parenting my children n my wn seemed difficult.
    While I did my best t wrk during my yungest’s nap times, by day’s end I was physically and emtinally exhausted. Typically, I shed(嘘)the bys ut f the kitchen s I culd perfrm yet anther chre: making dinner. When I gt the meal n the table, I left them t eat alne s I culd have five minutes’ peace. Ging back t my bedrm, I cllapsed nt my bed and cried. I felt hrrible abut my family life and helpless t change it.
    A year passed, but nt much imprved. At the end f my rpe, ne evening I gave sme vegetable leaves at my yungest, wh was then eighteen mnths ld, s he’d leave me alne. It was incredible! He spent ten minutes happily tearing the leaves int little pieces. I was shcked at hw he stayed n the task withut saying a wrd.
    Suddenly I saw an pprtunity. He wanted t help me, and I surely needed help.
    Why nt let them ck with me?
    I stpped wrrying abut the mess and we started t laugh a lt.
    【答案】One pssible versin:
    Why nt let them ck with me? I persuaded them t help me in the kitchen, and then I gave them smething t d. S he and his lder brther began ding lts f tasks in the kitchen: peeling vegetables, tearing up salad greens, even helping me make hmemade spaghetti! Yes, it gt messy at times. In the beginning, I felt rushed, seeing the kids grabbing smething away. Preparing dinner culd take lng. But when the kids were with me in the kitchen, they were nt cmplaining abut dinner. They were busy and cntent. Then I realized I n lnger had any reasn t be in a hurry.
    I stpped wrrying abut the mess and we started t laugh a lt. And my eldest sn began t rely n that time f day t share his wrries and fears. We wuld talk abut tutrs and help fr him in schl, and ver time, his prblems lessened. He was getting the quality time he needed. We’ll just be talking, ging alng cking, and sn, well realize that new lines f cmmunicatin and strng bnds are frming. After preparing the meal tgether, we’ll actually want t sit at the table and enjy it tgether. It may well becme ur favrite part f the day.
    ①说服:persuade/cnvince/talk int
    ③看见:see/spt/ntice/take ntice f
    【点睛】【高分句型1】But when the kids were with me in the kitchen, they were nt cmplaining abut dinner.(运用了when引导的时间状语从句)
    【高分句型2】We’ll just be talking, ging alng cking, and sn, well realize that new lines f cmmunicatin and strng bnds are frming.(运用了that引导的宾语从句)
    听力1—5 CBAAB 6—10 ABCBA 11—15 BAACB 16—20 CCABC

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